Category Archives: Bloodsabers

The Varsoon Collection, Volume 5 – The War of Plagues

This book is titled “The Varsoon Collection, Volume 5 – The War of Plagues.” It is a complete volume that details the War of Plagues and the return of Varsoon.
The following compilation is a brief presentation of the legends and myths of the mage, Valdoartus Varsoon, known to many simply as Varsoon. Much work was done to separate the facts from the fiction in order to bring this work to you, the reader. The final volume in the series, this book speculates about the rumors of his return from death.

The story of Varsoon does not end simply with his death many hundreds of years ago. During the War of Plagues, there were many reported rumors of a mysterious mage that led the Bloodsabers, a group of cultists devoted to the worship of the god of disease, Bertoxxulous. The cult is reported to have existed for many hundreds of years, but one day came out of hiding to lay waste to Qeynos during the time of King Antonius Bayle V.

The War of Plagues raged across the land for a number of years, with neither side gaining ground. Using tactics reserved for only the depraved, the Bloodsabers, under orders of their leader, contaminated the city’s water supply. Thousands of innocent people died during the war, and most of the atrocities were blamed on a mage the Bloodsabers called “The Undying.”

“The Undying” was seen at the head of their armies, raining down upon the soldiers of Qeynos all manner of blights. From locusts to oozing miasmas, the Undying was a formidable mage. It didn’t take too long for some people to claim that this mage was Varsoon returned to life.

Using the fear that came with the name Varsoon, the mage began calling himself Varsoon the Undying. His demands against Qeynos were for them to hand over every second child that lived in the city. It seems there was some type of dissension among the Bloodsabers over this demand, which allowed Qeynosian soldiers to gain the upperhand. Soon enough, after a massive battle, Qeynos defeated the Bloodsabers once and for all. Unfortunately, they were never able to find Varsoon the Undying after the battle.

There are hidden records, however, that we had the privilege of reading. These records tell of a mage’s body being found on the battlefield. The mage’s body was covered in scar tissue from horrible burns to his entire body. The cause of death was not from fire, however. He had died from nothing more than a simple arrow piercing his heart. Or so they thought, until they noticed that he was still breathing.

A priest of the Temple of Life was with the party that discovered the body. Being a high-ranking exarch, he knew this man was no ordinary undead soldier. The priest summoned several of his brethren to the body and began to perform a very intricate ritual over the body.

After several hours, the priests had completed their spells and proceeded to burn the body of the mage until it was nothing than ashes. Rather than letting the ashes be scattered to the four winds, they gathered them into a special container and carried them to a special crypt in the Qeynos Hills. When asked what the ceremony was all about, they explained that it is the only way to prevent a lich from returning to life.

To this day that crypt remains locked, so we have no way of confirming whether or not the lich those priests destroyed was the same Varsoon from centuries earlier. Were this the case, it would appear that Varsoon actually did achieve immortality after all. But it does not explain why the word “lich” was never attributed to him until that final account.

We thank you for reading this series. As the reader can tell, there are not many solid facts about the real history of Varsoon. Perhaps if the House of Varsoon had not been burned to the ground so many centuries ago we might have been able to find more facts there. Whether more information comes to light in the future, the fact remains that Varsoon no longer walks among the living. Norrath has been safe from his predations for hundreds of years, so we may at least take comfort in that as we lay down to sleep at night.

The Commander’s Wife

This autobiography sketches the life of Araminda Bayle, the wife of Kane Bayle, the Commander of the Qeynos’ City Guard who was executed for his treasonous association with the Bloodsabers during the War of Plagues.
Days pass, stretching before me like an abyss. That it should come to this: my husband Kane, the Commander of the Qeynos City Guard regiment, is sentenced to death. I look back, now on the eve of his execution, and wonder whether I could have saved him. I know his mother feels the same. She is old now and frail; the look in her eyes haunts me. Yet, I look into the mirror and see the same expression. Sorrow, guilt and remorse.

Our marriage was as happy as might be expected. Our parents linked our names from my birth and Kane, a lad of thirteen at the time, took the news of our betrothal poorly. I do not blame him; he was young and vigorous while I was still toddling around my mother’s knee. Still, in time he grew to love me in his own fashion. Our wedding was truly the happiest day of my life. We wed on my twentieth birthday.

Our great sorrow occurred within a year of our wedding. I gave birth to Kane’s first son, but within hours the babe sickened and died. For many days I lay abed, unable to speak or care for myself. Kane’s sorrow was surely as great as mine. We cried together over our son’s death. But then, with me so ill, it seemed prudent for Kane to take up rooms elsewhere in our home. He did not move back into my room, even after I recovered.

Kane’s military career progressed quickly, and not only because he was a member of the Bayle family. He distinguished himself in arranging the City Guard into smaller subunits that could respond to danger more quickly than they had been able to in the old days. We entertained the other officers in the evenings and during the day, I did charity work with the other wives.

It was during one of my scheduled visits to the infirmary that I first heard rumors of my husband’s infidelities. The other wives were afraid to speak of it for fear of retaliation, but my special friend Greda pulled me aside and told me that everyone knew how things stood between he and I. “How does anyone know where a man stands with his wife but his wife alone?” I replied. I stayed until the end of my shift; I am not one to shirk my public duties.

Now that the trial is over, I know how many women claimed that my husband was unfaithful to me. My husband was…is not a perfect man, but he is respectful of my position. My father is Lord Mrallon, who has long been a friend to the Bayle family. Kane could not disgrace my family as well as his by sinking to the levels some of these women claim. They lie, though it appears their lies are more persuasive than mine.

Do we not all lie to ourselves at some point? How many nights had I sat beside this window wishing Kane would come to me, and instead seeing him slip down the street in the dark? I told myself then it was an emergency, the Guard needed him. And so, of all the truths and lies told about my husband, what do I want to believe now? That he was seeing other women or that he was using his strategic skills to aid our enemies?

The questions twist in my mind like knives. When I think of my husband, I see the young man on our wedding day, handsome and proud. I see him trying to comfort me after the death of our only child. I see him in his dress uniform, smiling at me as we dance at the head of a regimental function. Who is the Kane Bayle that tonight breathes the last breaths of this life? Where has my husband gone?

This at least the gods grant me: we have no children. I could not bear to leave a helpless being without his parents. It will be no easier to leave one’s parents behind; I see my parents’ faces as they were through the trial, struggling between sympathy for me and hatred for my husband. I see his parents’ faces: his father, stoic and his mother unable to tear her eyes from Kane’s face. How her cries torment me; she is crying yet and no one can comfort her. No one can comfort me.

The sun rises. I see the shining city of Qeynos below. The sparrows fly from their nest beneath my window sill. The war has brought death and uncertainty to many lives but oh, so much more to mine. I cannot bear knowing what they think of Kane. This day, they execute my husband but through their words, they have already condemned and executed me. May my parents forgive me. May my flight prove swiftly fatal.

From the Trial of Kane Bayle

The questions of the inquisitors are not given in the transcript, however it is possible to follow the course of the trial through these witnesses’ eyes. There is nothing like eyewitness testimony to bring history to life.
I am Marghetta Landon, a member of the Qeynos City Guard. I served as Captain Bayle’s Chief of Intelligence before and during the War of Plagues. Before the War, my office was directly across from his and I updated him directly when circumstances required. As the War became inevitable, however, Captain Bayle moved my office somewhat further down the corridor. That does not mean that he did not have access to me or to the information gathered by our scouts immediately upon request. He just…stopped asking for it. I couldn’t…he didn’t want to know.

Captain Bayle and I trained together in our youth, but obviously his station in life allowed him greater — what’s that? Oh! My apologies! I am Jenner Wenbie, of the Qeynos City Guard. My family has a long tradition of service to the city. And I tell you — all of you! — Captain Bayle is no traitor! Someone, obviously a Bloodsaber spy, is trying to bring down and sully the name of one of the greatest leaders the Guard has ever known! No, I will not sit down! Someone is trying to murder my Captain, my friend! Get your hands off me!

I am Milea Clothspinner, a lieutenant in the Qeynos’ City Guard. Captain Bayle and I…were friends. He…and Lord Bayle…were very kind to my family and have been for many years. When rumors first began that Captain Bayle was toying with the worship of Bertoxxulous, I did not believe them. And yet, I noticed subtle changes in Kane…that is, Captain Bayle’s behavior. He would disappear for hours and not tell me where he had gone. At first, I thought…it was another woman…

…this is very difficult for me. One night, I followed him and discovered that my rival was not only another woman, but a member of the Bloodsabers! I could not hear their conversation, but later I was able to capture this woman and have her questioned. It was her information that led me to realize the extent of Kane’s…Captain Bayle’s betrayal. Due to his position, not only as Captain of the Guard but as a member of the Bayle family, it was difficult to convince our superiors of his crimes. I was accused of…

…letting my…my feeling for Captain Bayle interfere with my judgment, that I had become enraged upon discovering his liaison with another. My closeness with Captain Bayle I will not deny, but my love for the city of Qeynos is stronger. And then it was confirmed independently, that Captain Bayle ignored a request for reinforcements to the left flank and instead assigned the troops which could have been sent to assist to a detail cleaning the Bayle family crypts! Review the orders issued under his command and the pattern is quite clear…

…when additional troops were requested, sometimes very urgently, Captain Bayle found reason to assign them trivial tasks elsewhere. I implore this court to find Captain — no, I will not call him that, for that is a position of honor and leadership — Kane Bayle guilty of treason, for plotting with the Bloodsabers against the city of Qeynos. By his subtle techniques, he allowed the Bloodsabers to infiltrate and occupy the catacombs in preparation for an assault on the weakened Guard forces. He is guilty of violating our most sacred vows, and made “Might for Right” into “Might for Wrong.”

My name is Eizek Elron and I am a member of the Qeynos City Guard. I reported to Captain Vegalys Keldrane, who in turn reported to Captain Bayle. During the War, our unit was assigned to patrol the catacombs to prevent the undead from rising beneath the city and taking us unawares. This assignment clearly shows that Captain Bayle was trying to protect us at all costs. Uh…could you repeat the question? Oh, yes, I remember. Our scouts reported an increased undead activity…

…beneath the city, and Captain Keldrane devised a plan to stop them. There’s some tunnels down there that you can use to cut off your enemy’s escape routes. Our plan was to use these routes to our advantage. Captain Bayle approved of the plan — so you can’t say he was trying to hurt the city! We were not successful, though. Most of the unit, including all the officers, were outflanked by the same maneuver we had planned to use. When we got to the tunnels, they were already full of the Bloodsabers. But you can’t blame that on Captain Bayle!

I am Linnet Bayle, the mother of Kane Bayle. I beg this court to spare my son’s life! You cannot know the truth, not with so many of our youth slain and unburied on the battlefield. How can you use the testimony of a handful of simpletons to condemn the Captain of the Guard to death? Was his judgment flawed? Perhaps. You cannot say that all your own actions are without fault, when reviewed after the need for quick decisions is past. Do not let your desire for vengeance…

…cause you to place the blame and hurt of all our losses on the shoulders of a few. You say he secretly planned with the Bloodsabers, our enemies, yet can offer no clear evidence beyond the word of a jilted lover. Do not send my son to the executioner’s block for a failed romance! I beseech you, remember all that he has done for Qeynos and let the family of Kane Bayle decide his fate, not an impersonal court of law. Please. Oh, please!

Cleaning with the Cryptkeeper

I am the current Cryptkeeper Maglus, but there’s been one of our family working down here for generation upon generation. The job hands down to the second child in the family, whether male or female. Lucky for Qeynos, there’s been a second Maglus child since the beginning, because I don’t think any of the tombs would look even this good without us.
I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “But Maglus, this place is an absolute DUMP!” It is and it isn’t. While maybe my housekeeping skills aren’t the best, I still follow the traditional methods used in the past. I mean — look at your own place! If your home had lasted through chaos and disease and moons exploding in the air, not to mention the grounds heaving and hurling things everywhere — it probably wouldn’t look any better than the Crypt!

First thing you need to do is get a good, sturdy broom and dustpan. I have a custom-made broom with an extra-long handle so I can clear cobwebs and dust from higher ledges. As a dwarf, my own reach is a bit limited, but I manage. To keep your broom good as new, wrap the bristles with a soft old cloth before swinging it at cobwebs. Lucky for me, folks come down and clear out those nasty undead creatures, leaving behind an abundance of soft old cloths!

Most of the Bayles were buried above-ground, but there’s Bayle down here whose crypt I keep. In the days of Antonius Bayle the Third, the Cryptkeeper Maglus then used to have to chase the boys out of the crypts. Except for that Kane Bayle. Now, I know he grew up to be a villain and all, but apparently he was a real thoughful as a boy. Always stopped to chat with the Maglus of his day, bringing in some of his friends to keep her company. He may have ended up wrong, but he was a good boy.

The stones of this area of the crypt are really showing their age, despite all the Maglus’ family efforts. That granite shows up every stain unless we can get to it right away. What I do is first give the area a good scrubbing with a handful of sea salt. Then I pour a bit of vinegar mixed with little bit of water on the area, let it soak for a minute or so, then wipe it off with — you guessed it! A soft old cloth! After that, rinse the area with water, or the vinegar will chew on the mortar.

To pass the time, I’ve been studying some of those old magic arts, potions and things. There’s always a lot to do down here, but it can get tedius. I recollect my father (who was Cryptkeeper before me) telling me how one day, he’d taken down all the burial urns from their shelves and dusted each one individually before putting it back, just to pass the time. I’d rather do something as will improve my mind. Those urns do get on my nerves, I don’t mind confessing.

A long time ago, of course, folks were dressed in their finest duds, then laid out to rest in a proper coffin. When things got a bit hectic, around the War of Plagues, there were lots of dead folk, and some had no kin to bury them. That and with the diseases running rampant through Qeynos, the Cryptkeeper of that time decided it would be safer to burn up the bodies and put the ashes in little urns. It was a good idea, I just wish so many folk hadn’t taken up the concept.

I’m sure you’ve seen them big statues in some of the rooms? We didn’t put them there, meaning the Bayles or the Maglus’ family. They were built up by someone else, possibly them Bloodsabers that started hanging around down here. At first, I thought they were mighty nice and I really enjoyed dusting them. Then I happened to one day look at the fires these statues are facing, and what do you know? There’s a skull in them! That sure gave me a turn!

We went through that long stretch where nobody knew if there’d be another Antonius Bayle. That kind of put the Maglus family at loose ends, being keepers of the city’s crypts and all. As you know everything turned out fine, with that pretty Antonia Bayle coming home. I met her once and told her about the family’s job and she says, “I’m glad to meet you, Maglus!” I hope when she dies, she gets buried above ground. Not that I want her to die during my watch, that’s for sure.

If there’s one thing the Maglus family is used to, it’s change. The world’s changed quite a bit since my forebears first took on the job as keepers of the Qeynos crypts. Things change, there’s a lot of weird critters down here that I don’t mind saying scare me. Still, it’s a steady job and in this economy, that’s a good thing to have.

Places of Norrath: Qeynos

Overview of Qeynos

The free city of Qeynos controls most of the plains to the west of the Serpent’s Spine Mountains. The city is ruled by the firm yet just hand of Antonius Bayle IV. Qeynos represents the pinnacle of human achievement and is a haven from the fierce wilderness of Norrath. Bayle is a well-liked and respected leader, but the seeds of corruption are being sown by the Circle of the Unseen Hand and their allies in the city guard.

Qeynos is set atop small cliffs that run along the coastline to the west. Due to their composition of eroding sandstone and rock, climbing them is virtually impossible. The cliffs act as a natural barrier, making Qeynos impenetrable to attacks from the west or from the ocean. At a low point in the cliffs, the people of Qeynos have built a treat pier, protected in a harbor naturally formed form the stone and a bend of in the coastline.

The ocean is a deep, dark blue. The waters are usually fairly calm, although waves crash roughly against the cliff base. Many ships safely come and go daily from Qeynos’ harbor. These include naval, fishing, trading, and transport vessels from Erudin. Adventurers and tradesmen will often been see at the docks, awaiting one of the two vessels that travel between the two coastal cities through the oceanic pass known as Erud’s Crossing.

Northern Qeynos
Northern Qeynos is, in fact, the original City of Qeynos. During an invasion of the city a surprise night attack that started a war many years ago, the southern and eastern walls took heavy damage. Some of the buildings in these areas were destroyed but the militia and able-bodied citizen fought the invasion and saved much of the city including the palace. Later, instead of fixing the old castle wall, it was decided to expand the city of Qeynos by building a new one further out.

Most of the buildings in Northern Qeynos are very old looking, but a few have been remodeled or rebuilt. Made mostly of gray stone blocks and brown bricks, the houses and shops in this area are now showing their age. The paint is worn away and dark vertical trails have formed from rain water erosion. These buildings are sturdy and have been around for ages, but were obviously built for function over style during Qeynos’ early years when the kingdom was small and poor. From the towers and some of the outer walls of the city hang cloth flags and banners, displaying the colors and insignia of the kingdom of Qeynos.

A local tribe of gnolls, the Darkpaw has become a stubborn and enduring threat to Northern Qeynos, striking terror in the civilian population due to their constant raiding. While the city guardsmen have valiantly fended off the assaults, the have failed to stop them outright. At their wits end, the frustrated citizens have taken to offering adventurers a bounty in return for the delivery of gnoll teeth an fangs

Southern Qeynos
Southern Qeynos holds in it the main docks for passage between Antonica and Odus. This is a bustling area full of people transporting their wares between the two continents. Also on the ships logs are adventurers seeking new wealth and new fame that can be found in the different lands.

The Southern District of Qeynos also houses the bank that is heavily guarded by barbarian warriors. Near the bank lies the Ground of Fate. This is an area where combatants can prove their skill in combat with one another. The ringing sounds of sword melee can often be heard throughout the entire city.

Many guildhalls lie in South Qeynos where they can train young students interested in their art. Though Qeynos is a grand city, beggars and rats can often be found in dark corners.

Qeynos Catacombs, the Qeynos Aqueduct System
Located in the sewers below the human city of Qeynos, the Qeynos Catacombs is a large system of aqueducts. At first glance the sewers seem to be a normal rat infested dungeon with a variety of colorful graffiti written on the walls. But there is a dark secret hidden in the catacombs. Minions of the dark god Bertoxxulous, the Plague Bringer, have set up a secret shrine and base of operations within the catacombs. Entrance into the catacombs can found in the northern and southern sections of Qeynos; some hidden and some not so hidden.

Minions of Bertoxxulous roam the hidden passages; all not allied with his minions should avoid the secret tunnels. The rest of the catacombs are fairly safe for most adventurers.

The Lineage of Antonius Bayle
After the fall of the Combine Empire, the majority of humankind spread out and occupied the center of what was then called Tunaria. These humans lived in small villages upon the fertile plains of Karana. Over time the villages prospered and grew into small towns. Two of these towns were so successful as to grow into full-fledged cities. On the eastern coast, Freeport grew as a dangerous and bustling port of call frequented by those braving the journey across the Ocean of Tears. To the west, the city of Qeynos grew under the noble rule of law under a man named Antonius Bayle.

Humanity continued to prosper and grew strong. Much to the disdain of the elder races, the humans chose to rename the continent after one of their own, rather than a god. From that point forth, the continent was known as Antonica, in honor of all Antonius had done for the people of the races who lived there.

Antonius I was successful in incorporating the lawful city of Qeynos. He was given the role of ruler around the age of 25. For his success in bringing together the humans of the Plains of Karana and for founding the city of Qeynos, he was named “The Great Unifier.”

Antonius Bayle II became ruler of Qeynos when he was around 36 years of age. He led the movement to rename the continent of Tunaria to Antonica, ostensibly after his father. Of course, there were those who noted that he also shared the name of his father. During the period of his reign, the heretic Erudite necromancers revolted and left Erudin. Shortly thereafter, the disaster which formed The Hole occurred. Thus began what is known as the “Age of Turmoil.” Antonius II became known as “The Great Defender.”

Antonius Bayle III grew up during the beginning of this Age of Turmoil. During his childhood, he witnessed the construction of the heretic city of Paineel and saw Sir Lucan take control of the city of Freeport. When he came to power at the age of 26, he did his best to remain neutral and, as such, was named “The Great Diplomat.” Antonius Bayle III, for reasons unknown, chose to break tradition and name his first son Kyle rather than Antonius. In an attempt to establish a new seat of power in Antonica and extend his lands southward, Antonius III charged his eldest son Kyle with the expansion. Kyle left with a cadre of men to find a suitable location and to begin building.

A great deal of time passed without hearing any word or report of progress on this project. Antonius Bayle III sent a series of scouts to investigate but none ever returned. Kyle, his men and those sent to investigate were never heard from again. Roughly 25 years after the mysterious disappearance of Kyle, Antonius Bayle III had another son. This one he chose to name Antonius and he became Antonius Bayle IV. At the age of 24, Antonius Bayle IV was installed as the ruler of Qeynos, which he remains to this day.

It is believe that it will one day become tradition for the ruling leader of the Bayle line changes his/her name to a variation of Antonius upon taking the throne in honor of the first Antonius Bayle.

Antonius Bayle IV
Antonius Bayle IV is a highly devout Paladin of Karana. Though still relatively young, he is about as righteous, lawful and goodly as they come. He rules the city of Qeynos and its territories with a firm, but just hand.

He is simply referred to as “ruler”. Though some citizens may call mistakenly call him Your Honor, Grace and even Your Majesty, he does not expect to be referred to as such. He prefers to be called “Lord” if any title must be used. In his humility, he finds himself mildly embarrassed when referred to by any of the more lavish titles bandied about by those citizens who view him in awe – even as king – but know no better.

He considers himself a citizen in service to the city and views his role as the benevolent protector of Qeynos and the surrounding area. The government of Qeynos consists of the Circle of Ten, which is comprised of the heads of each of the guilds, including the Merchants of Qeynos, the Captain of the Guard (Kane Bayle) and a few of the more influential lords of the city.

Antonius Bayle holds veto power over the council and only Antonius may declare war or enter into treaties on behalf of Qeynos. The council may remove Antonius by unanimous vote, in which case a new ruler would be selected by popular election.

The Bayle line is by no means a hereditary monarchy. It is possible that some day a non-Bayle could rule Qeynos. In the simplest terms, the Bayles are very wealthy landowners who have a long history intimately attached to the city of Qeynos. Antonius IV is an incredibly popular, well-loved and respected ruler. This is due in part to his selfless personality, humility and devotion to his duties to the city and its people. It is also due to the trust the people have put in the Bayle lineage for producing skilled, trustworthy and reliable leaders.

The city of Qeynos oversees and protects most of the land west of the Serpent’s Spine, which includes the Plains of Karana. Qeynos represents the pinnacle of human achievement in the eyes of many. Though Antonius thinks of the Plains of Karana as his own, these feelings are best described as protective rather than possessive. He would also never state these feelings out loud for fear of angering one of his constituents.

The Bayle family tends to have children later in life. In fact, Antonius IV was born a full 35 years after the disappearance of Antonius III’s first son, Kyle Bayle. Kane Bayle was born two years after Antonius IV.

Antonius IV never knew Kyle. All he knows of his older brother is what was learned through stories told by his elders. Though he does occasionally wonder about what happened to him, he is too focused and dedicated to his duties as ruler to consider spending the time and resources that would be needed to search for the answers. This is a purely personal concern and he would not feel right about using city resources for such a selfish, wistful and sentimental reason. And thus, he seldom, if ever, discusses the matter.

Antonius is also an unparalleled swordsman. His closest rival in armed combat is his younger brother Kane Bayle, who himself has only been bested in combat by Antonius and Ebon Strongbear.

As a youth, Antonius IV spent much time escaping into the Jaggedpine Forest where he befriended another youth called Frenway Marthank. He still maintains a strong bond with his childhood friend. It was during their days as youths that Antonius came to appreciate the wonders of the forest and eventually do more than any other ruler to protect the forest ecosystem.

Ebon Strongbear, with whom he has a strong relationship, trained Antonius IV as a youngster in the Hall of Steel. Bayle then went on to the Temple of Thunder as most local aspiring paladins would in Qeynos.

While in the Hall of Steel, Antonius and Kane made great friends with Milea Clothspinner of the prestigious Clothspinners of Qeynos, one of the wealthiest families in the realm of Qeynos. Milea is currently an adventurer, a fact of which her family disapproves.

Later, Antonius IV went on an epic quest with the Qeynos Claymore at his side. This was before he became ruler and after he was a full fledged paladin. His father knew of the quest and its importance and allowed Antonius to wield the Qeynos Claymore for the purpose.

The Qeynos Claymore is what the city is named after and dates back to a time when the humans were living in small communities. Qeynos is an old sort of slang Combine word roughly translating to “manifest destiny for humanity”. The sword is magical and sentient.

The warrior Milea Clothspinner, who often uses a different last name when adventuring, accompanied Antonius IV on this quest. The ranger Frenway Marthank and the bard Vhalen Nostrolo also began the quest with Antonius, but Vhalen left before its completion. Along the way, the high elf Lady Shae of Felwithe joined them. There was also a halfling that assisted Antonius in this quest as well and there are rumors that say that this halfling was none other than Mayor Gubbin of Rivervale. The purpose of the quest was mostly unknown save that it was very important. Though he may speak wistfully of his old friends and adventure, the quest itself and its outcome are something personal and private to Antonius. Thus he does not discuss it other then to say that it was something he had to do in the past.

Antonius IV became romantically involved with Lady Shae after the completion of his quest. However, the Circle of Ten and the Felwithe ruling houses eventually caused the relationship to be broken off. As of right now, Antonius is not married or romantically involved in a public manner with anyone, and as yet has no heir. Milea, ever the adventurer, has been seen in the Plains of Karana lately. She is closer to Kane than Antonius and has put her total trust in the younger Bayle, asking him to watch over her little sister for her. She does not know of Kane’s corrupt soul.

Vhalen is still about in the Karanas and is currently despondent over the disappearance of his love, Metalla. And of course, Mayor Gubbin is the richest halfling around and the current mayor of Rivervale. For reasons known only to him, the mayor does not want the “exploits” of his youth known publicly. Antonius respects his friend’s wish, though he may drop a vague hint now and then. Frenway still lives in Surefall Glade. The recent death of his son in Mammoth Cave has left him in a state of severe grief.

Another of Antonius’ close and trusted friends is Vegalys Keldrane. Vegalys is a paladin of Rodcet Nife and is a few years younger than Antonius. Vegalys acts as advisor and confidant to Antonius Bayle and is also a public servant acting as Lord Magistrate for the city of Qeynos. Vegalys generally concerns himself with investigations into such things as organized crime though he is not directly involved with law enforcement, which is a duty that falls to the Qeynos City Guard.

Kane Bayle
Kane Bayle is Antonius’ younger brother, by two years. Kane acts as Captain of the Guard in times of peace; however, in times of war, Antonius himself assumes direct control of the Guard and the armies of Qeynos. Kane secretly wants to overthrow his older brother and take control of Qeynos, a fact of which Antonius is blissfully unaware. If Antonius ever heard talk of such a thing, he would be certain to set the record straight that he and his brother have a close relationship and such things are the ranting of drunkards and madmen.

Kane has been lulled into an alliance with the Bloodsabers and has begun to turn toward the ways of Bertoxxulous, the Plaguebringer.

The guildmasters in Qeynos are based on deity worship. There is a guildmaster for each class that is available to humans and half elves with the exception of Druids and Rangers guilds which are in Surefall Glade instead. Spell and tome merchants are also available for each class. Here is a list of the main guildmasters:

Good and Neutral
Belious Naliedin – (Bard, Agnostic, Karana, Rallos Zek, Rodcet Nife)
Renic Losaren – (Cleric, Karana)
Runethar Hamest – (Paladin, Karana)
Priestess Jahnda – (Cleric, Rodcet Nife)
Camlend Serbold – (Paladin, Rodcet Nife)
Mespha Tevalian – (Enchanter, Agnostic, Karana, Rodcet Nife)
Kinloc Flamepaw – (Magician, Agnostic, Karana, Rodcet Nife)
LuSun – (Monk, Agnostic, Quellious)
Ebon Strongbear – (Warrior, Agnostic, Karana, Rallos Zek, Rodcet Nife)
Gahlith Wrannstad – (Wizard, Agnostic, Karana, Rodcet Nife)
Hanns Krieghor – (Rogue, Agnostic, Bristlebane, Karana, Rodcet Nife)

Lyris Moonbane – (Necromancer, Bertoxxulous)
Sragg Bloodheart – (Shadow Knight, Bertoxxulous)
Xeture Demiagar – (Clerics, Bertoxxulous)
Perkon Malok – (Magician, Bertoxxulous)
Reania Jukle – (Enchanter, Bertoxxulous)
Tranon Callust – (Wizard, Bertoxxulous)
Rocthar Bekesena – (Warrior, Bertoxxulous)
Hanns Krieghor – (Rogue, Bertoxxulous)

City Resources
Qeynos provides the basic necessities of adventuring: Bankers, a Soulbinder, a Tribute Master, Task Masters, augmentation needs, and merchants that sell backpacks, ale, bandages, food, drink, armor, weapons, shields, and fishing gear.

You’ll also find a Priest of Discord, Tradeskill Quest Masters, tradeskill crafting objects, and supply merchants for alchemy, baking, jewelcrafting, pottery, tailoring, and blacksmithing.

Just outside the city gates, adventurers can make use of a Plane of Knowledge portal.

Places of Interest
Northern Qeynos
The Temple of Life
The Temple of Life is where the resident priests and paladins of Rodcet Nife train and worship. The grounds of the temple include buildings, lush grass, shrubs, tress, and a large pool called the Pool of Jahnda. The temple itself is a circular gem-encrusted marble structure that hovers above the pool. A fountain of sparkling holy water flows from within the temple down to pool below. Throughout the temple and its grounds, the structures are made of white granite with marble floors and thick, light colored, velvet curtains.

Priestess Jahnda is the High Priestess of the Temple of Life. She is wise beyond her years, although no one seems to know how old she really is. The pool, over which the Temple of Life hangs, is named in her honor. The Pool of Jahnda is not meant for public use. It is a sacred pool created for the Koalindl. The Koalindl are fish that were a gift to Priestess Jahnda from the Prime Healer. They are said to be magical in nature. It is rumored that, every so often, the Prime Healer visits our plane in the guise of a Koalindl and swims in the pool.

The Silent Fist Clan
The Silent Fist Clan is the order of monks native to Qeynos. The guild hall is located in the northwest corner of the city against the outer wall. It is a medium-sized, light brown colored wooden building that is clean, unworn, and well-kept. Used as a training hall, the main room is a large open space with smooth, hardwood floor and thatch roof. There is a small room attached to the main building that serves as LuSun’s study and the living quarters. LuSun is the powerful teacher of the Silent Fist Clan. He teaches his pupils that their greatest weapon is the power of their spirit.

Crow’s Pub and Casino and the Circle of Unseen Hands
Crow’s is a run down, old, brown brick building that entertains the local hooligans. The establishment offers a fine selection of brews and ales including Crow’s Special Brew. This brew is one of the finest drinks that can be found. It use to be sold only at Crow’s bar, but apparently Crow is allowing it into other bars for a very hefty price.

One of the pub’s bartenders, Hanns Krieghor, frequently holds secret meetings a back room where a secret passageway leads to the rogue guild, the Circle of Unseen Hands. Hanns always has henchmen guarding all entrances to the guild, so unwanted people can’t get in. Hanns looks like a rough and tumble cutthroat when tending bar, but when he dons his black cloak of the Circle of Unseen Hands, he blends into the shadows and darkness and is rarely seen. He can pick almost any lock and is a master pick pocket. However, the Circle frowns upon stealing from Qeynos locals because they don’t want to run the risk of having the guild being discovered.

Ironforge Estate
The Ironforge Estate includes a weapon shop, a jewelry shop and the home of the Ironforge family. Headed by Brohan and his wife Hurrieta, the Ironforge family is one of wealthiest family’s in Qeynos, if not the wealthiest, and produces the finest craftsmanship. Also crafters, the Ironforge children run the shops. The entire estate is well protected, as the Ironforge family has well known close ties with the local officials and the militia.

Ironforge’s Weapon Shop
This weapon shop is run by the Ironforge family. The main room is a large workshop, with a smaller storage room in the back. There are various weapons for sale displayed along the walls and in the counter display case.

Jewel Box
The Jewel Box is a shop that is run by Svena Ironforge. It is made from wood and is attached to the front of a large wooden house, both of which are clean and well kept. The shop has a large wooden display counter, which shows off the gems and jewelry for sale, and there is also a locked set of cabinets, which holds the more valuable items and class specific items. Svena’s father was the town’s previous jeweler; she was fascinated with gems as a young girl, and is now the most reliable source for appraising gems and jewelry, for a small fee.

Sneed Galliway’s Trading Post
Qeynos largest general store, this shop is run by Sneed Galliway. Sneed is friendly, middle-aged man, who runs his shop with his wife and children. They have a wide variety of new and used items for sale, from small knives to torches to bags to clothes to ropes and even food. The lower floor is Sneed’s shop, and it is filled with brass racks and wooden crates and cases, which display the various goods for sale. The second floor is divided into rooms, including the living family’s living quarters.

The Cobbler
This shop is run by craftsman Gerault Takenmaul. Gerault makes and sells shoes, boots, belts, and bags in this small shop, and lives upstairs in a tight, but cozy nook. The shop is a wood and red brick building, with an old, wood shingled roof. The floor is made of wood, but is mostly covered by colorful rugs. Spools of thread, yards of leather, and various tools clutter the floor and workbench of this small shop.

Southern Qeynos
Hall of Steel
The Hall of Steel is the guild hall for the Steel Warriors of Qeynos. It is the training ground for some of the greatest warriors of Antonica. The Steel Warriors’ Guildmaster Ebon Strongbear, Earron Huntlan, and a few others, led the city’s militia to victory against the Sabertooths of Blackburrow, a small gnoll tribe that lives in the nearby forest, and they are now known as local heroes.

The hall is a large, light gray stone building that decorated with banners of the guild’s symbols and colors and is located adjacent to the Grounds of Fate area. The training room has various weapons displayed on the wall, as well as other training equipment. The upstairs has a large open window overlooking the arena, to watch the various events and other warriors competing.

Grounds of Fate
This is an area where combatants can prove their skill in combat with one another. The ringing sounds of sword melee can often be heard throughout the entire city.

The Wind Spirit’s Song
The Wind Spirit’s Song is the bard’s guild of Qeynos. Guildmaster Belious Naliedin use to work as one of the King’s private entertainers, but now he confers his time-earned wisdom and skills on to others, confining his performances to shows at the local tavern. His financial resources are meager, but he is quite content with his lot.

Hall of Sorcery
Within the Hall of Sorcery, Qeynos citizens study the three circles of magic and lend their services to citizens of Qeynos. Master Enchantress Mespha Tevalian oversees the Hall of Sorcery and the Order of Three.

The hall has a few rooms including a large, round room made of tall dark gray slabs of granite. Long colorful banners line the outside walls of the building and represent the three classes of magic studied within – red represents wizard, gold represents enchanter, and blue represents magician. Inside, the back part of the building is partitioned off by a thick black, velvet curtain, behind which is a private study. Along the walls off the main room, there are a few small tables for studying, and in center of the room there is a large stone altar, with a round firepit in the middle of it and various writings around the edges.

Temple of Thunder
The Temple of Thunder is where the Knights of Thunder worship Karana, the Rainkeeper, the Deity of Storms. The paladins and clerics of the Knights of Thunder are well respected in the city. They often assist the Qeynos Tower Guards in the Plains of Karana.

The temple is located to the side of the arena and beyond a few homes. It is surrounded by a stone wall and has a large grassy area attached. This area is where the cleric and paladin of Karana train and practice.

Lord Runethar Hammerfist is the master of the Temple of Thunder. All paladins report to him and all clerics report to High Priest Renic Losaren.

Tin Soldier
Run by Blacksmith Rane Sedder, the Tin Soldier buys, sells, and trades new and used armor. Merchants within offer chain armor, molds for chain and plate armor, and other various blacksmithing supplies.

The first floor of the shop displays various, new and used metal and leather armor pieces that are for sale. The second floor has a store room and the living quarters for Rane’s family.

Fhara’s Leather and Thread<
Shop owner Fhara Semhart makes and sells a variety of clothing and sewn goods made from leather. She also offers various patterns and other tailoring supplies. Fhara’s shop is connected to her home where she lives alone. This small wooden building is filled with bolts of fabrics and spools of thread on the walls, and a counter where Fhara does her work.

Bag & Barrel
Raheim Varshen and his wife Fellesha run this shop together. They sell various types of containers and satchels. The shop also serves as their home. Raheim is a carpenter who makes small water barrels, tinder and jewelry boxes, crates, etc., and Fellesha is a seamstress who crafts various sizes of bags, skins, pouches and backpacks. Inside, the walls are full of merchandise and equipment and in the backyard, they have a pottery wheel and kiln.

Nesiff’s Wooden Weapons
Nesiff Tallaherd is an excellent craftsman and woodworker. He makes walking sticks, bows and arrows, poles, staffs, javelins, halberds, pikes, pole-arms, and boar-spears, all handcrafted from wood from the local forests. Nesiff has been known to import wood from far away lands, to make specially ordered bows, staffs, and ax handles. A merchant stationed outside the shop sells various fletching supplies.

Lion’s Mane Tavern and Inn
The Lion’s Mane Tavern and the Lion’s Mane Inn are located in the Common’s Square section of Qeynos and are run by Earron and Tasya Huntlan. Both buildings are made of sturdy lumber and are kept fairly clean. The Tavern is connected to the Inn, but is only about half the size.

Lion’s Mane Tavern
Earron Huntlan runs the Tavern with an old war buddy, and both are like local heroes who like to trade old war stories with the customers. The outside of the tavern is made from wood and the inside walls are lined with bricks. The entryway has a colorful painting of lions playing poker. Behind the bar counter, rows of shelves are filled with various types of drinks.

The Tavern is usually quiet during the day, but can sometimes get pretty rowdy at night after the locals have had a few too many, but Earron is usually able to force the troublemakers out of his bar with no problems.

Earron seems to think there is something going on in Qeynos. He thinks there is something more than just a few shady characters moving into town. I think it’s just normal progress and growth. Have you ever been to Freeport? Qeynos isn’t nearly as bad as that place yet! The town’s just getting older, that’s all.

Lion’s Mane Inn
Tasya Huntlan runs the Lion’s Mane Inn. It is a large, two story, wooden building, that is attached to the Lion’s Mane Tavern. At the entrance, there is wooden receptionist desk, where Tasya Huntlan greets people with a friendly smile. The Huntlan family lives in the inn. Tasya and her daughter Sissy sell various ales, wine, and other drinks to quench the thirst of weary travelers staying at the inn.

Office of the People
This is a small, wooden building where a list of city events, ordinances, advertisements, and other documents are held. Rucio Divella knows a lot about the city and also is the one to see about buildings for rent. Hansl Bigroon is the office manager and a great engineer. He has designed most of the structures in Qeynos. He has been working with other great engineers from various cities to design some bridge that will span Erud’s Crossing and into Odus itself.

Qeynos Hold
The Qeynos Hold is the main bank of Qeynos and is run by the Copperhold family. Kendall Copperhold is well trusted and has close ties to the city government. The bank is a medium sized, sturdy brick building. The main room is divided in half by a long counter. Behind the counter, there is an inaccessible stairwell that leads down to an underground vault that is behind a locked iron door. The bank is heavily guarded by strong barbarian warriors.

The Herb Jar
A small shop that has changed ownership many times over the years, The Herb Jar is currently run by Caleah Herblender. Caleah is a mysterious gypsy woman, sort of vagabond look to her. She is a former student of Kinloc Flamepaw, and still has close ties with the Hall of Sorcery. This is why she’s allowed to operate her fairly successful business here. Caleah makes a good living, but it doesn’t flaunt it.

The shop has a scent of burning incense and has various books and potions on the shelves. A large, deep blue and purple rug covers most of the badly worn wooden floor.

Mermaid’s Lure
The Mermaid’s Lure is located on the south-side of the docks. The wooden walls are badly worn and the iron bolts and hinges are rusted from the harsh, salty seawater and air. It is adjacent to a dock that extends out into the ocean, where various seagoing craft are tied up.

Captain Rohand runs the Mermaid’s Lure and trades goods with the sea merchants from Odus. He is a rough looking man with tangled dirty beard and hair, and his skin is dark brown and tougher than leather. The Ol’ Captain is more than ready to tell his tales of adventures and legends to anyone willing to listen.

Fishing nets and gear hang on the walls of the shop in addition to the shells of sea creatures. The shop sells all sorts of nautical supplies.

Port Authority
The Port Authority can be found near the southern docks. Ships leave for other cities on a regular basis.

Fish’s Ale
Fish’s Ale is a pub owned by Fish Ranamer. It is located just off the Qeynos Harbor docks. This pub is a rough and tumble mix of drunken warriors and sailors. A night without a fight here is the exception, not the rule. The City Guards pass by as if the pub doesn’t exist, and pay no attention to the drunks or brawls heard from within. Fish himself is an ex-sailor, and runs the pub with some old sea dog partners. Fish serves up brews, in the quiet, private bar in the back of the building, to shady smugglers and people who want to keep a low profile. An open brew barrel can be found inside. There are also a few places for drunken travelers to rest after a long night of drinking fighting.

Voleen’s Fine Baked Goods
Owned by Voleen Tassen, Volee’s Bakery can be found in the southern part of town, just east of the docks and north of Fish’s Ale. The bakery sells bread, pastries, muffins, cookies and baked goods and baking supplies. Brewing supplies are also available. An oven inside is available for use when Voleen and her staff aren’t busy making goods with it.

Firepride’s is a metalworks shop run by armor smiths Ton and Lanhern Firepride. The shop is an average size wooden building. The main room is separated by a long display counter. The front half of the room displays the pieces of armor that is for sale, and the back half is Lanhern’s workshop, which is cluttered with various tools and there is a small forge in the center of it. Lanhern is hardworking and is known for producing quality goods at a fair price. Ton believes that he is the finest of all blacksmiths.


Vhalen Nostrolo

‘Listen up kids and pass me a smore:

I appreciate the interest in my background. I can’t reveal all the bits and pieces, but here is something to go on.

In the Age of Turmoil, Vhalen was a prestigious member of the League of Antonican Bards. Although never truly having a home, Vhalen frequented stages of Qeynos quite often. It was there in Qeynos that he met the woman of his dreams, the woman that would complete the sonnet of his soul. Now, I would love to tell you the tale of this romance, but we would be here all day. I would love to tell you the woman’s name, but that would be revealing too much too early. What I can say is that the sonnet of love ended in tragedy. Vhalen and his love would grow farther and farther apart until one day… she vanished. Vhalen grew distraught and almost went mad. He broke ties with the League of Antonican Bards and stormed into the Plains of Karana, (no pun intended), where his insanity grew and his actions became violent and malicious. He lost all control. But he would not remain in this state of madness. The records of his temporary madness were only destroyed after he dragged his tortured soul from the pit of despair and performed many good deeds for the residents of the Plains of Karana. His selfless actions more than made up for the crimes of his madness. It was said that the harmony of the thunder storms of the plains sang to his soul. This beautiful melody of Karana cleansed his soul and madness was no more. That is why Vhalen soon made residence within the Plains of Karana. It was the place that saved him from a pit of madness. He often sat beside the well, the well where he first met his lost love. There at the well he could now safely compose poweful songs of love and soon some of the greatest of arcane sonnets, the likes of which has never been seen before. Some of his more powerful arcane melodies required the use of enormous intruments such as organs the size of temple halls and harps that rose like sails on a ship. By far his greatest spells required the bells within his bell tower, The Bell Tower of Vhalen. It was in this Bell Tower of Vhalen that Vhalen played some of the greatest arcane compositions for the defense of Qeynos during the War of Plagues. When all seemed lost and Qeynos was soon to fall, Vhalen stood alone in his Bell Tower, ringing aloud the sound of benevolence and the powerful melody of valor. He stood alone, in a tower surrounded by a sea of undead, ringing the bells that would smite the forces of the Bloodsabers and their allies. Even as the forces of evil break down his door and stabbed as his soul, he still rang the bells. Without his efforts in the War of Plagues, all would be lost and Qeynos would be no more.

Oh… one more thing. About that woman he loved. At some point he learned that his temporary madness was not the result of a broken heart, but a soul driven mad by the compositions that his love often studied. It seems as though his love acquired some ancient songbooks and even an instrument once belonging to a legendary bard named Kelkarn. Odd, just like his love, Kelkarn just vanished one day. Where he went and why he went was never discovered.

That’s all. Does that help a bit?

Tony “Sir Lucan” Garcia
EQII Game Designer



The Tale of Alexander Simond

The tale of the alchemist, Alexander Simond, is one of pain, suffering and irreparable corruption. After the death of his young wife, Yasinia, Alexander became obsessed with disease and its origins. He began to study more magical properties of death and decay and soon became a warlock of disturbing talents. After the “accidental” death of a young research assistant, Alexander Simond fled Everling for parts unknown. Later stories of several farms and small villages being devastated by a particularly malicious illness start to trickle into the village. Crops are found completely withered while livestock lay rotting in fields. A squadron of Everling militiamen are sent out into the countryside to investigate, though only one man returns.

Despite being in a state of complete panic as his insides are slowly melting, he speaks of encountering a single man whose mere touch caused any living thing to whither and die. His pale skin was in stark contrast to the flowing black robe that covered his body. In his hand he held a wicked dagger that caused flesh to sear and turn to ash when it hit its mark. Effortlessly, he slew the militiamen by raining swarms of locusts upon them to first break their ranks, and then blasted them with a sickening poison that caused them to collapse into convulsive fits before finally succumbing to death. With the village on the verge of panic, the town’s mayor declared a large bounty for the death of this harbinger of plagues.

Several leave, none return. Tales of death and decay are erratic though one day they finally stop. A week goes by and nothing is heard. Then one day, a man named Ritter Shortshank returns with an urn full of ashes and the hilt of a broken dagger. He claims to have slain the warlock and destroyed the flesh-searing dagger. Not wanting to be infected, Ritter states that he chose to burn the body of the warlock and gathered up the ashes and the hilt of the dagger. Many disputed this claim, stating that despite the hilt of the dagger, there was still insufficient evidence that Ritter had actually killed the warlock.

However, as weeks went on with no new reports of any plague or poisonings, skeptics finally relent and declare Ritter Shortshank a hero, rewarding him the village’s bounty. Mr. Shortshank, content with his new fame, chose to buy an inn where he served drinks and brags about his accomplishments to anyone who will stick around long enough to listen. In truth, the “hero” never did anything. After realizing that the warlock had probably moved on or been killed, he crafted a story of how he tracked down the mad warlock and killed him.

Ritter took the ashes from a camp fire and bought an ornate dagger hilt from a traveling weaponsmith and presented the two items to Everling’s Mayor. Knowing that the only person to have seen the dagger was dead, everyone assumed that the dagger hilt belonged to the warlock. Ritter maintained his deceit of the entire town for some time and eventually married the mayor’s daughter. One day however, the mayor returned home to find his residence stripped of all its valuable possessions.

Soon it was revealed that the Shortshank residence also appeared to have been robbed, as was the bar which Ritter owned thought he himself was nowhere to be found. Not knowing whether Ritter was to blame or was in fact a victim of the apparent crime spree, the town set out to discover Ritter’s fate. Unfortunately for the townsfolk, Ritter was never found and after several years his memory was forgotten along with his controversial legend.

Though this is not the end of the story for Alexander Simond…

According to Bloodsaber legend, it is said that Alexander was visited by a shadowy figure, surrounded by a swarm of flying insects one night. The figure promises the widower immense power and access to the Demiplane of Pestilence where he could continue his research without the fear of persecution. However, to be allowed such a thing, Alexander would need to recover an artifact stolen by none other than the God of Plunder, Derris Zek. That artifact, known as Death’s Grip, had been given to another warlock by Kyrtoxxulous, ruler of the Demiplane of Pestilence, entrusting him to use it to accomplish some fiendish deed.

That warlock, though immensely powerful in his own right, failed in his task and was stabbed in the back by the very dagger that he had been entrusted with. Alexander, who now called himself Gherzhas, began his search, starting first across Antonica, then eventually to Kunark where he enlisted the aid of an Iksar scholar named Toshiki to track the blade down. Whether or not Gherzhas was successful is not known though Bloodsaber agents often make claims that they themselves now possess Death’s Grip.

Legend also speaks of a man in dark robes seen standing at the grave of Yasinia Simond near Nektropos Castle every Deepice, the month of her death. Could this man be Gherzhas come to pay his respects to his deceased wife? No one quite knows for sure.

The Varsoon Collection, Volume 5 – The War of Plagues

This book is titled “The Varsoon Collection, Volume 5 – The War of Plagues.” It is a complete volume that details the War of Plagues and the return of Varsoon.

The following compilation is a brief presentation of the legends and myths of the mage, Valdoartus Varsoon, known to many simply as Varsoon. Much work was done to separate the facts from the fiction in order to bring this work to you, the reader. The final volume in the series, this book speculates about the rumors of his return from death.

The story of Varsoon does not end simply with his death many hundreds of years ago. During the War of Plagues, there were many reported rumors of a mysterious mage that led the Bloodsabers, a group of cultists devoted to the worship of the god of disease, Bertoxxulous. The cult is reported to have existed for many hundreds of years, but one day came out of hiding to lay waste to Qeynos during the time of King Antonius Bayle V.

The War of Plagues raged across the land for a number of years, with neither side gaining ground. Using tactics reserved for only the depraved, the Bloodsabers, under orders of their leader, contaminated the city’s water supply. Thousands of innocent people died during the war, and most of the atrocities were blamed on a mage the Bloodsabers called “The Undying.”

“The Undying” was seen at the head of their armies, raining down upon the soldiers of Qeynos all manner of blights. From locusts to oozing miasmas, the Undying was a formidable mage. It didn’t take too long for some people to claim that this mage was Varsoon returned to life.

Using the fear that came with the name Varsoon, the mage began calling himself Varsoon the Undying. His demands against Qeynos were for them to hand over every second child that lived in the city. It seems there was some type of dissension among the Bloodsabers over this demand, which allowed Qeynosian soldiers to gain the upperhand. Soon enough, after a massive battle, Qeynos defeated the Bloodsabers once and for all. Unfortunately, they were never able to find Varsoon the Undying after the battle.

There are hidden records, however, that we had the privilege of reading. These records tell of a mage’s body being found on the battlefield. The mage’s body was covered in scar tissue from horrible burns to his entire body. The cause of death was not from fire, however. He had died from nothing more than a simple arrow piercing his heart. Or so they thought, until they noticed that he was still breathing.

A priest of the Temple of Life was with the party that discovered the body. Being a high-ranking exarch, he knew this man was no ordinary undead soldier. The priest summoned several of his brethren to the body and began to perform a very intricate ritual over the body.

After several hours, the priests had completed their spells and proceeded to burn the body of the mage until it was nothing than ashes. Rather than letting the ashes be scattered to the four winds, they gathered them into a special container and carried them to a special crypt in the Qeynos Hills. When asked what the ceremony was all about, they explained that it is the only way to prevent a lich from returning to life.

To this day that crypt remains locked, so we have no way of confirming whether or not the lich those priests destroyed was the same Varsoon from centuries earlier. Were this the case, it would appear that Varsoon actually did achieve immortality after all. But it does not explain why the word “lich” was never attributed to him until that final account.

We thank you for reading this series. As the reader can tell, there are not many solid facts about the real history of Varsoon. Perhaps if the House of Varsoon had not been burned to the ground so many centuries ago we might have been able to find more facts there. Whether more information comes to light in the future, the fact remains that Varsoon no longer walks among the living. Norrath has been safe from his predations for hundreds of years, so we may at least take comfort in that as we lay down to sleep at night.

A Bloodsaber meddler note

A bloodsaber meddler
Humans have returned to these catacombs. The hands, once exiled, have secretly returned. The coin with the eye has been taken by a hairfoot. He was sneaky, nothing but a pen wielder. He should have perished at our claws and fangs. It is most valuable. It will help us find their new hideout among the tunnels of the undercity. We must have it back! We cannot have our resurrection stopped by the meddling of former Qeynosians. For the Plaguebringer they must be stopped.

Interrogator's Briefing

“Interrogator’s Apprentice Briefing Secret: Your Eyes-Only With the information gleaned from our investigator’s we have learned that several members of the Bloodsabers have taken refuge in the Southern Plains of Karana. One man in particular, a drifter who fled Qeynos when the arrests began, has information on the whereabouts of two individuals whose actions resulted in the death of one of our most respected citizens during the terrible events that transpired some time ago. Due to his personality profile we suspect that this drifter will not divulge information willingly nor will he be willing to sign any confessions. More physical means of persuasion may be necessary to get him to comply. Keep in mind that interrogator’s are only authorized to use non-deadly forms of physical persuasion during their interrogations. You are to locate the interrogator in the Southern Plains of Karana and give him this secret briefing document, which will identify you as an interrogator apprentice. The interrogator will give you further instructions as you begin your hands on training. You are to follow his lead at all times. Please Note: You should locate an investigator first and obtain an Unsigned Confession Document. It will be needed provided you are able to gain this drifter’s cooperation. Be alert and do not underestimate these individuals. The dark power these Bloodsabers wield is indeed frightening. In service of Qeynos, Bayle and the Council Vegalys Keldrane, Magistrate”