Category Archives: Guk

The Valorous Tragedy of the Frogloks of Guk

The Valorous Tragedy of the Frogloks of Guk
The Abridged Recordings Of Hopton Braveheart City Guard to Upper Guk

And they march us to our fates,
Though their iron shod gates.

Mithaniel be praised! Though I am tired my spirit is cheered by the benevolence of Marr, he who gave us the strength to defeat the Rallosian assault on Guk. Their army was broken by the Greenmist thus we slew them with little difficulty. The High Constable now directs our full army’s attention to the reclamation of all of Guk. With the Rallosians defeated we should make quick work of it, Mithaniel willing.

The Curse of Ykesha is truly an aberration. I stay hopeful that we can cull the numbers of the cursed – though they are fierce fighters – and lay them to rest. We have lost barely a few froglok and have learnt to quickly burn the bodies of the fallen lest their bodies resurrect. While we mourn our deceased brethren I remain optimistic that Lower Guk can be reclaimed once we bolster our army now that the Rallosian threat is no more.

Mithaniel steels us with his light,
In the guidance of the right.

Forgive your captor, brother Froglok,
Though he may beat you til you bleed,
For he knows not the comforts of Mithaniel,
And will face great punishment for his deeds.

More of our ranks have fallen in battle. We fight for what little remains of Upper Guk. The undead and cursed pour out of Lower Guk and it is all we can do to keep them stemmed at the choke point. The sky is a constant black smudge from all of the soot and debris from the burning bodies.

We realize we can no longer contain the curse. Our ranks have lost many a good soldier and there can be no replacements. The horror of watching the fallen reanimate is enough to turn the stomach. To know that we share the same fate shakes me to the core.

And let our people’s suffering,
Drive our spirits to rise again

This is the right of the Froglok
This is the due of the brave
Though this day may end in misery
We will be free again!

We are overrun. This is the last battle for we have sealed off Guk from the rest of the Norrath. Our meager food supply is depleted and while our bodies are weak our souls are strong. My faith in Mithaniel Marr is unwavering for when I die this body may be reanimated as a vessel fo evil by my soul will never be ruled by Ykesha’s foul curse. If I am found in the future to be reanimated please dispose of my body using any means necessary. Tell our loved ones we did our best. May Mithaniel protect them from this horror.

The Rise of Ykesha

The Rise of Warlord Ykesha
The True Grozmok
In the darkness of night, secluded from the eyes of many of his fellow trolls, a troll shaman named Zraxth had a vision. The trolls of Guk were no match for the Rallosian Empire, and the trolls believed it was a matter of time before the mighty ogres would march into the troll city of Guk. Zraxth was among the first of the trolls to turn from the teachings of Cazic-Thule and follow the doctrine of Hate, becoming a follower of Innoruuk. He beseeched his new lord for guidance, looking for a way to defeat the ogres, to protect the city of Gulc from the Rallosian war machine. The Prince of Hate came to him in a dream, and said he would provide the information, but to perform the necessary ritual Zraxth would need the blood of the high priests of Cazic-Thule. Zraxth gathered his followers and carried out the grim deed, slaughtering the high priests as they slept. The followers of Zraxth set up the ritual as Innoruuk

For days, Zraxth simply sat, neither sleeping nor eating. His acolytes watched over him, waiting for him to awaken and deliver the message from Innoruuk on their salvation. Finally, on the eighth day, the shaman’s eyes snapped open, sunken and glaring in their sockets. Without flinching or looking away, the shaman began to speak in slow, resounding tones. The disciples began to feverishly copy the words of Zraxth, but found that the ink simply ran like blood off any parchment on which they attempted to write the words the shaman spoke. Exasperated, the disciples tried to have Zraxth repeat his statements to them, but he would not acknowledge their presence at all, and simply continued speaking. When all seemed lost, the shaman rose to his feet, and turned to the large stone they had set in the center of their camp. Even as he continued to speak, he gathered a bowl of the blood of the elders the disciples had used days ago in preparation
Zraxth then took to chiseling out the vision he had seen on the surface of the stone itself. This he did with precision and meticulousness, in sharp contract to his apparent unresponsive state. No movement was wasted, and even the smallest chip in the stone was done with the utmost care and purpose. Each of the symbols he crafted would flare with a purplish flame, leaving the carving glowing with radiant heat. Burns were apparent on Zraxth’s hands and arms, but he did not appear to notice — he continued to speak and chisel at the stone, pausing neither as he worked tirelessly. When the carving was completed, the shaman, bloodied and burned over his body, spoke his last words, and fell lifeless to the ground. The disciples burned the body of the prophetic shaman, and scattered the ashes throughout the area of the ritual. The disciples then deciphered the inscription left behind by their spiritual leader.

Over the course of many years after the Stone’s creation, strong warriors began to contend that they were, in fact, the hero mentioned in the Grozmok Stone’s prophecy. Many bloody battles were fought over the claim, as each strove to prove that they were the true hero of the Grozmok. The clans began to rally behind their strongest warriors, and minor skirmishes began to collapse into full scale blood feuds, as each group looked to be the ruling clan of the Innothule trolls. Nothing seemed able to stem the tide of violence, and none seemed interested in stopping it the rule of Grobb was all that mattered. For years, chaos reigned unchecked. During this time, the Rallosian Empire began to hear rumors of the existence of the Grozmok Stone and the prophecy of the legendary troll hero. Although the trolls themselves were organized and not likely to prove a threat on their own, the ogres began to fear

It was during this time of strife and war that Warlord Ykesha rose to power. He was unmatched among his people in skill, cunning, and ferocity, and he quickly earned the respect of all who fought with him. He quickly rose to lead his clan, ruthlessly dispatching any who tried to challenge his rule. His clan, which he renamed Clan Ykesha in his own honor, had taken to raiding the swamps outside the city of Guk, looking for new artifacts and treasures that might give them an advantage over their rival clans. The scouts of Ykesha came upon a lost Rallosian stronghold, which sat undisturbed and hidden by the overgrowth in the swamp. As they gathered what items of worth they could find, they happened upon the Grozmok Stone deep within the stronghold’s lower chambers. They hauled it back to their clan, where it was recognized as an artifact from the troll’s past. Warlord Ykesha ordered his shaman

Once word of the prophecy of the Grozmok Stone began to circulate among the clans, the cycle of war began to change. At first, jealous clans viciously attacked Clan Ykesha, looking to topple the Warlord and claim the Stone for their own. Clan Ykesha easily withstood all opposition, handily defeating the other clans who sought to claim the Grozmok stone for themselves. As one clan after another fell, whispers of Warlord Ykesha’s claim – that he was the Grozmok that was prophesied – began to appear more and more legitimate. Rival clans began to offer themselves as thralls, joining Clan Ykesha to follow the legendary Grozmok. For a time at least, the trolls looked like they would become a terrible new empire with the mythical hero of the troll race in command. Although some clans continued to fight against Clan Ykesha, the size and strength of the ruling clan was more than any rival could hope to overcome.

Notes on the Survival Accord, by Mug

Notes on the Survival Accord
by Mug

Darkday, Deadening 1
I have arrived to take up my new post. One of my duties is to learn about this settlement and look for information on their background and potential needs, which could provide clues as to what trade openings there may be. This notebook will help record the details if needed for a formal report.

Burnday, Deadening 2
Firmroot Moot is one of three outposts staffed by the organization that calls themselves the Survival Accord. My colleagues in the other two, the Overlook and the Shadowed Cleft, will also send me their notes for comparison. All we initially know is that this alliance represents members from both Grobb and Tupta who believe it’s more important to ally together and fight against the Brokenskull, the Ykeshans, and the Thullosians than it is to maintain historical enmities.

Windday, Deadening 4
Captain Lip Marrsquire works closely with Shaman Skullcleave to lead the organization in their task. Not long ago they were unceremoniously joined by a third party, the crew of the Skystrider, which crashed into the side of Firmroot Moot, to the great embarrassment of Captain Cogglespot and the expedition leader, who they only refer to as “the Great Morsley”. Nobody has yet been willing to tell me what is great about him.

Mirthday, Deadening 9
I spoke with Vegupa Marrsheart, an enthusiastic froglok who says she is a member of the Crusaders of Guk. This is apparently a small faction dedicated to clearing out and possibly reclaiming Guk. I enquired where the other members of her faction were stationed, but she only tried to recruit me to her cause, so I retreated. I am not mercenary for hire, despite my large build. I was always considered rather a scholar, back home.

Soulday, Deadening 13
Some of the gnomish tinkers have constructed an innovative contraption to transport people around the Moors. They are testing one now which so far can fly a single passenger from the Firmroot Moot up to the overhanging cliff above, where there is a save of boarfiends they’ve been investigating. Sissili and her ratonga assistant Pirdy pressed me to try it, but while it seems to carry the weight of a gnome safely, I am not sure about an ogre’s bulk. I prefer to use more traditional methods of transport.

Moorday, Deadening 17
A note from my colleague Quinn at the Shadowed Cleft outpost reports the fighting with the Brokenskull clans is fierce at times. She recently imported some basic furniture, but it is difficult for any supplies to reach them and there are likely good trade opportunities to be had, if a safe shipping route can be established. Klip Marrsquire, relative to Glip, leads the battles at that outpost. I am still awaiting word from Liasion Alden at the Overlook on the situation there.

Brewday, Deadening 20
So far I would guess there may be trade opportunities for gnomish tools and tinker supplies, weapons for the defense against the Brokenskull, Ykeshans, and the Thullosians, and building materials to fortify the outposts. They seem to manufacture a local armor which is quite strong, I plan to investigate the details of the manufacturing process next. It might sell well on other shores, if we can obtain some.

Legacy of Guk

Legacy of Guk
What History Remains
Kruuk Glugop

Our people are a strong people. With Mithaniel Marr behind us, we have endured many catastrophes in our history, and have always managed to come back stronger than before. Recently, we were able to rise against the vile trolls, and took the city for our own, as Gukta, the Outpost of Marr. The trolls have been unsuccessful in reclaiming the city, and Mithaniel willing, they never shall.The ancient home of our people, Guk, was not so lucky. It was consumed by a curse unleashed by Innoruuk and the troll villain known as Ykesha. Many of our brave warriors were trapped there, either taken by surprise due to the attacks, or they stayed behind to fend off the undead hordes long enough to allow the rest of our people to escape. Now, in a dark twist that makes me shudder, they have joined the ranks of the walking dead.

Many of us have wondered if there is a chance to study who from our history might be still wandering the depths of Lower Guk, and what might be learned by discovering this information. I am to accompany a group of adventurers who are currently resting here within Gukta, and I will see if I can learn this information. We leave at dawn.It took some time, but we were able to make it to a small chamber near a few precarious walkways. It was here that we found the first interesting member of the cursed frogloks. As we rested, we began to hear a sound off in the distance. It first sounded as if it came from above us, then it seemed to circle around to the sides of our small camp. It seemed like it was looking for a weakness in our defense. Then, suddenly, it was silent – we heard nothing more. When we were ready to leave, we began to look for the source of the sound, but could not locate it. Just when we had given up, a black-colored froglok ghoul leapt at us from the shadows, and directly at our warrior. He was just fast enough to deflect the attack and together we were able to beat the creature back. However, I always had the feeling it was there… watching us, just out of sight.

Further in, we found another strange room, where it seemed like the ghouls themselves would not even enter. We could hear a strange sound coming from it – something like a breathing, but more like a constant hiss, and the sound of rushing wind, almost as if something inside could not remain still, and moved incredibly fast. We approached cautiously, but it became evident that whatever we had heard, had heard us as well. We were instantly set upon by a creature of tremendous speed. It was a ghoul like the others, but was blindingly fast. It seemed chaotic in its attacks as well – one of us would be hit, then suddenly another would feel the sting of the creature’s unrelenting attacks. We were able to land a magical shackle on the beast, which caused it to howl in anger. Immediately we fled the area – this creature proved to be too mighty for our group, and we hoped to leave it behind us.Finally, we came upon the throne room. Fighting our way through, we spied the dais and throne on the far side of the room. We dispatched the guards, and before us we could see what appeared to be the ruler of Lower Guk – the Ghoul Lord. Once a noble paladin of Marr, this creature is now twisted and corrupt, only a shell of what it once used to be. We engaged the beast at my urging, as I thought it would be best to end the eternal suffering of this once noble froglok and hopefully return his spirit to Marr. We were not ready for the strength of this opponent in darkness, he had grown stronger. He felled our warrior nearly immediately, and it was all we could do to parry off his strikes, and carry our comrade to safety. We escaped with our lives, but truly, the curse of Ykesha is still strong within the depths of Lower Guk.

A Tale of Victory

The Lower Reaches of Guk

A Journal of Victory

By Talrien Dolvermist

On Sarreth’s suggestion, I’ve decided to chronicle our adventures into the lower reaches of the froglok city of Guk, so that others might learn about the dangers we will undoubtedly face and overcome as we explore this ancient city. This will be done as proof of the deeds we will accomplish, but also as warning and guidance to those who might follow behind us. My companions and I are prepared and capable, and we will meet whatever the depths might hold for us with honor and courage.

We attempted to cross through the upper halls of Guk, but met resistance from the frogloks residing there. Although we clearly did not mean them harm, they were adamant about not allowing us to pass, and they even attacked us at one point in an attempt to drive us back. We know these are the children of Mithaniel Marr, so one would assume they would welcome us and our help. However, they are apparently quite xenophobic, and will not allow us to pass without a fight.

Although it made not a one of us happy, we were forced to cut through the frogloks, after which we found our way to a dark hall, wherein the skeletons of several races seemed to be intermixed. This appears to be the place we have been searching for — along with the many bones, the stench of death permeates the air around us, and we can hear haunting wails coming from the darkness beyond. We’ve decided to rest for now, then venture in after we’ve had some time to gather our strength. We won’t be able to linger long, however, as the nearby frogloks are likely to return, and in greater numbers.

Our first foray into the depths of lower Guk was successful! We met resistance from the aberrations roaming near the entrance hall, but they were no match for our combined strength. At first, the sheer ferocity of their attacks were daunting to us, but we have experience and preparation on our side, and we stood fast against their assaults. Although we were able to defeat our foes, I have to admit that the sight of them still has me shaken — the beasts we fought were indeed frogloks, but were clearly only animated husks, shadows of what they once were. It seems that the lower halls are crawling with the undead, and not the living frogloks we encountered before. We will need to take care.

Our luck in the lower caverns did not hold. Although we have regrouped for now, we lost Vaelrin, our ranger, to the claws of our enemies. Although we attempted to fight our way to free him, we were not able to break their line, and had to retreat to a defendable position. At first it seemed we had lost our morale, and might retreat back to the surface. However, Sarreth stood fast, and reminded us that there was always an element of danger to our venture here, and that none of us were guaranteed to come back. We’ve decided to focus our anger into something stronger, and we are planning to challenge our enemy after some needed rest.

Today we will attempt to punch through the lines of the enemy, and perhaps even recover the body of our fallen comrade. We have a focused determination now, and although we are fewer in number, our determination and courage will undoubtedly carry us to victory in the coming battle. Our guardian Rell is finishing up some patch work on his armor, and Sarreth is meditating quietly against the wall just outside the torchlight. I can still hear our enemies, the vile undead froglok, combing the passageways just beyond our camp. They’ve stayed back for the most part, and only a couple of individuals have attempted to attack us as we rested. This is a boon we have taken full advantage of, and are just about ready to begin our counterattack. I will write of our victory once this battle has finished.

We are battered, bruised, and bleeding, but we have achieved our goal. The hordes have been beaten back and now we are firmly entrenched in the depths of the lower caverns of Guk. From here, we have set up a camp that will allow us to delve into the deeper reaches of Guk, hopefully to unlock the secrets held within this ancient city. Strangely, the wails and moans we have heard from the darkness have seemingly all but stopped. Rell believes that the beasts have retreated further into the depths, and is planning to lead us on what is effectively a charge while they are still reeling from our last attack Thus, our rest time will be shorter this time, but our spirits are high and we will cut through them again as we have before.

I am shaking as I write this. We could not have been more wrong about our foe. Now that I think about it, I can’t believe how foolish we were. Once we began our assault, we found that we were hopelessly surrounded. Even ones that we thought had been destroyed rose back up to join their numbers. They kept coming, no matter how many we put down. The noises… the grating croaking and vile hissing the beasts spat at us – it all still rings in my ears. Rell fought long enough so that we might escape the slaughter, but I heard his screams cut short not long after we fled. Only Sarreth and I remain now… and Sarreth can no longer move or speak. I fear that unless he regains his strength quickly, we will be overcome. How could this happen? How did things turn so wrong?

They are coming…
Sarreth no longer breathes. He has been released from his fear.
I can hear them and their soft hissing… they are not far now.
All around me, they draw closer.
If you read this, leave now! Go before they claim yo… … …
(The rest of the page is stained and is unreadable.)

3rd Lieutenant Gerrog – Logbook

3rd Lieutenant Gerrog – Logbook
Second Edition

This is the journal of a very important Lieutenant in the Second Rallosian Empire.

Entry 14: We march through the Feerott. It is a good march. It is a quiet march. Nothing lives within the Feerrott since we have last passed through. The General personally leads us. The Arm of Vallon marches behind us. The Rathetear Mountains is our destination. We will stomp on the bones of the gods we once defeated. This time they cannot stop us.

Entry 17: We have changed course in the march. The forgotten temple of Cazic-Thule is within sight. The General tells us in command that the Amygdalans will join our ranks or they will be destroyed. I pray to Rallos that they refuse to join us.

Entry 32: We have entered the foothills of the Mountains of the fallen Rathe. The Amygdalans have refused to add their numbers to our ranks. Let them hide in the temple for as long as they wish. It will be their tomb. For now, we will take the land of our forefather’s defeat and turn it into victory.

Entry 40: The General has detached us from the Arm of Vallon. The Arm, hundreds of scores in number, will continue marching north. They are to cross the Lake of Tears. Then they are to annihilate the gnolls. The Arm of Vallon will conquer the Karana plains. There is no question this will be done.

Entry 57: My command, led by the General himself, have easily taken the Rathetear Mountains. The Hill Giants recognized our superiority and bowed to our will. The lizardmen have been eradicated. If I listen closely, I can still hear the sound of the dead gods of the earth weeping. The Rallosians are conquering Norrath. Their curse has failed.

Entry 61: Taking the Hill Giants with us, the General will no longer tolerate the insolence of the Amygdalans. Their claims of counsel received from the Avatar of Fear are worthless lies. Their Avatar would never have allowed us to capture the Gate leading to their dead god’s plane. The only true Avatar is the one that inspires us – the Avatar of War.

Entry 67: When I was a runtling, my mother’s mother told me of the temple of Fear. She claimed it was filled with unimaginable nightmares waiting to destroy the world. She was wrong. NOW it is filled with nightmares. Us. The Rallosians.

Entry 79: The final Amygdalan has fallen to the black blade of the General. The ones we have captured have been forced to watch as we begin to tear down their precious temple. They incessantly chant prayers to the god of green mist. If their god cannot stop us from tearing down their place of worship, what makes them believe their god will save their worthless hides?

Entry 83: This great temple lies in ruins. All that stands is the sacred tomb the Amydalans pray to at the center of this temple. We received word that Guk is being scourged as we speak. The split-pawed gnolls have been exterminated. The Plains are ours. Freeport is about to fall. The General is about to enter the heart of the temple and personally defile the tentacled one’s most holy of all relics – the Forbidden Sarcophagus. When he has done so, the Rallosian Empire will know that we have conquered one half of the world. The other half will follow.

Entry 84: Bring this journal to your commanding officer, Rallosian. They must know of the fate of General Urduuk. When the box was opened, a green mist oozed out, crawling into the General’s nostrils. He barely had time to grasp his throat before falling over dead. One by one, thousands of Rallosians suffered the same fate. I sealed myself away inside a nearby stone coffin before the vapors reached me. It will not be long before I run out of air, for neither air or Green Mist can enter this casket. I will die as a Rallosian inside this tomb. I will not die as a forever-cured ogre outside to the Green Mist.

1st Lieutenant Danarg, 313 AS

1st Lieutenant Danarg, 313 AS
Second Edition

This is the journal of a very important Lieutenant in the Second Rallosian Empire.

Entry One: Day 105, 313: They do not know we are here. They believed we would not know of this place. We did. I did. When the final froglok lay dead at the feet of my twenty thousand troops, I will name these caves after myself. With the general?s blessing, of course.

Entry Two: Day 212, 313: A messenger has come saying that the Rathe Mountians have been taken by the Arm of Tallon. This is as it should be. I killed the messenger so that he would not be able to return my report. The general does not need to know that things are not running to schedule.

Entry Three: Day 400, 313: I have lost many troops to the cunning of the Frogloks. Springing from the murky depths, they rained both fire and ice upon us. Many of my brave soldiers died to protect the most important Rallosian amongst us. If their Lieutenant were to die, how would they know the orders of the General.

Entry Four: Day 34, 314: We have slaughtered their Elite warriors today. Our numbers are now hald, but this leaves thousands. The Frogloks can hear us coming. We can hear their fear.

Entry Five: Day 122, 314: We have driven them further into the caves. Why do they not accept their deaths? I am here to give it to them. My troops, my Rallosians, we are here to bring them death. It will be a sweet mercy to them for all they suffered.

Entry Six: Day 246, 314: The dead have risen to fight us. The Frogloks mean to use their bones to overpower the strength of the Rallosian Empire. MY Rallosian Empire. This will not happen. They have died once. They will die again.

Entry seven: Day 313, 314: We have found where the last of the Frogloks have hidden. Here in the lower depths of Guk, they are now trapped. Deep below the earth, they already stand within their tomb. There is no way out. Our forces are not many. I have had horns fashioned from the skulls of the fallen. They will play as my victory completes.

Entry Eight: Day 420, 314: They are all dead. Once and for all. There are no more Frogloks. The Froglok Lord sat upon his throne, waiting for me. We faced off in mortal combat. He did not expect my blade to be poisoned. His honor failed him in the end.

Entry Nine: Day 33, 315: We leave these caverns tomorrow. My troops, one thousand strong, have succeeded. We have scourged all like from the upper and lower ends of Guk. This would not have been possible without my leadership. I am the greatest general the Rallosians could ever wish for. Aside from the General that, is.

Entry Ten: Day 90, 315: The Rallosian Empire spans the lower half of antonica. My Rallosian Empire. I am the one who conquered the Frogloks. I am the one who reduced the numbers of the trolls. I am as strong as the General and I will prove it. My troops will launch a surprise attack and take the greatest city on Norrath ? RALLOS!

1st Lieutenant Danarg, 291 AS

1st Lieutenant Danarg, 291 AS
Second Edition

This is the journal of a very important Lieutenant in the Second Rallosian Empire.

Day 332, 291: First Lieutenant Mugreeza has learned the price of failure. She could not see what I saw. She could not see that the Frogloks are cunning. She did not know of the caves of Guk. I did. Now the General knows. And now I am First Lieutenant. As it should have been from the beginning.

Day 70, 294: My command will listen to what I say, for I am their leader. The General is no longer here. He marches with the Arm of Vallon to the scourge the world to the west. The Arm of Tallon marches to join with the dirty orcs. My command now marches to Guk. We will annihilate the Frogs once and for all. Then we will annihilate the rest.

Day 339, 297: My command bristles at my orders. Do they not know that I was chosen as First Lieutenant? Do they not understand that I am the General to them? They will listen. Yes. They will listen.

Day 67, 299: We have found some more of the pathetic trolls living in the swamp. The Frogloks will wait to be cleansed. I have a better idea. One that the General will appreciate. We will take the Innothule swamp as ours. The Feerrott has been claimed. Soon this swamp will, too.

Day 156, 302: I have lost more of the soldiers to these swamps. The enslaved trolls continue to track down their brethren. When the refuse to do so, I personally draw and quarter them for all to see. This proves very effective.

Day 466, 304: The trolls have begun to fight back. This will not be tolerated. The soldiers are now listening to my orders. Now they know that I speak for the General. I have not had to kill any soldiers at dawn for close to a week now. This is good. I do miss the disembowlings, however.

Day 14, 307: The Trolls continue to crawl out of the swamp. Just as we kill one hundred, we watch as two hundred flee in different directions. They have no courage. We should have killed the trolls first then killed Frogs. I will see to correcting the mistake.

Day 234, 310: We are beginning to run out of food. The last of our troll dogs have were eaten today. The soldiers are beginning to complain. I have ordered the next Rallosian who utters a word of contempt will be the next to served as dinner. This will quiet them for now.

Day 9, 313: My troops only listen to my orders when we are fighting Frogs. The doomed race does not know that death is coming for them. They do not know that we know where they are. They will see death coming for them. They will feel it. They will embrace it.

Day 67, 313: I have ordered all of my Rallosian troops to let the worthless trolls flee for now. When the Arms of Tallon and Vallon unite again, that is when they will be used to crush the trolls. My purpose is more important. We stand before the caves of Guk. Within lies our prey.

1st Lieutenant Danarg, 291 AS

1st Lieutenant Danarg, 291 AS
Second Edition

This is the journal of a very important Lieutenant in the Second Rallosian Empire.

Day 332, 291: First Lieutenant Mugreeza has learned the price of failure. She could not see what I saw. She could not see that the Frogloks are cunning. She did not know of the caves of Guk. I did. Now the General knows. And now I am First Lieutenant. As it should have been from the beginning.

Day 70, 294: My command will listen to what I say, for I am their leader. The General is no longer here. He marches with the Arm of Vallon to the scourge the world to the west. The Arm of Tallon marches to join with the dirty orcs. My command now marches to Guk. We will annihilate the Frogs once and for all. Then we will annihilate the rest.

Day 339, 297: My command bristles at my orders. Do they not know that I was chosen as First Lieutenant? Do they not understand that I am the General to them? They will listen. Yes. They will listen.

Day 67, 299: We have found some more of the pathetic trolls living in the swamp. The Frogloks will wait to be cleansed. I have a better idea. One that the General will appreciate. We will take the Innothule swamp as ours. The Feerrott has been claimed. Soon this swamp will, too.

Day 156, 302: I have lost more of the soldiers to these swamps. The enslaved trolls continue to track down their brethren. When the refuse to do so, I personally draw and quarter them for all to see. This proves very effective.

Day 466, 304: The trolls have begun to fight back. This will not be tolerated. The soldiers are now listening to my orders. Now they know that I speak for the General. I have not had to kill any soldiers at dawn for close to a week now. This is good. I do miss the disembowlings, however.

Day 14, 307: The Trolls continue to crawl out of the swamp. Just as we kill one hundred, we watch as two hundred flee in different directions. They have no courage. We should have killed the trolls first then killed Frogs. I will see to correcting the mistake.

Day 234, 310: We are beginning to run out of food. The last of our troll dogs have were eaten today. The soldiers are beginning to complain. I have ordered the next Rallosian who utters a word of contempt will be the next to served as dinner. This will quiet them for now.

Day 9, 313: My troops only listen to my orders when we are fighting Frogs. The doomed race does not know that death is coming for them. They do not know that we know where they are. They will see death coming for them. They will feel it. They will embrace it.

Day 67, 313: I have ordered all of my Rallosian troops to let the worthless trolls flee for now. When the Arms of Tallon and Vallon unite again, that is when they will be used to crush the trolls. My purpose is more important. We stand before the caves of Guk. Within lies our prey.

Into the Depths of: Guk

Overview of Guk

An ancient ruined city located off of Innothule Swamp, legend has it that Guk was once home to the trolls. The upper part of the city is fairly intact and home to numerous frogloks now. The lower section of the city is where the most ancient ruins can be found. Rumors persist of an undead legion of frogloks being built up in the depths of the ruins.

The citadel of Guk has many rewards for those successful bands of adventurers that brave this dangerous region. The frogloks here have been toughened by the years of fighting the trolls of Grobb and make excellent adversaries upon which to hone skills of blade or spell.

The Ruins of Old Guk are perhaps one of the most notorious regions upon the whole of Antonica. Many an adventurer has lost their life here, but a few have successfully emerged to bring forth ancient treasures out of the dank tunnels.

Lower Guk is an excellent training ground for seasoned adventures of all professions. Here, one may hone their skills in preparation for more treacherous battles.

Background Lore

Upper Guk

When the frogloks first arrived upon the shores of Innothule, they were exposed to the cannibalistic race of the trolls and were horrified. The froglok nomads immediately began an assault on the trollish citadel beneath the swamps, hoping to rid the world of what they viewed as evil abominations. The trolls fought viciously but were ultimately unable to withstand the froglok armies who pushed them out of their city and took it over.

Outraged and fueled by a spiteful, malignant hatred, a powerful troll shaman entered his former city and began a massacre of froglok citizens with his own bare hands. As the soldiers and guardsmen began to arrive upon the scene the troll shaman, drenched in froglok flesh and blood, conjured the very power of Innoruuk. This destructive blast killed the shaman as well as many hundreds of froglok witnesses. A curse was left in the wake of the blast that condemned the souls of the froglok victims to Innoruuk’s Cauldron – their physical forms condemned to forever walk as the undead. The surviving frogloks persevered in building the stronghold of Upper Guk, where they continued to struggle with the trolls of Grobb to this very day.

The top levels of Guk are fairly intact and are heavily defended by froglok warriors, shamans and wizards. Shallow water passages created by water seeping in through the thin earth of the swamps above flow generously throughout the top portion of the city.

Both crocodiles and froglok guardsmen patrol these waterways, making travel difficult for those who have earned the distrust of the other peaceful froglok citizens. The passages eventually empty into large, subterranean ponds.

The bottom levels of the city are more cavernous, separated by the large underground bogs which can be crossed via small wooden planks. Over the years the frogloks have begun to cultivate fungusmen guardians, growing them from the rich swampy earth.

The Ancient Crocodile

This monstrous reptile is rumored to have been a resent of Upper Guk since long before the arrival of the frogloks. Ambivalent toward all races and beings, this ancient behemoth is revered by the froglok citizen as an earth god of the swamp.

The Froglok Shin Lord

Once of the last of the ancient froglok paladin order, The Shin Lord defends the halls of Guk against the troll menace as well as the undead ghouls that continually pour from the lower halls. Stories are told of his ancient holy blade and the ferocity he uses to wield it against all manner of evil creatures that would threaten his brethren.

Lower Guk

When the dead began to rise and hordes of unearthly, horrific creatures began to fill the walls of the grand lower citadel, the surviving frogloks quickly retreated to the upper levels of the city. The lower level of Guk has since fallen to disrepair, now a system of ancient ruins slowly being eaten away by the swamp.

Rumors have been heard upon the whispering winds of Norrath that speak of an undead legion of frogloks being built upon in the depths of the ruins. Some say that the froglok hero and king that had successfully led his people in the campaign against the cannibalistic trolls had risen again in the height of Innoruuk’s curse. The frogloks of the upper city, unaffected by the curse, deny these rumors – unable to fathom, the possibility of one of their revered heroes being subject to such a debased torment.

The lower city is now a system of muddy, dank caverns and collapsing ruins of ancient troll and froglok architecture. These caverns are made up of numerous dark, catacombs were roots and rocks stick out of the walls and floors. Everywhere, water drips from the ceiling feeding the numerous underground steams, rivers, and pools. The tunnels and caverns are sparsely populated by various types of swamp plants, vines, and algae. Most of the water here is murky, brown with some stagnant pools covered by thin layers of slime. Mud puddles abound.

Rotting wooden boards and branches make up the frogloks’ bridges, doors, and furniture. Other froglok structures are made of mud and tree branches. All of the large buildings are of ancient troll architecture made from huge slabs of roughly cut gray stone and brown mud blocks, with crudely carved statues, stairs, and doorways. Some of these ancient troll buildings have been converted to froglok temples and such, and have froglok-sized wooden furniture and mud statues.

The Ghoul Lord

Led by he hero Hoptor Thaggelum, the frogloks were eventually successful in driving the trolls out of the ancient city beneath the swamp. However, the victory would be a shallow one at best, for the curse of a powerful troll shaman and the conjuration of Innoruuk’s very hatred would kill nearly half of the froglok citizens. Among them was Hoptor Thaggelum.

In recent times, Hoptor has been resurrected by the power of Innoruuk; under the control of the hateful prince the Ghoul Lord builds an army of undead frogloks within the catacombs of Lower Guk.

Deepest Guk

Beneath the rotting stones of Guk and the surrounding swamplands lies the ancient under city of the trolls. Long thought lost, these ruins now shelter a variety of unspeakable horrors. Yet this foul sprawl of mud and stone contains an even darker secret. A cabal of froglok necromancers converted to the service of Innoruuk by the magic of an evil cauldron. They seek only to build their strength and strike back at the newly blessed frogloks that have taken the swamps above.


Upper Guk

Guk is fairly safe for all goodly people of Norrath who have not imposed their blades upon a froglok citizen. Trolls, however, are hated by the frogloks and will immediately be tacked if they are spotted.

The terrain is very moist, spurring the growth of particular moss which secrets slippery residue. This hazard has caused many adventurers to fall to their deaths.

Lower Guk

The undead legions that inhabit the Ruins of Old Guk are malevolent toward all races. Those foolish travelers who venture into these dark, swampy catacombs without support from many of their most trusted companions will find themselves at the merciless hunger of the undead.