Category Archives: Jahnda

Shepherd of the Celestial Watch

Seeress Ealaynya Ithis’s Holy Calling

Back when the gods had been silent for ages and the suffering people of Norrath huddled together for refuge, faith seemed destined to die. It was during this time that a young child by the name of Ealaynya Ithis started to exhibit clairvoyance and experience prophetic dreams. Even the most skeptical villagers were convinced when the young Ealaynya led hunters to a crying child, having been lost for nearly a week.

She began to lead the village gatherers to hard found resources. Her retelling of her visions comforted them at the fireside. She had earned the praise of her village and brought a glimmer of faith to their forsaken lives. How could they keep such a child’s gift to their selves? She was like the harbinger of faith within this realm. Qeynos would be her pulpit!

They abandoned their village for the city of Qeynos. There they discovered the once grand Temple of Life, nearly abandoned. The temple that awaited Ealaynya paled in comparison to the one she had beheld in her visions. Only a few acolytes of the Prime Healer remained and the temple rested in near ruins. The beauty of the Pool of Jahnda that once held the majestic koalindl, fish from the Plane of Tranquility, was now dingy and empty of life. The acolytes would not listen to the villagers’ claims, dismissing them as beggars looking for refuge in their sacred hall.

As the villagers and the acolytes argued, Ealaynya walked silently to that cart that held her belongings. She rummaged through and reached far into a niche, having to stand on her toes to reach her prize. Her hands slowly emerged from the darkness grasping a glass bowl. Within the bowl was a small, colorful fish. It has been a year ago that alone; she had found her way to a tiny pond in which a single colorful fish swam within the clear, warm water. She carried the fish back to the village and fed it a morsel of bread everyday, until this day.

Ealaynya walked to the edge of the murky water of the once grand Pool of Jahnda. She began to pour the contents of the fish bowl slowly into the pool. The stream of water hit the film and broke the plane of algae on the pool’s surface. Upon hearing this, the acolytes ran toward her screaming for her to cease her blasphemous action. Ealaynya was deaf to their cries. As they neared her the tiny, colorful fish was carried through the stream of water and swam into the blackness of the pool.

The acolytes grabbed the girl’s arms and were about to hand her some retribution for her deed when they were distracted by something miraculous! Looking to the pool all present gazed as the cloudy water began to clear around the fish. This circle of pristine water radiated out from the fish dissolving all that was foul within this sacred pool. The Pool of Jahnda was returned to its glory and a single fish, a koalindl, swam within its life giving water!

Ealaynya rejuvenated the temple and its acolytes. The cleansing of the pool was the beginning of the girl’s life amongst by the acolytes, and the villagers had become their new congregation. Ealaynya began to have new visions and share them with the temple. Through her visions they came to realize they were to unify the faith of the gods of light. They renamed their order the Celestial Watch.

They began to preach to the people and aid those in need. Small crusades led them into the wilds to perform benevolent actions as they used to ages before the gods were silenced. Seasons passed and eventually Ealaynya grew into a beautiful woman and the spiritual leader of the Celestial Watch. She became the Seeress Ealaynya Ithis, a beacon of faith, Shepherd of the Celestial Watch.

But she was destined to become more than simply a shepherd. As gods of old have reappeared Seeress Ealaynya has continued to see her visions and prophecies come true. She reassured those that expressed fear or grief over the Prime Healer’s absence that all is part of a grand plan. “It is not our place to question the wisdom of fate, nor that of the Prime Healer. The darkest of night is when light is most welcome!”

If there was any question about her faith in a grand plan it was dismissed on the day the Temple of Life disappeared! In the blink of an eye, all who were within the holy temple, save Seeress Ealaynya, now found themselves outside, watching awestruck as it increased its rotation speed and disappeared. There at the edge of the Pool of Jahnda they camped, in prayer and meditation waiting.

A day later, the Temple of Life reappeared with the same ease with which it left. When its rotation speed slowed, the portal reappeared to allow entry and exit from the floating temple. But no priest, priestess, nor acolyte would enter. They knew they were witness to something of legend, something truly miraculous! They awaited a sign from their Holy Seeress that they would once again, enter the site.

Seeress Ealaynya Ithis emerged from the temple washed in light! She consoled those distraught, and praised all for their faith, stating that she had touched The Holy, and been within the presence of The Prime Healer! She was blessed, and now so was all of Norrath, for Rodcet Nife’s Prophet walks amongst us!

I, Ealaynya Ithsis, Seeress, Shepherd and chosen prophet to the most selfless of the supreme deities, Rodcet Nife, having been made aware of my limited time within this glorious realm, through a vision of my demise, felt an explanation and further guidance may be sought after I have been escorted to Ethernere. Seek it, and you shall find guidance and prophecy.

Granted is a key when Rodcet is hooked and released.

Bound words are found supporting Weagleross down below.

Niclaus Ressinn

Niclaus Ressinn says ‘Hail, Mixxit. I am Niclaus Ressinn, loyal Paladin of Life. I am scouting the Qeynos Hills on orders from High Priestess Jahnda. We have received reports of undead prowling these hills of late.’

Niclaus Ressinn says ‘Oh, things are becoming dire here in Norrath. May Rodcet protect us! I have gathered most of the evidence I will need to present to Jahnda, but I could still use your assistance with one final piece. I need to recover a rib bone from one of the undead beasts that wander these hills. Be sure the rib bone comes from one of the putrid skeletons. They are the spawn of Bertoxxulous.’

Niclaus Ressinn says ‘I believe the undead prowl these hills at night. I have found the remains of several adventurers who obviously had the misfortune of running into some of Bertoxxulous’ dark minions. One young human was still cluching this parchment in his cold, dead fist.’

Niclaus Ressinn says ‘I believe it is from a spell book of some kind and I do not have a working knowledge of things arcane. Perhaps you could help? Take it. I am sure someone in Qeynos could decipher it. I must remain here to gather more evidence but please return to me with anything you discover.’

Niclaus Ressinn says ‘Guard, Come quick! The undead gather near the ruins of Geupal!’

(NPC from Qeynos Hills)

Vhalen Nostrolo

Vhalen Nostrolo says ‘Nice to meet you. Do not the plains of Karana whistle with life. This land is truly blessed by the gods. Would you like to hear a tune or do you pass?

You say, ‘I would like to hear a tune.’

Vhalen Nostrolo says ‘Inside this heart I am trapped with the sight beautiful colors, all memories of your love. They attack me with fullmight. You left me here in this garden of grey Never to see the true colors of the happiness of day. Here in my heart I sit and I cry. You have left me alone and my colors have all died. What do you think? Is it a happy tune or a sad tune?

You say, ‘A sad tune, I think.’

Vhalen Nostrolo says ‘It takes a broken heart to truly appreciate that tune. I am glad you enjoyed it. My dear Metala left me one year ago. The wound has healed, but the scar lives on. I am presently trying to complete a New Composition. Maybe that will turn me around.

You say, ‘Where is Metala?’

Vhalen Nostrolo says ‘My dear sweet Metala Highflit. She was a bard I trained and fell in love with. We were perfect together. We composed many love ballads during those years. I just love the way she used to brush the hair away from her face and to see her in the moonlight brought daylight to my soul . We had such times ! I remember once we had dinner at the lion’s Mane and we ordered a burrow pie for desert and she got some whipped cream on her nose ! Oh it was so cute.. Am I boring you or should I tell you where it went wrong?

You say, ‘Tell me where it went wrong.’

Vhalen Nostrolo says ‘It was like that for years and then it all just ended. She began to hang around some man called Garuc Anehm. She started attending evening functions. She said it was choir practice for the Temple of Life. Do you want to know what I found out or am I boring you?

You say, ‘What did you find out?’

Vhalen Nostrolo says ‘Feeling neglected, I also went to join the choir. To my shock I learned from High Priestess Jahnda that Metala never was in the choir. When I mentioned that fellow Garuc’s name she gave me a dirty look and could talk no further. Must be boring you. You don’t want to hear the end.

You say, ‘I want to hear the end.’

Vhalen Nostrolo says ‘I went home to confront Metala. All I found was an empty house and a note. ‘Sorry to leave. Thank you for all you have taught me. My new friends have showed me new paths of pain. My music shall sing for a new generation of bard. Goodbye.’ I never saw her again. What ever she has started is twisted and contorted. It is not the music of the soul. She must surely be stopped before it is too late. Please go. I do not feel like talking any further of this.

Journal of Varsoon the Undying

My research has yielded Bertoxxulous’ greatest gift, eternal life. With my human heart safe in Najena’s hands I shall be able to wreak The Plaguebringer’s revenge upon Jahnda and her temple soon. The ancient power of the Ruins of Geupal is almost mine. I only need another’s rage to complete my journey to immortality. Mayong’s minions still seek my demise but their efforts shall be in vain. That vampire shall never possess my hearts. — From the Journal of Varsoon the Undying