Category Archives: Kelethin

Welcome to Kelethin!

Welcome to Kelethin!

Kelethin is a thriving community once again, thanks to the cooperation of the Fae and Feir’Dal, under the leadership of Queen Amree of the Fae.

Throughout the lands, you will often find curious objects that seem to serve no purpose. These may be collectible items, dropped long ago by another traveler passing through the area.

When you’ve completed a collection of leaves, stones, or shells (for example), you may bring them to Kelethin’s own Venla Vaara, a collector of all sorts of odds and ends.She can usually be found near the Kelethin First Regional Bank.

You can’t wait to jump into explorations, can you? The expanse of Greater Faydark calls to you, beckoning you to plunge right in and start exploring. You’ll find many areas marked on your map, while others are mysterious corners waiting for you to find them.

Take any of Kelethin’s three fast and efficient acorn lifts down to the forest floor. You’ll be amazed at the abundance of wildlife and flora to be found!
When you travel off the beaten path, you’ll learn to recognize such landmarks as Granite Hills or Emerald Lake.

Reading is a pleasure, especially when someone reads aloud to you. It’s like a symphony of words set to different music each time it’s heard. You’ll find any number of books scattered throughout Kelethin, and their owners are generous lenders. You may also purchase books from Piritta Silvarri. The Lore and Legend books teach new skills, making them a practical as well as entertaining read.

The Fae are fond of history, which for them is an ongoing process as their spirits can re-blossom as long as they are nurtured. There are several works by Feir’Dal authors in the collections found throughout Kelethin, too. If you happen across a book that’s missing some pages (or pages that are missing a book), Venla Vaara can help you restore them, if you bring completed sets to her.

As you continue your journeys around Kelethin, you may notice things that are a bit unusual. A pine needle beneath an oak tree. An old fire pit in the forest.
Ordinary? Or something else entirely? Only closer examination can provide answers to questions such as these.

If you’re as curious as a Fae, you’ll want to rush up and examine everything. Be careful, though! Some Fae like to play tricks on the unsuspecting and you could fall victim to one of their traps!

While Kelethin has not completely embraced “Outsiders,” as many of the newcomers to the town are called, there are advantages to new commercial enterprises. Representatives from Qeynos, Freeport, and the Far Seas Trading Company have made themselves available to those who seek excitement.

In a land with the rich history of Norrath, there are always relics of past glory that resurface now and again. These pieces of our collective heritage are beautiful, rare objects that may not be easy to obtain, but are well worth the effort.

As you gain more life experience, you’ll want to focus your training in your chosen field. Fortunately, Kelethin is well-equipped for training of all kinds! Look for representatives of the Order of Arcane (mages), House of Falling Stars (clerics), Sylvan Hunters (scouts), Protectors of Growth (warriors), and Tunare’s Pages (crafts) throughout Kelethin.

Though Kelethin has suffered fire and destruction in the past, it returns to life more beautiful than before. This is not only a testament to the sturdiness of its construction, but the faith of its inhabitants. We welcome you to Kelethin and hope you will enjoy your life amongst the trees!

War of Fay: Armies Across the Sea

This is another part of the journal kept by a Teir’Dal, relating experiences during the War of Fay.
Another volume from the diary of one young Teir’Dal soldier, written during the War of Fay. This volume tells of the Teir’Dal ships landing on Faydwer.

The ships passed beneath the teleportation arch.
There is no sound save a soft thrumming that hangs in the air above us. Mist curls up from the surface of the sea, covering each ship in thick draperies.
No matter how often I have made this journey, I am always amazed that no ships have ever collided in the fog.

When my ship clears the mists, I can see the prows of the other vessels breaking through as well.
Behind me, I hear the rich voice of the Cantor rising in song, calling forth the winds again to propel us toward Faydwer.
Was her name really Death, as she had told me? Or was she trying to frighten me, seeing only a youth with one shortened leg?

In many ways, I am surprised that I am on this team, on this mission.
I will not set down our plans in advance, lest something go awry and my thoughts are revealed to the enemy.
When the commander named those who would be in this elite unit, there were sounds of surprise when they chose me.
Yes, I walk with a limp; but I run like the wind and am deadly besides.

The singing stops, and I feel her beside me again.
She crouches down on the narrow plank and touches the shoulder of the Teir’Dal in the seat before me. As she had with me, she pulls him to his feet and walks him to the small deck at the stern of the ship.
I make an effort not to turn my head; what she chooses to do or say to the others aboard the ship is none of my business.
But it is long before he returns to his seat, and he smiles, looking over his shoulder toward her.

Suddenly before us, I see the lead ship raise a smaller yellow flag.
Immediately, the ogres put their oars into the water, joining their brute strength to the winds in our sail. That signals that landfall is near.
Around me, the other members of my team grip their knives. Our task is not to fight upon landing, but we must be prepared.

The Cantors stop their songs and two of the ogres rise to dismantle the mast, which they cast overboard.
Without that weight, the ships skim faster across the sea, pulled along by the strength of our oarsmen.
The ogres are perfect for this task, for it involved only dipping the oar in, pulling, lifting, then dipping the oars in again. This is as much as their simple minds can grasp.

Ahead, there is a dark ling marking Faydwer.
There are lights set at various points along the way, supposedly to allow the fools to guard their shores.
The reality is that they will light our way directly to a good landing. Some of the ships head further north to land closer to Kelethin.
My first destination is Kaladim.

Without their sails, the ships are low to the water.
The slight splash of the oars is masked in the rolling of the waves onto the shore.
We pull our ships up behind us onto the shingle and the ogres knock holes in their sides.
There is only one way home now – through Felwithe. Weapons are drawn. We run up the beach, and they are surprised.

My unit must stick close together; we each have a role in this.
An arrow whistles through the air and spears the Teir’Dal beside me – the one who had dallied with the Cantor aboard ship.
He staggers, then slides toward the ground clutching at my arm and pulling me down with him. Another arrow whistles over my head.
“Her name…”gasps my comrade before drawing his last breath,”…is Death”

“Death? You’re mad!” I hiss, shaking his lifeless hand from my arm.
I crouch, checking my path across the beach to the cover of the trees when suddenly, the Cantor is beside me – and him.
She kisses his forehead and closes his eyes, then grabs my hand.
“Come!” she cries.
We race toward the concealing darkness ahead.

The History of the Fae

This is a history of the Fae. Its pages cannot be completed at one time, but must be gained through valor and experience.
Through my own experiences, I can gain knowledge and insight into the Fae.

Tunare, Goddess of nature, gave us life. As she walked through Greater Faydark, flowers sprung up beneath her feet. One of these flowers turned its face toward her as a heliotrope to the sun. “You are precious,” said Tunare, laughing and gently cupping the blossom in her hands. And so, the first Fae were formed of blossoms and Tunare’s laughter. That was the beginning of the Dream Ring, the first Ring in which the Fae realized that their lives were indeed precious.

Life was quiet for the Fae in those distant times. One of the Fae learned the language of the Feir’Dal, our brothers and sisters of Tunare. In time, all Fae learned some Feir’Dal words and added them to our own language, Faerlie. And Joleena took her new language skills into Kelethin, the city of the Feir’Dal. She lives amongst them for a time and when she returned, we made her our first Queen.

Our people had often lived in small bands, roving through the Faydarks. We recognized that we had much in common with the Feir’Dal, and so over time, many of the Fae migrated to live near the trees which formed its base. Many of the Fae died in the Burning Ring, when the armies of the War of Fay crossed the woods, burning everything before them.

Those who were not killed were horrified. We had never witnessed so much death and destruction! And though emissaries were sent to Felwithe, the Koada’Dal sent no help. Much of Greater Faydark and Kelethin were burned, yet the First Children did nothing. Instead, they closed themselves away once the War had ended. And so began the Ring of Sadness.

We helped the Feir’Dal rebuild Kelethin. Who else had they to turn to but the Fae? Queen Cydney oversaw our contributions, channeling our Fae magic to heal the trees and restore the Faydarks to beauty. We mourned, for Queen Cydney’s spirit bud, holding all her memories and experiences, was lost to us forever.

Each Fae is formed from the spirit bud of one of the ancestors. By maintaining the blossom, the Fae can reawaken its spirit and remember threads from the distant past. Many of us who can recall the Ring of Sadness prefer to remember the Quiet Ring that followed it instead, for the Age of War did not touch Kelethin until later.

As the gods seemed to withdraw from us, the Fae’s magical influences seemed to wane as well. Through we had moved away from Kelethin itself, remembering the Burning Ring, Queen Saphrina encouraged us to move back. “There are dark forces everywhere,” she said. “It will be safer for us to join with the Feir’Dal before it is too late.” And so we did, building a wall of brambles to keep the city safe.

The Crushbone orcs proved Queen Saphrina right – they took her life and destroyed her spirit bud. This was truly the First Ring of Chaos. Deterred by the thick brambles we had raised beneath the city, the orcs laid siege to Kelethin, never envisioning from which direction our help would come.

They crept in from Lesser Faydark, an army of brownies, and decimated the Crushbone orcs. They had never been our particular allies before, rescuing us had been incidental to their love of battle. Queen Jillian granted them the status “Friend of the Fae” from that moment onward. The siege was broken, yet the wars raging around us did not cease. Nor did the orcs let up their attempted assault on the city.

An uneasily peaceful time followed – the Ring of Leaving. In a very short span of time, we witnessed some of the remaining Feir’Dal and others leave Faydwer. They spoke of receiving a vision, a word from Tunare. And as time went on, we let the brambles protecting Kelethin dissipate as we moved into the city ourselves.

We thought that troubles times lay behind us now, yet the Ring of Trials had only begun. All around us the lands began to change, groaning and breaking apart. Built into the trees, Kelethin withstood the trembling earth below. We felt we were being tested, but had no way of knowing if we had passed.

The last trial was the death of our young, beautiful Queen Liivika, just two days before her wedding, leaving the Fae to mourn yet again. Some began to question how Tunare could leave us. Others argued that she had not left, that we simply needed to learn how to live like the Feir’Dal. We Fae lost some of our innocence, but we know that we are not alone. Our spirits tell us this.

Changes were wrought, some not as obvious as the madly swirling seas and others very evident. We were growing taller and the shapes and colors of our wings began to differ. The Ring of Regrowth marked a period of rapid changes amongst the Fae. Sadly, during this time two of our Queens disappeared and we were unable to recover their spirits.

The Second Ring of Chaos began with what Outsiders call the Shattering. Shards of Luclin rained down around Faydwer, but fortunately, most of Greater Faydark escaped unscathed. A few of Kelethin’s platforms caught fire and burnt, though most of the city was untouched. Queen Sephria and later her daughter Queen Kilina were both killed by the rain of debris which stopped as suddenly as it had started.

Some days, we wondered what had become of those who had left Faydwer. Where did they go? Did they perish in the Second Ring of Chaos? Would we ever see them or their kin again? For our spirits continued to renew and continued to remember. And then ships arrived as well as parties crossing into Greater Faydark from elsewhere, and we knew that times were changing. Again.

Thus began the Peaceful Ring, which continues to the present. Given our history, we wonder – Peaceful for how long? Queen Oola oversaw the rebuilding of the parts of Kelethin that had been destroyed and left the city to her daughter Amree, our current Queen. Who knows what our future holds, now that Outsiders come once again to Faydwer?

Rise of the Orcs – The Rousing

“Rise of the Orcs – The Rousing”
Second Edition

This book highlights the turning point when the orcs would start to become a force to be reckoned with.

The following historical account details what some stories describe as the “return” of the orcs. Once primal savages, the orcs would become frightening masters of tactics and strategy not seen on Norrath for nearly thousand years. The following facts have been taken from many different sources ranging from fragments of parchment to tales told by elderly elves.

The Deathfist Orcs: By the Age of Turmoil, the Deathfist orcs would become a formidable threat to the city of Freeport. Having grown in size, the Deathfist orcs would absorb all of the surrounding tribes, making them the largest tribe on Norrath. Their numbers would prompt the Overlord of Freeport to send his armies against these savages from time to time in an attempt to keep them from destroying all commerce. This would change one day, however.

When one of the Freeport Militia raiding parties failed to return one day, several search parties were sent after them. When none of them returned either, one third of the Militia was sent to find the cause of their disappearance. Of the twelve hundred soldiers that left to search for the patrols, only seventeen would return to describe what happened to the legion. Their tale would change the way people viewed the orcs the world over.

As the legion reached the last known site of the troops, they spotted several orcs fleeing into a narrow ravine. Following them into the ravine, they spotted the mangled bodies of their fallen comrades. At that same moment, a wave of boulders fell from the surrounding cliffs, closing off their escape. That was when the hundreds of enraged, trained elephants were let loose by the Deathfist orcs. At full speed, they began to stampede through the ravine… straight for the doomed Militia.

The Snow Orcs: During this time, the Snow Orc’s numbers would be reduced drastically. Having been driven to the eastern half of Everfrost Peaks, the Snow Orcs were wedged between the lair of a mighty dragon on one side and the ever-expanding mammoth-tusk trade on the other. Were it not for a change in the way they used their weapons, the snow orcs would count this time period as their last on Norrath.

The shamans of the Snow Orc tribes would at times raise the bodies of the fallen, friend or foe alike. These icy boned skeletons would then be sent loose to wander the frozen wastelands, attacking anything it would find. The Snow Orcs hoped that the skeletons would one day find a barbarian or adventurer and kill them. By some unknown means, the Snow Orcs would change tactics and start using their undead minions with surprising efficiency.

Cleverly hiding their actions from everyone, the orcs would begin to bury many lines of skeletons beneath the snow outside the entrance to the great dragon’s lair. As great heroes would come running out of her lair holding some stolen artifact, a group of orc shamans would be waiting. At the precise moment, all of the shamans would raise the skeletons to life, trapping the raiding party inside a circle of hundreds of skeletons. It wouldn’t take long for the undead to overwhelm the heroes. The Snow orcs would then take the artifacts from the dead adventurers, flay the flesh from their bones, and add them to their army of undead.

The Crushbone Orcs : No one knows for sure where they acquired them, but by this time in history the Crushbone orcs would be seen carrying weapons of dark elf make. Rumors tell of a dark elf ambassador being seen in the highest tower of the orc’s castle, so it can only be assumed the orcs had brokered a deal with their people. Considering the less than philanthropic nature of the dark elves, it is still a mystery as to what the orcs were providing in return.

The Crushbone orcs would claim a stunning victory against the elves of Kelethin one fateful day. Amassing their highly trained armies, they launched an attack against both the dwarven city of Kaladim and the high elven city of Felwithe. The residents of the tree city of Kelethin split their forces to help defend their allies’ cities and were able to stop the orcish legionnaires with only minimal causalities.

Little did they know, the true target of the orcish assault was the city of Kelethin. Attacking with their real army, the Crushbone orcs would succeed at chopping down two of the ancient trees supporting the wood elf city. By the time the wood elves would return home and put a stop to the orcs, half of Kelethin would be destroyed.

Identifying Beetles

Identifying Beetles in Greater Faydark
By Whittier, subject matter expert
A guide to the most commonly found beetles in Greater Faydark. These beetles are potentially dangerous to the city of Kelethin and should be eradicated.

There are two primary categories of beetles: those that thrive on living wood and those that prefer cut or dry wood. Within these two categories are many subsets, however only three major types of beetles are found in Greater Faydark that could have a negative impact on the city of Kelethin.

The first type is the crystalline beetle, a rather iridescent specimen that frequents cut logs and beams. In Greater Faydark, it is usually found near fallen logs on the forest floor, though it has also been seen leaving traces on the posts supporting various walkways connecting Kelethin’s platforms. This is obviously dangerous, and an infestation could sever the connections between the platforms, or possibly undermine the platforms themselves.

Among the beetles that infest living wood, none is more prolific than the bark beetle. Burrowing itself beneath a tree’s outer bark, this beetle’s larvae can strip a small tree of enough bark to allow other insects or water damage to take hold. While Kelethin’s trees are very large and often considered invulnerable, if left unchecked, these bark beetles can proliferate and ruin entire sections of a tree’s skin. Usually, these bark beetles start their evil deeds on any above ground roots, which are more tender than mature trees.

The blue tunneler is the final beetle present in Greater Faydark. This beetle bores into massive living trees, creating cast networks of tunnels. These tunnels may cut off the natural flow of nutrients throughout a tree, eventually starving it to death. Examine any mushrooms near a living tree for indicators that these beetles are nearby and ready to begin their life of destruction.

Treatment for these beetles is simple and effective. They must be removed! There are no natural predators in Greater Faydark that will remove the beetle menace. Therefore, it is up to the citizens of Kelethin to be on the look out for signs of infestation.

Once the beetles are removed from a source, they may not return for several seasons. However, one must always be vigilant as these pests can return unexpectedly. They might also begin to infect nearby trees or fallen logs. A watchful eye can prevent these creatures from getting out of hand.

Handbook of Tunare’s Pages

Our enemies assaulted us with fire and blade, and without the talents of our artisans, the city would have been destroyed in the fires of Faydark and again during the second Rallosian war. That the city still stands and remains as strong and beautiful as ever is a testament to the skills of our tradesfolk and the strength of our citizens.
— Master Liaison Aeble Ashberry, Tunare’s Pages

The life of an artisan is not for everyone, yet those who answer its call prosper not only in body and spirit but also in mind. And of course, one cannot overlook the financial gains possible through hard work and dedication to one’s art. Being an artisan is not a path for everyone, but those who follow this way of life find it worthy of their time and effort.

Your first step to becoming an artisan is to locate the tradeskill area within Kelethin. The main hub of crafting in Kelethin is the Tunare’s Pages building, which should be marked on your map, or a guard can give you directions. Around this building you will find a broker, some representatives of Tunare’s Pages, a fuel vendor, and the tradeskill delegate. The tradeskill delegate can teach you more about how to become an artisan.

In order to create items, an artisan will need to obtain raw harvests. These can be purchased from others, but the cheapest alternative, and one that Tunare’s Pages endorses, is to gather your own. You can harvest appropriate supplies to begin learning to craft in the areas underneath Kelethin and in the Nursery region of Greater Faydark.

Every artisan’s skills and desires can take them on different paths through life. You will find new doors open to you as you continue to grow and prosper as a local artisan. As you progress in skill, you will decide which type of craft to specialize in. To choose your specialty, you will speak to the Crafting Trainer who stands near the entrance to Tunare’s Pages.

As you gain in skill, you will be able to purchase new recipes from the Crafting Trainer also. Advanced recipes that will teach you to make more valuable mastercrafted items can be obtained through adventuring, or from those who adventure. The broker is a good resource to search for these, if you have not yet made the acquaintance of many others in your new home.

Tunare’s Pages is comprised of all artisans and merchants with an interest in the crafts of Kelethin. This faction is guided byu a democratic council of Kelethin’s senior artisans, and answers to Queen Amree. They manage the city’s broker system, and all vendors who use them must pay a few which is used for the upkeep and administration of the system. The merchants of Kelethin are always quick to lend a helping hand with any task that benefits their realm or its people. They played a large part in rebuilding Kelethin after a number of historical fires, and continue to improve the city. The headquarters of Tunare’s Pages is located in Kelethin near Joleena’s Restaurant.

As you increase in skill as an artisan, you may offer to provide your services to aid the city of Kelethin. Representatives of Tunare’s Pages will offer you work order tasks for items that are currently needed for use or trade. Completing these tasks will not only earn you experience in your trade and a small monetary reimbursement, but will also improve your standing in the eyes of Tunare’s Pages. Work order representatives can be found at the Tunare’s Pages headquarters.

If you earn sufficient status with Tunare’s Pages to merit membership, the society’s faction merchant located in the Tunare’s Pages headquarters will sell you a title certificate should you wish to purchase an official title. You will also be granted access to purchase a number of other amenities including house items, uniforms, and some of the society’s most closely-guarded recipes. Membership in Tunare’s Pages is not mandatory, but there are rewards should you wish to dedicate yourself to their cause.

As you advance in your trade, consider the path you wish to pursue. There are three main branches of craft: the craftsmen, the outfitters, and the scholars. Once you progress to the ninth rank of skill you will need to choose which branch, or archtype you wish to pursue. At your nineteenth rank of skill, you will choose your final specialty. As you specialize, you will continue to learn new recipes in your area of specialty., but you will no longer learn recipes for crafts in other areas.

The three types of craftsman are: carpenter, provisioner, and woodworker. Carpenters make furniture for decorating your home, strong boxes for bank storage, altars, and sales containers for use on the broker. Provisioners make food and drink to keep adventurers fighting in top form. And woodworkers make wooden weapons and shields, bows and arrows, magical totems, and harvesting tools.

Outfitters are armorers, tailors, and weaponsmiths. Armorers specialize in plate and chainmail armor, and metal shields. Tailors make cloth and leather armor, fancy dress clothing, hex dolls, backpacks, and containers for thrown ammo. Weaponsmiths specialize in metal weapons of all types.

Scholars are alchemists, jewelers, and sages. Alchemists specialize in potions and poisons, and also make combat art upgrades for fighter types. Jewelers make items of jewelry, and also combat art upgrades for scout types. And sages make spell upgrades for mages and healers.

Besides the nine main artisan trades, there are also the skills of tinkering and transmuting that can be learned by anybody, in addition to their normal profession. Tinkering is the process created by gnomes many centuries ago. it is the art of making mechanical gadgets and gizmos to make life a little easier. You can create devices that will enhance your own abilities in combat; most of these can only be safely operated by yourself and other tinkers, however, as the mechanisms are far too complex for non-tinkerers to understand. Since many tinkered items are adventuring-related, it can be a useful secondary craft to augment an adventurer’s abilities.

Transmuting is the art of breaking down unused items into components and using the results to make Adornments. Adornments are items that can be applied to your equipment to permanently enhance the equipment. Any Artisan who wishes to create their Artisan class Adornments will need components created by a Transmuter. All Artisan classes, including Tinkerer and Transmuter, can make some Adornments. Those interested in learning more about tinkering or transmuting can consult trainers available on the continent of Faydwer.

Should you decide at any time to change your profession as an artisan, Amy Recolo, the career counselor for Tunare’s Pages, can assist you in retraining to start a new profession. Should you choose to pursue the life of an artisan, you may wish to keep this manual in your room for references as needed. it is not a path for everyone to follow, but those who pursue it can be of great service to their friends and city if they choose to. Establish your reputation by doing your best at whatever task is before you. Over time, you will build your own clientele of satisfied customers who clamor for your work. Kelethin is filled with many beautiful things. We look forward to adding your work towards the enhancement of our city!

Handbook of the Ravens of the North

Halas, the ancestral home of the Northmen, is no more. Torn asunder by years of fighting with the snow orcs, the city was finally razed to the ground by the fiery chunks of Luclin raining down to fulfill the shaman’s prophecy: “On the night of fire, Halas shall be consumed by earth. Blood shall flow like water, for death travels through the air.” Yet the sons and daughters of the Marr twins will not go quietly into the Gray Wastes, nor shall we leave our beloved Erollisi Marr unguarded as she travels those lands. Where she now lies, let us go too. We shall rebuild New Halas to stand guard by her shrine, and never again shall we turn our backs on our home.
–Nikolas MacCraifft, the White Raven

The life of an artisan is not for everyone, yet those who answer its call prosper not only in body and spirit but also in mind. And of course, one cannot overlook the financial gains possible through hard work and dedication to one’s art. Being an artisan is not a path for everyone, but those who follow this way of life find it worthy of their time and effort.

Your first step to becoming an artisan is to visit the hall of the Ravens of the North. This should be marked on your map. Inside you will find some representatives of the Ravens, a fuel vendor, and the tradeskill delegate. The tradeskill delegate can teach you more about how to become an artisan.

In order to create items, an artisan will need to obtain raw harvests. These can be purchased from others, but the cheapest alternative, and one that the Ravens of the North endorse, is to gather your own. You can harvest appropriate supplies to begin learning to craft in areas around New Halas. The main isle supplies the first harvests you will require, and materials for more advanced crafting can be found on the outer isles.

Every artisan’s skills and desires can take them on different paths through life. You will find new doors open to you and you continue to grow and prosper as a local artisan. As you progress in skill, you will decide which type of craft to specialize in. To choose your specialty, you will speak to the Crafting Trainer who is within the hall of the Ravens of the North.

As you gain in skill, you will be able to purchase new recipes from the Crafting Trainer also. Advanced recipes that will teach you to make more valuable mastercrafted items can be obtained through adventuring, or from those who adventure. The broker is a good resource to search for these, if you have not yet made the acquaintance of many others in your new home.

The Ravens of the North are comprised of all artisans and merchants who own shops within New Halas. This faction manages the city’s broker system, and all vendors who use them pay a tax used for their upkeep. The artisans of Halas are always quick to lend a helping hand, and have been an essential and driving force behind the establishment of New Halas. While their fins skills and craftsmanship can earn them a comfortable living, they realize that no amount of profit is worth more than seeing the successful establishment of New Halas.

As you increase in skill as an artisan, you may offer to provide your services to aid the city of Halas. Representatives of the Ravens of the North will offer you work order tasks for items that are currently needed for use or trade. Completing these tasks will not only earn you experience in your trade and a small monetary reimbursement, but will also improve your standing in the eyes of the Ravens of the North. Work order representatives can be found in the hall of the Ravens of the North.

If you earn sufficient status with the Ravens of the North to merit membership, their faction merchant located in their hall will sell you a title certificate should you wish to purchase an official title from the society. You will also be granted access to purchase a number of other amenities including house items, uniforms, and some of the society’s most closely-guarded recipes. Membership in the Ravens of the North is not mandatory, but there are rewards should you wish to dedicate yourself to their cause.

As you advance in your trade, consider the path you wish to pursue. There are three main branches of craft: the craftsmen, the outfitters, and the scholars. Once you progress to the ninth rank of skill you will need to choose which branch, or archetype, you wish to pursue. At your nineteenth rank of skill, you will choose your final specialty. As you specialize, you will continue to learn new recipes in your area of specialty, but you will no longer learn recipes for crafts in other areas.

The three types of craftsmen are: carpenter, provisioner, and woodworker. Carpenters make furniture for decorating your home, strong boxes for bank storage, altars, and sales containers for use on the broker. Provisioners make food and drink to keep adventurers fighting in top form. And woodworkers make wooden weapons and shields, bows and arrows, magical totems, and harvesting tools.

Outfitters are armorers, tailors and weaponsmiths. Armorers specialize in plate and chainmail armor, and metal shields. Tailors make cloth and leather armor, fancy dress clothing, hex dolls, backpacks and containers for thrown ammo. Weaponsmiths specialize in metal weapons of all types.

Scholars are alchemists, jewelers, and sages. Alchemists specialize in potions and poisons, and also make combat art upgrades for fighter types. Jewelers make items of jewelry, and also combat art upgrades for scout types. And sages make spell upgrades for mages and healers.

Besides the nine main artisan trades, there are also the skills of tinkering and transmuting that can be learned by anybody, in addition to their normal profession. Tinkering is the process created by gnomes many centuries ago. It is the art of making mechanical gadgets and gizmos to make life a little easier. You can create devices that will enhance your own abilities in combat; most of these can only be safely operated by yourself and other tinkerers, however, as the mechanisms are far too complex for non-tinkerers to understand. Since many tinkered items are adventuring-related, it can be a useful secondary craft to augment an adventurer’s abilities.

Transmuting is the art of breaking down unused items into components and using the results to make Adornments. Adornments are items that can be applied to your equipment to permanently enhance the equipment. Only those who have studied the skill of Adorning can create Adornments. However, any interested Artisan may learn Transmuting, Adorning, Tinkering, or all three. Those interested in learning more about tinkering, transmuting, or adorning can consult trainers available on the continent of Faydwer, in the city of Kelethin or at the docks in Butcherblock Mountains.

Should you decide at any time to change your profession as an artisan,the career counselor at the hall of the Ravens of the North can assist you in retraining to start a new profession.

Should you choose to pursue the life of an artisan, you may wish to keep this manual in your room for reference as needed. It is not a path for everyone to follow, but those who pursue it can be of great service to their friends and city if they choose to. Establish your reputation by doing your best at whatever task is before you. Over time, you will build your own clientele of satisfied customers who clamor for your work. The entire city of New Halas is a labor of love by its artisans, filled with many beautiful carvings and more still to come. We look forward to adding your work towards the enhancement of our city!

Places of Norrath: Kelethin

Overview of Kelethin

Kelethin is the wood elf tree village, named after the elf that negotiated the treaty with the treants of the Greater Faydark who are now the elves’ greatest allies. The ancient forest city is an elaborate network of tree houses and platforms connected by rope bridges. Several lifts within the Greater Faydark offer transportation to Kelethin. Due to its height up in the trees, young elves should watch their step while traveling throughout the city until they learn their way around.

The wood elves maintain close ties to their High Elf brethren. Their city is frequently attacked by orcish raiders, though they are well able to defend themselves. The wood elves have a democratic form of government, rather than a monarchy like their cousins, and the mayor of Kelethin is an elected official.

Kelethin has a guildmaster for each class that is available to wood elves. Spell and tome merchants are also available for those classes. Here is a list of the main guildmasters:

Sylia Windlehands – (Bard)
Heartwood Master – (Druid)
Maesyn Trueshot – (Ranger)
Tylfon – (Rogue)
Regren – (Warrior)
City Resources
Kelethin provides the basic necessities of adventuring: Bankers, a Soulbinder, a Tribute Master, Task Masters, augmentation needs, and merchants that sell backpacks, ale, bandages, food, drink, and fishing gear. You’ll also find a Priest of Discord, Tradeskill Quest Masters, tradeskill crafting objects, and supply merchants for Alchemy, pottery, fletching, tailoring, and blacksmithing.

Places of Interest
Emerald Warriors
The Emerald Warriors are the warriors of Kelethin. It is from among their ranks that the city draws its guards.

Faydark’s Champions
Faydark’s Champions are the finest rangers this world has ever seen. They are often called upon to train rangers from around the globe. They hold a platform overlooking the Bank of Kelethin. Maesyn Trueshot, the guildmaster, is one of the greatest archers in the land, and son of famed bow-maker Eldin Trueshot.

This is the guild hall for the bards of Kelethin. It houses the guildmasters and offers songs, instruments, and other supplies for adventuring young bards.

Scouts of Tunare
The Scouts of Tunare are an elite group of Fier’Dal who trained in the ways of the thief to assist their army in matters best kept silent.

Soldiers of Tunare
The Soldiers of Tunare are lovers of the forest. They are mainly druids who protect and nurture the forest. The forest is the genesis of their mana. The soldiers are comprised of Fier’Dal and Koada’Dal. Imagine that! A Koada’Dal not afraid to get dirt under his nails!

Bilrio’s Smithy
This forge is owned by Bilrio Surecut. It offers weapons, armor and other smithing supplies.

Trueshot’s Bows
Eldin Trueshot is an old, retired ranger is known throughout the forest as the best bow-maker in the land. He makes the finest quality bows, of all sorts, and the straightest, sharpest arrows. He has a great knowledge of the history of the woods and of Kelethin itself. Eldin works out of his home, which is a small thatch hut attached to a tree.

Packweaver’s Goods
Merchants in this shop have several handmade goods for sale, like backpacks, quivers, and other containers.

Sparkling Glass
This is the jewelry shop of Kelethin. Rare gems, metals and jewelcrafting supplies can be found here.

Bank of Kelethin
The Bank of Kelethin is a safe place to store your belongings.

Heartwood Tavern
This large tavern sells drinking supplies, Elven Wine and other types of ale.

Sleepy Willow Inn
This inn offers a quaint place to rest, basic food and drink, and general adventuring supplies.

Inside and outside this shop, merchants offer various fletching and pottery supplies.


The Second Colonization

Unwilling to turn a blind eye once more to the risks the hills posed, the rulers of Kelethin, Felwithe, and Ak’Anon agreed to share the cost of a small stronghold to secure the region. An old mining site was chosen for the location of the new city, and gnomish clockwork guards were built and sent to crew the place in order to reduce the cost of shipping in foodstuffs. Called Therege, the small fort soon spawned a small town within its walls. Peopled largely by misfits, adventurers, and scholars (aside from the clockworks), Therege was soon filled with relics that had been recovered from the tombs that various undead and the many earthquakes of the region had brought to the surface. Such finds provided just enough economic stimulus to encourage more civilians to brave the harsh land, and Therege, very slowly, grew. Other elves and gnomes had noticed a new resource within the hills as well. The destruction of so many undead and the opening of so many tombs had left the land rich with bits of skeleton bones, scraps of mummy wrappings, and flakes of zombie skin. Gnome necromancers were likely the first to notice the ease with which such corpse-based material components could be acquired in the hills, but their discovery soon spread to the Teir’Dal of Neriak. Spurred by the desire to gain greater power, Queen Thex of Neriak sent agents to take control of the Hills of Shade. Her agents failed miserably, but they did manage to send back caravans full of necromantic magics and materials. The Queen was angered by her servants’ failures, but was unwilling to remove them from such a useful post. She decreed that the agents could never return to Antonica until they ruled the hills. The agents accepted their exile with what little grace they could muster and established a roving camp for the exploitation of ruins and the mining of corpses. Called Exile, this camp soon became a common stop for necromancers of all races.

Sionachie Heartsinger


The words spoken by Tunare were still fresh in Firiona’s mind: “Seek them out, My Child, and restore them as you have been restored. First, find your chronicler. Remember the child who sought you first? Seek that one. She needs you and will be of great importance to you in the days to come. She still sings the history of the elves. Find her in the trees…” Immediately following the ritual and her meeting with Tunare herself, Firiona set out to find the one that the Mother called the ‘chronicler’.

Wandering toward the massive tree-city of Kelethin, Firiona noticed a crowd of people surrounding a woman holding a mandolin and spinning tales. Curious, she walked up to the crowd to watch the troubadour perform. The woman strummed a few notes on her mandolin and then put it away. Settling herself comfortably, she began to tell a tale of blood and honor.

“Tunare, Mother of All, bids us maintain Balance in the world. Good cannot exist without Evil, nor can Death exist without Life. Tunare’s Children are many. She cares for all, even though she may not have created their ancestors, and she loves even the worst, the most evil, of them.” Looking out over the crowd gathered before her, she continued. “Tunare watched as the balance of Good and Evil was upset and knew that to sustain her Children, Balance had to be restored. Innoruuk, Prince of Hate, strove to tip the balance toward his own favor. His interests are not to preserve Norrath, but to serve himself.

“Innoruuk, in order to promote his own cause, spawned an evil creature on the land, who came to be known as Lanys T’Vyl, Child of Hate.” The singer’s voice resonated with the power of her words. “She grew in strength and hatred, rallying the dark elven-kind to her banner.”

Lowering her voice to a near whisper, she said, “Lanys and her mentor-guard, Laarthik K’Shin, heard rumors of the discovery of a strange metallic ore in the shape of a sphere, which gave off a mysterious blue glow. Innoruuk’s fervent whispers guided them to take possession of it. This metal orb was a catalyst; though none knew at the time what terrible purpose it would serve. Laarthik kept it hidden away, sensing that it would be of critical value in his future.

“The sphere had been uncovered by Pickclaw goblins, and where one is found, others are assumed to exist as well. The greed of Innoruuk drove Lanys and Laarthik to control the powers of this new element. Over many weeks, Lanys and the Teir’Dal forces grew in strength. Rumors flew, as on the wings of birds, that spoke of an invasion of Highkeep itself!”

The woman stood suddenly, and Firiona recognized her immediately as the bard Sionachie, whom she sought. Eyes wide, Sionachie continued, “a mysterious silver-haired beauty appeared in Kelethin one fine day, on her own quest for information. She listened to ancient rhymes and tales and took a mystical creature for her familiar. Some say Firiona Vie, the shining paladin of Tunare, is goddess-born, and others that she is a royal child, taken from her dead mother’s arms in the still of the night.

“Firiona Vie, the beautiful Firiona Vie…” Sionachie hesitated momentarily, a puzzled look on her face, as if she were trying to remember something important, but it lay just out of her mind’s reach. Regaining her composure, she continued her tale. “A royal spirit, Queen of Felwithe, appeared at a banquet in Highkeep to announce the arrival of its Child, the one who would save Felwithe and aid in Tunare’s crusade to restore Balance to Norrath. The King cried out in his concern for this child, whom he’d tried to destroy in his ignorance.

“Galeth Veredeth, ancient Paladin of Tunare and former advisor to the king, having been but recently restored to his own place in the kingdom, introduced the pale swordmaiden to the King. Galeth had been the one to protect and train her throughout her youth, and the one to raise her in the true spirit of Tunare.

“Firiona took her place by the side of King Tearis Thex in a joyous reunion.” Sionachie began to strum a lively, festive tune upon her mandolin. Then, stopping abruptly, she leaned forward making a sweeping gesture. “The forces of Good and Evil raised their armies, trained and provisioned them. Lord Tephys led the army of Good to the crossroads of Kithicor to protect the lands of Highkeep Castle. A great Council met to plan strategies. Galeth Veredeth pledged the support of King Tearis Thex, in the form of the Paladins of Tunare.”

Sionachie balled one hand into a fist and shook it in the air. “Lanys T’Vyl and Laarthik K’Shin marched their armies across the Commonlands and attempted to breach the castle itself in High Hold Pass, but the main force met in the forest of Kithicor with Tephys’ troops. Thunder crashed and powers coursed through the world as the enemies joined in battle.” Sionachie’s voice softened. “Lord Tephys fell to the wrath of Lanys T’Vyl on that field, and he will long be remembered by his people.” Her head lowered with his memory.

Raising her head, she once again continued, her voice strong and renewed. “Firiona stepped up to take Tephys’s place, and rallied the forces of Good. The strength of earth, power of the Mother of All, entered Firiona and she glowed with silvery fire. Lanys T’Vyl engaged Firiona Vie, both clad in the powers of their Deities, but the Mother’s universal energies could not be outdone by Hate. Lanys began to falter and she cried out to her mentor, Laarthik.”

Gripping her chest, then thrusting her hand outward, Sionachie said, “Laarthik K’Shin reached into his breastplate and pulled out the shining blue metal orb and, held it to the sky, and screamed out a terrible invitation to the Prince of Hate himself!” Her hands moved in an arc above her, as if tracing the dome of the heavens. “The skies opened and flames enveloped Laarthik. A frightful rending took place, and therein a mighty rift opened between Norrath and Innoruuk’s dwelling place, the Plane of Hate. Magic users all over the face of Norrath felt the energies pour out of that purgatory, heard the tortured cries, and realized their own abilities to enter that place, if they dared.

“Laarthik was consumed in the flames as Lanys herself floated up into the sky, drawn inexorably into her Father’s realm. Her triumphant laughter rang out across the lands. From that day forward, the Curse of Innoruuk has laid upon the forest of Kithicor. The tormented dead are doomed to wander the fearsome night’s shadows in that formerly peaceful woodland. Danger lurks for all who seek passage there.” Sionachie’s face twisted into a scowl of disdain. “Some say that even Laarthik appears there, frightful and deadly, and believe that Lanys sits at the right hand of Innoruuk, to return one day and take her revenge.”