Category Archives: Kivgor Illbriar

Tale of Events from Eternity’s Knight (GM Event Log)

The telling of events from Steamfront Mountains to Dagnor’s Cauldron

A number of dragons then appear within the hills outside the city of Qeynos and assumed mortal form. One of their number being a blue drake named Drakel took the form of a high elf, Lady Zavo Zatanov. They gather a band of adventurers to escort them to lair of Lady Vox, who is found howling in rage over the theft of the shard from Veeshans claw; left from when Veeshan struck the world in its creation.

These dragons now in mortal form from the Ring of Scale confront Carson McCabe’s agent and is felled by their hands, attaining the Crystal Claw of Veeshan. Leaving the ruins of Permafrost Keep they run into the lackeys of Mayong Mistmoore that had been sent to escort Kivgor Illbriar back to the halls of Castle Mistmoore. A battle ensues between the dragons and their adventurous allies against the agents of Mistmoore who are driven off, with Lord Galendore left slain. At the commencement of their victory they are asked to aid them in a ceremony that would be performed within the confines of the Rathe Mountains.

At the Rathe Mountains the members of the Ring of Scale that are present begin preparations for their ceremony that will forever rend the veil, and awaken dragons all across the face of Norrath from their slumber. However, before the ceremony can even take place Mayong Mistmoore arrives confronting the dragons and their allies.

Three of the dragons who had now assumed their true form are slain before the gathered adventurers can drive Mayong from the Mountain Passes. With the ceremony now in ruin Lady Zavo asks for a volunteer to sacrifice himself and keep the Crystal Claw of Veeshan in safe keeping, who was then dubbed “The Scaled Claw”.

Eternity’s Knight

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Forgive me, miladay. I realize how much of a disappointment this must be to you, to awaken and only a few moments thereafter find yourself in death’s hand’

Mayong Mistmoore begins to cast a spell.

Mayong Mistmoore tries to cast a spell on you, but you are protected.

Allaynia has been slain by Mayong Mistmoore!

Nuborisha has been slain by Mayong Mistmoore!

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Now, who else shall test my mood?’

Mayong Mistmoore continus with the young dragon.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Your pain shall be brief, but not without a few more moments upon this world’

A young dragon hisses at Mayong Mistmoore, “The immortal lord sends henchmen to do his own work? Pathetic you are, Lord Mayong Mistmoore. It is quite an enigma why the Ring of Scale has not yet disposed of you.

Mayong Mistmoore chuckles at A young dragon.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Tis a pity that you see it this way, milady. Enough of the meaningless insults, yes? There is somethingt of more importance with which I require your assistance.’

A young dragon laughs.

A young dragon says, ‘The immortal lord, who has fought the Children of Scale for countless years…now turns to the aid of one fledgling of that same brood he fights?’

A young dragon says, ‘This day is filled with strange events, indeed’

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘The shard, milady. Tell me the tales and rumors of which you have heard.’

A young dragon lowers her head once again to the ground, “Rumors of which I have heard reguarding this shard you seek?

A young dragon says, ‘I know of only one rumor, but know that it is only a rumor, and should not be confused with fact’

Mayong Mistmoore grins evilly at A young dragon.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Of course, milady.’

A young dragon says, ‘The Lady Vox, when she was cast out of the Ring, marked a traitor to her own, was said to have fled with the shard as her final revenge upon the Ring. It is said that she clutches the shard within her own claw.’

A young dragon says, ‘That is all I know’

Mayong Mistmoore raises his hand, motioning for Lord Galendore to approach.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Galendore, there is a man whom I whish you to seek, someone of great power as well as being eminently expendable’

Lord Galendore says, ‘Where would one find this man, milord?’

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘He has taken a brief residence within Dagnor` Cauldron. We will need him to retrieve a shard. For what reasons, he need not know. The reward for his assistance and success shall be great’

Mayong Mistmoore turns back to the dragon, nearly uncounscious from the wounds she has suffered.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Thank you milady, for your cooperation. Unfortunately, you must take your leave’

Mayong Mistmoore bows before A young dragon.

Mayong Mistmoore begins to cast a spell.

A young dragon has been slain by Mayong Mistmoore!

Mayong Mistmoore turns his head from Lord Galendore and faces the crowd, eyeing the individuals as they scowl at the vampire and his Tier`Dal minion.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Make use of the services of these pathetic mortals about you as the man you shall be seeking is not one to be underestimated. Be swift, Lord Galendore, as our time grows short.’

Lord Galendore shouts, ‘Those who seek glory, for any reason, and your intents matter not, step forward! Those who wish to prove themselves shall be rewarded greatly’

Lord Galendore shouts, ‘Step toward me now, seekers of glory, and you shall find your treasures at the hands of Mistmoore!’

    Dagnor’s Cauldron.

Lord Galendore says, ‘I can not go any further into this area, for reasons I shall not discuss with you. Seek out Kivgor Illbriar and tell him that a proposition is to be made to him’

Lord Galendore says, ‘I expect to see him here shortly, so do not fail me lest you incur the wrath of my master. Go now, and do not return here until you have Kivgor at your side’

Lord Galendore shatters a vial of liquid at his feet and vanished into a cloud of smoke…

…(looking for dwarf)…

Kivgor Illbriar peers out into the crowd with his one good eye, his upper ip curled up in a sneer, exposing the remains of his teeth, stained yellow from the tobacco packed inside his cheeks.

Kivgor Illbriar says, ‘Hmm. Well, what kin it ‘urt to try? Eh? Well Alright I can go with ye to this.. Lord.. Galendore.. but watch ye backs and ye pockets, as if this be a trap.. I will nae think twice about slittin yer throat n pickin ye dry…’

Kivgor Illbriar says, ‘Lead on buggers.’

Kivgor Illbriar says, ‘Aye. Well laddies… w’ere iz this Lord?’

Lord Galendore a small column of smoke rises from the ground revealing Lord Galendore…

Lord Galendore bows.

Lord Galendore forces a smile of respect across his twisted face.

Lord Galendore nods towards the filthy dwarf standing among the crowd.

Lord Galendore says, ‘Kivgor Illbriar, would you please step forward? I have a small business proposition for you’

Kivgor Illbriar makes his way through the crowd, pausing for a moment in mid-step, he turns his head toward the ground.

Kivgor Illbriar opens his mouth, a deep gurgling emerges from the dwarf’s throat as he spits the tobacco onto the ground.

Lord Galendore raises his head slightly at the dwarf, a sneer of impatience crossing his brow.

Kivgor Illbriar wipes his jaw with his forearm before proceeding towards the Teir’dal.

Kivgor Illbriar says, ‘These ‘lil buggers tell me that ye wanted ta’ ‘ave a meetin’ with me, fer a proposition.. er somethin’ to that effect, aye?’

Kivgor Illbriar reaches into the small pouch, pulling a small bit of tobacco and places it in between his lower lip and jaw.

Lord Galendore says, ‘Yes, they have informed you correctly, Kivgor’

Kivgor Illbriar raises an eyebrow at the Teir’dal, puffing out his red cheeks as he spits a bit of brown juice onto the ground.

Kivgor Illbriar says, ‘Yeh yeh, I already got that part… but WHAT is it exactly ye want me t’do? And ‘ow much are ye goin’ t’be payin’ me t’do yer work?’

Lord Galendore says, ‘It is a small task and shouldn’t be too far out of your league. There is a family relic that is dear to my master, something that is even older than he’

Lord Galendore says, ‘Unfortunately, this treasure has fallen into the grasps of the White Lady, Vox’

Lord Galendore says, ‘Your task, if you choose to accept, is to retrieve this shard from the dragon’s lair’

Kivgor Illbriar raises his eyebrows in surprise towards Lord Galendore. Opening his mouth to speak, he is interrupted by the Teir’dal’s words.

Lord Galendore says, ‘We have heard greatly of your abilities, as well as that of many other. We sought you first, as we have great faith in you, Kivgor’

Lord Galendore says, ‘If you do not accept this task, then we shall ask another, although in truth, you prove to be the one of most worth’

Kivgor Illbriar closes his jaw, turning his head as he scans the area around him. His eyes gleaming with interest, he takes a few steps closer to Lord Galendor.

Kivgor Illbriar says, ‘That be true, dark one?’

Lord Galendore grins wickedly at the dwarf.

Lord Galendore says, ‘Aye, Kivgor, every word’

Kivgor Illbriar says, ‘Alright then, I’ll take up yer little job.’

Lord Galendore nods in approval towards Kivgor Illbriar and extends his hand for the dwarf to take.

Lord Galendore says, ‘A most wise choice, Kivgor’

Kivgor Illbriar reaches out to take the hand of Lord Galendore, forcefully shaking the Teir’dal’s hand in agreement.

Clouds spread over the sky, concealing the rays of the sun from the waters of Cauldron

The light now a murky gray, shadows begin to rise from the corners of the lake, coming together over the Dwarf and Teir`Dal as a towering pillar of darkness. Stopping out of these same shadows, a tall figure approaches the dwarf

It begins to rain.

…(Mayong Mistmoore appears)…

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Excellent. You have done well this day, Galendore.’

Mayong Mistmoore turns to the dwarf, staring curiously at the vampire standing before him.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘And you, young Kivgor Illbriar. I welcome you to my services. I assure you that you will not come to regret your decisions.’

Kivgor Illbriar turns his head to the side once again, letting out another spit of the brown fluid from the tobacco beneath his lip.

Kivgor Illbriar says, ‘I take it this be the big boss, Lord Mayong Mistmoore ‘imself, eh?’

Mayong Mistmoore grins evilly at Kivgor Illbriar.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘I am he of whom you speak’

Kivgor Illbriar says, ‘So, when will ye be ‘avin me go on this little treasure ‘unt for ye?’

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Immediately’

Kivgor Illbriar raises an eyebrow, turning his head and glancing quickly around the area.

Kivgor Illbriar says, ‘An ye want me t’go… alone? Or will I be accompanied by….’

Mayong Mistmoore motions to the dwarf to cease his words.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘No, Kivgor. You will venture alone, as this is a task requiring much stealth and skill. I feel it would be best for you to go alone due to the nature of this task.’

Kivgor Illbriar says, ‘Oh? Alright then.. I’ll fetch yer trinket. Any particular time ye want it back?’

Mayong Mistmoore flashes a gentle grin of amusement towards Kivgor, “Immediately”

Kivgor Illbriar spits one last time, barely missing Lord Galendore’s shoe. Flashing a toothy grin towards Mayong, the dwarf throws down a small potion, the glass bottle shattering as it hits the ground.

Kivgor Illbriar is surrounded by a massive cloud of smoke and dust, fading away from view as the smoke is blown with the wind…

Mayong Mistmoore leans towards Lord Galendore.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Somehow, I do not feel that this dwarf will be successful as anticipated. Your thoughts, Galendore?’

Lord Galendore says, ‘He has promise, but I believe his ego and overweighted vanity would prevent him from succeeding’

Mayong Mistmoore lowers his head in thought, grazing his chin with his hand. For a moment, he pauses and then turns his head to Lord Galendore.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Galendore…’

Lord Galendore says, ‘aye, milord?’

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘send for the priestess, as well as Khasra. They shall accompany you to the caverns of the north where you will ensure the dwarf’s victory.’

Lord Galendore bows before Mayong Mistmoore.

Lord Galendore says, ‘Immediately, milord’

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Galendore, one more thing before you go.’

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘These mortals…’

Mayong Mistmoore waves his hand in the direction of the crowd.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Which of these mortals has been of greatest service to you this day, Galendore?’

Mayong Mistmoore eyes the crowd as he speaks to Lord Galendore, searching the minds of those around for Galendore’s answer.

Lord Galendore points at Terok. Yeah you!

Lord Galendore says, ‘That one, milord, Terok I believe is his given name. One who isnt too bright, but provided as much help as can be expected from a mortal’

Mayong Mistmoore leans down further towards Lord Galendore’s ear.

Mayong Mistmoore keeps his eyes upon the one Galendore indicated as he whispers a series of words to the Teir`Dal in a language unknown to any who dwell within this realm and time.

Lord Galendore nods at Mayong Mistmoore.

Lord Galendore approaches Aludian, his hands dropping to the elaborately embroiderd belt around his waist.

Lord Galendore stops infront of Terok, noding in respect as he removes the belt from his waist.

Lord Galendore gently folds the belt in half, keeping his eyes locked upon those of Terok’s as he outstreches his arms in offering of the belt.

Mayong Mistmoore closes his eyes and lowers his head and he thanks, Aludian. From behind a mask of shadows, the vampire opens his eyes, staring into Terok’s eyes.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘I shall not forget your services to me, mortal child.’

Mayong Mistmoore raises his head as he walks towards Terok. Stopping only inches from Terok, Mayong raise his wrist up to his chest, his dark robes folding down his forarm.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘As I shall not forget you, neither shall you forget me.’

Mayong Mistmoore lifts his other hand to his wrist, slashing violently across the blue flesh with his claw-like nails.

Mayong Mistmoore reaches into the folds of his robes, withdrawing a small vial encased within a bat’s skull to the open wound, allowing the vial to completely fill.

Mayong Mistmoore lowers his wrist, still holding the vile of his blood up to Terok.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Let this be a gift to you, a gift of the most personal nature.’

Mayong Mistmoore raises his head, tilting it slightly to the side as he speaks, his voice now trembling with strength.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘A warning to you, child. To accept this, is to do nothing, but to drink of it, is to pledge yourself to me. Eternity’s Knight, forever you shall be.’

Mayong Mistmoore grins sadistically at Terok as he hands over the vial.

Mayong Mistmoore chuckles evily.

Mayong Mistmoore bows.