Category Archives: Kromrif

Thurgadin: May She Stand vol. 2

Thurgadin: May She Stand vol. 2
The Tale of Glight Snowchipper
By: Historian Belpik

Glight Snowchipper and the dwarves that escaped from Froststone went deeper into what became known as the Great Divide. The giants, although initially stopped in their pursuit, were not too far behind, and the dwarves knew they would be overrun if they did not seek shelter. The dwarves managed to find caverns within the Great Divide, which were obscured from the vision of the pursuing giants. Here, the dwarves could plan their next move.The dwarves made a pact in this cavern, in which they honored the sacrifice made by Colin and his group of Frostreavers which allowed them to survive. They took to calling themselves the coldain, in memory of Colin. They were to make Glight the new leader of the coldain, an honor which he refused – he did not feel that he could live up to Colin and his memory, and instead suggested that Colin’s son, Relin, become the new leader. Relin accepted, feeling that it was his responsibility to continue the legacy began by his father. They chose the title of Dain for their leader, and he adopted the last name of Frostreaver to honor those that stood with his father. Thus, Dain Frostreaver the First took leadership of the coldain.

Now, with their new leadership in place, the coldain looked to establish a home someplace here in the frigid tundra. Many ideas were proposed, but the coldain were still being pursued by the Kromrif hunting parties. Many of the coldain were tired of hiding out, and were resolved to simply meet the giants head on. This might have been the fate of the coldain, had it not been for the intervention of Brell Serilis himself, and once again, Glight Snowchipper.Glight received a vision from Brell to build within the very caverns in which they were presently in. Glight saw a massive labyrinthian network of caverns carved out by the coldain themselves, made to confuse any enemies who might attempt to enter the maze. He revealed the details of his vision to the Dain, who then ordered the coldain to begin construction of the new series of caverns. The coldain, now given a purpose and direction, took eagerly to the project, and began working immediately. Within mere months, they had carved out numerous caverns, bridges, and dwellings. Named the Crystal Caverns, after the vast quantities of crystal shards found though the construction, it quickly became a haven for the coldain.

For some time, the coldain were able to live peacefully within the Crystal Caverns, away from the Kromrif and the dangers of the surface. For a while, they remained under the surface, able to find all they needed within their new home. After a time, though, they began to make forays up to the surface to collect materials such as wood and furs. This was safe for a while, as the coldain were careful to avoid Kromrif patrols. However, eventually their luck ran out, and they were spotted by Slagd Frozentoe, and a group of his scouts. Slagd followed the coldain back to their hidden home, then went to retrieve reinforcements.Slagd Frozentoe returned to the Crystal Caverns with a force of two hundred and fifty Kromrif warriors. Although the labyrinth of the Crystal Caverns slowed them down, the Kromrif were steadily making progress through them. Although the Caverns were built just for this possibility, the sheer number of the Kromrif in their army proved to be too much for the defense of the Caverns. Even though the giants suffered staggering losses, the coldain would be overrun.

This is when Glight Snowchipper showed what both Colin Dain and Brell Serilis saw within him. Glight himself downed several giants, not only with his pick, which he called Snowchipper, but also with elaborate trips which he himself devised. The traps were small, able to take out one or two giants at a time, but Glight had a different plan. He knew that there was a place where the dwarves stored tons of ice and stone they had dug out from the caverns. His plan was to lead the remainder of the giants to the stored rubble, and collapse it upon them.The giants took the bait. They chased Glight and a few volunteers through the Cavems, crushing any that fell behind or stood to fight. The Kromrif, and Slagd himself, cornered the coldain, looking to crush the final resistance, and finally wipe out the coldain once and for all. Knowing that there was no way out, Glight waited for the Kromrif to draw in close, and then, sprung his final trap. To their surprise and horror, the massive rubble fell upon what remained of the Kromrif invasion, burying them where they stood. However, as Colin Dain before him, Glight Snowchipper stayed to ensure the demise of the giant army, and also perished when the trap was sprung.

The coldain were victorious and were able to remain within the Crystal Caverns safely for years following Glight’s sacrifice. The Kromrif made no more assaults against the coldain in Crystal Cavems. It would be some time before the coldain would face another enemy which would ultimately force them to search for a new home.

Thurgadin: May She Stand vol. 1

Thurgadin: May She Stand
Colin Dain and the founding of Froststone
By: Historian Belpik

Thurgadin. The coldain dwarves have called this fair city their home for generations. We built it with our own hands, crafted from the rock around us, molded from the very velium that makes up so much of our homeland of Velious. We have defended it over and over again, and no enemy has managed to break this city or those of us that call it home. The strength of the city is reflected in the strength of the coldain, and we are forever tied to one another.
But how did we come to this city, How did it get to be here? The story of the founding of Thurgadin is no less incredible than the city itself.In ages past, when the dwarves of old were expanding their kingdoms, the king sent out many expeditionary parties to seek out and gather riches from others corners of Norrath. The brave dwarves that returned brought back fantastic riches, items of precious value that were unknown within their mountainous home. Thus, the expeditionary groups went farther and father in their attempt to find more exquisite gems and crystals.

One of these expeditions was lead by Colin Dain, a dwarf noted for his exceptional mining capabilities. His sense for mining was legendary even at that time, matched only by his nearly reckless bravery. Nothing could shake Colin, and he was a logical choice to make a long distance journey to find crystals in a place no dwarf had ever been. Unfortunately, the ships were blown off course and scattered by a terrible storm, and when it was over, the expedition was lost.However, this is what Colin was brought on for. Undaunted, Colin directed the dwarves to sail in one direction until they found land. Within weeks, the dwarves came upon land, although it was far different from the more temperate climates they were used to. This was a snow tundra, covered with strange ice, and crawling with creatures they had never seen before. Still, it was dry land, and Colin had his orders. They disembarked, set up camp, and set to planning out their mining operations.

They searched the land, following Colin’s lead, until he stopped them at an unassuming set of rocks. He declared that the spot they were at would be the spot of their operation, and drove his pick into the ground. Although many of his followers were likely dubious, he was not challenged in his decision, and the dwarves went about their digging. Within days, the expedition discovered that Colin’s senses were accurate – the dwarves came upon a massive mine of gleaming crystals. It was here that they built their first settlement, named Froststone.Unknown to the dwarves of Froststone, there were other inhabitants of the land in which they settled, and those inhabitants did not care for outsiders. The Kromrif clan of frost giants also called this area home, and they were not welcoming to the dwarves when Froststone was discovered. The dwarves were surprised when a band of giants showed up outside their walls, and immediately began assaulting the city and the dwarves within it. Colin was not intimidated – he grabbed his pick and charged into battle, with many other dwarves joining him in the counterattack. Even though they were caught off-guard, the dwarves turned back the Kromrif attack.

They knew, however, that this battle was not over. Colin ordered scouts to be on the lookout for more giant parties, and the dwarves fortified their defenses for another fight. Within days, the scouts returned, and their news was not good – the giants were returning, and their numbers were far greater. Froststone was doomed. Colin made a decision at that point. He knew this area better than the giants did, and he could use that knowledge to give himself an advantage. However, there would be no victory – the best he could hope for would be to slow down the giants long enough for others to escape.He asked for volunteers to remain behind with him. Not a single dwarf wanted to flee – all volunteered to remain and make a final stand. Colin refused to allow them all to fall to the giant attacks, so he chose a few brave dwarves to remain with him, and ordered the others to leave immediately. They reluctantly agreed, and he chose a dwarf of Glight Snowchipper to lead them to safety. Thus, the survivors fled, and left Colin and his group, called the Frostreavers, to their final fate. No one knows exactly how the battle .folded, but what is known is that the Frostreavers sacrifice was not in vain. The group was able to completely stop the giant war band, even though it cost them all their very lives. But without that sacrifice, Thurgadin and the coldain would never have existed.

Into the Depths of: Kael Drakkal

Overview of Kael Drakkal

(Also known as Kael Drakkel)

Kael Drakkal, home of the Storm Giants, lies at the easternmost edge of the Great Scar. It has been the site of many great battles, for the dragons of Velious regard the Scars of Veeshan as the holiest of ground, and view the giant’s invasion of the Great Scar as sacrilege. Kael Drakkal is divided into five different districts. In the eastern portion of the city, live the Frost Giants, cousins of the Storm Giants. Frost giant traders and mercenaries stay here while looking for trade or work. Once past the Frost district, the heart of the city is heavily fortified, with roads leading off into three directions: north, south, and west. The northern path leads to the Storm Giants worship area, with temples worshipping Rallos Zek and his sons. The south path leads to the keep of the Storm Giant King Tormax. The western area of the city is in direct conflict with the Savage Land, which fights as if it were a living being with Kael Drakkal as a parasitic growth it wants removed.

The Storm Giants are children of Rallos Zek, and Kael Drakkal reflects this. Symbols and statues paying homage to the war god can be seen throughout the city, and the northern end of the city has three temples dedicated to the Zek gods. These three temples overlook a large battle arena that the giants use for entertainment.

King Tormax’s keep, made of stone and steel, stands grim on the southern side of the city. This keep is home to the majority of the Storm Giants, and is well guarded by them. The western edges of Kael Drakkal are its weak points, and Tormax has ordered his most seasoned troops to guard against the onslaught of the creatures from the Savage Land.

Background Lore

King Tormax

As the King of the Storm Giants, Tormax rules over both the Kromzek and Kromrif clans. His lasting desire is to see every last Velious dragon crushed beneath a giant’s maul. To further illustrate this fact, Tormax sits upon a throne carved from the skull of the dragon Hsagra, the mate of Yelinak of Skyshrine, who was felled by a Kromzek hero’s blade.

The Dragons of Velious are not Tormax’s only enemies, as the Coldain dwarves despise him and his people with a passion equal to his own. It was Tormax’s blade that killed Dain Frostreaver III, the great War King – a deed that has earned him eternal infamy among the Coldain.

Points of Interest

Frost Giant District:
The Frost Giant district is the most primitive portion of Kael Drakkal. The Storm Giants have allowed the Frost Giants to construct their own buildings of ice and stone. The Frost Giant leader lives in a huge mansion near the center of the city.

City Center:
The city center is a town square. It serves as a nexus to all portions of the city. In the middle of the Town Square lies a deep pit. The Storm Giants throw the remains of their enemies within this pit after they have removed the bones, and all the roads in Kael Drakkal are paved with the crushed bones of their enemies.

Battle Arena:
The battle arena was built to honor Porlos who slew Yelinak’s mate Hsagra. Embossed on the ground is an image of Porlos holding Hsagra’s head in victory with the body lying before him. A statue to Rallos Zek towers over the arena, and the temples to Tallon Zek and Vallon Zek flank it on each side.

Rallos Zek’s Temple:
The temple of Rallos Zek is the largest and most important of the three temples. It stands behind the statue in his likeness.

Vallon Zek’s Temple:
The temple built in honor of Vallon is not as grand his father’s, but it does not lack in splendor.

Tallon Zek’s Temple:
The temple built in honor of Tallon is likewise not as grand his father’s temple, but it is equal to that of Vallon.

Dragon Death Keep:
The main residence of the Storm Giants, Tormax’s keep is built from stone and steel. Tapestries telling the history of Rallos Zek’s battles line the walls. Tormax’s throne is carved from the skull of Hsagra.

West Side:
The western part of the city borders into the Savage Lands. A constant struggle between the jungle and the Storm Giants goes on, with the jungles slowly losing ground.


Letter to Peffin

“My Peffin, By now you’ve heard of the death of Rodrick. His demise places us all in great peril and forces me to take extreme action. I plan to turn our fellow conspirators in to the Dain. The Tardoks have boggled this operation for long enough…Please continue to take refuge with Fjloaren until this all blows over. Stay well hidden, my love, the Dain’s outlander friends are no doubt helping him investigate our involvement with the Kromrif and they are not to be taken lightly. As soon as I know you’re safe we can put this whole business behind us.Until that day, Berradin”

Note from Kromrif

“Commander Yellowfang, Your handling of the Coldain elite guard was outstanding. It will take the stumpymen many years to recover from that slaughter. My superiors are well pleased. Your loyalty and service to the Kromrif have sealed an alliance between our peoples that we shall honor from this day forward. The bulk of this treasure is for you to distribute among your men as you see fit. We ask that you provide well for your coldain informant, Rodrick Kotrad, as your success would have been impossible without his cooperation. Surikka Squatnot”