Category Archives: Kromzek

Thrael’Gorr Creature Catalog

Rise of Thrael’Gorr
by Clan Ry’Gorr Joiner
While many areas experienced changes during the Age of Cataclysm, the changes brought to the Eastern Wastes are devastating. The area’s once plentiful wildlife has dwindled. The Kromzek ravage the land and the magic of Wakening Lands is no more. The area is littered with creatures struggling for survival. The latest being the escaped ores known as Clan Thrael’Gorr.

High in the mountains and west of Howling Pass, Clan Thrael’Gorr leaders now seek to establish a camp. The Sleeper’s Abandoned Tomb sits in the south and the Ry’Gorr Keep to the east. Very far south, what was once a stretch of frozen land is now a war tom landscape.

The mountains that wall their camp are a reminder of the changes and dangers still unknown.The great chasm to the north does provide much in the way of a windbreak, therefore even a gentle breeze can turn into a snowstorm. Due to the cold, only the strongest trees line the mountains.

There is very little change to the constant cold that permeates everything.

Pockets of trees remain, majestic evergreen behemoths that survived the punishing cold. There are very few flowering plants in the mountains. Grass is only visible in the southern regions near Ry’Gorr Keep.The land is a cornucopia of creatures big and small. The little land that remains unscathed by the Kromzek is home to both hunter and prey. This list of creatures will help the Thrael’Gorr secure the area:

a sinister sentinel
a drakonine guardian
a lingering rogue
a lingering knight
a lingering priest
a lingering mage
a lingering detriment
a snowmane sabertooth
a ravaging snowmane
a woolly mammoth bull
a woolly mammoth
a sootpaw direbear
a frostpaw direbear
a fanged crawler
a cinder walker
a molten sphere

Into the Depths of: Velketor’s Labyrinth

Overview of Velketor’s Labyrinth

Welcome to the lair of Drovrag Velketor, Storm Giant wizard, creator of living ice creatures. His home, an ice castle etched into the side of a glacier, is fronted by a labyrinth that Drovrag created over many centuries to provide a barrier to uninvited guests. Fortifying the labyrinth is a guard of kobolds, and beyond Grizzot, the town near its center, Drovrag’s ice golems reside.

This geometric labyrinth offers a unique and challenging adventuring environment. Velketor’s research and his adept use of arcane power have yielded some exceptionally potent magical items. He has entrusted many of these items to his guardians to help them keep out the unwanted.

Background Lore

Drovrag has equipped his architectural masterpiece with kobold guardians bred to be especially brutish. These dog-men patrol the outer edges of the labyrinth and live in a primitive town near its center. Grizzot, who is the strongest member of the kobold guardians, serves as their leader. Two dwarf ice goblins, Tilgor and Riglit, advise Grizzot on all matters.

Beyond the town lies a magically enchanted area of pure blackness, which no vision or light source can penetrate. This area remains uninhabited, as Drovrag’s attempts to populate it have all failed. Beyond the blackness lies Drovrag’s living ice. Drovrag has managed to breathe life into the frozen waters of the glacier, and the resulting ice golems roam the back half of the labyrinth.

Drovrag also utilizes ice golems to guard the front of his castle. The ice golems’ barracks make up the outer walls of the castle, with the two main barracks flanking the main entrance to Drovrag’s lair.

Areas of Note

Labyrinth Entrance: The entrance of the labyrinth is fashioned into Drovrag’s grim visage.

Grizzot: Gnolls have fashioned a primitive palace of sorts into one of the labyrinth’s icy walls.

Dark Area: Drovrag managed to use his magic to change nearly a quarter of the labyrinth into pure darkness. This area is virtually uninhabited, except for the occasional lost wandering gnoll.

Ice Wurm Lair: When Drovrag crafted the labyrinth, he inadvertently built over the lair of Vielik the Cold, sealing the ancient ice wurm in. Vielek was in the midst of hibernation at the time and has since awakened. Currently, he has broken his way out into the dark area of the labyrinth, and relies on the gnolls as his primary source of food.

Ice Garden: Drovrag keeps an ice “garden” of sorts where he grows the ice creatures that roam the back half of his labyrinth.

Frost Giant Barracks: The Frost giant barracks are actually the outer walls of Drovrag’s castle. The two main barracks flank the main entrance to Drovrag’s lair.

Key Figures

Drovrag Velketor

This supreme Storm Giant wizard was banished from Kael Drakkel for reasons that are unclear. He is served by Arctic Kobolds, ice golems, and shard spiders. He is enemies with the Coldain and servants of Veeshan, but he holds a special hatred for the Kromzek who banished him.

His ultimate agenda is unknown, but his continued experiments and birthing of ice creatures suggests that he may perhaps be intending to harm the Kromzek in a way they hadn’t thought possible – one giant against an entire army of ice.


Visiting Velketor’s Labyrinth can be quite harmful to one’s health. Kobold guardians, for instance, are extremely hostile and often attack in coordinated efforts. The golems that have been created to serve Velketor are also not to be trifled with, for they are extremely cunning and as deadly as their giant brethren of Kael. Even the spiders can be deadly, as they are hard to see and often attack in number, releasing powerful venom with every bite. There are many slippery ramps to be negotiated within the Labyrinth; walk slowly or risk falling to your death far below!


Into the Depths of: Kael Drakkal

Overview of Kael Drakkal

(Also known as Kael Drakkel)

Kael Drakkal, home of the Storm Giants, lies at the easternmost edge of the Great Scar. It has been the site of many great battles, for the dragons of Velious regard the Scars of Veeshan as the holiest of ground, and view the giant’s invasion of the Great Scar as sacrilege. Kael Drakkal is divided into five different districts. In the eastern portion of the city, live the Frost Giants, cousins of the Storm Giants. Frost giant traders and mercenaries stay here while looking for trade or work. Once past the Frost district, the heart of the city is heavily fortified, with roads leading off into three directions: north, south, and west. The northern path leads to the Storm Giants worship area, with temples worshipping Rallos Zek and his sons. The south path leads to the keep of the Storm Giant King Tormax. The western area of the city is in direct conflict with the Savage Land, which fights as if it were a living being with Kael Drakkal as a parasitic growth it wants removed.

The Storm Giants are children of Rallos Zek, and Kael Drakkal reflects this. Symbols and statues paying homage to the war god can be seen throughout the city, and the northern end of the city has three temples dedicated to the Zek gods. These three temples overlook a large battle arena that the giants use for entertainment.

King Tormax’s keep, made of stone and steel, stands grim on the southern side of the city. This keep is home to the majority of the Storm Giants, and is well guarded by them. The western edges of Kael Drakkal are its weak points, and Tormax has ordered his most seasoned troops to guard against the onslaught of the creatures from the Savage Land.

Background Lore

King Tormax

As the King of the Storm Giants, Tormax rules over both the Kromzek and Kromrif clans. His lasting desire is to see every last Velious dragon crushed beneath a giant’s maul. To further illustrate this fact, Tormax sits upon a throne carved from the skull of the dragon Hsagra, the mate of Yelinak of Skyshrine, who was felled by a Kromzek hero’s blade.

The Dragons of Velious are not Tormax’s only enemies, as the Coldain dwarves despise him and his people with a passion equal to his own. It was Tormax’s blade that killed Dain Frostreaver III, the great War King – a deed that has earned him eternal infamy among the Coldain.

Points of Interest

Frost Giant District:
The Frost Giant district is the most primitive portion of Kael Drakkal. The Storm Giants have allowed the Frost Giants to construct their own buildings of ice and stone. The Frost Giant leader lives in a huge mansion near the center of the city.

City Center:
The city center is a town square. It serves as a nexus to all portions of the city. In the middle of the Town Square lies a deep pit. The Storm Giants throw the remains of their enemies within this pit after they have removed the bones, and all the roads in Kael Drakkal are paved with the crushed bones of their enemies.

Battle Arena:
The battle arena was built to honor Porlos who slew Yelinak’s mate Hsagra. Embossed on the ground is an image of Porlos holding Hsagra’s head in victory with the body lying before him. A statue to Rallos Zek towers over the arena, and the temples to Tallon Zek and Vallon Zek flank it on each side.

Rallos Zek’s Temple:
The temple of Rallos Zek is the largest and most important of the three temples. It stands behind the statue in his likeness.

Vallon Zek’s Temple:
The temple built in honor of Vallon is not as grand his father’s, but it does not lack in splendor.

Tallon Zek’s Temple:
The temple built in honor of Tallon is likewise not as grand his father’s temple, but it is equal to that of Vallon.

Dragon Death Keep:
The main residence of the Storm Giants, Tormax’s keep is built from stone and steel. Tapestries telling the history of Rallos Zek’s battles line the walls. Tormax’s throne is carved from the skull of Hsagra.

West Side:
The western part of the city borders into the Savage Lands. A constant struggle between the jungle and the Storm Giants goes on, with the jungles slowly losing ground.
