Category Archives: Legends of Norrath

Out of Necessity

Out of Necessity

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Out of Necessity
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Written by a mysterious author, this book seems to detail early ratonga history.


The quaking had stopped. Those of us that were left took stock as well as we could, searching for survivors, and try to regroup. It wasn’t enough that we were still hunted by those that branded us as traitors, now we also had to contend with the terrible aftermath of the apocalyptic shaking. However, we had survived the wrath of our creator, and near genocide of our horrendous cousins – we were determined to survive this as well.There was an unexpected benefit to the mighty earthquakes, which we only discovered later. Cracks had emerged in the walls of the Underfoot, which opened to a new, mysterious place. Those that went through first and returned told stories of a world outside of the tunnels, brilliantly bright, covered in new creatures and green plant life. It was daunting to imagine a place like that, but we recognized it as something important. It was a place to escape those that pursued us.

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Holidays and events
Frostfell Erollisi Day Brewday Chronoportals Bristlebane Day Summer Fireworks Festival Tinkerfest Nights of the Dead Heroes’ Festival Moonlight Enchantments City Festivals

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Total items named Out of Necessity: 1
Out of Necessity
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Written by a mysterious author, this book seems to detail early ratonga history.

The light was blinding, and hot on our fur. The air was crisp, and full of smells we had never experienced before. It was open and spacious, which is something none of us were used to — it was hard to not feel exposed and vulnerable without the walls of the tunnels around us. It was difficult to get used to being outside like this, but we were quickly able to adapt, moving through the shadows to keep from being seen.We were surprised to find civilizations living in this new environment, and we took some time to observe them. They seemed industrious, and even though their cities were devastated, they banded together and began to rebuild. There were also some unique individuals among them, more powerful than the rest, who adventured through the world, and possessed impressive power.

We knew that the RoekiIlik would stop at nothing to exterminate us, and ensure that their Dark Agenda would come to pass. If there was any hope to stop them, we would need to employ powerful agents to stand against their plan, and these surface dwellers seemed to have the potential that might be needed. After debates among ourselves, we decided to approach them with our warning.We chose the city of Qeynos first. The people there seemed just and fair, and we believed they might be welcoming. A few of us were selected to emerge and speak with the people there. To our horror, we were very far off in our assessment of their nature. We were viewed as vermin, accused of being disease-infested, of sneaking about in the sewers, stealing what little food the city had. Some even attacked us outright. It was clear that we were not welcome.

It was a long trek to the city of Freeport, the only other standing city we were able to find. It was more militaristic, being run under the direction of a single leader as opposed to a cooperative. Some of us were wary about speaking with these people, as if we were rejected once again, we might find ourselves once again under the sword of an oppressor. However, we reasoned it wasn’t necessary to impress the population as much as it was to impress the one in charge.A few of us were able to bypass the cities’ defenses and enter the chambers of the leader himself. At first, he was quite angry that we intruded and ordered our emissaries imprisoned. After torturous days in the prisons of Freeport, an offer was made to our fellows. The leader, while upset, was still impressed that we were able to bypass his security so easily. If we were to swear loyalty to him and become scouts for the city, he would spare us and allow us entry.

We attempted, at this point, to explain the danger possessed by the Roekillik, but the leadership of the city was uninterested in our warnings. Perhaps it was the immediacy of their current problems, or their own arrogance, but all we said fell on deaf ears. In the end, it was advantageous for us to remain here. Free, offered protection and a home, and if the Roekillik were to emerge, they would make a suitable buffer between us and our ancient enemies.Thus, we came to reside within the city… for now at least. There might come a time when the Roekillik return, and we must choose to flee, or try to rally the races of Norrath to stop them and their Dark Agenda. We will continue to hope that day never comes.

The Protector’s Realm

Imzok — The Protector’s Realm

A powerful mage known as Imzok amassed an impressive collection of valuable artifacts. He created the Sebilite Protector, also called Imzok’s Revenge, to guard this cache of wonders. A group of undead Vyx Warchiefs also prowl these halls. Many parties of adventurers have tried to gain access to this trove of untold treasure, but none have escaped with their lives.

In fact, another party has entered the Protector’s Realm before you in search of the treausre within. Perhaps they will help you overcome the defenses and share the wealth.

Their leader, Ludmila Kystov, addresses your group. ‘Alone, our parties might find things a bit difficult in here. But together, we can all prevail. Our needs are modest, we have been hired to merely deactivate certain guardians, and report back the state of this crypt to our benefactor.’

Your party makes a deal with these four adventurers. Just as you begin to face the first adversary, a huge mechanical serpent called Doomcoil, Ludmila announces, ‘There’s been a change of plan, ladies and gentlemen. It would appear that we will be looting the Protector alone. No worries though, you’ll be dead long before we’ve finished killing the protector.’ Her party rushes onward, leaving you to face Doomcoil by yourselves.

Trakanon / Sebilis

Many have heard the legends of the mighty undead dragon Trakanon. He lives in the ruins of the Iksar city of Old Sebilis, located in Kunark. Trakanon destroyed the city of Sebilis, wounding himself in the process. Trakanon can be found in a lair far below the main city ruins. As the first step in their journey, the party must find the keys to Sebilis. Outside the city, they find a wretched creature called only the Pained Soul.