Category Archives: Lord Mrallon

Knights of Thunder text

The Temple of Thunder

Kasine Paegra says ‘May the blessings of the Rainkeeper protect you in your travels. I am Kasine Paegra, keeper of the [Order of Thunder] medallions.’

You say, ‘what order of thunder’

Kasine Paegra says ‘The Order of Thunder is the medal awarded to a Knight of Thunder who has proven himself superior to the average warrior. All knights and priests of Thunder have one, save for the youngest members. Along with the medal comes great respect. You might say the wearer becomes more charismatic. Should you find one, please return it to Kasine Paegra, unless told otherwise.’

You say, ‘Hail, Vansted Rohenga’

Vansted Rohenga says ‘Pleased to meet you Mixxits, I am Vansted Rohenga High Priest of Karana. I have spent all of my years studying the ways of the Cleric in our wonderful Temple of Thunder. We receive many new recruits every day and it is my duty to place them in my [training program].’


The Knights of Thunder Flag

You say, ‘what training program’

Vansted Rohenga says ‘Well all young clerics of Karana are brought up from their first day of training to know and respect their practice. I have developed a number of exercises that will enable a young cleric to make a set of their own armor by means of collecting certain items and making [enchanted armor materials] out of them.’

You say, ‘what enchanted armor materials’

Vansted Rohenga says ‘Recently we have discovered that combing certain items in certain quantities using a magical assembly kit can forge together an armor material. These armor materials are used with specific armor molds to create a piece of enchanted Stormhealer Armor. If you would like to [begin forging armor materials] I will present you with your Stormhealers Assembly Kit.’

Wolten Grafe says ‘Your excellency, we need to recruit a newcomer to find and infiltrate the Shrine of Bertoxxulous. The shrine’s eyes are watching all our moves.’

Runethar Hamest says ‘Hire one soon, Wolten. We need to get in touch with Drosco!’

You say, ‘Hail, Gehna Solbenya’

Gehna Solbenya says ‘Greetings and blessings to you, Mixxits. Karana offers you his protection and guidance. All who accept the offer shall find safe haven within our Temple of Thunder. If you are a cleric of Karana, you must have a [desire to serve Karana]’s flock.’

You say, ‘i desire to serve karana’s flock’

Gehna Solbenya says ‘Well, friend, the Temple of Thunder has recognized and appreciates your past deeds for us. But this matter is of vital importance to us and we need more proof of your devotion to our cause.’

You say, ‘Hail, Miltiades Tal`Azroth’

Miltiades Tal`Azroth says ‘Greetings and salutations Mixxits, I am Miltiades Tal`Azroth Crusader of Karana. I have spent all of my years here in Qeynos and gathered infinite knowledge from my teachers on my path to enlightenment. I have also started training new recruits to help them find their calling as a Holy Warrior of Karana. If you are a [Paladin of Karana] I might have some tasks for you to complete.’

You say, ‘Hail, Miltiades Tal`Azroth’

Miltiades Tal`Azroth says ‘Greetings and salutations Mixxits, I am Miltiades Tal`Azroth Crusader of Karana. I have spent all of my years here in Qeynos and gathered infinite knowledge from my teachers on my path to enlightenment. I have also started training new recruits to help them find their calling as a Holy Warrior of Karana. If you are a [Paladin of Karana] I might have some tasks for you to complete.’

Guard Lasen says ‘Halt! In the.. *burp*.. name of.. *hic!*.. oh my tummy.. Antonius Bayle!’

You say, ‘i am a paladin of karana’

Miltiades Tal`Azroth says ‘That is excellent news Mixxits, As a Knight in training of Karana I would like to offer you a series of [tests] what will test your devotion to yourself and your god.’

You say, ‘what tests’

Miltiades Tal`Azroth says ‘I have put together a series of tests that will enable our new recruits to create their own armor. You will use a Rainkeepers Assembly Kit to combine assorted items that you will collect from both the hunting areas surround Qeynos and the city itself. Combining these magical items in your kit will create a material that you will place in a forge along with molds that I will present to you to create your armor. Are you ready to start [fashioning your materials]?’

You say, ‘Hail, Lord Mrallon’

Lord Mrallon regards you indifferently — what would you like your tombstone to say?

You say, ‘Hail, Renic Losaren’

Renic Losaren says ‘Welcome, Mixxits. Please feel at ease here in the Temple of Thunder. We, the Knights of Thunder, are here to guide and serve.’

You say, ‘who is karana?’

Renic Losaren says ‘Karana, the Rainkeeper, is the provider of the storms. If it were not for the storms of Karana, life would not flourish. All should pay tribute to the Rainkeeper.’

You say, ‘Hail, Renic Losaren’

Renic Losaren says ‘Welcome, Mixxits. Please feel at ease here in the Temple of Thunder. We, the Knights of Thunder, are here to guide and serve.’

You say, ‘Hail, Gehna Solbenya’

Gehna Solbenya says ‘Greetings and blessings to you, Mixxits. Karana offers you his protection and guidance. All who accept the offer shall find safe haven within our Temple of Thunder. If you are a cleric of Karana, you must have a [desire to serve Karana]’s flock.’

You say, ‘i desire to serve karana’s flock’

Gehna Solbenya says ‘If you are a young acolyte, you may [deliver blessings to the flock] and if you are a skilled cleric, we need you to [hunt bandit binders].’

You say, ‘i will deliver blessings to the flock’

Gehna Solbenya says ‘Then go to the Plains of Karana. It is there that the blessings are needed. Ask every resident of the plains if they are followers of Karana. If they are, then ask them if they [require Karana’s blessings]. Let them drink from this temple chalice. Return the empty chalice to me and you shall never go thirsty again.’

Gehna Solbenya says ‘Go to the Plains of Karana and seek out the Karana Bandits. Among them can be found their bandit binders. They are healers of sorts. Which evil deity granted them this power is unknown to us. Each carries a binder spectacle. I shall reward clerics for every two returned spectacles. Perhaps a new power may even be bestowed.’

You say, ‘Hail, Kasine Paegra’

Kasine Paegra says ‘May the blessings of the Rainkeeper protect you in your travels. I am Kasine Paegra, keeper of the [Order of Thunder] medallions.’

Chesgard Sydwen says ‘May Karana guide you. Are you a [citizen of Qeynos] or a visitor?’

You say, ‘i am a citizen of qeynos’

Chesgard Sydwen says ‘Then I would urge you to attend daily services in the Temple of Thunder. You are a [member of Thunder], are you not? Or maybe I am mistaken and you are just lost..?’

You say, ‘Hail, Chesgard Sydwen’

Chesgard Sydwen says ‘May Karana guide you. Are you a [citizen of Qeynos] or a visitor?’

You say, ‘i am a member of thunder’

Chesgard Sydwen says ‘I welcome you. Karana cares for all of His flock. He bestows a touch of His power upon the souls of the Clerics and Paladins of our temple. We look after His flock. Speaking of which, I require the assistance of a young paladin to [deliver provisions to needy members].’

You say, ‘i will deliver provisions to needy members’

Chesgard Sydwen says ‘Good show!! Here you are, young knight. Take these blankets to any resident who desires warmth. Ask them if they are followers of Karana, then ask if they require temple blankets. Be careful, the plains are quite dangerous for a young knight.’

You say, ‘Hail, Runethar Hamest’

Runethar Hamest says ‘Welcome to the Temple of Thunder. We are home to paladins and clerics who follow the ways of Karana. Do you [need guidance] or are you [already a follower of Karana]?’

You say, ‘i need guidance’

Runethar Hamest says ‘Then go forth into the church and speak with Gehna Solbenya. She shall assist you.’

You say, ‘i am already a follower of karana’

Runethar Hamest says ‘So you are one with our cause? This is good. Be aware that there are forces at work which not even the Qeynos Guard can keep at bay. We are here to spread the words of Karana and smite those who should try to end His children. We and Antonius Bayle shall work together in our destruction of evil. He requests our aid. Do you also [wish to assist Lord Bayle]?’

You say, ‘i wish to assist lord bayle’

Runethar Hamest says ‘Then we command you to assist the Qeynos Guard with the destruction of Blackburrow. Report to Captain Tillin of the Qeynos Guard and speak with him of the [gnolls of Blackburrow]. I believe he is at the arena. My loyal friend, if you have earned your Thunder Staff, I urge you to [retrieve the Bayle list].’

You say, ‘i will retrieve the bayle list’

Runethar Hamest says ‘Well, friend, the Temple of Thunder has recognized and appreciates your past deeds for us. But this matter is of vital importance to us and we need more proof of your devotion to our cause.’

You say, ‘Hail, Adax Rhengst’

Runethar Hamest says ‘Welcome to the Temple of Thunder. We are home to paladins and clerics who follow the ways of Karana. Do you [need guidance] or are you [already a follower of Karana]?’

You say, ‘i will retrieve the bayle list’

Runethar Hamest says ‘Well, friend, the Temple of Thunder has recognized and appreciates your past deeds for us. But this matter is of vital importance to us and we need more proof of your devotion to our cause.’

You say, ‘Hail, Daedet Losaren’

Daedet Losaren says ‘Welcome, Mixxits. I am Deadet Losaren, faithful priest of Karana. You appear to be in search of [guidance] or perhaps you are merely a [visitor to the temple of thunder] wishing the blessing of [holy armor]?’

You say, ‘Hail, Wolten Grafe’

Wolten Grafe says ‘Hail, noble Mixxits. Remember to spread the words of Karana throughout the faraway lands on which you shall tread. We of the Temple of Thunder are looking for new members – good people who [wish to join our cause]. Let the call go out!’

You say, ‘i wish to join your cause’

Wolten Grafe says ‘That IS good news! If you walk the righteous path of the Rainkeeper, Karana, then you are truly noble. I have need of someone like that. I must find someone to perform a [dangerous mission] or perhaps you would rather seek out the [Rat King] or [crush the undead]?’

You say, ‘what dangerous mission’

Wolten Grafe says ‘You must go into the catacombs and find a man named Drosco Finlayer. Pass him this note. He has been deep undercover in the Shrine of Bertoxxulous and will have directions to that vile place. To do this will surely show your allegiance to this temple.’

You say, ‘what rat king’

Wolten Grafe says ‘Under this city lie the catacombs of Qeynos. Somewhere down there lurks the Rat King. None have truly seen him, but we know of him. It is he who plagues us with the recent infestation of rats. Why? Who knows? We need a brave member to [hunt the Rat King].’

You say, ‘i will hunt the rat king’

Wolten Grafe says ‘You are truly brave, young knight. Go to the catacombs. Find the Rat King. Bring me his head as proof of your noble deed. He must be stopped. Beware of his allies. May Karana watch over you.’

You say, ‘i will crush the undead’

Wolten Grafe says ‘Those who passed generations ago have had their bones exhumed and enchanted. Some evil force plagues this land with these evil skeletons. You will fight for us and crush the skeletons. Take this box and fill it with the bones of those creatures. We will not allow them to rise again and you shall earn our respect. Go forth and fight for Karana!!’