Category Archives: Lord Yelinak

Porlos’ Fury

You say, ‘Hail, The Dragon Sage’

The Dragon Sage appears to fade in and out. The ghostly figure seems to stare through you, as though he is not aware of your presence. ‘Do you know who I am?’, he asks, as if he is inquiring for his own benefit.

You say, ‘Who are you?’

The Dragon Sage begins to smile. ‘It has come back to me, just now’, he says. ‘I am the Dragon Sage. I lived in the once great elven city of Takish Hiz, where I studied the dragons of Norrath.’ The figure appears to be concentrating on something in the distance. His image begins to fade as he says, ‘If I am among the world of the living again, then Norrath must be in great danger.’

You say, ‘what danger?’

The Dragon Sage says ‘Thousands of years ago, Veeshan, the Mother of All Wurms, made her mark upon the face of a young world called Norrath. She struck the planet with her godly might, laying her claim to the world, and created the beings known as dragons. This began the Age of Scale.

You say, ‘what is the age of scale?’

The Dragon Sage says ‘The Age of Scale was the time when dragons ruled supreme. They controlled the lands, the sea, and the sky for some 3000 years. That was when other gods took notice.

You say, ‘what other gods?’

The Dragon Sage says ‘Tunare, the Mother of All, Prexus, the Oceanlord and Brell Serilis, the Duke of Below formed a pact in response to Veeshan’s claim to Norrath. The elves, the dwarves, and the aquatic kedge were all created to help keep the dragons in check. Rallos Zek, the Warlord, learned of this pact and created the giants. This began the Elder Age.

You say, ‘what is the elder age?’

The Dragon Sage says ‘The Elder Age was the time of the first humanoid races, the oldest on Norrath, next to the dragons. The elves prospered, while the giants struggled to survive. The giants on the frozen continent of Velious were in constant skirmishes with the dragons. It was at this point that the observations began.

You say, ‘what observations?’

The Dragon Sage says ‘The giants, smarter than expected, began watching and observing the habits of the dragons. They paid close attention to the things the dragons avoided… certain plants and watering holes. It was determined that a particular type of plant, when mixed with other reagents, was deadly to the dragons. The giants adapted their technique to specifically harm Yelinak’s brood in order to give them an advantage. The ancient Kromzek King, Porlos, used this to aid in his battle with Hsagra, Yelinak’s mate. Porlos killed Hsagra, forever bringing Yelinak’s vengeance upon his family. Thus began the eternal war between the giants and the dragons.

You say, ‘what plant?’

The Dragon Sage says ‘The name of the plant eludes me at this time, for my thoughts have grown cold through the ages. The findings of the giants were written in a book of lore by some of our sages. You should seek out one of the giant’s Tomekeepers. If you find a Tomekeeper, ask him about the herb that harms dragons. Perhaps if you give him this trinket he will assist you. Maybe they will remember my tired soul.

You receive a coin called a Giant Loyalist Token. At this point take the coin to Tomekeeper Bjordnessin in Wakening Lands Northeast corner (+665, -4586) and hand it to him.

Tomekeeper Bjordnessin says ‘Amazing! Simply Amazing! The legends must be true! This item was said to have been given to the Dragon Sage as a sign of friendship and trust, but I have always considered it to be legend. The discovery of this artifact will work wonders for my status! I have discovered a legend! Oh… oh yes. You sought information on that herb. Take this back to the sage. Maybe he can decipher it.

Tomekeeper gives you the Giant Scalebound Tome that you need to take back to the dragon sage in Western Wastes.

The Dragon Sage takes the guide and immediately begins to scan through it. He then says, ‘Ah… Ah yes… According to this book, the dragonbane herb grows only in one place, deep inside the lair of the sirens. If my memory serves me properly one of the creatures there is very fond of its flavor. I will also need the blood of a dragon, but not just any dragon. The blood
must come from a beast of Lord Yelinak’s bloodline. Please go now and see if you can find this herb and the dragon blood. No time to waste, child. You will need to take this box to contain and combine the herbs and dragon blood in. Once you have accomplished this, please return the box to me.

You now have in your posession an Ornate Reagent Box. You will use this box to combine both the herb and the blood. The herb is called a ‘Dragonbane Herb’ and
drops in Sirens Grotto off of random mobs that frequent the water areas. One has definitely been dropped from a seahorse.

The blood is called Dragon Blood and is found on Myga in Western Wastes. Myga looks like Yelinak and wanders all over the zone. It would be wise to bring a tracker. Killing Myga will lower your Claws of Veeshan faction.

Once you have both items, put them in the Ornate Reagent Box and hit combine. Once combined, the box will turn into a Sealed Reagent Box. Hand this sealed box over to The Dragon Sage to receive your Porlos’
Fury spell.

The Dragon Sage says ‘Ahhh! With the knowledge that I have gained from the Giant Scalebound Tome and these reagents, I can finish my research and create a most powerful spell for you! If successful, I will call it the Porlos’ Fury spell. It will cause near fatal wounds to any dragon or dragon kin in Lord Yelinak’s bloodline. Take this and study it. The magiks contained within will aid you in your fight. The Dragon Sage hands you the scroll and says, ‘You will need a reagent to channel the magical energies through to enhance the power of the spell. Two peridots will be required to cast this spell. I wish you good fortune in your fight.’


Spirits Astray

Spirits Astray

Concerning legendary dragons absent from the Vesspyr Isles, the Eternal Broodlands

The Dragon Sage

There exists no creature on Norrath that can match the power of the dragons. They were the first to be placed on this world, and they will be the last ones here when it finally is consumed by Discord. There were those of us who paid homage to this power, who knew that our lives were nothing but a blink in the nearly eternal eyes of the dragons. However, even for all of their majesty, dragons perish on Norrath and make their way here, to the Vesspyr Isles.

My mortal death did not kill my passion or devotion to these wondrous creatuers. My studies of wurmkind have continued since passing within the Cloak of Drinal.

I find it interesting that not every dragon makes their way here after they pass from Norrath. The reasons for these are many, but I will note a few here in particular.


I mourn the fall of Zlandicar. His act of cannibalism and betrayal of Harla Dar was unfathomable, and still has implications on dragon society today. I can only surmise that his lust for power drove him to throw away his very spirit and essence, and to break the most sacred of dragon laws. His existence has been a mockery since then – an undead behemoth lurking in the bowels of the Necropolis, lording over a scurrying tribe of rats.

I am curious what would become of Zlandicar if he were to finally be well and truly destroyed. Would his spirit make its way here? That thought actually begs another question – I wonder if any piece of his spirit still exists, or if he has somehow devoured that as well? Whatever the case, I don’t believe he would find himself welcome here – his crimes were horrific, and may never be forgotten, even in death.


The fate of Trakanon puzzles me. Trakanon was the mightiest of the Ring of Scale, but even so he languished in an existence of turmoil. He spent part of his life as an undead, then was able to assume a living form, and then was slain by adventurers in his lair. But what became of his spirit? It must still be bound to Norrath somehow, but I know of no phylactery or containment of his spiritual energy. All I know is that it is not here.

Although it pains me greatly to think that Trakanon may be truly lost to us, there are other possibilities. It’s possible that Trakanon has been utterly destroyed – wiped from existence. Or, given his extensive studies and knowledge, that he has somehow survived his apparent death, and his spirit merely waits on Norrath for a vessel. Even I, who has pierced the veil to see into the land of the living, cannot say what has truly become of him.


Zeixshi-Kar was an Ancient – a dragon of incredible age and power. He was one of the first few who adopted Kerafyrm’s doctrine of draconic dominion over Norrath, and rallied to Kerafyrm’s side upon his release from Sleeper’s Tomb. He was called the “General of Destiny”, but whether he gave himself that moniker or somehow earned it is unknown to me.

I do know, however, that he also meddled in destructively powerful forbidden magic, but the nature of his experiments are lost to time. I have heard that he attempted to tap into the power of the Shard of Fear itself, but was destroyed by adventurers before his rituals were complete. I cannot confirm the validity of this, especially since his spirit isn’t here in Vesspyr. I wonder, however, what would have happened if indeed he had tapped into the realm of Cazic-Thule? I shudder to think how the Faceless would treat someone who attempted to siphon the power of his plane.


There are stories of the dragon Melalafen wondering the Western Wastes during the Age of Turmoil. However, at some point after Kerafyrm was freed, Melalafen dissapeared. I mention Kerafyrm specifically because Melalafen was known to be sympathetic to Kerafyrm’s ideals, and the thought was that he might have become one of Kerafyrm’s Awakened. However, I have no evidence that he ever reported for service.

So what became of him? I don’t believe he is dead, since his spirit has never come to Ethernere. He possessed no mastery over forbidden magics that I have ever come across in my studies, so it seems strange that he could have shared a similar fate to Trakanon or Zlandicar. I wonder sometimes if Kerafyrm sent him off in search of some artifact or knowledge, but his fate is unknown to me.


This one disturbs me for a couple of reasons. Primarily, as a member of a scholarly group that believes in and studies the majesty of dragons, I know that their power is beyond what I can comprehend. There are others, however, that seem to believe that draconic power is something they can harness and possibly control. The dragon known as Siliskor is a product of this bizarre cult mentality.

I wonder if it had to do with the arrogance of humans and their typically shortsighted nature, but the destruction of those who tried to control Siliskor was likely a foregone conclusion. Trying to hatch a dragon egg and utilize a creature such as that for personal benefit can only end in disaster. The dragons here practically spit Siliskor’s name, as a failure raised by humans instead of in the care of proper dragons. They claim he is dead, but I think their meaning is metaphorical. If he is in Ethernere, he is not here in Vesspyr.


The dragon known as Aeyinar is a strange case. It appears that she bonded herself to a mortal child on Norrath, who could summon Aeyinar with a special stew. I can’t asy how this relationship came to be, and why the dragon preferred the stew to just eating the mortal, but the case was odd enough that the dragons took notice.

Aeyinar apparently perished during the cataclysms of Norrath, but her spirit never crossed here. If she died during those events, then certainly the mortal who she watched over did as well. In that case, I wonder then, if she truly is dead, that her spirit simply refused to pass into Ethernere, or somehow she chose to follow the spirit of the child. The dragons, however, endured the cataclysms quite well, so perhaps she still lives somewhere on Norrath.


Hsagra is a tragic story, and one that many dragons still tell sorrowfully. Her death at the hands of the Kromzek was something that I believe Lord Yelinak still mourned until his final days. The enchantment placed on her remains must have bound her spirit to Norrath, and she must have been unable to pass here. I have heard that she was released from her imprisonment, but I have not seen her here, so I cannot say what ultimately has become of her.

There must have been a part of Lord Yelinak that longed to see his mate once again, and it must have been heartbreaking to not find her here. Still, Lord Yelinak is among the wisest of his kind, so maybe he was prepared for that possibility. Perhaps one day she will find her way here, and they will be reunited once more.

The Loss in Western Wastes

“We had done all that we could in our attempts to prevent the events that have come to pass. I see it now, through my unwavering vision, for what it had always been – destined.

Eons ago, a prohibited union of elemental dragons hatched the first prismatic dragon. Kildrukaun, Arch Priest of Veeshan and member of the Council of Elders, condemned the mated pair to death and appointed himself custodian of their almighty son, Kerafyrm. Quickly, the fledgling dragon demonstrated his immense power and cunning, impressing just as many of his kin as were struck with fear.

During this time, our nation split in two. The Ring of Scale fled to Kunark, while the Claws of Veeshan, the original order and wurm council, remained on Veeshan’s blessed continent of Velious. Kildrukaun, furios over the division, insisted it was the Eternal Mother’s will for the dragon factions to reunite. He prophesied that Kerafyrm would lead The Claws of Veeshan in a great civil war against the Ring of Scale forcing the reunification, and thus fulfilling Veeshan’s will.

Some of The Claws of Veeshan questioned the authenticity of Kildrukaun’s visions, others merely his interpretations; after all, they were considerably self-serving. The council dismissed Kildrukaun’s prophecy, claiming that waging a war against The Ring of Scale would expose them to the growing threat of the giants of Kael Drakkel.

Thus Kerafyrm sharpened his teeth, along with his tactical mind, upon the frozen battlefields of Velious. He ascended quickly within the Claws of Veeshan, obtaining the rank of general, and proving he was as shrewd as he was merciless. But no battle satiated this monstrous creature’s unrivaled lust for destruction and chaos. Eventually, the Council of Elders was forced to order Kerafyrm’s imprisonment.

Kerafyrm’s legions of supporters, including Kildrukaun, were severely outnumbered by those of the elder council, and eventually Kerafyrm was restrained and secured within a prison of indefinite slumber. The council appointed four immensely powerful dragons (Tukaark, Nazata, Ventani and Hraashna) to serve as his guards and ensure his eternal slumber. Meanwhile, Kildrukaun and the other surviving traitors who had aided Kerafyrm fled Velious to unknown locations, awaiting the return of their prophetic saviour.

While Kerafyrm slept, Norrath’s children, in an attempt to satiate their incessant desires for adventure, knowledge and riches, pushed out across this world. It was only a matter of time until they stumbled upon Kerafyrm, who had come to be known as “”The Sleeper.”” Inspired by green and ignorance they slew the four elemental warders and awakened Kerafyrm from his slumber. Kerafyrm showed his gratitude by devouring them, prior to bursting explosively from his prison into the frozen wastes.

The Claws of Veeshan felt Kerafyrm’s wrath immediately. Confronting those members of the council who he could find, Kerafyrm ripped their flesh into shreds, once more demonstrating his unchecked lust for destruction. He was intent on annihilating every vestige of their existence. The ages of sleep had only made him more deadly and vengeful. The wise and ancient dragons of Velious knew they were hardly a challenge for the Awakened, caught unawares as they had been. A desperate plan was hastily hatched.

Lord Yelinak bravely faced Kerafyrm in a furious battle in the skies above Velious, as others made their escape, and four chosen dragons of immense power (Charayan, Grendish, Jortreva and Susarrak) were called upon. However, Yelinak proved to be no match for Kerafyrm. Kerafyrm inflicted grievous wounds upon him, and all of Skyshrine witnessed the lord’s broken body fall to the frozen land beneath as the four Crusaders approached. Savoring his victory over Lord Yelinak, and fearful of the overwhelming power of the Crusaders, Kerafyrm flew off to places unknown.

The Council of Elders held no doubt that this was but Kerafyrm’s first act of vengeance. It was an attack of pure wrath. His next attack would be far more deadly, utilizing clever tactics and his legion of followers. First, they held a service to honor Lord Yelinak’s sacrifice. It was a lavish affair, lasting for days within Skyshrine, calling wurms from across Norrath to pay their respects.

Afterwards, the council sent out their agents and infiltrators on a search for information pertaining to Kerafyrm and his followers, including Kildrukaun. They were certain that word of Lord Yelinak’s demise would quickly spread across the world, reaching the Awakened.

They then initiated an unprecedented act of defence – The Upheavel, successfully cutting off Eastern Wastes and Great Divide from Western Wastes and Cobalt Scar. Intended to make the dragon lands within Velious less susceptible to attack, it also served to isolate the land in case the battle were to escalate.

It was at this time that Lord Yelinak revealed the ruse surrounding his death to all of Skyshrine. It had served it’s purpose, which was to provide the Awakened with false information while having brought the council enough time to explore all attack and defense options against the inevitable onslaught. He had risked much in battle, and although he had not been slain, he had been prepared for such a sacrifice.

Lord Yelinak amde a plea on behalf of the Children of Norrath to Skyshrine. He was going to seek aid from the heroes amongst them. He felt strongly that they were the key to defeating Kerafyrm. Some wurms scoffed, dismissing his opinion, while others saw its wisdom. He left them to debate as he made all haste, to the Norrathian city of Thurgadin.

But Kerafyrm, anticipating Skyshrine’s increased defenses, led his Awakened Legion to the opulent Temple of Veeshan within Western Wastes. The attack was brutal and swiftly executed. The dragons and dragonkin who refused to join against The Claws of Veeshan fled, and sought refuge in Skyshrine. As they took flight, some managed to save eggs and young from the Western Wastes. In Skyshrine the wurms regrouped and prepared for battle.

Upon realizing that some of the nests of Western Wastes were empty, the Awakened began to claim the remaining eggs for themselves, taking them into Temple of Veeshan. Driven by parental instincts, the Claws of Veeshan quickly rallied to fight for their unhatched young, and took to the Western Wastes in overwhelming droves. As it became clear to Kerafyrm that they might succeed in their efforts, and could continue with their march right on to Temple of Veeshan, he ordered his most impressive elemental wurmkin to do the unthinkable – destroy Western Wastes!

Willing to sacrifice any of his own legion battling upon the frozen landscape, the elemental mages began their ruination. The previously raised land shook from glacier top to wyvern cave, and began to crumble. All but Temple of Veeshan itself was swiftly annihilated. Too many dragon, dragonkin and egg met their brutal end, crushed between rock and velium as the land crumbled and fell into frigid waters below.

The Claws of Veeshan watched as great achievement was ripped out from beneath their wings by Kerafyrm. Once more, they were forced to seek shelter and regroup within Skyshrine, taking with them the eggs and young that they were able to save from the hatching lands.

As I look back upon these events, and recount them for myself, I can see that it was destined to come to this point, but I find myself wondering if Kerafyrm still believes himself the prophesied unifier, or for that matter, if Kildrukaun and other others still believe he is. Is that even his intent any longer? Not even my holy gift of vision beyond sight has granted me power to pierce that veil.

Glory to the Eternal Mother!

Lendiniara, The Keeper”

Into the Depths of: Kael Drakkal

Overview of Kael Drakkal

(Also known as Kael Drakkel)

Kael Drakkal, home of the Storm Giants, lies at the easternmost edge of the Great Scar. It has been the site of many great battles, for the dragons of Velious regard the Scars of Veeshan as the holiest of ground, and view the giant’s invasion of the Great Scar as sacrilege. Kael Drakkal is divided into five different districts. In the eastern portion of the city, live the Frost Giants, cousins of the Storm Giants. Frost giant traders and mercenaries stay here while looking for trade or work. Once past the Frost district, the heart of the city is heavily fortified, with roads leading off into three directions: north, south, and west. The northern path leads to the Storm Giants worship area, with temples worshipping Rallos Zek and his sons. The south path leads to the keep of the Storm Giant King Tormax. The western area of the city is in direct conflict with the Savage Land, which fights as if it were a living being with Kael Drakkal as a parasitic growth it wants removed.

The Storm Giants are children of Rallos Zek, and Kael Drakkal reflects this. Symbols and statues paying homage to the war god can be seen throughout the city, and the northern end of the city has three temples dedicated to the Zek gods. These three temples overlook a large battle arena that the giants use for entertainment.

King Tormax’s keep, made of stone and steel, stands grim on the southern side of the city. This keep is home to the majority of the Storm Giants, and is well guarded by them. The western edges of Kael Drakkal are its weak points, and Tormax has ordered his most seasoned troops to guard against the onslaught of the creatures from the Savage Land.

Background Lore

King Tormax

As the King of the Storm Giants, Tormax rules over both the Kromzek and Kromrif clans. His lasting desire is to see every last Velious dragon crushed beneath a giant’s maul. To further illustrate this fact, Tormax sits upon a throne carved from the skull of the dragon Hsagra, the mate of Yelinak of Skyshrine, who was felled by a Kromzek hero’s blade.

The Dragons of Velious are not Tormax’s only enemies, as the Coldain dwarves despise him and his people with a passion equal to his own. It was Tormax’s blade that killed Dain Frostreaver III, the great War King – a deed that has earned him eternal infamy among the Coldain.

Points of Interest

Frost Giant District:
The Frost Giant district is the most primitive portion of Kael Drakkal. The Storm Giants have allowed the Frost Giants to construct their own buildings of ice and stone. The Frost Giant leader lives in a huge mansion near the center of the city.

City Center:
The city center is a town square. It serves as a nexus to all portions of the city. In the middle of the Town Square lies a deep pit. The Storm Giants throw the remains of their enemies within this pit after they have removed the bones, and all the roads in Kael Drakkal are paved with the crushed bones of their enemies.

Battle Arena:
The battle arena was built to honor Porlos who slew Yelinak’s mate Hsagra. Embossed on the ground is an image of Porlos holding Hsagra’s head in victory with the body lying before him. A statue to Rallos Zek towers over the arena, and the temples to Tallon Zek and Vallon Zek flank it on each side.

Rallos Zek’s Temple:
The temple of Rallos Zek is the largest and most important of the three temples. It stands behind the statue in his likeness.

Vallon Zek’s Temple:
The temple built in honor of Vallon is not as grand his father’s, but it does not lack in splendor.

Tallon Zek’s Temple:
The temple built in honor of Tallon is likewise not as grand his father’s temple, but it is equal to that of Vallon.

Dragon Death Keep:
The main residence of the Storm Giants, Tormax’s keep is built from stone and steel. Tapestries telling the history of Rallos Zek’s battles line the walls. Tormax’s throne is carved from the skull of Hsagra.

West Side:
The western part of the city borders into the Savage Lands. A constant struggle between the jungle and the Storm Giants goes on, with the jungles slowly losing ground.


On Kael


Early this morning, the adventurers were roused from their bed (aye, bed, singular – the entire group shared but one of the giants’ beds, each finding himself with more room than he’d ever had before to sleep stretched out) and brought before the giant king, Tormax. His throne, they were told, was crafted from the skull remains of the dragon, Hsagra, mate to Yelinak, who was slain by their ancestor, Porlos. The seat of the throne itself lies within the jaws of the dragon’s skull. The party was honored with this tale of the giants’ history, and also learned that the arena in which they had observed battle is also dedicated to Porlos.

The current throne room, we’re told, is a relatively new addition to the castle, which is known as Dragon Death Keep. The party, after paying homage to King Tormax, was escorted through the castle. Behind the throne, they were shown the hall of the council, within which was a second, older and less ornate, throne. This, they were told, was the old throne room, and serves now, as a meeting room for King Tormax and his council. The king’s advisors were gathered to welcome the party.

The group was introduced to Keldor del`Torek, high sorcerer to the king, who was at his research when they entered his chamber. We’re told that the noble to the left of Keldor is one of those worthies who lives in the nearby residence. The other giant, barely visible to the right, is one of the king’s loyal bodyguards. His name was not mentioned to the group, however, we’re told the giants refer to him in hushed tones. Apparently, he is held in high regard (or fear, we’re not quite sure which).

The city, our party was advised, and its people are dedicated to the Zeks, Rallos, Tallon and Vallon. A temple to each is located within their city, with that for Rallos, God of War, in the center and those of his twin sons Tallon and Vallon on either side. Only those truly dedicated to Rallos Zek may enter his temple, our party was told grimly by its guardian, one Kallis, by name. He is shown in the picture here, at his post near that place of worship.

This great wall of velium is embossed with the symbol of the War God, as are many other surfaces in the city of Kael Drakkel. The party was permitted to go no closer to the temple of Rallos than this.

Thwarted in their attempts to see what was described as a “living statue” of the War God himself, our party has decided to continue their exploration of the continent. They have been told that the extent of their travels thus far has uncovered less than half of the continent of Velious, and they are anxious to continue in their quest for knowledge.

The best news to date is that the recommendation of the exploration team is to finally make the Icebreaker available to the public for transportation to the ice continent! A dock in the Northern Desert of Ro has been designated as the embarcation point for trips to Velious, and travelers are admonished to be prepared for severe weather and dangers untold!

To Kraytoc, Master of Rime –

To Kraytoc, Master of Rime –

It has come to my attention that the potential prison for Lord Yelinak has become compromised and Vuh’Duh has been slain by meddlesome adventurers. We believe they were hired by the coldain to destroy our prison and return the Ascent back into the realm of life. We have also learned that the powerful relic believed to be a shard of Veeshan’s claw has been returned to the place we originally found it. The reports that the shard had been stolen by the coldain must have been true. This has rendered the area unusable for our experiments to contain the powerful ice dragon.

We have setup a new housing for this experiment within your fortress to ensure it is not disturbed and we will be more able to keep a watchful eye. We have also procured a specimen to run the experiments on – a young ice dragon by the name of Eireen which was found wandering in the Wastes near the Sleeper’s Tomb ruins. Our plan is to break this dragon and see if the prison in the fortress can contain him. If the experiments work with him it would be safe to assume they should work on a much more powerful dragon as long as we adjust it accordingly.

I will report further should something change. At this time I will return to the mess hall and keep on guard for any agents of the coldain to attempt to break into the fortress. There I will remain until the time where you feel I can be of assistance elsewhere.

Duncan Bradagan
Rime Captain
