Category Archives: Marnek Jaull

Befallen: Chapterhouse of the Fallen

Chapterhouse of the Fallen is an extension of the original Befallen, which was inaccessible until the fear shard crashed here. Befallen was previously a military outpost built by the Order of Marr’s Fist, a group of knights and clerics who worshipped either/both Mithaniel Marr and Erollisi Marr.

Over time, many have entered Befallen and attempted to claim the dark power for their own. One of these was a gnome necromancer named Menizzia, who gained some control over the dark power there and used it to resurrect the long dead Marnek Jaull, a gnome necromancer who had fought the elves of Takish Hiz long ago. Though he was once powerful, he had lost much from his death centuries ago.

With the arrival of the shard of fear, he was able to use its power to gain total control over the evil within Befallen. At the same time, the shard’s impact opened up routes to previously inaccessible areas of Befallen. Marnek Jaull has made his way deep into these new areas and is working on absorbing all the power from the shard of fear.


Researcher’s Notes – Marnek


Item Lore: Recovered from the Buried Sea

Research Notations

Marnek was the leader of a
small cult of necromancers who
worshipped Solusek Ro. Marnek
used this dagger in his
ceremonial sacrifices to the
Burning Prince to increase his
own power and show his loyalty
to his god. His cult grew
stronger and word of the evil
acts spread all over Antonica.

Legend has it that a group of
paladins, followers of Prexus
from Erudin spent over 10
years searching out Marnek and
his followers and finally
destroyed them.

Though Marnek’s evil reign was
put to an end, many of his
books and items are still
being uncovered to this day.
The Dagger of Marnek is now
being used by the evil
inhabitants who control the
depths of Befallen.

The Cauldron of Shadow Essence

The Cauldron of Shadow Essence

Soundlessly, the dwarven rogue took a deep breath and calmly climbed down from his ledge to the floor of the gorge. He’d already passed an outlying tower and rounded a small lake that was littered with watchful dark elves, and now he snaked his way among the towering cliff walls, forced time and again carefully, slowly to sneak past an alluring or fearsome (or both!) guardian who might stand a mere ten feet distant.

Rounding a final corner, he found the entrance to a graveyard to his right and a narrow, roofed tunnel to his left. Doubtless, many secrets awaited should he turn left, but even Dandaek’s adventurous blood was turning cold in the proximity of so muchdeath. Of course, the graveyard did little to help matters. Little light reached the place, for it lay atthe base of cliff walls thatrosefor hundreds of feet. The gloom seemed tangible, and considering the undead that ruled here, Dandaek feared it might truly be so. Dandaek trembled for a moment, but he steeled himself. Two more dark elven guards stood near the gated fence that enclosed the graveyard, so this was no place for weakness. The gate was closed, but fortunately these guards were not watchful. They stood resolute, but just as rigid as their bodies were their glazed eyes that bore relentlessly before them. For what intruder could possible penetrate so close to the castle without raising an alarm? Nimbly, Dandaek slipped to the end of the wrought iron fence where it was fixed into the rock wall of the gorge. He paused for an instant and then crept over the fence.

The area was dotted with countless gravestones packed into the relatively small space. The gloom of the landscape was darker from within its coils, but Dandaek could make out a handful of mausoleums at the area’s rear. Behind one of these mausoleums, Dandaek had learned, would Ssynthi be found. Yet as Dandaek slid through the murk, he realized that dark elves were within the graveyard as well. He cursed silently, but pressed on. He could make out about a half dozen of them, but thankfully they all stood with their backs to the mausoleums, and like the guards at the fence, they barely moved. He paused a moment to remind himself why he was here. He needed to gather his courage. He had crept through a gauntlet of dark elven necromancers on the periphery of the vampire lord Mayong Mistmoore’s castle so that he might question Ssynthi, a renegade shadowed man, about the nature and mission of the of the so-called deathspeakers who were evidently now among the shadowed men wherever they might be found around the whole of Norrath. And he, Dandaek, wanted to be the first to know why.

Staying close to the wall, the dwarf continued. The hair of his white beard and that on his nape prickled when he realized with a chill that all the tombstones repeated over and over the same two dedications to the dead. No matter. All the dark elves of the place were behind him now. Before him and stretching to the left stood a row of gleaming mausoleums. The brilliant white marble of the structures was disconcerting in the dreary shadows, making them seem all the more otherworldly. Dandaek slipped between the low outer wall of the one nearest the cliff. Padding his way to the back of the structure, Dandaek took little further note of the structure itself.

Instead, he sought to find an invisible being.

The dwarfhugged the shadows and proceeded down the row. One, two, three, four, and ahead, five of them he counted. Behind the fifth he saw a book floating in midair. This must be Ssynthi! He approached a few steps closer. Close enough to see that the book appeared to bear no title, and indeed no script was evident on the opened pages.

Dandaek looked around and listened. Nothing but the moaning of the graveyard and a vague rustle of movement from Ssynthi. The dwarf looked at the shadowed man, or at least at the floating book that he took for Ssynthi’s position. The creature had evidently turned to face him, but the book was still open, and Dandaek was not under attack.

Dandaek whispered, “I have so very much to ask you, Ssynthi.”

Ssynthi said nothing.

So Dandaek spoke again, still in a hushed tone, though he figured the rumblings of the restless dead would drown out his own words. Dandaek figured he may as well take it from the top. He asked, “A new breed of shadowed man walks Norrath. What can you tell me of the deathspeakers?” A moment of silence followed and Dandaek had the sensation that Ssynthi spoke to someone else before he replied. Yet reply he did, and in a soft and chilling tone. “Ah, so the deathspeakers have decided to reveal themselves again. They are beings who claim they are closer to the realms of the dead than any other known race, and they have been known to rally the shadowed men in times when they deem other races to be dabbling too much in the powers of death and rebirth – just as shadowed men as a whole despise those of us who follow Solusek Ro because they deem all magic to have sprung from themselves.”

Dandaek considered where to go from here. He recalled the other matter that concerned Vagner and Halwain and asked, “Could it concern the Burning Dead’s plan to resurrect Marnek?” Ssynthi did not hesitate this time. The shadowed man replied quickly, “Marnek, you say? I admit that rumors have come to me concerning an alliance between the Temple of Ro and the Burning Dead, and perhaps this is the goal of that union. I must therefore act, for who knows the shadowed men better than I? But I cannot leave this place right now. Will you help me in this task?” It seemed an odd choice to Dandaek. The shadowed men were dangerous and clearly ill-disposed toward the races of dwarves, elves, and man, but if acting against them aided the cause of a dead necromancer? Dandaek smiled. Still, at least he was getting somewhere, and rarely did it hurt to play along. Knowledge, after all, was a good thing. The dwarf nodded and said, “I will help you.”

At that, a long prattle of indecipherable babble bubbled from Ssynthi and a small black cauldron began to take shape fromthe darkness.

Marnek Jaull

There are many legends and myths of great heroes and ancient evils from all over Norrath. Here in Freeport, we get travelers from all over the world, and we get their tales as well. The point is that most of these stories are just that, stories and fairy tales. Told to amuse people and frighten children. I also thought the tales I’d heard about the [Marnek Jaull] were only legends, but now I know better

Marnek Jaull led a cult of necromancers who followed the Burning Prince, Solusek Ro. He built an army, known as the Burning Dead, and spread destruction and fire throughout Antonica. Over the years, the Burning Dead fought many fierce and bloody battles with the paladins of Prexus, the Oceanlord. Though Marnek achieved many victories over the paladins, ultimately they were able to defeat him and destroy the Burning Dead. Legends say that before his defeat, Marnek created many powerful weapons and items, and wrote many books on his findings in the areas of magic. Many of these items were hidden away from the paladin forces, and remain untouched, waiting for Marnek’s return, as the legends go

Marnek’s wand is rumored to be found in the depths of Befallen. Those who currently hold Befallen are said to be new followers of the Burning Dead. Probably believing that they may one day be able to awaken the evil Marnek again. This group must be stopped, and these evil items destroyed, before their wicked armies grow powerful enough to leave their horrible dungeon and spread throughout Antonica

The Sapphire of Souls is rumored to be held by a thief in Najena. No one knows how this guy obtained the sapphire, but we believe he is trying to strike a bargain with those who are currently holding Befallen. Apparently, we aren’t the only ones who know of the wand’s powers, and this thief thinks he can make a profit from it. Sadly, his greed will surely lead to his death

The legend of the wand of the Burning Dead goes basically like this, though you may hear slighty different versions from others. Marnek did a lot of experiments and created an unknown number of diabolical artifacts and weapons. One of his creations was this wand. Marnek fashioned a charred wand from the scorched bone of a paladin of Prexus, and Solusek Ro himself created the wretched Sapphire of Souls. Then, Marnek and his priests combined these, with the Burning Prince’s blessing, to create the wand of the Burning Dead. Marnek used this Wand and its powers in his evil and destructive reign over Antonica. Years later, as Marnek starting losing battles to the paladins of Prexus, one of his own followers, a necromancer named Kenox, was able to steal the wand. Sensing Marnek’s defeat, Kenox made his way toward Odus, hoping to strike a deal with the paladins for the wand. Would you like me to [tell you about Kenox]

Well, Kenox was not as sly as he liked to think he was. Marnek knew full well what he was up to, but let him continue with his plans. Kenox had arranged to meet with two paladins late one nght on a small island in Erud’s Crossing, a place that would be considered neutral ground. Sir Toran Neshal, leader of the paladins, knowing the power of the wand, was certainly not going to make any deals with a servant of Solusek Ro, and definitely not foolish enough to take any chances with this mission. Imagine the look on Kenox’s face when a ship carrying more than 25 paladins, including Sir Toran, arrived at the small island! The paladins immediately captured Kenox and the wand, and headed back to Erudin. Would like me to [tell you what happened to Toran]

Below the deck of the ship, Toran and his men questioned Kenox and carefully inspected the wand. Toran ordered one of his men to pick up the wand and try to identify its true powers. The man picked up the wand, but was unable to decipher its magic. He handed it to Toran, just as Marnek and Solusek had hoped, and the wand exploded, instantly incinerating the ship and everyone aboard, and lighting up the night sky with a giant fireball. Marnek’s plan had succeeded. With the help and blessing of the Burning Prince, they had destroyed Sir Toran and an entire squad of Prexus’ finest paladins. Years later, though, the paladins were able to regroup and ultimately defeat Marnek. The wand of the Burning Dead was destroyed and gone forever. Or least, that’s what we thought. This wand must never be allowed to be made whole again