Category Archives: Minotaur

Life Among the Goblins

Goblins abound throughout Norrath, yet it has been extemely difficult to get close enough to them for good observation. I, Trent Burkhart, will infiltrate a goblin tribe in order to understand what makes them so vile and obnoxious. My first step is to tint my body a vile shade of green, shave off my hair and manufacture a loincloth. Wish me luck!
“Life Among the Goblins,” by Trent Burkhart — One man’s journal describing the day-to-day activities of a typical goblin tribe. Appendix by Pearl Honeywine.

Day One — Goblins. The mere sound of the word brings to mind these shapeless, mindless creatures. I have tinted my skin using an extract from a local plant and am wearing a loin cloth that I obtained from a deceased goblin. By walking with a bow-legged slump, I can create the illusion of having the typical pot belly. There is not much I can do about my ears, however after shaving my head, I left a fringe around my temples to comb over the tips of my rather smallish ears. This will have to do.

Day Three — I am currently with the goblins of Runnyeye, in the Enchanted Lands. Thankfully, it is dark enough that no one questions my lack of appropriate ears. The goblin language is guttural and coarse. I have picked up enough of it that I can make the appropriate responses when necessary, though I would rather not speak to these foul, stench-ridden beasts. Why I chose to research goblins is beyond me!

Day Four — I’ve stumbled into something interesting and need to figure out its significance. Otherwise, my days are becoming somewhat monotonous. The evil eyes have used their mystical powers to enslave a variety of creatures to work on behalf of the goblins. It is interesting to note that in prior Ages, the goblins were themselves enslaved! Now the former slaves are the masters, and as I am trying to fit in with the goblins, I have much leisure time on my hands.

Day Seven — Have I really been here for seven entire days? Between sneaking through corridors and foraging up acceptable food, I have found some written records. At least, they are as much of a written record as one might expect of these low-lifes. There are many pictographs and symbols which I am copying down into my journal. Even if I don’t decipher them in the next few days, I shall bring this record with me to my home and work on it there.

Day Eight — Something interesting happened, finally! About a dozen or so goblins, looked like a group of Runnyeye brawlers, set out on a foray and brought back a handful of minotaurs. The minotaurs seemed rather spellbound and very docile at first, but then one of them broke free of whatever control the goblins had and rampaged through the area, killing several of the brawlers. The minotaur was eventually surrounded by the goblins’ war boars and taken down.

Day Ten — After pouring over the various pictographs, I believe I’ve deciphered the goblins’ tome! There are several references to the entities of the ancient times, notably Bolgin and Brell Serilis. While it’s not clear what these tomes mean, I find it fascinating that…wait…someone is coming.

Day Thirteen — I’ve been dispatched with a company of other goblins to the Citadel. I do not know what our purpose there might be, but it was made very clear to me that I am expected to remain there for some time. With any luck, I’ll be able to ditch these filthy tunnelers and head home with my research complete. I’ve finished translating the goblin origins document and just need a quiet hour or two to set it all down. Unfortunately, the Citadel is much busier than the tunnels ever were and I am constantly sent hither and yon.

Day Sixteen — It’s really quite a pleasure to have purpose in my life again. While in those dark tunnels, the days passed slowly because I had nothing to do but wander about lazily, like a goblin. It appears that they realized early on that I was not one of their own, but they were happy to have my company. Indeed, that is why they sent me to the Citadel, so I might be able to do some research in more comfort. Perhaps I’ve been mistaken about these pleasant little fellows all along.

Day Twenty — Busy, busy, busy! That describes my life at the Citadel! I’m in constant demand and it feels great! While I have no time now to dwell upon the possible deeper meaning of the goblin pictographs, frankly, I could not care less! Who cares where these friendly folk came from or whether they have language skills? It’s good to be busy all day long, rather than wonder what would happen should they discover my ruse. I am quite enjoying my new job cleaning out the muck in the war boar stables.

Appendix, by Pearl Honeywine — While in the Enchanted Lands, I found these notes which degenerated from intelligent discourse into random drawings and ideograms. It seems that the evil eyes had gotten hold of our researcher’s mind and managed to change a promising anthropologist into a raving mad slave. Alas for goblin research! At least our friend Master Burkhart will die happy and unaware of what he has lost.

Journal of a Disciple of Marr

Collected notes

Of late, I have had trouble sleeping. I close my eyes, and visions spring to life, as real as if I were there. I have always been a faithful follower of Mithaniel Marr, and my conscience is clear, so why do I dream so frequently these days of him and his twin? I begin to have trouble distinguishing what I know to be real from what I have seen in my dreams. In an attempt to keep my mind clear, I have decided to write down what scraps of meager knowledge I possess regarding the Marr twins. Perhaps by putting it in writing, I can ease my visions.

Tarew Marr: the Fathom Lord, the first member of the Triumvirate of Water. He is father to the twins Mithaniel and Erollisi Marr. He is the sole lord and commander of the liquid form of water, and both dreaded and revered by sailors and all those who live at the mercy of the sea.

Erollisi Marr: sister of Mithaniel and daughter of Tarew, she is called the Queen of Love, and reigned over the Plane of Love. Her followers believe that love can conquer all. They are passionately devoted to people, places and ideas and are more than willing to fight and die to preserve those things. The dream of every follower of Erollisi is to die in the selfless defense of someone or something they love.

Mithaniel Marr: brother of Erollisi and son of Tarew, he is known as the Truthbringer, and governs the Plane of Valor. His followers believe in truth, valor, and righteousness, and will fight to the death to protect the innocent and defend these values.

The Eight Virtues of Marr: Charity; Compassion; Devotion; Honor; Love; Sacrifice; Truth; and Valor.

I spoke some time ago to Sir Bayden Cauldthorn, prophet of Mithaniel Marr. He told me the frogloks and Northmen were not the Marr twins’ first creations, as commonly believed. There was a time when Mithaniel and Erollisi walked upon Norrath, unnoticed by the other, more elder gods. In the naivety of their youth, they thought they could be like the other gods and sought to create mortals of their own. And so Mithaniel Marr created the minotaur race, intended to personify honor and courage.

Alas, the inexperienced twins did not know how best to guide them and provide moral grounding. When Rallos Zek, the Warlord, saw the fearless minotaur in battle, he enticed them to join his army. Mithaniel was powerless to stop Rallos Zek from using the minotaur in his attack against the Plane of Earth, and as a consequence could not prevent them from being cursed for their part in the slaying of the Rathe Council. Due to the curse, the minotaur have remained in a primitive state, unable to build upon the achievements or progress of themselves or others. Sir Cauldthorn told me this has always been a source of grief and regret for Marr.

It was Katey Dalwynn of the Sisters of Erollisi who recently told me the sad news obtained from the Shard of Love. Erollisi Marr was struck down in the Plane of Valor by a trap intended for her brother; when he returned to find her dead, all he could do was bring her body back to her realm. Here it remained sealed in a crystal casket while Mithaniel m,mourned her death. When Mithaniel realized he was mistaken to have tried to trap the essence of love, even with the best of intentions, he shattered the crystal casket and freed Erollisi’s essence. He returned to tend his own realm, which had also fallen into neglect while he mourned his sister.

I sought Sister Katey once again when these visions started, but without success. It appears Sisters of Erollisi have returned to their hidden isle in the Ocean of Tears to mourn, now that Erollisi’s passing has been confirmed.

The dreams continue to persist. Sometimes I awake more tired than I was before sleeping. I see the Marr twins as they must have been in times long past, healthy and happy together. But then I see the face of Mithaniel, deeply lined with grief and sadness. I see Erollisi struck down dead, but I cannot make out what attacks her. Sometimes I see her lying dead, sometimes I see her sealed into a crystal casket, and sometimes – inexplicably- I see her likeness carved in stone. I see Halas burning in the night, as the armies of Zek overrun it, and then shattered as the skies fall and tear it asunder. But I also see Halas being built, by scores of strong Northmen and heroic fogloks and strange dwarves all working together.

What mean these dreams? Do they contain some message, or are they lies sent by the enemies of Marr, hoping to spread further confusion before Mithaniel Marr can reestablish himself in his place after his long mourning? I will continue to pray for guidance and try to understand. Writing these thoughts down has at least eased my mind somewhat and helped to clear my thoughts.

History of the Runnyeye Goblins, Vol. III

This book is titled “History of the Runnyeye Goblins, Vol. III”. It chronicles the history of the goblins from when they made a new home in the Bog Mountain to the present.
1 NR – Many uncounted years would pass as the goblins would aimlessly wander throughout the world. Not possessing any powers of creation, they could no longer “make” a home and had to find something that already existed and could support their numbers. Eventually they would find a new home deep inside a cavern.

4 NR – Soon after they settled, the goblins would be assaulted by monstrous bull-men. Having neither the size or the weapons to stop them, the goblins would retaliate with suicidal charges against the minotaur’s villages. After many of these death squads would run to their deaths, enough minotaur axes were secured by the goblins to allow them to fight on even terms.

20 NR- The wars between the minotaurs and the goblins would continue until a third party would appear. A large eyeball, much larger than a goblin, began communicating with the goblins. It asked to speak with the Big King, and when the meeting was over with, the Big King announced to his people that they would be called “Runnyeye”.

21 NR – With the help of the Great Eyes, the goblins would overpower the minotaurs and put an end to the war. The subjugated minotaurs were then brought before the Great Eyes and made to bow their knees to their new masters. The now mentally controlled minotaurs took no time in conquering the unassuming goblins.

21 – 600 NR – The goblins, under the mental domination of the Great Eyes, would spend many years in a cruel form of captivity. Acting as the menial labor for the Great Eyes, the goblins would be forced to perform all manner of evil actions. This would continue for many centuries to come.

600 NR – The Rending would change the face of Norrath, causing the lands to shift. No longer attached to the rest of the world, the Runnyeye goblins would find that their Great Eye masters would spend much of their time away from their minions. This would be the beginning of the end for the Great Eyes.

600 NR – While the Great Eyes would turn their attention away from the goblins to discuss their future endeavors, their control would lessen over their mental slaves. A goblin only known as Gribble would bring about a change in the way things were done in Bog Mountain.

600-650 NR – Gribble would show the other goblins the manner in which to break the chains of mental slavery. This would cause what is called the Great Purge. The goblins would begin to slaughter what they now referred to as Evil Eyes. When the numbers were reduced to such a small amount, the goblins stopped and came up with an even crueler fate. They would enslave the Evil Eyes!

650 – Now – The goblins would proceed to subjugate not only the Evil Eyes, but the minotaurs and boarfiends as well. In addition to their reverse of fate, they seemed to be able to do something they had not done in quite a long time. One of them managed to construct a crude weapon with no assistance from the Evil Eyes.

Now – To this day, the Runnyeye goblins are free of their cruel masters. It will take many years before they manage to rebuild all of their lost knowledge. For now, however, the Runnyeye goblins are free to think for themselves and pursue all manner of interests. No longer will they be forced to have thoughts not their own. They are free to rule their own lives. Yes, they are completely free.

Beyond the Rune

Notes by Lord Rikantus Everling
The greatest prisons are those we make for ourselves. My prison begins with my love of my daughters. My beloved daughters have been slaughtered by the accursed guardians that once cared for them. These six were once bound to my family by their curse, but the stench of betrayal is strong within this manor and such villainy soon sets into all who dwell within. Betrayal became necessary to acquire the wondrous artifacts of my family and betrayal will tear us apart and piece us back together in the shape of blasphemy.

My daughters have been cut and my sentries have fallen to blades. In this bloodbath I am imprisoned, never able to leave. No door could be opened, no window broken down. How such magic could be wielded by Pelleas is beyond my understanding. But there I found myself, alone in a house of death. But I am an Everling and the gift of the occult is my trade. I can find a way to save my daughters because I have studied with the House of Varsoon and have heard the name of Ethernere.

Ethernere is said to be a place where the dead go before they are allowed into the eternal halls of the pantheons. It is not a plane as we know planes to be. This is a dimension, a realm that exists all around us, in this space and not. Here in Ethernere is where I knew I could find my daughters and return them to the land of the living. I raced to gather my research notes taken from my time with Varsoon. These notes will craft my path and allow me to rescue my beloved daughters.

Key among Varsoon’s research was the ancient rune. It had no name, for it existed long before names. It was an ancient whisper from times unknown, but it is what he believes to be the first key to Ethernere. At the time, his goals in Ethernere were not mine, but it was a path to the unknown, the stock of my trade. We studied notes and studied the rune, a peculiar glyph rules by what looked like two intersecting triangles. Eventually, this time of research ended in failure, or so I thought. Reports soon told me that Varsoon lied and he had breached the barricades of Ethernere.

That was then and now I am placed within the blood soaked castle. It was at this time that I knew my notes could be deciphered and a way to Ethernere could be made. If I could reach such a place then I could retrieve the souls of my daughters before they moved on to eternal realms. Having done my studying, I realized I needed to piece my daughters back together. Employing my art in flesh constructs, I went about sewing together the parts of my beloved daughters. The creations were not as accurate as I had hoped, but would be sufficient as vessels until I could acquire new ones.

Performing the final steps of the arcane ritual, I began to realize that I am about to enter the realm between death’s door and the eternal gates. But I was wrong. The research undergone so very long ago within the Keep of Immortality was flawed. It was either flawed or Lord Varsoon had fed me lies on purpose. I believed the latter at first, but soon realized it would be near impossible to corrupt every one of my notes. Perhaps the destination was not the one we believed it to be. Perhaps is no more, as I soon learn.

Through powerful rituals I have opened a gateway to the unknown, a gateway to oblivion. I set foot upon the surface of a rock hurtling through a maelstrom of astronomical anomalies. I see the emptiness around me filled with flotsam and jetsam made of other hunks of rock. All is being sucked towards a blinding center as if we were in a universal whirlpool. The rocky moons about me seem lifeless, but the one I am atop is different. A tower rises from this lifeless rock. Could this be Ethernere and could this be the mythical Deathtoll Belltower? It was not.

The tower was crackling with arcane forces. The sound created boomed across the silence of this world, feeling as though it could destroy the ears of a god. Massive streams of energy burst out of the top of the tower and arced off into the void. I noticed something that nearly was lost among the many wonders. This place is close to the center of the vortex universe, but somehow fighting the speed of other bodies around it. I wondered if the arcs of light were anchoring it down in some fashion, anchoring it to what?

Having no where to go, I ventured forth towards the tower. The walk was much longer than I had estimated. The rocky terrain made the journey far more difficult as well. Luckily, I happened upon a stairwell. The brickwork was amazing and the minerals used unknown. I decided that the stairwell was just as safe as the tower and being so close, I descended. I may have chosen wrong, the descent was long, longer than the trek to the tower would have been. Suddenly, it ended and I found myself within a massive cavern.

Inside the titanic cavern I could see another tower far off across the uneven landscape. The air was brilliant and blue. Dazzling lights danced about this air as if they were schools of fish. I could see swirling vortices of arcane origins bursting forth from high on the cavern walls. Suddenly, I heard a rumbling sound. I hid. Peeking out from behind my rocky refuge I spotted a large lumbering beast. This beast was like a massive burly minotaur with eyes of red that pierced the darkness. I turned to sneak back up the stairwell, but there was no stairwell!

Having no where to retreat to, I was forced to trudge onward. I darted from shadow to shadow, outcropping to outcropping. I managed to elude the horned behemoths and draw closer to the tower, the only place I could see as a possible release to this mystery. Looking at the tower I noticed something very eerie etched onto its crown, the rune that brought me here! There atop this tower in a realm unknown was the same symbol that Varsoon had chased. It was this rune that brought us here, or did it call?

Varsoon and I traded knowledge gathered from history and across Norrath. We believed this to be a passage to Ethernere, but was it truly? Neither of us could say for sure unless we ever made it here, and here I am. Did Varsoon also find this place? The ethereal chain that bound me to Norrath tugged tight. I must find my answers soon or be forced to return empty handed, never seeing my beloved daughters again. I must enter the tower and find my answers if they do exist. Enter I did.

(The final page contains two sketches of two runes. They appear as follows: 1. The Rune of Ethernere – There is an image of two triangles turned upon each other and intersecting to create a diamond at the center. 2. The Rune of Sunder – There is an image of a swirling line such as a whirlpool would create when viewed overhead or a spiraled serpent. The Rune of Sunder has a hurried note scribbled in blood over it. “Look to the stone of the Shissar.”)

A Dwarf’s Guide to Surviving a Minotaur Attack.

The minotaur survival guild is your complete resource for surviving an encounter with these beasts of burden.
You’ll learn how to recognize your enemy and choose the right weapons to defend yourself. You’ll gain information on killing techniques, along with tips on what to do when on the defense, on the run or on the attack.

Understanding the Minotaur:

Minotaurs have often been used as guardians or defenders, and will usually only follow through on an attack if you encroach upon said territory, or have obtained one of their guarded posessions. But be wary as you venture through Steamfont, as you may find yourself face to face with these powerful beasts.

Minotaur Attributes:

The minotaur is a sentient creature resembling an upright bull or cow. It stands twice as tall as a gnome or dwarf on its hoofed, digitigrade legs. Their broad chests and shoulders add to their intimidating stature, as do the large horns of the bulls.

Minotaurs have a visual spectrum of black and white. They also have great night vision capability, a fact that explains their skill at low light hunting, such as that of mines and cave groups. Minotaurs have excellent hearing. Not only can they detect sound, they can determine its direction of origin even when echoing in many directions.

Tests indicate the range of their hearing to be similar to that of a human, gnome, or halfling.

The minotaur’s sense of smell is very acute. They can pick up the smell of another minotaur or that of an intruder and distinguish the two at a much greater distance then previously assumed.

How to Fend Off a Minotaur:

1. Hit back! If a minotaur is coming towards you or attacks you, use anything you have in your possession – a shield, pick axe, your fist – to hit the minotaur’s eyes, or snout, which are the areas most sensitive to pain. Make quick, sharp, repeated jabs in these areas.

2. If you or one of your group members has a proficiency with spells then those too should be used to injure the beast. Be wary, though, the minotaur may also be spell savvy, or have resistances to particular spells.

3. Additionally, if you have other creatures at your command, they can be used to confuse or to attack.

4. Do not allow yourself to get backed into a corner. The more room you have for your battle with these creatures, the better. Minotaurs have many charging battle tactics, which open areas discourage and make less effective.

5. Avoid the horns. The bull minotaurs have large and dangerous horns that can easily be used to gore prey.

6. Blind it! if the attack is happening in a dark location, you can attempt to use its night vision capability against it. Be sure to shield your eyes prior to casting the mesmerization or light spells.

How to Avoid an Attack:

The best advice is to avoid mines or caves with known treasures or previously unattainable items of glory. They are bound to be guarded, by test, trial, spells, and beast. Promises of reward by someone unwilling to do the work themselves, are good indicators of such action. But if you find yourself on such a trek keep these pointers in mind:

1. Avoid being in derelict mines or unexplored caves alone. Always stay in groups. Minotaurs are more likely to attack a solitary individual.

2. Do not enter questionable enclosures if you are bleeding or previously wounded. Minotaurs will have a better chance of smelling you.

3. Scout your advancement carefully for tell tale signs of minotaur, such as hoof prints or echoing snorts.

4. Use extra caution when enclosures are dark, and sounds are muffled. It will decrease your chance of sensing the minotaur but they may still be able to sense you.

5. If a minotaur shows itself to you, it may be intimidating you rather than attacking, in hopes that its presence is enough to dissuade you from encroaching further. Back away slowly. Do not make any sudden movements.

6. Do not harass, try to cajole, or bribe any minotaur. Minotaur are known for their fierce, explosive tempers!

7. Although rarely found, you should leave calves alone. Any adult minotaur will respond to a distress call from a youngster.

8. A minotaur attack is a potential danger for anyone who frequents mines or caves, but it should be kept in perspective. Wolves, undead, and trap chests are responsible for far more fatalities each year.

Into the Depths of: Loping Plains


Change has come to Faydwer. The Bloodmoon tribe of wereorcs have become a formidable force in the land. Secured in their southern fortress, the wereorcs send scouts and hunters out into the surrounding countryside. The Bloodmoon tribe often wars with the neighboring werewolves while the goblins and minotaurs keep mostly to themselves.

Background Lore

Long ago, the Loping Plains were a thriving habitat for a large variety of Tunare’s creations. They have since become cursed and twisted by the influence of dark powers. From the south, the dark forces of the Bloodmoon tribe creep out from Bloodmoon Keep, threatening to consume the land, while the curse of an angry god pulses from the northern coast and the Hills of Shade.

The wereorcs have taken up residence in elven ruins from the days when the Loping Plains were a vast magic forest. Their purpose is to subvert as many of the Crushbone orc tribe as will join them. Those who will not join, they will destroy.

Areas of Note

Bloodmoon Keep: The keep was once an elegant elven city. It was destroyed by the forces of Mayong many ages ago and was recently claimed by the Bloodmoon orcs as their fortress. Even though the city lay in ruins, the ramparts and thick stone walls of the keep provide a stronghold that is relatively easy for the wereorcs to defend.

Nightwalker’s Refuge: The nightwalker refuge a goblin stronghold built on an abandoned elven outpost. The goblins use this area as a hiding place to avoid the wereorc scouting parties. The Nightwalkers are allied with the Ranthok goblins, who are searching, largely in vain, for their leader.

Festival of Mistwynd: An abandoned festival ground on the northern shore of Wayunder Lake. This was once a fairground of sorts, but now has a more nefarious purpose… There is evidence of sacrifices.

Drangol Point: A fortress of Creepfeet goblins who are trying (mostly in vain) to avoid the conflict raging in a land now dominated by undead.

Fangbreakers’ Recruiting Station: Once a society of werewolf hunters, the Fangbreakers have expanded their scope and now hunt weres, cursed spirits and any other monster that preys upon normal folk.

Shadowmane Camp: The Shadowmane feel responsible for the spread of the wereorcs and have set up a camp to try help rid Norrath of this new scourge. While they don’t normally interact well with the Fangbreakers, there is an uneasy alliance between them in the face of a common threat.

Three Oaks Hill: A mysterious grove of oak trees. It may well be worth exploring.

Roots of Elddandor: A small cave system under the Three Oaks area made up of roots. Adventurers who venture into these caves may meet dangerous imps.

Decaying Caverns: These caverns house minotaur thralls, who work there until released by death. Their cruel taskmaster was once one of them, but his failure changed him into a shadow forever bound to toil in the caverns.

Marble Mine of Mistwynd: A cave system located near Wayunder Lake. The outcast vampires of Mayong’s realm live here in exile.


Steamfont Mountains: Past and Present

The sounds of gnomish cheers and clockwork gears echo throughout the continent of Faydwer as the Steamfont Mountains transforms its appearance. This revamp will be included with the Game Update on Thursday, October 25th. Read part of the lore surrounding this area and view a photo gallery look at the changes that were made.

Background Lore:

Named for the natural geysers and springs found in its rocky peaks, these mountains surround the gnome city of Ak’Anon. It is known that the dragons had once dwelled here, for the fossilized remains of very young dragon can be viewed inside a small valley. The presence of Steamfont’s drakes also indicates that the region may once have had some greater significance to the children of Veeshan. However, that history was lost long before the arrival of the elves or the surfacing of the gnomes.

Today, Steamfont acts as a training ground for young gnomish pupils, as well as for those elves and dwarves that brave the dangerous trek through the Lesser Faydark. Minotaurs from the mines of Meldrath are among the most challenging foes due to their social and cooperative nature.

The mountains of Steamfont are bordered by the Lesser Faydark to the east, and the gates to the glorious subterranean city of Ak’Anon to the far west – gates installed safely within a mountain face and heavily guarded by some of Ak’Anon’s most renown warriors.


Into the Depths of: Loping Plains


Change has come to Faydwer. The Bloodmoon tribe of wereorcs have become a formidable force in the land. Secured in their southern fortress, the wereorcs send scouts and hunters out into the surrounding countryside. The Bloodmoon tribe often wars with the neighboring werewolves while the goblins and minotaurs keep mostly to themselves.

Background Lore

Long ago, the Loping Plains were a thriving habitat for a large variety of Tunare’s creations. They have since become cursed and twisted by the influence of dark powers. From the south, the dark forces of the Bloodmoon tribe creep out from Bloodmoon Keep, threatening to consume the land, while the curse of an angry god pulses from the northern coast and the Hills of Shade.

The wereorcs have taken up residence in elven ruins from the days when the Loping Plains were a vast magic forest. Their purpose is to subvert as many of the Crushbone orc tribe as will join them. Those who will not join, they will destroy.

Areas of Note

Bloodmoon Keep: The keep was once an elegant elven city. It was destroyed by the forces of Mayong many ages ago and was recently claimed by the Bloodmoon orcs as their fortress. Even though the city lay in ruins, the ramparts and thick stone walls of the keep provide a stronghold that is relatively easy for the wereorcs to defend.

Nightwalker’s Refuge: The nightwalker refuge a goblin stronghold built on an abandoned elven outpost. The goblins use this area as a hiding place to avoid the wereorc scouting parties. The Nightwalkers are allied with the Ranthok goblins, who are searching, largely in vain, for their leader.

Festival of Mistwynd: An abandoned festival ground on the northern shore of Wayunder Lake. This was once a fairground of sorts, but now has a more nefarious purpose… There is evidence of sacrifices.

Drangol Point: A fortress of Creepfeet goblins who are trying (mostly in vain) to avoid the conflict raging in a land now dominated by undead.

Fangbreakers’ Recruiting Station: Once a society of werewolf hunters, the Fangbreakers have expanded their scope and now hunt weres, cursed spirits and any other monster that preys upon normal folk.

Shadowmane Camp: The Shadowmane feel responsible for the spread of the wereorcs and have set up a camp to try help rid Norrath of this new scourge. While they don’t normally interact well with the Fangbreakers, there is an uneasy alliance between them in the face of a common threat.

Three Oaks Hill: A mysterious grove of oak trees. It may well be worth exploring.

Roots of Elddandor: A small cave system under the Three Oaks area made up of roots. Adventurers who venture into these caves may meet dangerous imps.

Decaying Caverns: These caverns house minotaur thralls, who work there until released by death. Their cruel taskmaster was once one of them, but his failure changed him into a shadow forever bound to toil in the caverns.

Marble Mine of Mistwynd: A cave system located near Wayunder Lake. The outcast vampires of Mayong’s realm live here in exile.


History of Lake Elizerain

Lake Elizerain sat quietly upon Faydwer for ages. Until the elves’ departure from the distant eastern shores of Tunaria, few if any folk visited the Lake, and it has no recorded name before that time. Wild beasts and creatures from the mountains roamed the area until the Koada’Dal came and the wilderness retreated to some extent. The creatures of the area still maintained a presence, though, and even after the Fier’Dal and Koada’Dal sent rangers, paladins, warriors, and scouts to colonize and secure the area, most of it remained untamed. Because of the persistent wildness of the region (and since the elves soon settled in other, more hospitable parts of the Faydark), the small elven communities near the Lake soon shrank. However, the settlements by the lake were never entirely abandoned, simply because the pristine waters were one of the few delights held precious by Princess Elizerain, who became queen of the elves around this time.

Throughout the nearly three centuries after the Hejira, Elizerain proved a very potent and capable queen. She was much beloved by her people and oversaw great innovations and improvements among their culture. Much of her success was attributed in later years to her legendary divinatory
ability, which guided the elves on a course that kept them generally safe and content in their new home. Legend claims that when it came time for Queen Elizerain to pass onto the next life, she bade her people bury her in the favored place of her youth when her time for passing came.
Thus, the Koada’Dal put her to rest in the waters of the newly named Lake Elizerain.

In the many years after her death, while the lakeside settlements faded away almost entirely, pilgrims and mystics came to the lake in droves to try to tap into the divinatory ability that Queen Elizerain’s burial purportedly granted the waters. A few posts were maintained by the lake
to accommodate these wanderers. The years passed relatively peacefully by the lake, although the local minotaurs and kobolds continued to harass the elves, as they always had.

In recent years, however, events have taken a darker turn. For many centuries, the dutifully maintained elven watch towers on the eastern shores of Faydwer peered out over the Sea of Dawn. Only in the last two centuries have the elves abandoned the majority of these towers, as the
ancient fear of danger from the east has gradually given way to apathy in the face of other dangers all around the elves.

Only a decade or so ago, the southernmost of these towers, which rests against an eastern spur of the Steamfonts, opened its doors to a young adventurer. This gifted youth bore with him several artifacts he had won while delving deep into the mountains nearby. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to either the adventurer or the tower’s handful of warriors, these objects were dark artifacts of Innoruuk, and their corruption spread rapidly through the tower. Now, dark forces control of the former Koada’Dal holding.

The Koada’Dal have attempted reconnoiters against the tower, and the defenses of the darkened tower have proved strong. At present, there are simply too few of the Clerics of Tunare to undertake a dangerous quest to secure such a distant outlying enemy holding, as they are busy defending Felwithe from more immediate threats.

The Last Battle

When it is to end, Sky and Earth would wage endless war against each other. As one side gained the advantage, the other side would steal it away from the other. This would continue until both agreed to one Final Battle. Sky made its champions to fight against Earth, and Earth made its champions to fight against Sky.

Earth thought long and hard and created its champion. Taking only from Earth and placing no Sky within its creation, Earth breathed its own essence into its warriors. Sky watched Earth, and being ever jealous, stole some of Earth to put in its champions. Earth was smarter, for there was not much room for Sky’s essence in its creations. And thus, the Minotaurs and the Valkyries were created.

As the Final Battle would begin, the Minotaurs would win every battle. Soon enough Sky realized it was about to lose, the great act of treachery was performed. Sky hid away its champions to stall the battle. Earth seeing this, stole a piece of Sky when it wasn’t looking and showed the Minotaurs how to use Sky against its champions when the battle would resume. And thus, Magic was made.

The Kings would watch as the Minotaurs were given everything and they, Earth’s first companions, were given nothing. Having a piece of Sky within them, they felt jealousy just as she did. The Kings reached out and stole most of the Minotaur’s Magic, upon which Earth banished the Kings into a circle of hidden places. And thus, the Evil Ring was made.

Thinking this was a sign of weakness on Earth’s part, Sky brought forth the Valkyries once again. Continuing to cheat during the Final Battle, Sky summoned forth all of its strength and blew away all of the Earth’s many, many companions. All that remained on Earth’s body were the Minotaurs and the Valkyries. And thus, the Last Two were made.

As the two champions fought, so would Earth and Sky. Watching as both champions were about to end in a draw, Sky launched a daring assault upon Earth. Opening all of its old wounds, Sky began to bleed upon Earth hoping to drown the Minotaurs. Earth was ready for this trick and formed a shield. The blood of Sky and the shield of Earth would become merged as one. And thus, Ice was formed.

Sky could no longer reach Earth and Earth could no longer reach Sky, for Ice separated the two. Knowing that Sky could no longer touch Earth in anger, its anger raged out of control. Getting more and more angry, Sky spun itself into great circling storms until finally it could not undo the great knot it had tied itself in. And thus, the Great Maelstrom was made.

Earth could no longer reach Sky and Sky could no longer reach Earth, for Ice separated the two. Knowing that Earth was prevented from lashing out in its anger, it began to boil and stew in its frustration. Its anger would rumble and rumble, tearing itself apart. When the anger subsided, Earth had crumbled until it was only a tiny portion of what it used to be. And thus, the Final Land was made.

Knowing the Last Battle could not be won by cheating, allowing only for the champions to decide the outcome, Sky became spiteful. Reaching over to one of its original companions, Sky squeezed it until it burst, raining pieces of a Moon down upon the Ice. And thus, the One Moon was made.

And now the fight continues. The Valkyries are the champions of Sky and we Minotaurs are the champions of Earth. The Final Battle will be fought until there is only one victor. And since we Minotaurs have more essence of Earth than the Valkyries have of Sky, it is only a matter of time before Earth prevails and the Valkyries are destroyed.