Category Archives: New Qeynos

Champion of Bayle world event


A Lost Library Book, Overdue Letters

You say, “Hail, Royal Librarian Brinn.”

Royal Librarian Brinn says to you, “Hail, Adventurer! My business doesn’t take me into the city very often. Perhaps you could assist me? The Queen would be grateful, as would I.”

You say, “Gladly!”

Royal Librarian Brinn says to you, “In a recent inventory of the Bayle Library, I discovered that “The House of the Claymore,” an ancient book of Bayle family lore, was missing. This is a very unusual tome, bound in platinum, studded with sapphires and written in cipher.”

You say, “Why would it be written in cipher?”

Royal Librarian Brinn says to you, “It contains information about the whereabouts of various lesser branches of the Bayle family tree. Exiled first borns, lesser nobility, et cetera. At one time this information was very sensitive, hence the security.”

You say, “why was that information sensitive?”

Royal Librarian Brinn says to you, “There was the threat of jealous family members trying to usurp the throne, of course, and records of illegitimate children that were kept secret for obvious reasons. The Curse of the First Born was another major issue until it was lifted.”

You say, “Why isn’t this information sensitive now?”

Royal Librarian Brinn says to you, “None of that matters any more since all of the old House of Bayle died in a meteor shower after the Shattering. Antonia Bayle is the sole heir to her name. Long Live the Queen!”

You say, “Long live the Queen! Please continue.”

Royal Librarian Brinn says to you, “Well, I’ve already asked all of the library’s patrons, and there’s no record of this book being checked out, so I suspect it was stolen. I hate to make this accusation, but only a memver of the Royal Antonican Guard might have done such a thing.”

You say, “Antonia Bayle’s personal guard? That’s ridiculous!

Royal Librarian Brinn says to you, “Perhaps. But consider this: aside from the patrons, who are all nobility, only guards have access to the library. Why would a noble take a book they can’t read, and then keep it secret? Many of the guards come from common roots, and I’m afraid they are not paid very well. They certainly don’t earn platinum! A guard has both the motive and opportunity.”

You say, “Why don’t you ask their leader then?”

Royal Librarian Brinn says to you, “Oh I tried. Have you ever met Murrar Shar? That kerra is loyal to a fault, and ferocious. My ears are still ringing from the roar he gave me when I suggested that one of his men might have done wrong. No, he won’t help me.”

You say, “If a guard stole a book for the platinum, then we should find out where he sold it.”

Royal Librarian Brinn says to you, “My thoughts exactly! But I haven’t a clue where to start looking, I’m afraid. With my quiet lifestyle and lame leg, I don’t get our much. That’s why I need your skills, Soandso. I’m counting on you to find the book, and it’s equally important that we find out who took it.”

You say, “I’ll do my best!”

Perhaps a fence would know who sold the book?

You say, “Hail, Mariner Whistlethorn.”

Mariner Whistlethorn says to you, “What do you think you’re looking at?”

You say, “I’m looking for a magnificent book that was misappropriated within Qeynos. Would you or your associates know where such a thing might be traded?”

Mariner Whistlethorn says to you, “A book? Well it might be that I know where it is, but it’ll cost ya if I do. What’s this book look like?”

You say, “The title is “The House of the Claymore.”

(Alternate text: You say, “It might have a platinum cover inset with gemstones, or it might have no cover because it was scrapped for the money, but I still want it either way.”

Mariner Whistlethorn says to you, “Haven’t heard anything about that. I guess you’re outta luck! We mostly do imports here anyways. The Far Seas Trading company doesn’t handle rare acquisitions like what you’re talking about, not directly at least. Third parties get involved.

You say, “‘Third parties’ eh? Where could I find one?”

Mariner Whistlethorn says to you, “In bars and back alleys, of course! You’re as likely to get your throat slit as find your book, so maybe ask some bartenders first. Maybe you can convince old Pumpy to give you a clue. HAH!”

You say, “Pumpy? What kind of name is that?”

I’ve been given a clue!

A bartender named “Pumpy” might know where to buy stolen books.

You say, “Hail, P.T. Irontoe”

P.T. Irontoe says to you, “Listen here! This here’s my pub. We’ll have no busting heads and barstools in here. And never break rule number one: Never pester the owner.”

You say, “Could you help me find a missing book?”

P.T. Irontoe says to you, “Did you hear a word I just said? You broke rule number one! Off with you now!”

You say, “But this is very important!”

P.T. Irontoe says to you, “Hah!”

(Alternate text1: You say, “It’s for the queen, Antonia Bayle.”

P.T.Irontoe says to you, “Ahhh Antonia. There’s never been a finer lady. I’ll drink to her. Now shove off!”

You say, “But I know you can help me!”)

(Alternate text2: You say, “There’s a thief in the Royal Antonican Guard and I need help to catch him!”

P.T. Irontoe says to you, “Those boys risk their lives every day to protect the homes of ingrates like yourself. Don’t go bad mouthin’ them!”

You say, “But it’s true!”)

(Alternate text3: You say, “It’s a very expensive and precious book. You’ll be rewarded for helping.”

P.T. Irontoe says to you, “Does it look like I need your money?” Shove off!”

You say, “But I know you can help me!”)

You say, “I’m sorry for troubling you, but librarian Brinn really needs to get his book back. Please tell me if you know something.”

P.T. Irontoe says to you, “Brinn! Well uhm, since you asked nicely I can give you a tip. I know of a trader in books and the like that have been, ah, misplaced. If your tome is in the city it’s probably crossed her hands.”

You say, “Great! Where can I find her?”

P.T. Irontoe says to you, “Velia can be found at a bar in the Down Below. Take this coin for your entry fee and remember: I didn’t tell you any of this. Get it?”

You say, “Got it.”

I have learned about a secret thieves’ bar.

You say, “Hail, Velia Truesight”

Velis Truesight (Information Procurer) says to you, “And who might you be? We have not been introduced.”

(Alternate text: You say, “I am someone you should fear!”

Velia Truesight says to you, “Spare me the threats. I’m in no danger from you here, and if you want to deal with me you’ll need to behave. Now, you want something, so introduce yourself and tell me what you need so that we can negotiate like resonable poeple.”

You say, “Very well. I’m Soandso and I’m looking for a book stolen from the Royal Library.”)

You say, “My name is Soandso.”

Velia Truesight says to you, “Soandso? Hmmm I’ve read that name somewhere… You wouldn’t be the notorious Soandso who breached the Vault of the Underfoot would you?”

You say, “No.”

Velia Truesight says to you, “Nevermind. That wouldn’t make sense since it happened during the Age of Blood, and you don’t look a thousand years old.”

You say, “No, I’m not”

Velis Truesight says to you, “Well, I am very pleased to meet you Soandso! I am Lady Velia Truesight, formerly of Felwithe, and I positively adore books! Tell me about the one you seek.”

You say, “It’s a magnificent tome, bound in solid platinum and studded with sapphires.”

Velia Truesight says to you, “Platinum and sapphires, how trite! You’re after a book for its cover? Listen up, my illiterate friend: stones and metal don’t make a book magnificent. “The house of Claymore” is precious in any binding.”

(Alternate text: You say, “It’s a rare and precious history book called “House of the Claymore, “written in cipher.”)

You say, “You know the book?”

Velia Truesight says to you, “Of course! I just finished translating it for a client; one who had every right to know its contents, I assure you. He didn’t bother to ask for it back and I’m still keeping it quite safe. My rule is to wait a year before looking for a buyer.”

You say, “I was just checked out for a translating job? Seriously?”

Velia Truesight says to you, “That’s right, and it was quite a challenge! It’s written in Old Qeynosian, a cousin of the Halasian language spoken by the early barbarians who settled the Plains of Karana. But it was scribed in the phonetic alphabet of another dead language, Dyth’Dal. A bizarre combination for sure.”

You say, “Go on.”

Velia Truesight says to you, “But I am fluent in Dyth’Dal, and the various human dialects are easy to piece together once you’ve learned enough of them. I had the full translation delivered to my client in under a week, and learned some very fascinating things in the process.”

You say, “what did you learn?”

(alternate text: You say, “Who is your client?”)

Velia Truesight says to you, “Why should I tell you that?”

You say, “This is a criminal investigation, so you have to comply!”

Velis Truesight says to you, “Shame on you! I thought we were being resonable here. I’m no more intimidated by the law than by physical threats, and besides, I probably have more pull in the palace than you do, now!”

(Alternate text: You say, “It’s important that I discover who stole the book and why.”

Velia Truesight says to you, “Keeping secrets is just as important as discovering them, and I earned my reputation by doing both. All you need know is that the book was not stolen; it was borrowed and it will be returned. That’s what libraries are for, isn’t it?”

You say, “You have a point.”

Velia Truesight says to you, “Take this and return it to Brinn with my compliments.”

You say, “Thank you.”)

You say, “What is that supposed to mean?”

Velia Truesight says to you, “I’m done explaining things to you. Take this and return it. I’ll tell my client to stop keeping overdue library books next time I see him. Goodbye.”

You say, “Very well.”

You receive “The House of the Claymore”: A supposedly unreadable tome of lore from the Royal Library of Qeynos. It appears completely undamaged.

I have obtained the lost book!

Return the book to Royal Librarian Brinn in Qeynos Harbor.

You say, “Hail, Royal Librarian Brinn.”

Royal Librarian Brinn says to you, “Hail, Soandso. Have you found our book and our thief?”

You say, “I have the book, but there was no thief.”

I have returned the lost book!

Royal Librarian says to you, “No thief? Please explain.”

You say, “Apparently someone borrowed the book to have it translated, but forgot to return it.”

Royal Librarian Brin says to you, “Translated? Not very likely. Half a dozen Concordium scholars have wrecked their brains trying to read that thing. Anyway, who borrowed it? I checked with everyone who has the privilege of library access, so one of them must have lied.”

You say, “Well, Veria seemed to know what she was talking about, but she would not tell me who hired her.”

Royal Librarian Brinn says to you, “Velia! She is in Qeynos? She obviously knows Dyth’Dal and she’s old enough to have… no. NO! this is the worst possible outcome!”

You say, “What’s wrong?”

Royal Librarian Brinn says to you, “I will explain later. For now we have to assume that there is a high ranking traitor within the palace. The city must be secured while we find out who it is. Go to the palace right now and warn Antonia.

You say, “The palace isn’t far. Why send me?”

Royal Librarian Brinn says to you, “I won’t get there fast enough with my bad leg, and I can attend to some other urgent matters here. Report back to me afterwards.”

You say, “Alright, but will they let me in the palace?”

Royal Librarian Brinn says to me, “Take my ring and show it at the palace gate to gain entry. Trust no one! Only tell Antonia Bayle the full story of what has happened. Everyone else only needs to know that there is a traitor and Qeynos is in danger. They will believe you.”

You say, “Alright, I’m going.”

(Receive the Quest Overdue Letters)

Return to the palace.

You say, “Hail, Murrar Shar.”

Murrar Shar says to you, “What brings you to the palace?”

You say, “The Royal Librarian sent me with his signet ring. I urgently need an audience with Queen Antonia Bayle.”

Murrar Shar says to you, “Let me see that. Hmmmm, it is his ring. Explain yourself!”

You say, “The kingdom is in danger! I must warn the Queen!”

Murrar Shar says to you, “You will have to talk to me. She is on a voyage at sea, not in Qeynos. This is about the stolen book, isn’t it?”

You say, “It is! It was actually a dangerous book of secrets, and the thief had it translated!”

Murrar Shar says to you, “What! Tell me who the enemy is! I will rrrip him limb from limb until he gives the Queen’s book back!”

You say, “I don’t think that will work. The book was already returned but there is still a threat to Qeynos. We think it was taken by a high-ranking official in the palace!”

Murrar Shar says to you, “I told him my men stole nothing! He did not believe me.”

You say, “Yes, he was wrong about the guard.”

Murrar Shar says to you, “But now the Royal Antonican Guard will save the day! Tell Brinn I will order every guard in the palace to help him. No one will leave until we find the traitor. Except, hmmmm…”

You say, “Yes? What?”

Murrar Shar says to you, “I need a messenger to go to the fae princess in Kelethin. Since no one in the palace may leave until we have found the enemy, I would like you to help.”

You say, “That shouldn’t be a problem.”

Murrar Shar says to you, “Good. Tell Brinn to come see me, and then take this envelope to Saphronia. Quickly!”

You say, “Right away.”

I have reported to the palace.

Speak with Royal Librarian Brinn in Qeynos Harbor.

You say, “Hail, Royal Librarian Brinn.”

Royal Librarian Brinn says to you, “Have you spoken to Antonia?”

You say, “She wasn’t in the palace, but I got to the next closest person. Murrar Shar has offered to put the palace guards at your disposal to help catch the traitor. He was satisfied to hear it was not one of his men.”

Royal Librarian Brinn tells you, “Hmmmm, I didn’t know the Queen was away. Maybe that’s for the best as well. I”ll take my ring back now. What else passed between you and Murrar Shar?”

You say, “He knew that this was about your book, so I told him the traitor was whoever had taken it. Then he asked me to deliver an urgent letter to Princess Saphronia, in Kelethin.”

Royal Librarian Brinn says to you, “Ah, that’s smart of him! We need allies and there’s no telling whom to trust right now. Good. I need something delivered to her as well, a book.”

You say, “Let me guess, another so-called history book?”

Royal Librarian Brinn says to you, “Oh no, this one is an epic! ‘Shadows in the Leaves’ by the wood elf poet M. Herbling. It’s an old classic, and very hard to find nowadays. The princess has been waiting months for a copy.”

You say, “This is no time to be delivering library books!”

Royal Librarian Brinn says to you, “Of course. This book contains more than just poetry, and Saphronia will recognize it when she reads the first page. I’m suspicious of just about everyone in the palace right now, but I know I can trust her. Now, we must make haste!”

You say, “Hold on. Why send me to another continent at a time like this? We should capture the translator and make her talk!”

Royal Librarian Brinn says to you, “Interrogate Velia? I don’t know what will be harder: capturing a high eld who spent two centuries in Neriak unharmed, or making a trueborn daughter of Felwithe break an oath. She is both, you know. I suppose we’ll have to try, but I doubt it will work. Anyway don’t worry about that, get to kelethin!”

You say, “Wait. What was in the book I returned to you?”

Royal Librarian Brinn says to you, “Dangerous secrets. In the wrong hands, the contents of that book could threaten all of Qeynos; no, all of Norrath! I doubt even Velia knows the significance of what she has done.”

You say, “Alright, I will go to Kelethin.”

Royal Librarian Brinn says to you, “Here’s the book. Hurry back to me once you have delivered it. We all may be in tremendous danger!”

You receive the book, “Shadows in the Leaves”: This copy of a classic epic poem by M. Herbling comes from the Royal Library of Qeynos. Brinn claims to have added a little something extra to it for Princess Saphronia’s eyes only.

You say, “I’m off!”

I have spoken with Brinn.

Deliver the letter and book to Princess Saphronia of Kelethin.

You say, “Hail, Princess Saphronia.”

Princiess Saphronia says to you, “Thank you again for bringing Sir Gearheart back to life. We have been catching up on old times.”

You say, “I have a letter for you from Qeynos, and a book!”

Princess Saphronia says to you, “‘Shadows in the Leaves!’ I’ve been wanting to read that for years, but let me see that envelope first. Official business takes priority! Hmm… Antonia Bayle sends her greetings and has a list of requests.”

You say, “I’ll let you finish that.”

Princess Saphronia says to you, “What!? Trade concessions? Lumbering? A permanent settlement? Outrageous! This isn’t a diplomatic letter, it’s an ultimatum! My mother will hear of this!”

You say, “Uh..oh”

Princess Saphronia says to you, “I knew we couldn’t trust outsiders! Get out! NOW! GUARDS!”

You say, “Alright, I’ll just leave the book here.”

Princess Saphronia says to you, “NO! Take your filthy gifts with you! I hope I never see any one or any thing from the rotten city of Qeynos again!”

You say, “Good bye.”

The Princess threw a fit at the letter and wouldn’t even take the book!

Report to Brinn in Qeynos Harbor.

Inspect Royal Librarian Brinn’s corpse behind the inn.

Brinn is dead, but the body is still warm. His pockets have been turned inside out and his belongings are scattered around him.

Search the possessions.

His money was left behind, as well as a small notebook with all of the written pages torn out. His signet ring was taken off, but you find it wedged between two cobblestones.

Pick up the ring.

I should report this strange news to Royal Librarian Brinn.

(Receive the Quest Deadly Words)

Speak with Murrar Shar.

You say, “Hail, Murrar Shar.”

Murrar Shar says to you, “You have returned, but Brinn has not come to see me yet. Did you deliver the letter already?”

You say, “Brinn is dead! I found him murdered in a back alley.”

Murrar Shar says to you, “RRAWRR! The enemy is covering his trrracks! Brinn must have known who it was!”

You say to Murrar Shar, “But we don’t. What should we do now.”

Murrar Shar says to you, “We must capture this translator and find out who she is in league with! Take the guards with you and arrest her!”

You say, “I’ll lead you to her.”

I have spoken with Murrar Shar

Lead the guards to Crow’s Resting Place in the Down Below.

The guards have attacked me!

Defeat the guards.

Find a clue about why the guards are attacking.

I have defeated the guards!

You loot Guard Orders: “When you find the Crow’s Resting Place, make your move. You are to start by killing our informant, and then you are to lie in wait for a high elf female to exit the establishment and eliminate her as well. Hide their bodies in the sewer and then return. Strike swiftly and show no mercy!”

I found a copy of their orders!

Talk to Velia Truesight.

You say, “Hail, Velia Truesight.”

Velis Truesight says to you, “Hello again, Soandso. I’ve been expecting you”

You say, “Have you?”

Velis Truesight says to you, “Yes! Brinn knows that I’m in Qeynos, and a man like him simply can not stand to leave well enough alone. And of course he wouldn’t want to be seen in a place like this, so here you are! It is good to see you again.”

You say, “It’s good seeing you too.”

Velia Truesight says to you, “So tell me, is your errand a vain attempt to wheedle the name of a client our of me, or have you come to take advantage of my information procuring services? Orperhaps you’d like me to brew you a lovely potion?”

You say, “Actually, I was sent here to capture you. Brinn is dead and you’re the prime suspect.”

Velia Truesight says to you, “What?

You say, “I found Brinn’s dead body in a back alley near the docks. Murrar Shar tasked me with leading the guards here to capture you on charges of murder and conspiracy.”

Velia Truesight says to you, “Well… that is quite a surprise! But why do I see trust in your eyes? You are not here to capture me. So, what happened next?”

You say, “The guards turned on me. They had orders to lie in wait and kill you as well.”

Velis Truesight says to you, “my, my, how delightfully treacherous! The captain of the Royal Antonican Guard… I never knew he had it in him! Now, I suppose you still want to know who killed Brinn.”

You say, “Yes, I would.”

Velia Truesight says to you, “It’s obvious. Murrar Shar did it! And it was he who hired me to translate the hidden messages in “The House of the Claymore.” I was so excited to have someone in the Qeynos palace owe me a favor. It’s a shame he’ll have to die.”

It was Murrar Shar! He was the traitor all along!

You say, “If you’re done keeping secrets for him, why not tell me what was really in the book?”

Velia Truesight says to you, “Oh it had all sorts of juicy secrets about the palace and the royal family. For example, did you know the Bayle bloodline was cursed? There was also a comprehensive overview of various secret passageways and family artifact. But the real secret was the hidden writing.”

You say, “Hidden writing?

Velia Truesight says to you, “Yes! Steganography is one of my specialties. There was a message encoded in the number of words per line, which is hard to count in a language that has no spaces! It spelled out a list of names and code names, with locations and pass phrases for the purpose of contacting them. Brinn himself was on the lost. Her Majesty’s Secret Service, perhaps? Or perhaps a different secret society…”

You say, “Tell me more about this curse.”

Velia Truesight says to you, “A prophecy stated that if the first born of the house of Bayle ever becomes king, Qeynos will fall. So the firstborn were exiled and raised by foster parents, never knowing their lineage. And they all turned out to be viciously evil, too! A secret society called the Circle of Ten was formed to keep track of these firstborn of Bayle and ensure their permanent banishment. It ended up controlling the city after the Shattering, until Queen Antonia arrived.”

You say, “That’s interesting, but what would Murrar Shar do with this information?”

Velia Truesight says to you, “I don’t know. Maybe he’s planning a coup? When overthrowing a government, it helps to know who one’s enemies are. But that doesn’t matter. Our course of action is clear.”

You say, “We have to stop him.”

Velia Truesight says to you, “Exactly! And I know just the thing for it. Tell me, can you get back to Brinn’s corpse?”

You say, “He’s probably still where I found him.”

(Receive Quest Eternal Revenge)

Velia Truesight says to you, “A Doom Revenant will be perfect for the occasion. Take this potion of Eternal Revenge and just poor it down his throat while whispering the name of his enemy. Its potency is greatest when used on an innocent who was murdered while defenseless.”

You say, “You’re a necromancer too?”

Velia Truesight says to you, “What? How dare you accuse me of such a thing! I am a highly accomplished alchemist! Now take that potion and get to work. The sooner Brinn gets it, the better.”

You say, “What if Murrar has co-conspirators? Simply killing him might not help.”

Velia Truesight says to you, “Oh I wouldn’t worry about that. Doom Revenants are very thorough! Why, I wouldn’t be surprised if his whole family turned up dead within a couple of days, along with all the other conspirators…

You say, “Alright then, I’ll do it.”

Velia Truesight says to you, “For Qeynos! Right!”

You say, “For Qeynos!”

Use the Potion of Eternal Revenge on the corpse of Brinn.

A contingent of palace guards spots you tampering with the corpse!

The Qeynos Guard arrested me when I returned to Brinn’s corpse!

General Golias Sydwen seems to think that I am the conspirator who killed Brinn! He is about to interrogate me.

You say, “Hail, General Golias Sydwen.”

General Golias Sydwen (Knight of Valor) says to you, “my, my, what a mess you’ve gotten yourself into! I’ve read the list of charges against you: grand theft from the crown, forgery, sedition, and murder. You have a lot of explaining to do.”

You say, “I’m innocent!”

General Golias Sydwen says to you, “Of course you are. Let’s just go over these accusations one by one, shall we? First of all, you are charged with theft of a unique tome of ancient Qeynosian lore, “The House of the Claymore.”

You say, “Brinn hired me to find that book, and I did! It was returned safely.”

General Golias Sydwen says to you, “Oh? Then where is it now? It hasn’t returned to the library and Brinn didn’t have it on his person or stored among his effects.”

You say, “How should I know? Maybe it was taken by his killer?”

General Golias Sydwen says to you, “Yes, that does make sense. I believe his killer took it too.”

You say, “Alright.”

General Golias Sydwen says to you, “The next charge is forgery. You delivered a fabricated diplomatic letter to the princess of Kelethin, filled with inflammatory lies intended to foment conflict between our two fair kingdoms.”

You say, “I didn’t write it! Murrar Shar asked me to deliver it to Saphronia. I didn’t know what was in it!”

General Golias Sydwen says to you, “You don’t honestly expect us to believe that the highest ranking Royal Antonican Guard gave you a forgery, do you? No matter. It’s enough that you admitted to delivering the letter!”

You say, “I’m telling the truth!”

General Golias Sydwen says to you, “On to the next charge: sedition. You’ve been overheard spreading vile rumors about Queen Antonia Bayle in an attempt to undermine the loyalty of our citizenry. The testimony of several guardsmen corroborates this.”

You say, “That’s a flat-out lie!”

General Golias says to you, “And why would the guards lie? What benefit do they get from seeing you charged with sedition?”

You say, “They could have been ordered to protect the conspiracy! Murrar Shar is behind all of this!”

General Golias Sydwen says to you, “You respond to the charge with even more seditous nonsense. This isn’t helping you, you know.”

You say, “But it’s the truth!”

General Golias Sydwen says to you, “Now for the final charge: the murder of two palace guards and the Royal Librarian. You slew Brinn in cold blood and fled into the Down Below, where you and your accomplices then murdered two guards who had pursued you from the scene of the crime.”

You say, “That’s not how it happened! Murrar Shar sent the guards with me to the Down Below, and they turned on me!”

General Golias Sydwen says to you, “Then you admit to killing the guards!”

You say, “That’s not what I meant!”

General Golias Sydwen says to you, “Please, no more. Your guilt is plainly obvious. We’ve already been informed of the conspiracy you’re aiding, too.”

You say, “I’m not part of a conspiracy!”

General Golias Sydwen says to you, “Look. We know why you killed Brinn. He was close to unmasking your ringleader, right? He had unearthed a conspiracy to overthrow the government.”

You say, “Brinn was close to unmasking Murrar Shar!”

General Golias Sydwen says to you, “I’m out of patience. I have one more question for you and you will only get one chance to answer. If you’re not completely honest and forthcoming this time, you’ll rot in a dungeon for the rest of your life. Understand?”

You say, “I’ve been honest with you this whole time!”

General Golias Sydwen says to you, “Where is Brinn’s signet ring? The one he wore on his right hand?”

You say, “He took it off before he died and I picked it up. Here it is.”

General Golias Sydwen says to you, “Ahhh, good. the signet ring of a member of the Circle of Ten bears many magics. This will prove your guilt beyond a shadow of a doubt, I’m afraid, but at least you were honest in the end.”

You say, “What are you getting at?”

General Golias Sydwen says, “Cast the spell of recall on the Ring of the Ten. Shwoe me what Brinn say before he died.”

(The spell was cast and three figures appear: Brinn, Serwin, and Knight-Lieutenant Amundson)

Knight-Lieutenant Amundson says, “Lor Murrar has sent us to escort you back to the palace.”

Royal Librarian Brinn says, “You mean he wouldn’t come himself? I can’t walk too fast, I’m afraid, so you’ll have to be patient.”

Serwin says in Words of Shade, “This is a good location. Let us begin.”

Royal Librarian Brinn says, “What was that language… NO!”

Alas, Royal Librarian Brinn has died from pain and suffering.

(scene ends)

General Golias Sydwen says, “Assassins posing as city guards?”

Bellengere the Three says, “No, I recognize their faces. These are the two that Soandso killed, and they were using the language of the Void.”

General Golias Sydwen says, “Void creatures are behind this!? Go and alert the rest of the Circle of Ten!”

Bellengere the Three says, “Immediately!”

General Golias Sydwen says to you, “Forgive me, Soandso. I was wrong about you.”

General Golias Sydwen says to you, “This is unbelieveable! Void-possessed guards in the city!”

You say, “It’s worse than just that.”

General Golias Sydwen says to you, “Then Lord Murrar Shar could really be one of them…”

You say, “Where is he now?”

General Golias Sydwen says to you, “But he’s not in the city. He left on a regular hunting trip with Aontonia Bayle yesterday!”

You say, “We have to find them!”

General Golias Sydwen says to you, “The hunting camp is near the Shattered Vale in Antonica. I was wrong not to trust you, Soandso. Go ahead of me and warn the Queen, while I rally a group of soldiers to catch up at the camp.”

You say, Hold on, I have some questions for you.”

General Golias Sydwen says to you, “I owe you some answers after that wrongful arrest. What do you need to know?”

You say, “What is this Circle of Ten, anyway?”

General Golias Sydwen says to you, “The Circle of Ten is our kingdom’s ruling council. We advise Queen Antonia, and see to it that her decisions are put into effect. I am a member of the publicly-known Circle of Five, and Brinn was one of the hidden five.”

You say, “Is Murrar Shar a member?”

General Golias Sydwen says to you, “No. Murrar Shar would have known of its existence, but he was not a member, and should not have known who the hidden five were. I believe that is the secret Brinn was trying to protect.”

You say, “That makes sense. Why were you so certain of my guilt?”

General Golias Sydwen says to you, “because I trusted Murrar Shar. All of the evidence and testimony against you came from him or his guards. I was duped so easily! Please forgive me, Soandso.”

You say, “Alright, I will go to the Shattered Vale now.”

Go to the royal hunting camp. It can be found in the Shattered Vale in the far eastern reaches of Antonica.

I have found the Royal Hunting Camp!

Defeat Murrar Shar

Queen Antonia Bayle (Sovereign of Qeynos) says, “Murrar Shar could never be so evil. Who are you and what have you done to my friend?”

Murrar Shar says, “I am Kyle Antihilus Bayle, true firstborn of Antonius Bayle III and rightful heir to the throne of Qeynos! Banished from my homeland, I founded a new kingdom south of the Rathe Mountains, a kingdom that was cursed to fall. I perished along with all my subjects, but even death was not the end of my curse. My tormented soul was wrenched from the ethernere in a blasphemous droag ritual, and consumed by one of their defiled shades. I was annihilated, a fate worse than death. But I came to be again. From the deepest vortex of oblivion, a voice spoke my name, the voice of my Master. He called me back into existence and showed me my true purpose. The last shred of my soul awoke within the shade of Bylze that had comsumed me. I was ruined and pitiful, but possessed a new will far greater than a droag’s petty spirit. In the end, I consumed him, and eventually tricked a foolish band of adventurers into freeing me. I was only a matter of time before I found my way into your friend’s dreams, ate his soul and took his body. It was destiny.”

Queen Antonia Bayle says, “So you were destined to return and conquer Qeynos, is that it? You won’t succeed!”

Murrar Shar says, “Conquer? HA! The kingdom has always been mine by right, but all my master and I require from you is my sword, the Qeynos Claymore! I know you have it hidden somewhere in the city. Tell me where it is and I will spare you.”

Queen Antonia Bayle says, “You’ll never find it! The followers of the Awakened stole it from my palace and then the Order of Marr stole it back from them. Even I don’t know where it is now!”

Murrar Shar says, “A shame, I would have preferred to let you live. Even now I have some lingering loyalty to the family. Know that your death will have no meaning or purpose, for I have already uncovered the Order of Marr and given their names to my allies. The void men will take them one by one, and then they will find the sword and your beloved Qeynos will burn! Prepare to die!”

Queen Antonia Bayle says, “I don’t think so… You there! Break the void crystal and free me!”

You attack!

Murrar Shar says, “Curse you, Soandso.”

You have killed Murrar Shar.

Kyle Antihilus Bayle(the Cursed) says, “It is not over! You will all perish!”

Speak with Queen Antonia Bayle.

You say, “Hail, Queen Antonia Bayle.”

Queen Antonia Bayle says to you, “If you hadn’t arrived when you did, Soandso, I might not be standing.”

You say, “What happened here?”

Queen Antonia Bayle says to you, “That… thing in Murrar’s body waited until most of us were asleep and then attacked. We were caught off-guard, but still had the upper hand until he sprung that trap. Once we were bound by magic chains, he executed my soldiers one by one.”

You say, “Do you know anything about this Kyle Bayle?”

Queen Antonia Bayle says to you, “Not much. I know he lived in the Age of Turmoil, and founded the colony of New Qeynos, where he reigned as king for a time. But his kingdom was ultimately destroyed and the land was absorbed back into the Dead Hills, a place that was lost during the rending.”

You say, “Who would his ‘Master’ be? Some being from the void?”

Queen Antonia Bayle says to you, “I wish I knew. We all thought the void invastions had ended when Anashti’Sul and Varsoon were stopped, until the anchors were found in Lavastorm and the Fens of Nathsar. I can only speculate that this other entity was behind them.”

You say, “And this entity desires the Qeynos Claymore. Do you really have no idea where it is?”

Queen Antonia Bayle says to you, “I was telling the truth, I’m afraid. I know only that a group known as the Order of Marr spirited it away. They might have hidden it anywhere, and they have never contacted me directly.”

You say, “What now?”

Queen Antonia Bayle says to you, “I will return to Qeynos and immediately hold a council about these recent events. I think it is no coincidence that an attempt was made on my life so soon after Lucan D’Lere vanished. But first I must bring Murrar to the Temple of Life! His breathing is so faint…”

You say, “Can I help you any further, you grace?”

Queen Antonia Bayle says to you, “You have done a great service to me personally and to the kingdom, but I will not request anything further. I bestow upon you a title appropriate for you mighty deeds.”

You say, “I am honored.”

I have spoken with the queen.

You say, “Hail, Velia Truesigt”

Velia Truesight says to you, “Soandso! You’ve returned! How goes our vengeance?”

You say, “It did not go quite as expected.”

Velis Truesight says to you, “Oh? I’m all ears.”

You say, “Well, when I returned to Brinn’s corpse I was captured by the guards.”

Velis Truesight says to you, “Tsk tsk! Shame on you for getting caught! Then what happened?”

You say, “Well, General Golias Sydwen interrogated me and I told him about Murrar Shar’s plot.”

Velia Truesight says to you, “And I’m sure he didn’t believe a word of it. You have to admit, you were framed pretty well.”

You say, “Yes, I was. But luckily he found Brinn’s Ring of the Ten and extracted a recording of the murder from it.”

Velia Truesight says to you, “Intereting! I knew that Brinn was in the Circle of Ten but I had no idea about these rings. So once our good General believed the story, you captured the plotter and saved the day! Bravo! But please tell me that Murrar Shar is dead. I’ll be terribly disappointed if I have to finish the job myself.”

You say, “Murrar Shar barely survived, but he wasn’t really behind it after all. He was possessed by the ghost of Kyle Bayle.”

Velia Treusight says to you, “Kyle Antihilus Bayle, the Cure-Bearer, has returned from the grave? Fascinating! Does it get any weirder?”

You say, “It wasn’t a coup attempt after all. He’s in league with some creature from the void that desires the Qeynos Claymore.”

Velia Truesight says to you, “Hmmmm… well, I suppose that could make sense. Right now the Order of Marr has Enoxus, the Claymore. So perhaps that membership roster I translated was one of theirs? I thought it contained too many non-Qeynosians to be some national organization.”

You say, “That may be the case. Now, I have this other book from Brinn that I’d like you to translate…”

Velis Truesight says to you, “‘Shadows in the Leaves’ eh? Hardly my cup of tea. Those Feir’Dal poets just can’t count, losing track of their meter every other page! But I do still owe you for defeating our mutual enemy without even using up my potion! You still have it, right?”

You say, “Of course. Here you go. Now, tell me what is hidden in the book.”

Velis Truesight says to you, “Let’s see… Oh my, how amateurish! Misspellings abound, and the spelling errors themselves form the body of a message. Brinn must have thought himself very clever but I had no trouble spotting this. It says greetings to Princess Saphronia, chief of the Faydwer division of the Order of Marr!”

You say, “Librarian Brinn and the princess of Kelethin are in the Order of Marr?”

Velia Truesight says to you, “It seems so. Looks like he was a double agent, eh? A member of both the Circle and the Order. Perhaps I underestimated him.”

You say, “What else does the message say?”

Velia Truesight says to you, “Hmmm… Brinn identifies himself as a Protector of Enoxus using one of the secret passphrases and it looks like there’s a bunch of stuffy formalities following that…”

You say, “Go on.”

Velis Truesight says to you, “Here’s the good part. ‘The Claymore is no longer safe within Qeynos. Enemies have unearthed one of the Order’s secret membership rosters and are already beginning to move against us. I urge you to send a detachment of scouts and take it to Faydwer immediately, as your branch has not yet been compromised. We’re holding it in a secret chamber underneath the Palace.'”

You say, “Is there more?”

(Receive The Chamber of the Claymore Quest)

Velia Truesight says to you, “‘To access the chamber, stand before the claymore monument and utter the words “Honor, Valor and Truth.” The true Enoxus is on the inner ring of the calendar, at ten o’clock.'”

You say, “I better go and make sure the sword is safe!”

Velia Truesight says to you, “Well, with information of this caliber, my debt to you is paid in full. I bid you farewell. Perhaps we will meet again.”

You say, “Thank you.”

Enter the Chamber of the Claymore.

“Honor, Valor, and Truth”

I have entered the Chamber of the Claymore!

Search for the Qeynos Claymore.

The ground is strewn with replicas, but the spot where the true Enoxus should be is empty.

The Qeynos Claymore has already been taken!

Voices can be heard from behind the barrier in the far corner of the room.

Find out what’s happening in the next chamber.

Listen through the barrier.

Queen Antonia Bayle says, “… will be Brinn’s successor in the Circle of Ten, as you recommend.”

Queen Antonia Bayle says, “Baron Ironforge, I would like you to make the initial contact. Please bring her to the palace once she has agreed to take the oath. We need her to begin work immediately.”

Baron Kaedrin Ironforge says, “By your command.”

General Golias Sydwen says, “Now, my friends, I am afraid we’ve saved the worst subject for last: the Freeport question.”

Queen Antonia Bayle says, “Freeport is a grave subject indeed. What news do you have to report, admiral?”

An Anonymous Barbarian says, “Freeport is in chaos. With no overlord to keep them in line, the factions have turned on one another.”

General Golias Sydwen says, “Naturally. What is the current status of their military?”

An Anonymous Barbarian says, “The militia have holed themselves up in West Freeport and continue to patrol the walls, but their numbers have been decimated.”

An Anonymous Barbarian says, “Dethknell Citadel has crashed, and the city is on fire. It’s only a matter of time before it falls to invaders or collapses on its own.”

General Golias Sydwen says, “Excellent! Now is our chance to strike! Now we can liberate Freeport from tyranny once and for all!”

Te’alla Woodspire says, “Don’t rush in too quickly, general. Fire can bring renewal, but only a fool sticks his hands into it.”

Prophet Bainyn Fairwind says, “Then what would you have us do, Matron? Wait and watch Freeport destroy itself?”

Te’alla Woodspire says, “Yes. We should wait for the time being. All fires burn out eventually.”

An Anonymous Dwarf says, “Hear hear! That’s a great plan! Let the dogs tear each other to pieces!”

Prophet Bainyn Fairwind says, “But the common folk of Freeport are dying. While the mighty and the ruthless vie for power, the oppressed and innocent suffer. We must do something to protect them!”

An Anonymous Halfling says, “Yes! And If we don’t invade Freeport now, Neriak will. Their alliance was only based on respect for Freeport’s military might.”

Baron Kaedrin Ironforge says, “Indeed. If Neriak invades Freeport, the Teir’Dal will simply exterminate those whom Lucan used to oppress.”

An Anonymous Froglok says, “Queen Cristanos is overly cautious; she is not planning an invasion yet. My most reliable sources within Neriak all agree on that.”

An Anonymous Halfling says, “That’s even more reason for us to make a move soon!”

Bellengere the Three says, “And once we’ve invaded, how will we govern? Half the population is composed of trolls, ogres, dark elves and iksar. Will we supply the terror needed to keep such creatures in line? Or will we just arrange some convenient genocide?”

Prophet Bainyn Fairwind says, “No. We must put an end to the bloodshed. Surely there is some way!”

Queen Antonia Bayle says, “There is. Bring Lucan back.”

Bellengere the Three says, “Hmmm…”

General Golias Sydwen says, “What!?”

Prophet Bainyn Fairwind says, “Is that even possible?”

Baron Kaedrin Ironforge says, “Yes.”

Te’alla Woodspire says, “Perhaps…”

An Anonymous Halfling says, “Madness!”

An Anonymous Barbarian says, “You can’t be serious!”

An Anonymous Dwarf says, “No!”

An Anonymous Froglok says, “Of course!”

Queen Antonia Bayle says, “Silence!”

Queen Antonia Bayle says, “Lucan D’Lere is the only one that the power-hungry in Freeport fear. He could restore peace, if he returned.”

Queen Antonia Bayle says, “But his power will not be the same as before. Knowing that he truly is not invincible, eventually the people will rise up on their own.”

Queen Antonia Bayle says, “When the Freeport is ready to be free, we will be there to help, but right now our duty is to protect the innocent, even if that means sparing the guilty.”

Queen Antonia Bayle says, “We will find out where Lucan was taken and rescue him. This is my decree!”

I have listened to a conversation between Antonia Bayle and the Circle of Ten

I gained access to the Chamber of the Claymore, only to find it missing! It looks like Kyle Bayle succeeded. Since several replicas of the Claymore were there to confuse thieves, I decided to keep one.