Category Archives: NPC Dialogue

Porlos’ Fury

You say, ‘Hail, The Dragon Sage’

The Dragon Sage appears to fade in and out. The ghostly figure seems to stare through you, as though he is not aware of your presence. ‘Do you know who I am?’, he asks, as if he is inquiring for his own benefit.

You say, ‘Who are you?’

The Dragon Sage begins to smile. ‘It has come back to me, just now’, he says. ‘I am the Dragon Sage. I lived in the once great elven city of Takish Hiz, where I studied the dragons of Norrath.’ The figure appears to be concentrating on something in the distance. His image begins to fade as he says, ‘If I am among the world of the living again, then Norrath must be in great danger.’

You say, ‘what danger?’

The Dragon Sage says ‘Thousands of years ago, Veeshan, the Mother of All Wurms, made her mark upon the face of a young world called Norrath. She struck the planet with her godly might, laying her claim to the world, and created the beings known as dragons. This began the Age of Scale.

You say, ‘what is the age of scale?’

The Dragon Sage says ‘The Age of Scale was the time when dragons ruled supreme. They controlled the lands, the sea, and the sky for some 3000 years. That was when other gods took notice.

You say, ‘what other gods?’

The Dragon Sage says ‘Tunare, the Mother of All, Prexus, the Oceanlord and Brell Serilis, the Duke of Below formed a pact in response to Veeshan’s claim to Norrath. The elves, the dwarves, and the aquatic kedge were all created to help keep the dragons in check. Rallos Zek, the Warlord, learned of this pact and created the giants. This began the Elder Age.

You say, ‘what is the elder age?’

The Dragon Sage says ‘The Elder Age was the time of the first humanoid races, the oldest on Norrath, next to the dragons. The elves prospered, while the giants struggled to survive. The giants on the frozen continent of Velious were in constant skirmishes with the dragons. It was at this point that the observations began.

You say, ‘what observations?’

The Dragon Sage says ‘The giants, smarter than expected, began watching and observing the habits of the dragons. They paid close attention to the things the dragons avoided… certain plants and watering holes. It was determined that a particular type of plant, when mixed with other reagents, was deadly to the dragons. The giants adapted their technique to specifically harm Yelinak’s brood in order to give them an advantage. The ancient Kromzek King, Porlos, used this to aid in his battle with Hsagra, Yelinak’s mate. Porlos killed Hsagra, forever bringing Yelinak’s vengeance upon his family. Thus began the eternal war between the giants and the dragons.

You say, ‘what plant?’

The Dragon Sage says ‘The name of the plant eludes me at this time, for my thoughts have grown cold through the ages. The findings of the giants were written in a book of lore by some of our sages. You should seek out one of the giant’s Tomekeepers. If you find a Tomekeeper, ask him about the herb that harms dragons. Perhaps if you give him this trinket he will assist you. Maybe they will remember my tired soul.

You receive a coin called a Giant Loyalist Token. At this point take the coin to Tomekeeper Bjordnessin in Wakening Lands Northeast corner (+665, -4586) and hand it to him.

Tomekeeper Bjordnessin says ‘Amazing! Simply Amazing! The legends must be true! This item was said to have been given to the Dragon Sage as a sign of friendship and trust, but I have always considered it to be legend. The discovery of this artifact will work wonders for my status! I have discovered a legend! Oh… oh yes. You sought information on that herb. Take this back to the sage. Maybe he can decipher it.

Tomekeeper gives you the Giant Scalebound Tome that you need to take back to the dragon sage in Western Wastes.

The Dragon Sage takes the guide and immediately begins to scan through it. He then says, ‘Ah… Ah yes… According to this book, the dragonbane herb grows only in one place, deep inside the lair of the sirens. If my memory serves me properly one of the creatures there is very fond of its flavor. I will also need the blood of a dragon, but not just any dragon. The blood
must come from a beast of Lord Yelinak’s bloodline. Please go now and see if you can find this herb and the dragon blood. No time to waste, child. You will need to take this box to contain and combine the herbs and dragon blood in. Once you have accomplished this, please return the box to me.

You now have in your posession an Ornate Reagent Box. You will use this box to combine both the herb and the blood. The herb is called a ‘Dragonbane Herb’ and
drops in Sirens Grotto off of random mobs that frequent the water areas. One has definitely been dropped from a seahorse.

The blood is called Dragon Blood and is found on Myga in Western Wastes. Myga looks like Yelinak and wanders all over the zone. It would be wise to bring a tracker. Killing Myga will lower your Claws of Veeshan faction.

Once you have both items, put them in the Ornate Reagent Box and hit combine. Once combined, the box will turn into a Sealed Reagent Box. Hand this sealed box over to The Dragon Sage to receive your Porlos’
Fury spell.

The Dragon Sage says ‘Ahhh! With the knowledge that I have gained from the Giant Scalebound Tome and these reagents, I can finish my research and create a most powerful spell for you! If successful, I will call it the Porlos’ Fury spell. It will cause near fatal wounds to any dragon or dragon kin in Lord Yelinak’s bloodline. Take this and study it. The magiks contained within will aid you in your fight. The Dragon Sage hands you the scroll and says, ‘You will need a reagent to channel the magical energies through to enhance the power of the spell. Two peridots will be required to cast this spell. I wish you good fortune in your fight.’



You say, “Hail, Keenora Fadan”

Keenora Fadan says to you in Cae’Dal, “An outsider within our midst. It is not unheard of, but it is remarkable. And with it, brings an opportunity I welcome.”

You say to Keenora Fadan, “What opportunity would that be?”

Keenora Fadan says to you in Cae’Dal, “To converse! When one sees the same faces day in and day out, it does not provide the necessary sustenance for diversity of conversation.”

You say to Keenora Fadan, “Oh! I do have some questions for you then.”

Keenora Fadan says to you in Cae’Dal, “By all means, ask them.”

You say to Keenora Fadan, “Your appearance is unlike any other elves I have known. Why is that?”

Keenora Fadan says to you in Cae’Dal, “Interesting. I was unaware that our appearance had grown noticeably different from other elves, but I guess it could have been related to our long seclusion from others, within an arid land.”

You say to Keenora Fadan, “The land changed you?”

Keenora Fadan says to you in Cae’Dal, “It is more accurate to say we adapted to the land. What had been a forested land of tremendous growth became arid. The trees that had provided shade found little water within the parched land. They thinned and eventually died, leaving few, scraggly copses across the land.”

You say to Keenora Fadan, “That’s what made the Desert of Ro.”

Keenora Fadan says to you in Cae’Dal, “You speak of the ancient Elddar forest, the cradle of elven-kind. Something similar occurred there within the Age of Blood, but that is not the forest I speak of. Our ancestors were elves of the Elddar forest who migrated when they had taken note of the slowly dying woodlands. They took to ships and landed on the shores of a faraway forested land. There, they established the colony of Khalee’Sri.”

You say to Keenora Fadan, “Your people experienced two different dying forests?”

Keenora Fadan says to you in Cae’Dal, “Such was the will of the Mother of All. She was presenting us with yet another aspect of nature. The desert may not look like it, but it is teeming with life! Though we remembered the forests of old, and many of us honor them to this day in our shroud patterns, we began to embrace the desert, and no longer ran from a life in the sun.”

You say to Keenora Fadan, “You found Growth in the desert?”

Keenora Fadan says to you in Cae’Dal, “Our ancestors were not believers at first, either. They had to have their eyes opened by another, just as I can open your eyes.”

You say to Keenora Fadan, “What do you mean?”

Keenora Fadan says to you in Cae’Dal, “There is a desolate region south of here. They call it Grunt’s Pass. If you are determined, you will find at least three different examples of tenacious growth within the inhospitable landscape.”
You say to Keenora Fadan, “I’ll take your challenge.”

Order of the Storm Caller

You say, ‘Hail, Shayna Thunderhand’

Shayna Thunderhand gives a soft smile and delicate motion with her hand and bow of her head, ‘Greetings, Soandso. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Shayna Thunderhand — sorceress of The Rainkeeper and one of many ambassadors to the Jaggedpine. The recent events have yielded quite an interesting turn in our [organization’s] duties — and we are very excited to once again be reunited with our brethren and homeland.’

You say, ‘What is your organization’s duties?’

Shayna Thunderhand says ‘The Order of the Storm Caller is one whose roots are tied with the foundation of Qeynos and it’s establishments dedicated to the arcane sciences. When the Jaggedpine forest and it’s culture and people were still a part of the Qeynos kingdom, the wizards, magicians, and enchanters of Qeynos invited those from the Jaggedpine to partake in their fledgling studies. Gladly, our ancestors did so and returned to the forest with their newfound knowledge and passion in the art of the arcane. It was then that our elders felt that a new order must be established — the Order of the Storm Callers. As with all existing orders of The Rainkeeper, we had a [founding member] — one who made it possible for us to maintain our studies and interweave it into our everlasting faith in Karana.’

You say, ‘Who was your founding member?’

Shayna Thunderhand says ‘A wise and stoic woman by the name of Toliara Stormcaller was the first of our ancestors to master the art of wizardry. When she returned to the Jaggedpine with her newfound knowledge, the elders were very intrigued. She was asked to coordinate the efforts of all the Jaggedpine natives that had taken an interest and shown their adept talents in the ways of the arcane and form an opening ceremony to take place during the winter solstice celebration. Gladly and excitedly, she did so. The magicians, wizards, and enchanters loyal to The Rainkeeper met for several months, formulating [plans] and establishing [rituals] that would usher their order into the collective goal and cause of Karana’s faithful.’

You say, ‘What plans and rituals?’

Shayna Thunderhand says ‘The night before the sacred annual ritual and festival, the hierophant of Karana passed into the great Eye of Karana’s Storm. A new hierophant was to be named at the ceremony sited at the Throne of Karana’s Thunder. It is tradition that when a new hierophant is recognized, that the elders of each artisan, spiritual, and military order present the sacred item of their order that would then be wielded in the sacred ceremony — in this case, it was the winter solstice. Toliara called upon her brothers and sisters of the arcane sciences and together they forged an [item] of considerable power significant to that which The Rainkeeper sacredly represents.’

You say, ‘What item?’

Shayna Thunderhand says ‘The enchanters, who were also artisans highly skilled in the ways of jewel craft and even blacksmithing, were asked to forge a golden scepter with a hollow cradle at its peak. The magicians then conjured the elemental essences of the storm — water and air and sealed them in an azure sphere that was created from pure, enchanted elemental water. Toliara and her fellow wizards would spend days researching and creating a spell and rune of their own with which they would fulfill the purpose of the item. She etched the sacred runes upon the base of the scepter and sealed the separate items into one whole. Upon the dawn of the winter solstice, the fledgling order met at the Shrine of Karana where they would then [firmly establish themselves] among Karana’s most faithful.’

You say, ‘How did they establish themselves?’

Shayna Thunderhand says ‘The new hierophant was named and it was he that would lead the opening ceremonies of the solstice dawn. Tradition dictates that the head of each of The Rainkeeper’s order would come forward, bearing their sacred item to the hierophant and each in their own way, respectfully representing their order and its foundation, aid the hierophant in the ceremony. Toliara, representing the fledgling arcane order, was last to present her order’s item to the new hierophant — whose curiosity was piqued by the beautiful and most apparently powerful item. The ceremony began and each item was used in the [conjuration of a great storm].’

You say, ‘How did they conjure a great storm?’

Shayna Thunderhand says ‘The druids chanted around their hierophant, who held their order’s sacred item. As they chanted, they brought forth the great blanket of silver clouds upon the horizon. The rangers, rogues, and bards in their musical chant ushered in the raging winds that guided the druids’ clouds over the forest. It was the duty of the veterans, the warriors and knights, to call forth the thunder and begin the broiling of the storm. Toliara and her order then began an arcane chant. She raised the scepter upwards to the sky and collectively, the small order wove a single spell that arched from the scepter and struck the center of the tempest that responded in a great display of lightening and rain. Until the rise of the next dawn, the ceremonies continued — each order respectively praising Karana. By the rise of second dawn and the end of the solstice celebrations, the [Order of the Storm Caller] was inducted into the ranks of Karana’s faithful.’

You say, ‘What is the Order of the Storm Caller?’

Shayna Thunderhand says ‘That is the name that was bestowed to the arcane order of Karana’s faithful, led by Toliara. For several generations the order would thrive and become the primary ambassadors between the city proper of Qeynos and the forest. Eventually, when corruption threatened the land, it would be the Order of the Storm Caller that would act as the messengers and mediators between the political and spiritual interests of the Jaggedpine and ultimately, it would be their direct ties to the city that would influence the [decision] of Antonious III.’

You say, ‘What decision?’

Shayna Thunderhand says ‘All wished to spare the Jaggedpine from corruption for it was the sacred homeland of one of the city’s largest and most prosperous religious and cultural foundations. The Order of the Storm Caller knew that separation was the only way to assure the forest’s safety, for Qeynos would need all of its resources to defend against the approaching venomous shadow. However, not all were in favor of this decision. One known as Urwenae, an enchantress and at the time second to only the order’s arch mage in power and influence, held strong opposition to removing themselves indefinitely from their sacred lands. However, she was overruled by the decision of her superiors and the majority of the Jaggedpine Orders, thus the forest was sealed. The Order of the Storm Caller, along with the Veterans of the Storm, would [retreat] fully from the forest to aid the inevitable battles in defending Qeynos and its kingdom from threat.’

You say, ‘Why did they retreat?’

Shayna Thunderhand says ‘Collectively, the council at Qeynos and the orders of Karana’s faithful knew that it was best for the forest to have only the bare minimum of necessary inhabitants needed to preserve the culture and ancient ways remain behind. The shadow of corruption and turmoil was inevitable and Qeynos could not afford to spare these resources in such great quantity and the Orders agreed. The Veterans of the Storm, the knights and warriors of the Jaggedpine, and the Order of the Storm Caller were asked to relocate fully to Qeynos. There was little opposition to this decision, although the fanatical Urwenae [would never forgive her superiors and brethren] for allowing them to become separated from their homeland.’

You say, ‘Why would she would never forgive her superiors and brethren?’

Shayna Thunderhand says ‘She felt that all of Karana’s Orders should remain in the forest — that Qeynos’ resources were plenty and that the threat of the shadow would surely call the aid of nearby Erudin and perhaps even Rivervale if Qeynos were to fall into such dire jeopardy. Despite her zealous and near-fanatical opposition to the ruling, she was a well-respected member of the Order and was in-line to inherent the position of arch-mage when her mentor and the current ranking member of the Order passed into the great Eye of Karana’s Storm. For nearly a decade she waited in silence — her disapproval of the decision a constant, although she cooperated with her Order, she rarely left the Orders’ library. Eventually, she ascended to the roll of arch-mage over the Order of the Storm Caller and it was then that she had the opportunity to exact her vengeance against [those whom she thought as traitorous] heretics against Karana and their ancient, sacred path.’

You say, ‘Who did she think was traitorous?’

Shayna Thunderhand says ‘Ultimately, she blamed everyone who had voluntarily and without opposition agreed to the ruling made ten years prior with the sealing of the Jaggedpine forest. Urwenae despised both her fellow members of the Order of the Storm Caller as well as the Veterans of the Storm — viewing both groups as traitors. Ten years of reclusive behavior had given the necessary time for her planning to blossom and the death of her mentor and her ascension granted the perfect opportunity to execute her [revenge]. Upon the tenth anniversary of the Jaggedpine being sealed, a mere fortnight into her reign as arch-mage, Urwenae disbanded the Order in a violent display. A massacre was committed in the sacred halls of Qeynos’ arcane studies — an incident that was cleverly covered-up by the political council of Qeynos to keep the citizens from unnecessary worry regarding an external threat.’

You say, ‘What was her revenge?’

Shayna Thunderhand says ‘She had gathered a small group of like-minded followers — mainly, her most adept pupils that trusted her explicitly and were thus easily manipulated by her. The Order met in the cellar level of the arcane hall in Qeynos and there, Urwenae and her pupils destroyed all but a select few members of the arcane order. Many of the elders survived — escaping through portals of their own creation, although we lost many brave souls who attempted to remain behind and see their would-be executioners rightfully abolished. Urwenae and the two pupils, one being a powerful wizard that survived the encounter escaped through a portal when all that remained in the hall were dead. It is said that Urwenae then destroyed the sacred item that Toliara had forged all those centuries before, splitting the item into several pieces. As they are indestructible by design, Urwenae instructed her pupils to scatter the [pieces] throughout Norrath, while she herself would hide the scepter deep in the bowels of the Hole.’

You say, ‘What pieces?’

Shayna Thunderhand says ‘I cannot say for certain how Urwenae divided the scepter for the only documentation we possess was written in an ancient dialect that until recently, none could translate. The dialect is one of an ancient human tongue that dates centuries before the foundation of Qeynos — even before the foundation of the Throne of Karana’s Thunder. Of course this particular incident occurred in a more recent time, but Urwenae was well-versed in the ancient tongues of Norrath and knew well that her journal would be legible only by the most learned of Qeynos’ scholars or the forest’s elders, and even then her words would seem the fanciful tale of a madwoman — for there never was a massacre in the arcane hall in Qeynos, or so was the common belief until now. Those of us who are descendants of the few survivors that preserved the order knew of the truth and until recently, we had in our possession [Urwenae’s Tome].’

You say, ‘What is Urwenae’s tome?’

Shayna Thunderhand says ‘Urwenae’s tome, an Ancient Ashwood Tome granted to her by her late mentor, detailed Urwenae’s plans and what exactly she had done with the pieces of the scepter. You must understand, Urwenae was an arcane scientist — and a brilliant one at that. However, she was fanatically organized and required documentation of everything — a trait that was considered a merit before her madness had been discovered. The tome will likely detail where the missing pieces of the scepter lies and it may also copies of the lost, ancient scrolls scribed by Toliara and the first members of the order — scrolls that detail the exact runes and arcane chants to re-create the enchantment of the scepter, which was likely broken when Urwenae dismantled it. Unfortunately, the tome was [stolen] by one of the bandits that have recently inhabited our forest.’

You say, ‘Why was it stolen?’

Shayna Thunderhand says ‘I’m not entirely certain, although I doubt it was done for any purpose regarding the Order, our history, or any of the specific arcane knowledge contained within. Likely, the thief thought that it might fetch a price on the underground market of Norrath. The scouts have been able to identify the individual as Vranol Blackguard, the second eldest of the Blackguard family and one of its most dangerous members. We believe him to already be in High Pass. If [you can retrieve the Ancient Ashwood Tome] from him, if he still has it within his possession of course, then I would be more than willing to impart unto you our ancient arcane lore. However, this reward can only be wielded by one whose heart and faith belongs fervently to The Rainkeeper and their profession is of one of the three acceptable schools of magic. If you are unable to wield what reward I can provide, then I shall not bear ill will if you turn away, my friend.’

You say, ‘I will retrieve the Ancient Ashwood Tome.’

Shayna Thunderhand says ‘Marvelous! However, for me to reward you properly, you must seek our the tormented spirit of Urwenae. It is rumored that when she went into the depths of the erudite hereitcs’ former home, that she was cursed by one of the ancient spirits there — her mind and spirit forever trapped within the boundaries of the ruins. As the magic of the scepter was tied to its bearer, it is likely that the essence of the Gleaming Crystal Scepter remains with her, so long as her essence resides on the prime plane of Norrath. If you can find her, retrieve the scepter, and return it to me with the recovered tome, I shall be better able to properly reward you for your services to us.’

Shayna Thunderhand says ”Aaah. . . yes. Well done. Well done, indeed, my friend. The tome still contains the Toliara’s ancient notes and we shall be able to restore the lost magic to the scepter.” Shayna holds the scepter firmly in one hand and the opened tome in the other. In a powerful voice, she recites several arcane words. As she speaks in the magical rhythm of the spell, the scepter in her hand begins to faintly glow and seems almost to haze as if enshrouded in a blanket of dense fog for but a moment. Shayna reaches the last word of her spell and extends the misted scepter to you, ”This is the Scepter of Storms. It is not yet complete and requires its original pieces to be whole once again. If you wish to continue to [aid the Order of the Storm Caller], I shall be more than willing to complete the scepter for you — as your worth to us shall be proven in the task.’

You say, ‘I will aid the Order of the Storm Caller.’

Shayna Thunderhand says ‘Very well, my friend, and may Karana guide you through this path. There is one known as D’mitrious Irska, a powerful magician who can be found at the arcane hall in Qeynos. He is currently the senior member of our order and will be able to further aid you than I, for most unfortunately, many pages of the tome have been damaged by Vranol when he stole it. D’mitrious is more wise in this matter than myself and his willingness to aid you should be more than overwhelming once the scepter has been presented to him. However, he will require one [further component] with the scepter to secure his aid.’

You say, ‘What further components?’

Shayna Thunderhand says ‘The Scroll of the Tempest Eye, one scribed by Toliara herself as she completed her portion of the item, has been lost to us for some time. Urwenae tore the scroll from the pages of the tome and gave it to her pupil, Lazara, and instructed her to take them into Permafrost with the hopes that the threat of the great ice dragon that dwells there to ward any would-be heroes away. Like Urwenae, Lazara fell to an unknown, although dark fate and it is likely that the twisted impression of her former existence remains — guarding the scroll with its unlife.’

D`mitrious Irska says ‘The Scepter of Storms. . . but how could this be? You have spoken with Shayna, yes? I see that she has found one to retrieve the stolen tome. But what is even more intriguing is the acquisition of the scepter itself. I am impressed and these items represent your deeds better than any arrogant boasting that I hear day in and day out from the other youths of the order. Aaaah and yes, you have the scroll! Well then, we cannot let an opportunity like this slip through our fingers, now can we?” The mage quickly eyes the scroll before closing his eyes and beginning an arcane chant. The scroll in his hand begins to smolder, although the page is not damaged. A glowing silver image of a swirling storm seems to reflect off the surface of the parchment. Then, the scepter begins to slightly chime and runes begin to magically imbed themselves into the scepter’s base. The mage opens his eyes and extends the scepter to you, ”Now then, [shall we continue]?’

D`mitrious Irska says ‘Now that the scepter has been properly modified for the task, you must keep it safe for now. Your next task will be to seek out two more components, for the original components and the spells describing how they were forged are lost forever — destroyed by Urwenae’s second and final pupil who went mad while attempting to fulfill his duty. The Essence of Storms must be retrieved, and there is only one place within the whole of Norrath’s prime or astral realms that it can be found — the Plane of Sky. There is a being known as The Storm Mistress who dwells there. Seek her out and retrieve the Essence of Storms from her ethereal being. Do not worry yourself over what seems to be a gruesome murder and thieving, for she will coalesce again as all immortal, planar beings do in time. The second item that you must retrieve is the Cloudy Azure Sphere, which lies in the hands of [Priestess Auraia] in the depths of Kedge Keep.’

You say, ‘Who is Priestess Auraia?’

D`mitrious Irska says ‘Auraia was once a priestess of the Prime Healer. Upon her travels throughout the world of Norrath, she stumbled blindly into the castle grounds of Mistmoore. Fortunately, it was during the daylight hours and she did not need to wander far before discovering the error of their ways. Quickly, she attempted to turn back, fearfully respecting the wish for privacy that is heavily guarded and ferociously enforced by the vampire lord’s undead servants. As she made her way out of the castle grounds and returned to the boundaries of the Lesser Faydark forest, Auraia happened upon a recently discarded azure sphere. She had no idea what the sphere was intended for – at first likely thinking it the lost toy of some Koada’Dal or gnomish child. However, she was intrigued by it and threw it in her pack for a later inquiry and inspection. Eventually, Auraia heard tales of the ancient underwater city known as Kedge Keep from her Koada’Dal hosts in Felwithe. The intrigue was too much for this young adventurer to bear and so ‘

D`mitrious Irska studies both items intently, muttering softly to himself at an inaudible tone. Eventually, the mage closes his eyes and begins to chant, the melodic weave of arcane words causing the essence to shimmer with the brilliance of an electrical storm. Slowly, he brings both hands together, sealing the ethereal essence within the magical sphere — a union that forces a loud boom, the voice of thunder, to echo throughout the hall. D’mitrious opens his eyes and examines the completed orb and nods to himself, ”This should be sufficient. Take it and place it within the scepter. When the two enchanted items are united, the Orb of the Storm Caller will be forged.”

The Interrogation of Opal Darkbriar

Opal Darkbriar: “Release me immediately! Cristanos Thex will not stand for this!”

Opal Darkbriar: “Do you know who I am? I have powerful allies!”

Opal Darkbriar: “These infernal wards nullify my translocation spells…”

Opal Darkbriar: “If you do not release me there will be hell to pay! Do you hear me?!”

Captain Maganus strides into the cell block, the two resting spellsplitter’s snapping to attention. The third shows no sign he is aware his commander has entered the room.

a Militia spellsplitter: “Captain.”

Opal Darkbriar: “Maganus. How much longer do you plan on holding me here?! This is a grave insult to lock me in this cage!”

Captain Maganus: “Calm yourself, Darkbriar. No one is buying into your theatrics.”

Opal Darkbriar: “You threaten the entire city of Freeport by detaining me. Neriak will not stand for this!”

Captain Maganus: “Is that so…?”

Opal Darkbriar: “Queen Cristanos Thex, herself, will see to my release.”

Captain Maganus: “I believe you are sadly mistaken, Opal. You see, it was the queen who allowed us to enter Neriak and apprehend you, traitor.”

Opal Darkbriar: “You are lying!”

Captain Maganus: “Am I? There were certain conditions that were agreed upon when the Darklight Pact was signed, your arrest was one of them. The Overlord doesn’t take kindly to having his property stolen.”

Opal Darkbriar: “I didn’t steal anything! Secondly, Neriak would go to war before allowing itself to sign a treaty with the likes of that madman.”

Captain Maganus: “Fortunately, Queen Thex has a wiser head than you. You sadly overestimate the strength of Neriak. The queen was in no position to do much bartering.”

Opal Darkbriar: “You are delusional, human. Neriak has been, and will always be one of the greatest empires on Norrath!”

Captain Maganus: “I am afraid it is you that is out of touch of reality, my dear Darkbriar. Thex couldn’t sign the treaty fast enough… what with the multiple legions camped on her doorstep once the Commonlands tunnel was completed.”

Opal Darkbriar: “Make no mistake, it is just a temporary convenience.”

Captain Maganus: “Lord Razon Blayze has been assigned permanently to Hate’s Envy to oversee the relations between Neriak and Freeport. He’ll make sure Neriak upholds their part of the longstanding treaty.”

Opal Darkbriar: “My nation will not be held to such conditions for long. I will see to that personally as a loyal and powerful ally of the Teir’Dal Empire!”

Captain Maganus: “Ah, well there is that as well. Your allegiance is something of suspect these days.”

Opal Darkbriar: “How dare you! I am Teir’Dal!”

Captain Maganus: “The queen wasn’t aware of such theft, and it was your hasty escape that led us right to Neriak’s hidden doorstep. We have you to thank for Freeport’s present political gain.”

Captain Maganus: “What we want to know is who you were working for when you stole Soulfire.”

Opal Darkbriar: “I wasn’t working for any-!”

Captain Maganus: “No, don’t protest… I wouldn’t expect you to divulge any information… and it would save our ears from your screeching. Rest assured my spellsplitter division will discover the answers we seek.”

Opal Darkbriar: “A division you wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for me and my academy’s training. You owe me, Maganus.”

Captain Maganus: “If we relied on your faulty training we’d still be searching for the clues of your theft… something I have no doubt you intended.”

Opal Darkbriar: “Listen… we can work something out! I… I can make it worth your while. What is it you want? Power?! Money?! Love…”

Captain Maganus: “You are getting desperate, Darkbriar… and you insult me. We will get to the bottom of this, and then the time of your trial will be at hand. Good day, Opal.”

The Captain turns sharply and strides towards the exit. Just before reaching the stairs Darkbriar calls out to hi one last time…

Opal Darkbriar: “Maganus! Maganus! You can’t leave me here! He’ll have me executed! He’ll do it himself!”

Maganus pauses, half turning back to her. His eyes close briefly as he says quietly,

Captain Maganus: “I believe that’s the plan.”


The Redeemer

You say, ‘Hail, Irak Altil’

Irak Altil says ‘Ah ______, it is so good to see you again. I hope my sword has been treating you well. What [brings you here], friend?’

You say, ‘What brings me here?’

Irak Altil says ‘Yes, what is your purpose here? Perhaps you are curious as to how I’ve gotten here? Would you [like me to tell you]?’

You say, ‘I would like you to tell me.’

Irak Altil says ‘Let us start at the beginning. I, in my mortal form, was a follower of Quellious. As a young paladin, my tutors early on noticed my talents at spell-casting and my skills as a swordsman. I surpassed all of my mentor’s expectations but I still had a [lot to learn].’

You say, ‘A lot to learn?’

Irak Altil says ‘My knowledge grew quickly, to the point where I could not learn anymore from my mentors. One day, I was given the choice of learning from a new master, one that rarely teaches knights. To be taught by him, I was given a series of rites that I had to pass. The path was long and difficult, but I was able to [impress my new master] and convince him to teach me.’

You say, ‘You able to impress your new master?’

Irak Altil says ‘Oh yes, I apologize if this sounds like boasting, but my master was both impressed and surprised with my progress. He took me as his student. Years later I had gained all the knowledge I could acquire from my master and I was able to craft a great sword, the Fiery Defender. At this point in my life I decided to on a mission to help people in need, to promote the paladin ideals to those that wished to listen, and spread the word of my Lady Quellious. However, this is not [where the story ends].’

You say, ‘Where does the story end?’

Irak Altil says ‘A few years after I set out on my own, I met a man named Kirak Vil. Despite being a dark elf, I welcomed him as an equal. Though I was cautious, I decided to teach him the ideals of paladins; courage, honor, truth, as well as all of the other ideals that encompass our lives. One day something [bad happened].’

You say, ‘What bad happened?’

Irak Altil says ‘Kirak one day turned on me. We set on an expedition deep inside Old Paineel to save a kidnapped child, when a creature named a Thought Tormentor attacked us. Kirak did not help defend me and our small expedition. Last thing I remember before blacking out was a being named the Keeper of the Tombs drawing the life out of me. I [remember little after that].’

You say, ‘What little do you remember after that?’

Irak Altil says ‘I have intermittent memories of being tormented and imprisoned in the Fear plane. I was stripped of my dignity and honor, and all that was left was a shade of my former self. Most of my vivid memories of that time consisted of unbearable flashes of pain. With whatever cognitive thought that remained, I prayed to Quellious to give me strength. That is when you came to my side and [saved me].’

You say, ‘I saved you?’

Irak Altil says ‘Yes, by giving me the honor of wielding my sword, shield, and armor, I was set free from my torment in that wretched place. I was still not whole, however. I journeyed to many places in Norrath, looking for a place to sacrifice myself upon the spear of pain. I eventually found my way to some of the [outer Planes].’

You say, ‘What outer Planes?’

Irak Altil says ‘As I stepped foot into the Plane of Tranquility, my soul began to yearn to be complete. This must have been a gift given to me by my Lady Quellious. I ventured into the Plane of Valor and this is when the Lord Mithaniel Marr found me and felt my suffering. I was summoned to the Temple of Marr and upon arrival, I was greeted and welcomed by every knight there. While I commanded respect in my former self, nothing I had ever experience was as intense as this. For the first time after the betrayal, I had felt complete. Lord Mithaniel and his priests gathered around me and chanted for three straight days. What happened next was [unbelievable].’

You say, ‘What was unbelievable?’

Irak Altil says ‘My soul and the lifeless bones that were my body began to burn like fire. It felt both painful and soothing at the same time. Energy poured out of my body and then a flash of light occurred, I passed out shortly thereafter. During my slumber, the Goddess of Love nurtured my mind and kept me company. I awoke a week later to find myself still in the Temple of Marr. The priests of Marr took care of me during my [transformation].’

You say, ‘Transformation?’

Irak Altil says ‘Indeed, Lord Mithaniel endowed me with this body and spoke to me, he said “My brother, while you are not a follower of Marr, I offer you a place of brotherhood here in the Halls of Honor. Your courage and perseverance are extremely commendable and I would like you to serve in my army.” Honored by the ascension Lord Mithaniel had given me, I still had to take time to [consider] the offer.’

You say, ‘Consider?’

Irak Altil says ‘Yes, I was afraid my Lady Quellious would be saddened if I stayed in Mithaniel’s realm. So I prayed to her and asked for guidance. My Lady appeared to me in my dreams and praised me for my loyalty. She then gave me approval to serve as a Soldier of Marr and offered me a place in her realm once my services to Lord Mithaniel were over. I was most [honored] and grateful at the same time.’

You say, ‘Honored?’

Irak Altil says ‘Honored is an understatement. I was overwhelmed by the fact that the god of Valor and Honor chose me to serve in his army. I was also overwhelmed by my own god’s offer to serve her after my tour was done in this plane. I try to be very humble about this honor, for that is a virtue held dear to all paladins. Now that my story is over, I [require something of you].’

You say, ‘What do you require of me?’

Irak Altil says ‘When I ascended to this plane and was transformed, Mithaniel gave me a specific purpose. I was graced with the ability to sense others who were like me, others who were tortured and tormented. I have a sensitivity to other poor beings that have been tormented the same way as me. I would like you to find these beings who were being tortured, and perhaps that may shed some light on my past. I have had a few [visions] on what may help you find these other tormented beings.’

You say, ‘What visions?’

Irak Altil says ‘I have had visions recently of various beings who have been captured by some foreign minion and tortured. The visions all were similar in nature. Very horrible things were done to these beings, very gruesome things. As the being kept fighting the pain and anguish, more torture was applied to break them…it was a horrible vision. A spell was casted mid-way though this ritual and the tormented being was held in a stasis. I felt a tugging at my soul, and I saw that the being’s soul was being pulled from their body. The soul was removed from the being and imprisoned in a crystal of foreign origin. My only guess is that whoever is behind this ploy has been stealing the souls of various races of Norrath for some dark purpose. Help those that are tormented, find the crystals, and this will help you find the minions behind this plot. Go now noble Crusader!’


You say, ‘Hail, Enic Ruklin’

Enic Ruklin says ‘______! I’m glad you are here. Something terrible has occurred recently. Would you like to know [what happened]?’

You say, ‘I would like to know what happened.’

Enic Ruklin says ‘A few nights ago, I was standing guard at the Pool of Jahnda like any other night, but something was different. The night air was cooler than usual and the sky was barely visible because of all of the dark clouds. Sometime around midnight, a flash occurred near the pool and I saw an Iksar run off with a Koalindl. As I chased him, he casted a portal spell and disappeared. This is grave indeed! I will need your help, ______. Will you help [track down] this Iksar and return the Koalindl?’

You say, ‘I will track down this Iksar and return the Koalindl.’

Enic Ruklin says ‘Very well, ______. Unfortunately, I cannot offer you any hints. My only guess is that this Iksar might be near a large body of water, for the Koalindl needs to be kept near water at all times. I fear that the Koalindl may have been destroyed. Go now and find the Koalindl or the remnants of that great servant of the Prime Healer!’


You say, ‘Hail, Brunar Rankin’

Brunar Rankin says ‘______! Are you looking for a Koalindl? I have heard some knights such as yourself were searching for that sacred fish of Qeynos. I saw one come through here recently. An evil looking Iksar had one in some sort of stasis spell and the fish didn’t look too good. Now, I’m not sure what exactly the Iksar was going to do with it, but I did see a chunk of the fish fall into the water. A few minutes later I ended up fishing up an odd looking fish scale. Immediately after I was attacked by a large and evil fish! Luckily I was carrying with me a flaying dagger and I was able to slay the evil fish before it could hurt me. Here is a note I found on the dock before the Iksar left. You must put a stop to whatever it is this Iksar is planning on doing!’


My master, I have acquired a Koalindl. I plan on twisting the fish to my will and then feeding the remains of this fish to the ocean. This should taint the ocean with the dark remains and convert all fish to undead. We will corrupt all of the oceans for our master Cazic Thule!

I plan on visiting the Ocean of Tears first, then I will head to the Overthere, I will visit the Gulf of Gunthak and finally I will go to Nedaria’s Landing. Once I have fed the waters with the dark remains, it will only be a matter of time before they are tainted. You will be pleased, master.


Enic Ruklin says ‘So this is what happened to the Koalindl? This is sad indeed. I have heard that you have stopped a greater tragedy from occuring by treating the pestilence that was being brought to the seas. You have done a very good job, ______. I present you with a seal of nobility that was given to me long ago. This seal has granted me audiences with many of the different races of Norrath, including the Ring of Scale. Perhaps it will aide you in your journeys. Thank you again, sir.’


You say, ‘Hail, Dry Sapara’

Dry Sapara says ‘Welcome ______. I see you have the Seal of Enic, I imagine you have done a very good deed for Enic to acquire that. If Enic gave you that, he must trust you. And if he trusts you, then so shall I. I ask a favor of you, paladin. I wish for you to help me with a servant of mine. Rithnok, a very loyal servant of the Peak, disappeared a few days ago. He has returned, but he is not the same. . .he appears beaten and torn. I feel he has been tormented by some unknown being. For what reason? I do not know. However, he must be relieved of his suffering. I ask you to release him from the confines of this world and bring me back anything you find. Go now.’


Dry Sapara says ‘This appears to be a vessel that housed Rithnok’s soul. However, it appears to be missing a few shards. Take this soulstone and piece it back together. I have a feeling once this item becomes whole it will lead you to whoever did this to our poor Rithnok. Thank you for releasing him, ______.’


You say, ‘Hail, Mikhal Young’

Mikhal Young says ‘I’m so glad to find a fellow knight. Hail to you ______. I was curious, are you traveling through or could you possibly help me [try to find my sister]?’

You say, ‘I will try to find your sister.’

Mikhal Young says ‘My sister Drema and I were traveling through Tenebrous Mountains after trading some supplies in Katta Castellum. We ended up setting camp in Mons Letalis for the night, so that we could have an early start on our journey back to Dawnshroud the next day. The next morning I woke up and my sister was gone! Nothing remained on her cot from the night before. . .I’m not sure where she disappeared off to. I spent the course of several days searching all of Mons Letalis for her, but I couldn’t find any clues that would lead me to her where-abouts. I journeyed back to Dawnshroud Peaks and had my friends here make a rescue party so that we could find her. We set out to look for her and spent several days in Marus Seru, Mons Letalis, and the Grey looking for any sign of her. We did not [find anything.]’

You say, ‘You did not find anything?’

Mikhal Young says ‘As we were turning back to Dawnshroud Peaks, my good friend Ryann Desgrey found her locket in the dirt in the Grey. Here, take the locket. Perhaps you will have a better chance of finding her, and perhaps she will come with you once you present her with the locket. Please, let her know that I miss her and that we all want her to come home safely. Go now, noble paladin.’


Drema Young groans, ‘Uuuurgh. . . Crystal. . .’ As Drema reaches out to receive the locket, her fingerbone breaks off in your hand.


Mikhal Young says ‘You have found her in Mons Letalis? This is her fingerbone, what has happened? She has turned into a skeleton? Oh my, this is grave news indeed. Show this fingerbone to Denns, maybe he can figure out a way to investigate this dire situation.’


You say, ‘Hail, Denns Rootenpaw’

Denns Rootenpaw says ‘Can I help you? Can’t you see that I’m busy right now.’

Denns Rootenpaw says ‘What is this? Drema’s fingerbone? While I don’t usually help paladins, in this situation I will help you and Mikhal investigate this tragedy. Here is what will need to be done: Take this bag and collect three dark skeleton remains, found somewhere here in Luclin. Bring them back to me so that I can cast a dark spell on it. The spell will turn bones into powder, a powder that should revive Drema long enough to have her explain what occurred. Go now and find these bones.’


Denns Rootenpaw says ‘Very well, I have turned this collection of bones into powder. Take this powder to Drema and see if it awakens her. Good luck, knight.’


Drema Young groans ‘Please end my torment ______. I beg of you!’

Drema Young’s corpse says ‘Thank you for releasing me. Avenge me by defeating that insidious Vampire!’


You say, ‘Hail, Etumer’

Etumer says ‘Mujaki! Haha! He.. He captured me and.. Imprisoned me here as punishment for some supposed transgressions against him. Mujaki always was jealous of my own prowess and resentful of our fathers favor toward me. He has only further proven his weakness through trapping me with power granted to him by Terris Thule. Hmm, [perhaps]. . .’

You say, ‘Perhaps what?’

Etumer says ‘Perhaps you could find some way to overwhelm Mujaki? I might be able to work an enchantment to transport you closer to my brother. I only feel I have the power to send twenty four of you, when you have formed rank please have the leaders of your groups let me know when you are ready.’


You say, ‘Hail, Lovine Lemise’

Lovine Lemise says ‘______, I am glad you are here. My name is Lovine and the poor soul lying on the bed over here is my good friend Reiya. My friend could use some [assistance].’

You say, ‘What assistance?’

Lovine Lemise says ‘I should probably begin by telling you what happened. Reiya was found a couple of days ago on the shore in Natimbi, face down in the water. The Wayfarers that found him were not sure if he was dead or not, until they brought him here to Abysmal. It appears he was unconcious at the time, since he later awoke on this bed. Something is terribly with him though.’

You say, ‘What is wrong?’

Lovine Lemise says ‘I’m not sure what is wrong with him, though he constantly fades in and out of consciousness. His speech is erratic when he is awake, and his thoughts do not appear to be in this world. I have a feeling that he is being tormented in some way, but I do not know how or why. I would like you to gather a few things for me, to make a concoction that may awaken Reiya. I will tell you what the [ingredients] are.’

You say, ‘What are the ingredients?’

Lovine Lemise says ‘I am looking for the following things: a Potameid seaweed strand, blood from a Mastruq Havocblade, the tail of a Noc Fleshfeaster, and the jawbone of Ra’Tuk Screambringer. Place the items in this enchanted potion bag, and return it to me so that we can attempt to awaken Reiya. Please be dilligent in your search, ______.’


Lovine Lemise says ‘Thank you for gathering these items ______. This potion will help him very much, however, Reiya will need one more potion to help him gain conciousness. I will need you to bring him a potion of Mist of the Breathless. Go now and bring this quickly, friend.’


The Shade of Reiya the Pained shouts, ‘Fool, you think you can come here and try to defeat me? Try as you may, you will fail.’


You say, ‘Hail Apprentice Udranda’

Apprentice Udranda says ‘I heard you released Reiya from his tourture, ______. I have seen muramites gathering in Vxed and I fear this may have to do with Reiya and the creatures responsible. Go there now and investigate, Noble Knight.’


You say, ‘Hail, Irak Altil’

Irak Altil says ‘______, I see you have returned with three Soulstones. These crystals are very delicate and hold the souls of those tormented beings. The keepers of these Soulstones were being controlled by some superior being, someone dark and evil in nature. I will need you to find one more Soulstone, so that we can find out who is behind all of this. This final tormented soul I feel is a Erudite…a Wayfarer Erudite, though I cannot discern where this person is. Please hurry and find this tormented being.’


You say, ‘Hail, Redis Linrok the Suffering’

Redis Linrok the Suffering says ‘Auuugh. . .Tantelus. . .the. . .catacombs. . .is where. . .my essence. . .is. . .’

A flash of light occurs as Redis disappears. An entrance to an unfamiliar place has been opened for you. Perhaps you should investigate there.


Shade of Redis Linrok shouts, ‘Fools, I see you have found your way here. Be that as it may, you shall not take my essence!’

As the four soulstones meet, four voices in unison echo in your thoughts, ‘The one who has taken us and tortured us is in Wall of Slaughter. He is the defiler, the tormentor, the end to all of our pain. Find Durunal the Cursebearer, put a stop to his plans, and prevent others from suffering our fate. Go now!’


Durunal the Cursebearer shouts, ‘I feel some souls have returned for me. Redis, Rithnok, Drema, and Reiya. . . I feel your presence here. Come to me now and let us end this!’

Durunal the Cursebearer’s corpse explodes into a sizzling cloud as its armor pieces crash to the ground.

As you hold the sword, your soul is tugged for a few seconds and then all four soulstones speak in unison, ‘This sword is the key, this sword is the misery, this sword is the instrument that took us away, and this sword is what will set us free. Take this cursed sword to Irak Altil, for he will know how to end our pain.’


Irak Altil says ‘I see you have destroyed the monster responsible for this plot. This sword, this twisted piece of steel and blood that lies in your hands, must be the instrument used by Durunal to twist and corrupt those he tortured. I can feel that this sword has a dark magical power that he used to forcibly and violently siphon the soul of those he tormented. There is only one way to correct Durunal’s wrong-doings, as well as lay to rest the souls of those he tortured. You must take the crystals you have gathered and meld them with the sword. . .give those tormented souls a new purpose and a new meaning. After you have joined the souls with this weapon, I will [tell you about my master].’

As the four soulstones come together, a soft blue light eminates around the dark sword. The soulstones find themselves at home within the sword. A flash occurs and four voices in unison speak in your mind, ‘Thank you for saving us and giving us a purpose again. You are truly our savior and our redeemer, and we shall serve you from now on. Thank you, noble knight!’

You receive ‘The Redeemer’


Thuuga, the Serpent Chief

The Drolvarg were actually once Iksar, residents of the city of Drolakis. Venril Sathir cursed them to create a race of Wolflizards and the Drolvarg were the result. Drolvargism is often referred to as The Curse of Drolakis. The first ruler of the Drolvarg was Thuuga, the Serpent Chief
Update: NPC dialogue from Indigo in EQ2 (For a Few Coins More quest)

13th Anniversary Raid Text (EQ1)


Initiating the Expedition

You say, ‘Hail, Sam Napth’

Sam Napth glares at you angrily before quickly changing demeanor and speaking, ‘Welcome back, _____… While our previous efforts to put a [stop to Mayong] did not work out as planned surely if we try again it will work out differently!’ The halfling pauses for a moment and laughs uneasily, ‘Then again you may just be here to work on one of the other tasks?’

You say, ‘We’ll put a stop to Mayong’

Sam Napth nods, an unnatural grin flashes across his face before he speaks, ‘I suppose I am the fool for not seeing this earlier. It is up to you and your allies to put an end to the vampire god… again. Tell me when you are [ready] and I shall transport you as close to the Tower as I can.’

The Tower of Frozen Shadow is now available to you.

You say, ‘Ready!’

Sam Napth grins and says, ‘Good luck.’

Iceclad Ocean

You say, ‘Hail, a distraught raider’

a distraught raider says ‘So Sam has sent you here as well? Then I shall pray for your safe return from the tower. Tunare did not see fit to heed my wishes for my own allies, so I’m sure her infinite mercy is being saved for you and your party.’ The cleric sighs, ‘Of course if you would rather [return] to New Tanaan than spill your blood in the icy halls then I would be happy to transport you back.’

You say, ‘Hail, an anguished adventurer’

an anguished adventurer says ‘So Napth has talked you into storming the tower too?’ The half elf chuckles, ‘Well I wish you the best of luck, _____, you may need it. As you can clearly see by the weapons clutched in my allies’ hands, we were not ill-prepared for what lay ahead of us in the tower, yet we stood no chance once we crossed the gate. It’s still not too late to [return] to New Tanaan, life is more valuable than pride… To some.’ The tired raid leader looks over his fallen allies and sighs. ‘

You say, ‘Hail, a pensive heyokah’

a pensive heyokah glares, ‘And hail to you, an obtrusive busy-body. Now away with you, I’m trying to locate an idiot’s spirit in the afterlife so I can revive him. He owes me money!’ The barbarian kicks a bit of snow over the dead dark elf’s body.

You say, ‘Hail, an irate reaver’

an irate reaver says ‘I bet this fool would be alive if we had any semblance of direction from our godforsaken raid leader! I can count on one hand the number of minions I’ve lost under my command and that is only because I slew them myself for complaining too much. Back when I was in charge our raiders were a much tougher folk. Not like you modern day milksops trouping around in your ‘heroic’ armor and your ridiculous…’ The reaver continues to complain but you stop listening.’

Tower of Frozen Shadow: Stage 1 (First Floor – The Entrance)

You say, ‘Hail, Tserrina Syl`Tor’

Tserrina Syl`Tor stands over the body of a familiar fallen Troll. A small stream of blood trickles from her smiling lips as she looks up and speaks, ‘Ah the wedding party has arrived, how wonderful!’ She pauses, ‘Oh, but you are not yet dressed for our joyous night. This will simply not do. No, I must insist that you don yourselves in more [fitting garb]…’

You say, ‘Fitting garb?’

Tserrina Syl`Tor smiles and says, ‘Bloodstained rags and skinless flesh shall better suit the occasion… Now if you would excuse me, I have a party to prepare.’

Tserrina speaks away from you as she approaches the mirror, ‘My loyal servants, please see to it that this meddling troll is done away with and that our esteemed guests receive the ‘proper’ treatment.’ She cackles gleefully as she vanishes from sight.

Objective: Defend Warlord Ykesha and clear the first floor of Tserrina’s servants!

The walls echo with the sound of Tserrina’s voice, despite your victory she sounds ecstatic, ‘Well then, I suppose the master was right to invite you today.’ Her tone changes to a playful yell, ‘Mayong, my love, let these mortals feel the embrace of your presence!’

Warlord Ykesha thanks you for helping him take revenge on Tserrina’s lesser minions.

The path to the second floor of the tower is now open.

Warlord Ykesha says ‘Dem evil guys tries to kill meez after me helps dems get to tower! Me stay here and you go teach dems a lesson! Bash em gud!’

NOTE: If you let Warlord Ykesha die, you’ll see this emote:

Warlord Ykesha’s body explodes in a burst of ethereal force that empowers Tserrina’s remaining guards!

Tower of Frozen Shadow: Stage 2 (Second Floor – The Library)

The Performer cocks his dusty skull and poses dramatically. Even in undeath, the minstrel before you has retained his poise and charm. His charred bones rattle as he addresses the room, ‘On the eve of this most sacred night we are blessed by your presence. I trust you all [remember your parts] in our great medley?’

You say, ‘I remember my parts’

The Performer says, ‘Has it really been that long since our last performance?’ The Performer cackles gleefully, ‘Take a moment to prepare yourselves, when you are ready to [lend your voices] let me know and we shall begin.’

You say, ‘Ready to lend our voices’

The Performer Says, ‘Wonderful! Pay attention to the cues and sing the next line of the song when called upon. The guards will arrive soon and attempt to break up our entertainment, so fend them off as best you can. Forgive me, but I’m actually giddy. The Master shall regret dragging us here to ‘entertain’ his mistress’s guests!’

As The Performer signals to Aelfric to start the melody a violent shaking overtakes the room! The bodies of the bard troupe are burned and tossed about violently. Severed skulls roll down the aisles landing next to broken hands still clutching ancient instruments. A booming voice cries out in an eerily pleasant tone, ‘Caught by surprise, mortals!?’

Zi-Thuuli of the Granite Claw says ‘You continue to put up an admirable fight, but your journey ends here!’

Objective: Defeat the Maestro of Rancor and Zi-Thuuli of the Granite Claw!

The Maestro’s spirit returns to the Plane of Hate. His disembodied voice rings in your ears, ‘You are on your own now Mayong!’

Tserrina’s voice fills the halls. While her tone is still pleasant there are faint bits of frustration in her words, ‘Well… You are all certainly proving to be a… lively… bunch. Perhaps my love disagreed with my choice of entertainment… That is fine… I shall offer you my thanks in removing an annoyance and allow you to meet with the rest of our guests on the next floor.’

The Maestro’s Repository materializes in the south side of the library.

Tower of Frozen Shadow: Stage 3 (Third Floor – The Dining Area)

A bell echoes through the hall and the regal voice of a butler addresses the crowd, ‘Honored guests of the Master, dinner will be served in thirty minutes. Please take this time to prepare yourselves for the banquet. Speak to one another and do try to avoid any more violent outbursts. We would not want to damage any of the fine gifts you have brought for our joyous ceremony.’

Objective: Collect the wedding gifts from the 12 honored guests.

You say, ‘Hail, an old froglok’

an old froglok says ‘The sound of silence, the path you walk, the plan you have, do not fail! Take this, it is dangerous out there.’

Captain Pete

You say, ‘Hail, Captain Pete’

Captain Pete seems to be staring at the cover of the overturned book, ‘Yarr! Thar be a good tale of swindling’ and piratin’! Reminds me o’ [me ship], ‘er at least what’s left o’er!’

You say, ‘Me ship?’

Captain Pete shakes his head, ‘Poor memory on yeh ‘eh? Famous as I be, you should know the name of my ship! Ya seem familiar, I’m sure we’ve worked together before!’

You say, ‘Wretched Sands’

Captain Pete says ‘Yarr! Me ship, gallant beauty she was… ‘ere, somethin’ fer yer pockets.’


You say, ‘Hail, Eggsniffer’

Eggsniffer begins singing a song with his now blood-filled lute,
Eggsniffer sniff, Eggsniffer proud,
Eggsniffer always play lute real loud.
Eggsniffer dance, Eggsniffer red,
Eggsniffer has long been […].

(He seems to be at a loss for his next rhyme.)

You say, ‘Dead!’

Eggsniffer howls happily and gives you what you assume to be a gift.

Farwhendle Higglespout

You say, ‘Hail, Farwhendle Higglespout’

Farwhendle Higglespout says ‘A good merchant is never late, even as dubious as I was to come to this strange place… Speaking of dubious, I have something for that miserable [thief] if you see him, compliments of our last dinner together!’

You say, ‘What thief?’

Farwhendle Higglespout says ‘I would expect you to know his name before I have you going off and delivering things to him.’

(What is the name of the “Thief” that Farwhendle speaks of?)

You say, ‘Captain Pete’

Farwhendle Higglespout cackles, ‘Nay, I don’t actually have some sordid prize for the fellow, but that’s a good memory you got there, _____. Go ahead and take this gift though. I will be going home before I can deliver it to the Master and The Lady.’

Fixxin Followig

You say, ‘Hail, Fixxin Followig’

Fixxin Followig says ‘They have me under surveillance until dinner is over! Something about trying to slay the cooks.’ He begins muttering to himself, ‘Into the werewolves’ den, I have no idea what I agreed to come here…”

You say, ‘Hail, Fixxin Followig’

Fixxin Followig grins, ‘Excellent! In fact, so excellent I have a prize for your hard work. They tried to confiscate my weapons when I arrived here but I snuck a this past ’em! Don’t ever let your enemy catch you off guard… Plus, I can’t imagine that vampire would be too pleased with this as a gift anyway.’

Galdorin Visigothe

You say, ‘Hail, Galdorin Visigothe’

Galdorin Visigothe seems to be mid-thought as you interrupt him, ‘Such an interesting collection of stories and tomes stored here…’ You realize he was addressing you as he looks up and says, ‘I’d be willing to share one of these tomes with anyone travelled enough to tell me where they have seen me perform.’

You say, ‘Abysmal Sea?’

Galdorin Visigothe says ‘Close, but that is not the vessel that carried us out on the open sea.’

You say, ‘Queen of Thorns’

Galdorin Visigothe says ‘A sharp memory you have! Very well, here is an…”interesting”… book. Some of the images are rather graphic, so best keep it away from your easily offended friends.’


You say, ‘Hail, Glob’

Glob says ‘Me thank you! Give you dis. It from Glob friend, friend not so lucky as Glob…’

Hasten Bootstrutter

You say, ‘Hail, Hasten Bootstrutter’

Hasten Bootstrutter says ‘You again! I suppose this whole affair is making more sense now. First the invitation and now ‘this’ strange place. Yes indeed, it seems you and I are both [pawns] in some grand game.’

You say, ‘Pawns?’

Hasten Bootstrutter says ‘Seems quite odd that something this elaborate would be masterminded by a simple Halfling doesn’t it?’ The gnome grins, ‘You seem capable of figuring out where this is all going. I will offer you this, as it may come in handy on your adventure.’ The Gnome hands you a small trinket and nods, ‘Go ahead and make your way to the top of the tower and do what must be done.’

Khasva Vei`Ras

You say, ‘Hail, Khasva Vei`Ras’

Khasva Vei`Ras stands admiring the statue of Tserrina, ‘She was quite lovely in her mortal life…’ She pauses before continuing, ‘Such a crumbling beauty… It certainly shows that The Master has interesting [taste] though, wouldn’t you agree?’

You say, ‘Taste?’

Khasva Vei`Ras says ‘He has a notable attraction to the Teir`Dal, but more interestingly the Koada`Dal from which they descend…’ She stops, ‘I can tell that’s not what you’re interested in though, _____. I won’t humor you with misdirection like the others, you are on a dangerous mission. I know you feel the same unease that I do about The Master’s intentions. I believe this is the first time in his life that he himself is not sure of the [outcome] of our lives.”

You say, ‘What outcome?’

Khasva Vei`Ras nods, ‘Surely you must find it odd that he would enlist the help of his mortal enemies to reach the top of this tower? Or have you forgotten who it was that interrupted the reconstruction of Innoruuk’s chosen [weapon], and yet here he is with Lanys T`Vyl in tow!’ She pauses again before continuing, ‘I do not know how nor why, but I can feel his malaise with this whole situation. You and he are not at truly odds, yet you have convinced yourselves that you are.’

You say, ‘What weapon?’

Khasva Vei`Ras balks at your continued questioning, ‘The Governor of the Wicked!’ She roars, ‘May your god help you if my knowledge is being wasted upon the willfully ignorant!’

You say, ‘Malevolence’

Khasva Vei`Ras regains her composure, ‘My apologies, I have been beset on all sides by the faithless and foolish. As I was saying, The Master now stands at the top of the tower in an effort to unlock the mystery behind the strange shard that landed here. Though dormant since his defeat at your hands in Solteris he has not been without knowledge of what is occurring on Norrath. It was only a matter of time after you adventurers cast the Alaran artifact to the sky that it would eventually rain down upon us again… A strange twist of fate that a splintered shard would come crashing down here, but Norrath is full of strange twists of fate…’

Khasva Vei`Ras smiles, ‘But enough of that, dinner is soon and we both have destinies to fulfill.’ She digs through her pack and pulls out a glowing mirror, ‘My destiny was to ensure that you were given this. It is your destiny to determine its use.’ She hands you the artifact and nods, saying nothing more than that.

Pastseeker Rhondarra

You say, ‘Hail, Pastseeker Rhondarra’

Pastseeker Rhondarra seems uninterested in speaking to you in your current form, ‘The guests here are so… boring… If only there were someone here worth looking at.’

You say, ‘Hail, Pastseeker Rhondarra’

Pastseeker Rhondarra says ‘Oh what a lovely specimen you are!’, She digs through her pockets and hands you a small trinket, ‘Please, take this, as a personal gift from me to you. I’m sure Mayong has enough treasures that he won’t miss this one.”


You say, ‘Hail, Romella’

Romella stares longingly at the statue of Mayong before speaking, ‘It makes sense now, the dinner, the superstition… You must put a stop to the [Master].’

You say, ‘The Master?’

Romella says ‘Yes, Mayong Mistmoore The Master of the Demi-Plane of Blood, not all of us are ignorant to what is going on here. Slowly but surely his influence over this tower is becoming stronger. I fear for our lives should his mistress learn of his true [motives].”

You say, ‘His motives?’

Romella says ‘It is obvious Tserrina has deluded herself into believing that Mayong has returned to fulfill his broken vows.’ The Gypsy sighs, ‘She is suffering the same fate as [our Princess who shan’t be named].”

You say, ‘Mynthi Davissi’

Romella scowls, ‘Speak not her name! Take this trinket and hurry along, it is up to you to put a stop to this ghastly affair before we all end up as lycanthropic servants!’

Tired Farmer Jestle

You say, ‘Hail, Tired Farmer Jestle’

Tired Farmer Jestle smiles, ‘Thanks be unto the great Rainkeeper for sending you to save me from my plight of sleep deprivation… Please, take this as a small token of my gratitude. That rude old vampire won’t miss it!’

The din of hushed conversation suddenly disperses with the echoing of a bell.

Tserrina speaks, ‘As wonderfully thoughtful as I find the gesture, attending this dinner is a privilege I had hoped to save for a more honored guest. As such, I must now offer all of you to her as a small token of reconciliation.’

Lanys T’Vyl coughs in disgust, her voice echoing from Tserrina’s bedroom, ‘Ugh, the stench of that loathsome harlot still soils these halls. What’s worse yet is that the small bit of solace I could take in being the guest of honor at this dinner has been taken from me! The pain you will all suffer here tonight shall be the thing of legends!’

Objective: Defeat Lanys T’Vyl.

Lanys T`Vyl spawns in the northeastern room of this floor. She is not auto-aggro and can be engaged when you’re prepared:

Lanys T`Vyl points her blade toward _____ and smiles.

Lanys T`Vyl shifts her attention to someone else that has been irritating her and forgets the transgressions of everyone else!

_____ dons their Visage of the Banshee and yells at Lanys T`Vyl which makes her super angry and causes her to fight less effectively.

Lanys T’Vyl roars, ‘I yield to the hatred in your hearts!’ She shakes her head and draws her blade back before disappearing from sight.

Tserrina’s voice breaks the silence of the wedding hall, her tone is excited but she does not seem to be speaking to you, ‘My love, our guests have nearly arrived… Are you yet ready to greet them?’

A few seconds pass and no reply is heard. She now addresses your party, ‘Very well mortals, I know my beloved too well to think he had not planned all of this. Just like every time before, you are all simply playing into his plan. Now please, enjoy the party!’

Objective: Defeat all of Tserrina’s wedding party.

Tower of Frozen Shadow: Stage 4 (Fifth Floor – The Wedding)

_____ slashes Damab across the face with a Broken Bottle causing them to fight much less effectively.

_____ hands a slice of Jumjum Pie to Damab who then eats it and becomes slower, fatter and less able to fight effectively.

A loud sigh emanates from the ceiling, ‘I suppose you mortals think you’ve earned the right to progress to the next floor now?’ The disembodied voice laughs, ‘While I thank you for clearing that miserable lot from these halls, I must now put an end to your little charade of progress…’

The impressive body of Valdoon Kel’Novar materializes in the center of the room.

Objective: Defeat Valdoon Kel`Novar.

_____ slaps Valdoon Kel`Novar in the face with their Bloodstained Grey Gloves of the Murderer which confuses him greatly and causes him to fight less effectively.

Upon Valdoon’s death:

Valdoon Kel`Novar vanishes in a flash! His disembodied voice speaks, ‘Very well mortals, you have proven your point…’ He lets out a final bit of laughter, ‘Enjoy what lies ahead for you.’

Tserrina’s keepsake of small trinkets materializes in the wedding hall.

Tower of Frozen Shadow: Stage 5 (Sixth Floor – Venril & The Dracoliche)

_____ swings their Cracked Troll Spine into a brittle skeleton really hard causing its own spine to break, weakening it significantly.

Step into Venril Sathir’s room:

Tserrina’s words are strained, her previous exuberance sounds as if it has waned, ‘…D…Deal with these mortals!’ She turns from addressing Venril to retreat up the tower.

The low hiss of Sathir’s voice invades your mind, ‘Do you not sssee the reality of the ssssituation? You have already lossst this fight! As we ssspeak you are already too late to sssstop uss!’ The ancient Iksar emperor laughs, ‘Fight me if you musssst. You ssssimply delay the inevitable!’

Objective: Defeat Venril Sathir.

A faint whisper follows Tserrina’s departure, ‘…Mayong my love?’

Venril Sathir shouts, ‘Let us put that ssssilly woman’s gift to use… Arise my pet! Arise from the depthsss of fear and fell these would-be heroes!’

Venril Sathir hisses coldly and begins a dark conjuration.

Tserrina`s Dracoliche roars furiously and begins beating its skeletal wings!

Venril Sathir hits for a max ~20,000; as does the Dracoliche (single-target rampages). Venril Sathir casts “Deadlier Lifetap”:

Deadlier Lifetap: Targeted AE 200′, Magic (-850)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 30770

Rear Emote: The Dracoliche swings its tail, preparing a fear inspiring strike!

The Dracoliche violently whips its tail, inspiring fear in all those that stand behind it!

The Dracoliche roars, causing all of those that stand in front of it to run away in fear!

Venril Sathir shouts, ‘Misssstmoore, you are on your own now! The dark one will not be far behind these mortalsss…’

Tserrina`s Dracoliche has been slain by _____!
The lifeless bones of the dracoliche fall to the ground as the dark forces animating it are dispelled.

With the ancient lich and dracoliche defeated the path to the final floor is now open to you.

Objective: Find what lies at the top of the tower.

Tower of Frozen Shadow: Stage 6 (Top Floor – Mayong & Tserrina)

You say, ‘Hail, Tserrina Syl`Tor’

Tserrina speaks with an obvious air of concern in her voice, ‘My love, our guests have arrived. Shall I make any more preparations for our ceremony?’

The ancient vampire stands with his gaze transfixed upon the eerie shard. His attention to the artifact is unwavering as he addresses his mistress for what seems like the first time, ‘There is yet much to do my love. Entertain our guests for a few more minutes.’

Tserrina nods, ‘Very well.’ She turns and addresses your party, ‘Mortals, I applaud your efforts and your willingness to ascend my home just to bear witness to the most wondrous day of my life. I shall reward you all with the suffering you so actively desire!’

Tserrina Syl`Tor vanishes before quickly reappearing.

Tserrina cries out, ‘My beloved, these pests are becoming more than I can handle. Please… Help me!’

Mayong violently strikes the crystalline formation causing a number of shards to break off and fall to the ground. He draws his blade and turns, his demeanor is uncharacteristically hostile, ‘You fools have no idea the danger we are in!’

Mayong Mistmoore mutters under his breath, ‘Tserrina…’

The Master slashes in a circle around himself!

The crystal shard begins buzzing.

Several constructs of crystal break free from the giant shard!

You hear the faint screeching of bats.

The room echoes with the screeching of a dozen bats!

a voracious bat squeaks in horror as it is rooted helplessly to the ground.

_____ reads a passage from Tisnya’s Diary to Tserrina Syl`Tor which makes her jealous and causes her to fight less effectively.

_____ points their Reflective Mirror toward Tserrina Syl`Tor which causes her to recoil in horror and dampens her ability to call forth the shards of fear.

_____ plays a dissonant love song on their Flute of the Unrequited to Tserrina Syl`Tor which makes her uneasy and causes her to fight less effectively.

_____ rings their Small Feline Bell in front of Mayong Mistmoore causing him to look slightly melancholy and makes him slower to call forth his army of bats.
_____ shows Mayong Mistmoore a Lock of Drachnid Hair causing him to remember simpler times and causes him to fight less effectively.

_____ dons their Midnight Veil and looks at Mayong Mistmoore causing him to be less likely to use his sword slash attack.

_____ swings their Bloodstained Mining Pick into a shard of fear, shattering it instantly.

Tserrina stumbles, losing her composure, ‘I do not think I can continue much longer my love! I fear our guests may get the best of us soon.’

Mayong continues fighting as he addresses Tserrina, ‘Us? Us!? Does your incessant chattering know no end? Has your mind deteriorated to the same horrific state as your tired husk!?’

Tserrina recoils in horror, tears welling in her scarred eyes, ‘Mm…my love… We are to be wed today. Why would you act this way?’

Mayong laughs, ‘Because you are unnecessary. It was simple misfortune that this shard landed in your icy prison!’

Tserrina cries, ‘We were destined to be together! This form, my body, this was your doing! I gave my life to be yours!’

Mayong laughs, brandishing his blade, ‘In my hand I hold Erilynne, a beauty that would stun even the most stoic man… In my court I keep Althea, Brenda and Christine, a trio of temptresses who rivaled the loveliness of Erollisi in their prime… My home is host to more unspoiled flesh than you could ever hope to compare to!’

Tserrina lets forth a blood-curdling shriek, ‘KILL HIM!’

Tserrina disappears and Mayong turns into “Mayong Mistmoore the Empowered”. It’s not known if he actually increases in strength here or if he starts casting any additional AEs. He does keep up with his death touch trigger, and adds continue spawning like normal.

Mayong Mistmoore raises his hand and casts _____’s corpse into the pit at the bottom of the tower!

The room flashes and the top of the tower reverts to an earlier time… except for your party.

For a moment following the vampire god’s death the room is silent. The strange fear shard continues to radiate but all seems right with the world once again…

The familiar voice of Sam Napth echoes through the room from the doorway, ‘Splendid work, all of you. Once again you’ve proven yourselves capable of any task set before you, and this one not a moment too soon!’

The halfling peers down into the glazed eyes of Mayong and grins, his tone unusually arrogant as he speaks, ‘You’re a fool for trying to take this from me Mayong. There is no excuse for not realizing that they would come to put a stop to you.’

The sinister voice of Mayong replies, his previous tone of hostility has been replaced with one of veiled pleasure, ‘Do not think for a moment that I was unaware of your plot, dark one. What’s more is that you know for a fact that I shall return. Just as Drinal reclaims the sky from Ro I shall reinstate myself when the time is right. You know as well as I that these adventurers will have no more trouble stopping you than they did me… Yet my plans came to fruition this eve. You have failed, ‘Sam Napth’.

Sam Napth looks up at the crystal and shouts in an increasingly hostile tone, ‘And how is it you think you have won this, Mayong? You are dead and the power of the shard is mine for the taking!’

Mayong’s sinister laugh precedes his final retort, ‘I did not aim to take the power for myself, Dark one…’ With those words the tower begins to shake! You can see sharp lines forming in the crystal and it starts to crack.

Sam Napth shouts in an otherworldly voice, ‘NO!’

Sam Napth roars, ‘This is not the end of me Mayong, for as long as there are other shards I will be waiting!’ With these mysterious words the radically hostile halfing vanishes from sight.

The room returns to its previous silence. The strange fear shard no longer radiates with any power. Mayong has successfully thwarted the strange halfling from obtaining the power of the ancient artifact and you have successfully thwarted Mayong from existing on Norrath for any reasonable duration of time… Still… It seems rather odd that Sam was so interested in the power of fear.

Niclaus Ressinn

Niclaus Ressinn says ‘Hail, Mixxit. I am Niclaus Ressinn, loyal Paladin of Life. I am scouting the Qeynos Hills on orders from High Priestess Jahnda. We have received reports of undead prowling these hills of late.’

Niclaus Ressinn says ‘Oh, things are becoming dire here in Norrath. May Rodcet protect us! I have gathered most of the evidence I will need to present to Jahnda, but I could still use your assistance with one final piece. I need to recover a rib bone from one of the undead beasts that wander these hills. Be sure the rib bone comes from one of the putrid skeletons. They are the spawn of Bertoxxulous.’

Niclaus Ressinn says ‘I believe the undead prowl these hills at night. I have found the remains of several adventurers who obviously had the misfortune of running into some of Bertoxxulous’ dark minions. One young human was still cluching this parchment in his cold, dead fist.’

Niclaus Ressinn says ‘I believe it is from a spell book of some kind and I do not have a working knowledge of things arcane. Perhaps you could help? Take it. I am sure someone in Qeynos could decipher it. I must remain here to gather more evidence but please return to me with anything you discover.’

Niclaus Ressinn says ‘Guard, Come quick! The undead gather near the ruins of Geupal!’

(NPC from Qeynos Hills)