Category Archives: Official Developer

Vhalen on the gods

I recall writing up Saryrn early on. I never named the god that ascended her and I cannot see a creator mentioned by EQLive. I will look further into this for my own records and let you know. More than likely, it was Innoruuk.

I remember the weekend of Tholuxe Paells creation, what a weekend that was. Here is what I have on him:

Little is known of this vile god of vices. Within his demi plane of debauchery he rules supreme. Unlike many planars, he prefers frequent interaction with mortal worlds and delights in tempting the weak of virtue with offers of eternal pleasure. This is how he populates his world. Every being that has been tempted by Tholuxe Paells is brought here to his world of eternal pleasure and debauchery. Too many, entry into his world begins as a pleasurable dream, but for all, this dream turns into an inescapable torment. This veiled torture often drives mortals insane or, in the least, loss of all former thought. All of this is done for the pleasure of Tholuxe Paells, demigod of debauchery. He is a tall slight of built man with feminine attributes that suggest androgyny.


Karnors Castle (Vhalen)

As with most Sebilisian strongholds, Karnor’s was named after a hero of the first iksar empire. I cannot say for certain whom this Karnor is. Perhaps I need to delve deeper into my archives. Here is a bit I can tell you.
Fortress Karnor is an ancient iksarian stronghold. It was most likely constructed around 825 A.G. by order of Emperor Venril Sathir. It was during this time that the Sebilisian Empire was involved in a vast campaign of slaughter and subjugation. This was known as the First Slaves’ War, a war to enslave the Kromdul and frogloks. Fortress Karnor was built to contain the iksar army in the southwest territory of Kunark. It was there that the iksar crushed and enslaved the Kromdul, hill and forest giants. It was often called the Karnor by iksar officers. It was designed to withstand the pummeling of hurled boulders that you might find departing from the hands of an enraged giant. All aspects of the Karnor were designed to either withstand or contain the Kromdul.
Although the Karnor was one of the most formidable fortresses in Kunark, it would eventually be toppled by the might of the Kromdul who had been integrated into a massive giant army commanded by the giant hero, Warslik. But the Karnor would not remain in ruins forever. Hundreds of years would pass and Venril Sathir would return to occupy the fortress to yet again plague the giants with his evil.
What condition could such a formidable stronghold be in now? Who now dwells in the halls of Karnor’s Castle?

Emperor Vekin

I see that a few of you are curious about the mighty ruler of the last iksar empire, sometimes referred to as the Cabilisian Empire. This great warlord was none other than Emperor Vekin, an iksar that was both feared and revered. His tale may be discovered soon enough, but for those that cannot wait, here is a bit of lore.

Who is he?
VH: Emperor Vekin was the first ruler of the Cabilisian Empire. He resurrected the iksar nation after the End Days.
What caste does he belong to?
VH: Emperor Vekin was a born warrior. He used his superior martial skills to unite the small bands of iksar that were scattered around Kunark during the Age of Turmoil.
Where did he come from?
VH: He hailed from a warrior tribe. It is rumored that this tribe descended from the elite soldiers of the Army of Ik. The particular military unit that his tribe spawned from was said to be very sadistic and they were known for gruesome acts of torture.
Was he the one to retake Cabilis and found New Sebilis, or has the new Empire had more than one Emperor so far?
VH: Cabilis, a former iksar city, was captured by Emperor Vekin’s legion and declared the capital of the Cabilisian Empire. He resided within Vekin Palace, a grand structure within Cabilis. This palace was like no other. Inside one could not only find the opulent chambers of the Emperor, but also a vast underground dungeon. Vekin enjoyed the art of torture and made it a part of his everyday life.
Is he at all connected to the Sathir line, of which the last one we knew was Chottal?
VH: Vekin has no Sathir blood flowing in his veins.
What is his attitude towards the world outside Cabilis, and what are his plans for Kunark?
VH: Emperor Vekin wanted the iksar to return to glory. Building his legions and claiming Cabilis were his first big steps. What came after that has yet to be discovered.
How does he regard Venril Sathir?
VH: Emperor Vekin does not look favorably upon the resurrected Venril Sathir. He and many other iksar saw Venril’s return as a threat to the rise of a new empire. The new armies being formed by Venril were not merely iksar soldiers, but also of a supernatural and often undead nature. The Cabilisian Empire and Venril Sathir would be destined to come in direct conflict. What came after that conflict cannot be known until you set foot upon the rediscovered continent of Kunark in the Age of Destiny.

Kerafyrm Awakes – Quotes

When Kerafyrm awakes many dragons throughout Norrath have something to say about it:

Residents of Skyshrine can be heard shouting:
BEWARE! BEWARE! The Sleeper has been awakened! He means death for all who remain here! Time is short, flee the Skyshrine now if you value your life!

Outside of Skyshrine Wuoshi can be heard shouting:
The Sleeper has been awakened! Shun the Skyshrine if you value your lives, for he shall be here soon!

In the depths of Dragon Necropolis Jaled Dar’s Shade will say:
HAHAHAHA! Those fools believed me! Revenge is mine, and destruction is visited upon the world! Ware The Sleeper, fools, for he is AWAKE!

Klandicar in the icy Western Wastes will shout:
Damnation and doom! Some fool has awakened The Sleeper! Avoid those places where Dragons dwell, for Kerafyrm shall surely seek revenge upon us!

Lord Nagafen will say:
Ha! The Ring and Claws are doomed! The Sleeper has been awakened, what a glorious day! Lady Vox, I will see you soon, our long delayed nuptials can now proceed!

While Lady Vox will say:
The Sleeper stirs! A glorious new age for Norrath is about to begin, and my exile is about to end!

Phara Dar from atop Veeshan’s Peak can be heard saying:
Attend me, members of the Ring. The Sleeper is free of his prison, and will surely be seeking revenge!


Glory to the Silver Reaper! Within his cloak all upon this mortal world, with cognizance of self, will be enveloped and delivered to Ethernere. Fear not this transition of our souls, my pack. Be you children of Serilis, Marr, Cazic, Veeshan, Bristlebane, Innoruuk, or other, you will find yourself in a locale that holds meaning. It may be where you were born, where you lived, where you died, where you met your lover, at your ancestral den, or for those that champion for the downtrodden – where you are needed. From there you may travel through Ethernere, as you wish. Be warned though! If you fight this transition, if you cling to your life within crude flesh, you will suffer within the Reaper’s realm. Denial will place blinders upon you, and raging against it will surely drive you mad. But those that are hearty and hold the desire to venture, are not chained to any particular location within Ethernere.

* Priestess of the Silver Reaper

Priestess of the Silver Reaper

Glory to the Silver Reaper! Within his cloak all upon this mortal world, with cognizance of self, will be enveloped and delivered to Ethernere. Fear not this transition of our souls, my pack. Be you children of Serilis, Marr, Cazic, Veeshan, Bristlebane, Innoruuk, or other, you will find yourself in a locale that holds meaning. It may be where you were born, where you lived, where you died, where you met your lover, at your ancestral den, or for those that champion for the downtrodden – where you are needed. From there you may travel through Ethernere, as you wish. Be warned though! If you fight this transition, if you cling to your life within crude flesh, you will suffer within the Reaper’s realm. Denial will place blinders upon you, and raging against it will surely drive you mad. But those that are hearty and hold the desire to venture, are not chained to any particular location within Ethernere.

* Priestess of the Silver Reaper

EQ2 23rd August 2012 Developer Questions Answered


Heya, I’ll take a minute to answer some of these.  I’m sorry I wasn’t able to be at the chat – I’ve had a ton to do, and time is something I’m in super short supply of.  SMILEY  Anyway, the majority of these are going to be a bit vague, which is on purpose – I prefer to show don’t tell when possible, where “show” = “in the game”.  SMILEY

Is the Forsaken City the fabled city of Zebuxor?

  • No, it isn’t.  It DOES have a name, however.  SMILEY

Is Nizara something to do with the Plane of Knowledge?

  • Mmm… sort of, but not directly.

Is Dozekar Kerafyrm’s father or was he cursed for some other reason?

  • That would be telling.  Kerafyrm’s history is something we’re hoping to go into a bit deeper here soon, as he come more to the center stage.  How Dozekar and Kerafyrm are related would likely be one of those story points we would explore.

Why did Xul’Varien stop being the god of disease?

  • That is actually deeply tied to some of Anashti’s history.  I want to dive deeper one day into more of her story, but right now the gods have their hands full (you know, with a universe-smashing dragon with god-slaying powers flying all willy-nilly around the world).

Are the shadowed men descended from the Jal’Raeth?

  • So actually, I gave Lyndro the wrong information here.  Truth be told, I was half-listening, and I completely misunderstood what he was asking me (like, COMPLETELY).  So, the Jal’Raeth are a clan of shadowed men, but there are others as well.  (And again, totally my fault, I’m sorry – I need a vacation I think.  Heh.)

Who was Kerafyrms mother?

  • As before, that would be telling.  Hopefully it’s something you’ll find out soon.  SMILEY

With the shissar’s prophecy, did they know Luclin was to explode and did they prepare for it?

  • Ha!  I WANT TO TELL YOU THIS, because there is an answer to give.  BUT, this is the exact storyline we’re going through right now, so all I can say is – You’ll find out.  SMILEY

Will we ever see Aataltaal from the Tarton’s Wheel quest?

  • Perhaps, but I couldn’t say for sure right now.

Who was Tarton and why did he hate the gods?

  • If we do explore more of the Tarton’s Wheel lore, then that would be a question we could answer then.

Shade of Vhalen



My greatest adventures on Norrath are often marked by a spirit type known as a shade. These shades are special, not like most encountered. There is a powerful spell that I carry in my arsenal that will eradicate most opposing armies. However, this mighty composition is not played without a price. With every use, a facet of my being is bound to the stage from which it is played. There are only so many portions of my life to give up until I am forever bound to a place far beyond Ethernere. It is best if the bells chime only in extreme cases and seemingly hopeless situations.

Of course, that is a bit in character. Vhalen Nostrolo, the bard, has been involved in numerous odysseys that have not been told. The Broken Bell of Ethernere, the Song of Ro, the Riddle of Kelkarn, the Pied Piper of Torsis and many more. A few of the shades you encounter during the troubadour epic are directly related to some of those tales. The vision that you speak to is another thing altogether.

Visions are projections of an entity. In the case of Vhalen, he projects an image of himself on Norrath to speak with adventurers. All the while, his true self is far beyond this world, in the midst of a grand final odyssey. The visions are best projected towards locations that hold importance in his life. These places may also hold shades of his life force.

Tower of Rot

The Obelisk of Lost Souls has many names. The Obelisk is a myth to most Norrathians. This deadly place has also been called the Obelisk of the Void, The Tower of Shadows, The Tower of Rot and the Obelisk of Vul, as well as many others less popular. This place is oblivion and those unlucky enough to discover this dungeon are forsaken and never to be seen again save for the few who live to tell the tale. Those who often tell the tales are not those who enter the dungeon, but are those who stand at its arcane gate and watch as the brave and foolish enter this place of no return. But some of those tales include tales of the halls of the obelisk stretching on farther than the exterior would allow. Tales of fiendish creatures and shadowy men soon follow, as does a call for another round of Blackburrow Stout. This obelisk is like a phantom as it vanishes from one location only to appear at another, days later. Does this dungeon truly exist or is this yet another dungeon created in the basin of a goblet of ale?

Understanding this mythical place would require knowledge of the history behind those that maintain the mysteries of the Obelisk of Lost Souls.

