Category Archives: Tserrina Syl’Tor

Gninja on Tserrina

Few facts for you guys to chew on…

Is Tserrina technically a vampire? She is from drinking Mayong’s blood but she is also something else and this was due to the above mentioned experiments she conducted on herself. She is not and never was immortal. The combonation of the vampire traits and what she did to herself before that time created something unique in Norrath.

How did Mayong lock her into the tower after he left her at the altar? Thats assuming she was ever intended to leave once he got her there to begin with. I can reveal that the curse she had placed on her did allow her to leave the tower but it would have caused her to deteriorate at a very fast rate once outside the tower.

What of the Dracholiche? The dracholiche story that was found years ago had no bearing on the reasons Tserrina and Mayong split. Mayong dislikes dragons but the stories about him flipping out over a dracholiche created as a gift are believed to be greatly exaggerated.

Why would Mayong care if Tserrina was a pure Tier’dal? He was looking to “create” the perfect bride. In doing so he had specific traits he wished her to have. That being one of them.

Turning her into a vampire was his goal. What she turned into was something else.

13th Anniversary Raid Text (EQ1)


Initiating the Expedition

You say, ‘Hail, Sam Napth’

Sam Napth glares at you angrily before quickly changing demeanor and speaking, ‘Welcome back, _____… While our previous efforts to put a [stop to Mayong] did not work out as planned surely if we try again it will work out differently!’ The halfling pauses for a moment and laughs uneasily, ‘Then again you may just be here to work on one of the other tasks?’

You say, ‘We’ll put a stop to Mayong’

Sam Napth nods, an unnatural grin flashes across his face before he speaks, ‘I suppose I am the fool for not seeing this earlier. It is up to you and your allies to put an end to the vampire god… again. Tell me when you are [ready] and I shall transport you as close to the Tower as I can.’

The Tower of Frozen Shadow is now available to you.

You say, ‘Ready!’

Sam Napth grins and says, ‘Good luck.’

Iceclad Ocean

You say, ‘Hail, a distraught raider’

a distraught raider says ‘So Sam has sent you here as well? Then I shall pray for your safe return from the tower. Tunare did not see fit to heed my wishes for my own allies, so I’m sure her infinite mercy is being saved for you and your party.’ The cleric sighs, ‘Of course if you would rather [return] to New Tanaan than spill your blood in the icy halls then I would be happy to transport you back.’

You say, ‘Hail, an anguished adventurer’

an anguished adventurer says ‘So Napth has talked you into storming the tower too?’ The half elf chuckles, ‘Well I wish you the best of luck, _____, you may need it. As you can clearly see by the weapons clutched in my allies’ hands, we were not ill-prepared for what lay ahead of us in the tower, yet we stood no chance once we crossed the gate. It’s still not too late to [return] to New Tanaan, life is more valuable than pride… To some.’ The tired raid leader looks over his fallen allies and sighs. ‘

You say, ‘Hail, a pensive heyokah’

a pensive heyokah glares, ‘And hail to you, an obtrusive busy-body. Now away with you, I’m trying to locate an idiot’s spirit in the afterlife so I can revive him. He owes me money!’ The barbarian kicks a bit of snow over the dead dark elf’s body.

You say, ‘Hail, an irate reaver’

an irate reaver says ‘I bet this fool would be alive if we had any semblance of direction from our godforsaken raid leader! I can count on one hand the number of minions I’ve lost under my command and that is only because I slew them myself for complaining too much. Back when I was in charge our raiders were a much tougher folk. Not like you modern day milksops trouping around in your ‘heroic’ armor and your ridiculous…’ The reaver continues to complain but you stop listening.’

Tower of Frozen Shadow: Stage 1 (First Floor – The Entrance)

You say, ‘Hail, Tserrina Syl`Tor’

Tserrina Syl`Tor stands over the body of a familiar fallen Troll. A small stream of blood trickles from her smiling lips as she looks up and speaks, ‘Ah the wedding party has arrived, how wonderful!’ She pauses, ‘Oh, but you are not yet dressed for our joyous night. This will simply not do. No, I must insist that you don yourselves in more [fitting garb]…’

You say, ‘Fitting garb?’

Tserrina Syl`Tor smiles and says, ‘Bloodstained rags and skinless flesh shall better suit the occasion… Now if you would excuse me, I have a party to prepare.’

Tserrina speaks away from you as she approaches the mirror, ‘My loyal servants, please see to it that this meddling troll is done away with and that our esteemed guests receive the ‘proper’ treatment.’ She cackles gleefully as she vanishes from sight.

Objective: Defend Warlord Ykesha and clear the first floor of Tserrina’s servants!

The walls echo with the sound of Tserrina’s voice, despite your victory she sounds ecstatic, ‘Well then, I suppose the master was right to invite you today.’ Her tone changes to a playful yell, ‘Mayong, my love, let these mortals feel the embrace of your presence!’

Warlord Ykesha thanks you for helping him take revenge on Tserrina’s lesser minions.

The path to the second floor of the tower is now open.

Warlord Ykesha says ‘Dem evil guys tries to kill meez after me helps dems get to tower! Me stay here and you go teach dems a lesson! Bash em gud!’

NOTE: If you let Warlord Ykesha die, you’ll see this emote:

Warlord Ykesha’s body explodes in a burst of ethereal force that empowers Tserrina’s remaining guards!

Tower of Frozen Shadow: Stage 2 (Second Floor – The Library)

The Performer cocks his dusty skull and poses dramatically. Even in undeath, the minstrel before you has retained his poise and charm. His charred bones rattle as he addresses the room, ‘On the eve of this most sacred night we are blessed by your presence. I trust you all [remember your parts] in our great medley?’

You say, ‘I remember my parts’

The Performer says, ‘Has it really been that long since our last performance?’ The Performer cackles gleefully, ‘Take a moment to prepare yourselves, when you are ready to [lend your voices] let me know and we shall begin.’

You say, ‘Ready to lend our voices’

The Performer Says, ‘Wonderful! Pay attention to the cues and sing the next line of the song when called upon. The guards will arrive soon and attempt to break up our entertainment, so fend them off as best you can. Forgive me, but I’m actually giddy. The Master shall regret dragging us here to ‘entertain’ his mistress’s guests!’

As The Performer signals to Aelfric to start the melody a violent shaking overtakes the room! The bodies of the bard troupe are burned and tossed about violently. Severed skulls roll down the aisles landing next to broken hands still clutching ancient instruments. A booming voice cries out in an eerily pleasant tone, ‘Caught by surprise, mortals!?’

Zi-Thuuli of the Granite Claw says ‘You continue to put up an admirable fight, but your journey ends here!’

Objective: Defeat the Maestro of Rancor and Zi-Thuuli of the Granite Claw!

The Maestro’s spirit returns to the Plane of Hate. His disembodied voice rings in your ears, ‘You are on your own now Mayong!’

Tserrina’s voice fills the halls. While her tone is still pleasant there are faint bits of frustration in her words, ‘Well… You are all certainly proving to be a… lively… bunch. Perhaps my love disagreed with my choice of entertainment… That is fine… I shall offer you my thanks in removing an annoyance and allow you to meet with the rest of our guests on the next floor.’

The Maestro’s Repository materializes in the south side of the library.

Tower of Frozen Shadow: Stage 3 (Third Floor – The Dining Area)

A bell echoes through the hall and the regal voice of a butler addresses the crowd, ‘Honored guests of the Master, dinner will be served in thirty minutes. Please take this time to prepare yourselves for the banquet. Speak to one another and do try to avoid any more violent outbursts. We would not want to damage any of the fine gifts you have brought for our joyous ceremony.’

Objective: Collect the wedding gifts from the 12 honored guests.

You say, ‘Hail, an old froglok’

an old froglok says ‘The sound of silence, the path you walk, the plan you have, do not fail! Take this, it is dangerous out there.’

Captain Pete

You say, ‘Hail, Captain Pete’

Captain Pete seems to be staring at the cover of the overturned book, ‘Yarr! Thar be a good tale of swindling’ and piratin’! Reminds me o’ [me ship], ‘er at least what’s left o’er!’

You say, ‘Me ship?’

Captain Pete shakes his head, ‘Poor memory on yeh ‘eh? Famous as I be, you should know the name of my ship! Ya seem familiar, I’m sure we’ve worked together before!’

You say, ‘Wretched Sands’

Captain Pete says ‘Yarr! Me ship, gallant beauty she was… ‘ere, somethin’ fer yer pockets.’


You say, ‘Hail, Eggsniffer’

Eggsniffer begins singing a song with his now blood-filled lute,
Eggsniffer sniff, Eggsniffer proud,
Eggsniffer always play lute real loud.
Eggsniffer dance, Eggsniffer red,
Eggsniffer has long been […].

(He seems to be at a loss for his next rhyme.)

You say, ‘Dead!’

Eggsniffer howls happily and gives you what you assume to be a gift.

Farwhendle Higglespout

You say, ‘Hail, Farwhendle Higglespout’

Farwhendle Higglespout says ‘A good merchant is never late, even as dubious as I was to come to this strange place… Speaking of dubious, I have something for that miserable [thief] if you see him, compliments of our last dinner together!’

You say, ‘What thief?’

Farwhendle Higglespout says ‘I would expect you to know his name before I have you going off and delivering things to him.’

(What is the name of the “Thief” that Farwhendle speaks of?)

You say, ‘Captain Pete’

Farwhendle Higglespout cackles, ‘Nay, I don’t actually have some sordid prize for the fellow, but that’s a good memory you got there, _____. Go ahead and take this gift though. I will be going home before I can deliver it to the Master and The Lady.’

Fixxin Followig

You say, ‘Hail, Fixxin Followig’

Fixxin Followig says ‘They have me under surveillance until dinner is over! Something about trying to slay the cooks.’ He begins muttering to himself, ‘Into the werewolves’ den, I have no idea what I agreed to come here…”

You say, ‘Hail, Fixxin Followig’

Fixxin Followig grins, ‘Excellent! In fact, so excellent I have a prize for your hard work. They tried to confiscate my weapons when I arrived here but I snuck a this past ’em! Don’t ever let your enemy catch you off guard… Plus, I can’t imagine that vampire would be too pleased with this as a gift anyway.’

Galdorin Visigothe

You say, ‘Hail, Galdorin Visigothe’

Galdorin Visigothe seems to be mid-thought as you interrupt him, ‘Such an interesting collection of stories and tomes stored here…’ You realize he was addressing you as he looks up and says, ‘I’d be willing to share one of these tomes with anyone travelled enough to tell me where they have seen me perform.’

You say, ‘Abysmal Sea?’

Galdorin Visigothe says ‘Close, but that is not the vessel that carried us out on the open sea.’

You say, ‘Queen of Thorns’

Galdorin Visigothe says ‘A sharp memory you have! Very well, here is an…”interesting”… book. Some of the images are rather graphic, so best keep it away from your easily offended friends.’


You say, ‘Hail, Glob’

Glob says ‘Me thank you! Give you dis. It from Glob friend, friend not so lucky as Glob…’

Hasten Bootstrutter

You say, ‘Hail, Hasten Bootstrutter’

Hasten Bootstrutter says ‘You again! I suppose this whole affair is making more sense now. First the invitation and now ‘this’ strange place. Yes indeed, it seems you and I are both [pawns] in some grand game.’

You say, ‘Pawns?’

Hasten Bootstrutter says ‘Seems quite odd that something this elaborate would be masterminded by a simple Halfling doesn’t it?’ The gnome grins, ‘You seem capable of figuring out where this is all going. I will offer you this, as it may come in handy on your adventure.’ The Gnome hands you a small trinket and nods, ‘Go ahead and make your way to the top of the tower and do what must be done.’

Khasva Vei`Ras

You say, ‘Hail, Khasva Vei`Ras’

Khasva Vei`Ras stands admiring the statue of Tserrina, ‘She was quite lovely in her mortal life…’ She pauses before continuing, ‘Such a crumbling beauty… It certainly shows that The Master has interesting [taste] though, wouldn’t you agree?’

You say, ‘Taste?’

Khasva Vei`Ras says ‘He has a notable attraction to the Teir`Dal, but more interestingly the Koada`Dal from which they descend…’ She stops, ‘I can tell that’s not what you’re interested in though, _____. I won’t humor you with misdirection like the others, you are on a dangerous mission. I know you feel the same unease that I do about The Master’s intentions. I believe this is the first time in his life that he himself is not sure of the [outcome] of our lives.”

You say, ‘What outcome?’

Khasva Vei`Ras nods, ‘Surely you must find it odd that he would enlist the help of his mortal enemies to reach the top of this tower? Or have you forgotten who it was that interrupted the reconstruction of Innoruuk’s chosen [weapon], and yet here he is with Lanys T`Vyl in tow!’ She pauses again before continuing, ‘I do not know how nor why, but I can feel his malaise with this whole situation. You and he are not at truly odds, yet you have convinced yourselves that you are.’

You say, ‘What weapon?’

Khasva Vei`Ras balks at your continued questioning, ‘The Governor of the Wicked!’ She roars, ‘May your god help you if my knowledge is being wasted upon the willfully ignorant!’

You say, ‘Malevolence’

Khasva Vei`Ras regains her composure, ‘My apologies, I have been beset on all sides by the faithless and foolish. As I was saying, The Master now stands at the top of the tower in an effort to unlock the mystery behind the strange shard that landed here. Though dormant since his defeat at your hands in Solteris he has not been without knowledge of what is occurring on Norrath. It was only a matter of time after you adventurers cast the Alaran artifact to the sky that it would eventually rain down upon us again… A strange twist of fate that a splintered shard would come crashing down here, but Norrath is full of strange twists of fate…’

Khasva Vei`Ras smiles, ‘But enough of that, dinner is soon and we both have destinies to fulfill.’ She digs through her pack and pulls out a glowing mirror, ‘My destiny was to ensure that you were given this. It is your destiny to determine its use.’ She hands you the artifact and nods, saying nothing more than that.

Pastseeker Rhondarra

You say, ‘Hail, Pastseeker Rhondarra’

Pastseeker Rhondarra seems uninterested in speaking to you in your current form, ‘The guests here are so… boring… If only there were someone here worth looking at.’

You say, ‘Hail, Pastseeker Rhondarra’

Pastseeker Rhondarra says ‘Oh what a lovely specimen you are!’, She digs through her pockets and hands you a small trinket, ‘Please, take this, as a personal gift from me to you. I’m sure Mayong has enough treasures that he won’t miss this one.”


You say, ‘Hail, Romella’

Romella stares longingly at the statue of Mayong before speaking, ‘It makes sense now, the dinner, the superstition… You must put a stop to the [Master].’

You say, ‘The Master?’

Romella says ‘Yes, Mayong Mistmoore The Master of the Demi-Plane of Blood, not all of us are ignorant to what is going on here. Slowly but surely his influence over this tower is becoming stronger. I fear for our lives should his mistress learn of his true [motives].”

You say, ‘His motives?’

Romella says ‘It is obvious Tserrina has deluded herself into believing that Mayong has returned to fulfill his broken vows.’ The Gypsy sighs, ‘She is suffering the same fate as [our Princess who shan’t be named].”

You say, ‘Mynthi Davissi’

Romella scowls, ‘Speak not her name! Take this trinket and hurry along, it is up to you to put a stop to this ghastly affair before we all end up as lycanthropic servants!’

Tired Farmer Jestle

You say, ‘Hail, Tired Farmer Jestle’

Tired Farmer Jestle smiles, ‘Thanks be unto the great Rainkeeper for sending you to save me from my plight of sleep deprivation… Please, take this as a small token of my gratitude. That rude old vampire won’t miss it!’

The din of hushed conversation suddenly disperses with the echoing of a bell.

Tserrina speaks, ‘As wonderfully thoughtful as I find the gesture, attending this dinner is a privilege I had hoped to save for a more honored guest. As such, I must now offer all of you to her as a small token of reconciliation.’

Lanys T’Vyl coughs in disgust, her voice echoing from Tserrina’s bedroom, ‘Ugh, the stench of that loathsome harlot still soils these halls. What’s worse yet is that the small bit of solace I could take in being the guest of honor at this dinner has been taken from me! The pain you will all suffer here tonight shall be the thing of legends!’

Objective: Defeat Lanys T’Vyl.

Lanys T`Vyl spawns in the northeastern room of this floor. She is not auto-aggro and can be engaged when you’re prepared:

Lanys T`Vyl points her blade toward _____ and smiles.

Lanys T`Vyl shifts her attention to someone else that has been irritating her and forgets the transgressions of everyone else!

_____ dons their Visage of the Banshee and yells at Lanys T`Vyl which makes her super angry and causes her to fight less effectively.

Lanys T’Vyl roars, ‘I yield to the hatred in your hearts!’ She shakes her head and draws her blade back before disappearing from sight.

Tserrina’s voice breaks the silence of the wedding hall, her tone is excited but she does not seem to be speaking to you, ‘My love, our guests have nearly arrived… Are you yet ready to greet them?’

A few seconds pass and no reply is heard. She now addresses your party, ‘Very well mortals, I know my beloved too well to think he had not planned all of this. Just like every time before, you are all simply playing into his plan. Now please, enjoy the party!’

Objective: Defeat all of Tserrina’s wedding party.

Tower of Frozen Shadow: Stage 4 (Fifth Floor – The Wedding)

_____ slashes Damab across the face with a Broken Bottle causing them to fight much less effectively.

_____ hands a slice of Jumjum Pie to Damab who then eats it and becomes slower, fatter and less able to fight effectively.

A loud sigh emanates from the ceiling, ‘I suppose you mortals think you’ve earned the right to progress to the next floor now?’ The disembodied voice laughs, ‘While I thank you for clearing that miserable lot from these halls, I must now put an end to your little charade of progress…’

The impressive body of Valdoon Kel’Novar materializes in the center of the room.

Objective: Defeat Valdoon Kel`Novar.

_____ slaps Valdoon Kel`Novar in the face with their Bloodstained Grey Gloves of the Murderer which confuses him greatly and causes him to fight less effectively.

Upon Valdoon’s death:

Valdoon Kel`Novar vanishes in a flash! His disembodied voice speaks, ‘Very well mortals, you have proven your point…’ He lets out a final bit of laughter, ‘Enjoy what lies ahead for you.’

Tserrina’s keepsake of small trinkets materializes in the wedding hall.

Tower of Frozen Shadow: Stage 5 (Sixth Floor – Venril & The Dracoliche)

_____ swings their Cracked Troll Spine into a brittle skeleton really hard causing its own spine to break, weakening it significantly.

Step into Venril Sathir’s room:

Tserrina’s words are strained, her previous exuberance sounds as if it has waned, ‘…D…Deal with these mortals!’ She turns from addressing Venril to retreat up the tower.

The low hiss of Sathir’s voice invades your mind, ‘Do you not sssee the reality of the ssssituation? You have already lossst this fight! As we ssspeak you are already too late to sssstop uss!’ The ancient Iksar emperor laughs, ‘Fight me if you musssst. You ssssimply delay the inevitable!’

Objective: Defeat Venril Sathir.

A faint whisper follows Tserrina’s departure, ‘…Mayong my love?’

Venril Sathir shouts, ‘Let us put that ssssilly woman’s gift to use… Arise my pet! Arise from the depthsss of fear and fell these would-be heroes!’

Venril Sathir hisses coldly and begins a dark conjuration.

Tserrina`s Dracoliche roars furiously and begins beating its skeletal wings!

Venril Sathir hits for a max ~20,000; as does the Dracoliche (single-target rampages). Venril Sathir casts “Deadlier Lifetap”:

Deadlier Lifetap: Targeted AE 200′, Magic (-850)
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 30770

Rear Emote: The Dracoliche swings its tail, preparing a fear inspiring strike!

The Dracoliche violently whips its tail, inspiring fear in all those that stand behind it!

The Dracoliche roars, causing all of those that stand in front of it to run away in fear!

Venril Sathir shouts, ‘Misssstmoore, you are on your own now! The dark one will not be far behind these mortalsss…’

Tserrina`s Dracoliche has been slain by _____!
The lifeless bones of the dracoliche fall to the ground as the dark forces animating it are dispelled.

With the ancient lich and dracoliche defeated the path to the final floor is now open to you.

Objective: Find what lies at the top of the tower.

Tower of Frozen Shadow: Stage 6 (Top Floor – Mayong & Tserrina)

You say, ‘Hail, Tserrina Syl`Tor’

Tserrina speaks with an obvious air of concern in her voice, ‘My love, our guests have arrived. Shall I make any more preparations for our ceremony?’

The ancient vampire stands with his gaze transfixed upon the eerie shard. His attention to the artifact is unwavering as he addresses his mistress for what seems like the first time, ‘There is yet much to do my love. Entertain our guests for a few more minutes.’

Tserrina nods, ‘Very well.’ She turns and addresses your party, ‘Mortals, I applaud your efforts and your willingness to ascend my home just to bear witness to the most wondrous day of my life. I shall reward you all with the suffering you so actively desire!’

Tserrina Syl`Tor vanishes before quickly reappearing.

Tserrina cries out, ‘My beloved, these pests are becoming more than I can handle. Please… Help me!’

Mayong violently strikes the crystalline formation causing a number of shards to break off and fall to the ground. He draws his blade and turns, his demeanor is uncharacteristically hostile, ‘You fools have no idea the danger we are in!’

Mayong Mistmoore mutters under his breath, ‘Tserrina…’

The Master slashes in a circle around himself!

The crystal shard begins buzzing.

Several constructs of crystal break free from the giant shard!

You hear the faint screeching of bats.

The room echoes with the screeching of a dozen bats!

a voracious bat squeaks in horror as it is rooted helplessly to the ground.

_____ reads a passage from Tisnya’s Diary to Tserrina Syl`Tor which makes her jealous and causes her to fight less effectively.

_____ points their Reflective Mirror toward Tserrina Syl`Tor which causes her to recoil in horror and dampens her ability to call forth the shards of fear.

_____ plays a dissonant love song on their Flute of the Unrequited to Tserrina Syl`Tor which makes her uneasy and causes her to fight less effectively.

_____ rings their Small Feline Bell in front of Mayong Mistmoore causing him to look slightly melancholy and makes him slower to call forth his army of bats.
_____ shows Mayong Mistmoore a Lock of Drachnid Hair causing him to remember simpler times and causes him to fight less effectively.

_____ dons their Midnight Veil and looks at Mayong Mistmoore causing him to be less likely to use his sword slash attack.

_____ swings their Bloodstained Mining Pick into a shard of fear, shattering it instantly.

Tserrina stumbles, losing her composure, ‘I do not think I can continue much longer my love! I fear our guests may get the best of us soon.’

Mayong continues fighting as he addresses Tserrina, ‘Us? Us!? Does your incessant chattering know no end? Has your mind deteriorated to the same horrific state as your tired husk!?’

Tserrina recoils in horror, tears welling in her scarred eyes, ‘Mm…my love… We are to be wed today. Why would you act this way?’

Mayong laughs, ‘Because you are unnecessary. It was simple misfortune that this shard landed in your icy prison!’

Tserrina cries, ‘We were destined to be together! This form, my body, this was your doing! I gave my life to be yours!’

Mayong laughs, brandishing his blade, ‘In my hand I hold Erilynne, a beauty that would stun even the most stoic man… In my court I keep Althea, Brenda and Christine, a trio of temptresses who rivaled the loveliness of Erollisi in their prime… My home is host to more unspoiled flesh than you could ever hope to compare to!’

Tserrina lets forth a blood-curdling shriek, ‘KILL HIM!’

Tserrina disappears and Mayong turns into “Mayong Mistmoore the Empowered”. It’s not known if he actually increases in strength here or if he starts casting any additional AEs. He does keep up with his death touch trigger, and adds continue spawning like normal.

Mayong Mistmoore raises his hand and casts _____’s corpse into the pit at the bottom of the tower!

The room flashes and the top of the tower reverts to an earlier time… except for your party.

For a moment following the vampire god’s death the room is silent. The strange fear shard continues to radiate but all seems right with the world once again…

The familiar voice of Sam Napth echoes through the room from the doorway, ‘Splendid work, all of you. Once again you’ve proven yourselves capable of any task set before you, and this one not a moment too soon!’

The halfling peers down into the glazed eyes of Mayong and grins, his tone unusually arrogant as he speaks, ‘You’re a fool for trying to take this from me Mayong. There is no excuse for not realizing that they would come to put a stop to you.’

The sinister voice of Mayong replies, his previous tone of hostility has been replaced with one of veiled pleasure, ‘Do not think for a moment that I was unaware of your plot, dark one. What’s more is that you know for a fact that I shall return. Just as Drinal reclaims the sky from Ro I shall reinstate myself when the time is right. You know as well as I that these adventurers will have no more trouble stopping you than they did me… Yet my plans came to fruition this eve. You have failed, ‘Sam Napth’.

Sam Napth looks up at the crystal and shouts in an increasingly hostile tone, ‘And how is it you think you have won this, Mayong? You are dead and the power of the shard is mine for the taking!’

Mayong’s sinister laugh precedes his final retort, ‘I did not aim to take the power for myself, Dark one…’ With those words the tower begins to shake! You can see sharp lines forming in the crystal and it starts to crack.

Sam Napth shouts in an otherworldly voice, ‘NO!’

Sam Napth roars, ‘This is not the end of me Mayong, for as long as there are other shards I will be waiting!’ With these mysterious words the radically hostile halfing vanishes from sight.

The room returns to its previous silence. The strange fear shard no longer radiates with any power. Mayong has successfully thwarted the strange halfling from obtaining the power of the ancient artifact and you have successfully thwarted Mayong from existing on Norrath for any reasonable duration of time… Still… It seems rather odd that Sam was so interested in the power of fear.

Were-Hunter Ability Quest

This is a quest from EQOA and is archived here for potential lore information


Djivan wrote:
We gypsies do not let others have power over us through fear. Even here we stand in the shadow of great evil.

You! wrote:
I seek to uncover and slay the ancient one, Mayong Mistmoore!

Djivan wrote:
You have a fire that burns within you %4. Let us hope that fire does not fail you during the course of the task you desire to undertake. My fellow gypsies that have been watching Caer Sloth from a safe distance have learned much about the Siloth. With the aid of the ancient one and his brides their necromantic powers have grown immensely in a very short time. Several new minions of the Siloth have appeared at Caer Sloth, both the living and the cursed dead. However, no vampires other than one of the ancient one’s brides, Tserrina Syl’Tor have been seen entering or leaving the keep.I believe from the information that I have been provided that the ancient one lairs deep beneath the Siloth’s salt mines. I also believe that the Siloth did not originally intend to become servants of the ancient one, or be the ones to awaken him.

You! wrote:
Why do you believe they are unwilling servants?

Djivan wrote:
The Siloth are a little more than deviants that worships a triad of dark deities; Rallos Zek, Innoruuk, and Bertoxxulous. Using slave labor and the animated dead they built their fortress in hills rich with salt, and had slaves begin digging mines. The Siloth were attracted to the spot due to the desolateness caused by the high salt content in the rock and soil. The salt is also useful to the Siloth to preserve the undead and foul research materials of their necromancers. Deals struck with the river pirates of the region also made it easy for the Siloth to sell and smuggle the salts for a profit. As the slaves dug deeper in search of new salt deposits, they stumbled upon the ancient one’s tomb. A subterranean labyrinth guarded by the deadly drachnids, unnatural creatures reputedly created by the ancient one.

You wrote:
I will go to the ancient one’s lair and slay him.

Djivan wrote:
First you must better understand what it is that must be done in order to reach the ancient one and defeat him. The vampire lord’s coffin is said to be impervious to harm and is sealed by mystical wards that no magic can dispell. There are legends of a song that will counter the wards on the coffin and summon the ancient one. Speak with the gypsy minstrel Enrique Revnold, it was his ancestor who first discovered the song of which I speak. Enrique can usually be found at the crossroads east of Blakedown and north of Forkwatch.

Scene Two: Enrigue Revnold in Alseop’s Wall (SW)

Enrique wrote:
You are safe from the bandits here. They will not approach our camp so long as we keep the fires lit and song in the air.

You wrote:
Tell me about the Revnold that once fought the ancient one.

Enrique wrote:
So you have heard something of my lineage, have you? It is not a proud tale, for it ends in great sorrow. My ancestor Vedel Revnold was a bard of unparalleled skill and talent, and he also possessed immense courage. It is said that when he sang his words would form images that danced in the air before the eyes of the listeners. Vedel traveled the lands of Antonica that were then still new to even the gypsy clans. Wherever Vedel traveled he shared his songs and protected the innocent from the unspeakable horrors of the night. As a result, others wrote songs of Vedel in return. He had become a hero amongst all the gypsy clans. Thus, when the ancient one appeared to threaten those who Vedel cherished, he took it upon himself to face the vampire lord. The encounter would not bode well for Vefel Revnold, yet to some degree he would succeed.

You! wrote:
What happened when he faced the ancient one?

Enrique wrote:
Vedel and a handful of companions located the ancient one’s lair and defeated his guardians. The ancient one himself slumbered within an indestructable mithril coffin that no man could pry open. Vedel was determined to defeat the vampire lord, thus he fabricated a magical melody to cause pain to the vampire’s senses. The song worked, it resonated through the mithril coffin and the vampire lord emerged from his slumber. During the ensuing battle, tragedy befell Vedel Revnold as his companions were slain by the vampire lord. Vedel was among the last to fall. As the ancient one drained him of his life he thrust an eldarr wood stake through his heart. The ancient one dissipated into a haze of red mist, wrongfully believed to have been destroyed. Vedel was dead, but doomed to rise as a powerful vampire, his mind corrupted and his body without a soul. Vedel would then terrorize for many decades the innocents he once protected and cherished. Vedel Revnold became known to the gypsy clans as the dreaded Maestro of Rancor.

You wrote:
Do you know the song to call forth the ancient one?

Enrique wrote:
Yes, the song has been preserved. For the Maestro of Rancor loathed the very songs he created in life. Thus, Vedel’s songs were taught to our people as songs of protection against the creatures of the night. I will provide you with a copy of Vedel’s songs, but they are valuable and highly protected gypsy songs. I ask that you do me a favor in return, for I too seek a writing that is valuable and highly guarded. I seek a copy of the Writ of the Wild, the scriptures written by the wild elf Wegadas and handed down to the Unkempt. Perhaps within the pages of the Writ of the Wild I can discover new weaknesses of the lycanthropes, the heirs of Wegadas. If you provide me with a copy of the unkempt’s writ, I will provide you with a tome of Vedel’s songs.

Scene Three: Enrique Revnold in Alseop’s Wall (SW)

Enrique wrote:
As promised I shall give you this copy of Vedel’s songs in exchange for the Writ of the Wild. There is something I must tell you though. The song you seek to awaken is not within those pages. Only the Maestro of Rancor knows the last song that Vedel wrote before his demise.

You! wrote:
Where do I find the Maestro of Rancor?

Enrique wrote:
The Maestro of Rancor was banished from the realm of men long ago by the gypsy sorceress Yazmina. The Maestro may only return to Antonica if summoned by playing Vedel’s songs on an instrument crafted by a vampire. I do not know where you will find such an instrument, other than perhaps, in a vampire’s lair. I warn you though should you be fool enough to actually attempt summoning the Maestro. He is a powerful vampire, sired by the ancient one himself, thus will not return to death like other undead creatures. No stake through the heart will slay the Maestro of Rancor, but he can be defeated.

Additional info
Quest Name: Were-Hunter Ability Quest

Level: 46+
Class: All
Quest NPC: Djivan Mertshak
Location: Oasis

Note: to log this quest you need a minimum of +500 faction with the Gypsies of Tunaria (not the Tunarian Gypsies). To get faction, head to siloths and farm. The easier mobs at the top give +1 faction per kill, as get lower down, mobs give +5, while at the very bottom – each kill will give you +10 faction.

Talk to Djivan Mertshak in Oasis. Djivan tells you a long story about Mayong Mistmoore, a vampire who seeks control of the siloths. He asks for your help in defeating Mistmoore. Djivan tells you to see Enrique Revnold by the crossroads at Forkwatch.

Enrique talks about his ancestor, Vedel Revnold, a famous bard. Vedel crafted a song to rouse Mistmoore from his coffin, but Vedel was defeated and became the Maestro of Rancor. Enrique will give you a tome of Vedel’s songs but in exchange wants a Writ of the Wild from the Unkempt Druids. Farm rangers and druids in the Unkempt Village (where levandius is) [Unkempt North SW] to find your writ of the wild. Usually drops in about 15 minutes of farming.

Return to Enrique with the Writ of the Wild and receive Vedel’s songs in exchange. He tells you the Maestro can only be summoned by playing the songs on an intrument crafted by a vampire.

You are to look for the instrument in the vampire’s lair. Head to Saltmines (SW) – not the castle, the mines – find you way down the ramps several levels. Find Colen Ilbeth and enter the tunnel where he stands, go down some more ramps. Eventually, you find yourself entering a small room with 3 drachnids, clear them. Beyond that is a circular room with drachnids and a red spider graphic on the floor. Go to the second room on your right, clear the room, keep mobs down.

Approach the organ and get a popup, and Maestro of Rancor spawns in the middle of the carpet (CONs yel@lvl50). Kill the Maestro and loot a song page.
If more than one questor needs to kill the Maestro, you will have to wait on the respawn time, which can be more than 30 min (ie. this is not a group flag).

Now it’s time to find Mayong Mistmoore. Head back out to the central room, and again head to the second tunnel on your right. You’ll come across the room with the ‘drachnid body snatcher’; clear this room. Pass through this room and down a tunnel, turn right at the brick lined hallway, and STAY right. Follow the hall to the end, there will be a small room with two glyph familiars and a drachnid, clear the room and take the ramp down. In the large cavern down below you can clear mobs. You will be able to con ‘stone coffin’; there are several down there. Con around and see if you con the coffin of Mayong Mistmoore. He is a rare spawn and you won’t catch him here very often. If he is ‘up’, the assemble your team to take him down.

Note: you MUST be in the ks (kill group) group to advance your quest. Be in a group with 3 other DD’s and have everyone else ungroup (this mob is easily one groupable though). DON’T DIE – if you die you have to restart the quest.

2nd note: If more than one questor is at this exact spot in the quest (ie kill mayong), as long as all questors are in the killgroup, all will have their quest advanced.

Mistmoore has a AoE lifetap, so only the tank should face him head on; everyone else should hide from the AoE and pop out quickly to cast/melee etc. If he lifetaps you, it heals him and keeps the fight going longer. Kill Mayong Mistmoore, get the xp for the kill, and your quest log will advance.

Return to Djivan Mertshak in Oasis to get 1.4 million in xp and a reward (see below).


Note on ability rewards: The ..stat buff for 80 and 40 is always the odd stat for that archtype that werehunter is trying to promote, or simply both tanks and melees get 80 int and both healers and casters get 80 str.

Melee: A necklace and a scroll.
*Troka’s Blessing (spell scroll, use it to put into your spell book)
The necklace (the talisman of Troka) must be in your inventory or bank for the ability to function. It is a +80 intel/+40 dex, stacks with other buffs.
*Talisman of Troka, necklace, NTL, Lvl50, Dex30, Int15

Tank: A necklace and a scroll.
*Blessing of Valentina (spell scroll, use it to put into your spell book)
Cast: 6 Recast: 60 Power: 25
Description: By invoking the spirit of the gypsy heroine Valentina your body and mind are strengthened.
This is a strength and intelligence buff +40 intel/+80 str
*Talisman of Valentina, necklace, NTL, Lvl50 str30 int15

Caster: A necklace and a scroll.
*Blessing of Yazmina
Cast: 6 Recast: 60 Pow: 25 Lvl:50
By invoking the spirit of the gypsy sorceress Yazmina your body and mind are one.
This is a strength and intelligence buff +40 intel/+80 str
*Talisman of Yazmina, necklace, NTL, Lvl50, str15, int30

Healer: A necklace and a scroll
*Blessing of Luludja
Lvl 50
Wisdom and Strength buff: str80 wis40
*Talisman of Luludja, necklace, NTL, Lvl 50, drd/sha/cl str15, wis30

Dreadspire Keep: Demi-Plane of Blood

An ominous voice booms, ‘Impressive! You have overcome every obstacle placed in your way and continue to demonstrate an ability which transcends mere brute force. Your coordination, tenacity, and resourcefulness are unlike anything I have seen in millennia. But enough of these cat and mouse games. Though I have an eternity to wait, mortals are not so blessed. It is time we meet, face to face. Please do me the honor of visiting the Dreadspire vault.’

The “vault” can be accessed through the hidden area in the library.

An ominous voice booms, ‘You’ve done well. You have done exceedingly well. It’s been some time since company presented this much amusement. I am honored to be showered with this attention. You are most welcome, as a guest and servant in my house.’

An ominous voice booms, ‘Do not fret over the servants you have slain, the artifacts you have stolen, the damage you have inflicted upon my followers. They are easily replaced, and a small price to pay in order to test your abilities. I have many promising residents to replace the ranks of the fallen, and you will meet them shortly.’

An ominous voice booms, ‘Do you understand why you are here? Do you think to defy me? Or mayhap you have simply been playing into my plans all along . . . would you even know the difference?’

An ominous voice booms, ‘Regardless of the outcome of our interaction, I will be the victor.’

Hah! Have at me, mortals. Prove your power over my divinity! ‘

The Demi-Plane of Blood is strangely silent. Though Mayong’s body is unmoving, his presence can still be felt. His booming voice suddenly fills the halls of the Keep, coming from all directions.

Mayong shouts, ‘I told you that I would be the victor of this encounter, regardless of the outcome.’

Mayong shouts, ‘This is the sweetest victory I could have ever hoped for.’

Mayong shouts, ‘The focused devotion and attention you demonstrated here have lent strength and credibility to my divinity.’

Mayong shouts, ‘You have unwittingly worshipped me, and you have martyred me.’

Another shimmering figure fades into view, floating near the first. As she materializes, her body shifts into focus, revealing the form of a young female.

The spirit of Tserrina howls, ‘You are all that remains of the mortality of Mayong, shed off and discarded when he became a deity.’

A hollow voice laments, ‘Then, I am not long for this world. Perhaps you and I will meet again on the other side?’

The two figures embrace. Tserrina’s face comes into sharp focus and she is strikingly beautiful, the features of her mortal spirit not twisted by malice. Insubstantial tears roll down her cheeks.

The spirit of Tserrina howls, ‘That is unlikely, my love.’

The figures fade away quietly, clinging desperately to one another.

Mayong shouts, ‘And thus was born a new era upon the world of Norrath. My era.’

Mayong shouts, ‘Let the world know that a new deity has joined the pantheon . . . and his name is Mayong Mistmoore!’

(The Savior)

Mayong shouts, ‘My drachnid armies and legions of the living dead are poised to attack!’

Mayong shouts, ‘At a moment’s notice, they will spread across Antonica and Faydwer like a plague, annihilating mankind and laying waste to everyone and everything not pledging allegiance to me.’

Mayong shouts, ‘However, with my ascension, I have much more important matters to attend to.’

Mayong shouts, ‘Consider your lands safe . . . for now.’

or (Dark Savant)

Mayong shouts ‘True immortality comes with a price..’.

Mayong shouts ‘You cannot possibly comprehend the burdens that I bear’.

Mayong shouts ‘There is an implied responsibility to watch over mankind’.

Mayong shouts ‘To mold it and push it into the right direction.’

Mayong shouts ‘In addition to monitoring the progress of my minions across several continents.’

Mayong shouts ‘In a way i am envious of your simple lives.’


Mayong shouts, ‘One of your lifetimes is but a fleeting moment compared to my endless existence.’

Mayong shouts, ‘I have watched civilizations rise and fall, seen races born or destroyed, witnessed the gods meddling pointlessly with mankind.’

Mayong shouts, ‘I was there when Rallos led his army into the Plane of Earth.’

Mayong shouts, ‘I saw Takish`Hiz buried under a sea of burning sand.’

Mayong shouts, ‘The trivial endeavors of the pantheon bored me, long before you ever existed.’

Mayong shouts, ‘I grew jaded and tired of this world eons ago.’

EQII Lore: D’Ryil’s Letters


Please read what I have enclosed. I have gone through the notes that were brought to me from Mayong’s library, and I believe that the sections I have highlighted below are the most pertinent to our experiments. Familiarize yourself with these.

… exactly how these runes might fit together. I believe that these are separate from the runes on the inside of the ring, but their significance isn’t immediately apparent.

As an aside, I am still puzzled as to what happened back in the tower. I have pondered the failure, but the reasons to her dramatic transformation elude me. I have turned others of her race, and none have changed the way she did. There is something more to this, something that reacted violently to the gift of vampirism.

Utilizing magic as she does, I wondered at first if she might have entreated herself to a powerful dark force that might have lashed back against anything that could wrest control of its thrall from its grip, since she would become subservient to me. I believe, however, that the possessor would have revealed itself in some manner had this been the case. There was no message of any kind (no changes in voice uttering a warning, no disembodied spirit attempting to threaten me), so I don’t believe this to be the case.

I wonder if she might have been under another sort of protection spell. Perhaps she was attempting to protect herself from the vampirism using a weak warding magic. This is plausible, although I did not feel the presence of a ward, and she had drank from the goblet containing my blood without any signs of difficulty. I suspect that if there were a ward, I would have noticed it immediately.

I believe that there is something else at play here…

… to continue the search for the staff. I despise their incompetence, but they are indeed necessary to complete the task I have before me.

Once again, I must make note of my findings regarding Tserrina. After pondering and researching, I believe that something was different about her blood itself. I recall there being a taste to it, something that I did not recognize. I brushed this off at first as some manner of contamination, that perhaps her dabbling in necromantic or demonic arts had tainted her blood. It seems I should have not been so quick to dismiss that fact.

If indeed her blood was impure, or mixed somehow, then whatever it was that she had infused in her blood was likely the cause of the transformation. I have a few theories as to what this could be, but the truth of the matter is that any discovery I make now is largely moot in regards to her. She is locked in the tower now, and will rot with time. She is no longer my concern, although I believe that I can apply the lessons I’ve learned to a similar experiment. I am interested in how a mixture like this might apply to another stock of blood, such as dragon’s blood. The implications of this are quite intriguing.

I will, however, make sure and look for the same sort of tells, should I choose to take up another bride as such. I do not want to waste more time and resources on another failed venture such as that again.

It’s clear to me that we must locate the notes of Tserrina Sly’Tor as well. She has the other half of the information that Mayong was missing. If we can recover that, then I believe that we can combine the two pieces of research to accomplish our goal of strengthening our bloodline. Send a thrall into the library, and recover the notes of Tserrina.

Do not fail.

To the Esteemed Arelin Holst D’Ryil,

I must write to inform you of our current progress.

As you know, our experiments have been going very well. We’ve been able to extrapolate quite of bit of information from Mayong’s research notes, and I believe that your theories on the outcome of his attempted transformation were quite insightful. It was fortunate for us that we had the information he was missing from Tserrina’s notes.

Several of our experiments, at this point, have been failures – this was expected. We’ve destroyed the majority of the failed experiments, as requested. However, we’ve found that some of the failures have yielded some interesting information as they decay. We’re interested to watch this process, and thus have kept these failures alive, partially for analysis, but admittedly there is a fair amount of amusement in their agonized writhing and cries.

Finding the correct mixture of blood is, as you know, the essence to our experiments here. Too much of the mixture resulted in dramatic transformations that the recipients rarely survived. Too little, and they became ineffective, creating rebellious, angry, weakened vampires. Finding the correct balance has been a difficult endeavor.

One particular experiment, a human male, has proven quite promising, however. Initially, we expected a complete failure with him, as his mixture was only slightly varied from experiments we had tried and failed with. As with the others, he writhed through the night, pleasing us with gurgling screams as he transformed. I myself entered his chamber the following night, prepared for either a wide-eyed, stiffened corpse, or a vicious, drooling, mindless beast. Neither was the case. He looked at me and asked the usual questions, “What happened to me?”, “What have I become?”… the standard list of disbelieving queries we are all used to from new blood. This was promising.

In spite of all of this, I would hesitate from calling this one a success. He seems to lack many of the benefits of our race – his strength does not appear to be that over others of his original stock, he seems to lack any manner of significant regeneration, and, most fatal of all, he does not appear to be subservient to our house as he should be. This was unexpected, and regardless of all his other flaws, makes him quite useless to us on the whole.

I still want to keep him alive for the time being, as there might be more to be to learn from him still. Once he has outlived his usefulness, I will see him destroyed. I am pleased, though, that we are on the verge of success, and that this recent experiment proves this.

I will inform you of our progress once a significant breakthrough has been made.

For the D’Ryil,


I am writing to discuss a very troubling matter, one that is up the utmost importance to our House and family.

It seems that our brother, Aerlin, has acquired some very interesting notes. He was able to gather a tome of research from none other than Mayong himself, which seemed to detail Mayong’s encounter with Tserrina, and notes he took on his attempted, and failed, turning of her. Aerlin then managed to acquire Tserrina’s notes on her own experiments of immortality from the library of Neriak.

His work seemed to point toward something he called the “strengthening of the blood”, a mixing of the research of Mayong and Tserrina. According to my informant, these experiments were largely unsuccessful, although their processes were well thought out. They attempted to turn all manner of races, from the brutish ogres, to the hideous iksar, to the insignificant gnomes. It seems that of all the races, the only ones they were able to have any measure of success with were those of human and elven stock – any others simply died in writhing agony.

Although it appears they have not yet achieved their goal, they met a measure of success with a human male they refer to as “Sarkon”. While he was not what they were hoping for initially, he did survive his experiments and was able to evidently provide them with a wealth of information. Evidently, they found all they needed to know, and were planning to destroy him. That was, until they entered his chamber to find him missing. Sarkon had escaped.

The troubling piece of information here, is that Sarkon escaped during the daylight. I’ll repeat that: Sarkon fled his confinement during full sunlight. While the fools are scrambling to discern how this was possible, the implications of what happened are not to be understated. It appears that Sarkon can walk into the daylight, since no charred remains were found. Whether he had assistance with this act is irrelevant. Sarkon, while D’Ryil, is not subservient to the House as he should be, and could prove to be dangerous to all of the D’Ryil as a whole. He must be found, and ultimately, destroyed.

In the meantime, we must find Aerlin and his laboratory. My informant is not aware of the location of the experiments, but I believe it is of paramount importance to find a way to put a stop to their research before they endanger us any further. We must convene, and contemplate what our next move will be. I will contact you when it is time.

Farewell for now.

– Viktyr D’Ryil


Ariahn Teller

You say, ‘Hail, Ariahn Teller’

Ariahn Teller laughs uproariously, breaking her own rule of silence in the library. ‘Oh, PlayerName, you have one of the Wailing Sister’s andkerchiefs! The helpless, whining, sycophant. She was exiled from the Master’s Keep, wasn’t she? If you only knew how delighted that makes me. Tell me, did she kick and scream when they escorted her out? Blubbered like a newborn baby, no doubt. I’d give you anything for that little conversation piece. Even better, I’ll share with you the greatest secret in all of Dreadspire. Please, let me have it!’

Ariahn Teller smirks and pockets the square of cloth. ‘PlayerName, allow me to demonstrate what it means to rewrite history. No doubt, you’ve heard the tale of Tserrina Syl`Tor? It’s well known that she and Mayong Mistmoore had a falling out, but what was the real reason? Rumor has it that she created the first dracoliche and he [feared retribution] from the gods for involvement in the creation of the undead dragon. Perhaps Mayong considered making her his equal, but a [glimpse into the future] showed that she would grow powerful enough to turn on him. Or perhaps Mayong gifted Tserrina with immortality, but an unexpected side effect of undeath was that it [killed her ability to love] him in return, and all his attempts to rekindle her affections were for naught. Or, perhaps Mayong simply [grew tired] of Tserrina, as he does all things. What do you think?

You say, ‘Maybe he feared retribution.’

You feel as though you have been judged, and that this decision may affect you sometime in the future.

Ariahn Teller nods. ‘This is the generally accepted historical account of how Tserrina and Mayong had their falling out. She presented the dracoliche as a gift to him on their wedding night. Fearing that he would share the responsibility for its creation he left her at the altar. Tserrina was furious. She slew her entire wedding party, destroyed any signs of her betrothed, and now sulks in the Tower of Frozen Shadow. This is a plausible explanation of their situation, but not terribly creative on your part, PlayerName. I was attempting to demonstrate how to rewrite history and you simply let events stand as they were. Are you certain you don’t wish to change your mind?’

You say, ‘Maybe it was a glimpse into the future.’

You feel as though you have been judged, and that this decision may affect you sometime in the future.

Ariahn Teller nods. ‘Well put, PlayerName. Though Mayong wished to share his power with another, he had seen the future. It was only a matter of time before Tserrina would attempt to slay him and usurp his position. The loss of trust was tangible. Tserrina was understandably hurt and took her leave. Mayong held no ill will toward her and allowed her to depart and live a separate life within the icy confines of the Tower of Frozen Shadow. This is a plausible explanation of their situation. Perhaps untrue, but that does not matter. History is a point of view, not a fact, and you just twisted it to your whim. The history books shall be rewritten as you commanded, PlayerName, and THAT is true power.’

You say, ‘Maybe undeath killed her ability to love.’

You feel as though you have been judged, and that this decision may affect you sometime in the future.

Ariahn Teller nods. ‘Well put, PlayerName. Mayong and Tserrina were madly in love. He gifted her with immortality by making her into a vampire but the transformation had an unexpected side effect. It killed Tserrina’s feelings. She was no longer capable of loving anything. Mayong tried desperately to rekindle her emotions but was unsuccessful. He reluctantly allowed her the freedom to depart and live a separate life within the icy confines of the Tower of Frozen Shadow. This is a plausible explanation of their situation. Perhaps untrue, but that does not matter. History is a point of view, not a fact, and you just twisted it to your whim. The history books shall be rewritten as you commanded, PlayerName, and THAT is true power.’

You say, ‘Maybe Mayong grew tired of her.’

You feel as though you have been judged, and that this decision may affect you sometime in the future.

Ariahn Teller nods. ‘Well put, PlayerName. Mayong and Tserrina were madly in love. However, Mayong is fickle. Once his appreciation for her beauty faded, there was nothing left for him to admire. Conversation with her bored Mayong. There are few beings in existence with his vast knowledge. He was looking for an excuse to sever his ties with Tserrina when she slighted him on their wedding night and he left her forever. She now rots within the icy confines of the Tower of Frozen Shadow. This is a plausible explanation of their situation. Perhaps untrue, but that does not matter. History is a point of view, not a fact, and you just twisted it to your whim. The history books shall be rewritten as you commanded, PlayerName, and THAT is true power.’

Saemey Wirewhisker

Saemey Wirewhisker says ‘Welcome to Kejek friend. I am the seer of this village for I have been gifted by the spirits with an affinity for their realm. The barrier between the spirit and physical realms is thin in these lands. The heretics know this and must be prevented from committing [atrocities] similar to those that have been committed in the past.’

Saemey Wirewhisker says ‘Long ago when our noble ancestors the Vah Shir were destroyed by an explosion that devastated the warring Heretic and Erudin armies an evil creature by the name of Tserrina Syl’Tor was attracted to the sudden abundance of new spirits in these lands. Tserrina was capable of capturing these spirits before they were able to cross over beyond the mortal realm and through her dark magic transformed them into a [crystalline shadow] substance.”);

Saemey Wirewhisker says ‘The crystalline shadow substance was used as building blocks for Tserrina’s tower on an Island near the frozen lands to the south as well as fashioned into armor and weapons for her mindless servants. Emylie Steelclaws has developed a means to purify the armor and weapons using the special properties of our Kejek forge and a smithy hammer blessed by the Titan Spirits. The purifying process transfers the imprisoned spirits into [soul orbs]. Ask Emylie about the purification process.”);

Saemey Wirewhisker says ‘I have perfected a ritual that will free the imprisoned spirits within the soul orbs. I simply require some kejek [spirit powder] to scrawl the proper sigils and a soul orb upon which to perform the ceremony. My apprentice will perform the ceremony on fading soul orbs. Simply bring him a fading soul orb and some kejek spirit powder.”);

Saemey Wirewhisker says ‘The spirit power of which I speak is composed of ground spiritling stones. I will grind some powder for you if you would bring me a Valley Spiritling Stone, a Jungle Spiritling Stone, and a Mountain Spiritling Stone. Collecting the stones does not truly harm the spiritlings for when slain in this realm their essence simply disperses until it eventually reforms into a new spiritling.’

Saemey Wirewhisker grinds the spiritling stones in a mortar and pestle with foreign runes scratched into the ceramic. ‘This powder will assist in matters concerning the contacting or freeing of spirits.’

Saemey Wirewhisker scrawls an arcane symbol on the ground with an odd powder and places the orb in its center. He then begins reciting an incantation and waving his arms over the symbol and orb. Moments later the orb shatters and an apparition appears.

The Dark Truth – Vol VII: Issue II

*-*-***=The Dark Truth=***-*-* =–=Vol. VII: Issue II =–= –=- Dark Bargains -=– Danak Dhorentath, the famed Iksar loyal to none other than Venril Sathir, has taken it upon himself to seek outside assistance in fending off the defenders of Balance and all that is holy, good, righteous, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Having still in his possession the Lifeguide, a powerful artifact rumored to have been given to Firiona Vie by Tunare herself, this Iksar fanatic and one of his henchmen lackeys, a Teir’Dal wizard named Vahlai Ka Izal, have apparently employed the aid of Tserrina Syl Tor. A most mysterious and quite ancient being who inhabits the Tower of Frozen Shadow, Tserrina is known to hold quite a collection of souls — namely those pitiable unfortunates who fell when the Erudin loyals so ingeniously created what is now known as The Hole. We believe that it is her specific knowledge of the immortal spirit that Danak has sought to employ to his cause. A most marvelous decision, if we do say so. It appears that those who have been at a rather dull stalemate for these past months have finally achieved a bit of intelligence in seeking outside aid — for it is most apparent that they simply cannot handle their own battles. The exact intentions of Danak Dhorentath and Vahlai are unknown, though I am sure that such information will become rather public in the weeks to come.