Category Archives: Cabilis

Dag the Blasphemer

Dag the Blasphemer

Author Unknown

Long ago in the time of Emperor Ganak, Scholar Dag served and studied with the great Master Atrebe Sathir, first-hatched son of Rile Sathir.
After the unfortunate demise of Atrebe, Scholar Dag begin his study of the forbidden circles, Wizardry, Enchantment and Magic. He soon began to specialize in the ways of Wizardry, in contravention of the Laws of Kotiz.

Scholar Dag kept his studies to himself. Most of his studies were held in private, only his Sarnak slave named Kly was allowed to assist in his blasphemous studies.

Hearing of Dag’s skills, Kurn Machta, the Dread Torturer and trusted general of Rile Sathir, secretly commissioned Dag to create a magical dagger for his personal use.

Dag traveled to Kurn’s outpost to begin his work. His slave Kly and some sarnak slaves answering to him followed, pulling behind them a special forge which belonged to Haggle Baron Dalnir.

During Dag’s absence, however, evidence of his blasphemous research was discovered, and his secret obsession was revealed to all. He became known as the Blasphemer of the Brood.

Word was sent from Cabilis to Kurn to have Dag executed. As Dag was in the final stage of enchantments, Kurn let him proceed and when the dagger was complete, Kurn shackled Dag and used the dagger upon the belly of the Blasphemer.

The Crusaders sent from Cabilis to bring back the body of Dag, the dagger, and the Sarnak slaves, all vanished without a trace. Only the Dalnir Forge remained. No trace of the others was ever found.

Assuming the disappearance was a sign the gods had cursed the blade and the Blasphemer, the Brood decreed that to avoid the wrath of the gods, all of Dag’s property and creations were burned, as were all records of his blasphemous studies.

The slave Kly was sought for many years, but never found. It was feared that the slave, in assisting his master, might have learned some of the blasphemous arts, and thus must be destroyed also.

The descriptions posted described Kly as a tall, relatively youthful Sarnak of a reddish skin tone, with some scars on his right arm and leg from early punishment. The slaves accompanying Kly and answering only to him were not known to have individual names or descriptions.

The leader among them, known only as the Kly’s Overseer, kept discipline over them and could be distinguised from the others only because he was permitted to use for this purpose a battered ferrite longsword and kite shield forged in the traditional style of the Ganak footsoldiers

After some decades, the search for the Kly and his followers was abandoned, and the mystery of their disappearance has vanished into the mists of time.

Emperor Vekin

I see that a few of you are curious about the mighty ruler of the last iksar empire, sometimes referred to as the Cabilisian Empire. This great warlord was none other than Emperor Vekin, an iksar that was both feared and revered. His tale may be discovered soon enough, but for those that cannot wait, here is a bit of lore.

Who is he?
VH: Emperor Vekin was the first ruler of the Cabilisian Empire. He resurrected the iksar nation after the End Days.
What caste does he belong to?
VH: Emperor Vekin was a born warrior. He used his superior martial skills to unite the small bands of iksar that were scattered around Kunark during the Age of Turmoil.
Where did he come from?
VH: He hailed from a warrior tribe. It is rumored that this tribe descended from the elite soldiers of the Army of Ik. The particular military unit that his tribe spawned from was said to be very sadistic and they were known for gruesome acts of torture.
Was he the one to retake Cabilis and found New Sebilis, or has the new Empire had more than one Emperor so far?
VH: Cabilis, a former iksar city, was captured by Emperor Vekin’s legion and declared the capital of the Cabilisian Empire. He resided within Vekin Palace, a grand structure within Cabilis. This palace was like no other. Inside one could not only find the opulent chambers of the Emperor, but also a vast underground dungeon. Vekin enjoyed the art of torture and made it a part of his everyday life.
Is he at all connected to the Sathir line, of which the last one we knew was Chottal?
VH: Vekin has no Sathir blood flowing in his veins.
What is his attitude towards the world outside Cabilis, and what are his plans for Kunark?
VH: Emperor Vekin wanted the iksar to return to glory. Building his legions and claiming Cabilis were his first big steps. What came after that has yet to be discovered.
How does he regard Venril Sathir?
VH: Emperor Vekin does not look favorably upon the resurrected Venril Sathir. He and many other iksar saw Venril’s return as a threat to the rise of a new empire. The new armies being formed by Venril were not merely iksar soldiers, but also of a supernatural and often undead nature. The Cabilisian Empire and Venril Sathir would be destined to come in direct conflict. What came after that conflict cannot be known until you set foot upon the rediscovered continent of Kunark in the Age of Destiny.

Paying Homage to the Past

Untold ages ago, the Faceless One, Cazic-Thule, placed us upon the lands of Kunark. Scattered and unlearned, we were enslaved by the terrible snake-like Shissar with their curses and wicked enchantments! At last one day the skies opened up and the sacred Green Mist delivered us from our enemies. Unaffected by the mist, we watched as our captors melted away. In the midst of a cacophony of screams of terror and anguish the iksar were freed. Today we remember the destruction of our oppressors by desecrating an article of their creation.

Over the centuries, many tribal states were established as we spread across Kunark. It was one iksar, Venril Sathir, whose knowledge of battle and necromancy allowed him to conquer and annex all the tribe-states. Using the might of the united tribes and the slaves of conquered lesser races, the mighty fortress of Sebilis was built. Imposing and beautiful, Sebilis was a place of learning and lore where for many long years we honed our skills and thrived. Under Sathir’s rule as the first King of Sebilis, he established the great Sebilisian Empire. The jealous dragons, however, saw our greatness and knew we posed a threat to them.

The meddling dragon known as Trakanon was not content to leave us alone. Through his treachery, he turned our servants against us and led a group of his kind to Sebilis and destroyed it! Many iksar were slain then and we honor them by lighting a funeral pyre from the remains of iksar slain in these times.

During the time of the Rending our beloved Kunark was beset by terrible earthquakes and the Lake of Ill Omen flooded the city of Cabilis. It was during these times that a large sailing vessel carrying many of our kind to lands far away was smashed by a massive wave. Many survived this tragedy by swimming to the shores of a nearby island.

For nearly a year the survivors lived on that island until the Overlord caught wind of their presence. After a series of fierce battles he captured the survivors, brought them back to Freeport and tried to enslave them! Years passed, but despite the Overlord’s best efforts, he could not break their spirits.

As the Rallosian army spread across all of Norrath, the Overlord knew he could not repel these aggressors without our help. In exchange for our freedom, we fought valiantly alongside Freeport’s own army and crushed the Rallosians with the help of the same Green Mist that had killed our former oppressors, the Shissar! Today we remember our brief captivity and toss the Overlord’s tools of oppression to the bottom of the sea, where they can never be used to hinder the mighty iksar.

Guild Summons

“By the will of the Hierophants of Cabilis, you are hereby summoned to the spired crimson towers of the Temple of Terror. You have reached the age of rebirth and it is time for you to begin your teachings of the ancients and learn the ways of the shaman. You shall offer this summons to Prime Hierophant Vek and be welcomed. We await your arrival.”

Guild Summons

This Broodling has reached the Age of Rebirth. The Broodling is called forth to Cabilis to begin training in the art of fist and tail. Within the walls of the Court of Pain shall I wait. This summons shall be presented to me upon arrival. Discipline awaits. Grand Master Glox The Swifttail Caste

Guild Summons

By Order of Emperor Vekin You are hereby ordered to report to Fortress Talishan for training and discipline in the art of the warrior. Should you survive you will join the ranks of the Legion of Cabilis. Report to the fortress and give this summons to Drill Master Vygan. Failure to do so is a federal offense and punishable by impalement.

The Crusade of 1312 A.G.

Source (in game book):

“The Crusades of 1312 This was the time of the scattered and defeated Iksar empire. The great dragon, Trakanon and his allies of scale had left the empire in rubble and our people were divided yet again. The once grand city of Sebilis was claimed by the one who decimated it.

The remaining Iksar were scattered among the outlands of Kunark. Their places of refuge were now the dwellings of dark denizens. In the wilds a few castes came to unite. One of these was the remnants of the Crusaders of Greenmist. They were led by a powerful shadowknight named Rok Nilok. The army of shadowknights numbered in the hundreds. Within their ranks were a few mystics and legionnaires. The tribe named itself after their leader, The Crusaders of Rok Nilok, and they would purge the lands of Kunark.

The Crusaders burned across the Dreadlands and death came quickly to those who dared stand in their way. They slew many giants and many goblins. There would be no prisoners or slaves. The empire shall be rebuilt by the hands of the Iksar. All others shall perish.

Karnor’s Castle was the first major objective of the Crusaders. It had been taken over by a goblin clan. The goblins would soon find themselves under siege. For twenty days they held ground until the Crusaders chose to assault as a band of goblin deserters fled. A swift battle ensued and the castle was reclaimed.

The Crusaders then set their sights on the city of Cabilis. While the march was designed Rok Nilok discovered something very evil. Nothing is known of his discovery. No record exists of its evil. All that is known is that Rok Nilok made a pact and soon shall suffer for it.

During the battle for Cabilis a strange rain fell which shrunk them to the size of dolls and their heads were set aflame. Nilok’s head burned red and the goblins squashed the would be emperor and his minions. “