Category Archives: Toxxulia Forest

The Fall of Erudin: Part 2

The Fall of Erudin:Part Two
By: Khuzaymah In’am

News of the High Guard’s termination did not sit well with its leadership, Vicegerent Jabalah and his brother Budayl. Later that evening a meeting was held with the leader of the Deepwater Knights, Sir Thamir Fa’iz. Budayl and Thamir were unable to quell Jabalah’s seething anger over El’Arad’s decision. In a rush, the Vicegerent stormed into El’Arad’s chambers within Erudin Palace and confronted him over his decision. The argument ultimately ended with the death of Jabalah at the hands of several void creatures summoned by El’Arad.

The murder of Vicegerent Jabalah threatened to disrupt El’Arad’s plan to control the city of Erudin. After denying any involvement in the Vicegerent’s disappearance, El’Arad pushed the activation of the new Nexus months ahead of schedule. When the Grand Farisan Nexus was activated a critical error was revealed. El’Arad and his fellow researchers based their construction of the Nexus off what was known of the Luclin Nexus and the spires in the Toxxulia Forest. Unbeknownst to El’Arad the spires were originally designed to channel their energy through the Nexus in Luclin. When the new Ulteran Spires were activated, they attempted to touch the original Nexus, and the mystical barriers erected by Norrathian pantheon caused the energy of the New Nexus to feed back upon itself.

The Ulteran Spires discharged the energy back into the new Nexus, which in turn exploded outward across Odus. This explosion of mystical energy not only destroyed the newly constructed Ulteran Spires on Antonica, but also tore through the fabric of reality itself, causing the entire continent of Odus to shift into Ultera. Realizing now as the time to act El’Arad revealed his secret allies to the rest of Erudin’s populace. Shadowed Men and other denizens of the void began to appear in the city causing havoc and destruction. In an attempt to save as many citizens as they could Sir Thamir Fa’iz and Budayl Idris organize an evacuation of Erudin. Rumors that safe passage to Paineel still existed gave hope that they could escape the aftermath of this experiment gone horribly wrong.

During the evacuation Thamir and Budayl are beset by a contingent of void beast led by none other then Madani Lu’ay, El’Arad’s most trusted advisor. The two men engage Madani in combat and soundly defeat the ambush. It is now certain in the minds of the two men that El’Arad has aligned himself with Roehn Theer. Thamir and Budayl then resolve to assemble the entire order of the Deepwater Knights so that they can overthrow El’Arad. The following morning over one hundred men and women soldiers marched through the streets of Erudin towards the palace. Lead by Sir Thamir and the de-facto leader of the High Guard, Budayl the army entered the palace, finding it undefended.

Cautiously they crept deeper within the vast halls of the impressive structure. No sooner than the last soldier entered the palace the huge iron doors of the palace swung shut, trapping the rebellious army within. The sounds of an extraordinary battle were soon heard. Thunderous explosions and screams of agony pierced the morning air of Erudin in a cacophony of Agony. The last remnants of justice were all but wiped out. El’Arad’s capture of Erudin was now complete. The Order of the Deepwater Knights was no more.

The Codex of the Khati Sha

Long in the distant past, civil war erupted between the erudites of Erudin. The conflict was swift and savage, and the erudites unleashed terrible magics against one another, often with devestating results. The peaceful kerrans, native to the continent of Odus, were caught up in the brutal conflict, in spite of their efforts to stay out of the line of fire.

The greatest loss, however, came when the armies of Paineel unleashed a powerful spell designed to completely wipe their enemies from Norrath. As a test, the erudites targeted a large kerran village on the southern end of Toxxulia Forest. In one terrifying flash, the village completely vanished (along with the mountain on which it once rested), and the Hole was formed.

The spell was based on teleportation magic, and rather than destroying the village and its inhabitants, it actually sent the entire mountainside through the Combine network, and onto the moon of Luclin. The survivors of the spell were shocked at their new surroundings, but since they were unable to reverse their situation, they soon began to rebuild on their new home.

Khati Sha, a general and advisor to the tribe elder, Kejaan Kerrath, was also one of the first explorers on the moon of Luclin. Among his discoveries were the Acrylia Mines, which gave the kerrans the material they would use to build their new city, and the glade of spiritual animals, which lead to the rediscovery of the beastlord path. The house of beastlords became known as Khati Sha after the one who discovered them.

When adventurers came to Luclin, they met with Khati Sha, and began to learn the secrets of spiritual bonding. Thus, the teaching of the beastlords reached out beyond hte city of Shar Vhal, and back to the denizens of Norrath. Beastlords had again returned to Norrath.

Prior to the age of Cataclysms, the gods departed Norrath. Those attuned to the spiritual world began to feel the mighty spiritual guides who once spoke to them also began to retreat, although unlike the divine gods, the spiritual retreat was far more gradual. Rituals to bond spirit animals to their beastlords began to fail, and the spirits did not respond when questioned why. As a group, beastlords were becoming extinct on Norrath.

The Truespirit, who were responsible for the spirit guides, had sensed impending cataclysms and chose to retreat. Since the spirit guides themselves were tied to the essence of mortals, the disasters could threaten to destroy the Truespirit as well. Thus, they elected to retreat back to the spirit world, and await the time when they could emerge again.

The Great Wolf ? Kaldrahir, the Pack Leader

Kaldrahir represents the aspect of leadership. He teaches guiding those in a common goal, of using your own courage to help others overcome their fears and follow to places they might not otherwise go. He is fair in his decisions, but is often utterly convincing of his position once he has made up his mind. it is through him that the mortals learn to lead their bonded spirits into the most perilous and darkest of places.

The Great Chokidai ? Ralissk, the Keeper of Wisdom

Ralissk is the embodiment of wisdom, which draws on ages of knowledge and experience. Ralissk is the eldest of the Harbingers, and acts as an advisor to others when necessary. His wisdom can be used to serve others, or to protect one?s self in cases where it might be necessary. it is his wisoomt hat teaches the beastlords how to sharpen their minds and senses to overcome the challenges they will face in their journeys.

The Great Bear ? Elnakii, of Body and Mind

The personification of might, Elnakii?s strength comes from his connection of his body and mind, making them as one. Unifying these with each other gives him unbreakable will, pushes the limits of his strength, and gives him fortitude unmatched by any of the other great spirits. This important technique is taught to the beastlords, helping them to maximize their potential, and become something beyond what they might otherwise find themselves capable of.

The Great Crocodile ? U?lla, the Strong Hearted

Known for her unflinching courage, U?lla?s strength lies in her conviction and bravery. She will stand fast in the face of overwhelming odds, staring down her enemies without fear, and in fact has broken down opponents with the strength of her will alone. She does not back down, and will always see things to the end ? even mercilessly so. It is courage that she teaches to the beastlords, showing them not only the strength of body to stand up when others have fled, but also the courage of heart to make impossibly hard decisions and live with the choices made.

The Great Tiger ? Marisha Kur, the Den Mother

The Den Mother is known for making sure that those under her care are looked after and protected. She is also a teacher, guiding others in their journeys and helping them learn the lessons they will need to survive.

Along with this nurturing nature is an unmatched ferocity, as she protects that which she deems as her territory or domain. She teaches this devotion to the beastlords, so that they might give of themselves to protect that which is important to them ? be it a cause, a loved one, or a profession.

Assistant Researcher’s Notes, Vol. 1, Halls of Erudin

torn hand-written note – This note, which is written in elegant, learned handwriting, appears to detail the removal of a book or journal from the vault, with the intention of getting the book to “the keepers of knowledge.”)

I have been Zal’Urid’s apprentice for several years now, and have witnessed his ingenuity and enlightened insight first hand. I guess I should have surmised that one day Zal’Urid would challenge Erudin in some capacity, I just never thought he would engage in open debate with the Erudin council itself. Yet there we were, walking through the city of those we once considered enemies, preparing to meet with those who shunned and stood against us for so long.

Zal’Urid said little as we approached the council hall itself. I could tell that he was lost in thought, no doubt going over his research in his head, anticipating questions and counterarguments that would come up during the debate. Occasionally he would ask for a specific page or manual, but other than that, he said nothing. He didn’t even seem to notice the Deepwater Knights escorting us, and only gave a dismissing nod or wave of his hand to the attendants assigned to us when they asked if he required assistance or refreshments.

While my master mused silently to himself, I took the time to observe my surroundings. I had never been to Erudin before, and I was impressed with the beauty and craftsmanship of the halls, pillars, fountains, and artwork places throughout the city. Everything seemed to open and tranquil, but I knew that the people that lived here were a stark contrast to the city itself, choosing to be oppressive and judgmental of magics they feared or didn’t understand. They would never be as enlightened or learned as thse of us who called Paineel our home.

Finally we arrived at the waiting chambers, and were intructed to sit and await the summons from the council. Zal’Urid nodded courteously, and took a seat near a large marble table. I sat across from him, and set his notes up where he could reach them. I then turned and looked toward the large doors leading into the council chambers. I couldn’t help feeling a sense of dread, knowing that even though the scholars of Erudin and Paineel were now working together, my master and I were entering this chamber as enemies — opponents to the great plan of the residents of Erudin?

As he worked on what I assume were his final notes, Zal’Urid must have sensed my unease, “What troubles you, apprentice?” he quiered. I hadn’t expected him to address me at all. I was taken aback by the break of his silence, and it was all I could do to muster up a response without stammering like a fool. “My apologies, Master,” I replied. “Being here, in this place… I never imagined we would be facing the Erudin council this way. I can’t help but feel a sense of dread.” Zal’Urid continued to work on his notes when he responded. “Why is that?” he asked, “Do you not trust my research and findings?”

“Of course, Master!” I responded quickly, sensing the veiled annoyance in his voice. “But it’s jsut that there will be many of them in there, what if they allign against you…”
“They were fools before the alliance between our cities,” he answered quietly, never raising his voice, “And they are fools now. My research is sound, whereas theirs is not. The surest way to win any debate, apprentice, is to have the correct information before that debate starts.”

Zal’Urid had long been skeptical of Erudin’s plan to construct a new Nexus. When the plan was proposed by the Erudin High Scholar, El’Arad to work jointly on its construction, I could immediately tell that Zal’Urid sensed that something was amiss. He never spoke about it much, but he immediately sent me int the libraries of Paineel for dusty tomes and books buried far within the shelves — to this day, I have no idea how he knew those particular works were even there. However, he pored through them, making notes and charts, not sleeping or eating for days. His research was very methodical — he never seemed hasty or rushed, and he would check and double check everything he recorded. I was the only one allowed to visit him during his research, and even then, he would not allow me to set eyes on his calculations or research notes.

Eventually he emerged, with notes in hand, and called for a session with Coriante Verisue and her council. I’m not sure what transpired in that meeting, but when Zal’Urid emerged, he was certainly not pleased, and retreated immediately into his study chambers. This repeated twice more, both with the same result. Whatever my master was looking for, he wasn’t finding it with the leadership of Paineel.

Late one evening, I received a summons from Zal’Urid. He asked me to meet him within his chambers promptly. When I arrived, I could see that he had prepared for a journey of some sort. When I asked where he was heading, he did not answer. Rather, he commanded me to load the pack steeds and make ready to depart. We were leaving immediately. There wasn’t much to pack, mostly tomes, charts, and notes — but there were a great many of each of them.

We traveled for some time, our trip made longer by having to stick to the shores to avoid Toxxulia Forest. When we arrived at our destination near the shore of the Vasty Deep, I was surprised to see that we were greeted by none other than Deepwater Knights. At first I suspected an attack, but they appeared to be welcoming of my master and me. When I was assisting with the unpacking of our provisions and supplies, I noticed that Zal;Urid had walked off with one of the Knights — the captain who had greeted us. I could not make out their conversation, but it seemed that my master was talking and the Knight was listening and agreeing. This was something I had never imagined I would witness in my years.

As it turned out, it was Zal’Urid’s intention to meet with and address the High COuncil of Erudin. He met with dignitaries and high scholars over the next couple of days, as we waited for the Council to convene and hear my master’s testimony. Now that time had come. As I sat nervous and in apprehension, Zal’Urid continued working and studying, exemplifying the rigid dedication to knowledge that helps define our people — the one trait that unifies all erudites across Norrath.

Finally, the large doors creaked open, and a tall man, dressed in the gold and white of the Council, stepped out. “Master Zal’Urid. The High Council of Erudin will see you now.”
“Very well,” my master replied. He patiently gathered up his notes and his charts, stood, and nodded to me, indicating that I was to follow. Together, we walked into the council chamber of Erudin.

The Codex of Khati Sha

Long in the distant past, civil war erupted between the erudites of Erudin. The conflict was swift and savage, and the erudites unleashed terrible magics against one another, often with devestating results. The peaceful kerrans, native to the continent of Odus, were caught up in the brutal conflict, in spite of their efforts to stay out of the line of fire.

The greatest loss, however, came when the armies of Paineel unleashed a powerful spell designed to completely wipe their enemies from Norrath. As a test, the erudites targeted a large kerran village on the southern end of Toxxulia Forest. In one terrifying flash, the village completely vanished (along with the mountain on which it once rested), and the Hole was formed.

The spell was based on teleportation magic, and rather than destroying the village and its inhabitants, it actually sent the entire mountainside through the Combine network, and onto the moon of Luclin. The survivors of the spell were shocked at their new surroundings, but since they were unable to reverse their situation, they soon began to rebuild on their new home.

Khati Sha, a general and advisor to the tribe elder, Kejaan Kerrath, was also one of the first explorers on the moon of Luclin. Among his discoveries were the Acrylia Mines, which gave the kerrans the material they would use to build their new city, and the glade of spiritual animals, which lead to the rediscovery of the beastlord path. The house of beastlords became known as Khati Sha after the one who discovered them.

When adventurers came to Luclin, they met with Khati Sha, and began to learn the secrets of spiritual bonding. Thus, the teaching of the beastlords reached out beyond hte city of Shar Vhal, and back to the denizens of Norrath. Beastlords had again returned to Norrath.

Prior to the age of Cataclysms, the gods departed Norrath. Those attuned to the spiritual world began to feel the mighty spiritual guides who once spoke to them also began to retreat, although unlike the divine gods, the spiritual retreat was far more gradual. Rituals to bond spirit animals to their beastlords began to fail, and the spirits did not respond when questioned why. As a group, beastlords were becoming extinct on Norrath.

The Truespirit, who were responsible for the spirit guides, had sensed impending cataclysms and chose to retreat. Since the spirit guides themselves were tied to the essence of mortals, the disasters could threaten to destroy the Truespirit as well. Thus, they elected to retreat back to the spirit world, and await the time when they could emerge again.

The Great Wolf – Kaldrahir, the Pack Leader

Kaldrahir represents the aspect of leadership. He teaches guiding those in a common goal, of using your own courage to help others overcome their fears and follow to places they might not otherwise go. He is fair in his decisions, but is often utterly convincing of his position once he has made up his mind. it is through him that the mortals learn to lead their bonded spirits into the most perilous and darkest of places.

The Great Chokidai – Ralissk, the Keeper of Wisdom

Ralissk is the embodiment of wisdom, which draws on ages of knowledge and experience. Ralissk is the eldest of the Harbingers, and acts as an advisor to others when necessary. His wisdom can be used to serve others, or to protect one’s self in cases where it might be necessary. it is his wisoomt hat teaches the beastlords how to sharpen their minds and senses to overcome the challenges they will face in their journeys.

The Great Bear – Elnakii, of Body and Mind

The personification of might, Elnakii’s strength comes from his connection of his body and mind, making them as one. Unifying these with each other gives him unbreakable will, pushes the limits of his strength, and gives him fortitude unmatched by any of the other great spirits. This important technique is taught to the beastlords, helping them to maximize their potential, and become something beyond what they might otherwise find themselves capable of.

The Great Crocodile – U’lla, the Strong Hearted

Known for her unflinching courage, U’lla’s strength lies in her conviction and bravery. She will stand fast in the face of overwhelming odds, staring down her enemies without fear, and in fact has broken down opponents with the strength of her will alone. She does not back down, and will always see things to the end – even mercilessly so. It is courage that she teaches to the beastlords, showing them not only the strength of body to stand up when others have fled, but also the courage of heart to make impossibly hard decisions and live with the choices made.

The Great Tiger – Marisha Kur, the Den Mother

The Den Mother is known for making sure that those under her care are looked after and protected. She is also a teacher, guiding others in their journeys and helping them learn the lessons they will need to survive.

Along with this nurturing nature is an unmatched ferocity, as she protects that which she deems as her territory or domain. She teaches this devotion to the beastlords, so that they might give of themselves to protect that which is important to them – be it a cause, a loved one, or a profession.

Source: in game book

LDON 7 – A Shadow Speaks

Nedaria quietly reminisced about her youth. No one in Erudin had known she was different. As a young free-spirited erudite, she discovered she had an innate power to see into people’s minds and overcome the boundaries of the present to glimpse into the future.

She remembered the first foreboding dream that came to her. One of the nobles of Erudin was planning to murder his own son who threatened to replace him and ascend to the city’s council.

After rising from her sleep that night, she ran to her mother, Tilisea Nebeian, who was studying at the grand table in the library of their home. She tugged at her mother’s robe and told her the nightmare she had.

Her mother first smiled with delight as she entertained the wild musings of her child. Then, as Nedaria continued, her mother’s face twisted in fear. She quickly hushed Nedaria and ran into the storeroom, frantically throwing supplies into a satchel. Tilisea grabbed her daughter’s arm tightly and dragged her quickly through the city and out into the darkness of the Toxxulia Forest. She crouched in front of Nedaria and handed the satchel to her. With tears glistening in her eyes, Tilisea held her daughter’s face in her hands.

“Run now little one. You cannot stay here. The nobles will learn of your gift and rob you of all you hold dear — your mind and talents. Talk to no one. Let your senses guide you. I will seek you out soon,” Tilisea said in a single rush of breath.

Nedaria was terrified and confused, but turned from her mother and ran as far and as fast as she could. Her tears streaked her soft cheeks as she sobbed.

It had been many years since that night and she never heard from her mother again. Her heart withered knowing that her mother may have paid a dear price for saving her.

Nedaria’s time within her memories ended abruptly as a sense of gloom passed over her — a presence she was not familiar with was nearby. She looked up from the necklace she was crafting and saw nothing. She rose from her seat on a crate of blankets and turned her eyes to the east.

In the heat haze and geysers of steam, the shimmering outline of a humanoid figure moved closer. It was a shadow that moved without the need of an object to cast it.

Nedaria heard of shadowed creatures in Norrath that could move in the light of day. She also recalled that they were to be avoided.

The figure then crept backward behind the steam. Nedaria followed, believing that this creature of shadow would have already attacked had it wanted the blood of those in the camp.

Down the hill, under the gentle flapping wings of a fire drake, Nedaria waited alone. She sent out a soft voice from her mind, hoping it would reach the creature. In the Common tongue of Norrath, she repeated, “I am here to listen if you have something to say.”

A gravelly voice whispered into her right ear. She remained motionless.

“We seek the same enemy. The servants of Solusek Ro need to be cast out. You know as well as I that this is the only path to true magical power. It is our place to rule the world. The pure and true magic of the Shadowed men is the only art,” it said. “I can help you if you can help me. I can promise you power.”

With her back to the Shadowed man, Nedaria listened as he told a tale of greed among the Solusek kobolds and a growing resentment of the resident lord, the mighty dragon, Nagafen.


The Hole Uncovered: Ognit Arrested Vol. IV

“Dagda wiped her eyes and brought herself up to her full height. She asked Al’Kabor, “”Who is this Dartain?”” Al’Kabor answered, “”Dartain is one of the heretics. A heretic of old. He was among those that put The Hatch in place to repair the Wall of Living Stone. Through his own misfortune, he managed to get sealed on the other side of the wall in the Underfoot, while his companions were slaughtered to a man. He was able to complete the ritual from the Underfoot side and The Hatch was put in place successfully. The Underfoot was sealed off from the rest of the world and the danger ended. Everyone assumed he was dead afterward, of course.”” Dagda looked confused and stated, “”He is certainly not dead. We saw him this day with our very eyes. Though he appeared pale and weak, I know that hot blood filled his veins. By what magic is he still alive after all this time?”” Al’Kabor looked up for a moment thoughtfully. He then hypothesized, “”The Altered Planes are much different from our world here. It is indeed possible that by virtue of the elder magics that course throughout all of the Underfoot and the other Planes, that mortals age differently there.”” Then he added, more to himself then to anyone else, “”No doubt the Heretics will gain in strength with his release and I will not stand idly by while this happens. I must go and prepare. I can not allow Dartain to remain in this realm while I draw breath.”” Al’Kabor stopped for a moment and stroking his chin reflectively said, “”Perhaps some good will come of this. Maybe the denizens of the Underfoot will finally destroy the heretics in Paineel before The Living Wall is able to heal itself.”” He then walked away back through the city gates. Dabner grabbed Dagda by the hand and cried, “”Oh Dagda, what are we going to do? What about Ognit and Odus and Dartain and everything!”” Dagda was numb. “”I don’t know Dabner. I am at a loss and I can not think.”” Dagda began to walk into Qeynos through the gates leaving Dabner behind. Her sword hung limply in her hand. “”Dagda! Where are you going,”” he asked running after her. She turned and facing him said, “”I am returning to Toxxulia forest. I intend to fight the beasts from the earth and to try to keep them at bay until that wall is able to repair itself. Perhaps some combat will help to clear my head.”” Together both entered the city, making a beeline for the docks to book passage to the continent of Odus. “