Category Archives: Quest

Kilij’s Plans

You say, ‘Hail, Bilrio Surecut’

Bilrio Surecut says ‘Greetings, friend. If fine weapons are what you seek then you shall find them here in my shop. I have traveled far and wide for the finest weapons. Still, there are a few [unusual weapons] which have eluded me.’

You say, ‘What unusual weapons?’

Bilrio Surecut says ‘Unusual weapons? Yes. There are a few which I sought. Such an item is the [brazen brass kilij].’

You say, ‘What brazen brass kilij?’

Bilrio Surecut says ‘The brazen brass kilij is a legendary magical weapon designed by the ancients and long lost to the winds of time. I have searched the world for it to no avail. Perhaps the [legend of Husam] will add some insight to my quest. I have some knowledge of its design and I am sure I can [craft the kilij].’

You say, ‘What legend of Husam?’

Bilrio Surecut says ‘Legend says the kilij was forged for a great paladin for his assault on the land of the dead. He was to slay the evil siblings Dimetreas and Byzola. It is said he killed Byzola. With the kilij he was unstoppable. Dimetreas knew this and cast an [evil spell] upon the kilij.’

You say, ‘What evil spell?’

Bilrio Surecut says ‘The enchantment would allow only rogues, warriors and the feeble minstrels to wield it. And so Dimetreas defeated the now unarmed paladin and shattered the kilij. He then found the only kilij plans and sent them to the Plane of Man to be held forever by his evil servant, Husam.. Husam of the burning sun.’

You say, ‘You can craft the kilij?’

Bilrio Surecut says ‘I can craft the kilij. All I need are the kilij plans and three enchanted gold bars. The blend of metals is not entirely brass and only an enchanter can provide the enchanted metal I need. As for the plans, perhaps during your great adventures you shall happen upon it. If so, I can make one for you.’

Sandgiant Husam spawns in South Ro.

You have slain Sandgiant Husam!
–You have looted a Kilij Plans.–

Bilrio Surecut says ‘You have succeeded in your quest for the kilij!! Wield it proudly.’

Silzok’s Pages

You say, ‘Hail, Silzok Foi`zarth’

Silzok Foi`zarth moans. ‘What is it, mortal? Can you not leave me alone to mourn my [loss]?’

You say, ‘What loss?’

Silzok Foi`zarth says ‘The loss of all my [work]!’ Silzok lets out a wail that echoes throughout the caverns.

You say, ‘What work?’

Silzok Foi`zarth says ‘I do not know why I am telling you this, but the Overlord, concerned with the recent opening of this part of Chardok, had commissioned me to create a means to animate the ultimate golem to protect the Royal Family. I had always had a knack with golem creation, but it was a most difficult task to create a golem of the power that the Overlord wanted due to their physiology. After much intense research I had finally documented a way to create what I think could be the most powerful golem ever created. It was all detailed in my [tome].’

You say, ‘What tome?’

Silzok Foi`zarth says ‘A tome of great power. The ultimate guide to golem creation! Before I could present the tome to the Overlord, my foolish [brother] had to ruin everything! I curse him!’

You say, ‘What brother?’

Silzok Foi`zarth says ‘My brother, Gaodon. He has always been jealous of my superior intellect. However what he lacked in intelligence he more than made up for with malice. When he found out about this project he flew into a rage, claiming that the Overlord should have let him research the golem. However, my brother did not have the slightest notion how to create a golem. I should have known that he had some sort of [plan] to steal my tome.’

You say, ‘What plan?’

Silzok Foi`zarth says ‘Whilst I was resting in my chambers, he made his way inside and found where I kept the tome. I had only the simplest of wards activated to protect it. That was foolish of me. My brother dispelled the wards and fled with the tome. I arose just in time to see him run out of my chambers. I gave chase. We ran through the tunnels for some time before Gaodon made a [fatal mistake].’

You say, ‘What fatal mistake?’

Silzok Foi`zarth says ‘A mistake made even more fatal considering my brother and I are no longer composed of living flesh, but rotting bone. Gaodon had broken through the fence leading to the breeding pens of the Royal Family’s most vicious chokidai. Gaodon was promptly torn limb from limb. A fitting end for him! However the chokidai also got hold of my tome. They began to tear it apart. Dodging their gnashing teeth, I managed to recover the remains of the tome. However some of the pages were missing. The chokidai, seeing that their pen was now open, fled into the tunnels. As the chokidai escaped, I noticed that some of them had pages from my tome dangling from their maws. This happened recently so there may still be [hope] in recovering the pages.’

You say, ‘What hope?’

Silzok Foi`zarth says ‘The chokidai should still be somewhere within these Halls, so finding the pages could be possible. I do not think I can re-write the missing pages, as they came to me in a moment of inspiration. The Overlord is not a patient being, so if you could make it your priority to [search for the missing pages], I will make sure you are rewarded.’

You say, ‘I will search for the missing pages.’

Silzok Foi`zarth says ‘Luckily there are only four missing pages. The pages are known as the page of clay, the page of decay, the page of dust, and the page of stone. Once you have all four pages, hand them to me and I will reward you!’


Silzok Foi`zarth says ‘I cannot believe you have found the pages! Let me examine them.’ Silzok carefully places the tattered pages back into his tome. ‘They are little damages, but mostly salvageable. Stand back, I will wait no longer to use the power of this tome!’ Silzok reads from the tome, uttering in a strange tongue. The dust below your feet begins to stir, forming a large whirlwind. Dirt and stones float from the floor into the ever-glowing cyclone. Soon the noise from the swirling maelstorm grows deafeningly loud. As you stare in awe, the ground shakes underneath your feet as a dark form steps out of the swirling mass of debris. It is a large golem, and it doesn’t look happy. Silzok barks a command to the newly formed golem. The huge creature completely ignore Silzok and begins to attack! ‘This is all !’ shouts Silzok.

You say, ‘What is wrong?’

Silzok Foi`zarth says ‘The golem is not following my orders! You must stop it, lest it destroy us all! Destroy it and give me its heart!’

Silzok Foi’zarth says ‘So my creation has failed. Perhaps I am not the master of golem creation that I thought I was. This golem could have destroyed the Royal Family whould I have summoned it in front of them. I will destroy its heart and this tome so that this shall never happen again. Here is your reward as promised. Now leave me.’

Druushk’s Dilemma

You say, ‘Hail, Druushk’

Druushk says ‘Who steps in my lair?! Ah, ’tis but a soft-flesh nuisance. I must say I am amazed at the idiocy you adventurers must boast to explore these areas, especially when we’re trying to keep you out. Since you are here, I will tell you of a story and a [dilemma] I am having if you wish. You might become more enlightened.’

You say, ‘What dilemma?’

Druushk says ‘In previous years, we, the Ring of Scale, have had one of our own sitting on the Overking Bathezid Di’Zok’s council, well disguised. Our friend has also been spying on the council itself. He was our voice when we needed the Sarnaks to listen to reason. Unfortunately, we have lost contact with him. I had a personal affinity to our friend, because he was one of my personal assistants. I could sense his presence elsewhere on this continent and now it has dissipated. I fear he may have been killed, though I am not sure by whom. I would like you to investigate this further and bring back the remains of my assistant to me, so I can learn of his fate.’

Druushk says ‘My worst fears are true. My assistant has been slain. I will have my servants investigate this heinous crime. Here is your reward for this deed mortal. If you do not like it, I can provide you with a different reward.’

Dunn McCabe


Note: This is stored for reference and related to a quest in the EverQuest Online Adventures game set 500 years before EverQuest 1

Dunn McCabe is by a wall near the coachman in Highpass. He tells you to go to Saerk’s Tower and speak to Duminven, who has information for you. Duminven gives you the information for 2325 tunar; he tells you to go to the Tomb of Kings and kill the Spectral Guardian which has a key to a nearby chest.

The Spectral Guardian is on the ‘safe’ side of the tomb, which is to say it’s in its own hallway on the side away from the Holciel knights and nobles. The Guardian is a level 35 caster and drops a key. Take the key to the nearby chest and open it. A level 35 Lich Maiden immediately spawns. Looting her lifeless body yields a faded silk gown.

Dunn McCabe is pleased with the robe, as he can sell it for a large profit. For your reward, he sends you to Smithy Palin, who is at the far end of Highpass. You receive 3,768,632 experience and are sent to Tailor Portia, who is in the same tent. She gives you a piece of armor for your troubles.

The Ancille of D’Morte

You say, “Hail, The Ancille of D’Morte”

the Ancille of D’Morte says to you, “Who has called me from the bells of Deathtoll? ”

You say to the Ancille of D’Morte, “Spirit, what is your name?”

the Ancille of D’Morte says to you, “I have no name. Long ago I cast aside such things. Sworn to the House of D’Morte I was. Given a new life as an eternal servant to my master, Malkonis.”

You say to the Ancille of D’Morte, “You are the Ancille of D’Morte! ”

the Ancille of D’Morte says to you, “I am she, the handmaiden to the immortal master Malkonis. I await his calling within the gray of Ethernere.”

You say to the Ancille of D’Morte, “Where can I find Malkonis D’Morte? ”

the Ancille of D’Morte says to you, “My master is not to be found by the likes of you. ”

You say to the Ancille of D’Morte, “I seek the Ewer of Sul’Dae. Malkonis can help me find it.”

the Ancille of D’Morte says to you, “You seek the decanter of the Fyr’Un, the origin of undeath, the life giver of the D’Mortes. ”

You say to the Ancille of D’Morte, “The ewer created the D’Morte family? ”

the Ancille of D’Morte says to you, “The D’Mortes existed within the gates of Neriak long before they were graced with the presence of the Ewer of Sul’Dae. In their research of such an artifact of power they unleashed the gift of undeath to their bloodline. They became immortal.”

You say to the Ancille of D’Morte, “Did they share their gift with others of their kind? ”

the Ancille of D’Morte says to you, “The gift varies to those that are bestowed, but all are immortal in undeath. Such a gift the Teir’Dal empire was not ready for. The D’Morte house hid their secret, but eventually their ilk would learn and hunt them down, driving them from the empire of the Teir’Dal.”

You say to the Ancille of D’Morte, “Why would Malkonis give the ewer to the Godking? ”

the Ancille of D’Morte says to you, “The Godking pays homage to the lost goddess Anashti Sul, the power that created the Ewer of Sul’Dae. Such an artifact is highly desired by the Godking as well as the few others that know of the forgotten past. In return for safe haven from hunting ilk the ewer exchanged hands.”

You say to the Ancille of D’Morte, “You mentioned others that seek the ewer. Who are these others?”

the Ancille of D’Morte says to you, “You are an ‘other’ and those that wish to destroy the source of the Fyr’Un. Then there are those that have seen the ewer long before the Dead in Neriak procured such a prize. Beware those of ages lost. ”

You say to the Ancille of D’Morte, “I wish to preserve the ewer. Tell me where it is…please. ”

the Ancille of D’Morte says to you, “No. You wish to exchange the ewer for riches. You have no respect for it. But if you wish to face the ewer and its current owner then seek my master, Malkonis, he will help you on your way. ”

You say to the Ancille of D’Morte, “That’s what I asked for! Where can I find him? ”

the Ancille of D’Morte says to you, “As I said, you cannot find him. He will find you. Go and seek the Statue Court. Seek the ruins of the fallen behemoth in the Statue Court and my master shall come to you. Our words are at an end. I await my return the Ethernere, to the sweet song of the Deathtoll, sweet, sweet song.”

You say to the Ancille of D’Morte, “Farewell, Ancille of D’Morte.”

You say, “Hail, The Ancille of D’Morte”

the Ancille of D’Morte says to you, “Can you hear the bells of the Deathtoll? Can you hear them ringing for us?”


Lect’Zadh says to you in Death’s Whisper, “I speak for the Godking. I am the record of residence. Who do you inquire about?”

You say to Lect’Zadh, “The Godking. ”

Lect’Zadh says to you in Death’s Whisper, “The Godking Anuk is the founder of the City of Life, Ahket Aken. He is also the prophet of the lost Goddess of Life, Anashti Sul. Long ago did he discover her lost shrine within the Elddar Empire. Through her forgotten words he rose from the ranks of the Elddar Empire and cast free the Dal religions. He is the only known chosen prophet of Anashti Sul. He is the all powerful ruler of Ahket Aken and is the harbinger of the gift of Anashti Sul, the gift of undeath. The Godking Anuk resides in the Inner Temple of the royal districts of Ahket Aken. ”

You say to Lect’Zadh, “Dalgin B’Dynn. ”

Lect’Zadh says to you in Death’s Whisper, “Dalgin B’Dynn is a recent acquisition to Ahket Aken. He is a half elf that hails from the city in the sun Maj’Dul. He betrayed his uncle for riches and found himself in the fields of Ethernere. He has been given new life within the City of Life. He has no permanent dwelling as of yet. ”

You say to Lect’Zadh, “the Ancille of D’Morte”

Lect’Zadh says to you in Death’s Whisper, “The Ancille of D’Morte is a nameless handmaiden to Malkonis D’Morte. She is responsible for his well being and the maintenance of the Temple of Blood. She drowned within the waters of the Fyr’Un. In keeping with her wishes her body was cremated in the Censer of Nief’Dakt. Her vital organs were placed in secret compartments beneath the Pools of Ahket Aken. Should Malkonis ever wish to speak to the essence of his ancille he need only activate the crimson switches of each of the four pools to acquire the organs needed to burn the magical censer. ”

You say to Lect’Zadh, “Malkonis D’Morte. ”

Lect’Zadh says to you in Death’s Whisper, “Malkonis D’Morte is a high ranking resident of Ahket Aken. He is the Teir’Dal pilgrim that entered the city from afar. He brought with him the Ewer of Sul’Dae, the powerful urn used by the lost goddess Anashti Sul, to create the river of life, the Fyr’Un. In return for this sacred artifact he was granted refuge within the hidden city. He once dwelt with his consort, the Rin Priestess of Fyr’Un, in the Temple of Blood in the Priestess Court of Ahket Aken.”

You say to Lect’Zadh, “Tell me more of his past.”

Lect’Zadh says to you in Death’s Whisper, “Malkonis D’Morte secretly began to hold bloody rituals within the Temple of Blood. Along with his consort he led many Ahketians into his chambers never to be seen again. If not for the great gift of the Ewer of Sul’Dae and the frequent, neccessary ewer rituals performed by his consort, the Godking would not have tolerated such atrocities. The secret bloodlust of Malkonis and the Rin Priestess of Fyr’Un would be kept a great secret for decades until the city’s demise. ”

You say to Lect’Zadh, “Where can I find Malkonis?”

Lect’Zadh says to you in Death’s Whisper, “Malkonis D’Morte’s current location is unknown. The only one that is able to divulge his whereabouts is the Ancille of D’Morte, mummified.”

You say to Lect’Zadh, “I am looking for someone else. ”

Zebuxoruk – Seeds of Destruction

Zebuxoruk says ‘When the timeline is weak enough, a new assault will come to Norrath. By then your powers will be so great that both past and future will be evacuated, their peoples to make a last stand in the Now. What a magnificent effort that shall be, though it will be utterly futile. At the moment of your greatest despair, look up and see the Alabaster Tower which shall offer your salvation.’

The Twin Dragons

“Sky Twins” by Njhela the Poet

Cleft in two, spirits
Fell from the glorious sky
Moon and Sun fallen

Barakah of Sun
Glimmering scales, glowing gold
Might of day and flame

Siyamak of Moon
Softly shimmering silver
Silently seeking

Seek out the lovers
In pillars of flaring heat
And city above

Only through strength
And bested combat can one
Hope to tame the two.