Category Archives: Xulous

The Necropolis of Lxanvon Vol. II

The royal priests of the Xulous kingdoms often journeyed from their ivory cities to Lxanvon on behalf of their people, to deliver offerings and praises to their dead kings. Bertoxxulous, donning the decaying bodies of the dead Xulous nobles, appeared before these royal priests demanding obedience, reverence, and sacrifices. Bertoxxulous deceived and corrupted the minds of the royal priests and their allegiance belonged to the Lord of Death and Decay above their living kings. Amidst these firsts priests of decay, one was held above the others, Ultor Szanvon the Putrid; he led the priests of decay in the spreading their dark doctrine. Ultor, an influential priest in service to the mightiest of the Xulous nobles schemed and murdered his way into the position of chief advisor to the living Xulous King. Ultor convinced Xulous King to visit the tombs of his ancestors, and there within the presence of Bertoxxulous’ full might he performed a dark ritual, sacrificing the king in the bowels of the crypt. Through the dark ritual Ultor summoned twelve spirits of previous Xulous kings and bound them to his service.
The risen undead kings rose armies of the dead from the necropolis of Lxanvon and spread across the lands ravaging all in their path, and leaving only death and destruction in their wake. Those who were not destroyed by the weapons of the undead armies were killed slowly by a deadly plague, carried by the risen kings, and spread like wildfire amidst the Xulous. Their entire race succumbed to the pestilence and the Xulous were no more. Bertoxxulous, pleased and swollen with pride by his genocidal accomplishment called his minions back to the necropolis that had served as their resting place for so many years. The risen Xulous kings gathered in the bowels of their crypts as a great mist enveloped Lxanvon.

The ancient dragons watched from afar as the mists cleared, revealing only a barren and broken landscape where the necropolis had once lied. It is said that the necropolis of Lxanvon still exists in the Plane of Disease, unchanged from when the ancient dragons witnessed its vanishing from Norrath, and that the form Bertoxxulous favors when visiting Lxanvon is a twisted visage of the long dead race he destroyed, so many ages ago.

The Fabled Planes of Power Lore – Ruins of Lxanvom, Crypt of Decay

Ruins of Lxanvom, Crypt of Decay

The crypt was originally built upon Antonica in an age long past to house the dead kings of a long dead ancient race. That race called it Lxanvom that means in their tongue, ‘Kings Rest’. As they filled it with their dead royalty a festering evil began to take over in the lower bowels of the crypt. Some scholars say this was the birth of Bertoxxulous, others claim that he has been around since time began and it was just the first ancient recording of his coming. However, his power within the crypt grew stronger as years passed. The time came when he made his presence known outside the crypt.

At first he let only those within this ancient civilization who held the power of decay and waste dear to their hearts know of him. As these first priests of decay came to be one of their number was held above the others. His name was Ultor Szanvon the Putrid; he led the priests of decay in the spreading of their dark doctrine. Ultor was able to scheme and murder his way into the position of the chief advisor of the present king of this civilization. Once Ultor reached this position of power he tricked the king into coming into the crypt to visit the tombs of his ancestors. Within the crypt in the presence of Bertoxxulous’ full might he performed a dark ritual sacrificing the king in the center of the crypt. Through this ritual he summoned twelve spirits of previous kings and bound them to his service. These creatures rampaged through the land causing death and destruction as they went. They were also carrying an extremely deadly plague. This plague spread like wildfire across the land wiping out the remnants of this ancient civilization.

Bertoxxulous took great pride in the fact that he had wiped out this civilization. He took his minions from the land and also summoned the entirety of the crypt to his home in the Plane of Disease. It is said that the form that Bertoxxulous favors when he visits the crypt is a twisted version of the long dead race he wiped out ages ago.

The Twelve Heroes of Bertoxxulous

Deep within the Crypt of Decay were the twelve burial chambers of the Ancient Kings. These twelve kings were Feig Glaemod, Xu Ezuqu, Kavilis Dri, Raddi Nroo, Wavadozzik Grequex, Zandal Bri, Akkapan Perin, Meedo Wrolo, Qezzin Adan, Pzo Wefian, and Bhaly Nestif. They were the first kings that had founded and ruled over the ancient civilization that had built the crypt originally. When Bertoxxulous’ high priest, Ultor Szanvon, performed the dark summoning and sacrificed the current king of that civilization ages ago, the twelve spirits of the ancient kings were ripped out of there long peaceful rest and were forced to coalesce into the form of the twelve Heroes of Bertoxxulous.

Each of these heroes was given a unique form, except the four most ancient that received the same form. These heroes vary in powers and abilities, depending on which king’s soul and form they received. Once the dark summoning was over and they were all in their given forms they were sent to complete the destruction of this ancient civilization.

Darwol Adan:

Darwol was the last of the kings to receive his own private burial chamber. He was credited with leading his civilization into the final stages of a permanent golden age. When his soul was ripped from his peaceful rest, he was forced into the form of a ravenous rat creature. In the rat creature the soul became corrupted with malevolence and was known for its brute strength and temperament. He wielded a large cleaver known as Dark Corruption.

Feig Adan:

Feig was the eleventh king in the burial chamber. He was known to be a just and valorous king who was honored by his people with a holiday of his own. His soul was ripped forcefully from its rest and forced into that of a diseased creature. After leading the destruction of numerous cities and other lands he created a magical belt known as the Putrefied Belt of Death from the dead skin of his victims.

Xu Adan:

Xu was a sorcerer king that wielded powerful magic to aid and defend his people. He created many of his own spells during his reign and was loved by all. However when disturbed from his rest he was immediately joined with a powerful magic wielding undead creature. From there he used his powers of magic for necromancy and desecrated the very earth he walked on. He was credited with the creation of the Wrath of Souls.

Kavilis Adan:

Kavilis was a learned and intelligent king. Called the Scholar King by many during his reign, he led the people in the building of the first schools and universities in the land. When his soul was ripped out of his rest and forced into a foul creature it took the form of a twisted malevolent mosquito. He flew across the land spreading pestilence and corruption. It is rumored that his needle nose could be wielded as a fine rapier if the right craftsman is found.

Raddi Adan:

Raddi was a famed warrior in his own right and knew no match in one on one battle. During a battle ages ago he led a small troop of his people and held off thousands of troops turning the tide of the war. His soul was forced into that of an undead knight. Given his immense skill with weapons he tore across the land leaving trails of blood wherever he went. He wields a one-handed blade known as Blood Defiance.

Wavadozzik Adan:

The seventh king to ever rule the kingdom, Wavadozzik is said to be by some the wisest king that has ever lived. Learned in the ways of priestly magic his kindness and wisdom was unheard of. When his soul was ripped from its rest it was put into an arachnid creature. He spread venomous poison across the land, driving those before him in fear and terror. The chitin of his hardened shell should make an excellent armor.

Zandal Adan:

Zandal was a noble king filled with good intentions. He led his people to a new pinnacle in life standards. When his soul was ripped from its rest it was forced into a fly creature. It wandered the land feasting on the carrion of the dead as it spread its deadly plague. Its shimmering wings could perhaps be used to craft a shield.

Akkapan Adan:

Akkapan was better known as The Nimble for his quick feet and quicker wit. A rogue at heart, he was one of the most loved by his people. His soul was ripped out of its resting place and placed into that of a quick-footed rat creature. Given his stealthy nature he would run ahead scout out cities and lands for his fellow brethren all the while spreading the accursed plague that he carried with him. He wields two daggers known as Green Tears and Red Tears.

Meedo Adan:

The fourth king and perhaps the greatest next to the founder, Meedo, was a mighty warrior and sorcerer in his own right. Worshipped fanatically during his reign, Meedo was known for rebuilding the ruling palace into a magnificent building unlike any other. He also foiled many assassination attempts against his person and expanded his kingdom to include many new lands. When his soul was ripped from its rest and forced into the creation of Bertoxxulous he took the same as the other first three kings. It was that of a hulking diseased humanoid, strongest of the forms given. He wielded a large glaive as his weapon and led a crazed army of terrors along with the other first three kings.

Qezzin Adan:

The third king of this ancient civilization, he was known as ruler of a peace and harmony. He forged a great treaty with many neighboring kingdoms that lasted many years. When ripped from his rest he was given the form of a hulking diseased humanoid, like the other first kings. Being extremely powerful he led a crazed army of terrors with the other first kings. He was known to carry a large magical artifact with him.

Pzo Adan:

Pzo was a warrior monk trained in the ways of self-enlightenment. He led the great enlightenment across his kingdom. Also known for his fondness of arena fighting, his soul was ripped from its rest and forced into the form a hulking diseased humanoid like the other first three kings. He was also known for his weapon called the Fist of Death.

Bhaly Adan:

Known as The Founder, the first king was the greatest of all the kings buried within the crypt. He carved his kingdom out of a wild land and forged it with blood and steel. He was a determined warrior with great leadership abilities rarely ever seen. Bhaly was the creator of the legendary item, the Torch of Lxanvom, which was part of a key for the Crypt of Decay.

The Fabled


Bertoxxulous, the Plaguebringer, is ruler over the Plane of Disease, which is dark and drippy with geysers of ooze and rivers of pus. The land itself looks, feels and even smells like decaying flesh, and is inhabited by all manner of evil creatures and undead. The Plaguebringer appears as a humanoid hunchback draped in tattered, decaying robes. Under his hood can be seen a very handsome face attached to the body of a rotting corpse. Bertoxxulous has no allies but he is enemies with Tunare, Rodcet Nife, Karana, Mithaniel Marr, and Rallos Zek. His followers often follow the dark art of necromancy, which he wholeheartedly supports.


Remembering Rodcet Nife

I first saw the great healer as a young girl. I had the fortune of being there, that day, when he first came to us. I had bent down to pick up a bluebell that had grown alongside the walkway in North Qeynos, carefully extracting it as gently as I could so as not to destroy it. As I finally stood back up, I noticed not only that my mother had gone on without me, but that something peculiar was happening. Around me, people were frozen, gazes fixed on the sky. I craned my head upward, searching for what it was that they were all looking at. It was only later that I would realize I had dropped the bluebell I’d spent so long trying to preserve; when my eyes fixed on the focus of their curiosity, I had dropped it, forgetting it had even existed.

Just above me, a perfectly circular object descended from the sky, spinning on its axis. Blue light streamed down from its bottom in a shaft, searching the course of its descent. It was capped in an iridescent dome and made sounds unlike any creature I’d ever seen. At first, that’s what my child’s mind thought it might be: a mockery of a flying beast, terrible in its extreme mutation. It came to rest some twenty feet above the ground, directly above my head, and when people appeared suddenly in that shaft of light below it, I thought maybe they were jumping out of its mouth. It was only later when I went inside that I realized it was some kind of craft, like a coach, but one that could fly.
When the blue shaft vanished and the people came to full view, I found them to be neither human, nor elf, nor goblin, nor ogre, nor anything else I could name. One stood at the front of the group, nearest to me, and his eyes were deep green, pupil-less orbs, his skin a pale green, and hairless. He stepped forward, and the crowd inhaled sharply. He was only a hairsbreadth from me now and he leaned down so that he could peer in my eyes. I even remember that he smelled different, like nothing I could name, but it wasn’t unpleasant — no, I remember thinking it was a very fresh smell, like clean blankets. When he spoke, I couldn’t understand what he said, and I merely stared up at him with a mixture of curiosity and terror. He seemed to wiggle something near his ear, and then when he spoke, I heard clearly:
“Is there disease here? Has the Xulous force reached this world?”
It was as if speaking broke the spell. Some people panicked, running from the sight, while others drew swords and nocked their arrows. Still others yelled that we should talk because he had come to save us, for as it happened disease had swept through a neighboring region and claimed lives with the unbiased carnage of a great fire. By then though, my mother found me and swept me up into her arms, holding me to her chest tightly and backing away. I watched the man as she went, and he watched me, the bottomless depth of his eyes unmoved. I lifted a hand and waved to him, and he smiled and waved back. Turning to the crowd, he said, “Please don’t be afraid! I’ve brought medicine! I’m here to help you, not hurt you!” As my mother drew me further and further away, his words were drowned in the roar of the crowd, but I still remember his face, so many years later. A face I would later come to know as that of a god.

And help he did. It took time but eventually they routed this force he was pursuing, the “Xulous”, and healed those who were still alive. Those who were there say he performed great miracles, that he was able to bring people back from the very edge of death so that they walked and talked as healthy individuals once again. My mother would later boast about how we had been there, forgetting of course, that it was she who drew us away, and about how I was the first person he ever spoke to. In doing so, she maintained, he had bestowed on me his blessing of perfect health. This seemed plausible enough until a few years later I fell into a deep sickness, not the plague that had ravished us but an equally dangerous malady. It seemed I was done, but the great healer was to visit me for the second and final time.

The plague had been overcome, and the god had been occupying himself spreading his wisdom to our people. He had already earned himself scores of followers, and they were building a temple in Qeynos where he had touched down. We had learned his name was Rodcet Nife, and people had begun to worship that name. As it happened, he returned to Qeynos just as it seemed I was going to finally lose my fight for life. When he came into my room, my vision was so blurry I could barely make out his face, but the smell was unmistakable. He leaned over and tipped a crystal vial into my mouth. I remembered that clearly — the vial — because later people would attest it had all been holy magic, but as I understand it, magic is an ethereal thing and this was very much tangible. I felt it roll down my throat; it was thick and unpleasant tasting, but instantly I began to grow better. It would be weeks before I had fully recovered, but that was the moment in which I stopped feeling myself slip away, and started feeling myself return.
Stowing the vial back into a pouch at his side, a pouch that had become as legendary as its owner with its ability to produce whatever was needed for a given patient, he smoothed back my hair and said, “You should feel better soon,” before leaving for the door. My mother followed him in tears, praising him and begging him to let her give him something in return. He only waved her away, and that made her cry all the harder.

As I understand it, it was later that very day that Rodcet and his companions had vanished. In the newly anointed Temple of Life, his followers awaited his return and taught the world of the wisdom he had left them.
I am a very old woman now, and have only ever heard rumors that Rodcet might have once again appeared on Norrath. Were it that I were a long-living elf and might actually live to see him again, but I am a human and my years are done now. I can only count as many as I have because of him, though, and I remember that every week’s end with a small donation to the Temple of Life. He will return, I am sure of it, and when he does, Norrath will be a world free of the suffering of disease and decay.

– Alora Nimens, resident of Qeynos

The Necropolis of Lxanvon Volume II

“The royal priests of the Xulous kingdoms often journeyed from their ivory cities to Lxanvon on behalf of their people, to deliver offerings and praises to their dead kings. Bertoxxulous, donning the decaying bodies of the dead Xulous nobles, appeared before these royal priests demanding obedience, reverence, and sacrifices. Bertoxxulous deceived and corrupted the minds of the royal priests and their allegiance belonged to the Lord of Death and Decay above their living kings. Amidst these firsts priests of decay, one was held above the others, Ultor Szanvon the Putrid; he led the priests of decay in the spreading of their dark doctrine. Ultor, an influential priest in service to the mightiest of the Xulous nobles schemed and murdered his way into the position of chief advisor to the living Xulous King. Ultor convinced the Xulous King to visit the tombs of his ancestors, and there within the presence of Bertoxxulous’ full might he performed a dark ritual, sacrificing the king in the bowels of the crypt. Through the dark ritual Ultor summoned twelve spirits of previous Xulous kings and bound them to his service. The risen undead kings rose armies of the dead from the necropolis of Lxanvon and spread across the lands ravaging all in their path, and leaving only death and destruction in their wake. Those who were not destroyed by the weapons of the undead armies were killed slowly by a deadly plague, carried by the risen kings, and spread like wildfire amidst the Xulous. Their entire race succumbed to the pestilence and the Xulous were no more. Bertoxxulous, pleased and swollen with pride by his genocidal accomplishment called his minions back to the necropolis that had served as their resting place for so many years. The risen Xulous kings gathered in the bowels of their crypts as a great mist enveloped Lxanvon. The ancient dragons watched from afar as the mists cleared, revealing only a barren and broken landscape where the necropolis had once lied. It is said that the necropolis of Lxanvon still exists in the Plane of Disease, unchanged from when the ancient dragons witnessed its vanishing from Norrath, and that the form Bertoxxulous favors when visiting Lxanvon is a twisted visage of the long dead race he destroyed, so many ages ago. “

The Necropolis of Lxanvon Vol. II

The royal priests of the Xulous kingdoms often journeyed from their ivory cities to Lxanvon on behalf of their people, to deliver offerings and praises to their dead kings. Bertoxxulous, donning the decaying bodies of the dead Xulous nobles, appeared before these royal priests demanding obedience, reverence, and sacrifices. Bertoxxulous deceived and corrupted the minds of the royal priests and their allegiance belonged to the Lord of Death and Decay above their living kings. Amidst these firsts priests of decay, one was held above the others, Ultor Szanvon the Putrid; he led the priests of decay in the spreading their dark doctrine. Ultor, an influential priest in service to the mightiest of the Xulous nobles schemed and murdered his way into the position of chief advisor to the living Xulous King. Ultor convinced Xulous King to visit the tombs of his ancestors, and there within the presence of Bertoxxulous’ full might he performed a dark ritual, sacrificing the king in the bowels of the crypt. Through the dark ritual Ultor summoned twelve spirits of previous Xulous kings and bound them to his service.

The risen undead kings rose armies of the dead from the necropolis of Lxanvon and spread across the lands ravaging all in their path, and leaving only death and destruction in their wake. Those who were not destroyed by the weapons of the undead armies were killed slowly by a deadly plague, carried by the risen kings, and spread like wildfire amidst the Xulous. Their entire race succumbed to the pestilence and the Xulous were no more. Bertoxxulous, pleased and swollen with pride by his genocidal accomplishment called his minions back to the necropolis that had served as their resting place for so many years. The risen Xulous kings gathered in the bowels of their crypts as a great mist enveloped Lxanvon.

The ancient dragons watched from afar as the mists cleared, revealing only a barren and broken landscape where the necropolis had once lied. It is said that the necropolis of Lxanvon still exists in the Plane of Disease, unchanged from when the ancient dragons witnessed its vanishing from Norrath, and that the form Bertoxxulous favors when visiting Lxanvon is a twisted visage of the long dead race he destroyed, so many ages ago.

The Necropolis of Lxanvon Vol. I

The Necropolis of Lxanvon and the Arrival of the Plague Bringer

In a Norrathian age long past, when dragons ruled the lands, seas, and skies, an ancient race did spring forth from the will of an unknown god. They were a cunning and powerful race of beings, able to survive in a harsh world ruled by the scaled children of Veeshan. The true name of this extinct civilization has been lost to the mists of time, the evidence of their existence buried and all but destroyed by the elements and the forces of change.

The eldest of dragons sometimes whisper tales of this lost race of beings who were the first to stand against and slay the great children of Veeshan. They speak of them to their young, as a human mother would tell ghost stories to her child. The dragons whispered tales of a great kingdom of wicked yet noble beings that built cities from the bones and sinew of the slain children of Veeshan. This is one such tale, passed down to the scribes of New Tanaan many years past by the dragon sorcerer Ulvaxazoviak.

Many ages ago, in a time that only the spirits of the ancestor dragons can recall, a long dead ancient race, The Xulous they are called in the tales of my kind, did build upon the lands that would become Tunaria a great necropolis to house their dead kings. The crypts of the necropolis were fashioned from preserved remains of slain dragons and it was called Lxanvon, which means in the tongue of the Xulous, ‘Kings Rest’.

As the necropolis filled with the dead Xulous royalty, honored and revered in death as much as in life, a festering evil began to take over in the lowest bowels of the crypts of the kings. The Xulous, through their adoration and reverence of their rotting kings, their defilement of the dead children of Veeshan, and their dependence on the deaths of dragons for the expansion of their kingdoms did unknowingly bring a powerful and ancient evil to Norrath. As years passed, the evil presence in the bowels of Lxanvon grew stronger, and there, within the rotting corpses of those ancient kings, Bertoxxulous was born.