Category Archives: Rathe Council

Journal of a Disciple of Marr

Collected notes

Of late, I have had trouble sleeping. I close my eyes, and visions spring to life, as real as if I were there. I have always been a faithful follower of Mithaniel Marr, and my conscience is clear, so why do I dream so frequently these days of him and his twin? I begin to have trouble distinguishing what I know to be real from what I have seen in my dreams. In an attempt to keep my mind clear, I have decided to write down what scraps of meager knowledge I possess regarding the Marr twins. Perhaps by putting it in writing, I can ease my visions.

Tarew Marr: the Fathom Lord, the first member of the Triumvirate of Water. He is father to the twins Mithaniel and Erollisi Marr. He is the sole lord and commander of the liquid form of water, and both dreaded and revered by sailors and all those who live at the mercy of the sea.

Erollisi Marr: sister of Mithaniel and daughter of Tarew, she is called the Queen of Love, and reigned over the Plane of Love. Her followers believe that love can conquer all. They are passionately devoted to people, places and ideas and are more than willing to fight and die to preserve those things. The dream of every follower of Erollisi is to die in the selfless defense of someone or something they love.

Mithaniel Marr: brother of Erollisi and son of Tarew, he is known as the Truthbringer, and governs the Plane of Valor. His followers believe in truth, valor, and righteousness, and will fight to the death to protect the innocent and defend these values.

The Eight Virtues of Marr: Charity; Compassion; Devotion; Honor; Love; Sacrifice; Truth; and Valor.

I spoke some time ago to Sir Bayden Cauldthorn, prophet of Mithaniel Marr. He told me the frogloks and Northmen were not the Marr twins’ first creations, as commonly believed. There was a time when Mithaniel and Erollisi walked upon Norrath, unnoticed by the other, more elder gods. In the naivety of their youth, they thought they could be like the other gods and sought to create mortals of their own. And so Mithaniel Marr created the minotaur race, intended to personify honor and courage.

Alas, the inexperienced twins did not know how best to guide them and provide moral grounding. When Rallos Zek, the Warlord, saw the fearless minotaur in battle, he enticed them to join his army. Mithaniel was powerless to stop Rallos Zek from using the minotaur in his attack against the Plane of Earth, and as a consequence could not prevent them from being cursed for their part in the slaying of the Rathe Council. Due to the curse, the minotaur have remained in a primitive state, unable to build upon the achievements or progress of themselves or others. Sir Cauldthorn told me this has always been a source of grief and regret for Marr.

It was Katey Dalwynn of the Sisters of Erollisi who recently told me the sad news obtained from the Shard of Love. Erollisi Marr was struck down in the Plane of Valor by a trap intended for her brother; when he returned to find her dead, all he could do was bring her body back to her realm. Here it remained sealed in a crystal casket while Mithaniel m,mourned her death. When Mithaniel realized he was mistaken to have tried to trap the essence of love, even with the best of intentions, he shattered the crystal casket and freed Erollisi’s essence. He returned to tend his own realm, which had also fallen into neglect while he mourned his sister.

I sought Sister Katey once again when these visions started, but without success. It appears Sisters of Erollisi have returned to their hidden isle in the Ocean of Tears to mourn, now that Erollisi’s passing has been confirmed.

The dreams continue to persist. Sometimes I awake more tired than I was before sleeping. I see the Marr twins as they must have been in times long past, healthy and happy together. But then I see the face of Mithaniel, deeply lined with grief and sadness. I see Erollisi struck down dead, but I cannot make out what attacks her. Sometimes I see her lying dead, sometimes I see her sealed into a crystal casket, and sometimes – inexplicably- I see her likeness carved in stone. I see Halas burning in the night, as the armies of Zek overrun it, and then shattered as the skies fall and tear it asunder. But I also see Halas being built, by scores of strong Northmen and heroic fogloks and strange dwarves all working together.

What mean these dreams? Do they contain some message, or are they lies sent by the enemies of Marr, hoping to spread further confusion before Mithaniel Marr can reestablish himself in his place after his long mourning? I will continue to pray for guidance and try to understand. Writing these thoughts down has at least eased my mind somewhat and helped to clear my thoughts.

First Flight

“First Flight” — an aviak tale of their beginnings and the first flight after their fall from grace
The beasts that walked the lands on two legs or four displeased her — they were so ungainly.

So Xegony, Queen of Air, created a beautiful, winged race that flew across Norrath, selecting the choicest locations to be their homes.

They built their aeries and nests and preened, for they were her chosen.

And yet, over time, these chosen began to speak amongst themselves of their gift from the goddess of air as a clear sign of superiority.

Whispering from beak to beak, they said, “Truly are we blessed with wings, so that we are unlike the wretches who must walk wherever they go.”

And they looked down upon the other races of Norrath, both literally and figuratively.

In the long ago, Xegony listened to her aviaks (for so the other races named them) and their pride gave her little concern, for she was likewise proud of them.

They sent emissaries to her with news of the lands and gave her lavish gifts and tributes.

In her pleasure at their worship, she did not recognize the point at which their relationship changed.

For though tributes and gifts still came to her, Xegony did not know all that was in the minds and hearts of her creations.

And when the first army of the Rallosians began their march, the aviaks held their own counsel and did not send word to her. Xegony learned nothing of this until the Rathe Council was challenged directly.

Then, the knowledge that the aviaks knew what might happen and did not warn her filled Xegony with rage.

“You behaved no better than those who cannot fly.” she said to them wrathfully. “Therefore, you shall lose my gift as your curse. Many tragedies could have been avoided if you did not disdain even me, your creator!”

And so saying, Xegony summoned a fierce wind that shredded the wings of the aviaks, making them as flightless and wingless as any other two-legged beast.

The aviaks were still prideful, but now felt ashamed at having set themselves above the Queen of Air.

In the ages that followed, the aviaks worked hard to regain her grace and gift, but she ignored them.

And eventually, with the rest of the gods, Xegony withdrew into a silence that nothing could penetrate.

The aviaks knew not whether she lived and cursed them still, or had completely rejected them.

The silence would have been much more devastating had not a miracle occurred.

For from the clutch of eggs of a family near Lake Rathefear, a winged aviak hatched. Still flightless, the young male could not correctly manipulate the wings on his own and so he was not the first aviak to return to the skies.

His birth coincided with the first changes to the ogres as their clouded minds began to return to normalcy.

In one generation from the first winged hatchling, dozens of winged aviaks began to train themselves in their ancient art of flight.

Though clumsy, squadrons of winged aviaks practiced together on the shores of Lake Rathetear, often climbing the mountains and leaping off, gliding to landings in the water below.

They grew in strength, agility and number.

As the Second Rallosian Army began its march across Norrath, seeking to subjugate all others, the aviaks knew that the time would come when their homes and lives would be at risk.

Ironically, having lost the ability to fly by not revealing the existence of the First Rallosian Army to their deity, the Second Rallosian Army gave impetus to the aviaks’ need for flight.

And so it happened. For with the Rallosians within reach of Lake Rathetear, a female aviak launched herself from the top of a mountain and soared toward the water.

She concentrated on the muscles of her neck, shoulders and wings and felt them move to her command.

No longer merely soaring from the heights, she had re-mastered the art of flight!

In honor of their creator, the first aviak to re-gain the gift of flight named herself Daughter of Xegony.

She taught all winged aviaks how to control the muscles necessary to remain airborne. Through her teachings, the aviaks provided assistance from the air at the Battle of Lake Rathetear.

And though this Battle was lost, the survival of the aviaks’ legacy of flight was assured.

Into the Depths of: Frostcrypt

Part 1 – Overview of Frostcrypt

Overview of Frostcrypt, Throne of the Shade King

When Solusek Ro raised the Serpent Spine Mountains, one clan of hill giants was trapped in the valleys and marshes that were created between the sheer mountains. The vast mausoleum of Frostcrypt was carved into the ice and stone of the mountain on Icefall Glacier, built to house the honored dead.

The giants of Valdeholm have always revered their dead. Kings, queens, soldiers, priests and even common folk were buried in the great crypt, carved out under a frozen lake. Giants live long lives, and in the days of their dominance they had little need for open battle, so deaths were few. Each time one of their kind passed on, they were given rites by the priests, fitted with attire appropriate to their station, and placed upon a litter. They were then carried down to the tomb by a procession of mourners and priests. The procession arrived would stop at the statue of Rallos, then move on to the appropriate wing of the crypt. The body was laid upon a stone table along with any appropriate tools needed in the afterlife (weapons, trade tools, etc.) Then the family would walk past the body and place with it any other items that they wanted to travel with their loved one.

After resting in state for three days, the body would be placed into a slot along the wall of the crypt and a metal nameplate would be affixed to remind every one who was resting there.

Then came the curse of Rallos Zek cast upon his own giants because they refused to participate in his war on the Plane of Earth. When King Beltron Wulfnor—the king who turned his back on the war—was being taken into the tomb, the voice of Rallos Zek was heard. The dead king’s body rose up and attacked the procession. As each person slain, they rose again as Shades of Zek and turned on those that still lived. Few survived that day, but the current king—Odeen Wulfnor—was one of them, and he will never forget that evil day.

The upper portions of the tomb are damaged from the battle and other battles since. The royal areas remain untouched by battle because even the undead giants hold their royalty in high esteem.

The undead have added on to the tombs in an attempt to make it feel more like a home. These sections are made purely from ice, though in all other respects look just like the architecture of the rest of the tomb.

The front portion of Frostcrypt is hewn of ice and seems worn and basic. Deeper within Frostcrypt is the home of the Shades. The Shades are frustrated and tormented by the curse put upon them, built onto Frostcrypt, attempting to create a new city for themselves—to do what they can to feel normal. They feel their curse will end, once they kill the remaining traitors to Rallos Zek—all of their kin in Valdeholm.

Stone tiles cover the ice in most places. The only exceptions are where they have been damaged by battle or where the giants built beautiful skylights in the roof. These skylights use magically clear ice to transport sunlight into the crypts, lighting the tables where the dead are laid out to rest in state before entering their final resting place.

Currently the Shade King rules the crypt. His followers are the Shades of Zek and the zombie minions made from the corpses of their ancestors. The Shades sent war parties to assault the city every evening, and hide within the crypt during the day. No living giant has set foot inside the tombs since the day the curse turned their king into the Shade King.

Harfange the Black

As the first and most respected leader of the Krithgor giants, Harfange was a force to be reckoned with. His stature was greater than most giants and his gruff, booming voice made him easy to rally around in battle. Woijuh, his trusted, loyal wolf, was always by his master’s side and followed him faithfully into every fight.

Harfange was a righteous giant with an unwavering belief in justice. He was the loudest proponent of battle prowess and skill, all the while supporting the magic and politics required to build and run a city of somewhat unruly warriors. Easy to trust, the giants took to following his lead easily. Under his reign, Krithgor was built—a great city and monument to giants which was later overrun by all the races of the Rallosian Army — something House Harfange took great offense to.

A New Ruling House – Fridleif

When King Haruld the Young of House Harfange died in his first battle, there were weeks of ceremonies in his honor. He was praised for his bravery and skill, for he had defeated overwhelming numbers during the battle against the gnolls encroaching on Krithgor. However, one giant was not sorry to see his cousin go: Fridleif Vernund, head of House Fridleif, had spent more time celebrating than mourning, knowing he would soon be called to compete for the throne.

Fridleif was known to be cold-hearted and calculating. His ability to completely ignore the emotions that could drive others to distraction was what made him powerful. He easily took control of the rituals of ascension, fighting only three battles to earn control of the kingdom and gain his seat on the throne. There was never any doubt that he would be the one to start the second lineage, though it is widely accepted that this common belief was created as part of his own subtle plan to rule.

Ascension of Wulfnor

As time passed, kings changed. Each heir-apparent fought others for the right to ascend. When King Cadwall the Victorious of House Fridleif died when his brother led an uprising against him—which got them both killed—the lineage of the throne came into question once again. Many Krithgorian giants were relieved that new blood would be brought to the throne because the wars of the bickering brothers had taken its toll on them all.

Among the giants, there was an almost unilateral hope that the great gladiator, Wulfnor Olaffun, would fill the great throne in Valdeholm. For many years, Wulfnor proved himself to be an outstanding negotiator and motivator of the people, even when their true rulers were not. He managed to forge a calm in a city that had begun to divide itself between the brothers.

Wulfnor was the thread that held the giants living in Krithgor and Valdeholm together. An elder loreseeker by the name of Pruglar nominated Wulfnor, something which had never been done. Not a single challenger to the throne stepped forward to challenge him for the crown, and thus, Wulfnor and his house became the next rulers of the Krithgor giants.

Part 2 Additional Background Lore

Muddy Royal Scroll – Letter to Odeen Wulfnor, King of the Krithgor

As translated by Librarian Hemfar:

Letter to Odeen Wulfnor

My son. My heir. The hour of my passage into the void grows ever nearer. I have high hopes for the afterlife. Never fret or weep for me, but do learn something from my years as King Beltron Wulfnor of Krithgor. As my last breath leaves me, the crown will become yours to bear. Wear it well, my son. There is no greater example of Rallosian courage and strength than in you

There is much to tell you in so little time, so pay heed. I must explain why I commanded our Krithgorian giants to stay behind when Rallos Zek mounted the second assault upon the Plane of Earth. You have asked me many times to explain how I could dare defy the Warlord. Now I shall.

Before our first passage into the Plane of Earth, the noble House Dromrek sent a guide to me, the gifted Loreseeker Hadengard. He beheld the Prophecy of The Tears, which simply stated:

“And from great sorrow one tear from nine. A tear of ruin.”

There was much interpretation and debate around those simple words. Many days. Some felt the word “tear” would mean the ground would be ripped open to swallow the Rathe Council as the Rallosians overcame them. Others felt it meant a wet tear from the eyes of the Rathe Council would fall across the realms to Norrath and our giants to see our ruin. There was no settling of the debate, so I made a decision.

In the event the Rathe Council and its minions defeated the Rallosian Army and sought to ruin us, our House Wulfnor and you, my son, would need protection to carry on the lineage of the throne and attempt to rebuild. I will admit I sought to preserve my family, but it was also the most logical and wise choice. And so it was decreed: the majority of our Wulfnor House would remain in Krithgor while the rest of our good giants fought onward in the war alongside our Warlord maker.

It was with a great, heavy heart that I watched the throngs of faithful, courageous Krithgorian giants leave that day. My sword arm ached to join them. How the power of the Rallosians had grown in our time on Norrath. The giants showed no fear, only the pride and fellowship we had always known. There is but one prouder moment in this life—the one where you were shown to me as my son.

Heed well this lesson, my son. You can only act on the information you are given, because not all is known. Sometimes, you must choose with your heart and those acts can have consequences you did not expect, but it is your reaction and resolve with the outcome that will make you a great leader. Against all odds and those that hunt us always, we remain.

One day, we may be free and I believe it will be your reign that will see it.

Your father,
King Beltron Wulfnor

Wulfnor Crown Gem — Suspicion of a Krithgor Noble

Librarian Hemfar’s Notations of the Wulfnor Gem:

As I read the crown gem, it became evident that an enchantment exists upon it that might obscure my vision of its past. That said the core of it does not appear to be betraying me. The visions are clear. It is worth remarking this artifact for cultural significance.

The gem reveals a matter of great importance that still plagues the integrity and respect of the royal Wulfnor House to this day. It is a question of blasphemy among the lineage of the kings of the giants. My visions show a recent recurrence in murmurs of blame and discontent about one of their own giants who might have brought them what would seem to be an eternal misery, refusing to lay blame on one of their heroic kings, Beltron Wulfnor.

The crown gem tells a tale that is simply that, however, a tale. The one who wore the crown with this gem was filled with the knowledge of the accusations, but the enchantment seems to be obscuring the actual truth of them.
Huldan, a politically motivated giant within the House Thorsson had long held a rivalry with Kresgord, a same-aged giant favored among the noble houses, who belonged to House Wulfnor—the house of the ruling king. The two giants grew and trained together. While Kresgord went the way of a loreseeker—the elite magic users of the giants—Huldan chose the life of a warrior. Huldan always held some manner of imagined superiority over his rival, believing the way of magic was a weaker path.

As years went on, Huldan’s competitive rivalry became tainted by a bitterness as he watched Kresgord rapidly rise through the ranks of House Wulfnor and saw himself not advance in his own. Suspecting Kresgord was using nefarious means to get ahead, he took to spying on his old friend. One night, he believed he’d found what he was looking for. He claimed to see something…. and whatever it might have been or wasn’t, it was enough of a tale for him to begin a rumor that would bring thousands of years of suspicion into House Wulfnor.

Huldan claimed he had seen Kresgord in his chambers with his arms around a great scrying bowl. He said that he could see, plain as day, the unmistakable whirl and water of a storm within the pool—the storms of Karana! Huldan flatly accused Kresgord as a worshipper of the God of Storms. He demanded that Kresgord be exiled from Krithgor.
Kresgord denied the accusations wholeheartedly and in the name of his father, the king, charged Huldan with treason. Huldan was neatly executed only hours later.

Even though Huldan’s voice had been silenced, his words lingered on. Many believe that Kresgord did indeed worship Karana and some say there are whispers of winds where Kresgor’s body is held in the Frostcrypt.

Cursed Lorekeepers Quill — The First Shades of Zek

As the war on the Plane of Earth ended, King Beltron Wulfnor began to lose his grip on life. Forgoing the comforts of his palatial fineries in Valdeholm, he spent his last hours in Krithgor. He wanted to spend his last moments near his giants and all the Rallosians who served in the war. He had lived a full life and seen much and was ready to give his flesh and spirit to Rallos Zek and pass the throne down to his son, Odeen.

After spending many hours behind closed doors with his son, the loreseekers were brought to prepare Beltron for his final breath and to secure safe passage into the afterlife. The giants believed that upon death, they would live once again as warriors at their maker’s side. They never feared death because of the honor it would bring them — to stand next to their warlord, Rallos Zek, was something many giants looked forward to.

Finally, Beltron’s last breath escaped. Odeen removed the crown and placed it on his head as the loreseekers blessed him with all the strength and courage of his father. Then the body was prepared for the procession into the House Wulfnor chamber of the Frostcrypt.

Thousands of giants made the march from Krithgor to Valdeholm, the great giant city to the north. Their heads held high, proud that their king would be standing with his god, they marched for hours chanting a war prayer created by the first king of the giants, King Harfange the Black, who was said to have been given it by Rallos Zek himself.

“Svard dor istadd
Alska kerdu vargadrum
Ayx! Ayx!”

And so the giants marched, shaking the hillsides with their booming voices, until they reached the frozen Flateye Lake. From here, only the loreseekers and nobles were allowed to continue into the barrow chiseled beneath the icy lake. From the walls of Valdeholm above, the giants all watched as the loreseekers flawlessly rearranged themselves in a formation to march single file into the crypt. In only moments, the body of the great king disappeared into the crypt along with the procession.

The burial rites were progressing as they normally did when a king died, with many words and blessings, incantations and prayers. Then it happened.

Only one survivor, Loreseeker Yrgar (it was his quill that was found in the Serpent Spine Mountains that this reading was taken from) was able to tell the tale of what he saw in that chamber. His memory remained bewildered and confused by what exactly happened, even though his eyes did not betray him.

As the loreseekers wafted purity smoke over the body of the king, his skin began to darken. The loreseekers continued, but began to look to one another with trepidation. When runes began to burn and curl across the king’s skin, the loreseekers stopped. Something was not right. All around them, the ice began to shed a blue-green vapor. The room seemed to be heating up with no explanation.

Then the voice of a god shook the mountains from the sky to the crypt’s icy core.

“BETRAYERS OF YOUR MAKER! RETICENT FOOLS! A time of war falls upon you and you cower like rats? A lesson will be learned this day and for all your days. You will know and love the endless struggle of war. Unto you shall fall a darkness eternal. You have forsaken your lineage, and so it shall destroy you.”

And with the words of the Warlord, Rallos Zek, still echoing off the icy halls, the body of King Beltron rose from the sarcophagus. Though the war on Earth was so long ago, the god had not forgotten or forgiven Beltron Wulfnor and his family who remained in Valdeholm while the Rallosian Army shed blood. And for that cowardice, Rallos Zek would have his vengeance in Beltron himself.

Beltron’s body was awash in a sickly aqua light. The runes on his body began to glow and as he opened his eyes an eerie blue shone from them. He picked up the axes he was to be buried with and brandished them, holding still for one small moment, surveying the room.

Then it started and didn’t stop. In the wildest blood frenzy ever known, the king cut down every living creature near to him. And as each one died, they too rose to be like Beltron, with aqua skin branded by runes. They became beholden to their god. They became Shades of Zek. It would be their duty to hunt down and kill all of the Krithgor giants, to bring them into their fold. They believe that if they win the war—to kill all the living Krithgor—the curse will at last be lifted.

Still, that day has not come. And still, they continue the hunt.

Shattered Keystone – Krithgorian Burial Rites

An account of the burial ritual of all giants:

Vundenclag Blessing

The Krithgor giants, as a sturdy and somewhat spiritual people, conduct the Vundenclag Blessing as the last breath escapes the body, should time and preparations allow. The name of the fallen giant is contemplated and whispered three times—one to secure the spirit, one to expedite its passage to the next realm, and one to set it on its journey.

Past-Breath Yukadig

The Past-Breath Yukadig is performed on giants who died without the presence of a loreseeker to issue the Vundenclag Blessing. The Past-Breath Yukadig is done by breathing into the hand and passing it over the fallen giant’s mouth to simulate the giving of the last breath. The name is then contemplated and whispered once, simply to send protection to the already departed spirit.

Gidgund Winds of Lasting

Gidgund incense is drawn over the body to strengthen the constitution of the spirit. It is sometimes called Purity Smoke. This must be done by a loreseeker learned in the shaman arts. The smoke must be allowed to settle over the body in order to strengthen its aura. Only a shaman may determine if the aura is completed and encircles the body of the dead. This incense will strengthen the flesh for burial and preserve it.

Eternal Battleshrouds

Each body will be wrapped by war-blessed linens. These woven or crafted pieces must each contain at least one stitch or more of thread used in worn battle armor. This will protect the body and the spirit from damage and danger in the afterlife. All weapons considered essential to the giant’s survival and battle in the next life must be buried with him. At the time the essentials are placed into the crypt, the loreseeker must remove any dynasties required to be passed on from father to son.

Iddugind Seal

Finally, when the process is completed, the body is sealed by a loreseeker through the Krithgorian Evenprayer. This prayer shall never be written and only uttered. It is only known to the eldest of loreseekers whose sole purpose is to perform this prayer. This prayer acknowledges and recognizes the wisdom of the gods and asks for their protection. It is not a prayer to be spoken out of proper turn.

The Wings of War

The houses of Wulfnor, Fridleif, and Harfange are separated into three royal chambers in the Frostcrypt. Warriors and commoners also have chambers in the Wings of War. It is paramount that each giant be laid to rest in the appropriate area. Commoners may be buried in royal chambers if the honor was earned by servitude or loyalty.

Illegible Diary of Lorekeeper Baeldon — War for Earth: The Passing of an Empire

Diary of High Lorekeeper Baeldon

As time passes, memory fades, and some things should never be lost to the ravages of time. So I have endeavored to record my personal impressions of the war that has ended the greatest empire in the history of Norrath.

Unfortunately there are no first-hand accounts to be had of some of these events, for those that participated are unavailable. Many are dead. Those that still live have been struck witless by the gods that they opposed. Only the victors can tell the tale and they are now beyond our reach even if they wished to speak of it. Of course there is one other, but he has sworn a curse upon those of us who stayed behind. So this must be a personal accounting with opinion and thoughts accounted as truth.

Our World

Prior to the call, our valley was our own small empire. Every creature in it belonged to us. We lived in a city we named after ourselves, spread casually about the southern steppes. We had orcs mining ore, kobolds and gnolls hunting for our food and goblins to serve our every need. But our defenses were our own. Even in times of peace when there were no worthy foes we were ready for war. We dreamt battle and awoke to practice war, even if we only found use for it in dreams.

Decades passed that way. We went from young eager conquerors to resolute guardsman over a limited and passive empire. Many prayed to Rallos Zek for a war to fight. While some of us were praying for war, the ogres who lived to the south, nominally free though paying us homage, disappeared overnight.

The Call – War for Earth: The Passing of an Empire Vol. II

The loreseekers heard it first. They told us of the battle that the ogres brought to the Rathe Council. Their complacency had ended in a great war, in wonderful glory. Our loreseekers told us what our god told them, that these smaller, younger, fiercer cousins were shining in the light and power of war while we remained in our valley, rulers over a peace that war had earned us. As our loreseekers spoke about the battles on their pulpit with vast fire in their voices we became hot to join them. For days our forges blazed and our smiths worked tirelessly to produce new arms and repair the old. Our warriors drilled and fought to the death for the glory of Rallos Zek and leadership of our war parties.

When we learned of their failure, we were torn. Most wanted to rush forth and follow their path, to crush the powers of Earth that defeated our tiny cousins. Others thought that to do so would make us seem weak, followers not leaders. What our king thought I can not say for certain. He had been privy to counsel that the rest of us did not know. Some say wise counsel, while others call the high loreseeker council of those days the greatest traitors our people have ever known. Far more often spoken, though always under breath, was that our king had turned coward. Regardless, when the call came, we answered. As one of the oldest Rallosian clans and because of the seclusion of our home, he chose to gather his army at Krithgor for his assault on the other gods.

The remnants of the ogre invaders were the first to arrive. We recognized some of them, though few enough of them returned. For their initiative and ferocity, these were named commanders of the Rallosian army. This was not something we accepted. It was well known that any individual Krithgor could defeat half a dozen ogres, heroes of the previous battle or not. There were fights, many fights. Ogres were killed in single combat by giants many times, yet none challenged those ogres given charge of us by our god, for that was not allowed. Undoubtedly this was the reason our king ordered us to head north in the night prior to the opening of the portal.

The Battle

When the portal opened and the Rallosian Army marched through, we were not there to see it. It must have been terrible to behold: rows and columns of giants, ogres, orcs and even goblins, armor gleaming and blades raised. At their head was the god of war himself, Rallos Zek. His power and their roars would have caused the ground to shake. Their banners, blood red axes on a field of gold, never needing to dip to enter the massive structure that transported them to the Plane or Earth.

Bone and stone collided in the Planes of Power. Axes cleaved wooden limbs and hearts were pierced by branches and shards of stone. Bodies of all sort littered the field and the Rallosian army pressed on. They knew no fear and their tactics were perfect as they followed the orders of their god. The defenders knew the lands better and had the power of their gods and the plane itself behind them, and yet they fell back.

We do not know what turned the tide, but we are certain it turned. Days later, our scouts saw the Rallosian corpses flung from the portal. Before they had thudded to the ground, the living remnants of the army came through the portal, Rallos himself the last of them. Great stone hands reached through into our realm, resting on the edges of the portal as if to hold it open for the hordes of earthen elementals and other beasts that flooded through in pursuit.
These pursuers were weaklings and relatively easily defeated, though they did some damage to our ancient home, Krithgor. It was as if the powers of earth did not wish to pursue, for shortly the elementals ceased to pass through the gate. Then those massive fingers began to clench, cracking the portal and causing its magical light to crackle. Before it pulled the portal down, shattering it forever, we heard the words of power; we saw the force of those words enter the valley.

The Aftermath

After the war was lost, the curse of the gods was revealed. We watched as those of our kin that had heeded the call of our god turned into simple beasts. They retain their penchant for war, it is what they were created for, but they have lost their ability to understand it. Still, these were beasts we could understand and once again tame. We began to reclaim our small empire, rebuilding upon the ruins of the last. We were bitter then, angry for failing our god and arrogantly believing that if we had joined the battle the war would have been won and the terrible curse prevented.
But our anger was not enough to satisfy the god that we had willfully scorned. He came to us just ten years to the day after the portal was crushed and his loyal followers cursed by the other gods. He proclaimed upon us a doom that we could not avoid, one that he promised would be more painful and enduring than what the joined gods had done to his followers. His proclamation, heard by every one of our people regardless of their location at the time, was thus:

“Unto you shall fall a darkness eternal.

You have forsaken your lineage,

and so it shall destroy you.”

We were all filled with dread. For decades we worried, bringing terror to us all. After time, some speculated that this was the fullness of the curse, that we should suffer fear of his wrath until the end of time. When another decade passed and we remained untouched by any unusual happenings, we began to relax. We had regained control of our world and almost forgotten the recent past when king Beltron died and everything changed.

Runed Sash of the Wraithguard — The Founding of the Wraithguard

The Krithgor giants hold the greatest regard for their ancestors and heroes, a fact which made Rallos Zek’s curse upon them so painful. In the blink of an eye, the majority of the Krithgor heroes were slain and turned to Shades of Zek when King Beltron Wulfnor rose from death and became the first Shade.

Then, when the Krithgorian ancestors and honored dead began to rise and attack the living, they were faced with a moral dilemma. To disturb the dead and kill their own heroes was unthinkable, yet they did not want to give themselves over to the shades either.

Many believed that it would be best to allow the Shades of Zek to take them. They had dishonored themselves by abandoning Rallos Zek when he called to them and it was a heresy of the worst kind to disturb the dead. Most did not know what to do. Each night the Shades would come and destroy many of their kin. They knew soon they would all die and join the cursed.

But some decided to act. Malgar, a lorekeeper of great foresight, worked to find ways to defeat the Shades, or at least find protection from them. Malgar managed to touch the mind of one shade and learned a configuration of runes that seemed to repulse them.

With some practice and reconfiguration of symbols, some found on the shades’ skin, he created plans to build a runed-carved stone wall to protect Valdeholm from the shades.

While Valdeholm still had some protection, it became clear that these passive defenses alone were not enough. A small group of Krithgor asked Malgar for help to forge weapons and armor that might aid them to kill the shades, and he did so, all with the same runes of repulsion.

Every night, this band of warriors set out to battle the shades and prevent them from passing through the city gates. They called themselves the Wraithguard.

It wasn’t long before word of this group of vigilantes reached King Odeen Wulfnor’s ears. He and many of the leaders of Valdeholm were shocked. Killing the shades, they said, was heresy because they were still considered heroes. Many called for the death of those that went out to fight, but Odeen understood the problem more deeply than most and, after speaking privately with Malgar, ordered the heretics cast out of the city. The king promised to arrange supplies to be granted the Wraithguard, acknowledging that they were all that lay between the shades and the extinction of the Krithgor. But Odeen could not politically support the shade hunters.

The Wraithguard, shunned by their kin, were forced to take up residence in the homes outside the city’s runed wall. The king then decreed that the Wraithguard were no longer to be thought of, they were to be ignored as if they never existed.

The Wraithguard were chagrined, but knew well enough to read between the lines. They knew the king was putting great trust in them, and it was an honored task, though he could and would never say it aloud. They shouldered the shame, though to most of them, there was no shame in protecting their people.

Because of the ongoing threat and the constant loss of Wraithguard warriors, those accused of crimes in Valdeholm that are to be executed are given the option to join the Wraithguard instead. Thus, the Wraithguard gains Houses in the Royal Crypt

House of Harfange the Black – 6 generations

Harfange Gorod
Wife – Yubawa
One daughter – Phrosyne
Two sons – Edmuund, Olof
Pet – Woijuh – a wolf pet, Harfange’s companion during battle
Wife – Gytha
Three daughters – Muria, Luua, Lydyyth
One son – Aelfgir
Aelfgir, the Cruel
Wife – Thyra
Two sons – Thurkill, Egbert
Thurkill – died at a young age, Egbert the Lighthand, took the throne
Wife – Merica
Two daughters – Mualda, Haldis
Two sons – Holfdan, Alof
Wife – Sigris
One son – Haruld
Haruld the Young – died in his early years, before having children. Was betrayed by a royal advisor
Wife – Nuura

House of Fridleif, Master Warcraft – 3 generations

Fridleif Vernund
Wife – Avana
Two daughters – Sirigi, Shimini
Two sons – Havar, Bertun
Havar and Bertun (co-kings) – chose to only conceive one son each, and killed any daughters after birth.
Wives – Londa (Havar) and Beltsea
One son for Havar (Finn) and one son for Bertun (Caldwall)
Cadwall, the Victorious – when both Finn and Cadwall came of age, they were tasked to both lead an army to combat a large orc incursion to the south. Cadwall’s army was victorious while Finn’s army was mostly decimated. Later, Finn later would lead an uprising against Cadwall, which resulted in both of their deaths.
Wife – Avuya (slain during the uprising)
No sons

House of Wulfnor the Gladiator – 5 generations (4 within Frostcrypt)

Wulfnor Olaffun, the Gladiator
Wife – Thice
One daughter – Hulda
Two sons – Eadric, Fratho
Wife – Urga
No daughters
One son – Hroar
Hroar, the Unliving
Wife – Audir
One daughter – Haldis
Two sons – Beltron, Ugne
Beltron, the Shade King – current king of the crypt. Note: Ugne, his brother, is the High Priest.
Wife – Gefia – she is dead and already buried inside of the crypt
Son – Odeen
Odeen Wulfnor– current king of the giant city. He successfully escaped the day the curse was unleashed by silently praying

Part 3 Points of Interest

Within the many rooms and corridors of Frostcrypt, several tombs and resting chambers can be found. Throughout the crypt, artifacts and murals of the Zek family hang on the frosty walls.

The majority of the walls within the Frostcrypt are blank, leaving room for new resting chambers to be carved out. The icy ceilings of rooms within the crypt have skylights that allow viewing the lake frozen lake above it.

Main Hall

The steps leading down into the main entry hall from Valdeholm are covered in ice. A lifelike statue of Rallos Zek stands in the center of a large room that splits the main hall to the north and east. Great warriors are buried in the west wing. The north wing is where the common giants are buried. The east wing is where the clergy and councilors are buried.

Royal Resting Chamber

The giants carry their dead through the walkway leading to the central dais, where the king is laid out until the next king dies. The ceiling and walls are tiled with stone.

In the central dais room rests the previous king to die. The sarcophagus of the king is set upright. Behind it is the entryway to the first dynasty’s burial chamber. There are also doorways to the second and third dynasty’s burial chambers, to the left and the right of the first dynasty’s chambers.

The central dais also has a set of stairs that wrap around the circular dais. The stairway leads up to the top of the dais and then back down.

The sarcophagi of the kings in all three chambers are similar except for one notable difference: each king of a specific house holds a different item from the kings of the other houses.

All of the sarcophagi of the family members (wife, daughters, and sons besides the first son) are similar in design to each other – relatively normal looking tombs made of stone.

The small room before each dynasty’s resting chamber is a chamber for their most honored servants. These servants are placed in niches in the walls in the order of their deaths.

Wing of the First Kings

The Wing of the First Kings is the first dynasty’s chamber, the resting place of Harfange the Black. In the middle of the room lies a stone statue of Harfange. He is depicted in blackened plate armor, with the family crest engraved into the chest piece.

The groups of sarcophagi are grouped by families. The first generation of the dynasty is grouped together, and then the second generation, and so on. Artwork within the chamber represents that Harfange was the first to unite all of the giant tribes into one kingdom, by defeating the chiefs of all of the other giant sects.

Wing of the Iron Kings

The Wing of the Iron Kings is the second dynasty’s chamber, place of repose for Fridleif, the Master Warcraft. In the middle of the room stands the statue of Fridleif, his sword held above his head pointing up at the heavens, with shield in his left hand. The kings in this chamber bear metallic dark green shields and metallic silver shortswords over their bodies, signifying their valor in combat.

Wing of the Frozen Kings

The Wing of the Frozen Kings is the third dynasty’s chamber, domain of Wulfnor, the Gladiator. In the middle of the room stands the statue of Wulfnor, with axe in mid-swing. In this chamber, all kings wield a metallic gold double headed axe, held upside down across the body.

Ice Halls

Ice Meeting Hall

The meeting hall is found off of the commoners section of the crypt. As with all the rooms built by the shades, this room is constructed entirely of ice, but shows great care and a skill in its construction. This room is built in an almost stadium seating style. In the center of the room is a raised dais where those speaking to the assembled mass would stand.

Ice Armory

The armory is room is constructed wholly of ice and with great precision. Lining the walls of this room are many weapons racks and armor stands. Most of these still have weapons and armor on them. The weapons within the armory were wielded by the most powerful of the shades when they were alive and have been placed there in honor of their power.

Ice Homes

The homes within the crypt are identical to the cave homes found in the giant city, with the notable exception of being constructed of frozen water. These houses are an effort by the shades to replicate their previous lifestyle while they work towards freeing themselves from their curse.

Ice Temple to Rallos

Found just off the shaman and priest section of the crypt, this large, ornate, octagonal chamber is dominated by an enormous statue of Rallos Zek in the center of the room. The statue overlooks a moderately sized shallow pit that is used for single combat between the giants, which serves as a form of worship of Rallos Zek. Surrounding the pit are several benches used by those watching the fights or attending the temple for prayer. Carvings detail great battles in the history of the giants, but several also show fights between the shades and living giants in the city above.

Ice Council Chamber

The Council Chamber is used to plan attacks on the giant city in an effort to get past the runic wall. Various trophies, such as shields, helms, breastplates and weapons can be found leaning against the walls or hanging on them. The chair at the head of the table is particularly ornate and is obviously used by a leader of the shades during meetings.

Statue of the Shade King

There is a statue of the Shade King on a tiered dais at the back of the room, which serves as a shrine. The room also hosts a secret entrance to a hidden maze.

Ice Maze

The Ice Maze leads to the deeper sections of Frostcrypt. The walls and floors are white ice and very murky, making them impossible to see through. Hidden traps are found throughout the maze.

Shade King’s Ice Chambers

Beltron, the Shade King, is the last of the giants to be buried in the tombs of Frostcrypt. His chamber is reminiscent of his former chamber within the castle except that everything is made of ice, including the royal bed, desk and chair, and other remnants.

Ice Treasury

The Treasury contains ornate chests and relics made of milky ice, as well as replicas of precious treasures from the city including vases, statues and other relics.

Ice “Guest” Rooms

It is extremely rare that the Shades of Zek will have guests; however, on rare occasion they might keep one of their kin alive in order to question them. Even more rarely they might receive a visitor from the dragon shrine. In either case, these often reluctant guests are kept in these rooms behind the maze so that they don’t wander around.

Sources (3 parts):


Creation of Norrath

In the beginning, all that existed was void. Empty of all, whether it be time or space. A vast and endless nothingness cloaked in a deep and all consuming silence.

Within this void existed “The Nameless”, a power so incredible that in the entire universe, it knew only itself to exist. It had no idea why it was there, just that that it was.

In the quiet expanse of the void, it sent itself out and searched the void to find something different. And there it was, a pocket of space and therein lay the flow of time.

When The Nameless stepped into the space, something terrible but wonderful, something terrifying but exciting happened. It detected the elements of space and time.

The Nameless, knowing nothing of these things, freed what was in there so it could spread out in all directions, filling the space that had been empty for so long with a force that had no boundaries.

Forces touched each other and the emptiness filled with swirling energies, light and heat touched emptiness. Energies collided and crashed, were born and died and became new and different… none of those having been seen ever before started to form planets that differed in size and structure. Also created were stars to watch over this new creation.

But the whole chaos needed order, shaping and fine touch. And so the Nameless created The Gods of Power.

To do so, The Nameless reached into the chaos, drew forth four equal portions of the stuff of existence and shaped it into the Gods that would divide the universe into form.

The first was named Rathe and got the task of bringing order into the chaos. It saw that the task was indeed immense, so it reached into itself and divided into 12 equal parts.

Then The Rathe went into the chaos divided some more material and created Earth. This Earth got set under the eyes of the Nameless, under the stars, so it could watch over his cosmos.

The second was named Fennin Ro and received the task of shaping the chaos.

Fennin as well drew his portion and named it Fire.

He then placed it upon the stars to shed light on the cosmos. Fennin Ro helped The Rathe to shape the solid matter and gave warmth to the cold of chaos.

The third was named Water and The Nameless determined it would need many forms.

So it took the portion and split it into three.

Tarew Marr would be responsible for the main state of the element, the Water, E’Ci for the solid state; the Ice and Povar would lord over steam. These three took their portion and cloaked each world with its life giving touch.

And finally the fourth was named Xegony and she received the task of drawing away the material in-between and setting each thing in its place.

She used her portion of chaos to make it into Air, which she used to blow the chaos away and cushion each world from the harshness of the cold cosmos.

The Nameless then looked into its new creation and felt sorrow because it could not experience it, for the creation could not contain the Nameless and so it decided to find a way to explore this new existence.

So the Nameless called out to the Gods of Power and commanded them to make minions that it could share in their experience of this new world.

Each of the Gods of Power reached into their elemental planes and drew forth a portion that they shaped with their will into what would be eyes and hands for The Nameless and themselves.

They created beings of energy, much like themselves, but beings of will born of the matter of the cosmos.

The Gods of Power knew that balance must be maintained in the universe to keep its shape.

Therefore they started to create the Gods of Influence in the model of a scale, on one side a force of darkness or destruction, on the other side a force of light or creation and …in the middle, a neutral or balancing force to maintain the balance without the involvement of the Gods of Power.

And so they combined their elements to create each God in turn, good, neutral and evil, which the children of Norrath may choose to follow until the end of times.

The Age of Scale
Veeshan, Crystalline Dragon and ruler of the Plane of Sky, was the first god to notice the world of Norrath. She found this world pleasing and deposited her brood onto the frozen continent of Velious.

With one swipe of her mighty claws, Veeshan opened several great wounds upon the surface of Norrath, staking her claim to this promising new world. Dragons then walked the land and flew the skies, powerful beings of great intellect, wisdom, and strength.

The Elder Age
In time the other gods noticed Veeshan’s work, and being often petty and jealous beings, they too came upon Norrath, intent upon leaving their mark.

Brell Serilis was first, and from his Plane of Underfoot, a dark realm of vast caves and endless tunnels, he quietly created a magical portal to a cavern deep in the belly of Norrath. Through this portal the Duke of Underfoot seeded the depths of Norrath with all manner of creatures. Brell then returned home, sealing his portal within a labyrinthine chamber of mystical Living Stone.

And when the other gods came to Norrath, Brell Serilis approached each of them, and after some time convinced them to meet as one to discuss the fate of the world.

The Great Mother Tunare, and Prexus, The Oceanlord were in attendance, and Rallos Zek, the warlord, was also there, yet in mistrust kept his distance.

Brell, carefully avoiding all queries as to the origins of his information, told of Veeshan’s discovery of the new and potentially powerful world in which she had deposited her brood.

Words befit of the King of Thieves poured forth from Brell’s lips and he proposed that they accept an alliance of sorts, to which all save Rallos Zek agreed, ignorant of the fact that Brell had already released some of his creations into the Underfoot of this new world.

The planet that would be called Norrath was divided up between these beings of power for the purpose of keeping the Dragon Wurmqueen in check.

Each would create a race of beings to watch over Norrath and keep a vigilant eye on the schemes of Dragonkind.

Brell claimed the bowels of the planet and created the Dwarves, stout and strong, deep beneath the mountains of Norrath.

In the abysmal depths of the oceans Prexus left his children, the Kedge, hearty aquatic beings of great mental power and stamina.

And on the surface of Norrath did Tunare create the Elves, creatures of limitless grace and beauty, and Rallos Zek the Giants, fierce and formidable beings, intent upon the defense of their lands.

The Age of Monuments
It was inevitable that such energies involved in seeding planets with life would attract even more of the gods, and it was the Elves who drew the unwanted attention of Innoruuk, Prince of Hate.

In a decrepit tower overlooking the dark decaying alleys of the Plane over which he ruled, Innoruuk waited, stoking the fire of his Hate until it was a raging inferno. He cursed his fellow gods for not including him in their pact and vowed to make them regret such disrespect.

From the halls of the Elves’ fair city, Takish-Hiz, the Prince of Hate snatched away the first Elven King and Queen.

In his realm of pain and anger he slowly tore them apart, physically and mentally, over the course of three hundred years.

He then gathered the quivering remnants of these beings of light and rebuilt them into his own dark sadistic image, a twisted mockery of Tunare’s noble children.

In depositing the Teir’Dal, as Innoruuk’s Dark Elven creations would come to be called, back into the Underfoot of Norrath, the seeds for The Prince of Hate’s final revenge were sown.

Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane and Cazic-Thule came next to Norrath, and Brell met them, concocting a second pact with these latter gods, wishing another excuse to create more peoples into the world.

Rallos Zek again watched from afar, determined to add to his creation as well, and this time Brell convinced the Warlord to join the pact, assuring him that it was indeed an appropriate time to fulfill his desires.

Deep in the earth did Brell return to create the gnomes, resembling dwarves to some extent, yet more wiry and gnarled, consumed with tinkering with devices more so than their cousins.

On the surface, away from Elves and Giants, Bristlebane made the Halflings, short and stubby folk, agile and with a propensity to meddle and even pilfer at times.

Cazic-Thule, Lord of Fear, was drawn to the swamps and jungles of Norrath and there created the green skinned Trolls, the reptilian Lizard Men and the Iksars of Kunark.

And Rallos Zek returned to the surface, pleased with his sanction to create even more peoples for his army. He made then the Ogres, massive, unmovable beings of questionable intelligence, and the Orcs, bred for battle and singled-minded in their desire for conquest.

By this time, those who are now known as the elder races of Norrath had begun to expand and mature. Villages became cities, and cities became kingdoms. Several of the races became bent on expansion and warfare became part of their developing cultures.

And of all the races, it was the Ogres who quickly proved the most interested in battle and plunder, and their empire grew outward from their mountain home until it eventually encompassed a large portion of Tunaria, largest of the known continents.

Their knowledge of magic grew as did their greed, until they became weary of only Norrath, and when they learned of other planes and dimensions, invaded the Plane of Earth itself.

Rallos Zek watched with pride as his creations challenged the gods of that realm, and when they eventually knew defeat, the Warlord himself led a second invasion.

The war that ensued shook the heavens and angered the greater gods. Through their combined might, Rallos Zek was finally thwarted and forced back to his domain, after which a great barrier to the Planes of Power was erected, denying entry to both the lesser gods and mortals as well.

And then, in what some view as spite and others justice, the gods cursed the Warlord’s creations.

Thousands of Ogres were slain and their empire collapsed around them. The Giants were spread from one end of the earth to the other, forced to flee their homes as the gods brought snow and ice to their previously lush lands.

And the goblins were also cursed, but no writings remain of their punishment as they no longer keep records of their history (which is perhaps some indication as to the severity of their curse).

The Age of Blood
As the dust settled, the last of the gods came to Norrath. Mithaniel Marr, god of Valor, and Erollisi Marr,her twin sister, the goddess of Love, created the Barbarians, a hardy race who settled the cold and rugged northlands, near the ruins of the Giant empire.

Being the youngest race, they were generally unwashed and rugged, possessing very few social graces. And while they too had a warlike culture, there were those amongst them who began to believe in something more.

By this time the other civilizations of Norrath had either long since declined, or were well on their way, and this small minority of Barbarians saw an opportunity to triumph where the others had failed.

Perhaps this was a seed of wisdom planted by the Marr Twins, or perhaps it was only by chance, but as the Barbarians spread out across the lands, warring with both each other and any other race encountered, this tiny movement continued to grow. And so even amidst desolation and war, there was hope.

This small and enlightened group of Barbarians were the fathers of the Human race, and they rapidly gained a foothold throughout the lands, studying the lost art of geomancy.

The Combine Empire, as this lost race of Humans is called, spread throughout the known world, but then died even more quickly than it grew, and for reasons still unknown. And while they are the ancestors of every Human on Norrath and their relics and ruins still litter the lands from Odus to Faydwer, little history of this period remains.

The Lost Age
The last of the old races to decline was the empire of the Elves.

The Elddar Forest, the Elven realm of old, spread across the entire southeastern quarter of Tunaria. Tree communities and marble cities were built in the forest’s clearings and meadows, their white towers and spires climbing out of the forest, higher than the tallest tree.

Legends say this prosperity drew the jealousy of Solusek Ro, Lord of Flame. He arched the spine of the serpent mountains, bringing heat from the burning sun to the ancient forest.

The rivers ran dry, it rained less each year, and while the great elven druids fought long and hard, using their powerful magics to combat the change, they could only delay the inevitable.

Slowly the forest gave way to desert, and eventually even the fair Elven city Takish-Hiz crumbled and the elves were forced to flee Tunaria, leaving much of their greatness behind.

After the fall of the Combine Empire, the remnants of mankind dwelled mostly in the center of Tunaria, inhabiting primarily the vast and fertile plains of Karana. Villages appeared and prospered, several reaching the size of towns, and two even became cities.

To the west a strong and noble band of Humans, lead by Antonius Bayle the First, founded Qeynos under the lofty principles of law.

Freeport, to the east, became an active and dangerous port of call for all who dared to venture into the Ocean of Tears Humanity, much to the disdain of the elder races who watched from afar, remained strong, even daring to rename their home after one of their own instead of one of the gods. The great continent of Tunaria would forever more be known as Antonica.

This is not to imply, however, that humanity was at peace. Competition was fierce, and when resources grew scarce for one reason or another many groups abandoned the promises and alliances of their past and fought.

A few leaders spoke out against the violence, urging the masses to remember why they had fled the cold north. Others reminded them of their former glory and the might of the Combine Empire. These leaders insisted that humanity adhere once again to those principals to which all had agreed.

Explorers and adventurers returned from afar with tales of elves, dwarves, and other strange creatures, as well as descriptions of ancient abandoned cities. A few even came back with limited knowledge of sorcery and the mystic arts. And when that discontent minority of leaders heard all of this, they became both jealous and determined.

The Age of Enlightenment
A small, frail man of great intellect called Erud led this group, and he formed them into a council. They quickly became irritated, even disgusted, by their fellow man. Leaving a small network of spies behind, the remainder of Erud’s followers fled the city of Qeynos and boarded a small fleet of ships. They sailed to the west and landed upon the barren coast of the island of Odus. The land was sparse and uninhabited and quite appealing to the council and their people.

They quickly built a city of their own, dissimilar in almost every way to both Qeynos and Freeport, for it was almost entirely a towering castle. Erudin it was called, and within it the scribes and scholars, who called themselves High Men, gathered and analyzed reports, captured books and scrolls, and other artifacts brought to them by their spies.

The first human mages since the Combine Empire were born ? wizards, sorcerers, and enchanters occupied the great halls of Erudin and grew immensely in both power and knowledge.

The Age of Turmoil
It came to pass some years later that a small group of Erudites discovered the lost art of Necromancy.

They were branded heretics and great conflict arose. For the first time in several hundred years, the Erudites fought.

They engaged in a civil war not entirely dissimilar to that which they had loathed and fled from back on the mainland. But there was one very significant difference ? they did not use swords and bows, but rather magic, and the result was terrible.

Lives by the hundreds were lost, great buildings and structures destroyed, and eventually the heretics were forced to flee Erudin, to hide and regroup in the southern regions of Odus.

In one final battle, great mystic energies were released and an immense hole leading to unknown depths beneath the earth was created.

Into the sides of this chasm the heretics built their own city which they called Paineel. And while both sides still seethed with anger and hatred towards one another, their fear of what the last battle had wrought has kept any further conflict at bay.

Invasion of Earth


During the Elder Age of Norrath, the first Rallosian forces led by the great ogre Murdunk invaded the Plane of Earth – the realm ruled by The Rathe, Council of Thirteen. Under the command of Rallos Zek, the Warlord, Murdunk was instigated to invade this realm by Rallos Zek’s eldest son, Eriak. The goal was simple for Murdunk – he wanted to prove to Rallos Zek, the Warlord, that he was worthy to lead the forces of Zek throughout Norrath.

A great battle ensued and many guardians of earth perished along with numerous members of Murdunk’s Rallosian army. To their dismay, the invasion was destined to fail because of the regenerating ability that The Rathe possessed. When a member of the Council of Thirteen was slain another would replace it. This gave them great advantage and although many of their guardians had been defeated, The Rathe emerged victorious. Those Rallosians not slain were thrown from the plane by the wards of The Council of Thirteen.

News of the defeat spread quickly across the Rallosian Empire. Such a dramatic failure angered Rallos Zek. He was not content to wait for the heavily scarred and injured Murdunk to recuperate and chose to enlist master tacticians and proven war heroes Tallon and Vallon. Although he was extremely disappointed with Murdunk’s previous failure, Rallos Zek decided to allow him to accompany his horde in this second assault hoping to make use of the knowledge that Murdunk had acquired in his previous battles in the Plane of Earth.

With the power of the Warlord behind them, Tallon and Vallon rallied the legions of children of Zek and entered the Plane of Earth. This invasion was only partly successful – though the Rathelings’ power source remained untaken, the members of the Rathe Council were captured and brought to Norrath, where one of them was executed. Where this Rathe member fell, the Rathe Mountains were raised, and Lake Rathetear formed. The Rathelings were incensed at these brazen attacks, and mourned the death of the thirteenth council member; for one of them to die in Norrath was permanent and irreversible.

While Rallos Zek was unquestionably the greatest warrior ever to exist, he knew little of the inner working of the Planes of Power. Rallos Zek was ultimately scarred and disfigured by the same wards that had banished Eriak and he lay silently regenerating in the Plane of War while the reborn Rathe exacted vengeance on the army’s leaders. As the leader of the ogre nation and Zek army, Murdunk was slain.

To protect their realm from further fruitless attempts at invasion, the Rathe Council placed a curse upon all creatures of Zek. In this they were aided by several other members of the pantheon. The curse spread rapidly through the lush homelands of the giants and froze all of the lands, now known as Everfrost. The curse swept the lands of Norrath, striking any child of Zek that it touched, turning all followers of Zek into lesser beings in mind and body.

Tallon and Vallon, sensing their inevitable demise at the hands of the curse of the pantheon, called out to Rallos Zek to deliver them. Rallos Zek was sufficiently renewed by this time to summon Tallon and Vallon to his plane to escape the curse of the pantheon, but was unable to save the rest of his creations. Realizing that Eriak surely knew of the ward that protected the Plane of Earth and had failed to tell him of it, Rallos Zek brought the crippled form of Eriak before him. Rallos Zek tore from him the essence of warfare, tearing it into its more base elements and imbuing them to Tallon and Vallon, the two mortals who were able to succeed where Eriak had failed.

Eriak still retains a piece of the essence of war in his shattered and disfigured frame, but was banished to the lower levels of Drunder, the Fortress of Zek, to help in the menial tasks of forging weapons for his father’s armies. To this day the great form of Rallos Zek bears the scars from the ward of The Rathe beneath his blackened war armor, a silent reminder of the failure of his only son.

This is a pivotal moment in the history of Norrath. It is here that the forces of Discord plan to strike. Success by the Rallosians would mean that war would prevail on Norrath, and isn’t war a form of destruction, of discord?

The Korascian Warrens

The Korascian Warrens is the key invasion route for the Rallosian forces as they battle their way into the Rathe Council Chamber. This area of the Plane of Earth is adjacent to both the Rathe Council Chamber entrance and the portal to Toskirakk. The bulk of the Rallosian Army is in a siege camp in the northern canyon, facing the entrance to the Rathe Council Chamber.

The Warrens is named for the great frog Korascian Prime, who has guarded the approach to the Rathe Council for centuries. Now he and his minions are sequestered in the west astride the line of the Rallosian advance, battling ill-equipped Rallosian slaves who are sent in to distract the frogs. Many such slaves end up succumbing to Korascian Prime’s mesmerization powers and become thralls.

Korascian Prime’s original lair was destroyed by the Discordians with a great magical disjunction. This left a massive rift in the northeastern limb of the Korascian Warrens, exposing the Plane of Earth’s elemental crystal core, and venting out a new order of crystalline monstrosities which hate all other forms of life.

The Rathe Council Chamber

The Rathe Council Chamber is the original seat of The Rathe beings who govern the Plane of Earth. Its appearance reflects the essence of the powerful beings who rule here. Great stonework vaults linked with tunnels define the interior, which is patrolled by stone golems and guarded by many different kinds of creatures native to the Plane.

The Rallosian Army is attempting to destroy all thirteen members of The Rathe Council to seal Rallos Zek’s dominion over the Plane of Earth as well as Norrath. Should this happen, with Rallos gaining control over the source of the Rathelings’ magic, the balance of power among the gods would tilt inexorably in Rallos Zek’s favor, and Norrath would enter an age of endless disorder and destruction.


Toskirakk is the original capital city of the ogres and the mightiest bastion of the ancient Rallosian Empire. The slave-mine within is a platinum mine where much of the currency used in Norrath’s future would originate. With the growing dominance of their Empire, few outsiders remain as free people and the slave warrens grow crowded.

Chronicle of Gromok Vol. III

Freed of any obligations of duty, the soldiers that accompanied me and I set out in search of a fortress that had not yet fallen. We traveled and fought for countless weeks only to be greeted by death and misery at each destination, what survivors did remain at the ruined strongholds of our once great empire often joined us in our search for sanctuary or at the very least a place to rebuild our fallen society. Gradually as we traveled across Tunaria, what began as a small unit from the Fortress of Krithgor became a large caravan of refugees. We settled in the Feerrott Marshlands near the ruins of one of the Rallosian Empires greatest strongholds. A handful of capable warriors among us set out to the west in search of survivors at the locations of the Rathe’s executions and the death of Murdunk. Only two of the search party returned alive. They spoke of terrible devastation, Giants that were once allies of the Ogre people attacking without provocation, and of ferocious one-eyed giants that now guarded the valleys and canyons of the Mountains of Rathe’s Demise.

So it came to pass that the Feerrott Marsh became the new home of we, the Ogre people. The men took on duties of hunting food in addition to protecting the women and children from wild beasts of the marsh. The women harvested and cultivated what forms of crops could be grown in the marshy soil. The children did nothing, and this instilled fear into our minds and hearts.

The children born to us survivors of the collapse of the Rallosian Empire were noticeably and frighteningly different than children of previous generations. This new generation of Ogres was for the most part hairless, only females showed any ability to grow hair and even then it was a thin and straggly. The flesh of the youngsters was of a paler complexion and warty and course, they suffered frequently from conditions that turned their eyes bloodshot, made their noses runny, and they often drooled incessantly. It soon became apparent however that these physical conditions were the least of our worries for they were still physically strong and enduring. It was their minds that concerned us the most.

Chronicle of Gromok Vol. I

The Chronicle of Gromok Hergom

I ink these words for fear that my once proud and mighty Ogres will forget the events I have seen in my long life. I am known at the time of this inking as Elder Gromok but I was once a soldier of little renown and status in the mighty Rallosian Legions under the command of Warlord Murdunk.

I was not raised to be an Elder of my fellow Ogres. My training was that of a soldier and I concerned myself only with the arts of warfare. It is with reluctance that I now bear the mantle of Elder and the cause of that reluctance is the same reason that I ink this tale.

I was stationed at the Fortress of Krithgor when the ogre magi first opened the portals to the Planes of Power. Plans were quickly laid and orders sent to our fortresses and troops in all corners of Tunaria. A large invasion force of Ogres, Giants, Orcs, and Goblins gathered at the newly opened planar portals. At the time I felt disappointed that my orders were to remain at Fortress Krithgor, that disappointment quickly turned to anger when I learned that the invasion failed, and although Warlord Murdunk survived our losses were great.

Some time passed before news reached the Fortress of Krithgor that a second invasion was being orchestrated. Rumors circled like hungry buzzards over a field of carnage concerning the plans for this second invasion. It was even said that Rallos Zek was to lead the campaign with Warlord Murdunk and the most renowned champions of the Giants, Orcs, and Goblins by his side. Once again my orders were to remain at the home front to defend the women, children, and elderly citizens of the Rallosian Empire.

It was not long after the invasion forces of the Rallosian Legions once again passed through the portals to the Planes of Power that the home front too became a place of battle, slaughter, and glory. Mortal disciples of deities opposed to The Warlord, Rallos Zek, attacked the citizens and fortresses of the Rallosian Empire on Tunaria. Our enemies fought valiantly, and the resulting battles were the most glorious I was ever to behold. My weapons and armor were stained with the blood of our foes, and our children and elders kept safe within our impenetrable strongholds. Messengers passing through the Fortress of Krithgor spoke of the victories of the legion units led by Rallos Zek, Warlord Murdunk, and the Generals Tallon and Vallon. It was said that the Rathe Council, the twelve rulers of the Plane of Earth had been captured and forced to Norrath where they were being executed by Murdunk and his Generals, that mountains burst from the earth where the gods fell and that the dying tears of the fallen gods formed a cold, deep lake between the newly risen mountain peaks.