Category Archives: Solusek's Eye

The Minions of the Mighty Creature Catalog

The Minions of the Mighty Creature Catalog
by Pearl Honeywine

Throughout Norrath there are regions which seem a wellspring of hidden power. Three such areas have been uncovered by travellers thus far: Permafrost, Cazic Thule and Solusek’s Eye. Fortunately for the living, they are scattered, which likely helps keep the sources of their strengths from joining together.

Of course, no one knows from what source each of these regions derives its energy. Permafrost is within Everfrost to the far north. Within the forbidding boundaries of Lavastorm, one can find Solusek’s Eye. Cazic Thule, named for the ancient god of Fear, is entered through his ancient Temple within the jungles of the Feerrott.

Take into account the weather for the region in which these focal points is located to know what to expect. Permafrost is aptly named, as no thaw reaches this icy realm. Solusek’s Eye takes the traveller into the fiery abyss of Mount Solusek. The Temple of Cazic Thule is well-known to trap the unwary and fill even the stout-hearted with dread. Walk carefully in these realms, should you decide to see them for yourself.

It is an unusual twist of the god’ humor that of old, there is but one plant in common to all three realms: the death’s head lichen. It endures heat, cold, damp, and desert conditions to thrive practically unseen on the bones of the fallen. The death’s head lichen can only be seen using a gnomish scope on harvested skulls or other large bone fragments.

Centers of concentrated energy are often filled with golems that feed on that power. In addition to these magical protectors, some living and some not, who see it as their purpose to protect that region from all who dare intrude.

Into the Depths of: Solusek’s Eye

Overview of the Solusek’s Eye

Located within the great volcano of the Lavastorm Mountains, Solusek’s Eye is a set of caverns with molten lava and precious ores running through it. The depths of these lava-filled caverns are full of gnome miners, vicious kobolds, and fire goblins. The fire goblins and the fire giant – deeper within the caverns – are protectors of the great red dragon, Lord Nagafen.

Background Lore
The Solusek Mining Company, an intrepid group of gnomes, ventured to Solusek’s Eye from their home city of Ak’Anon to mine ore and produce tinkered creations. To aid the excavation of this dangerous s region, the gnomes have brought with them a horde of clockwork miners who can better tolerate the intense heat emanating from the pools and rivers of magna.

Fire goblins also make these caverns home, unaffected by the searing heat. Though the mining company and fire goblin clan are not in direct conflict, they have no love for each other. They do, however, share a hatred for the Solusek kobolds and the fire giants. The fire giants and the fire goblins both serve the great red dragon, Lord Nagafen.
Those that dare to trek too deeply through Solusek’s Eye are advised to be wary of stumbling into the lair, for creatures that lurk there are far more deadly than the goblins and fire elementals of Solusek’s Eye. The lair is accessed through the innermost tunnel system of the complex.

If one is brave enough to endure the suffocating heat of the lava and the constant torment of the goblins, Solusek’s Eye can be a wonderful place to find wealth. The ore mined by the goblins and gnomes can be sold for a handsome price to merchants in various towns. Also, the shamanistic magic of the globins has allowed them to craft simple trinkets with properties that could prove helpful.


Solusek’s Eye is not only full of dangerous goblins who would kill anyone entering into their territory, but the lava that flows throughout the caverns can melt through the sturdiest of armor. The ledges and causeways are oftentimes very narrow here and falling into the lava is an ever-present danger.

Fire Goblin King

When the red dragon, Lord Nagafen, descended upon the desolate, fiery peaks of Lavastorm, he compelled the fire goblins who had resided in this region for many generations to construct for him a subterranean lair in the nethermost bowls of the immense volcano. Lord Nagafen was able to impose his will by taking advantage of the Fire Goblin King offering him and his heirs an unchallenged role over his own people, backed personally by the great dragon himself. Dimwitted and eager to please this massive, god-like creature of immense power, the goblins quickly went to work, constructing the tunnels and grand chamber that would house the fire dragon.

The king has presided over his people without opposition or uprising ever since – an occurrence of social stability that is quire rare about the goblins of Norrath. To this he continues to directly oversee the fire goblins of Solusek’s Eye, answering only to Lord Nagafen. It is known that the goblin king and his subjects hold a great contempt for the kobolds and fire giants who protect Nagafen’s lair – a disdain that is borne of jealously and contest for their great fire lords favor.


LDON 5 – Secrets in the Solusek Mines

Mines Chalky fingers wiggled through a crack in the wall, deftly whittling the mortar and stone apart a little further. The fingers disappeared and then a muffled, repetitive thud came from behind the wall. There was a loud crack as the stone wall split apart. With one more thud the stones in the wall broke free and marked the mossy ground.

All was still for a moment.

Slowly, a dusty figure squirmed sideways through the fracture in the wall and worked its way outside. Coughing quietly and wafting the dust from his face, Morden Rasp squinted as he adjusted to the light of the day.

He reached back behind the wall and pulled out a number of lightly packed bags that clanged as they shifted in his grasp. A grin broke the sternness of Morden’s face. Delighted about the treasures he lifted from the deepest halls of Chardok, Morden made his way to his camp.

Morden appeared out of the heavy mist, waving his bags.

“Do you have enough to satisfy you for now?” Nedaria asked dryly.

“There is no such thing as satisfied, me dear,” snickered Morden.

Nedaria showed Morden a scribbled note that was delivered earlier that day from an oasis in the deserts of Ro.

“The Solusek Mining Company has sent word that the kobold tribes are more active than usual. The gnomes made mention of some sort of uprising. If the kobolds cause a great enough disturbance in Solusek’s Eye, it will be interesting to watch if nothing else,” Nedaria said. “These activities may open up great opportunities for us should they reach as deep as Nagafen’s Lair.”

Morden’s eyes lit up.

“I know those lands well,” Tondal said. “I remember them from my travels as a youth. We servants often accompanied our masters during journeys beyond Neriak’s gates,” Tondal grinned, happy to be of greater value to Morden and Nedaria.

Excited about a new adventure, Morden gathered the ever-increasing number of adventurers around him and gave them the order to start packing up the camp. It wouldn’t be long before the adventurers would hoist the sail on the Thorn of the White Rose.


The Crimson Teir


Innoruuk, God of Hate, created the dark elves by kidnapping the king and queen of the elves, who were created by Tunare, and twisting them to his own image. The result was a cruel subterranean dark-skinned race. The dark elves are the means through which Innoruuk plots to destroy the races of Tunare, Prexus, and Brell Serilis who made a pact to populate Norrath with the races they created. Innoruuk especially despises the elves and dwarves.

It is said that in the past, Innoruuk had a group of chosen Teir’Dal followers he employed to spread hate across the face of Norrath. These chosen were known as The Crimson Teir. Only the highest and most decorated followers of Innoruuk were chose to hold these positions. To each he entrusted a piece of armor that they were bound to, in life and in unlife. These relics allowed them to channel some of Innoruuk’s power, and with their aid they sowed suffering and hate across the world. Though this pleased the Prince of Hate, he had ulterior motives, for he was already planning the coming of his Child.

This armor, though it granted the owner incredible power, that power came at a terrible price. Each piece was bound to the soul of the owner, and slowly drained away the life essence of the possessor. These spiritually desiccated creatures would eventually serve as the tests he would pit his child against. The now physically ruined and mentally corrupted Crimson Teir can no longer comprehend their roles in the glory of their wicked master, Innoruuk. They know only bedlam in a hollow and endless existence of unlife.

Acting on the advice of her teacher, Laarthik K’Shin, Lanys T’Vyl sets forth to reclaim the pieces of armor from the Crimson Teir, now scattered across the world. Her first test brings her to the old Teir’Dal city of Befallen to obtain the Abhorrent Bracers of Darkness. The following is a missive sent to Neriak by Laarthik K’Shin:

The night began with a gathering of the Teir’Dal outside Neriak. They knew Lanys would appear, as it was her custom to do so at that hour. She was expected. I, however, was not. My arrival helped to unite the servants of Hate and defeat the heathens, which had dared to venture into Nektulos.

I was allowed to speak from the Great Rock, what we now call the Pulpit; I addressed those assembled with the following words:

“From the time of my birth, in the age of the lost, I have seen our people divided by what has created us. I am an old, old man, given life anew by our Prince of Hate, and I was bade to teach young Lanys, the Daughter. This is now the time we join to change the face of Tunaria, what you know as Antonica. The children of the weaker gods have been catered to and protected long enough! It is time for us to show our unified power! United, we shall make our name known that its merest utterance shall inspire unbridled terror. We shall stain the lands with heathen blood as a tribute to our Prince. Tonight begins the ascension of Lanys T’vyl!”

Throughout my speech, many of the enraptured slashed themselves, spilling their blood upon the ground as personal offerings. With the arrival of Lanys T’Vyl, war chants and songs of praise rose throughout the crowd. A palpable energy seemed to flow from them, prickling my skin. What a joyous time for the Teir’Dal, one that shall not soon be forgotten. Now was the time to harness the rising tide of passion and hate, and direct it toward our goal.

“We shall march on the Commonlands,” I shouted, “and greet the first of the Crimson Teir. Young Lanys has determined their weakest link through her deep meditations, and tonight, we sever that link! Who will join in escorting the Child of Innoruuk to our common destiny?”

We began our march on the Commonlands. There was one dissenter who decided to declare his own war at this time, trying to divide us. “The Crimson Teir have aligned themselves with the Freeport Shadowknights, and they are amassing a force outside the city!” We continued on to the Commonlands, however, not to be diverted from our goal.

Upon entering the Commonlands, Lanys pointed, and spoke in dark-speech so all could hear, “We go to the western portion of the Commonlands.”

Defending the Daughter became a task, as many Kodiaks patrolled where we walked, but my sword arm never faltered. At last we reached the entrance to the lost city Befallen. The futile attempts on the life of the Daughter by paladins, druids and bards there grew tiresome. A druid in wolf-form brought a group of hill giants to attack, but knowing Innoruuk guided me that night, we were victorious over them.

While we awaited the last of our army to reassemble, I shared a tale of our first encounter with the barbarians in their frigid land. Soon, it was time to mount our offensive.

Within Befallen, many light-dwellers employed the Guise of the Deceiver against us, but we saw through the glamour easily. The offending bard, enchanter and wizard were set upon by the throng and quickly dispatched.

We raged through the lost city to the third level, where we finally engaged Jerak T’Shir. The battle lasted nearly twenty minutes. Many of the undead in that place joined in the fray, assisting their own against us. Lanys was badly injured, and I was unable to heal my student. However, there in the midst of the chaos, one of our own brave clerics healed the Daughter, pledging to protect her. It was an inspiring sight!

The knight fell, and his Bracer latched onto Lanys as the new owner. She smiled grimly, then bowed her head in prayer. I took this opportunity to reward the fallen knight’s barbed leg plates to the young cleric, promising that in time, she, too, would have a teacher, one that would show her just what her fate as a Daughter would be.

Lanys saw fit to take the coin from me and give it to a young dark one. Methinks she fancied him, but perhaps I will see him on the sacrificial table before her work is done.

I leave you with this tale of the battle, and return to my duties as Teacher.

–Laarthik K’Shin

Several days after recovering the bracers of darkness, Laarthik K’Shin again appears in Nektulos Forest. He tells those of the faithful that the time of Lanys T’Vyl’s second trial is at hand. This one he feels will be especially hard, there’s no telling what is in store when you enter the lair of Najena.

Laarthik gathers a group of those faithful to Innoruuk. Lanys appears, speaking to her followers in a cold, heartless manner. The party, afraid of the power that she possesses, remains quiet in a bowing stance before the Child of Hate. Lanys, Laarthik and the faithful dark elves journeyed to Najena to face yet another of the Crimson Teir’Dal.

After passing through Lavastorm Mountains, they make their way to the Najena’s dungeon. In the depths of this dark fortress, Lanys and her followers find Tovin D`Rin, the second Crimson Teir`Dal. This skeletal magician is protected by Agony and Strife; his roguish imp pets that Najena helped him create long ago. They are probably the most powerful creations the twisted Najena has ever created. Agony and Strife are linked to Tovin in such a way that he cannot be harmed while these pets remain alive.

Lanys and her party fiercely slay Agony and Strife, leaving Tovin D`Rin open for attack. Tovin begins to panic and shouts “Mortal… NO! Agony and Strife have departed me. I am mortal again!” Lanys and her followers begin their attack on him weakening him with each hit. Once Tovin has been defeated, Lanys finds herself in possession of the Abhorrent Boots of Darkness.

For his assistance with the battle, Laarthik rewards the most devout warrior of the party with his blackened iron bastard sword. Lanys and Laarthik then return to Neriak.

“Through magic, The Crimson Teir is bound. Through hate, The Crimson Teir is strong. Through age, The Crimson Teir is wise. Feeling the connection sever between their members, they flee to the far corners of the lands, in futile hope that they will be forgotten. If it were only so simple…”

In his dreams, Laarthik sees visions in pairs: fire and stone, primitives and gnomes, and two faces marked in red. He awakes with a start, immediately knowing where next his path leads.

Laarthik K`Shin quickly confronts the dwellers of Neriak, the children of Innoruuk. He warns them of the difficult tasks that awaits Innoruuk’s chosen child. As he explains to them the journey they must take, Lanys T`Vyl appears before them in her usual powerful and threatening fashion.

The adventurers make haste to Solusek’s Eye where the last of the Crimson Teir awaits. Upon entering Lavastorm Mountains, Lanys is attacked by a high elven assassin. He fears her power over the dark elven nation and what she might bring upon Norrath. He is no match for Lanys and her followers, however.

Deep in the tunnels of Solusek’s Eye, Enchantress Mydraa K`syk and the thief Talia K`syk make a hopeless effort to flee the coming of Innoruuk’s chosen child, for they know that with each member of the Crimson Teir that falls, Lanys grows in power.

Realizing that they will not be able to escape quickly enough, they charm four inhabitants of the caverns to defend them. These Stolen Clockwork XDCV units are formidable warriors, but provide only a small amount of protection against the Child of Hate.

Upon reaching the Crimson Teir, Lanys’s followers engage the guardians. Many of them perish.

“Defeat them!” Laarthik K`Shin shouts. “We must defeat them for the Child of Hate!” As the last of the Crimson Teir falls, the last pieces of the Abhorrent Armor of Darkness affixes themselves to Lanys. At that moment, a circle of flame surrounds her, and she is rocked by waves of violent power. Lanys T`Vyl becomes the true child of darkness and hate.

Conium's Notebook Part One

“Conium’s Notebook One Nubs Came to Visit. My old friend Nubs returned from his journey to the Lavastorm Mountains, his hands still stained red with the blood of the goblins native to those lands. Among his bag of trophies I found a strange black fungus. Nubs calls it a DEATH CAP due to a white vaguely skull-shaped marking adorning the cap. Nubs tells me they are grown by kobolds who live in the volcano of Solusek’s Eye, and that two, combined with BLACK HENBANE, also grown by the kobolds, create a poison that numbs a person’s mind so that they are oblivious to actions around them. Be sure to have a SEALED POISON VIAL and LARENT SUSPENSION for storage. Heh, Nubs says the kobold shamans ingest it themselves in prayer to their god. A Really Angry Goblin. I had just returned from the Lesser Faydarks where I had gone to collect some PIXIE DUST so that I may experiment with the rumor that the dust can sometimes drive a person crazy. Upon opening my pack I discovered that the dust had spilt and now coated the AMANITA PHALLOIDE fungi I had collected from the rotten mulch that passes for a lawn in the Estate of Unrest. Thinking my pixie dust wasted I went ahead and prepared the fungi in the usual manner with a SEALED POISON VIAL and LARENT SUSPENSION and set out to hunt goblins. I found me a goblin all right and boy was I surprised when the fungi poison I had coated my blades with made him go berserk. I’ve never seen a goblin fight so desperately in all my years slaying the vermin. Fortunately the ugly critter dropped dead within minutes of the poison taking effect.”

Pages from Brodders Diary IV

“The Drakes of Steamfont tend to rest near some of the hotter steamvents in that land. There they shed their old skins, on this grows a lichen of properties unsurpassed in all of Norrath. Collecting this lichen, some water and a clay pot I joked that this would combine to make a potable alcohol of unusual flavors. It did indeed, and to Catbik’s distaste proved much more palatable than his favored gnomish spirits, and nearly as smooth as some of the aged Vodkas I’ve tasted. To keep the Gnomes happy I named this a Gnomish Cleaning fluid recipe as it resulted in two fluids. The pot itself decanted and filtered into a bottle provided a small potable beverage that I enjoyed, but the remains in the pot proved, once aged, that it’d make a great stripper and cleanser. A LICHEN COVERED DRAKE SCALE, found near steam vents, cooking POT, WATER FLASK, and a BOTTLE, result in SUPERIOR LICHEN SPIRITS, and a pot of cleaning paste. The Minotaurs of Steamfront had few ideas on brewing that I discovered, but it’s rumored that a visiting Minotaur Hero had a case of huge bottles of a Malt heavy brew, from our tort…um questioning sessions, with several slavers in the area and compounded by my knowledge of brewing, I’ve determined that this MINOTAUR HERO’S BREW was a heavy malted liquor. I think I’ve properly reproduced it, though due to the varied natures of waters, hops, and malt around the lands its quality can vary. Until I find the proper recipe this one shall bear its name. Take thee three MALTS of heavy quality, a single YEAST, two measures of WATER, and two SHORT BEERS to start the reaction, into a CASK of darken wood place these and let steep. Decant into bottles of Large size, suited for heroes, cover this bottle in brown parchment or leather to keep the sunlight off of it and provide discretion for others will want one themselves. I’ve found large bottles produced in Feerrott, by the ogre glass blowers, and in Solusek by the goblins there.”