Category Archives: Swifttail Caste

The Tragic Tale of Brother Balatin

by Brother Nusad, Clan Historian
Of all the honored members of the Whistling Fists Clan, few tales are more heartbreaking than that of Brother Balatin. This great monk was beset by tragedy and treachery, and worst of all he blamed himself for the events that transpired.

Brother Balatin journeyed to the lands of Kunark during the Age of Turmoil, where he was observing the progress of the Swifttail Caste. He carried with him an artifact that was priceless to the Whistling Fists Clan: the ancient flute that the order’s founder, Zan Fi, had played as he mastered the ways of the bard. To be entrusted with carrying the flute of Zan Fi was a great honor that Brother Balatin took very seriously.

Two initiates of the Court of Pain, the Vistrei twins, showed a particular interest in the flute. They spoke to Brother Balatin at length, and the monk was impressed by the knowledge they showed regarding the history of his order. The twins told him that they had been exploring the abandoned Combine outpost in the Lost Valley and discovered some relics of Zan Fi. Brother Balatin was elated at the prospect of recovering more of the great master’s history, and asked that the Vistrei show him what they had found.

But the twins had deceived the honored monk. Upon arriving at the outpost, the Vistrei sprung a trap and ambushed Brother Balatin. Rendering their target unconscious, the iksar stole the flute of Zan Fi and fled the outpost.

Upon regaining consciousness, Brother Balatin was heartbroken. He blamed himself for being so foolish as to be lured into such deception. He swore an oath to all the gods that he would not rest until he had recovered the sacred flute.

The other monks of the Whistling Fists Clan did not blame Brother Balatin for what occurred. They bid him return to the monastery at Mara while they continued the search. The burden, he said, must be his alone. Though his fellow monks pleaded with him, he would not abandon his oath.

Brother Balatin stayed in Kunark for the rest of his days, but he never found the Vistrei again. Every lead he followed ended in disappointment. At long last the aged monk died, atop a monument where it was said that Zan Fi had practiced the Whistling Fists style he created. His last words were a plea to his master’s spirit to forgive him for his failure.

But even in death, Brother Balatin was true to his vow. His bones remained, though his tormented soul was trapped in madness. Other members of the Whistling Fists Clan carried on the search in hopes of finding the flute and finally bringing peace to Balatin’s soul.

Decades later, an aspiring initiate, whose name was lost in the mists of time, found that the sacred flute had been broken into two pieces which were held in the depths of Kunark. This honorable monk recovered the fragments and returned them to the remains of Brother Balatin, finding some way to soothe his maddened spirit and make it lucid again. Overjoyed at this discovery, Balatin blessed the monk with his own robe, hidden away and carefully preserved during his lifetime.

Before his spirit departed the mortal realm, Brother Balatin’s ghost spirited the fragments back to the monastery where the sacred flute could be restored. Balatin proved to be one of the most dedicated monks the Whistling Fists Clan had ever seen, for even in death he fulfilled his sacred promise.

(Author’s note: If any who read this know the name of the young monk who recovered the pieces of Zan Fi’s flute, please send word to me. It would be a great honor to write the story of this monk’s life and heroic deeds.)

Genesis of Fist and Tail

The Swifttail Caste, Fists and Tails of Cabilis

It was in dawning of the Sebilisian Empire that the art of fist and tail was forged. In the beginning, the pugilists of the great tribes were nothing more than warriors without weapons. Soon we would be forged into weapons.

Grandmaster Tynn was the father of our disciplines. He came to the empire from an unknown tribe. Some say he was a ronin who wandered the worlds of Norrath where he formed the basis of the city of Sebilis with no rebirth. He entered to form a caste which did not exist. He was quickly challenged by the warlords. He spoke his words and they did not listen. He knew the only way to make them understand was to challenge their finest in The Gauntlet. He called for four of the finest warlords and allowed them arms. The warlords agreed, thinking his challenge as easy task.

Grandmaster Tynn quickly dispatched of the warlords with nothing more than fist and tail. He fought in a way never displayed. His victory earned him much respect and Emperor Sathir soon commanded him to form the Court of Pain and raise an army of monks. Tynn formed the Swifttail Caste.

Soon the way of fist and tail had hundreds in it’s ranks, climbing the rungs. Tynn showed them they were not warriors, but monks.

They would don shackles as testament to the Age of Snake when the Iksar were a race enslaved. Inner strength and harmony were taught. The Swifttail were born.

The Swifttail were disbanded during the End Days. It was not till the rise of the new empire under Emperor Vekin did the caste reform. Grandmaster Glox, a former disciple of Tynn, came to New Sebilis to rebuild the Court of Pain. In honor of Tynn, all masters now drape themselves in a robe like he wore.


The Monastery of the Lost Circle

Tsaph Katta, Imperator of the Combine, knew of Zan Fi’s reputation and skill. After hearing how mighty the Whistling Fists Clan was becoming, the Imperator sought to compel Zan Fi to become a part of his army. Our wise master could see the corruption that flowed through the troubled empire, however, and declined to offer his support. Though Katta was infuriated by this refusal, he was beset on too many fronts to attempt to force Zan Fi into his service.

As the Combine Empire crumbled and some of its members left for the distant moon of Luclin, the wise Zan Fi knew that Norrath was facing a time of turmoil. He and his followers traveled the lands, setting an example of order and discipline that was sorely needed in the wake of the Combine Empire’s collapse. Wherever he went, Zan Fi seemed to inspire new followers.

Some merely sought to apply the master’s lessons to their daily lives, overcoming chaos in an uncertain world. Others attempted to emulate his ways by establishing new monk orders, linked in spirit to the Whistling Fists Clan. One such group was the Ashen Order, which was devoted to the path of Tranquility and the goddess Quellious. The Silent Fist Clan, which followed no specific deity, established itself within the walls of Qeynos. Even the iksar, who normally hated “softskin” outsiders, were in awe of Zan Fi’s talents and were inspired to found the Swifttail Caste. Though he was willing to act as a teacher for all these monks, he shared his Whistling Fists style only with his most trusted students.

Many of the nation states that arose after the fall of the Combine offered to make a home for the Whistling Fists Clan, but Zan Fi was wary of pledging his allegiance to any single kingdom. Knowledge and wisdom, he said, were not meant to be confined to a single nation or people. Instead, he set sail for a distant land where his followers could concentrate on their studies and practice their disciplines. It is said that Zan Fi was granted a vision of a serene island where he was to build a grand tower. He followed no map, but rather listened to a mysterious song that seemed to be guiding his journey.

When his ship caught sight of the tranquil shores of Mara, Zan Fi knew he had found the island in his vision. The monks established their monastery, centered around the Tower of the Four Winds.

Though centered on a remote island, the members of the Whistling Fists Clan were not isolationists. Zan Fi believed strongly that his order should keep a watchful eye on Norrath, though he insisted on subtlety and discretion. Whistling Fists monks traveled the world, safeguarding the people of Norrath and occasionally finding worthy students to join their ranks. Because the monks were careful to not draw attention to themselves, many Norrathians believed that the Whistling Fists Clan had disappeared entirely, which led to the order being referred to by many as “the Lost Circle.”

The Forbidden Pages

A collection of notes regarding or written by Grandmaster Tynn, founder of the Swifttail Caste.

“These pages have been deemed forbidden and possession of them is punishable by death. The destructive words and ideals of Tynn must not come to harm the Empire of Ik.”
— Sairox, High Record Keeper of Sebilis.

Nothing is known of this legendary iksar prior to his emergence from the jungles of the northeast Kunark only five years after the great Venril Sathir had united our tribes. He came with a superior knowledge of the combat arts and filled with a strange calm that came from the complete balance of body, mind, and spirit. He solicited the emperor to allow him to create a caste of monks that he could train to perfect themselves and better his people.

“The Emperor Sathir was wary of my proposition to train others in the ways of enlightenment. It was apparent that he wanted to control what his people were taught to insure that they did not rebel against him. However, he was intrigued with the notion presented and set his best warriors upon me. I was unwilling to fight. I did not come to the court of Sebilis as entertainment, but to teach my people how to better themselves through focus and training. When reminded of this the emperor just scoffed and commanded his men to attack. It was because of my great desire to bring enlightenment to my people that I did what the emperor wanted…” — Tynn

“It was amazing! I saw one iksar stand among the many fallen in Sathir’s court. With blinding speed and power, this wanderer, Tynn, dispatched many of the emperor’s elite warriors with his bare claws! As he fought, powerful bursts of energy and force exploded from his fists, feet, and tail as if he was consumed by an unexplainable power. All the while his face and posture told the story of one that was completely calm and focused amid the chaos of battle.”

— Anonymous courtisan of Sebilis.

Official Announcement

The Exalted Emperor Sathir, in his great wisdom, has desired to better his people by instituting the formation of the Swifttail Caste. Newly appointed Grandmaster Tynn will select from the best that the Sebilisian Empire has to offer and train them in the ways of superior combat. This is a glorious day and all will benefit from the benevolence of our emperor!
All hail the great Venril Sathir!

“The students you have sent me do not wish to perfect themselves. My teachings have been perverted and my ways disregarded. They are only concerned with how to punch harder, kick faster, move swifter. They have come to call the sparring grounds the ‘Court of Pain’, and established a tier system to rank themselves, so that they can glory in their own accomplishments in defeating one another. I know not if it was ignorance or out of insult that made them use my name for the highest rank, but the irony is not lost on me. I cannot teach those that are unwilling to listen.”

— Grandmaster Tynn to the Emperor Sathir

“Grandmaster Tynn has left us. He just rose up in the middle of another one of his useless lectures on meditation and walked off into the jungle. Good riddance, he had outlived all of his usefulness. We have learned all that grayscale had to teach us. We still have his writings on form and his diagram for something called the Claw of Instruction. Maybe someone will get around to constructing that.”

— Anonymous student at the Court of Pain in Cabalis