Category Archives: Takish'Hiz

Dorn B’Dynn

A tall and well-formed dark elf, Dorn B’Dynn is in self-imposed exile in the Desert of Ro, and hates every moment of it. Raised a member of the Cauldron of Hate, the guild of warriors in Neriak, B’Dynn has never been satisified with his position in Teir’Dal society. He has spent his long life plotting to increase his prestige, seeking the status that comes with personal power. B’Dynn took up the study of necromancy, but discovered that even that did not meet his needs. When teh guildmaster of the Cauldron of Hate decided he neded a trusted warrior to maintain a present in the Desert of Ro, B’Dynn saw great opportunity to gain a reputation, so he volunteered.

B’Dynn’s main duty is to ensure various smuggled goods shipped from Faydwer and Kunark are delivered safely to the Dismal Rage in Freeport. He also spies on other forces within Ro and the Oasis of Marr, mtains diplomatic ties to the Scorchfist Orcs, and arranges safe passage of trolls out of Grobb (a service that requires the trolls to serve a Teir’Dal master for several years – a source of many troll guards for the dark elves).

B’Dynn has gone far beyond his stated duties, however. He has forme da close alliance with the dervishes of the desert, and plans to bring them fully under his control in teh decades to come. He hopes to make them the core of his own army, with which he will claim control of all the lands from Freeport to Innothule Swamp. He then intends to take control of the troll lands as well, bolstering his army further. Once he has this level of mastery he plans to make a conerted effort to raid the remains of Takish’Hiz, and any other old elven ruin, regardless of how many dervishes and trolls he has to kill in the effort. He sees the gypsies as his primary opposition in this effort, and never misses an opportunity to make their lives difficult.

Quest: Seakillers’ Heads
Faction: Cauldron of Hate (-1 rank)
NPC: Dorn B’Dynn
CR: 17
Reward: +1 faction rank with the Cauldron of Hate and the Coalition of Tradefolk Underground (maximum +3 each from this quest). 10d10 platinum pieces
Consequences: -1 faction rank with the Gypsies and the Knights of Truth
Quest Summary:
A trio of 3 seafury cyclops brothers called Malquar, Heferus and Querl Seakiller have discovered one of the routes used by the smugglers who support the Teir’Dal, and have been stealing supplies and destroying ships. Dorn B’Dynn has discovered they have a lair in the southern Desert of Ro, but is unwilling to risk himself to find their exact location or to attack them himself. He is more than happy to allow a band of adventurers trying to gain acceptannce with the dark elves to risk their lives in solving his problem.
B’Dynn doesn’t care about the stolen goods or the destroyed ships and their crews, as such losses are inevitable in a smuggling operation, but if the Seakillers aren’t elminated the losses may become too great for him to hide from his masters in Neriak. What he needs is the heads of the three brothers brought to him as proof they are no longer a threat to his operations.
The quest can be rerun with different foes, such as sand giants, Quag Maelstrom and even Cazel

Befallen: Chapterhouse of the Fallen

Chapterhouse of the Fallen is an extension of the original Befallen, which was inaccessible until the fear shard crashed here. Befallen was previously a military outpost built by the Order of Marr’s Fist, a group of knights and clerics who worshipped either/both Mithaniel Marr and Erollisi Marr.

Over time, many have entered Befallen and attempted to claim the dark power for their own. One of these was a gnome necromancer named Menizzia, who gained some control over the dark power there and used it to resurrect the long dead Marnek Jaull, a gnome necromancer who had fought the elves of Takish Hiz long ago. Though he was once powerful, he had lost much from his death centuries ago.

With the arrival of the shard of fear, he was able to use its power to gain total control over the evil within Befallen. At the same time, the shard’s impact opened up routes to previously inaccessible areas of Befallen. Marnek Jaull has made his way deep into these new areas and is working on absorbing all the power from the shard of fear.


Ardathium, Volume IV

No doubt fell upon Grenic’s mind that Tjarduugh would launch an attack that would more than likely cripple Ardathium, if not destroy it. His men were weary and few amidst their immeasurable bravery and honor. The attack could not occur if Ardathium were to survive, and above all things, Grenic’s vow to Viannay was held in the foremost of all his considerations.
He ordered the pilgrims to leave Ardathium for their own safety, vowing to them that they would hear word when and if it was safe for them to return. The Che Virtuson were then organized and prepared to act as mediators of defense, for to launch an offensive with such an army of a mere five hundred soldiers and priests would be suicide and inevitably guarantee Ardathium’s downfall.

Grenic sent a message with the pilgrims, who had to travel through the Elddar forest to reach safety as he had instructed them to do so. A small band of the migrating pilgrims stopped at one of the elven outposts on the eastern border of the forest. There, they left Grenic’s message, which would reach Elwyean in the halls of Takish’Hiz. The great Koada’Dal wizard was quick to follow Grenic’s request for his guidance and wisdom, for this several thousand year-old elf was the grand-sire of Viannay and had given his blessing for Ardathium’s construction outside of the sacred forest.

The news was nothing new to Elwyean, for Ardathium’s impending doom had not escaped the keen eyes of the elves. Elwyean advised Grenic that the destruction of the swamp would diminish much of the troll’s forces and would leave them in scattered chaos. Grenic was hesitant, though he did not take Elwyean’s advice lightly, for an elf’s pledge to destroy a natural niche was not something uttered in every lifetime. The elves of the Elddar believed that the swamp was corrupt – that the trolls’ darkness had seeped into every fiber of the land and that even the trolls’ destruction would not uproot the whole of the evil that had infected the region. The wizard informed Grenic that the swamp would inevitably be destroyed by the elves, but it was up to Grenic to decide whether or not this act would be one in favor of his city’s continued existence, or one executed after Ardathium’s fall.

Before the Sands: Takish’Hiz and Silent

This papyrus tome details the ancient cities of Takish’Hiz and Ahket Aken, the latter of which became known as the Silent City. In its pages are stories of the Sul’dae elves, residents of Akhet Aken and worshipers of Anashti Sul. It talks about a theological split in the cities, when the followers of Ahket Aken separated themselves from the larger kingdom of Takish’Hiz, believing that their faith in Anashti Sul would lead them to eternal life under her guidance.

Lore: A War Brewing?

Problems have come up between the High Elves, Dark Elves, and Trolls. An omen of things to come?


Report from the Wilds

* The following is found on a note of tanned vellum written in black ink in small economic handwriting

* High Priest Yeolarn Bronzeleaf of Tunare, War is upon us. Six months ago we lost the port of Firiona Vie to the forces of Lanys T’Vyl. Two weeks ago, our own city of Felwithe came under attack by Tier’Dal terror troops. I watched our shop owners bleed to death on the cobblestone streets of my home. Never more than now has Felwithe faced imminent danger. It is all around us. Rifts tear open between worlds. Holes break open to the lost lairs of beasts from the old ages. Yet for centuries the council of Felwithe chose to remain passive. It is clear that we must move on our own. I begin to gather information and I begin to plant the seeds within those who will act on Felwithe’s behalf. I have sent my spies to the far reaches of Norrath in search of information. They already begin to return with dark and sinister plots. It is these plots that I will report to you over the following weeks. Last week one of my troll spies traveled to Neriak and listened to the trolls who reside there after the fall of Grobb. The trolls speak of battle. They speak of murder. It is clear that they no longer consider Neriak their home, if they ever did. They speak of a lord, one Bortar, who may lead them in battle against Gukta. A rift opens between the Tier’Dal and the trolls. We can exploit this rift and perhaps aggravate a conflict between our two enemies. I will seek to learn more and if an opportunity reveals itself, I will act upon it. Many of my agents travel through the city of New Tanaan, the new hub of travel for the adventurers of Norrath. One of my agents discovered a human named Veslin Savok who sought adventurers to recover a chest for him from a dragon named Ithiasor the Black in the Swamp of No Hope. I spoke to this Veslin, an untrustworthy fellow if I ever saw one, and I accepted his task. I do not know if he is an agent of Rasp’s Wayfarers or perhaps of the Ebon Hand. After a failed attempt to learn more of this black horrid beast, I enlisted the power of Vinceremo. This powerful band of mercenaries and hunters traveled to the Swamp and faced the great wyrm, Ithiasor. The battle did not go well. I have yet to learn more from this source but I fear the great wyrm will return unscathed to whatever dark hole it crawled from. Lord Yeolarn, I will continue to send these reports to keep you informed. It is my hope that you will succeed in stirring the council of Felwithe into action. I saw your actions on the bridges of Felwithe. I saw you wield your staff like the warrior elves of Takish Hiz. I know fire burns in you as it burns in me. Should you be unable to stir the unmoving rock of Felwithe’s council, I will do what I can to enlist the aid of the hunters, adventurers, and mercenaries of Norrath. They do not fight for the protection of Felwithe or for the word of Tunare, but with the right motivation they can serve our purposes. May the Mother watch on us all, Loral Ciriclight High Priest of Tunare Hand and Eye of the Church of Felwithe Nineteenth Day of the Month of the Amber Leaf, 3201 PD

Places of Norrath: Felwithe

Overview of Felwithe

Northern Felwithe
Felwithe is the home to Norrath’s Koada’Dal and has bred many an esteemed hero. Paladins and clerics are the pride of this city. Boasting elaborate guildhalls of unrivaled beauty and majesty, together their guilds form the Clerics of Tunare.

Travelers who frequent this city, have maple opportunity to purchase Koada’Dal wares and crafts, and imbibe the finest wines in all of Norrath in the hamlet’s many taverns.

This royal lakeside hamlet was founded after the destruction of the ancient forest Elddar on the continent of Antonica. It was named after the Koada’Dal hero Alissa Felwithe who led her people to Faydwer in those dark years and helped to secure the Greater Faydark as the new homeland of Tunare’s Children.

The city was built by the Koada’Dal with the assistance of dwarves; its construction is a combination of beautiful and delicate magical elf work and earth dwarven labor. Buildings mix unpainted heavy wooden support beams with plain white-washed walls. There is a “fantastic” quality fostered by multicolored paints, the liberal use of gems and precious metals, and mysterious magical carvings.

Many shops, taverns and inns accommodate the constant influx of visitors. These establishments also outfit and supply the steady flow of adventurers that emerge from the guild halls of Felwithe.

A crystalline moat surrounds the whole of Felwithe. Just beyond the moat to the south, an enormous white marble gate leads out to the Greater Faydark forest. The passage south can be found beyond the small pond that empties into the moat.

Southern Felwithe
The southern region of Felwithe houses all three arcane halls and has been outfitted to accommodate each of these separate practices. Spells, reagents, and supplies may be found here for each of these studies, making the acquisition of such items a mere, quick trip back to the alcove and tower.

The arcane keep is heavily guarded by skilled knights appointed to their posts by King Tearis Thex himself. These knights will strike down anyone who has earned the disdain of ill will of the Koada’Dal for any reason. Those of dark nature are advised to remain as far from the walls of Felwithe as possible, else they meet a sure and quick fate.

Beyond the grand white bridge and the waterway that overlooks the temple of Tunare lies the quiet northern region of the fair Koada’Dal city of Felwithe. Here Felwithe’s magicians, enchanters, and wizards reside, endlessly studying the countless ancient tomes that survived the horrible devastations of their former homeland of Takish’Hiz now ruined at the bottom of a desert grave.

A single shop resides in this small alcove carved from the waters of a crystalline pond. This shop, built into an overhang of ivy-draped earth, supplies the young apprentices with reagents, spells, robes, and other supplies that any aspiring arcane pupil needs to survive in the dangerous wilderness beyond the city gates.

Across from this small shop, stands a single white marble tower that magically sits atop a deep pond. To enter this tower, one must but step upon the glowing platform that will transport one into the otherwise inaccessible arcane hall.

Felwithe has a guildmaster for each class that is available to High Elves. Spell and tome merchants are also available for those classes. Here is a list of the main guildmasters:

General Jyleel – (Paladin)
Tynkale – (Paladin)
Yeolarn Bronzeleaf – (Cleric)
Tarker Blazetoss – (Wizard)
Niola Impholder – (Magician)
Kinool Goldsinger – (Enchanter)
City Resources
Felwithe provides the basic necessities of adventuring: Bankers, a Soulbinder, a Tribute Master, Task Masters, augmentation needs, and merchants that sell backpacks, ale, bandages, food, drink, and fishing gear.

You’ll also find a Priest of Discord, Tradeskill Quest Masters, tradeskill crafting objects, and supply merchants for jewelcrafting, baking, pottery, fletching, tailoring, and blacksmithing.

Places of Interest
Northern Felwithe
Cathedral of Fortitude
This luxurious structure is the paladin guild hall. Secret tunnels can be found within the walls and they wrap around the city. Within this great hall, young paladins will find their guildmasters Tynkale and General Jyleel.

General Jyleel:
A General in the Koada’Vie, the elite paladin organization of the Felwithe Defenders, Jyleel trains and monitors the new recruits. In times of war, General Jyleel has proven to be a valuable asset to the defense of the keep, leading the stalwart Felwithe Defender s with courage and remarkable strategic and tactical skill.

Chapel of Tunare
The clerics of Tunare worship in this large chapel build out of emerald stones. On the interior, golden pillars shaped like tree trunks rise to support the canopy of gold and emerald leaves and branches. Yeolarn Bronzeleaf is the high priest of Tunare here.

Yeolarn Bronzeleaf:
The High Priest of Tunare in charge of running Felwithe’s Temple of the All Mother, Yeolarn’s is unsurpassed in his zeal to protect the Koada’Dal and Fier’Dal from their enemies of Tunare’s children. As such, he is an important asset to Felwithe’s defenses against the dark forces of the Teir’Dal. Clerics of all ranks are often charged by Yeolarn himself with tasks concerning the disturbing plight of the Teir’Dal. Outsiders often mistake Yeolarn’s fervor against the dark elves as hatred for the Koada’Dal twisted brethren. To the contrary, Yeolarn would like nothing more than to remove the taint of Innoruuk from the Teir’Dal and return them to the goodly elven nations.

Faydark’s Bane
This sturdy wooden weapons shop is owned and operated by Tolis Fearnone. Tolis is a great warrior and has led many battles in his time against the orcs of the Faydark. He is known for his well crafted longswords which are a favorite of most rangers on Norrath.

One of the most notable shops is Faydark’s Bane, a well-built wooden building owned and operated by Tolis Fearmone, a then-young King Tearis Thex knighted Tolis after he slew a horde of orcs threatening Felwithe during its construction. Now old and gray, Tolis is know for his well-crafted longswords, favorites of Norrath’s elven swordsmen.

Emerald Armor
This wood and plaster building is home to Dalin Silverkale, the local armorer. Dalin’s chainmail is sought after by adventures from all over Norrath. Merchants can be found here selling swords, fletching and smiting kits, fletching supplies, leather armor and patterns, and a pottery wheel and kiln are located outside.

Tovania’s Venom
This is the most popular tavern in all of Felwithe. It is owned by a bard by the name of Quenon Muselender, who happens to be very talented with a harp and plays in the pub often. The name of the pub comes from a potent green liquor served here. Tovania is a legendary emerald dragon said to live in the Greater Faydark.

Traveler’s Home
The Traveler’s Home is a large inn run by an Elf family led by Vool Freegraze. Vool and his wife Tosia along with his daughter Feol run the inn and take good care of its customers.

Beyond Faydark
Rolyn Longwalker is a map maker by trade and an adventurer by birth. Rolyn has traveled the length and breath of Norrath even venturing down to the ruined port of Firiona Vie on Kunark. Rolyn’s maps are some of the most accurate that can be found and she is a font of historical information.

Shop of All Holds
Merchant Gly Sorintal runs this small but elegant shop where just about anything can be found, from cheap weapons to armor to herbs to clothing. It is also a one stop source for tradeskill supplies.

Felwithe Keeper
This is the city bank.

Bait and Tackle
Merchants here sell fishing supplies like fishing poles, fish bait, fish scales, and more.

Felwithe Fish House
This tavern offers Fish Wine, Fishcakes, fresh fish and other food and drink items. An oven can also be found inside. Outside, a merchant sells jewelry metals and rare gems.

Southern Felwithe
Keepers of the Art

The magical academy, Keepers of the Art is head by a council of three of Koada’Dal’s most skilled magic users, each representing one of the magical arts practiced by high elves.

This jewel encrusted building serves as guildhall and research center for the Wizards, Magicians, and Enchanters of Felwithe. Constructed of the finest marble and adorned with precious jewels, metals, silk tapestries, and magical runes, the tower houses the guildhalls of the three arcane practices of the Koada’Dal. The foyer of the tower is a large, circular room with three glowing teleport platforms stationed beneath the respective banners of each of the magical guilds. A young apprentice must step upon the teleport pad that is beneath the banner of their corresponding study to reach their appropriate study hall and guild master.

Niola Impholder:
Niola Impholder is the magician representative on the arcane council. She often sends her students on menial tasks such as the gathering of magical components for the more experienced magicians. This practice is not to degrade the pupils, but to enhance their understanding of the master/servant dynamic, as they will one day summon a variety of creatures into servitude.

Kinool Goldsinger:
The enchanter on the Keepers of the Art is Kinool Goldsinger, Kinool grants his pupils many freedoms compared to the other masters, believing that too many rules would hinder their creative application of enchantments. This, however, does not mean that Kinool is a lenient teacher. While the most dedicated and apt are well-rewarded, he can also be highly critical of his student’s progress.

Tarker Blazetoss
Tarker Blazetoss represents the art of wizardry on the council. Tarker is blunt in speech, manner, and instruction, keeping his lessons short, and offering his wizardry pupils much time for study and contemplation. Taker is an ideal mentor for the art of wizardry, which requires discipline, and intense study to safely practice, and does not require the leadership skills of a magician, or the creativity and social graces of an enchanter.


Into the Depths of: Elddar Forest


Today, the once great city of Takish Hiz lies in crumbled ruins. The once majestic forest city succumbed to the fury of Solusek Ro’s wrathful sun, leaving sand and ruins behind.

In ancient days, the city of Takish Hiz nestled in the heart of the Elddar Forest. The elves who inhabited this lush forest are the ancestors of today’s high and wood elves. Adventurers can see the influences of these ancestors throughout the high elf and wood elf cities even now.

Tunare has enlisted the aid of Karana and Druzzil Ro to send adventurers back to this city in order to reclaim lost knowledge to aid in the fight against Mayong Mistmoore.

Background Lore

Tunare, the goddess of Nature, saw a lush forest and fertile land on a great continent in Norrath.  She eagerly and lovingly created a race of elves and settled them into the dense forest.  Those elves, who came to call themselves the Elddar, prospered quickly and greatly. And while Tunare watched her children with pleasure and pride, other gods came to notice the new world. These gods soon realized they received no invitation to be part of Norrath’s development and were not so enamored of those who had.  One god who took particular offense was Innoruuk, the Prince of Hate.

Innoruuk seethed with anger over his exclusion from the new world and was most disgusted with Tunare’s loyal and kind elves. He felt them a weak abomination and chose to use them as an example of his power in the creation of his own race.  He stole the first elven king and queen of the great house of Thex right from their thrones in the great elven city of Takish-Hiz.  He would torture them both for three hundred years in his Plane of Hate until they were twisted and torn by his power to become the first Teir’Dal — the dark elf race.

Many years later, Solusek Ro, the Lord of Flame, saw the new world of Norrath and wanted to claim the same great lands Tunare had taken for her elves.  His jealousy and determination overcame him and he would soon intervene.

Areas of Note

Palace – The palace of Takish Hiz is subtly elegant, with smooth, white stonework of the highest quality. The decorations are understated, yet beautiful and consist of rugs, magical instruments, and facted windows that highlight the superb craftsmanship of the elves.

Tunare Shrine – A temple to the goddess set in a hollowed tree. This area is where the priests and acolytes of Tunare gather to discuss the spiritual well-being of the city.

City Complex – The main area encompasses the library, magical workshops, amphitheatre, homes, and other necessary parts of a thriving city.

Nature Spirit Grounds –A training area for learning how to work with nature spirits and mastering nature based magics.

Orc Huts – A tiny orc village.

Giant Encampment – Intelligent giants reside in this mountainous encampment.

Area NPCs

  • Elddar Elves
  • Horses
  • Nature Spirits
  • Forest Animals
  • Treant
  • Nature Dervish
  • Orcs
  • Forest Giants
  • Pixies


FanFiction: Xanit K’Ven

First Overlord

Salvation for the Teir’Dal race came in the person of Xanit K’Ven, a Secondborn Teir’Dal warrior who emerged from the chaos of the bickering Teir’Dal nobles to unite his people under one purpose. Much to the chagrin of the great and ancient Firstborn dark elves, this young warrior would one day become the finest diplomat and tactician the Teir’Dal had ever known. Xanit K’Ven, tired of the bickering and infighting and wishing only to pursue his own mastery of the warrior’s art, had left Neriak and served as a mercenary under the banner of the Rallosian Empire during the conquest of Tunaria. As the giantish races assaulted the planes of the gods, K’Ven learned valuable strategies and tactics from them, even though he was nearly beneath their notice. Deeply moved by the strength of a unified warrior race, K’Ven adopted Rallos Zek as his own patron deity.

As such, K’Ven worked his way up through to the rank of Captain, and he witnessed firsthand the initial assault of the Rallosian Empire against the mighty walls of Takish-Hiz. As the siege of Takish-Hiz would take many months due to her mighty defenses, young Captain K’Ven secured leave from his superiors, who had come to value the dark elf’s skill and intelligence, to return to Neriak to recruit more Teir’Dal to fight alongside the giantish races. Still having some loyalty to Neriak and fearing that the Rallosian Empire’s next move after taking Takish-Hiz would be an invasion of Neriak, Xanit had an ulterior motive for leaving the siege, for he wished to bind his own people to Rallos Zek, leaving behind the useless hatred and infighting espoused by Innoruuk’s worshippers, and thus put off what he foresaw as the inevitable slaughter of his people. King Naythox Thex I and Queen Cristianos Thex listened carefully to K’Ven, for he was a skilled and passionate orator. He spoke lyrically and purposefully of the might of the Rallosian Empire, and suggested that the Teir’Dal needed to ally with them or face destruction; being both wise and intelligent, he did not yet make any mention to his monarchs of his own conversion to Rallos Zek’s church. As a diplomatic move to preserve the Teir’Dal from danger, the dark elf king and queen declared K’Ven “Overlord of the Teir’Dal Empire.” This was a token title at best, since the Teir’Dal had to date fought only between themselves in their dark homeland and cared little for events which transpired up in the surface world. The newly appointed Overlord was also given a token force of seven scorewarriors, all younger sons and daughters, lesser cousins, and the like, recruited from various feuding noble houses, to rejoin the Rallosian Empire’s army.

Even as K’Ven and his new army were still underground, however, just beginning their return to Takish-Hiz, the curse of the Rathe was levied upon the armies of the Rallosian Empire for daring to assault the Planes of Power. This curse killed most of the giants and goblinkind, and reduced the remainder to relatively simple-minded brutes. Overnight, the Rallosian Empire was destroyed. And so, although the act was not of his own hand, Innoruuk’s vengeance against the races created by Tunare, Brell, Prexus, and Rallos Zek was nearly complete. Overlord Xanit K’Ven did not return home immediately after the fall of the Rallosian Empire, however, for he saw now an opportunity to harry elven villages within the Elddar Forest and forge his recruits into a unified force — for already he had been forced to step in and end their petty arguments and bickering on several occasions, twice with lethal force, and they had learned to fear and respect him. After sacking several elven settlements, Xanit unexpectedly brought his legion against other races, including various groups of goblins, orcs, kobolds, and frogloks of eastern Tunaria.

Over the course of the next few months, with just the 140 Teir’Dal over whom he’d been given command, Overlord K’Ven regularly sent couriers home to Neriak with reports of victories against the hated light elves and other races. He also sent home large supply trains loaded with plunder. In time, the Teir’Dal began to listen to these reports from the surface world with renewed anticipation until, at last, they began to forget their petty feuds and instead began sending more fresh troops to represent their noble houses for the glory of the Teir’Dal Empire.

Xanit K’Ven united the Teir’Dal by giving them a multitude of new enemies upon whom to focus their hatred. Plunder taken from the weaker races stimulated the prosperity of the Teir’Dal Empire, creating more and more interest, especially among the disaffected Second- and Third-born, in joining the Overlord’s army to campaign in the surface world. Innoruuk was pleased by this new young Overlord’s actions, for the Teir’Dal began to turn their hatred outward against the light elves and the other peoples of his hated foes —and as their enemies began to fear and hate the Teir’Dal, so too did Innoruuk’s power grow. Of course, Innoruuk became furious upon learning that Xanit K’Ven followed Rallos Zek, but nevertheless, the Overlord still served Hate, and the seers now foresaw the Teir’Dal rising to their destiny.

The rise of the Teir’Dal, led by Overlord Xanit K’Ven, soon brought Innoruuk the power of a major god in the world of Norrath and on the outer planes. K’Ven’s great service over the decades, even though the Overlord himself ever professed service only to Rallos Zek, truthfully did more for Innoruuk than for the God of War, who was too much diminished at that time to reap any real benefit. Innoruuk was so greatly pleased, in fact, that he held his wrath against K’Ven in check, for a time, even though the Overlord’s refusal to worship Innoruuk angered the Prince of Hate as few other things ever had.

The Fall of Takish-Hiz
In time, fate dealt the Teir’Dal a good hand, for Solusek Ro raised the Serpent Mountains near the elven homeland of the Elddar Forest. The magical city of Takish-Hiz, which many believed impregnable, was half ruined by tremendous earthquakes resulting from massive shifts in the landscape. The moisture cut off by the Serpent Mountains quickly (at least quickly in the eyes of elves and gods) turned the Elddar into a desert. Having learned much from his years as a mercenary of the Rallosian Empire, Xanit would not allow this opportunity pass.
In the years that followed, Xanit’s continued success on the battlefield impressed even mercenary squads of trolls and ogres enough to swell the dark elf commander’s ranks. Duels between Xanit K’Ven and some of the most powerful ogres and trolls secured the Overlord’s reputation as one of the greatest swordsman in all Tunaria, and perhaps all of Norrath (muddled stories suggest that K’Ven engaged the mighty General Seru of the Combine Empire in a personal duel, but that seems unlikely, as the Combine Empire was yet an age removed). The ogres and trolls eventually proved fiercely loyal to their new commander, who always treated his troops fairly, and served as superb shock troops for his Teir’Dal army. Overlord K’Ven then contacted the Unkempt Druids, convincing them to aid his army in a singular assault against the elven capital of Takish-Hiz. When questioned by angry Teir’Dal nobles about allying with the Unkempt Druids, Xanit explained that the Unkempt Druids had long disdained the unnaturally constructed city of Takish-Hiz.

(They were opposed to all things not constructed by nature. To the Unkempt Druids, the highly advanced, magically created city of Takish-Hiz represented an extreme “unnature” they vehemently opposed.) Nevertheless, in this alliance, Overlord K’Ven earned the disapprobation of many powerful Teir’Dal — even among those who did not already have cause to fear and hate him.

On the appointed evening, during the blackness of a new moon, spies from the Unkempt Druids who had infiltrated the Takish-Hiz city guard slew the gate guards and opened the gates of the city. Outside, the Overlord’s army waited in the darkness. The Unkempt Druids gave the Overlord’s army the keys to Takish-Hiz, which until then few believed could ever fall. Surging forward, the Overlord’s beefy ogres, grisly trolls, and light-stepping Teir’Dal raised their weapons as one. Overlord K’Ven’s army appeared and entered the already half-abandoned, sand-worn city, putting the few remaining elves to the sword. An old escape passage allowed King Tearis Thex and his closest elves to escape and take refuge in one of the remaining outposts of the Elddar Forest. The light elven race was now poised on the brink of extinction, with few options should the Teir’Dal Overlord’s army march on them. Innoruuk looked smugly on as his creations exacted his vengeance upon the last of the elder races. Finally, the Dark Prince’s vengeance was complete.

Return to Neriak
With fires burning throughout Takish-Hiz as his army pillaged and sacked what remained, the Overlord began planning a return to Neriak. However, Innoruuk’s agents now spoke to the king and queen, feeding their already great hatred and telling them that Xanit plotted to overthrow them and assume the throne. Agents also spoke with the Firstborn rulers of the noble houses, most of whom were already were angry with the Overlord for some perceived slight or another. Knowing full well that the majority of the lesser Teir’Dal would probably support seeing Xanit K’Ven wear the crown, the king and queen immediately summoned the Overlord to their court.

In Neriak, K’Ven appeared before the king, queen, and nobles in their High Court, basking in his victory. However, with the elder nobles backing him fully, King Naythox charged Overlord K’Ven with high treason for consorting with the Unkempt Druids, and sentenced him to death on the morrow. Powerful extraplanar agents and clerics sent by Innoruuk himself then emerged from the shadows to shackle Xanit — but not before the warrior lunged forward with lightning-quick speed and beheaded the king with a single scissoring stroke of his twin blades. Agents of Innoruuk then took Overlord K’Ven into their custody and a Teir’Dal wizard magically transported them to the Plane of Hate.

Some Teir’Dal legends say that Xanit K’Ven waits in perpetual slumber to be awakened by the all father should the Teir’Dal ever find themselves facing their doom. The Teir’Dal Empire diminished somewhat in the years following Overlord Xanit K’Ven’s disappearance and the death of King Naythox Thex I, although Innoruuk’s power continued to grow. The Teir’Dal spread his doctrine of vengeance, spite, and loathing across the land by more subtle means than putting all others to the sword, as had been K’Ven’s method. Over the ensuing decades, the Teir’Dal became so strong that Innoruuk pulled all of the First back to his home plane to serve as guardians and planners for further conquests.

(Fanfiction regarding guild Leader of EQ1 Vallon Zek guild named the same)

LDON 13 – Search for Lost Lands

In the warm air of the Commonlands tunnel, Calliav closed his eyes and began running through the countless images and visions filling his mind.

“I see snow, ice, and a great mobilemagic with no face. There may have been a face once, but it is gone now,” he whispered. “There is little more to that, I’m afraid.”

Nedaria stood close and kept her hand on his forehead, helping him slow the rush of thoughts. Morden took notes in a code only the most trusted Wayfarers Brotherhood could understand.

“Now I see blood. Lots of blood. The dead are walking, breathing, reanimating. They are unholy and feed in the most despicable ways. I see a castle . . . but there is much underground. Much more,” Calliav said.

There was a pause as Calliav searched his thoughts. Suddenly, he winced and his face lengthened.

“Confusion, fear. The walls are collapsing and sand is rushing in. Half blood, half sand. Now they are all in sand. They do not know that the wrath of Solusek Ro has passed,” he said in low tones. His cheeks glistened with tears of sadness.

Calliav’s chest heaved as he took a deep breath. He paused again. Under his eyelids, his eyes fluttered wildly.

The hush around them was broken as Calliav gasped so suddenly that air whistled through his teeth.

“Oh my, the paladins are lost. I see the frogloks blessed by Mithaniel Marr are transformed. A curse holds their souls. I feel the burning hate of a god,” Calliav panted. “And the orcs. The orcs have risen. Goblins have been overrun and enslaved.”

Morden and Tondal looked to Nedaria. In both of their eyes, Nedaria read the need for confirmation of Calliav’s ramblings. In many ways, the possibility of undiscovered lands felt too good to be true. Morden also had trouble believing that he could have ever missed such places in his travels.

Nedaria looked at both of them and nodded.

“These visions he is sharing are not fantasy. They are real. There is much strife deep within the earth . . . and darkness,” she said.

Morden turned around to see proud members of the Wayfarers Brotherhood sharing past adventurers and creating new stories as they ambled about. He cleared his throat.

“Listen up brothers and sisters. Our time has come. Pack your goods and be prepared to travel. Nedaria will lead a camp to the Frigid Planes and Northlands on Antonica. Tondal will lead some of our brethren across the Ocean of Tears to the Butcherblock Mountains on Faydwer,” Morden said. “I will remain here with Calliav and a greater compliment of the Wayfarers Brotherhood. We are about to open the doors to the future of all Norrathians, I expect. Off with ye!”
