Category Archives: Tallon Zek

The Divine Language

The Cipher of the Divine Language appears on your arms for a brief moment then fades.


Eriak’s eyes grow red with rage as the brother’s names escape your lips. He begins to utter what sound to be curses in a strange language. ‘Cani sonus amnds genika nalic reh malik! Si sol Gerika ib si tali alik rela seria gani dat amnd taki seri ceki wane. Tallon ak Vallon will kel wela sateran kinaren e matel e zetirae!

Eriak glares at you with veiled hatred. ‘Sonus amnds ganika nalic celin malik!


Eriak’s eyes grow red with rage as the brother’s names escape your lips. Your arm begins to radiate with a subtle heat. You look down to see runes glowing across your arm. ‘Do not utter those cursed names here fool! I may be cursed but I can still tear your soul from that husk you call a body! Tallon and Vallon will one day taste the vengeance of the lord of guile!

Eriak glares at you with veiled hatred. The runes on your arm begin to glow again silently. ‘Speak those cursed names again fool!

Orc Society

This tome covers only the societal aspect of the orc. This excerpt is from “The Lore of Fauna” by Professor Romiak Justathorn of the Academy of Arcane Sciences, Republic of Freeport. The date of this particular volume is unknown.
“Orc Society” by Professor Romiak Justathorn — Being an excerpt of a longer piece, including only information as is relevant to the study of orc society.

Orcs…dastardly beasts they are. They are a true threat to every civilized community that exists within the same regions. They live for war and conquest. They have developed into a very skilled race in both the art of war and the world of trade.

As documented in early recounting of the great wars fought against these tyrants, they often employed weapons of similar designs to the great empires of the times. These items of war shared a similar base design but were clearly of orc design. It would soon be learned that the orcs have been dealing in black market trade to procure designs of weapons of war.

Stolen designs and items from various empires soon filled the orc forges with undaunted activity. The orcs now rely heavily on the engineering and architectural talents of other races, which they would somehow find a way to steal or buy.

All orc empires wish to rule the world, but they know that starts with a single step. Once the call to war has been decreed, an orc empire will not relent the battle until death conquest or death of the empire is met.

Orc empires are a form of republic where leaders of units are the ones who decide who shall be emperor. The Emperor is usually the finest warrior of his empire. He is always a hero who has lived through a great many battles. For this fact, orc emperors always have numerous battle scars and even a missing limb or two. The emperor is always the fiercest one of the bunch.

The soldiers of orc empires are perhaps some of the finest and highly organized combatants to ever trod across a battlefield. They fight to the death and never sway from the order of a superior. The orc soldier is a fearless soldier who was bred for battle since birth.

The orcs are all devout followers of the beliefs of Rallos Zek, but they have been visited by and learned of their direct relation to the god of tactics, Tallon Zek.

Tallon Zek is the first orc, supreme hero, lord of tactics, giver of conquest and it is he who gave a part of himself so that the supreme god of war, Rallos Zek, could deliver the orc race upon the surface of Norrath. Rallos Zek deconstructed Tallon Zek and pulled from him the seeds that gave birth to the orc race.

Through visions and some claim divine presence, Tallon Zek has shared this knowledge with the orcs. The orcs now have temples to Tallon Zek within their empire, while still honoring the true art of war- Rallos Zek.

Orcs have proven extremely adaptable throughout the Ages. Knowing something of their ancient history may prove useful in our quest to keep orcs from recreating their vast empires of old. After all, those who do not know their enemy are caught unawares when they can least afford it.

Into the Depths of: Kael Drakkal

Overview of Kael Drakkal

(Also known as Kael Drakkel)

Kael Drakkal, home of the Storm Giants, lies at the easternmost edge of the Great Scar. It has been the site of many great battles, for the dragons of Velious regard the Scars of Veeshan as the holiest of ground, and view the giant’s invasion of the Great Scar as sacrilege. Kael Drakkal is divided into five different districts. In the eastern portion of the city, live the Frost Giants, cousins of the Storm Giants. Frost giant traders and mercenaries stay here while looking for trade or work. Once past the Frost district, the heart of the city is heavily fortified, with roads leading off into three directions: north, south, and west. The northern path leads to the Storm Giants worship area, with temples worshipping Rallos Zek and his sons. The south path leads to the keep of the Storm Giant King Tormax. The western area of the city is in direct conflict with the Savage Land, which fights as if it were a living being with Kael Drakkal as a parasitic growth it wants removed.

The Storm Giants are children of Rallos Zek, and Kael Drakkal reflects this. Symbols and statues paying homage to the war god can be seen throughout the city, and the northern end of the city has three temples dedicated to the Zek gods. These three temples overlook a large battle arena that the giants use for entertainment.

King Tormax’s keep, made of stone and steel, stands grim on the southern side of the city. This keep is home to the majority of the Storm Giants, and is well guarded by them. The western edges of Kael Drakkal are its weak points, and Tormax has ordered his most seasoned troops to guard against the onslaught of the creatures from the Savage Land.

Background Lore

King Tormax

As the King of the Storm Giants, Tormax rules over both the Kromzek and Kromrif clans. His lasting desire is to see every last Velious dragon crushed beneath a giant’s maul. To further illustrate this fact, Tormax sits upon a throne carved from the skull of the dragon Hsagra, the mate of Yelinak of Skyshrine, who was felled by a Kromzek hero’s blade.

The Dragons of Velious are not Tormax’s only enemies, as the Coldain dwarves despise him and his people with a passion equal to his own. It was Tormax’s blade that killed Dain Frostreaver III, the great War King – a deed that has earned him eternal infamy among the Coldain.

Points of Interest

Frost Giant District:
The Frost Giant district is the most primitive portion of Kael Drakkal. The Storm Giants have allowed the Frost Giants to construct their own buildings of ice and stone. The Frost Giant leader lives in a huge mansion near the center of the city.

City Center:
The city center is a town square. It serves as a nexus to all portions of the city. In the middle of the Town Square lies a deep pit. The Storm Giants throw the remains of their enemies within this pit after they have removed the bones, and all the roads in Kael Drakkal are paved with the crushed bones of their enemies.

Battle Arena:
The battle arena was built to honor Porlos who slew Yelinak’s mate Hsagra. Embossed on the ground is an image of Porlos holding Hsagra’s head in victory with the body lying before him. A statue to Rallos Zek towers over the arena, and the temples to Tallon Zek and Vallon Zek flank it on each side.

Rallos Zek’s Temple:
The temple of Rallos Zek is the largest and most important of the three temples. It stands behind the statue in his likeness.

Vallon Zek’s Temple:
The temple built in honor of Vallon is not as grand his father’s, but it does not lack in splendor.

Tallon Zek’s Temple:
The temple built in honor of Tallon is likewise not as grand his father’s temple, but it is equal to that of Vallon.

Dragon Death Keep:
The main residence of the Storm Giants, Tormax’s keep is built from stone and steel. Tapestries telling the history of Rallos Zek’s battles line the walls. Tormax’s throne is carved from the skull of Hsagra.

West Side:
The western part of the city borders into the Savage Lands. A constant struggle between the jungle and the Storm Giants goes on, with the jungles slowly losing ground.


Invasion of Earth


During the Elder Age of Norrath, the first Rallosian forces led by the great ogre Murdunk invaded the Plane of Earth – the realm ruled by The Rathe, Council of Thirteen. Under the command of Rallos Zek, the Warlord, Murdunk was instigated to invade this realm by Rallos Zek’s eldest son, Eriak. The goal was simple for Murdunk – he wanted to prove to Rallos Zek, the Warlord, that he was worthy to lead the forces of Zek throughout Norrath.

A great battle ensued and many guardians of earth perished along with numerous members of Murdunk’s Rallosian army. To their dismay, the invasion was destined to fail because of the regenerating ability that The Rathe possessed. When a member of the Council of Thirteen was slain another would replace it. This gave them great advantage and although many of their guardians had been defeated, The Rathe emerged victorious. Those Rallosians not slain were thrown from the plane by the wards of The Council of Thirteen.

News of the defeat spread quickly across the Rallosian Empire. Such a dramatic failure angered Rallos Zek. He was not content to wait for the heavily scarred and injured Murdunk to recuperate and chose to enlist master tacticians and proven war heroes Tallon and Vallon. Although he was extremely disappointed with Murdunk’s previous failure, Rallos Zek decided to allow him to accompany his horde in this second assault hoping to make use of the knowledge that Murdunk had acquired in his previous battles in the Plane of Earth.

With the power of the Warlord behind them, Tallon and Vallon rallied the legions of children of Zek and entered the Plane of Earth. This invasion was only partly successful – though the Rathelings’ power source remained untaken, the members of the Rathe Council were captured and brought to Norrath, where one of them was executed. Where this Rathe member fell, the Rathe Mountains were raised, and Lake Rathetear formed. The Rathelings were incensed at these brazen attacks, and mourned the death of the thirteenth council member; for one of them to die in Norrath was permanent and irreversible.

While Rallos Zek was unquestionably the greatest warrior ever to exist, he knew little of the inner working of the Planes of Power. Rallos Zek was ultimately scarred and disfigured by the same wards that had banished Eriak and he lay silently regenerating in the Plane of War while the reborn Rathe exacted vengeance on the army’s leaders. As the leader of the ogre nation and Zek army, Murdunk was slain.

To protect their realm from further fruitless attempts at invasion, the Rathe Council placed a curse upon all creatures of Zek. In this they were aided by several other members of the pantheon. The curse spread rapidly through the lush homelands of the giants and froze all of the lands, now known as Everfrost. The curse swept the lands of Norrath, striking any child of Zek that it touched, turning all followers of Zek into lesser beings in mind and body.

Tallon and Vallon, sensing their inevitable demise at the hands of the curse of the pantheon, called out to Rallos Zek to deliver them. Rallos Zek was sufficiently renewed by this time to summon Tallon and Vallon to his plane to escape the curse of the pantheon, but was unable to save the rest of his creations. Realizing that Eriak surely knew of the ward that protected the Plane of Earth and had failed to tell him of it, Rallos Zek brought the crippled form of Eriak before him. Rallos Zek tore from him the essence of warfare, tearing it into its more base elements and imbuing them to Tallon and Vallon, the two mortals who were able to succeed where Eriak had failed.

Eriak still retains a piece of the essence of war in his shattered and disfigured frame, but was banished to the lower levels of Drunder, the Fortress of Zek, to help in the menial tasks of forging weapons for his father’s armies. To this day the great form of Rallos Zek bears the scars from the ward of The Rathe beneath his blackened war armor, a silent reminder of the failure of his only son.

This is a pivotal moment in the history of Norrath. It is here that the forces of Discord plan to strike. Success by the Rallosians would mean that war would prevail on Norrath, and isn’t war a form of destruction, of discord?

The Korascian Warrens

The Korascian Warrens is the key invasion route for the Rallosian forces as they battle their way into the Rathe Council Chamber. This area of the Plane of Earth is adjacent to both the Rathe Council Chamber entrance and the portal to Toskirakk. The bulk of the Rallosian Army is in a siege camp in the northern canyon, facing the entrance to the Rathe Council Chamber.

The Warrens is named for the great frog Korascian Prime, who has guarded the approach to the Rathe Council for centuries. Now he and his minions are sequestered in the west astride the line of the Rallosian advance, battling ill-equipped Rallosian slaves who are sent in to distract the frogs. Many such slaves end up succumbing to Korascian Prime’s mesmerization powers and become thralls.

Korascian Prime’s original lair was destroyed by the Discordians with a great magical disjunction. This left a massive rift in the northeastern limb of the Korascian Warrens, exposing the Plane of Earth’s elemental crystal core, and venting out a new order of crystalline monstrosities which hate all other forms of life.

The Rathe Council Chamber

The Rathe Council Chamber is the original seat of The Rathe beings who govern the Plane of Earth. Its appearance reflects the essence of the powerful beings who rule here. Great stonework vaults linked with tunnels define the interior, which is patrolled by stone golems and guarded by many different kinds of creatures native to the Plane.

The Rallosian Army is attempting to destroy all thirteen members of The Rathe Council to seal Rallos Zek’s dominion over the Plane of Earth as well as Norrath. Should this happen, with Rallos gaining control over the source of the Rathelings’ magic, the balance of power among the gods would tilt inexorably in Rallos Zek’s favor, and Norrath would enter an age of endless disorder and destruction.


Toskirakk is the original capital city of the ogres and the mightiest bastion of the ancient Rallosian Empire. The slave-mine within is a platinum mine where much of the currency used in Norrath’s future would originate. With the growing dominance of their Empire, few outsiders remain as free people and the slave warrens grow crowded.

On Kael


Early this morning, the adventurers were roused from their bed (aye, bed, singular – the entire group shared but one of the giants’ beds, each finding himself with more room than he’d ever had before to sleep stretched out) and brought before the giant king, Tormax. His throne, they were told, was crafted from the skull remains of the dragon, Hsagra, mate to Yelinak, who was slain by their ancestor, Porlos. The seat of the throne itself lies within the jaws of the dragon’s skull. The party was honored with this tale of the giants’ history, and also learned that the arena in which they had observed battle is also dedicated to Porlos.

The current throne room, we’re told, is a relatively new addition to the castle, which is known as Dragon Death Keep. The party, after paying homage to King Tormax, was escorted through the castle. Behind the throne, they were shown the hall of the council, within which was a second, older and less ornate, throne. This, they were told, was the old throne room, and serves now, as a meeting room for King Tormax and his council. The king’s advisors were gathered to welcome the party.

The group was introduced to Keldor del`Torek, high sorcerer to the king, who was at his research when they entered his chamber. We’re told that the noble to the left of Keldor is one of those worthies who lives in the nearby residence. The other giant, barely visible to the right, is one of the king’s loyal bodyguards. His name was not mentioned to the group, however, we’re told the giants refer to him in hushed tones. Apparently, he is held in high regard (or fear, we’re not quite sure which).

The city, our party was advised, and its people are dedicated to the Zeks, Rallos, Tallon and Vallon. A temple to each is located within their city, with that for Rallos, God of War, in the center and those of his twin sons Tallon and Vallon on either side. Only those truly dedicated to Rallos Zek may enter his temple, our party was told grimly by its guardian, one Kallis, by name. He is shown in the picture here, at his post near that place of worship.

This great wall of velium is embossed with the symbol of the War God, as are many other surfaces in the city of Kael Drakkel. The party was permitted to go no closer to the temple of Rallos than this.

Thwarted in their attempts to see what was described as a “living statue” of the War God himself, our party has decided to continue their exploration of the continent. They have been told that the extent of their travels thus far has uncovered less than half of the continent of Velious, and they are anxious to continue in their quest for knowledge.

The best news to date is that the recommendation of the exploration team is to finally make the Icebreaker available to the public for transportation to the ice continent! A dock in the Northern Desert of Ro has been designated as the embarcation point for trips to Velious, and travelers are admonished to be prepared for severe weather and dangers untold!

Chronicle of Gromok Vol. II

At the height of victory it happened, I know not what fearful deities are responsible, nor what ancient magics were unleashed on my people and our brethren races of the Rallosian Empire. I know only what I myself witnessed at the accounts of the other survivors of what is spoken of only as The Curse. The first signs I saw of the curse were angry shouts of ogre magi when the planar portals closed. Then the screams of those same magi as fire simultaneously ignited from within their bodies leaving only memories and ashes.

Shortly after witnessing the demise of the magi stationed at the Fortress of Krithgor a battered legion unit arrived at the fortress gates. The soldiers brought word of Murdunk’s dishonorable death, accusing The Rathe of cursing Murdunk to fall from a cliff at the site of The Rathe’s execution. They spoke of the disappearances of many great Ogre war leaders, including Murdunk’s tactician and strategist, Generals Tallon and Vallon, and even the Warlord Rallos Zek. This worn unit of soldiers was relieved of their previous duties by our superiors and stationed at the Fortress of Krithgor. A new Legion Unit was formed from the soldiers that had been stationed there for some time, myself included, and we were charged with completing the duties of the reassigned soldiers.

Days passed swiftly for me as my legion unit traveled to various fortresses and battlefields. The sights revealed to us at each arrival to this day seem unreal. With the great military leaders and the magi dead or missing our fortresses began to fall. The Giants, also crippled with the loss of their magi, retreated deep into the wilderness. The Orcs became obsessed with greed and blood lust, dividing from the Rallosian Empire into petty clans fighting each other over the spoils of the war. The Goblins went mad cowering in the shadows and caverns of Tunaria’s frontiers. We returned after man months to the Fortress of Krithgor to find the once mighty stronghold reduced to rubble like so many of the fortresses we had visited on our patrol.

Whatever creatures had destroyed the fortress had not even spared women and children, their remains lay strewn about the stones that once formed the strongholds walls. This was when I gave in to my pride and accepted that the Rallosian Empire was no more.

Chronicle of Gromok Vol. I

The Chronicle of Gromok Hergom

I ink these words for fear that my once proud and mighty Ogres will forget the events I have seen in my long life. I am known at the time of this inking as Elder Gromok but I was once a soldier of little renown and status in the mighty Rallosian Legions under the command of Warlord Murdunk.

I was not raised to be an Elder of my fellow Ogres. My training was that of a soldier and I concerned myself only with the arts of warfare. It is with reluctance that I now bear the mantle of Elder and the cause of that reluctance is the same reason that I ink this tale.

I was stationed at the Fortress of Krithgor when the ogre magi first opened the portals to the Planes of Power. Plans were quickly laid and orders sent to our fortresses and troops in all corners of Tunaria. A large invasion force of Ogres, Giants, Orcs, and Goblins gathered at the newly opened planar portals. At the time I felt disappointed that my orders were to remain at Fortress Krithgor, that disappointment quickly turned to anger when I learned that the invasion failed, and although Warlord Murdunk survived our losses were great.

Some time passed before news reached the Fortress of Krithgor that a second invasion was being orchestrated. Rumors circled like hungry buzzards over a field of carnage concerning the plans for this second invasion. It was even said that Rallos Zek was to lead the campaign with Warlord Murdunk and the most renowned champions of the Giants, Orcs, and Goblins by his side. Once again my orders were to remain at the home front to defend the women, children, and elderly citizens of the Rallosian Empire.

It was not long after the invasion forces of the Rallosian Legions once again passed through the portals to the Planes of Power that the home front too became a place of battle, slaughter, and glory. Mortal disciples of deities opposed to The Warlord, Rallos Zek, attacked the citizens and fortresses of the Rallosian Empire on Tunaria. Our enemies fought valiantly, and the resulting battles were the most glorious I was ever to behold. My weapons and armor were stained with the blood of our foes, and our children and elders kept safe within our impenetrable strongholds. Messengers passing through the Fortress of Krithgor spoke of the victories of the legion units led by Rallos Zek, Warlord Murdunk, and the Generals Tallon and Vallon. It was said that the Rathe Council, the twelve rulers of the Plane of Earth had been captured and forced to Norrath where they were being executed by Murdunk and his Generals, that mountains burst from the earth where the gods fell and that the dying tears of the fallen gods formed a cold, deep lake between the newly risen mountain peaks.