Category Archives: Terris-Thule

Thelin Poxbourne, The Cursed

My pity unto Thelin. His life on Norrath was a miserable one. As a young man he began to study the workings of fear inspired by Cazic-Thule. The workings had been translated for mortals by Zebuxoruk.

Pouring over the texts, Thelin felt his mind being invaded by Cazic. This information was not for mortal usage and the malevolent god stripped him of all his earthly belongings and cursed him to live in poverty and ruin.
He lived in the streets of Eastern Freeport, begging from those passing through the port. He sat quivering, propped up against a wall with one hand out as he watched the travelers pass by. None of them even gave him a second glance.
Several years would pass before a female dwarf would arrive to trade some of her family’s armor and weapons. She saw and took pity on Thelin. She knelt down, scratched her beard then began to rummage through her backpack. She then placed a jeweled dagger in his hand, smiled and returned to her former business.
This was the only gift that Thelin had received since the curse. It was beautifully crafted and would likely have fetched a handsome price upon the market. He decided to keep the dagger as it was such a kind gesture.

Later that eve, Thelin heard the calling of others that studied Zebuxoruk’s workings. He recognized the language they called out in.
He approached the men and explained he had studied the writings of Zebuxoruk. One of the shaded figures then began to mutter an incantation.

Suddenly, there was a bright flash, lush vegetation and a peaceful breeze surrounded them. They had ascended here, to the Plane of Tranquility where they could further study the works without interference from the gods and mortals alike.
Thelin enjoyed it here. He assisted the other followers by using all his mana to open a portal to the Plane of Nightmares, the demi-plane ruled by the child of The Faceless, Terris-Thule.

Spent from using all his energies, he went to bed early after his victory had been achieved in this task. As he laid in bed, he looked over the dagger that had been given to him by the female dwarf. He smiled at the new peace he had found here and began to fall asleep.
Drifting away into the realm of dreams, his subconscious was assaulted by the horrors of a nightmare. He tossed and turned from the visions that came before him. So bad did he writhe in his subconscious torment that he turned on the dagger. He was critically injured, and let out a wrenching scream.

We found him and were able to heal his wound enough to keep him alive. However, he still lies in a deep coma seemingly tortured by nightmares.
It is our belief that Terris-Thule is punishing him for allowing entrance into her plane. She seems to have an exceedingly strong tie to him. Since her father has already punished him, she likely found that he was easily tormented by her own powers.

My only hope is that one day we will find a healing potion that eases his suffering, or a visiting Priest of Health is able to succeed in ending his suffering.

From Pond to Paladin, Vol. I

From Pond to Paladin
The Origins of Froglok and Man
by Glupurp Stoneskipper
Paladin of Marr
My noble kinsman, I bring to you the knowledge of our origins, as well as the origin of Man that has been bestowed upon me by the scholars of the City of New Tanaan, and those who have visited the Halls of Honor, home of our Lord Mithaniel Marr. I am but a humble Paladin of Mithaniel Marr, born like many of our kind in the swamps of Southern Antonica, and deserve no adulation for penning these words. This work is in honor of all Froglok, current, past, and yet to come.

In the early ages of Norrath, before the arrival of Man, the Marr Twins did walk the face of Norrath. The children of a God of Power, Tarew Marr the Water Lord, the Marr Twins searched amongst the mortals of Norrath a cause to champion and embrace with their divinity. The Gods of Nature puzzled over the Marr Twins absence of a divine purpose, and the Gods of Influence scoffed at the twins for seeking such a purpose amongst the mortals. The most malicious of the Gods, Innoruuk, and Cazic-Thule, sought to corrupt the young twins to strengthen the forces of hatred and fear.

Innoruuk, the twisted God of Hatred and Spite sent his mortal followers to Tarew’s daughter, Erollisi Marr, to tempt her and seduce her into the darkness. With the wisdom imparted to the Goddess by her father, she saw through the Teir’Dals deceptions, and their wickedness was more visible to her eyes than even their physical forms. So it came to pass that Erollisi journeyed to the lands of Tunare’s fair elves, to escape the sickening advances of the Teir’Dal. It was in the early kingdom of the elves, that Erollisi did find warmth, peace, and beauty in the harsh realm of the mortals and it was there that she embraced and was in return embraced by a most mortal of traits. It was there she found love.

While Erollisi fended off the advances of Innoruuk’s mortal agents, the forces of Cazic-Thule beset her twin brother, Mithaniel Marr. Serpents, phantoms, and all manner of frightful creatures conjured and commanded by Cazic-Thule mortal minions came to Mithaniel to assault his body and mind. Mithaniel was no mortal however, and his will was strong, the minions of Thule could not instill within him the fear of their dark lord. They did succeed however, in luring the brave Mithaniel to the swamps of Norrath, the deadly, dank, lands where the creatures of Cazic-Thule were the strongest and most numerous. An army of Trolls, Lizard Folk, and forgotten creatures of unspeakable horror beset Mithaniel Marr, and so it came to pass that he became a captive to the minions of the Lord of Fear.

Mithaniel, imprisoned in magical bonds provided to his captors by Cazic-Thule, and tortured by relentless monstrosities, prayed to his father day and night for forgiveness and salvation. The prayers continued, unanswered, until the brave God, weary from torture and weakened by the dark magic of Cazic-Thule fell into a deep slumber.

It was then that Terris-Thule visited the slumbering God to inflict his sleep with nightmares more horrible than the events he had endured at the hands of his captors during his waking hours. However, at the beseeching of her father, Cazic-Thule, Terris was not permitted to inflict such terror onto Mithaniel Marr until after she first deceived him through his dreams and stole the gift of life from his body. So Terris did as her father commanded and then the slumbering horrors began.

Consequences of Thralldom

The Journal of Kalidan Il’Finik, Master Conjuror
Day 3

Being somewhat of an expert in conjuring manifestations of creatures both magic and mundane, the new focus of my studies should surprise no one.
Menial tasks such as cleaning, cooking, and laboring are things I hardly have time to burden myself with. Instead I have taken it upon myself to summon a multitude of planar creatures whom I will subjugate, train, and ultimately command to do my bidding.
To accomplish this task I have brought on board a noted diviner named Sachin Al’Faz who claims to be the foremost authority on planar positioning and triangulation. In spite of his pompous nature I have agreed to make him a partner in this experiment. His knowledge will help me ascertain exactly where I must focus my search.

Day 17

That fooI, Sachin, is attempting to renege on his promise! He claims that he cannot continue our work together because he must instead go to work for that blunderhead, El’Arad. Nonsensical poppycock, if you ask me! El’Arad has already assembled an entire army of sages, researches, analysts and laborers to assist him at the Grand Farisian Nexus.
Why can?t Sachin see that our work takes precedence? Should he still refuse to complete the equations we begin tomorrow morning, I fear drastic measures will have to be taken. The gangrene of misguided loyalty should not be allowed to rot the fruits of my work!Day 19

Harsh words turned to blows this morning, at least in the manner seen fit for two mages. At daybreak I arose to find Sachin clearing his work table and packing the last of his equipment. When I confronted him about the unfinished equations, he demurred on his obligations to me and muttered something about bringing glory to the “singular greatest Erudian cause.” Sheer nonsense if you ask me. In the end, Mr. Al’Faz had to be fettered by magical means. Though I did not take pleasure in confining him against his will, he left me no choice but to trap him until he finished his work Finally, after what seemed like hours, the equations were complete.

It was my decision to draw upon creatures from the Plane of Dreams. I expect to summon a sylph-like creature or perhaps a gentle beast of burden. As I have stated before, the summoned being must only be fit to perform chores around my laboratory and domicile. Defense is, and will always be, placed iii the hands of my Tellurian servant. Who better a soldier than a mindlessly loyal pile of rocks?

Day 22

That bastard will pay for what he has done! In his bitterness the fool must have intentionally changed the variable coordinates used in the equation. Upon the completion of the spell I opened my eyes and saw not golden sylphs or benevolent beasts, but foul-smelling wicked beasts that can best be described as bipedal goats!For what it is worth, the fiends did appear to be granted with some merit of intelligence. Despite their thick dialect, I was able to decipher their native tongue as being Thulian. They claimed to be servants of Terris-Thule, demi-goddess of the Plane of Nightmares.

The goatmen, or Gruengach as they call themselves, were quickly growing agitated. They demanded to be returned to where they came from so they could continue their work for their dark mistress. When I inquired as to where that place was, the Gruengach seemed at a loss for words.

Day 23

As best as I could tell the Gruengach serve as servants to Terris-Thule despite not actually residing within the Plane of Nightmares. Their work, it appears, is done between the Planes. When I began to explain the complexities in deciphering the specific point o their origin they grew angry and violent.

No sooner had their leader raised his mottled claw in anger, that my Tellurian defender intervened by smashing him in the chest. A wretched cacophony of braying resulted when the rest of the Gruengach realized what had just occurred. Not wasting another moment, I mesmerized the whole lot and placed them in a submissive trance.

Day 58

It has been several weeks since my subjugation of the band of Gruengach. Although unfit for some of the more delicate tasks I had envisioned my summoned help to assist me with, the brutish strength and willpower of their kind makes them analmost inexhaustible source of labor. Having more or less mastered the act of incarcerating the goatmen, I have since taken it upon myself to summon more of them, thus creating a veritable army of Gruengach all under my absolute command!
Day 92

Today I was greeted by none other than El’Arad himself! As he entered the courtyard to my grounds I could see his eyes widen in disbelief at the sight of my burgeoning workforce. I explained to him the manner in which I had summoned the Gruengach and the way in which I had incarcerated them into thralldom. For once in his life the old man seemed impressed with the efforts of someone beside himself.

Day 106

El’Arad returned to my home today with a most lucrative proposition. He expressed interest in purchasing several Gruengach to serve as his own servants and guards. Apparently the old man is close to completing the Farisian Nexus and wishes to protect his work with an added amount of security. I was more than happy to oblige. As a token of appreciation I was invited to join him during the inaugural activation of the Farisian Nexus. I leave for Quel’ule tomorrow.Day 146

A calamity of monumental proportions has occurred. This entry must be short as I am recording this on borrowed time. The activation of the Nexus did not go as planned. An explosion has occurred unlike any I have witnessed previously. Something that could be best described as a mighty blast of lightning-like power dispersed out from the hub of the Nexus. Many were killed as the town of Quel’ule was torn asunder. Outside the sky had changed and I am unable to find the sun or the stars in the sky. To make matters worse the archaic dominance I once held over the Gruengach has been losI My attempts to subjugate them once more have proved to be unsuccessful.

Day 147

I am writing what rn4i well be my final living thoughts. The barricade is beginning to collapse and I fear my Tellurian champion will not be able to hold them off forever. The goatmen have not forgotten who placed them in unwilling servitude and they seem hell-bent on taking their revenge. I fear I…

There are no additional journal entries.

From Pond to Paladin Vol. II

Morell-Thule, the forsaken son of Cazic, and brother of Terris, took notice of Terris manipulations of the slumbering God, for while Terris is the Queen of Nightmares, Morell is the King of Dreams. For reasons unknown, perhaps simply to foul the plans of his wicked father and sister, Morell-Thule stole the gift of life that had been taken from the slumbering Mithaniel and escaped into his Demi-Plane of Dreams. Knowing that his enraged family would soon visit his home, Morell divided Mithaniel’s Gift of Life, scattering one half across all the swamps of Norrath, the sacred lands of his father, Cazic-Thule.

Where Mithaniel’s Gift of Life fell upon the swamps of Norrath, the first Froglok Tads were born. Those first Tads had the hardest trials of our people. Until that point, the swamps belonged only to the foul and destructive creatures of the dark gods. Fortunately the gift of life that had brought our first ancestors into being also empowered them with the bravery and valor Mithaniel Marr had exhibited during his trials in the mortal realms.

Once the swamps had been seeded with the first of our kind, the Lord of Dreams, Morell-Thule, visited Mithaniel Marr’s twin sister, Erollisi Marr. While the Goddess of Love blissfully rested in the lands of the fair elves, Morell-Thule visited her in a dream and gave to her the second half of Mithaniel’s Gift of Life. It was soon to be evident to the fair elves that their visiting daughter of the Gods was with child and they took her to an uninhabited region of the frozen northlands of Antonica, where they could tend to and guard her in seclusion.

While the elves watched after Erollisi, the first of our ancestors grew from Tads into adult Frogloks, and Morell-Thule gifted them with dreams of the imprisoned Mithaniel Marr, and visions of a means to free the brave son of Tarew. So it came to pass that from all the swamps of Norrath, the first Frogloks rose in arms against the minions of Cazic-Thule, fighting valiantly to the site of Mithaniel Marr’s imprisonment, guided by visions from the Lord of Dreams.

for uncounted years the Frogloks battled the evil inhabitants of Norrath’s swamplands, learning the lessons of both victory and defeat. Alas, Cazic-Thule is an ancient and powerful God and his minions are numerous and diverse. Try as they might, the ancestor Frogloks could not reach their imprisoned God, but never did they cease their efforts, despite the daunting odds.

Then, after some time, a small army arrived on the borders of the swamp that was Mithaniel Marr’s prison. Not an army of Frogloks, but an army of Northmen, the children of Erollisi Marr. They too had been guided by visions and dreams of the imprisoned God from whose life they were conceived. Seeking justice for the imprisonment of their father, the Northmen joined with the Froglok armies and the alliance of Froglok and Man succeeded in freeing their father Mithaniel Marr. The minions of Cazic-Thule and the Avatar of Fear himself fell before the unity and valor of the children of Marr. For the first time in the history of Norrath, the swamps were not safe for the evil creations of the dark gods.

It was in the brave and selfless actions of the ancestor Frogloks and Northmen that Mithaniel Marr discovered the mortal trait of Valor, and because of Morell-Thule’s honorable delivering of the truth of our origins to our ancestors in visions and dream, Mithaniel also chose to champion the virtue of honesty as well as valor.

Such is the tale of my Lord Mithaniel Marr, and the origins of my fellow Frogloks, and of our distant brethren, the race of Men. It is a shame that so many of our kind, as well as many of the race of men, have strayed from the virtues of our ancestors. My Mithaniel Marr bless us, his faithful servants, with the powers to redeem our fallen kin from the clutches of evil.

Places of Norrath: Grobb

Overview of Grobb

This trollish village sits on the edge of the Innothule Swamp and is home to the trolls of Norrath. Grobb is made almost entirely from mud, rock and rotting wood harvested from the swampland the village was built upon. Large, moss-covered walls are scattered throughout and line the murky waterways. Some small wood bridges can be found in the city, although most trolls are accustomed to swimming and typically do not expend the effort to build unnecessary pathways.

All of the buildings in this city are uniform in design – ornaments and decoration, beyond severed animal heads and hides, are completely out of the question for these dull brutes of the swamp. Simple signs painted with reptilian blood in poor, broken common tongue detail the name of each shop and guildhall.

At the center of town, near the bank, stands a gruesome sight – a mangled, dismembered dwarven corpse, suspended from meat hooks. The cannibalistic trolls often feast upon the flesh of other Norrathian races, finding dwarves to be the finest of delicacies. This display is not one of warding, or torture for the sheer delight of torture. Trolls are too submerged in instinct to develop the thought to torment another intentionally. Rather, this is a communal feeding trough for the strongest members of Grobb society who are able to survive the brutal fights over choice parts.

A few years ago, Grobb was the midst of a battle involving the Grozmok Stone.

The Fall of Grob (Lore from the Legacy of Ykesha)
Only days before, they had walked from the murky comfort of Innothule, bringing with them a message from their god. The elders waited for them in the glow of Guk’s stony mouth, anxious yet unaware of the dramatic change they were about to discover. The firepots’ aura met the first of Mithaniel’s chosen as they stepped out of the water’s dark grasp and made their way ashore.

The elders were mesmerized. Their eyes were transfixed on the glory that their lord had bestowed upon their fellow citizens. Still, the fully transformed frogloks seemed natural, though the evidence of their blessings was far from subtle. They were, after all, merely an evolution; a reminder of the power that the heavens hold over the mortal realm.

Within hours of their return to Guk, the chosen of Mithaniel moved frantically to prepare. Several days of prayer, fasting and planning allowed them to convey the urgency of their visions to the elders and citizens of Guk. They had emerged from the swamp with not only a new form, but also a plan for what would become a new age in the annals of froglok lore. They had been given a clear vision of conquest: Grobb would fall beneath them.

Weakened by the loss of their relic and the disappearance of their greatest heroes, the citizens of Grobb sat unaware in the morning gloom. Their minds were on the ocean and the black waters that were swallowing their kin, a crucial distraction for the interlopers’ plans. The trolls of Grobb were wading through the quicksand of despair, blind to the final blow that was gathering in the shadows just outside their city’s gates.

Not unlike the froglok elders, the Bashers were mesmerized when their eyes first caught sight of the faces that emerged from Innothule’s waters. However, the enthralling sight was not glorious to them, but rather a horrific vision. The first thoughts that came to them were of their god. An epiphany occurred simultaneously among the small crowds of trolls. As they stood on the familiar shores of Innothule, each one began to understand… they must have somehow angered their god… and the assault that was coming towards them must be his final act of retribution.

The battle lasted only hours. From the first call of alarm, to the moment the last of the terrified trolls scurried into the Feerott and the sands of Ro, the frogloks were clearly blessed. The trolls were reduced to an almost primal state. Those that stood and fought were quickly reduced to a smoldering and broken mass, evidence of the true power of what would be called the Guktan army. The Lance of Mithaniel could only triumph in their mission. Grobb stood decimated before them.

Gukta, the outpost of Marr… The visions that awaited them in the waters of Innothule that first night were not wrong. As the first light of morning broke through the haze and smoke of battle, the frogloks worked quickly to erect proof of their victory. Before the noon sun reached its pinnacle, the city was transformed. Grobb was no more.

The Return to Grobb
The battlefield was a mass of frenzied, frightened and determined combatants. The majority of those fighting on the side of the “evil” were the displaced Trolls. Their most immediate allies were the Dark Elves, though they were fewer in number than even the Trolls had expected. However, there were some that sent aid to the Trolls. There were Ogres on the battlefield, smashing any heads that they could reach. There were also some special reinforcements.

The Gnomes of Ak’Anon sent a huge mechanical rat and a small army of baby rats to assist the Trolls. The Trolls had some help provided by adventurers sympathetic to their plight. Those adventurers, directed by Dark Elven or Trollish masterminds, sought out allies that they could force to assist them. One group went to the Plane of Fear and discovered the shriveled-but-living body of the ancient Nightterror, one of the first Amygdalan created, this beast feed off of fear in others. Here’s a quote from a secret text:

“The Nightterror was one of the ancient ones, one of the first of the Amygdala. It was unlike his brothers, who loved the making of fear. It desired the effects of terror. It had an unending hunger, the need to feed off of fear. The Nightterror stalked the darkness, seeking out those that were touched with fear. It learned to scent the power of Terris-Thule. It would seek out those in her grip and feed off of them. It was not long before it learned to manipulate sleeping mortals in order to feed its hunger. It would enter a town and waves of nightmares would sweep over everyone as they slept. The Nightterror would feed and grow stronger and the people would awaken weak, shaken and drained.

It was not long before the Nightterror began to kill people in their sleep, leaving entire villages dead in its wake. This was when Terris-Thule came to notice the intrusion on her realm. She became furious and simply blocked the beast from those in her realm. The Nightterror was immediately weakened and eventually fell into an impenetrable slumber. Cazic-Thule placed the beast somewhere in his realm where its suffering would be felt by anyone that came near in the form of a non-specific hunger and sense of Terror. No one has been able to locate the beast in the Plane of Fear, though one day we shall find a way to revive this force and release it again upon the world.”

This beast was revived with captured nightmares and set upon the frogloks during the battle.

The Dark Elves sent adventurers to trap a powerful Djinn, using his own love for the Phoenix against him. This Djinn lord was called Shanala the Storm. These adventurers captured several eggs from the Plane of Air and held them over the lava in Lavastorm. They then opened a portal to the Plane of Air and taunted Shanala. The impetuous Djinn came through to recover the eggs but was instead captured and forced to do a single service for the Dark Elves. His power was also unleashed on the frogloks.

But the frogloks had their own allies. The Barbarians of Halas assaulted the forces from Neriak in a noble effort that failed. The Gnomes, a people of two minds about whether to conduct one’s life for good or evil, sent a huge clockwork spider to assist the frogloks. But most heartening to the frogloks on the battle field was the return of one of their heroes. Glikigup was one of the ancient frogloks that had been taken by the curse so many years ago. He was betrayed by his best friend and used as a tool for that friends own goals. A band of adventurers located Glikigup and killed that one-time friend, freeing the hero from his eternal bonds of treachery. When the massive hero of Gukta stepped into the swamp wielding the sword known as Heartlight, which was reforged by adventurers, the hearts of the Guktans was lifted and they redoubled their efforts to defend their home.

Even then the Frogloks might have prevailed, if it were not for the curse. The Dark Elves had discovered the essence of the curse laid upon the frogloks in a previous age. They distilled it and refined it for use on the battlefield. When they unleashed it upon the Guktans, brother turned on brother, father on son, and many of the frogloks that remained untouched by the curse were felled by the blades of their cousins.

Now the battle is over. The frogloks, still calling themselves Guktans, have made a home in the Rathe Mountains. They are confused, devastated and angered at the betrayal suffered at the hands of their kin, but they also know that the change was forced on them. Those untouched by the curse have been put to a dilemma. Their brothers, sisters, children and other kin have been turned to the worship of Innoruuk by no choice of their own. They have killed many Mithaniel Marr worshippers and they would not choose to return to their old lives now even if it was in their power to do so. But these cursed frogloks have no homes either. The few that have sought refuge with the Trolls were killed outright. No Troll will ever trust a froglok, even if he claims to worship Innoruuk (and Innoruuk isn’t Cazic-Thule, so such worship is stupid in the eyes of a Troll anyway).

So the Guktans have allowed their cursed kin to remain with them. The two groups form an unsteady and unhappy alliance for their own safety in the mountains for Rathe. The Guktans seek a way to undo the curse while their cursed kin seek a way to find safety and freedom from their bond with the Guktans.

Grobb has a guildmaster for each class that is available to trolls. Spell and tome merchants are also available for those classes. Here is a list of the main guildmasters:

Gardunk – (Beastlord)
Daboo Dogok – (Berserker)
Hukulk – (Shadow Knight)
Kaglari – (Shaman)
Ranjor – (Warrior)
City Resources
Grobb provides the basic necessities of adventuring: Bankers, a Soulbinder, a Tribute Master, Task Masters, augmentation needs, and merchants that sell backpacks, ale, bandages, food, drink, and fishing gear.

You’ll also find a Priest of Discord, Tradeskill Quest Masters, tradeskill crafting objects, and supply merchants for alchemy, baking, jewelcrafting, pottery, tailoring, and blacksmithing.

Places of Interest
Grobb hosts a number of different buildings including several shops, taverns and guildhalls.

Da Bashin’ Place
Da Bashers, Grobb’s gang of troll warriors, are led by the trolls’ strongest and fiercest warrior, Ranjor. The hierarchy of Da Bashers is determined solely by might in combat, putting leaders in a somewhat precarious position.

Ranjor is a mighty troll warrior responsible for dealing with newly made warriors for the warrior’s guild. Surprisingly, Ranjor has been rarely challenged; then again, no troll that has dared has ever survived to try again.

Night Keep
Led by Hukulk, this is the guild hall for the shadow knights of Grobb.

Hukulk is an evil twisted troll that enjoys bathing in the blood of his enemies. He is responsible for dealing with the newly made shadow knights. Once the lover of the troll harlot Lynuga, his inner rage and hatred were magnified, by Lynuga’s affair with a troll residing in the Teir’Dal city of Neriak, much to the pleasure of his patron deity Innoruuk.

The Throne of Might
This mystical place is the hideaway of the Dark Ones, the shaman and beastlords of Grobb. It is overseen by Kaglari.

A wise yet stupid troll, Kaglari is the High Priestess of the Dark Ones and is responsible for the new shaman recruits in Grobb.

1st Bank of Grobb
Rumored to be the smartest troll that ever lived because she can count, Spinkit is the banker in Grobb.

Gunthak’s Belch
Gunthak’s Belch or how the trolls spell it, Gunthak’s Beltch, is a watering hole that serves basic food and drink, and alcohol. Ogre Swill and Dwarven Pickles are amongst the specialties. It also offers brewing supplies, containers, and use of a brew barrel.

Krung’s Clubs n’ Junk
This shop is the village marketplace. Merchants inside and outside offer armor, weapons, baking supplies, fletching supplies, jewelcrafting supplies, and pottery supplies. Outside resources include a pottery wheel, a kiln, and a forge.

Uzak the Jeweler
Uzak offers gems, molds and other jewelcrafting supplies.


Thelin Poxbourne

You say, ‘Hail, Adroha Jezith’

Adroha dabs Thelin’s forehead with a cold towel and looks up to you, her gentle features veiled in concern. Her voice is gentle and sweet in its hushed tones as she gently returns to your greetings, ‘Poor, poor Thelin. I wonder if he will ever recover from opening the portal to the Nightmare plane. I hope he will recover. That seems to be all we have right now, hope. Perhaps you should move along, traveler, and leave the suffering elders to their rest.’

You say, ‘what portal’

Adroha Jezith says ‘My pity onto Thelin. His life on Norrath was a miserable one. As a young man he began to study the workings of fear inspired by Cazic-Thule. The workings had been translated for mortals by Zebuxoruk. Pouring over the texts, Thelin felt his mind being invaded by Cazic. This information was not for mortal usage and the malevolent god stripped him of all his earthly belongings and cursed him to live in [poverty and ruin].’

You say, ‘what poverty and ruin?’

Adroha Jezith says ‘Aye, he lived in the streets of Eastern Freeport, begging from those passing through the port. He sat quivering, propped up against a wall with one hand out as he watched the travelers pass by. None of them even gave him a second glance. Several years would pass before a female dwarf would arrive to trade some of her family’s armor and weapons. She saw and took pity on Thelin. She knelt down, scratched her beard then began to rummage through her backpack. She then placed a [jeweled dagger] in his hand, smiled and returned to her former business.’

You say, ‘what jeweled dagger?’

Adroha Jezith says ‘This was the only gift that Thelin had received since the curse. It was beautifully crafted and would likely have fetched a handsome price upon the market. He decided to keep the dagger as it was such a kind gesture. Later that eve, Thelin heard the calling of others that studied Zebuxoruk’s workings. He recognized the language they called out in. He approached the men and explained he had studied the writings of Zebuxoruk. One of the shaded figures then began to mutter an incantation. Suddenly, there was a bright flash, lush vegetation and a peaceful breeze surrounded them. They had ascended here, to the [Plane of Tranquility] where they could further study the works without interference from the gods and mortals alike.’

You say, ‘what plane of tranquility?’

Adroha Jezith says ‘Thelin enjoyed it here. He assisted the other followers by using all his mana to open a portal to the Plane of Nightmares, the demi-plane ruled by the child of The Faceless, Terris-Thule. Spent from using all his energies, he went to bed early after his victory had been achieved in this task. As he laid in bed, he looked over the dagger that had been given to him by the female dwarf. He smiled at the new peace he had found here and began to fall asleep. Drifting away into the realm of dreams, his subconscious was assulted by the horrors of a nightmare. He tossed and turned from the visions that came before him. So bad did he writhe in his subconscious torment that he turned on the dagger. He was critically injured, and let out a wrenching scream. We found him and were able to heal his wound enough to keep him alive. However, he still lies in a deep coma seemingly [tortured by nightmares].’

You say, ‘tortured by nightmares’

Adroha Jezith tells you, ‘It is our belief that Terris-Thule is punishing him for allowing entrance into her plane. She seems to have an exceedingly strong tie to him. Since her father has already punished him, she likely found that he was easily tormented by her own powers. Sometimes he talks while tossing and turning. We have taken note of everything he has said. He has said ‘I accept your offer Terris-Thule’, ‘I must find the pieces’, and ‘It never ends’. You must help him. Go through the portal that he has helped to create. Try to find his planar projection in Terris’ plane. Help him wake from this torment. Please, I beg you. I cannot stand to watch him suffer any longer.’

Erudin Burning lore

Terris Thule says ‘His knowledge and words dwell within the minds of all erudites, so although he is long dead, his spirit lives. And in this dream, he once again walks among his people, confused and dismayed by the destruction he sees. Every time I kill him or alter his memories, he descends further into madness, and the tastes of truth I give him are all the more frustrating.’

Terris Thule says ‘Why would I do such a thing? As his spirit weakens, as the spirits of all erudites weaken, I grow in power. As his madness grows, so does my strength. There is nothing you should fear more than a nightmare from which you cannot wake.’

Terris Thule says ‘But I did not anticipate your arrival…or your strength. I leave to you Erud and his fading knowledge and confused memories. Do with him what you will. It is of no ultimate consequence anyhow; for although you may have discovered me, you will never find Morell.’

Planes of Power

The Plane of Justice

A council of six masked beings known as The Tribunal, or the Six Hammers for their massive golden gavels, rule over the bleak landscape of endless gray plains and massive prison structures that is the Plane of Justice. All manner of sentient creatures that have committed unspeakable crimes are condemned to serve sentences within the impenetrable walls of the planar prisons, watched over by hooded servants of the Six Hammers.

The mortals of Norrath who worship The Tribunal claim that the Six Hammers sit eternally in the Court of Justice, perpetually passing judgment on the creatures brought before them by a being known only as The Seventh Hammer. It is this Seventh Hammer that acts as the messenger and bailiff to The Tribunal, and it is said that he is the only sentient creature that can stand before the immortal judges and he himself not be judged.

The Plane of Flame

Solusek Ro, The Burning Prince with his crown of flame and spear of fire rules the Plane of Flame from his mighty Burning Tower. Fire Elementals, Efreeti, and an assortment of other fire loving planar creatures inhabit Solusek’s endless kingdom of blazing landscapes under a burning red sky filled with clouds of smoke, smoldering embers, and fiery rain.

The mortals attribute Solusek with such acts as the raising of the Serpent’s Spine Mountains and the destruction of Eldarr Forest, creating the Deserts of Ro and changing the face and history of Norrath. Does this deity, revered by powerful wizards throughout Norrath, serve the will of his father, the mysterious greater god Fennin Ro, Tyrant of Fire and Lord of the Plane of Fire? Or does Solusek Ro serve his own destructive and power hungry cause?

Plane of Disease – The putrid stench of rotting flesh hangs heavy in the air as adventurers discover a vast plane of pestilence, decay, and corruption.

Plane of Nightmares – The home of Terris Thule. A forested region, a wilderness of terror, the Plane of Nightmares will steal the sleep of many adventurers.

Plane of Knowledge – New Tanaan is a city-state that exists outside normal physical and political boundaries, a haven of knowledge for those who seek it.

Plane of Tranquility – Tranquility, the gateway to deeper planar realms. Peace reigns supreme here and adventures will not be able to engage in combat or use offensive magics

An Offering To Thule

You say, ‘Hail, Tiseth the Thrall’

Tiseth the Thrall says ‘With your pledge, Cazic Thule has taken notice. I can feel his power building all around us. It is finally time to [meet] our God! He will reward our efforts to spread fear in this realm, and spare us from his vengeful wrath. Followers of Thule will be welcomed into Cazic’s fearful embrace, and allowed to rule alongside him in the Plane of Fear.’

You say, ‘Let’s meet him…’

Tiseth the Thrall says ‘I will gather our fellow followers, and together we will sacrifice every living creature within this realm as an offering to Cazic Thule. He cannot ignore our devotion! Are you ready to [begin]?’

You say, ‘Ready to begin!’

Tiseth the Thrall says ‘We will meet again, PlayerName, before our God!’

You say, ‘Hail, Tiseth the Thrall’

Tiseth the Thrall says ‘This is it, PlayerName. The moment we have been preparing for. We are in the presence of a God! Cazic Thule shall recognize our efforts to spread fear, and welcome us into him realm. Come, let us confront our God and receive our humble reward!’

Tiseth the Thrall says ‘Cazic Thule, God of Fear, hear us! Your loyal servants, eager to do your bidding! We await your command.’

Cazic Thule’s spikes bristle, and a guttural rasp penetrates your mind. ‘Death is not the only thing a mortal fears. I am an adder beneath the brush; I am a wolf beyond the gleam of campfires. I am a spy in a kingdom at war; I am a bastard in the castle of a king; I am a traitor in the ranks of an army. I am the loss of an eye or limb; I am the humiliation of courtesans; I am the scorn of a desired lover. And I am everlasting punishment.

Cazic Thule says ‘How many like you have I killed, tortured, maimed? Here their blood surges with the fear of imminent death, as undoubtedly yours does. I could dismember you inch by inch, staunching your blood each time I tear off more of your body. I could flay you and splay your living flesh like a banner over my spines, every exposed nerve pierced and wailing. I am unbearable pain that does not end in death.’

Cazic Thule says ‘I am the obliteration of you and all of your companions. You have fought together and bled together. Now you shall die together.’

Cazic Thule’s labored words form in your mind. ‘I did not think this possible, but you have proven it to me. Somehow, this plane is not my own. How long ago was it? My daughter, Terris, appeared to me and bade me walk with her. She showed to me a mansion as expansive and resplendent as the very rays of Sol. We entered, and her voice faded into memory, like chimes on the wind. I was again here, in my plane.

Cazic Thule says ‘The hills soon ran with blood. Adventurers came by the thousands. I dashed their skulls against this obelisk and pulled apart their bones. They flung themselves at me, cowered, and then died in agony. But never had there been so many. And they began to look the same.’

Cazic Thule says ‘I wandered this plane but found no escape. I began to see visions: A luminous horn pulsing at the edge of perception; the voice of my son, Morell, rising above my daughter’s. And my strength began to wane. Longer and longer it took for me to decimate an entire regiment of soldiers.’

Cazic Thule says ‘And now you have me on the cusp of death. Yes, I am now certain: My children have imprisoned me, and they weaken me unto destruction. To what end I do not know. What drives a child to harbor malice and guile against their parent? Are not dreams and nightmares bastions of fear? Does not the child learn to fight or flee from the vicious predator in the safety of dreams or nightmares? Without me, my children have no purpose.’

Cazic Thule’s words come slowly. ‘And what of you? What power do you have over me? What quarrel do we have? Would you walk blithely into a throng of swords and spears arrayed against you? Would you sacrifice yourself for another without hesitation, or would you thrust a companion into a rain of arrows to shield yourself from death? I can save or destroy you. You hate me, but I bring balance to your existence. Without Fear, you are all doomed.’

You have defeated Cazic Thule within his dream realm, and are now able to further explore the House of Thule.

Terris Thule stares at the corpse of her father. ‘You were a fool, Cazic. Your power was instinctual, but mine is intellectual; you controlled the body, but I control the mind. And now I will have both. He cannot stop me; you cannot stop me!’

Terris Thule says ‘Do you hear me, adventurers? It constantly amazes me how stupid you are! Did you think you defeated me? Did you think you had any power over nightmares? Did you think these hills and corpses were anything other than dreams? And now you have killed my father. Do not fear, though. You are my precious little puppets, always running around, killing everything that poses the slightest bit of threat to you. If you had not killed him, I would have done so myself. His time was at an end.’

Terris Thule says ‘When he took me to the house, his horn was glowing brighter than ever. He said his power resonated within the walls, and near the winged statues his thoughts sprang to life: hallways that submerged into sunken caverns, gables that floated off into clouds. I touched a statue, and a banister changed to a hundred writhing adders. Morell pressed deeper into the house, but I had other plans.’

Terris Thule says ‘I brought Cazic inside, rested my hand on his arm, and touched a statue. He fell into the nightmare you see now, never to awake. Morell objected, but he was more interested in his augmented powers than my designs. And besides, since when have dreams alone held more power than nightmares? How would that weakling be able to challenge me?’

Terris Thule says ‘And now he will certainly have no recourse. I will draw to me the remnants of Cazic’s power…’

Terris Thule screams in pain and anger as a portal opens around her. ‘Is this your doing, adventurers? You have no idea what magnitude of power you are playing with! Morell, help me! Do not let them take our father!’

You say, ‘Hail, a frightened follower’

a frightened follower says ‘Please, don’t hurt me! I… I can show you the way [out] if you’ll spare my life.’

From Pond to Paladin Vol. I

From Pond to Paladin
The Origins of Froglok and Man
by Glupurp Stoneskipper
Paladin of Marr

My noble kinsman, I bring to you the knowledge of our origins, as well as the origin of Man that has been bestowed upon me by the scholars of the City of New Tanaan, and those who have visited the Halls of Honor, home of our Lord Mithaniel Marr. I am but a humble Paladin of Mithaniel Marr, born like many of our kind in the swamps of Southern Antonica, and deserve no adulation for penning these words. This work is in honor of all Froglok, current, past, and yet to come.

In the early ages of Norrath, before the arrival of Man, the Marr Twins did walk the face of Norrath. The children of a God of Power, Tarew Marr the Water Lord, the Marr Twins searched amongst the mortals of Norrath a cause to champion and embrace with their divinity. The Gods of Nature puzzled over the Marr Twins absence of a divine purpose, and the Gods of Influence scoffed at the twins for seeking such a purpose amongst the mortals. The most malicious of the Gods, Innoruuk, and Cazic-Thule, sought to corrupt the young twins to strengthen the forces of hatred and fear.

Innoruuk, the twisted God of Hatred and Spite sent his mortal followers to Tarew’s daughter, Erollisi Marr, to tempt her and seduce her into the darkness. With the wisdom imparted to the Goddess by her father, she saw through the Teir’Dals deceptions, and their wickedness was more visible to her eyes than even their physical forms. So it came to pass that Erollisi journeyed to the lands of Tunare’s fair elves, to escape the sickening advances of the Teir’Dal. It was in the early kingdom of the elves, that Erollisi did find warmth, peace, and beauty in the harsh realm of the mortals and it was there that she embraced and was in return embraced by a most mortal of traits. It was there she found love.

While Erollisi fended off the advances of Innoruuk’s mortal agents, the forces of Cazic-Thule beset her twin brother, Mithaniel Marr. Serpents, phantoms, and all manner of frightful creatures conjured and commanded by Cazic-Thule mortal minions came to Mithaniel to assault his body and mind. Mithaniel was no mortal however, and his will was strong, the minions of Thule could not instill within him the fear of their dark lord. They did succeed however, in luring the brave Mithaniel to the swamps of Norrath, the deadly, dank, lands where the creatures of Cazic-Thule were the strongest and most numerous. An army of Trolls, Lizard Folk, and forgotten creatures of unspeakable horror beset Mithaniel Marr, and so it came to pass that he became a captive to the minions of the Lord of Fear.

Mithaniel, imprisoned in magical bonds provided to his captors by Cazic-Thule, and tortured by relentless monstrosities, prayed to his father day and night for forgiveness and salvation. The prayers continued, unanswered, until the brave God, weary from torture and weakened by the dark magic of Cazic-Thule fell into a deep slumber.

It was then that Terris-Thule visited the slumbering God to inflict his sleep with nightmares more horrible than the events he had endured at the hands of his captors during his waking hours. However, at the beseeching of her father, Cazic-Thule, Terris was not permitted to inflict such terror onto Mithaniel Marr until after she first deceived him through his dreams and stole the gift of life from his body. So Terris did as her father commanded and then the slumbering horrors began.