Category Archives: The Kings

The Necropolis of Lxanvon Vol. I

The Necropolis of Lxanvon and the Arrival of the Plague Bringer

In a Norrathian age long past, when dragons ruled the lands, seas, and skies, an ancient race did spring forth from the will of an unknown god. They were a cunning and powerful race of beings, able to survive in a harsh world ruled by the scaled children of Veeshan. The true name of this extinct civilization has been lost to the mists of time, the evidence of their existence buried and all but destroyed by the elements and the forces of change.

The eldest of dragons sometimes whisper tales of this lost race of beings who were the first to stand against and slay the great children of Veeshan. They speak of them to their young, as a human mother would tell ghost stories to her child. The dragons whispered tales of a great kingdom of wicked yet noble beings that built cities from the bones and sinew of the slain children of Veeshan. This is one such tale, passed down to the scribes of New Tanaan many years past by the dragon sorcerer Ulvaxazoviak.

Many ages ago, in a time that only the spirits of the ancestor dragons can recall, a long dead ancient race, The Xulous they are called in the tales of my kind, did build upon the lands that would become Tunaria a great necropolis to house their dead kings. The crypts of the necropolis were fashioned from preserved remains of slain dragons and it was called Lxanvon, which means in the tongue of the Xulous, ‘Kings Rest’.

As the necropolis filled with the dead Xulous royalty, honored and revered in death as much as in life, a festering evil began to take over in the lowest bowels of the crypts of the kings. The Xulous, through their adoration and reverence of their rotting kings, their defilement of the dead children of Veeshan, and their dependence on the deaths of dragons for the expansion of their kingdoms did unknowingly bring a powerful and ancient evil to Norrath. As years passed, the evil presence in the bowels of Lxanvon grew stronger, and there, within the rotting corpses of those ancient kings, Bertoxxulous was born.

The Last Battle

When it is to end, Sky and Earth would wage endless war against each other. As one side gained the advantage, the other side would steal it away from the other. This would continue until both agreed to one Final Battle. Sky made its champions to fight against Earth, and Earth made its champions to fight against Sky.

Earth thought long and hard and created its champion. Taking only from Earth and placing no Sky within its creation, Earth breathed its own essence into its warriors. Sky watched Earth, and being ever jealous, stole some of Earth to put in its champions. Earth was smarter, for there was not much room for Sky’s essence in its creations. And thus, the Minotaurs and the Valkyries were created.

As the Final Battle would begin, the Minotaurs would win every battle. Soon enough Sky realized it was about to lose, the great act of treachery was performed. Sky hid away its champions to stall the battle. Earth seeing this, stole a piece of Sky when it wasn’t looking and showed the Minotaurs how to use Sky against its champions when the battle would resume. And thus, Magic was made.

The Kings would watch as the Minotaurs were given everything and they, Earth’s first companions, were given nothing. Having a piece of Sky within them, they felt jealousy just as she did. The Kings reached out and stole most of the Minotaur’s Magic, upon which Earth banished the Kings into a circle of hidden places. And thus, the Evil Ring was made.

Thinking this was a sign of weakness on Earth’s part, Sky brought forth the Valkyries once again. Continuing to cheat during the Final Battle, Sky summoned forth all of its strength and blew away all of the Earth’s many, many companions. All that remained on Earth’s body were the Minotaurs and the Valkyries. And thus, the Last Two were made.

As the two champions fought, so would Earth and Sky. Watching as both champions were about to end in a draw, Sky launched a daring assault upon Earth. Opening all of its old wounds, Sky began to bleed upon Earth hoping to drown the Minotaurs. Earth was ready for this trick and formed a shield. The blood of Sky and the shield of Earth would become merged as one. And thus, Ice was formed.

Sky could no longer reach Earth and Earth could no longer reach Sky, for Ice separated the two. Knowing that Sky could no longer touch Earth in anger, its anger raged out of control. Getting more and more angry, Sky spun itself into great circling storms until finally it could not undo the great knot it had tied itself in. And thus, the Great Maelstrom was made.

Earth could no longer reach Sky and Sky could no longer reach Earth, for Ice separated the two. Knowing that Earth was prevented from lashing out in its anger, it began to boil and stew in its frustration. Its anger would rumble and rumble, tearing itself apart. When the anger subsided, Earth had crumbled until it was only a tiny portion of what it used to be. And thus, the Final Land was made.

Knowing the Last Battle could not be won by cheating, allowing only for the champions to decide the outcome, Sky became spiteful. Reaching over to one of its original companions, Sky squeezed it until it burst, raining pieces of a Moon down upon the Ice. And thus, the One Moon was made.

And now the fight continues. The Valkyries are the champions of Sky and we Minotaurs are the champions of Earth. The Final Battle will be fought until there is only one victor. And since we Minotaurs have more essence of Earth than the Valkyries have of Sky, it is only a matter of time before Earth prevails and the Valkyries are destroyed.

The First Battle

When it began, there was but Earth and Sky. Nothing else existed, for nothing had to. They were not friends, nor were they enemies. And this is the way it would be countless ages, for there was no such thing as time. But all things must come to an end, as did the wholeness of Earth and Sky.

Sky was loud and Earth was quiet. Sky was quick to anger and would scream when upset, which would happen much of the time. Earth was slow to anger, but when provoked would rumble louder and groan with its displeasure. Not understanding Sky, Earth took a piece of its partner and created companions that had some of its own qualities. And thus, the Kings were made.

Seeing the companions Earth had made, Sky took a piece of its partner and made a companion of its own. Placing a piece of itself into the piece of Earth, it floated in the space that was Sky. And since Sky only did this out of jealousy, Sky told its new companion that it should be seen by all of the Kings and Earth to let them know that Sky’s companion was better. And this, the Sun was made.

Soon enough, both Earth and the Kings would see the greatness of the Sky Sun. Earth wanted the Sky Sun as a companion as well and asked the Kings to spread their great wings and fly upwards to snatch it from Sky. Sky, remaining ever jealous, told Sky Sun to go away whenever the Kings flew too close. Thus, Night and Day were made.

Sky, being insecure, was lonely whenever the Sky Sun would leave her alone. So Sky, in her jealousy, reached down again and took another piece from Earth and made two more companions. Having taken a large piece, Sky cut it in half and made two companions. Though not as bright as the Sky Sun, both of these new companions would entertain Sky when the Sky Sun was away. And thus, the Two Moons were made.

Earth watched as Sky created more companions and after much consideration, chose to make more companions than Sky ever could. He reached up and grabbed many pieces of Sky and made companion after companion after companion. Soon enough, there were more companions than could be counted. And thus, Life was created.

Sky soon noticed that it only had three companions and Earth had many. Barely able to contain its anger Sky screamed like a bawling child. The screaming continued for so much time that when it finally calmed, Sky looked down and saw that it had scattered Life to many different corners of Earth. And thus, the Races were made.

Feeling anger for what Sky had done to Life, Earth had erupted into anger. Lashing out personally at Sky, it hurled itself up towards its partner. Fiery violence flew high towards Sky, cutting her and scraping her. Every blow landed against Sky would create a small little hole to mark the damage, and all of the fists would fall back to Earth. And thus, the Stars and the Mountains were made.

From every cut that punctured its body, Sky would bleed. And since there were hundreds of punches, there was much blood. Sky would bleed and bleed, not stopping for many ages. Covering Earth in its blood, it would take many ages before Sky would staunch the flow, though never healing the wounds. And thus, the Oceans were made.

This would be known as the First Battle. It would mark the beginning of the endless battle between Earth and Sky. The fight would last for many eternities, for both sides were no longer partners but now enemies. This would continue until the Last Battle would come one day.