Category Archives: Thubr Axebringer

The Remembrance – Al`Kabor and Sir Jevik Isqual

“As a calming breeze flows through the land, the waves of the Ocean of Tears sway gently with the ship that carries the Chosen One of Tunare as this fair maiden makes her way to the city of Freeport. The mighty ship Siren’s Bane pulls into the city of Freeport.”

The Siren’s Bane, carrying Firiona Vie, Thubr Axebringer and Sionachie Heartsinger, docked in East Freeport. It was a long and somber journey for them. They traveled from Greater Faydark where Firiona met up with Lorisyn and Lyirae Oakwynd, the ranger twins. Villains from the past who they had encountered some time in the past had killed Lorisyn. Thubr told Firiona about the others that she needed to find. He told her that the human Paladin of Marr and the Erudite would be found in Freeport. During the trip, Sionachie amused them by playing music. Thubr kept them company by drinking his dwarven ale.

Thubr Axebringer reached his hand out to the high elven beauty’s arm to assist her off the boat. “Careful milady!” Looking out over the buildings of Freeport, Thubr said wistfully, “Freeport, the trading hub of the world. It’s filled with thieves, smugglers, crooked guards, dangerous mages creeping through the gutters, and of course all the ale ye can drink. Welcome to Freeport milady. Ye are sure to find that blasted Erudite amongst this scum.” Thubr led them to West Freeport, where he believed they could find the Erudite wizard, Al`Kabor, studying and researching at the Academy of the Arcane Sciences.

Firiona Vie motioned to Sionachie to follow her, as she was led by the dwarf. Thubr continued to swig from the flask of dwarven wine he had brought with him from Faydwer. Emptying the one flask, he rifled through his pack and finding yet another, uncorked the cap.

Thubr stumbled slightly as he stopped to get his bearings in the city. “I know it’s around here somewhere, I jus’ can’t see straight at the moment.”

Sionachie giggled to herself, “Perhaps we can rest here and get one of these citizens to assist us by seeking him out.”

Stopping some passers by, Thubr addressed them, “Friends, excuse me. Can one of ye go seek out the Erudite at the Arcane Sciences Hall? Tell ‘im some old friends are here waiting for ‘im. Don’t tell ‘im who sent ye, it’s a surprise. We’ll be right here on the grass.”

The strangers agreed and went forth in search of the Erudite. Thubr settled himself on the grass, sitting down heavily. “Milady, that sure was a pretty boat ride wasn’t it? The bartender and I became best of buddies.”

Firiona agreed, “Aye, it was Thubr. I do hope we find the others. My memories are still not completely recovered, and you never mentioned their names. Who are they?”

Thubr Axebringer laughed deeply and said, “I apologize milady, but I’m having trouble rememberin’ me own name at this point.” The three laughed and continued to talk as they sat upon the grass, the warm sun shining upon them as it began to set in the west.

“Al`Kabor, ol’ buddy.” Thubr stammered. “It sure is good to see you again. Here have a sip of ale.”

Al`Kabor in his usual stubborn manner, pushed the mug away from him, “Get that dwarven poison away from me.”

As Firiona Vie looked at the tall, mysterious man closely, she took a step back and tried not to fall as a vision came to her. “I… I remember you now.” Recovering, she bowed gracefully toward him. As her staff touched his shoulder, a puzzled look crossed the wizard’s face. He felt a stream of memories flow back to him like a torrent.

Al`Kabor studied the high elven female for a moment, then drew back slightly, stroking his chin. One eyebrow rose in an unusual display of surprise. “Fair lady, I must admit, it is indeed a pleasure to see you again. It has been a long time since we last traveled together.”

Firiona Vie told him of her intention to journey to the far off land to seek out the Ring of Scale and find out why her memory was taken from her. “The Ring of Scale is responsible for my memory loss… and for yours as well sir,” Firiona said bluntly.

Al`Kabor hesitated with astonishment as he recalled the Ring of Scale and the possibility the memories had been stolen from him. “My memory? Nonsense! I remember everything,” he lied.

He was concerned that the Ring of Scale might have control of greater powers then himself. He was very interested in traveling with her to confront the Ring of Scale. He agreed to go on the journey to the new continent.

News of the arrival in Freeport of Tunare’s chosen traveled quickly. Sir Jevik Isqual had just finished his shift at the Freeport Guard House in North Freeport, when he heard the whispers on the breeze.

Once he made his way through the crowd gathered around her, he knelt before her. He considered her the most beautiful creature throughout Norrath.

“Milady!” Sir Jevik Isqual removed his helm. “Milady, it is an honor to be in your presence once again. I have missed our travels from days past. Protecting you was a great honor for me. I hope I can be of service to you again, milady.”

Firiona Vie remembered him from their travels long ago. Explaining what she must do, he was very concerned for her safety. “No! No, milady! You shouldn’t seek out the Ring of Scale. It would be too dangerous for you to journey there.”

“I must approach the Ring of Scale to find out why my memory was taken from me” she explained.

“Your memory milady? The Ring of Scale is dangerous. I do not think you will find the answers you seek.”

“Milord, I must try. Once I have gathered the others that remember that battle long ago, I shall start my journey. Will you journey with us milord?”

“If I cannot talk you out of going, milady, I will journey with you as your protector.”

Sir Jevik reminded her of the barbarian female, Dagda Icefury, in Halas but informed Firiona that he could not journey with her to the North. “Milady, I cannot let you travel there alone. Please wait until I have finished my duties here in Freeport. I will travel to Halas with you then.”

“Thank you milord, but I must hurry to Halas. I cannot wait. Lyirae will travel with me. She is the sister of the dearly departed Lorisyn.”

“Sister? Departed? Milady, what happened to Lorisyn?” Jevik asked.

“He was recently killed by a group of villains named Rogkasth and Ghargin led by a dark elven female named Vahlai Ka`Izal. I found out about his sister beforehand.”

Jevik said sharply, “Rogkasth! That foul Troll. I regret that I had not the chance to kill him long ago. Milady, I hope he did not come close to you.”

“Milord, do not be concerned for me.”

“Take care on your trip to Halas then. I wish I could journey there with you.”

Al`Kabor took a step forward and said, “She will be safe, Paladin. Their kind would not venture to that icy land of the barbarians.”

“Aye, milord. I will be safe. I will be in save hands with these. Fear not.” Firiona Vie and her companions set out toward Halas.

Thubr Axebringer (Thubir)


Thubr Axebringer was born Thubir Axebringer to his parents Mor and Vanka Axebringer. Thubr’s younger sister, Laka, had trouble pronouncing the “ir” sound in his name, so she called him Thubr (pronounced Thoob-r). The nickname has remained with him since that day.

Growing up in South Kaladim, Thubr spent many hours playing in the areas around the arena. Fascinated by how weapons were made, he would often peek through the windows of the Staff & Spear weapon shop to watch the storeowner, Didek Stormhammer, cousin of King Kazon, hard at work. When he wasn’t peeking into windows, he sat on the rooftop of the building to watch the great warriors fight in the arena nearby. He did this not merely for entertainment, but Thubr studied their fighting techniques, committing them to memory, developing his own skills.

One day, Thubr sat in his usual spot atop the Staff & Spear, waiting for the battles to start, while banging a small pipe with his hammer. He had carefully shaped the dull piece of metal into a tiny dagger. Hearing the noise on his roof, however, Didek Stormhammer went up on the roof and pulled Thubr back down by his ear.

“Child, what were you doing on the roof of my shop?” Didek asked. Before Thubr could answer, Didek spoke again. “Where did you get this from?” He pulled the tiny well-crafted dagger from a pocket in Thubr’s pant leg.

“Siirrr…” Thubr stammered, “I made that from an old pipe I found behind the shop. ‘Tis mine, give it back t’me.”

In disbelief, Didek asked again, “You are too young to have made such a finely crafted weapon, where did you get this from?”

“Aye, I did make it,” said Thubr, undaunted, “give it back, ’tis mine. I learned how to make it by watchin’ weapons bein’ made through the window o’ye shop.”

Didek, seeing promise in the lad, asked Thubr to come work for him as an apprentice. Through the years, the young dwarf learned how to make many weapons. He also continued his rooftop study of the arena combatants.

It was years later that King Kazon Stormhammer came to the shop to look for new weapons for his Stormguard. Browsing over his cousin’s inventory, the king found nothing that sparked his interest. About to leave, he spotted Thubr standing before his workbench. The King told Thubr to step aside that he might examine the weapons upon his table. “Didek!” the King shouted over his shoulder as he perused what lay before him, “Why did you not show me these weapons?”

“Cousin, those are just ones that the boy is working on,” said Didek, gesturing toward Thubr, who was now a young man. “I did not deem them of the best quality.”

King Kazon turned to Thubr and told him he wanted the weapons for his Stormguard. After pausing but a moment, Thubr responded, “The high quality weapons I make on me own time are too good t’give to anyone else. I keep ’em for m’self because I am a great warrior and deserve the best.”

Marveling at the audaciousness of the youth, the King asked, “What is your name, boy?”

“He is Thubr Axebringer, milord,” interrupted Didek.

King Kazon studied the young man, sizing him up. The pause was awkward only for Didek, for Thubr stood steady under the scrutiny. Finally, The King said, “If you are truly a great warrior, as you say, you should be in the Stormguard.” Lifting his sword, the King beckoned Thubr to kneel before him and tapped him on the shoulder, proclaiming, “Thubr Axebringer, the great warrior, is now a member of the Stormguard.” He sheathed his sword and said to Thubr, “Report for duty immediately. And bring the weapons with you!”

Thubr, for once, was speechless. He stood then bowed. “Yes, Sire,” was all he said.

Thubr spent many years with the Stormguard, learning new tactical skills and honing the ones he had acquired on his own. He also continued to improve his blacksmithing skills, creating stronger and better weapons for the Stormguard.

In South Kaladim, at the Pub Kal, owned by the Darkfoam family, he ran into many interesting people while drinking. It is here that he was tricked into becoming an ambassador for Kaladim. Although he was good at getting the job done, Thubr was not the typical ambassador. He shares the traditional dwarven qualities of stubbornness and love of drink. When he is drunk, however, he is very friendly.

Thubr became a master brewer through his years as well, adding to his reputation as an expert blacksmith and fierce warrior. The owner of the Grub & Grog, Retchin Krundd, a decidedly unattractive but friendly and flirtatious female Dwarf, lost a bet with Thubr and, consequently, part ownership of the pub to him as well. Located in East Freeport, this establishment is considered one of the roughest taverns on all of Norrath, frequented by course adventuring types and the notorious Freeport Militia.

Throughout his adventures and difficult battles, Thubr has traveled with many people. Some of these he even regards as friends. He has battled along side the likes of Firiona Vie, Al’Kabor, Dreezil Pocketdip, Ognit Eznertob, Dabner Drednever, Dagda Icefury, Lorisyn Oakwynd, Lyirae Oakwynd, Sionachie Heartsinger, and Sir Jevik Isqual to name a few. Of these, he would speak most highly of Firiona Vie, Al’Kabor, and Dreezil Pocketdip. Though he views Al’Kabor as an arrogant and longwinded Erudite, Thubr gains much entertainment from him, often following him around. Firiona Vie he respects, as most do, and is always concerned for her safety.

Dreezil Pocketdip, a shady halfling, is one of Thubr’s favorite drinking buddies. After long battles, the two can be found visiting the nearest bar to guzzle down many types of ale together.

Dagda Icefury


Dagda is a strong woman, firmly rooted in the physical world. She is most comfortable dealing with things she can touch, hear, and smell. A follower of The Tribunal, she believes in the tenants of absolute justice, but, for the most part, has little use for the gods. The realms of spirit and magic are best left to those who have the time to worry about such intangible things. The extent of her mystical experiences consist of a single dream she received from Tunare, though she never knew nor cared about its source, that foretold her meeting the gnomes, Ognit and Dabner. Other than this, she has found that obstacles are best met head-on where she can see them face to face, smell their breath, and hear the crunch of their bones.

Dagda saved the gnomes Ognit and Dabner in Everfrost many years ago when raiders attacked them. She has grown very fond of, and indeed loves, them both. She respects them for their inherent mystical and spiritual abilities, but she is keenly aware of their physical frailties. She vowed to defend them both, and does so with the ferocity of a bear defending her cubs.

Dagda is by no means simple, and is truly a genius in the realm of tactics and combat. She is literate enough to read the common tongue with little difficulty, and speaks both the common tongue and her native tongue fluently. Her knowledge of other languages is generally limited to curses and taunts, of which she has gathered quite an arsenal. She generally communicates in a short and very direct fashion, leaving no room for misinterpretations.

Dagda knows that Ognit is very intelligent and respects his knowledge, though she sometimes questions its use. She is most impressed and thoroughly fascinated by his ability to tinker and create wondrous things. Indeed, this is the medium through which she can relate to him best. The useful objects he builds allow her to perform any number of tasks, so useful, in fact, that she thinks he would be better off giving up the study of wizardry to become a full-time tinker. After all, it’s just fine to call down the very fire of Fennin Ro upon the mighty Glacier Bear at 300 yards, but when it is mauling your head off it’s of little use.

Dagda shares a healthy sibling-like rivalry with Ognit. Being an accomplished tactician, she is aware of the simple fact that at a distance Ognit would have the clear advantage, and would win were they to ever do battle. However, she also knows that if she got her hands upon him, she would be the victor. Despite being quick to anger at times-and she and Ognit have often exchanged heated words-Dagda would never raise a hand against either of the gnomes she has sworn to protect.

Dagda views Dabner in a much different light. She has on countless occasions felt his healing touch as a cleric. For one who is so firmly rooted in the phycial world, it is for her a wonder to watch wounds disappear. She sees him as a very simple, yet very compassionate and loving soul. She loves him as a brother, and treats him in a somewhat patronizing manner. She would never consider speaking an unkind word to him, nor will she tolerate those that might. She is aware of, and also a bit saddened by, a crush Dabner has upon her. Dabner is simply too short for her tastes. She would much prefer a man of might with whom she would not worry. However, as a warrior she respects his raw courage in battle and his unfailing loyalty to his friends.

Though she is closest to the gnomes, Dagda also shares a strong respect for her companions. It is Firiona Vie, Sir Jevik, and Thubr Axebringer she most deeply admires. They are all mighty warriors in her eyes. She acknowledges the skills of the rogue Dreezil Pocketdip, and views him as a skilled fighter. His ways of stealth are an effective way of dealing with his natural halfling handicaps in her eyes. Though she is not a warrior and not as skilled as the others with a sword, the bard Sionachie is a valuable asset to the group. Her rousing battle songs inspire a zeal that makes combat that much more exciting.

For the wizard Al’Kabor, Dagda has little love. Respecting the immense power he wields, she has a healthy fear of him. After his recent threats against Ognit, however, her opinion of him has since plummeted.

The Rescue of Firiona Vie

Festival of Tunare’s Harvest

The annual festival of Tunare’s Harvest was held at the newly created outpost of Firiona Vie on the continent of Kunark. The year had been a hard one that began with the capture of Tunare’s Chosen, Firiona Vie, by the Iksar Danak Dhorentath. One year before, after Firiona Vie’s capture, Galeth Veredeth over saw the construction of the elven outpost on the shores of Kunark by the command of King Tearis Thex, to find and return the Champion.

Firiona’s companions gathered at the festival and talked of their deeds over the year. Lyirae Oakwynd spoke of her lost brother and the joy she has found in her new friends. Ognit Eznertob and Dabner Drednever matched wits with Al`Kabor in a test of riddles. Afterwards, Ognit spoke of his part in the opening of The Hole while his friend and protector, Dagda Icefury, shared her own memories. Sionachie Heartsinger sang songs for all that were gathered as Sir Jevik Isqual stood solemnly by as the festivities continued, eyeing almost cautiously every motion and movement of all present at the festivities.

Thubr Axebringer challenged all that were gathered to a drinking game, while Dreezil Pocketdip made his own game of collecting rare coins mistakenly left in the pockets of revelers. He didn’t want to bother them about their errors.

Presiding over all was Galeth Veredeth, Firiona’s most faithful protector who felt responsible for her capture and disappearance. He deemed it good to celebrate Tunare’s Harvest, but with the girl he had raised as his own child for several years gone and her conditions unknown, the elder Paladin’s life was without direction, save to investigate clues as to her whereabouts.

A strange voice in the air…

As a soft, cool breeze washed over the shores of the outpost, birds’ songs rose to become a beautiful ballad. An enchanting and almost unearthly soothing voice spoke in the breeze saying, “Galeth Veredeth… the time has come…”

Tunare, the Mother of All, seemed to coalesce from the mist and music, glowing with an inner light as she watched the mortals gather at her feet. Galeth and the others had ran up and bowed low before her. She bid all to rise, and told them that the time had come to rescue her Champion. She had learned that Firiona Vie was being held by the Iksar shaman, Danak Dhorentath, in the ruins of an ancient civilization amidst a verdant jungle. A ward had been placed by Danak’s master, Venril Sathir, that prevented Tunare from doing the deed herself. Tunare told Galeth that he and Firiona’s companions should gather what forces they could and go there as quickly as possible, for when the day ended, so would Firiona’s life.

Galeth apologized for failing to protect Firiona that day and vowed to save her from her dark fate. Tunare forgave him his error, and faded into birdsong and music once again.

The mood of the festival had changed from gaiety to anger at the Iksar who would do this thing. Danak and his followers would feel the true force of Tunare’s anger from the swords and spells of her children. Al`Kabor reasoned from Tunare’s words that Firiona could be found in the Emerald Jungle near the ancient City of Mist. He gave a map to Thubr to plan their assault, and then they were off, grim expressions on their faces but with hope and gladness in their hearts. They braved mosquitoes and goblins as they headed toward Field of Bone through the Swamp of No Hope.

The Iksar capital city of Cabilis was on the horizon as they crossed to the Emerald Jungle. The sinister aura of the place dampened their spirits and more than one brave adventurer lost his nerve and headed back. This only strengthened the resolve of the others.

The Dark Ritual

The ritual spoken of by Tunare had already begun. Vahlai Ka’Izal, a dark elf in league with Danak, had come across a dark ritual that would turn the power of the Lifeguide, the staff Tunare herself had fashioned for her Champion, into a thing fetid of evil. A necromancer sent energy flowing between Firiona and Danak

Vahlai distilled this power into a crystal vial she carried. Danak then drank the potion and channeled the power through the staff, it’s clear gem turned an unearthly shadow of blackened green as he dedicated the power of the staff to The Faceless, Cazic-Thule. Firiona cried out to Tunare to forgive her; but the air turned turgid and stale as the Lifeguide rotted the air around it.

As they entered the jungle, Galeth challenged the dark ones and vowed to stop their ritual, but Danak’s shriek of triumph shattered the tomblike stillness like a hammer through a windowpane.

Galeth swore that Danak would join his master in the plane of fear, and Thubr gathered the ranks and charged through the forest.

The Battle

The battle will be sung of for ages! All that had given witness and blade to the battle shall speak of it for centuries to come. Each cut of the air, each drop of blood falling to stain the cold jungle floor shall be remembered as if it were not a tale, but of a battle ensuing as they spoke.

Galeth’s sword erupted in fire as he tore into the minions of fear and hate. As Dabner healed them all, Thubr’s axe swung like a machine and Dagda’s sword protected Ognit as his spells picked off enemies. Dreezil’s blade stabbed the evil ones in the back and Al`Kabor’s gaze alone was enough to bring many of the darkened ones down.

They finally won their way through to Firiona’s side. Galeth’s image blurred as the full power of regret and pain gave his sword-arm new strength. Danak was sent reeling until finally his back was against the wall. He surrendered.

The evil ones were taken into custody as Thubr struck the shackles from Firiona’s arms and legs. As Galeth took Danak into custody he lost himself in his rage and it took all the efforts of Firiona’s companions to get him to pause long enough to demand the corrupted staff back from the evil shaman. Danak spit in Galeth’s face and refused. He stated that he would not allow the staff out of his grasp save that it be pried from his stiff, cold fingers. Galeth hissed that wishes like that could be granted, and began beating him once more.

Danak used the power of the staff to defend himself as he shouted to good and evil folk alike to look upon the cowardly actions of a ‘good’ paladin who would cut down a surrendered enemy. Thubr rushed to Galeth’s side, leaving his prisoners unguarded. With her captor’s distracted, Vahlai was able to open her shackles with a spell, then did the same for her assistants Ghargin Bumblok and Rogkasth Vr`I.

Vahlai yelled to Danak that she was free, and the Iksar threw her the staff. She grabbed it in her dark hand and created a portal that her and her two companions fled through to safety, telling Danak to seek her in the place they both know when the time comes.

Firiona hurriedly forgot her own pain as she begged Galeth to put aside his anger. She said that though the staff is gone it could be found once again.

Unnoticed, Danak pulled a talisman from his armor, chanted some words and faded away even as Tunare herself returned to congratulate Firiona on her freedom and Galeth for the great deeds he had done that day.

Firiona’s companions one by one and together gated from the blasted ruins, but there will soon come a day when the Lifeguide will once again make its presence felt in the world. In that day, the companions will again be called to put aside their worldly tasks and once more do Tunare’s will.

Until that day, may the peace and hope of the Mother of All guide your path and ways.
