Category Archives: Torvonnilous

Torvonnilous, Lord Of Greed

Torvonnilous rules the Demi-Plane of Greed. He spends his
days devising ways to increase his massive expanse of wealth.
Though he wears all manner of jewelry of the finest metals and
encrusted with the most precious gems, his lust for treasure is
never satisfied. He wears a suit of finely crafted green and yellow
embroidered silk cloth. Torvonnilous appears as an average humanmale, cleanshaven and proper. Hecarries with him anomate
obsidian cane, crowned with a platinum dragon’s head. He is
neutral evil

Source: EQRPG Game Masters Guide


Lord of Greed. Torvonnilous personifies the essence of greed. He sits in his Demi-Plane of Greed, plotting new ways to expand his already vast expanse of wealth. His person is embodied as a human man, decorated in resplendent jewels, rings, amulets, fine silks, and an obsidian cane, topped with a platinum dragon’s head. Torvonnilous borders between neutral and evil. It is somewhat hard to tell, as he truly cares about none but himself