Category Archives: Vahlai

The Party Assembled

Dagda’s keen and well-trained eyes caught a glimpse of several figures walking slowly across the snowy wastes. She turned and looked at the approaching figures, her eyes flashing in startled recognition. Curious she made her way toward the figures. The two gnomes, Ognit and Dabner, flanked her on either side.

Her eyes met with the eyes of the beautiful golden haired high elf standing before her. Dagda was sure she was seeing a friend but could not remember who she was or how she knew her. The high elf was accompanied by what must have been a half elven bard, judging from the lute slung across her back, that also seemed eerily familiar to her. In fact, the erudite in robes, the human resplendent in shining armor, the scruffy looking halfling and the scowling dwarf all seemed familiar to her for some reason. But the shy wood elf carrying the exquisitely crafted and ornately decorated bow, she did not recognize.

Seeing the smile upon the face of the high elf, Dagda did not wish to seem unpleasant. She reached forward and gripped one arm, wrist to wrist and clapped her other hand upon the high elf’s shoulder in a gesture of greeting and friendship. In doing so, she brushed against the beautifully carved, bejeweled staff the high elf carried.

A flash of light came forth from the staff and everyone stood for a moment stunned, shaking their heads. Suddenly, Dagda looked into the eyes of the high elf and smiling with sudden recognition she blurted out, “Firiona Firiona Vie! It’s been so long my friend. But I had a feeling I would be seeing you again soon.”

Firiona hugged the large barbarian woman tightly. Turning to her side she said, “I would like to introduce a new friend of ours. Her name is Lyirae.”

Lyirae curtsied gracefully. “It’s a pleasure to meet all of you. I certainly hope everything is all right.” She looked around nervously and then added, “It sounded like a war was going on a moment ago.”

“Oh that!” Ognit made a dismissive gesture. “It was nothing, don’t concern yourself.”

“Yes. It really was nothing,” Dagda said quickly as she elbowed the gnome, a smile playing across her face. Ognit just scowled back at her.

“Yes, I can truly say that I do remember you all now. I see none of you have changed over the years.” Firiona smiled briefly but it quickly faded. “I truly wish we were meeting under better circumstances. I’ve come to ask the three of you for your help.”

Her face grave, she continued, “The task set before us is difficult and the road we must travel deadly. And I truly know not what the future has in store for all of us. Already Sionachie, Thubr, Dreezil, Sir Jevik and even Al`Kabor have agreed to accompany me in my task.”

Bowing graciously, Dagda said, “Firiona, it would be my honor to travel with you and the others once again. I will be at your side.”

Ognit stepped forward, his face screwed into scowl and spat, “So you’re saying that you came to get us last? And that you asked for Al`Kabor’s help before mine?” Firiona looked over at him, hurt flashing visible across her eyes.

Raising both hands to his mouth Ognit began to laugh, a high pitched and ear splitting guffaw. It was good that he laughed rarely. “I’m kidding Firiona,” he said, “I wouldn’t miss the chance to travel with this group again for all the world!” He then gave Firiona a hug, smiling as he did; his face looking like it may crack in the process, so unaccustomed to the facial expression as it was.

Dabner bounced forward toward Firiona with glee. “This is great! It’s going to be just like old times again! I’m so excited!”

Stopping for a moment, Dabner counted on one hand. He then counted on the other. “Wait What about Lorisyn? Are we going to invite him to come with us as well?”

Firiona, looked down at him sadly and said quietly, “Dabner”

Lyirae lowered her head and closed her eyes. She turned and walked slowly away from the group, stopping some distance away and began sobbing quietly.

Inquisitive, Dabner turned and asked, “Firiona? What happened to Lorisyn? Where is he?”

Firiona glanced at the sky before returning to gaze upon Dabner. “We were attending the Festival of Faydark’s Children. Sionachie, Thubr and I were all there. We learned some wonderful news. Lorisyn has had a twin sister. Lyirae is Lorisyn’s twin.”

Dagda and the gnomes’ eyes widened with surprise. Looking back toward Lyirae, the resemblance was obvious.

Firiona continued, “We were all caught up in the moment with the festival, the reunion and the good news. But then,” she stifled a sob in her throat, “Shortly thereafter, we were ambushed Lorisyn was struck down by assassins.”

“What?” Dagda spoke in a soft, dangerous voice, as her eyes flashed with fury. “Who are they? I will burn the sound of their names forever into my mind. They shall know the full force of my rage before I end their lives.”

Looking the barbarian in the eyes Firiona says, “They are old enemies of ours and have been since”

She lowered her head and shook it with frustration, “I honestly can not remember. One is a Teir`Dal woman by the name of Vahlai Ka`Izal. The others are a Troll and an Orc by the names of Rogkasth and Ghargin.” Dagda nodded solemnly upon hearing the names of the assassins.

Ognit’s face was frozen in shock. “Well Surely you could have revived him and brought him back to life! Surely there were healers present!”

Dabner glanced over at Lyirae standing off from the group. His face was suddenly filled with the wisdom that comes from studying the spiritual world, even at the cost of missing the finer points of the mundane world.

Facing his friend again he said softly, “Ognit The gods don’t allow for any life to be permanently extinguished, even the life of the lowliest snake or insect, until it is their appointed time. Once that time has been fulfilled and the cycle of life has been completed, the soul moves on never to return to this plane. From that point forward there is nothing that any mortal can do to bring life back to the body, for the soul has already moved on.”

Upon hearing the soft voice and words of the gentle cleric, Lyirae walked slowly back to the group. She smiled lightly at Dabner, her eyes red with tears. “You speak as would a follower of Tunare.”

Dabner turned to look once again upon the face of his friend’s twin. “Though I am happiest with a good solid chunk of earth above my head, I have been traveling above ground for quite some time. As a man of faith I have found it important to study and understand the beliefs of others. Particularly those of my close friends.”

Taking hold of Lyirae’s hand, he looked softly into her eyes. “Know that Lorisyn is now strolling in a glade far more beautiful than any known in the Faylands or any other in this mortal realm. He now dwells forever in the arms of the Great Mother.”

Dabner then turned to Firiona, his face uncharacteristically hard and resolute. “I will join you in your journey to the new lands. And Brell willing, I will do everything within my power to see that those responsible for Lorisyn’s death find justice before going to meet their dark gods face to face, sooner then later.”

Dagda clenched her fists at these words and said, “My rage burns and I can not stand here. Let’s be on our way.”

Firiona nodded, “Agreed, Dagda. Let us move on, we have a very long journey ahead of us.” Together, the group turned and began to walk back the way they had come.

Firiona Vie and her party, now fully assembled, set forth on their journey to the new lands to confront the Ring of Scale. Fighting against the raging blizzard, their faces drawn and determined, they disappeared into the furious storm.

Ghargin Bumblok


Ghargin Bumblok is an ogre shaman, and lives up to the reputation of his race. He has wisdom enough to hold a staff and cast “purdy sparklies,” but little more. Ghargin has a deep fear for Rogkasth and Vahlai, which they exploit to press him into service. He always performs their orders without question.

Ghargin also has an adoration for Teir`Dal in general. He views them as superior beings, thanks to the propaganda fed to him by Vahlai. The other races are “stoopid ants for Ghargin ta squish wit his sparklies.

The Rescue of Firiona Vie

Festival of Tunare’s Harvest

The annual festival of Tunare’s Harvest was held at the newly created outpost of Firiona Vie on the continent of Kunark. The year had been a hard one that began with the capture of Tunare’s Chosen, Firiona Vie, by the Iksar Danak Dhorentath. One year before, after Firiona Vie’s capture, Galeth Veredeth over saw the construction of the elven outpost on the shores of Kunark by the command of King Tearis Thex, to find and return the Champion.

Firiona’s companions gathered at the festival and talked of their deeds over the year. Lyirae Oakwynd spoke of her lost brother and the joy she has found in her new friends. Ognit Eznertob and Dabner Drednever matched wits with Al`Kabor in a test of riddles. Afterwards, Ognit spoke of his part in the opening of The Hole while his friend and protector, Dagda Icefury, shared her own memories. Sionachie Heartsinger sang songs for all that were gathered as Sir Jevik Isqual stood solemnly by as the festivities continued, eyeing almost cautiously every motion and movement of all present at the festivities.

Thubr Axebringer challenged all that were gathered to a drinking game, while Dreezil Pocketdip made his own game of collecting rare coins mistakenly left in the pockets of revelers. He didn’t want to bother them about their errors.

Presiding over all was Galeth Veredeth, Firiona’s most faithful protector who felt responsible for her capture and disappearance. He deemed it good to celebrate Tunare’s Harvest, but with the girl he had raised as his own child for several years gone and her conditions unknown, the elder Paladin’s life was without direction, save to investigate clues as to her whereabouts.

A strange voice in the air…

As a soft, cool breeze washed over the shores of the outpost, birds’ songs rose to become a beautiful ballad. An enchanting and almost unearthly soothing voice spoke in the breeze saying, “Galeth Veredeth… the time has come…”

Tunare, the Mother of All, seemed to coalesce from the mist and music, glowing with an inner light as she watched the mortals gather at her feet. Galeth and the others had ran up and bowed low before her. She bid all to rise, and told them that the time had come to rescue her Champion. She had learned that Firiona Vie was being held by the Iksar shaman, Danak Dhorentath, in the ruins of an ancient civilization amidst a verdant jungle. A ward had been placed by Danak’s master, Venril Sathir, that prevented Tunare from doing the deed herself. Tunare told Galeth that he and Firiona’s companions should gather what forces they could and go there as quickly as possible, for when the day ended, so would Firiona’s life.

Galeth apologized for failing to protect Firiona that day and vowed to save her from her dark fate. Tunare forgave him his error, and faded into birdsong and music once again.

The mood of the festival had changed from gaiety to anger at the Iksar who would do this thing. Danak and his followers would feel the true force of Tunare’s anger from the swords and spells of her children. Al`Kabor reasoned from Tunare’s words that Firiona could be found in the Emerald Jungle near the ancient City of Mist. He gave a map to Thubr to plan their assault, and then they were off, grim expressions on their faces but with hope and gladness in their hearts. They braved mosquitoes and goblins as they headed toward Field of Bone through the Swamp of No Hope.

The Iksar capital city of Cabilis was on the horizon as they crossed to the Emerald Jungle. The sinister aura of the place dampened their spirits and more than one brave adventurer lost his nerve and headed back. This only strengthened the resolve of the others.

The Dark Ritual

The ritual spoken of by Tunare had already begun. Vahlai Ka’Izal, a dark elf in league with Danak, had come across a dark ritual that would turn the power of the Lifeguide, the staff Tunare herself had fashioned for her Champion, into a thing fetid of evil. A necromancer sent energy flowing between Firiona and Danak

Vahlai distilled this power into a crystal vial she carried. Danak then drank the potion and channeled the power through the staff, it’s clear gem turned an unearthly shadow of blackened green as he dedicated the power of the staff to The Faceless, Cazic-Thule. Firiona cried out to Tunare to forgive her; but the air turned turgid and stale as the Lifeguide rotted the air around it.

As they entered the jungle, Galeth challenged the dark ones and vowed to stop their ritual, but Danak’s shriek of triumph shattered the tomblike stillness like a hammer through a windowpane.

Galeth swore that Danak would join his master in the plane of fear, and Thubr gathered the ranks and charged through the forest.

The Battle

The battle will be sung of for ages! All that had given witness and blade to the battle shall speak of it for centuries to come. Each cut of the air, each drop of blood falling to stain the cold jungle floor shall be remembered as if it were not a tale, but of a battle ensuing as they spoke.

Galeth’s sword erupted in fire as he tore into the minions of fear and hate. As Dabner healed them all, Thubr’s axe swung like a machine and Dagda’s sword protected Ognit as his spells picked off enemies. Dreezil’s blade stabbed the evil ones in the back and Al`Kabor’s gaze alone was enough to bring many of the darkened ones down.

They finally won their way through to Firiona’s side. Galeth’s image blurred as the full power of regret and pain gave his sword-arm new strength. Danak was sent reeling until finally his back was against the wall. He surrendered.

The evil ones were taken into custody as Thubr struck the shackles from Firiona’s arms and legs. As Galeth took Danak into custody he lost himself in his rage and it took all the efforts of Firiona’s companions to get him to pause long enough to demand the corrupted staff back from the evil shaman. Danak spit in Galeth’s face and refused. He stated that he would not allow the staff out of his grasp save that it be pried from his stiff, cold fingers. Galeth hissed that wishes like that could be granted, and began beating him once more.

Danak used the power of the staff to defend himself as he shouted to good and evil folk alike to look upon the cowardly actions of a ‘good’ paladin who would cut down a surrendered enemy. Thubr rushed to Galeth’s side, leaving his prisoners unguarded. With her captor’s distracted, Vahlai was able to open her shackles with a spell, then did the same for her assistants Ghargin Bumblok and Rogkasth Vr`I.

Vahlai yelled to Danak that she was free, and the Iksar threw her the staff. She grabbed it in her dark hand and created a portal that her and her two companions fled through to safety, telling Danak to seek her in the place they both know when the time comes.

Firiona hurriedly forgot her own pain as she begged Galeth to put aside his anger. She said that though the staff is gone it could be found once again.

Unnoticed, Danak pulled a talisman from his armor, chanted some words and faded away even as Tunare herself returned to congratulate Firiona on her freedom and Galeth for the great deeds he had done that day.

Firiona’s companions one by one and together gated from the blasted ruins, but there will soon come a day when the Lifeguide will once again make its presence felt in the world. In that day, the companions will again be called to put aside their worldly tasks and once more do Tunare’s will.

Until that day, may the peace and hope of the Mother of All guide your path and ways.
