Category Archives: Valkyrie

A Tale of the Arena

There are many tales about the arena and its champions. This story of a young girl and her champion is a rare work of fiction by historian Morasca Jumman.
The lists were posted outside the arena entrance, keeping the scribes busy as they entered in the names of the different champions and the times of the events in which they would participate.

Bazima studied the lists for several long moments before approaching the scribe and entering her name for one of the games.

“Which champion?” barked the scribe’s assistant. “Quickly, quickly! A line forms behind you, child!”

Bazima took a deep breath and said, “I enter my champion, Vara, an avenger.”

“Another avenger,” snirked the scribe, busily adding her name to a placard. “Move along, then! Next! Which champion?” Bazima entered the arena.

Bazima had been to the arena many times, but only as an observer. This was her first match with Vara, a valkyrie avenger.

She had seen Vara several times in other matches and thought that Vara was not being used to her full potential. Bazima begged her father to buy out Vara’s contract so that she could work with the valkyrie.

As befitted an icy maiden, Vara did not speak while the deal between Bazima’s father and her contract holder was negotiated. Instead, she quietly observed the proceedings, occasionally quirking an eyebrow.

Negotiating for a champion, even a champion who had yet to win anything, was done according to a set ritual that took hours.

In the end, Bazima walked with Vara to the training arena as Vara’s new contractor. Vara said nothing, but her demeanor showed that in addition to her wings, she had major chips on her shoulders.

“Your attitude interferes with winning,” said Bazima. “You can win, but you must realize that your raw talent alone is nothing.”

Vara’s eyes narrowed.

“What do you know?” Vara said, speaking for the first time in a slightly accented, well-modulated voice. “My blood thirsts for battle and here all I have had to fight are creatures not worth my time and effort. There is no challenge.”

“Then you should never lose,” countered Bazima. “And now that I am your trainer and contractor, you won’t.”

Vara initially resisted Bazima’s efforts as trainer. She scorned the yound girl’s suggestions concerning tactics and techniques.

Finally, Bazima challenged Vara directly to a contest to capture a single flag, just the two of them.

Most trainers avoided this technique as, should the trainer lose, the champion might view them less favorably.

Still, Bazima was willing to risk this. “After all, she does not respect my authority now; I cannot lose anything more,” she thought, preparing herself for their challenge.

She had chosen a single flag event specifically to keep from becoming exhausted. After all, Vara could fly if she chose and Bazima would then be at a disadvantage.

Though young, Bazima had been preparing to become a trainer like her father all her life.

She collected posters about various matches the way other children collected rocks or shells.

Her father would not have encouraged her, nor would he have negotiated to obtain Vara’s contract if he did not trust her and so Bazima was confident in her abilities.

The challenge between Bazima and Vara was over in no time. Bazima was quicker and used Vara’s arrogance against her.

By keeping herself slightly out of range of Vara’s magical attacks, Bazima managed to capture Vara’s red flag and return it to the blue base before Vara could stop her. One flag, one win.

Vara muttered something about beginner’s luck, but it was clear that she recognized that Bazima might know a thing or two about the arena.

“You are always on the direct offensive.” Bazima said, “And that can be used against you. Sometimes, it is better to use a feint, or a defensive maneuver.”

Vara shrugged, “As you wish. I prefer a straight fight, but I will try your way.”

The addition of non-aggressive moves would make Vara less predictible and therefore a more challenging opponent.

This gave Vara more confidence as well, both in herself and in Bazima’s techniques. Vara grudgingly admitted, “I did not give you credit, but perhaps it is sometimes better to refrain from the straight charge.”

Bazima grinned at her.

And so after many months of training together, they came to the arena for their first competition.

Bazima preferred to join a blue team, while Vara wanted to be on a red team.

Earlier in their relationship, this would have been another sticking point, but Bazima said instead, “If it is the color you prefer, then we will join on the red side. If they lose, though, we will return to blue.”

Vara’s wings twitched slightly as they sized up the members of the red team.

She nodded to Bazima and said, “I agree to those terms. Our team will win tonight because I could never fight on a blue team. Blue has never been a good color for me.”

Their laughter echoed within the antechamber as they waited to enter the arena, together.

The Growing

As the world aged, the innocence of youth would begin to fade. As the elements would rebuff one another, so too would the Urges bristle in the presence of another. This was the time known as the Growing. Things were neither good nor were they bad, for the mortals would be the ones to make the ultimate choice. However, this was not the case everywhere. In another world, in a world of never-ending Ice, there would be a place where the Contentment never ended.

The Valkyries soared throughout their kingdom city known as the Cloister of Euphoria. Being led by their queen, Frikka, they would know only Happiness, Peace, and Harmony. After ages of contemplation, the queen would understand how this came to be. For you see, Frikka was the first Valkyrie to think of the opposite.

Knowing that Happiness came from the absence of Despair, that Peace came about from the end War, and Harmony was known only when Strife was overcome. Seeing that her people did not know this, they could never appreciate what it was that they had. And that was what she would give to the Valkyries – appreciation of the gifts given to them by the Mother Urge.

Gathering her people together, she gave a grand speech about what it was that she had found. She explained to them what they were missing in their lives, but her speech was only met with blank stares. As she continued, she saw that she would have to give a demonstration of what she meant.

In order for her people to understand Happiness she must show them Despair. Selecting from the crowd the greatest ballad singer within the Cloister of Euphoria, the queen banished her to a life in exile. For the first time ever, a cry of anguish was heard within the Cloister. Frikka explained that only when the singer would return to the Cloister, would Despair end and Happiness resume.

In order for her people to understand Peace, she would have to show them what War was. She divided the Cloister of Euphoria into two peoples and set them against each other. Initially not knowing what to do, they stood there. After some time, however, the Valkyries got the hang of it and aggressively attacked each other. Frikka explained that once everyone could learn to get along with each other, War would end and Peace would begin.

In order for her people to understand Harmony, she would have to show them what Strife was. To demonstrate this she began to destroy all of the art, all of the songs, and all of the sculpture within the Cloister of Euphoria. As the Valkyries looked at their spartan surroundings, they felt strife deep in their hearts. Frikka explained that when the art, and with it comfort, would return is when Strife would end and Harmony would begin again.

Frikka concluded her speech to the Valkyries by telling them that when all Happiness, Peace, and Harmony would return, the people would truly appreciate it all the more. Leaving her people with her greatest gift, she returned to her chambers to think upon what more she could give her people.

As she sat in her chamber knowing that her people were no longer living in ignorance, Frikka felt as if she had granted her people a new life. She stood upon her balcony and watched as the maiden after maiden would fight against each other, struggling to survive, and many wallowing in the depths of anguish. And she knew this would be all for the better one day.

As she contemplated what she saw in the now ruined city of the Cloister, she was approached by the Urge of Ice. The Mother Urge asked Frikka what had happened in her absence and Frikka explained everything she had done for the Valkyries. The Mother Urge exploded in a fury never before seen by the Valkyries and its wake washed over them all.

The Dying

When the world would enter its twilight years, the memories of youth would become bittersweet. The elements would clash against each other and the Urges would withdraw. This time was known as the Dying. Things were only good or bad, there was no inbetween. And the world would be introduced to people they had never seen before.

The Mother Urge had watched what had happened to her children during her absence. The “gifts” that the queen of the Valkyries, Frikka, had given to her beautiful children had destroyed them. In a scream of both anguish and anger, a wave of force washed over everyone of the Valkyries.

As the divine force spread into the bodies of the Valkyries, they felt gut-wrenching pain course through their bodies. All around them, they felt something they had never felt before – Disappointment. Then they felt another feeling – Horror. For one by one, the Valkyries began to watch as they changed.

Their hair was the first to change. The Valkyries watched as their color from their black hair began to drain, dripping down their backs. When the draining was done, it had no color. The worst was to come next. After their hair drained, they stood in shock as their wings would do the same. When the draining was complete, they would be as full of color as the ice they lived within.

Not understanding what was happening, they looked around at each other. Ceasing their warfare for a moment, they spied something from way up high. Above them, there was a small black speck that was becoming larger and larger. As it got closer, they realized it for what it was – their queen, Frikka.

Plummeting to the ground, Frikka still possessed the beautiful color of the Valkyries. But another color, red, covered her entire body. As they watched, she made no attempt to stop her descent. Finally, after what would seem an eternity, Frikka would hit the ground with an impact that left enormous crater many miles below. And for the first time ever, the Valkyries learned another concept – Death.

The houses and temples that floated in the air were soon to follow their queen. One by one, the structures plummeted to the ground below, leaving only the Valkyries that hovered in the air. And soon, they too would be moved. The Mother Urge showed her face to her children, and in one fell swoop exiled them from her home forever.

Foreigners in a new land, the Valkyries would quickly come to terms with their newfound mortality. Losing many of their numbers to the creatures that already existed upon this world, they would eventually build a new home. Having been exiled from their original home, the Valkyries would need to learn to survive in this brave new land.

Encountering beasts with great horns was only the first of many obstacles the Valkyries would have to overcome. Creatures very much like themselves, yet with no wings, would harass them from time to time. Gathering together, they would divert their War from among themselves and direct it toward these enemies.

To this day, these proud people remain within the icy reaches of the cold northlands. Keeping to themselves, not much is known about them. What is known, though, is that they claim to want three things – they want an end to war, and an end to strife, and an end to their eternal despair.

The Contentment

When the world was still young, all things were clean. The elements worked in harmony and the Urges of Heaven were calm. This was the time known as the Contentment. All things were good and all things were at peace. This would soon change with the coming of the mortals. As life would begin, the Contentment would end.

As the Urges of Heaven would lay their seeds in the earth, they would blossom into beings great and small. Running out of room to grow, these children of the Urges would eventually struggle against each other for dominance. Seeing this, the Urge of Ice bore her children and hid them deep away within her own home, one of never-ending Ice.

The children of Ice would be named Valkyries, and old word in their Mother Urge’s hidden tongue. Free from the predations of the other children, the Valkyries were free to create a society unhampered by warfare. As their numbers multiplied, they would eventually create a mighty kingdom that prospered in peace.

Building huge spires that floated in the sky, the Valkyries would exist in pure harmony. The Urge of Ice would smile upon them, for she had created the only children that amongst all the Urges that would see this bliss. Choosing one of these women as her emissary, she would leave them to their eternal rapture as the Urge attended to other matters.

Their ruler, Frikka, was the most beautiful of all the Valkyries. Her wings were as black as a calm dream and her crimson hair was as vibrant as her heart. Soaring among her sisters and daughters and mothers, all the Valkyries admired her for what she was – a symbol of complete perfection.

Frikka would take the Mother Urge’s blessing and spread it out to her people. Promoting the arts, ballads and paintings and sculptures would be made to honor the concept of perfection and harmony. This would continue for many ages and the Valkyries would enjoy a life free of pain and hurt. Just as the Contentment would end, so would the perfect world of the Valkyries.

As Frikka sat upon her throne, she would think of things that she could give to her people to make them even happier. As she would delve deeper into contemplation she began to think of things she had never thought of before. One of these things was the nature of Happiness itself. She knew what being happy was, but she did not understand what it was NOT. So she continued to think on this.

Telling her people that she was contemplating a new gift that the Valkyries were to be given, Frikka shut herself away for a long time. Locked away in a room by herself, she thought not just about Happiness, but of Peace and Harmony. If she was to make these concepts even greater, she must understand where they came from.

After a great deal of time had passed, she gained understanding of what it was to be happy. She understood the nature of peace. She knew how harmony came into being. And with this understanding, she now knew how to increase this among her people. Frikka stood upon her balcony and gazed down at her people as they gently floated through the sky. Unfurling her exquisite black wings, she flew out to join them.

Frikka was the greatest Queen of the Valkyries, for not only did she create the greatest age of the Valkyries, she would also be the one to tear it apart. For in her contemplation on the nature of Happiness, Peace, and Harmony she found what the Mother Urge had hidden from her children – Despair, War, and Strife.