Category Archives: Vazaelle Kaleine

Vazaelle Kaleine, The Mad

Vazaelle was once a mortal who lived amid the Heretics outcast
from Erudin. A devout follower of Cazic-Thule, Vazaelle succumbed to her own zeal and prophetic visions and thereby
abandoned all semblance of sanity. Cazic-Thule offered Vazaelle
her own realm of power, which she twisted into the visage of old
Paineel. Occasionally, she experiences the vision of some unforeseen event, watching (in her own madness) as the strands of the
future seek to affect some unsuspecting mortal. Some say that
Vazaelle Kaleine sometimes acts on her visions, imparting some
portent upon a mortal and seeding them with a piece of her own
madness until the end of their days. Vazaelle is discordant neutral.

Source: EQRPG Game Masters Guide