Category Archives: Vox

EQRPG Characters: Vagner

Barbarian Warrior
Son of a chieftain from north Of Halas. Vagner left the Everfrost Mountains to seek his destiny. Marked with the vigor of youth and armed with a blade handed down to him by his father, he fought his way past the gnolls of Blackburrow and into the lands of Qeynos.

Though his reputation as a fierce slayer of gnolls grew, his destiny urged him to greater things. Joining with Halwain, cleric of Rodcet Nife, Vagner sought to cross the great continent of Antonica In search of his higher calling. With the hills of Qeynos to their backs, they entered the Plains of Karana.

The journey turned perilous when the two found themselves face to face with a beady-eyed werewolf that had found their campfire. Outmatched by the snarling foe, the two stood their ground until Halwain had run out of healing prayers and Vagner hung onto life by a thread. One arrow shot from the darkness, and then another flew forth, until finally the beast slumped to the ground with a shudder. A wood elf stepped quietly into the firelight, and then he kneeled before them to bind their wounds. “These lands are not safe for ones so young, and ones so … stubborn to retreat,” he chuckled. am Fyodor, “he said. “Rest tonight and tomorrow I shall guide you through the plains.”

Fyodor proved an invaluable guide, and once the two were safe in the Commonlands near the city of Freeport, he vanished as quickly as he had first appeared. Freeport provided a new source for adventure as Vagner’s company grew in number. Gifted in the ways of leadership, Vagner led the Wolves of Freeport — a company of heroes bound by common dreams and destiny — back to his homeland to answer the threat of oncoming war. The dragon Vox had assembled an army of ice giants and goblins to assault the barbarian city of Halas.

Victory, however, came at a price. After the bittersweet triumph. the Wolves of Freeport disbanded from his company one by one, returning home or seeking out other destinies. Wanderer. warrior and reluctant leader. Vagner now seeks to bring hope where only darkness exists. Though his enemy knows no specific name, his sword serves the greater good of Norrath and defends her against the persistent forces of evil.

The Scroll of the Burning Dead

Halwain clutched the symbol of Rodcet Nife at his neck. The Prime Healer would have much to say through his vessel this day, Halwain would see to that. The other man was much larger, not only for the thick furs that bundled him. A massive sword in each hand, Vagner asked few uestions and required fewer answers. There could be little doubt that monsters like those now before him were the foes his dreams bade him seek.

But for the moment the two listened, crouching where the wind-blown sand of these arid lands met the worn rock of the sunken and haunted tomb of Befallen.

There were six skeletons ahead of them, including a leader, a foreman of sorts. The creature’s hollow voice carried clearly to them: “Dig faster, fools. We are close. This ost alone stands in the way of the great one’s return. ncover his hiding place so that the forces of the Burning Dead might destroy him and restore the legacy.”

Vagner and Halwain locked eyes, their scowls barely visible in the deep shadows. The big warrior nodded almost imperceptibly, then leapt to his feet and rushed forward, choking back his howl so that other fell beasts of this place would not be alerted to their eventual doom.
Halwain stood, somewhat obscured by the dust left swirling in the warrior’s wake. He bowed his head and said a prayer, extending his hands, and a soft glow spiraled toward Vagner. When it reached him, the light covered the barbarian’s body, which grew even larger, muscles swelling to the limits of the flesh.

The warrior crushed into the group of skeletons, three or four of them ending in a tangle at his feet. One that remained standing prepared to plunge its pick into Vagner. but was cut short when a blast ot magical energy from Halvvain washed over and destroyed it.

As the other skeletons clambered back to their feet. Vagner hacked one in twain and then smote another’s fleshless skull. The skeletal foreman rose to meet Vagner, but another blow clove away the skeleton’s arm. Un- daunted. the foul creature drove face first at Vagner, surprising the normal ly imperturbable warrior. The barbar- ian felt his shoulder burn, and realized belatedly that the skeleton’s teeth had been filed to razor-sharpness.

Vagner kicked the undead foreman out from such close quarters, striking downward with both swords, crushing the already dead being into a truly lifeless pile of bones. Halwain then closed to smite the final skeleton, wielding his mace with desperate strength. As he fended off the creature’s blows, however, he stumbled over a fragment of old stone; he grunted in pain as the skeleton’s heavy pick punched through his armor. Then, in a blast ofbone shards, the skeleton was gone and Vagner stood in its place.

Halwain inspected Vagner’s injury, and with a mur- mured prayer, the wound was gone. His own wound was too minor for concern.

As Vagner began to kick the piles of bones to one side of the tunnel, a glowing mist began to issue forth from a small vent in a rockfall that blocked one portion of the tunnel. Vagner shoved Halwain back three steps and stood his guard between the cleric and the billowing mass that slowly formed inro a humanoid s . When the mist resolved, it was clear the warrior and c eric faced a ghost, for it pos- sessed a soft white luminescence and hovered a foot off the grime-covered floor.

The benevolent, clearly elven face put Halwain at ease, but Vagner was not impressed and remained poised to counter any attack.

Halwain nudged the warrior aside and spoke directly to the apparition. “l sense a deep pain within you, ghosu Is there some way I might assist you so that you may find eternal rest?”

Turning, the figure inspected Halwa in for a moment, and then replied in a taint, reverberating voice, like that of one who spoke only softly and from the opposite end of a great hall. ‘Our time is short, hero, for the minions of rhe Burning Dead will soon sense something amiss here. Will you perform a task so we might lay to etemal rest the evil that dwells within Befallen?’

Over Vagner’s growled warning, Halwain hurriedly re- plied, “l will perform any task that will cleanse this place.” “Then take this,” the ghost said, bringing forth a rolled archment from the deep recesses of its faintly glowing Form. “This must be delivered to the paladins of Marr in the city of Freeport. It details a terrible plan to restore to life a foul necromancer called Marnek. The Burning Dead must not be allowed to achieve this goal.”

Halwain accepted the scroll with some surprise at its weight, and then responded. “But who or what are you?’ “1 was Sir Ariam Arcanum, a paladin of Tunare. There is no time for my own story, which in any case is of little account. ” The ghost paused. “But if you wish to know more of me, and to do me a personal favor after you’ve traveled to Freeport, then please seek out my family in Felwithe. Will you travel there?”

“There is evil enough here to busy us — but, yes, we will travel to Felwithe as soon as we are able,” the cleric answered smoothly.

“Then deliver to this my family. It is my love for them that binds me here. Deliver my sister’s token,” said the ghost. The ghost carefully removed a necklace and handed it to the cleric. Immediately, the post van’ ed, though its gentle radiance shimmered faint y for several moments afterward. “May your journey take you through the Plane of Health. there to lighten your soul,” Halwain intoned, “and then on to your place beside the Mother of All.”

Soon, the ghostly paladin’s glow was gone entirely, and the grip of the dank tomb closed in on Halwain and Vagner. Both men squinted, muttering oaths to return some day, and then turned their backs on the evil and prepared to seek a paladin in the city of Freeport.

To Bind A Soul

The wind played coquettishly with her azure robe, and Arrialla wondered, not for the first time, whether the Oracle could possibly have inconvenienced her more than by requiring her to make six separate trips to his island in these past few months. She doubted it. She alsodoubted that even the extensive travel in which these visits had resulted might reveal to her even a portion of the enlightenment she had left Felwithe to seek. Certainly, her brother had been unsuccessful in the quest he had undertaken at the Oracle’s insistence.

How appropriate, the young high elf thought as her slender finger dabbed a single tear from her cheek. She stood on the prow of the Siren’s Bane as it plowed eastward across the vast and as yet largely unexplored Ocean of Tears. She sailed in the same direction her ancestors had traveled as they fled from Tunaria to the continent of Faydwer, where their new civilizations would rise. If the tears of those elves had not formed the ocean, they had at least christened it. How appropriate, then, that Arrialla should mourn her brother here.

And also how strange it seemed that the Oracle, one of her earliest mentors, should prove to be the link that brought her brother and his quest back into her life. It seemed only a handful of years ago that Arrialla had won the trust of the Oracle of K’Arnon. As the Koada’Dal thought on the matter, she smoothed the silken fabric of her elaborate robe, loosening it from where the sea breeze tangled it around her lean, graceful legs. The robe had been her first gift from the Oracle, a gesture of thanks all those years ago for her contributions to his library, the same collection she had come to increase now.

Her recent journeys had started with a message her father received, addressed to those two men who’d brought news of her brother’s fate. However, Vagner and Halwain could not be located. Her father assumed that the message, sealed with the mark of the Paladins of Truth in the city of Freeport, must be urgent, so Arrialla had searched for the men, but could not find them. Rumors suggested only that the two were traveling the breadth of Norrath in search ofshadowed men, evidently sensing some connection between that mysterious folk and the evil tomb of Befallen where they claimed to have met her brother’s spirit and received a dire warning from him.

Although her father had felt it a gross violation of the humans’ privacy, Arrialla had opened the message. The contents easily justified her prying, however, and she set out at once to find Sir Artanis in the walled-off northem section of Freeport. “I received your summons,” she’d told him, and explained her arrival in the place of the human cleric and the
barbarian warrior. The knight had offered his sympathies regarding her brother’s death, but in that peculiarly human way did not long linger on the past. He indicated that Vagner and Halwain’s assistance had been requested, but that he would accept hers if she was willing and capable. Arrialla, still misty-eyed in her reverie, nearly smiled as she recalled the flicker of surprise on the paladin’s face as, before his eyes, she had transformed into a human woman. The lithe form was every bit as lovely as her own, in its own way, and no doubt stirred even the dour paladin’s interest, but that wasn’t the effect Arrialla had sought. The man understood her point immediately: Arrialla, an enchanter, was indeed capable.

Arrialla was invited at once to meet with Sir Artanis and several other senior paladins; the council took place instantly, such was the priority of the matter. Arrialla soon understood why. The knights shared with her information they had gained from a Tier’Dal wizard they had captured as he attempted to slip through the Freeport sewers, which all too often
served as a place ofmeeting for the fell-minded. Under magical coercion, the wizard admitted he had been trying to contact the leaders of the Dismal Rage, a cult dedicated to the Prince of Hate, Innoruuk. The cult had nearly completed the construction of a phylactery, a near-legendary device that could serve as a soul receptacle for a powerful necromancer,
whose body might thus live on endlessly in a sort of undead state. The dark elf identified himself as a follower of Solusek Ro, with whom (as the paladins knew all too well) the necromancers of the Burning Dead were also affiliated.

Consequently, Sir Artanis and his fellows feared a connection between these activities and the warnings of Arrialla’s ghostly brother, Sir Ariam, regarding the imminent resurrection of the necromancer Marnek.

The Knights of Truth normally counted the Oracle of K’Arnon among their allies, but in this instance the Oracle had apparently turned them away. They had sought answers elsewhere, but Arrialla suspected that the Oracle must know something of the matter and had told the knights as much. “He likely expects you are unwilling—” Looking at Sir Artanis
with a friendly smile, she continued, “or unable to meet his price.”

So, with their blessing, she had set sail for the Oracle’s island in the Ocean of Tears. If indeed he could not help her, then she would retum to Felwithe and seek Vagner and Halwain so that they might know of the quest she’d taken up in their name. The weather had been stormier on that first voyage, more like her thoughts both then and now.

Salt water spraying around her, Arrialla finally spied the Isle of Erollisi in the distance. Here dwelt the Sisters of Erollisi, and it was also where the enchanter would disembark. She relinquished her position at the prow, strolling now to her quarters below deck. She traveled exceptionally light; she had little need for anything beyond a small amount of food and
water. If some emergency beyond her skill presented itself, she could always use her magic to teleport herself to the safety of her ancestral home.

She did bear one unusual possession: a book bound in red leather, one the very few known or even rumored copies of the so-called Sanguine Tome. It was a volume of immense power that told of unspeakable magics from the ancient past.

Source: Page 89 – EQRPG Players Handbox

Tale of Events from Eternity’s Knight (GM Event Log)

The telling of events from Steamfront Mountains to Dagnor’s Cauldron

A number of dragons then appear within the hills outside the city of Qeynos and assumed mortal form. One of their number being a blue drake named Drakel took the form of a high elf, Lady Zavo Zatanov. They gather a band of adventurers to escort them to lair of Lady Vox, who is found howling in rage over the theft of the shard from Veeshans claw; left from when Veeshan struck the world in its creation.

These dragons now in mortal form from the Ring of Scale confront Carson McCabe’s agent and is felled by their hands, attaining the Crystal Claw of Veeshan. Leaving the ruins of Permafrost Keep they run into the lackeys of Mayong Mistmoore that had been sent to escort Kivgor Illbriar back to the halls of Castle Mistmoore. A battle ensues between the dragons and their adventurous allies against the agents of Mistmoore who are driven off, with Lord Galendore left slain. At the commencement of their victory they are asked to aid them in a ceremony that would be performed within the confines of the Rathe Mountains.

At the Rathe Mountains the members of the Ring of Scale that are present begin preparations for their ceremony that will forever rend the veil, and awaken dragons all across the face of Norrath from their slumber. However, before the ceremony can even take place Mayong Mistmoore arrives confronting the dragons and their allies.

Three of the dragons who had now assumed their true form are slain before the gathered adventurers can drive Mayong from the Mountain Passes. With the ceremony now in ruin Lady Zavo asks for a volunteer to sacrifice himself and keep the Crystal Claw of Veeshan in safe keeping, who was then dubbed “The Scaled Claw”.

Gara Tidyng

A tall barbarian woman, in red armor, sat near the soul-binder in the city of New Tanaan one day. She called for folk to gather and hear a tale. This is the tale she told.

Gara Tidyng says “After Veeshan brought life to Norrath, she settled into the Plane of Sky and drew a veil across the chasm separating the dragon plane from us. Then she fell into a long and peaceful slumber. So too, did the dragons still left on Norrath, as their strength was derived from the Plane, and the Veil kept them from exercising their magical powers.’

Gara Tidyng says, ‘Ya see, lads, the Ring of Scale dinna take kindly to mortals meddling in their affairs, and the Veil did well to prevent that. Aye, but the dragons slept, and the Veil fell into neglect, until mortals began to find cracks and once more make inroads into the Plane of Sky.’

Gara Tidyng says, ‘On Norrath, the dragon Zavo`Zatanov and her accomplices were determined to remove the Veil and restore the power of the Ring of Scale. Not your normal group of travelers were these. Though they called themselves brother and sister, they were clearly not so: Zavo, a High Elven woman of exquisite beauty; Rals`Zezonis, strongly human; Sarethsin`Kaz, a typically snobbish Erudite; and rounding out this already peculiar group, a troll named Soreg`Sslisn.’

Clerigo says, ‘How do you know this Noble Gara?’

Xzibitt says, ‘Was Zavo an Enchanter?’

Gara Tidyng says, ‘Great reward and dangerous adventure they promised, fortune and glory to all who could hear, and not an ear in the land missed their call.’ Gara Tidyng ponders whether some enchantment might have lain behind the irresistible call to arms.’

You agree with Gara Tidyng.

Gara Tidyng says, ‘all good questions, listen and you shall hear… And what could possibly be the goal of such a motley group, forcing them to enlist the aid of total strangers?’

Gara Tidyng says, ‘Like a knife, the next two words sliced through the cold night air, silencing all within hearing.’

Gara Tidyng says, ‘Lady Vox.’

Gara Tidyng says, ‘Lady Vox holds that which we seek.’

Kaltea says, ‘Woohoo’

Rhyli gasps.

Gara Tidyng draws a quick breath as if she herself had been present. Then she says, ‘Through Blackburrow did they venture, the gnolls rejoicing that they did not stay their journey. Thence through Everfrost, which some say melted a little under the presence of such a horde. On to Permafrost, the lair of the Lady Vox.’

Gara Tidyng says, ‘They paused, casters with their noses buried deep within their books, murmuring arcane phrases, warriors unsheathing their blades, donning helms, while some of the smaller folk faded in and out of view.’

Gara Tidyng says, ‘That’s when they first heard: Vile children of Scale, your efforts are wasted this day! You were fools to think that you could stand against the fury of Mistmoore!’

Gara Tidyng says, ‘The sound echoed off the canyon walls. Out of the shadows sprung the horror, three Tier`Dal soldiers, agents of the dreaded Vampire Lord. Lord Galendor, nightmare of Castle Mistmoore and chief enforcer of Mayong Mistmoore himself, led the charge, leveling a furious attack at the High Elven woman, Zavo, before any had time to react. Khasra Vei`Ras was not far behind, and a Tier`Dal priestess lent support from the shadows . . . D`shar was her name.’

Gara Tidyng slows, seeming to drift away to another time and place as she speaks. She continues her tale, saying, ‘Now, fighting a Tier`Dal agent of the Vampire Lord might not seem to be such a difficult task, until you turn to your comrade and see her very life draining away, dripping down her tunic and staining the ground.’

Beruthielle shudders, knowing how dangerous Tier`Dal priestesses can be.

Gara Tidyng says, ‘This unholy union of rage and wit, chaos and order . . . it sticks with you.’ She seems to be speaking as someone with more than a passing acquaintance with the issue.

Gara Tidyng says, ‘Zavo and her companions defended themselves well, but they never could have lasted on their own. Luckily, they had prepared themselves, enlisting the aid of some of the greatest that Norrath offered. Even so, the battle was bloody. Before they even had time to organize themselves into some semblance of order, forty had become twenty.’

Xzibitt mourns for the loss of Zavo.

Gara Tidyng says, ‘The tide finally began to turn for the heroes when one of the young half-elf warriors discovered the Tier`dal cleric D`shar hiding in a corner and quickly dispatched her. Without a healing force, the Tier`dal had no hope for victory.’

You nod at Gara Tidyng.

Gara Tidyng says, ‘Galendor fell almost immediately, and Khasra, badly wounded, stumbled backwards and uttered a few cryptic words. What followed sent a chill through the bones of all who were there to witness, and these were battle-hardened veterans of the worst that Norrath had to offer.’

Gara Tidyng says, ‘Ya see, the shadows crept out from the very stones beneath her feet, reaching up from the ground to envelop the Tier`dal woman, swallowing her into darkness.’

Gara Tidyng says, ‘Little did they know that while this was taking place, a dwarf rogue by the name of Kivgor Illbria had snuck into Vox`s lair and had purloined the Shard. Loud and foul were the cries of anguish rumbling through the bowels of Permafrost when Vox discovered the Shard missing.’

Beruthielle shudders.

Gara Tidyng says, ‘Just as loud were the cries of glee from Kivgor, taunting Vox for letting down her guard.’

Clerigo says, ‘Uh oh!’

Gara Tidyng says, ‘His luck failed him, though. As he was about to make good his escape through the gates of the cavern, Kivgor ran headlong into Zavo`s group.’

Clerigo gasps at Gara Tidyng in astonishment.

Gara Tidyng says, ‘Proud of his accomplishment, Kivgor waved the Shard before them, but his pride quickly turned to anguish when he discovered that this was the very Shard that they were hunting. He attempted to flee, but they caught him and challenged him for rightful ownership of the Shard.’

Gara Tidyng says, ‘Badly outnumbered, Kivgor stood nay chance at all, but he still fought for the Shard. His dying words echoed through the chamber Fie on you, accursed Mistmoore! I fall in your favor, but now you be without your precious trinket!’

Gara Tidyng looks puzzled, and then says, ‘Mistmoore, mentioned twice now? What role could Mistmoore play in this drama?’

You ponder the matters at hand.

Gara Tidyng knows that the party was soon to discover the answer to that question. She says, ‘Ya see, Mayong Mistmoore was the bitter enemy of the Ring of Scale, and he wanted nothing more than to possess the Shard and thereby control access to the Plane of Sky.’

You say, ‘Ohhhh … ‘

Gara Tidyng says, ‘With all due haste, Zavo`s group journeyed to the Rathe Mountains, where the final partitioning of the Veil was to take place. Surrounded by their mortal supporters, Zavo and her friends shed their illusions and stepped forward to reveal their true dragon nature.’

Gara Tidyng says, ‘However, before Zavo could reveal herself, the sky was suddenly filled wi` shadows, while faint laughter swirled through the rising wind. A harsh voice, filled wi` hatred and disgust, echoed through the mountainsides, `Children of Scale! You shall not succeed this night, I shall make sure of it. For centuries, you have evaded me. Now this shall end. Everything you possess . . . is but a waste.’

You say, ‘who was that?’

Gara Tidyng says, ‘`Twas the very voice of Mayong Mistmoore, challenging them for possession of the Shard.’

Beruthielle shudders.

Gara Tidyng says, ‘Quickly the mortals sprang to the defense of the Scale, but it was too late for the doomed party. One by one, Mistmoore’s cold touch enveloped them in misty vapor, draining their life and strengthening his.’

Gara Tidyng says, ‘Fighting valiantly, the humans appeared to be on the verge of sure victory, when suddenly Mayong faded from view, eluding their attacks. The shadows quickly retreated back to the corners and stones from which they had issued, their tendrils rising in the air and the sound of a thousand shrieks echoing across the Mountains of Rathe.’

Gara Tidyng says, ‘As the shadows slithered from view, a voice was heard, faintly hissing these words of defeat, `You have won this day, Children of Scale, but it shall not be the last battle that you will face. Rend your veil and harness your power, it shall do nothing for you, as in the end, you all shall perish, dragon and mortal alike, your corpses shall rot at my feet. For this I can assure you. Until that night comes, I bid thee a good morrow, and sleep well.’

Gara Tidyng says, ‘The voice trailed off into sadistic laughter that hung within the air for what seemed like an eternity before fading into the wind.’

Gara Tidyng says, ‘Alas, Zavo mourned the loss of her beloved companions, cursing the name of Mistmoore.’ Gara Tidyng lowers her head to conceal the tears in her eyes.

You comfort Gara Tidyng.

Gara Tidyng says, ‘Determined to complete the quest which she had started, she called for the human who had most distinguished himself in the battle to step forward. She asked him if he was ready for the final task, to die by the Shard, spilling his blood on the earth of Norrath so that the Veil would be sundered forever.’

Gara Tidyng says, ‘He paused not a moment before nodding in agreement.’

Gara Tidyng says, ‘After performing the sacrifice and resurrecting the hero, Zavo presented him wi` the Shard, which became known thereafter as the Crystalline Claw of Veeshan, a mighty and powerful weapon. Forevermore in the realms of the Scale was his act of bravery sung.’

Gara Tidyng says, ‘Thus did the Veil of Veeshan become torn, and the realms of mortals and Scale did mingle. The dragons of Norrath were once more restored in power and glory, a fitting position for the Ring of Scale.’

Gara Tidyng says, ‘Of the outcome of the battle between Mistmoore and the Ring of Scale, we can only guess, for I am certain that the final pages of that Act have not yet been written.’

Gara Tidyng bows before her audience. Gara Tidyng says, ‘Thank you all for listening to my tale. Long is my journey that lies ahead, and soon I must take my leave, but first I ask that you partake of my humble refreshments.’

Gara Tidyng passes out goodies from her backpack. She says, ‘I will hail you and then pass out goodies, I have some for all who want them.’

Xzibitt says, ‘How will the final Pages get written of this long tale’

Gara Tidyng beams a smile at Xzibitt.

Gara Tidyng says, ‘Safe travels to ye, friends. I must be away to tell my tale again.’ Gara Tidyng turns from her audience and goes on her way.

Eternity’s Knight

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Forgive me, miladay. I realize how much of a disappointment this must be to you, to awaken and only a few moments thereafter find yourself in death’s hand’

Mayong Mistmoore begins to cast a spell.

Mayong Mistmoore tries to cast a spell on you, but you are protected.

Allaynia has been slain by Mayong Mistmoore!

Nuborisha has been slain by Mayong Mistmoore!

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Now, who else shall test my mood?’

Mayong Mistmoore continus with the young dragon.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Your pain shall be brief, but not without a few more moments upon this world’

A young dragon hisses at Mayong Mistmoore, “The immortal lord sends henchmen to do his own work? Pathetic you are, Lord Mayong Mistmoore. It is quite an enigma why the Ring of Scale has not yet disposed of you.

Mayong Mistmoore chuckles at A young dragon.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Tis a pity that you see it this way, milady. Enough of the meaningless insults, yes? There is somethingt of more importance with which I require your assistance.’

A young dragon laughs.

A young dragon says, ‘The immortal lord, who has fought the Children of Scale for countless years…now turns to the aid of one fledgling of that same brood he fights?’

A young dragon says, ‘This day is filled with strange events, indeed’

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘The shard, milady. Tell me the tales and rumors of which you have heard.’

A young dragon lowers her head once again to the ground, “Rumors of which I have heard reguarding this shard you seek?

A young dragon says, ‘I know of only one rumor, but know that it is only a rumor, and should not be confused with fact’

Mayong Mistmoore grins evilly at A young dragon.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Of course, milady.’

A young dragon says, ‘The Lady Vox, when she was cast out of the Ring, marked a traitor to her own, was said to have fled with the shard as her final revenge upon the Ring. It is said that she clutches the shard within her own claw.’

A young dragon says, ‘That is all I know’

Mayong Mistmoore raises his hand, motioning for Lord Galendore to approach.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Galendore, there is a man whom I whish you to seek, someone of great power as well as being eminently expendable’

Lord Galendore says, ‘Where would one find this man, milord?’

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘He has taken a brief residence within Dagnor` Cauldron. We will need him to retrieve a shard. For what reasons, he need not know. The reward for his assistance and success shall be great’

Mayong Mistmoore turns back to the dragon, nearly uncounscious from the wounds she has suffered.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Thank you milady, for your cooperation. Unfortunately, you must take your leave’

Mayong Mistmoore bows before A young dragon.

Mayong Mistmoore begins to cast a spell.

A young dragon has been slain by Mayong Mistmoore!

Mayong Mistmoore turns his head from Lord Galendore and faces the crowd, eyeing the individuals as they scowl at the vampire and his Tier`Dal minion.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Make use of the services of these pathetic mortals about you as the man you shall be seeking is not one to be underestimated. Be swift, Lord Galendore, as our time grows short.’

Lord Galendore shouts, ‘Those who seek glory, for any reason, and your intents matter not, step forward! Those who wish to prove themselves shall be rewarded greatly’

Lord Galendore shouts, ‘Step toward me now, seekers of glory, and you shall find your treasures at the hands of Mistmoore!’

    Dagnor’s Cauldron.

Lord Galendore says, ‘I can not go any further into this area, for reasons I shall not discuss with you. Seek out Kivgor Illbriar and tell him that a proposition is to be made to him’

Lord Galendore says, ‘I expect to see him here shortly, so do not fail me lest you incur the wrath of my master. Go now, and do not return here until you have Kivgor at your side’

Lord Galendore shatters a vial of liquid at his feet and vanished into a cloud of smoke…

…(looking for dwarf)…

Kivgor Illbriar peers out into the crowd with his one good eye, his upper ip curled up in a sneer, exposing the remains of his teeth, stained yellow from the tobacco packed inside his cheeks.

Kivgor Illbriar says, ‘Hmm. Well, what kin it ‘urt to try? Eh? Well Alright I can go with ye to this.. Lord.. Galendore.. but watch ye backs and ye pockets, as if this be a trap.. I will nae think twice about slittin yer throat n pickin ye dry…’

Kivgor Illbriar says, ‘Lead on buggers.’

Kivgor Illbriar says, ‘Aye. Well laddies… w’ere iz this Lord?’

Lord Galendore a small column of smoke rises from the ground revealing Lord Galendore…

Lord Galendore bows.

Lord Galendore forces a smile of respect across his twisted face.

Lord Galendore nods towards the filthy dwarf standing among the crowd.

Lord Galendore says, ‘Kivgor Illbriar, would you please step forward? I have a small business proposition for you’

Kivgor Illbriar makes his way through the crowd, pausing for a moment in mid-step, he turns his head toward the ground.

Kivgor Illbriar opens his mouth, a deep gurgling emerges from the dwarf’s throat as he spits the tobacco onto the ground.

Lord Galendore raises his head slightly at the dwarf, a sneer of impatience crossing his brow.

Kivgor Illbriar wipes his jaw with his forearm before proceeding towards the Teir’dal.

Kivgor Illbriar says, ‘These ‘lil buggers tell me that ye wanted ta’ ‘ave a meetin’ with me, fer a proposition.. er somethin’ to that effect, aye?’

Kivgor Illbriar reaches into the small pouch, pulling a small bit of tobacco and places it in between his lower lip and jaw.

Lord Galendore says, ‘Yes, they have informed you correctly, Kivgor’

Kivgor Illbriar raises an eyebrow at the Teir’dal, puffing out his red cheeks as he spits a bit of brown juice onto the ground.

Kivgor Illbriar says, ‘Yeh yeh, I already got that part… but WHAT is it exactly ye want me t’do? And ‘ow much are ye goin’ t’be payin’ me t’do yer work?’

Lord Galendore says, ‘It is a small task and shouldn’t be too far out of your league. There is a family relic that is dear to my master, something that is even older than he’

Lord Galendore says, ‘Unfortunately, this treasure has fallen into the grasps of the White Lady, Vox’

Lord Galendore says, ‘Your task, if you choose to accept, is to retrieve this shard from the dragon’s lair’

Kivgor Illbriar raises his eyebrows in surprise towards Lord Galendore. Opening his mouth to speak, he is interrupted by the Teir’dal’s words.

Lord Galendore says, ‘We have heard greatly of your abilities, as well as that of many other. We sought you first, as we have great faith in you, Kivgor’

Lord Galendore says, ‘If you do not accept this task, then we shall ask another, although in truth, you prove to be the one of most worth’

Kivgor Illbriar closes his jaw, turning his head as he scans the area around him. His eyes gleaming with interest, he takes a few steps closer to Lord Galendor.

Kivgor Illbriar says, ‘That be true, dark one?’

Lord Galendore grins wickedly at the dwarf.

Lord Galendore says, ‘Aye, Kivgor, every word’

Kivgor Illbriar says, ‘Alright then, I’ll take up yer little job.’

Lord Galendore nods in approval towards Kivgor Illbriar and extends his hand for the dwarf to take.

Lord Galendore says, ‘A most wise choice, Kivgor’

Kivgor Illbriar reaches out to take the hand of Lord Galendore, forcefully shaking the Teir’dal’s hand in agreement.

Clouds spread over the sky, concealing the rays of the sun from the waters of Cauldron

The light now a murky gray, shadows begin to rise from the corners of the lake, coming together over the Dwarf and Teir`Dal as a towering pillar of darkness. Stopping out of these same shadows, a tall figure approaches the dwarf

It begins to rain.

…(Mayong Mistmoore appears)…

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Excellent. You have done well this day, Galendore.’

Mayong Mistmoore turns to the dwarf, staring curiously at the vampire standing before him.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘And you, young Kivgor Illbriar. I welcome you to my services. I assure you that you will not come to regret your decisions.’

Kivgor Illbriar turns his head to the side once again, letting out another spit of the brown fluid from the tobacco beneath his lip.

Kivgor Illbriar says, ‘I take it this be the big boss, Lord Mayong Mistmoore ‘imself, eh?’

Mayong Mistmoore grins evilly at Kivgor Illbriar.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘I am he of whom you speak’

Kivgor Illbriar says, ‘So, when will ye be ‘avin me go on this little treasure ‘unt for ye?’

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Immediately’

Kivgor Illbriar raises an eyebrow, turning his head and glancing quickly around the area.

Kivgor Illbriar says, ‘An ye want me t’go… alone? Or will I be accompanied by….’

Mayong Mistmoore motions to the dwarf to cease his words.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘No, Kivgor. You will venture alone, as this is a task requiring much stealth and skill. I feel it would be best for you to go alone due to the nature of this task.’

Kivgor Illbriar says, ‘Oh? Alright then.. I’ll fetch yer trinket. Any particular time ye want it back?’

Mayong Mistmoore flashes a gentle grin of amusement towards Kivgor, “Immediately”

Kivgor Illbriar spits one last time, barely missing Lord Galendore’s shoe. Flashing a toothy grin towards Mayong, the dwarf throws down a small potion, the glass bottle shattering as it hits the ground.

Kivgor Illbriar is surrounded by a massive cloud of smoke and dust, fading away from view as the smoke is blown with the wind…

Mayong Mistmoore leans towards Lord Galendore.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Somehow, I do not feel that this dwarf will be successful as anticipated. Your thoughts, Galendore?’

Lord Galendore says, ‘He has promise, but I believe his ego and overweighted vanity would prevent him from succeeding’

Mayong Mistmoore lowers his head in thought, grazing his chin with his hand. For a moment, he pauses and then turns his head to Lord Galendore.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Galendore…’

Lord Galendore says, ‘aye, milord?’

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘send for the priestess, as well as Khasra. They shall accompany you to the caverns of the north where you will ensure the dwarf’s victory.’

Lord Galendore bows before Mayong Mistmoore.

Lord Galendore says, ‘Immediately, milord’

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Galendore, one more thing before you go.’

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘These mortals…’

Mayong Mistmoore waves his hand in the direction of the crowd.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Which of these mortals has been of greatest service to you this day, Galendore?’

Mayong Mistmoore eyes the crowd as he speaks to Lord Galendore, searching the minds of those around for Galendore’s answer.

Lord Galendore points at Terok. Yeah you!

Lord Galendore says, ‘That one, milord, Terok I believe is his given name. One who isnt too bright, but provided as much help as can be expected from a mortal’

Mayong Mistmoore leans down further towards Lord Galendore’s ear.

Mayong Mistmoore keeps his eyes upon the one Galendore indicated as he whispers a series of words to the Teir`Dal in a language unknown to any who dwell within this realm and time.

Lord Galendore nods at Mayong Mistmoore.

Lord Galendore approaches Aludian, his hands dropping to the elaborately embroiderd belt around his waist.

Lord Galendore stops infront of Terok, noding in respect as he removes the belt from his waist.

Lord Galendore gently folds the belt in half, keeping his eyes locked upon those of Terok’s as he outstreches his arms in offering of the belt.

Mayong Mistmoore closes his eyes and lowers his head and he thanks, Aludian. From behind a mask of shadows, the vampire opens his eyes, staring into Terok’s eyes.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘I shall not forget your services to me, mortal child.’

Mayong Mistmoore raises his head as he walks towards Terok. Stopping only inches from Terok, Mayong raise his wrist up to his chest, his dark robes folding down his forarm.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘As I shall not forget you, neither shall you forget me.’

Mayong Mistmoore lifts his other hand to his wrist, slashing violently across the blue flesh with his claw-like nails.

Mayong Mistmoore reaches into the folds of his robes, withdrawing a small vial encased within a bat’s skull to the open wound, allowing the vial to completely fill.

Mayong Mistmoore lowers his wrist, still holding the vile of his blood up to Terok.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘Let this be a gift to you, a gift of the most personal nature.’

Mayong Mistmoore raises his head, tilting it slightly to the side as he speaks, his voice now trembling with strength.

Mayong Mistmoore says, ‘A warning to you, child. To accept this, is to do nothing, but to drink of it, is to pledge yourself to me. Eternity’s Knight, forever you shall be.’

Mayong Mistmoore grins sadistically at Terok as he hands over the vial.

Mayong Mistmoore chuckles evily.

Mayong Mistmoore bows.

Nagafen text

You say, “Hail, The Sage of Ages”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “Thank you my friends, thank you! I do not understand why those Drakota attacked me. I cannot be of any threat to them; I am but a humble chronicler!”
You say to The Sage of Ages, “Who are you?”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “I am known as the Sage of Ages, a neutral historian charged with scribing the events of history so that their lessons will not be forgotten, or repeated. It surprises me that these creatures would be sent to attack me.”
You say to The Sage of Ages, “These Drakota were sent?”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “Yes, Drakota rarely act of their own initiative. They are weapons used by Dragonkind to fulfill their own designs. I do not know what I could have done to anger the Scalelords. I only scribe the truth and have done so for many centuries.”
You say to The Sage of Ages, “Who could have sent these?”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “There are few Dragons still active in this world. The Age of War and the Age of Cataclysms have taken their tolls on the Dragons as well and they too are recovering. However, there are a few who gained in the destruction. The Lord Nagafen and the Lady Vox have prospered as others have declined in power. These Drakota must have been sent by the Lord Nagafen as he would be the only one to possess the power to do so.”
You say to The Sage of Ages, “Why would he send them after you?”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “I know not why he has done this thing and it greatly worries me. Maybe he believes I know too much, or he detests the truths I write. I wish to know what has caused him this distress, but I fear for my own existence if I were to come any closer to his lair.”
You say to The Sage of Ages, “We can approach him for you.”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “I would not send you on such a quest. I will not have the blood of my rescuers on my hands by asking such a thing. It is far too dangerous to send anyone into the lair of Nagafen, and I will not do so to satisfy my own curiosity or my own peace of mind.”
You say to The Sage of Ages, “It is more than that. Your life is in danger.”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “You do not fathom the danger you are willing to enter. Nagafen resides in the very depths of Solusek’s Eye. The Fire Giants are loyal to the Lord Nagafen and will destroy any intruders that set foot within their realm.”
You say to The Sage of Ages, “I can handle a few Fire Giants.”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “I can see that you won’t be dissuaded from pursuing this rash idea. I will relent my position. Please, speak with the Lord Nagafen on my behalf and discover why he seeks my death. I fear there is much more afoot than any of us realize.”
You say to The Sage of Ages, “How do we gain audience with Nagafen?”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “You must travel down into the heart of Solusek’s Eye. There you will find the Gong of Ro. Sound the Gong and you will be transported to the lair of the red dragon. Please, be careful. I will travel to the Tower of the Coldwind Oracles near the city of Qeynos. Please seek me there when you have spoken with the Lord Nagafen. Go with my blessing.”
You say to The Sage of Ages, “Thank you, Sage. We will meet with you soon.”

You say,”Hail, Majordomo Inferinus”
Majordomo Inferinus says to you, “The Great Lord Nagafen will not be conversed with in a mortal language, he finds the use of such offensive. Consider yourself extremely lucky you are still breathing this very moment. It is only because his lordship was amused by your success in reaching the gong that you are not a blood stain on his master’s floor. If you wish to speak to the Lord Nagafen you must learn the Draconic language.”
You say to Majordomo Inferinus,”How do I learn this Draconic language?”
Majordomo Inferinus says to you, “That is of no concern of mine. Do not return again unless your mind and tongue are capable of speaking the ancient language. The next time Lord Nagafen will not be so forgiving. Begone!”
You say to Majordomo Inferinus,”I’ll be back.”

You say,”Hail, The Sage of Ages”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “Have you spoken with the Lord Nagafen?”
You say to The Sage of Ages, “No, the majordomo will not let me enter the lair without knowing Draconic.”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “This is a very unfortunate turn of events. Very few beings on Norrath know of this language, and even fewer still know enough to read and teach it. Many mortal scholars have tried to study the language but even finding one written rune of the language is a challenge. Some have dedicated their entire research to just understanding one or two of the Draconic letters.”
You say to The Sage of Ages, “Do you have any research on the language?”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “Sadly, no. There are many ancient languages I have scribed for historical record but Draconic has always eluded my reach. However, I have heard theories from my consociates that it might be possible to make a compilation of all the research on the Draconic runes if someone were to gather all the work done by the various scholars.”
You say to The Sage of Ages, “Has this compilation ever been attempted?”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “No. The research relating to understanding just one of the runes is far too precious for the owner to consent in relinquishing it, and there is not enough wealth on Norrath to purchase the translated runes from the individual owners. It is even quite likely that half the research is lost to the sands of time, having been destroyed in the cataclysms.”
You say to The Sage of Ages, “If I were able to obtain all the research, would you be able to teach me the language?”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “Yes … yes, I believe I could. I know many techniques and spells that enhance the learning of tongues, but this idea is all for naught. It is impossible for one person to obtain all the translated Draconic runes, let alone find them. It is a hopeless quest, friend.”
You say to The Sage of Ages, “It can be done. I will find the runes.”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “I sincerely hope you are right, but I fear it cannot be done. However, I wish you the best of luck in this quest. In the mean time I will look into my own research and libraries for clues into the greater plot that is unfolding around us. Be careful in your journeys, you may be in far more danger than we know.”
You say to The Sage of Ages, “I will. Farewell Sage.”

You say,”Hail, The Sage of Ages”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “Greetings, adventurer! What word do you have on the runes of the Draconic language?”
You say to The Sage of Ages, “I have obtained research on the translation of all twenty six Draconic runes.”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “The gods be awakened! Can it be true?! Yes! You have done it! I can’t fathom how you obtained all these, but here they are. This is truly amazing!”
You say to The Sage of Ages, “There were orcs all over these things. They seem to be after them as well.”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “Orcs? Their kind has never been interested in knowledge such as this, even after the lifting of the Rathe’s curse. This does not bode well…”
You say to The Sage of Ages, “Will you be able to teach me Draconic?”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “Yes … Yes … I will be able to teach you this language now.”
You say to The Sage of Ages, “Good, let’s get started.”

You say,”Hail, Majordomo Inferinus”
Majordomo Inferinus says to you,”You are back again? I suppose we should step up more guard patrols to keep the vermin out.”
You say to Majordomo Inferinus,”I am here to speak with the Lord Nagafen.”
You say, “Hail, Lord Nagafen”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “So, Inferinus, the lesser ones have returned. Do you suppose they harbor a death wish? Foolish mortals, my curiosity has kept you alive this long, my patience alone will decide if that is to continue.”
You say to Lord Nagafen, “I am ________. If you kill me, then you won’t know why I came.”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “Ancient Draconic? From a lesser one? Interesting … I will hear more. Tell me, mortal, how did you come to possess such sacred knowledge. ”
You say to Lord Nagafen, “The Sage of Ages taught it to me.”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “Sage of Ages? I know naught of a Sage of Ages. I have been on Norrath since the dawn of time. I think that with such a pretentious sounding name that I would have heard of this person before now. ”
You say to Lord Nagafen, “You know who The Sage of Ages is. I come to ask you why you sent your Drakota to kill him, and to ask you to stop.”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “Drakota? You are grossly misinformed if you believe I have anything to do with Drakota! Do you see the tears in my wings and the scars on my flanks?! These are no wounds from some foolish mortal hero, though many have tried, these are Drakota given… Drakota that no longer exist on this world. I know nothing of this sage. If I desired death upon someone, they certainly would not survive to tell of it. ”
You say to Lord Nagafen, “He said that only a few dragons now have the power to control the Drakota, you and Vox.”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “Don’t you EVER speak my slain mate’s name with your mortal lips! My beloved Lady Vox is DEAD! Assassinated by the very things you claim she had control over! Mortal, you have no idea how close to death you now stand. ”
You say to Lord Nagafen, “I apologize, Lord Nagafen. I will not speak her revered name again.”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “Guard your tongue or forfeit your life. Now, you claim that this sage of yours was attacked by Drakota and lived. It is unimaginable that any lesser being would survive a targeted attack by the pawns of the Ring of Scale. How does he claim that he was able to escape destruction? ”
You say to Lord Nagafen, “He doesn’t, my companions and I destroyed them both.”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “Both? There were two Drakota? Were they in possession of essence shards? Answer me this now, mortal! ”
You say to Lord Nagafen, “No, Lord Nagafen, they were not.”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “An orb then? A large glowing orb? Did you find this on their corpses? ”
You say to Lord Nagafen, “No, Lord Nagafen, they did not have either of these things.”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “So you say… I sense in this that you are telling the truth. Regardless, this makes things very interesting now, doesn’t it. Before me stands Lesser Ones who have the ability to slay Drakota. I find I have need of you. I have a significant task for you, do this and you will be greatly rewarded. ”
You say to Lord Nagafen, “Lord Nagafen, what of the Sage’s safety? That is the reason I’ve journeyed here.”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “Mortal, I believe your search for your sage’s adversary and my own quest proposition will lead down the same path. Unfortunately for you, you do not have any other leads to follow, now do you? There is much to be gained by assisting me. ”
You say to Lord Nagafen, “With all due respect, why should I help you when I cannot even trust you?”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “Wealth … Power … Prestige. Is that not what all mortals want? Do this task for me and you will be able to select from anything within my vast hoard of treasures, the likes of which you have never seen. Arcane objects of power and knowledge, armor and weapons that have not been touched by the light of the sun since the Age of Monuments, wealth and jewels beyond your comprehension. ”
You say to Lord Nagafen, “That sounds like a generous reward, but what is it you want me to do?”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “You are being charged with a most important and glorious task. You will act in my stead and bring about the resurrection of my beloved Lady Vox. Seek out the murderous Drakota, destroy them in their lairs, and wrest from them the essence shards. While holding these, the Drakota prevent any attempt at returning my beloved to life. ”
You say to Lord Nagafen, “What are we to do once we get the shards?”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “Take the spirit shards to my beloved’s crypt within the walls of Permafrost. Each shard contains within it a part of the Lady Vox’s undying spirit. Release the essence kept inside the shard and perform the ritual that I will imbue in your lesser mind. It is not known how many shards are required to correctly perform the ritual. It might take many, or it could be as little as one. The Lady Vox’s will to live is incredibly strong. ”
You say to Lord Nagafen, “I understand.”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “Also, the Drakota may be in possession of an Orb of Omnipotence that once belonged to me but is now lost. Return that to me and I will double your reward. ”
You say to Lord Nagafen, “What is the orb for?”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “Its purpose is beyond your understanding and comprehension, Lesser One. All you need to concern yourself with is returning it to me if you find it. Now, go, do as I say. ”
You say to Lord Nagafen, “Yes, Lord Nagafen. The Lady Vox will be resurrected.”

You say,”Hail, The Sage of Ages”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “Greetings, adventurer! I am pleased to see that you still live. Did you speak to Lord Nagafen?”
You say to The Sage of Ages,”Yes. He says he is not responsible for the Drakota’s attacking you. He asks that my companions and I seek to restore Vox to life.”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “Restore the Lady Vox to life? Nagafen must know that mortals do not have sufficient power or knowledge to resurrect an elder dragon from the dead. I do not trust him. The King of Fire is deceitful and sinister. His forked tongue only speaks lies. This must be why he wants me destroyed. He means to put his plots in motion and knows that I am aware of his trickery.”
You say to The Sage of Ages,”If that is true, then why does he want me to kill his Drakota and reclaim Vox’s essence shards?”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “Those Drakota must have rebelled against him and stole the shards for their own grab at power. Nagafen is still too weak from the Truthspeaker’s attack to go after them himself, so he remains safely in his lair while he gets mortals to do his dirty work.”
You say to The Sage of Ages,”Who is the Truthspeaker?”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “The Truthspeaker was an agent of the Ring of Scale. It was he who risked his life to lead the Drakota, the same Drakota that Nagafen now commands, in an attack to stop the mating of Nagafen and Vox, a mating that would result in utter doom for all of Norrath! The Truthspeaker’s Drakota were able to destroy Vox to prevent the union, but Nagafen was able to retreat to the safety of his lair.”
You say to The Sage of Ages,”Where is the Truthspeaker now?”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “The Truthspeaker has not been heard of since the attack on Nagafen in the Lavastorm Mountains. All that is known of that attack is that Nagafen lives and is now in control of the Drakota assassins. The Truthspeaker is presumed destroyed.”
You say to The Sage of Ages,”Why is the mating of the Lady Vox and the Lord Nagafen so dangerous?”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “It is forbidden among dragonkind for dragons of differing elements to mate and bring forth offspring. The combination of the elements result in a prismatic dragon, a creature of immense power and energy. Only one prismatic dragon has existed on Norrath, the Sleeper, Kerafyrm. Nagafen must believe he can control a prismatic offspring, but it seems he cannot even fully control the Drakota he wrested from the Truthspeaker.”
You say to The Sage of Ages,”How powerful are prismatic dragons?”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “Look to the sky, child. The destruction you find there is the doing of the Sleeper simply as a display of power and a reminder to all living beings of his supremacy. Do you realize the danger now? Nagafen wants the power to do just that. Imagine an army of dragons that could each do that with Nagafen and Vox reigning king and queen over them. It is well that the Truthspeaker succeeded in his task to destroy the Lady Vox.”
You say to The Sage of Ages,”Now Nagafen wants me to help return her to life.”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “Yes and that part worries me. He must know that no mortal possesses the ability to return an elder dragon to full life. There must be another reason why he wishes you to attempt this.”
You say to The Sage of Ages,”He also asked if the Drakota we defeated were in possession of a glowing orb, an Orb of Omnipotence he called it.”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “An Orb of Omnipotence? I have not heard of such a thing. Did he say why he wanted it?”
You say to The Sage of Ages,”No, just that it belonged to him and he would double our reward if we brought it to him.”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “If the Lady Vox knew the location of this orb, it might be Nagafen’s plan for you to resurrect the spirit of Vox long enough to discover the whereabouts. Even though Nagafen is using you, the best course of action would be to follow his plan so that we can learn of the orb’s location before he can lay his claws upon it. Find this orb and bring it to me. We will foil the Lord Nagafen’s villainous plot.”
You say to The Sage of Ages,”Are you sure this is the best thing to do?”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “It frightens me to say this, but yes, this is the course of action we need to take. This orb will fall into Nagafen’s claws in due time unless we act to prevent it. He may already have other groups searching for it. The orcs you encountered while collecting the runes may be one such group.”
You say to The Sage of Ages,”I understand.”
The Sage of Ages says to you, “Follow Nagafen’s instruction in resurrecting Vox’s spirit, but only in this. Do not trust his words. He will deceive you with lies and fallacies. He will twist the truth and double cross you in the end. Do not let him do this for he means to bring about the destruction of this world.”
You say to The Sage of Ages,”I will resurrect Vox and learn the location of this orb.”

You say,”Hail, Lord Nagafen”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “So mortal, you have returned to my lair but you have not completed the task I set before you. I cannot sense the living energy of the Lady Vox, not converse with her. You test my patience by coming here in failure.”
You say to Lord Nagafen, “I have not completed the task yet.”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “The why have you returned?! Do not think that you can renegotiate our agreement, Lesser One. You will find it very dangerous to do so.”
You say to Lord Nagafen, “Lord Nagafen, I wish to know why you desire your lady to be raised from the dead.”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “She is my mate! Would you not go to the ends of the world to reclaim your lost love taken from you by murderous assassins? We will not be kept apart by anything, even death itself.”
You say to Lord Nagafen, “The Sage of Ages says you only wish to raise her to create an army of powerful offspring.”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “This sage of yours presumes to know many things. Did he also tell you the age old fallacy that only doom and destruction could result from such a union? This world was saved by such a union! Look to the sky! That could have been Norrath if the petty gods had their way.”
You say to Lord Nagafen, “What do you mean? The Sage said the Sleeper did that as a display of power.”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “Your sage knows nothing! The gods meant to destroy Norrath. The Sleeper understood that this world is sacred and that the dictates of some minor gods would not be the end of the Wurmqueen’s creations. Kerafyrm forfeited his own life to save this entire world from utter destruction. There are many who fail to understand the noble intentions of what such a union can bring.”
You say to Lord Nagafen, “You mean the Truthspeaker. That’s why he attacked you, isn’t it?”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “The Truthspeaker… the assumed name of that wretched snake Darathar… the name he tried using within the Ring of Scale. Yes, Darathar sent the Drakota to kill my mate and now they possess essence shards to keep her from me! Darathar will pay for Vox’s murder. You have taken far too much of my time, mortal. Complete the task and do not return until you do.”
You say to Lord Nagafen, “Yes, Lord Nagafen.”

Lady Vox says,”Nagafen! I am here! I hear you! It is gone?! Yes, I can feel it’s presence, it is close! I will, my beloved!”
You say,”Hail, Lady Vox”
Lady Vox says to you, “Greetings mortals. You have done well in restoring me, but your power is not enough to resurrect me permanently. My time is short. Listen carefully. The ice giants who claimed to remain loyal to us, in my absence, entered my lair and took something that belongs to the Lord Nagafen and myself. We need you to recover it.”
You say to Lady Vox,”What is this object?”
Lady Vox says to you, “It is the Orb of Omnipotence that the Lord Nagafen spoke of. You must get this orb back from the king of the ice giants and return it safely to Lord Nagafen at all costs. If it falls into the wrong hands, it could mean the destruction of all of Norrath. Mortals, please, you must do this!”
You say to Lady Vox,”We will recover the orb.”

You say,”Hail, Lord Nagafen”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “Those lying, betraying Kromise! King Drayek swore to me that they did not know the whereabouts of the orb. Mortal, have you recovered it from the ice giants as the Lady Vox directed? It is imperative that it reaches the safety of these halls!”
You say to Lord Nagafen,”Darathar took it from us, he was the Sage of Ages.”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “Darathar?! Darathar was your sage?! And now he has the egg! Do you understand what you’ve done?! You have been manipulated this entire time! You led him to the one thing that would give him power to subjugate all of Norrath. We are doomed!”
You say to Lord Nagafen,”Where has he gone?”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “What does that matter?! He will have returned to his hidden lair in order to study and manipulate the egg. No one knows where his lair is, not even his chief lieutenants. In order for them to even travel there the five of them must meet and travel as one. There is no way for any of us to find him!”
You say to Lord Nagafen,”How do you know this?”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “I tore the information from the dying corpse of the Drakota that led the attack against me. I also ripped this Translocation Ring from the chain that hung from his neck, in case you needed further proof! These are what his lieutenants use to travel to him. They must combine all five pieces in order for the portal to work.”
You say to Lord Nagafen,”We can get the other rings. We can stop Darathar! ”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “You can’t stop him! Don’t you see now that he has been in control of the Drakota this entire time?! The only reason you got as far as you did is because he let you! His elite Drakota hold these pieces. They will not be leashed as his others have been. You have no chance against them!”
You say to Lord Nagafen,”We will stop him.”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “HAHAHA! You only hasten your own death. You are as headstrong and foolish as the orcs. So be it. Take the Translocation Ring. I no longer have a use for it. Now go, before I kill you myself for your failure!”
You say to Lord Nagafen,”Darathar will be defeated.”

You say,”Hail, Lord Nagafen”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “So it seems you came to your senses and decided against getting yourself killed. Now, keep with those thoughts of self preservation and leave my chamber!”
You say to Lord Nagafen,”We destroyed Darathar. The egg burst into these shards during the battle.”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “The egg was destroyed?! HAHAHA! You served me well. Darathar is not the only master of manipulation, now is he? Now that that little mess of the missing egg is out of the way, I can proceed as planned.”
You say to Lord Nagafen,”You don’t care that your only egg is destroyed?”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “HAHAHA! Only egg? I have plenty more safely hidden away. I just couldn’t let that one lost egg remain unaccounted for. You did nicely in seeing to it that its existence no longer poses a risk to me.”
You say to Lord Nagafen,”What about our deal?”
Lord Nagafen says to you, “Deal? Our deal was for you to bring the Lady Vox back from the dead and to return the egg to me. You failed to do either. Oh, but keep the shards as a gift from Lord Nagafen the Red! Inferinus, make sure the mortals find their way out!”

EQ2 Trivia Q&A


What is Queen Antonia Bayles true name?

What title does Lucan DLere demand his subjects use when they refer to him?
The Overlord

What is the name of the ranger that Antonia Bayle relies upon as one of her most reliable agents?
Baden Cauldthorne

This human male is the Leader of the Mage Guild in Qeynos.
Bellengere the Three

What is the name of the band of merchants that Duke Jaestin Ferrin leads?
The Far Seas Trading Company

Who is known as The Heartwood Matron?
Tealla Woodspire

Freeport citizens know Opal Darkbriar by what title?
The Foci

Who died ringing the bells to warn Qeynos to close the city gates during a surprise invasion?
Vhalen the Bard of Ages

This Kerran has served as a guard and advisor to Antonia Bayle for years. What is his name?
Murrar Shar

What is the name of the Human female that is the Shepard of the Celestial Watch, unified church of
the Kingdom of Qeynos that also holds a position within the Circle of Five?
Seeress Ealaynya Ithis

What is the name of the card game that General Golias Sydwen has a passion for?

Who was the first explorer to rediscover most of the areas many thought lost in the Shattered Lands?
Hasten Bootstrutter

Who was appointed as the liaison and acting leader within the city of Freeport by Bloodbeak, the true ruler of the Seafury Buccaneers?

What winged assassins are responsible for the death of Lady Vox?
The drakota

What is the name of the female Dark Elf often seen standing at the right hand of Lucan DLere when he appears before his subjects?
Tayil NVelex

The Age of Turmoil

This book is titled “The Age of Turmoil”. It is a chronicle of history as told by the Sage of Ages.

Forward: This volume is a copy of one of our older tomes within our library. This was a chronicle of the several times the Sage of Ages spoke to us of his infinite knowledge. It is only now that we can understand what his visions can teach us. The Sage of Ages, or Sages as the case may be, has observed Norrath for time immemorial. This story is a glimpse into just one of the many viewpoints of unrecorded history.

As the Ages would come to pass, the Dragons by know had realized the threat of the lesser beings. Actively involving themselves in the matters of the small mortals, they began keeping eyes and ears open all around them. Learning from the harsh lessons of the Destroyer, a new strategy had come about through a heavy cost.

Great arguments among the Ring would rage for days, even weeks. One side wanted to change the Laws whereas another wanted to make even more. One ignored side wanted to reintroduce the Drakota to the world, giving them to the mortals as a punishment for their audacity. These arguments would reforge the Ring, making it stronger than ever.

The Ring would see more changes as time went on, but to a Dragon time is meaningless. The leaders of the mortals would come and go, just as their empires of the past did so many times already. Of these changes, however, one was the most pleasing. For the memory of the Destroyer still lingered within the minds and stories of the lesser races. And when they would finally breach the prisons of the Exiled Ones, the mortals were already prepared for what they would see.

Never once did the lies and promises of power sway the hearts of these adventurers. No matter how cruel and black their insides were, these heroes knew the lies spoken by the King of Fire and the Queen of Ice. The heroes would attempt to carry out the original instructions of the Destroyer from ages past, but would sadly fail time and time again.

Bemused by the incessant attempts to destroy Vox and Nagafen, the Ring kept watch over their attempts. As their eyes were turned, they did not see that the old enemy’s land would become known again to the mortals. This would only be the beginning of further atrocities, for these heroes would soon find the first land. The land of the Dragons.

Having had their own lands breached by these mortals, the Ring was forced to act upon before thinking. Many of the Ring would actively seek out the mortals who roamed the frozen wastes.

From the dense jungles to the highest peaks, the mortals would soon learn that their trespasses were not to be tolerated.

Gathering once again, the Ring considered what was to be done about the mortals. Some chose to close off the lands and use the Magic to prevent them from ever getting to their sanctum again. Others chose to launch a counter assault against the mortals as they had once done with the old enemy. And the other ignored one suggested the Drakota could be controlled again.

In the end, the Ring chose to remove the intruders from their lands. Once they had been defeated, they would count their losses, for the Ring would need to be reforged once again.

Then, they would decide what to do. What was certain however, was that they would no longer view these heroes as insignificant creatures.

The Age ended with the Ring being reforged one last time. This time, they would be resolute and treat these heroes with as much respect as the Drakota. They needed to be leashed like the dogs they were. Just like the Drakota.

The Age of Monuments

This book is titled “The Age of Monuments.” it is a chronicle of history as told by the Sage of Ages.

Forward: This volume is a copy of one of our older tomes within our library. This was a chronicle of the several times the Sage of Ages spoke to us of his infinite knowledge. It is only now that we can understand what his visions can teach us. The Sage of Ages, or Sages as the case may be, has observed Norrath for time immemorial. This story is a glimpse into just one of the many viewpoints of unrecorded history.

The Ring of Scale has nestled deep within their kingdom lairs, ignoring the rest of the world during the Age of Monuments. They still agonized over losses within the Ring – not just on one occasion, but several more times as well. The rest of the world would continue to grow out of hand during their time of withdrawal.

The Elven-kind would build a great haven to house themselves within the shelter of the First Trees. Promoting art and harmony, the Elven-kind prospered beneath and atop the boughs of their solace. Calling their realm Takish’Hiz, they foresaw an eternity of harmony. Their lifespan was but a sliver compared to the Dragons, their dreams of eternal harmony were insignificant.

The Ogres would begin to build their empire as well. It was hard for the Dragons to understand the thoughts of these creatures, for they lived and died within a day. But yet, they still rose to power somehow, and built mighty citadels all over the world to mark their territory. The Dragons viewed these mayflies to be even more insignificant than their Elven neighbors.

And many more races would continue to sprout, blend, merge, and shed throughout the great gift of the Dragons. From the Kedge to the Dwarves, and the Halfling and Trolls, and the Dark Elves and the Gnomes, the races would mark the world to show they were there. And when these monuments of existence grew large enough, the Dragons feared they would find the Exiled Ones.

Convening the Ring into one, the Dragons chose to act outwardly upon the world once again. The lesser beings posed a great risk to the Ring, for if they came too close to the exiled Fire and Ice, the first law may be broken again. It had taken all the effort of the Ring to contain the damage done by the breaking of the first law. They would not do it again, therefore they made their presence known.

Detaching one of their own, they sent him into the exiled lands to remove the threat of a law being broken once again. So that the hand of the Ring was not bloodied, the Destroyer brought with him the petulant children – the Drakota. The children had now learned that the wishes of the Ring were greater than theirs, so the children were now safe.

The Destroyer journeyed to the exiled lands and began seeking the prisons of the King of Fire and the Queen of Ice. With the Drakota, he would destroy them once and for all. No longer would the laws be broken when the two were destroyed. And so he went unto them, to explain to them why they had to die. And to show them how they would.

But this was his folly, for the Destroyer knew only how to bring upon the end of things. He was not familiar with creating, such as the lies that were told to him by the pair of regents. Seduced by the beguiling words of Vox and Nagafen, the Destroyer severed himself from the Ring.

Striving to do what he could to unite the pair so that they could break the laws once again, he sent forth the Drakota to tear down the prisons of Fire and Ice. The Destroyer would nearly succeed at his perfidy were it not for an unnamed hero that would rise from the races and stop him. With his death, this would be the end of the Age of Monuments.

The Age of Destiny

This book appears to be an extremely valuable illuminated tome. Unfortunately, most of the pages have been ripped out of the book. The title of the story is “The Age of Destiny”.

Forward: This volume is a copy of the most recent tome in the library. It is unprecedented to for the Sage of Ages to speak of an Age before it has closed, yet this volume is exactly that. We cannot yet understand what the meaning of these words are. In time they will become clear.

The Sage of Ages, or Sages as the case may be, has observed Norrath for time immemorial.

This story is a glimpse into just one of the many viewpoints of unrecorded history.

The Age of Destiny is upon us. The Ages have come and gone like the passing of a river. The Dragons remain watching their world as they always have done. And now they see sights that alarm them. Many Ages ago, a Law was broken. This was the most sacred of Laws there ever was. And the repercussions of this broken Law are felt to this day.

It is known the Vox and Nagafen had been part of the Ring and they were severed. This has been told before. It is known that they are the Exiled Ones who created a force of destruction that could barely be contained. It is known that they live within their forever prisons to suffer for what they have done. It is known that they are now free.

One was freed from this mortal coil. The Queen of Ice. The Frozen Wyrm. The Lady Vox. She is known by many names, but now she is known only as one – Dead. The faithful Drakota of the Truthbringer felled her within her lair. And this is good.

One was freed from his prison, able to walk this world with ease. The King of Fire. The Enflamed One. Nagafen. He is known by many names, but he is missing the most important – Dead. The faithful Drakota were stopped from completing their task by the use of deceptive magics. But this will not stop the Drakota entirely, for their numbers are many.

But even now, in the Age of Destiny, the Exiled Ones still wish to cause havok and destruction.

For when they broke the first Law, they had a blatant disregard for what they were doing. And now, it is seen that they have broken the Law again. The cost of the first Law being broken was the moon in the sky. Look to it and know the truth. The two of Fire and Ice brought this destruction and must be stopped.

Many Ages ago, the Dragons knew that the Drakota were a very important tool. A tool that could be used to keep order within the world. What they disregarded were the heroes from the lesser races. Even when they looked and saw the possibility, they still did not pay attention. But one Dragon did. The Truthbringer.

The Age of Cataclysms

This book is titled “The Age of Cataclysms”. It is a chronicle of history as told by the Sage of Ages.

Forward: This volume is a copy of one the more recent tomes within our library. This was a chronicle of the several times the Sage of Ages spoke to us of his infinite knowledge. It is only now that we can understand what his visions can teach us. The Sage of Ages, or Sages as the case may be, has observed Norrath for time immemorial. This story is a glimpse into just one of the many viewpoints of unrecorded history.

As the Age of Cataclysms came, the Dragons would watch as their world would change drastically. Their jewel, their present from the great Mother, was being ripped apart before their very eyes. The gods had come and gone, and in their wake devastation followed.

Having followed the great wars of the lesser races for much of the last Age, they were not convinced that the heroes were stable enough to use as tools. This is because they did not understand that the lessers were as important as those that were not draconic. This is something the Dragons would come to know in time.

For the time being, they would continue observing from a far as the world broke apart. The turbulence of the seas was what began to alarm them at first. They could tell this was something greater than they were capable of. With the absence of the gods, they could not blame it on divine interference. But what it was, they could not say.

When the rumblings beneath the earth began, they asked all of their agents within Sub-Tunaria if there was a cause that was simply mundane. Not hearing an answer from their eyes and ears, they became alarmed. Ultimately, one of the Ring spoke first. One spoke the name of the Exiled Ones.

During the Age of Turmoil, the invading heroes would undo all that the Ring of old had seeked to contain. The blatant disregard toward the Laws on part of the King of Fire and the Queen of Ice is what was contained within the deepest tomb. When it was released, destruction unlike anything the Dragons had seen in any Age was wreaked across the land. Perhaps Nagafen and Vox had been freed from their prison after all these Ages.

The Ring convened as it had done so in the past. One group wanted to move their prison to their homeland to watch over them. One group wanted to seal their prisons forever. And one individual suggested the using of the Drakota. After many ages, they gave in and allowed the Drakota to be used once again.

The Truthspeaker, the Dragon who was in control of the Drakota, traveled to the prison of the King of Fire and saw that the worst come to pass. The destruction of the world was being caused by the joining of the two. At once, he took his faithful Drakota to the ice prison that entombed Vox. His worst fears were true, for within the Ice Queen’s prison was the Fire King.

The Truthspeaker waited for the Fire King to leave, knowing that he could not suffer the freezing temperatures of the prison for too long. As Nagafen left, the Truthspeaker unleashed the Drakota upon Vox. Where the Destroyer of past ages was seduced by the foolish lies of the fiends and failed, the Truthspeaker was successful. Vox was destroyed.

Not letting the victory pass, the Truthspeaker assaulted the King of Fire before he could reach the safety of his lair – his former prison. The Truthspeaker would suffer only half a victory during this age, for the King of Fire had drawn from powers not his own to defeat the Drakota. The Age would end, but the Truthspeaker would vow that in the next Age, the bane of the Ring would cease once and for all.