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4 thoughts on “Submit Content”

  1. Pingback: Lore of Norrath
  2. I have no idea what I am doing. I need an EQ loremaster with information concerning the original thex dagger quest and the lore behind it all. Couldnt find any way else here to get up with the people posting on this awesome site.

  3. hug a bixie? hmm… never tried that, seems like I’d get stung 😀

    Anyway, not to be a pain, but one of those links is broken. What I mean is, OMG what if, if… this website disappeared! I’d be in agony. Ever since the bbs backups were dumped by Google, I live in terror cool stuff disappearing off the web. Please tell me you’re backed up on Wayback Machine. jic. I couldn’t live in a world without Norrath!

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A compendium of EQOA lore, Everquest lore, Everquest 2 lore and EQ RPG Lore