Thursday 13 April 2023

An Unfortunate Admission of Irregular Schedule

With some good news: I have successfully deciphered the WmJas syncs in the prior Japan post and in the immediately following posts to locate an actual live Enochian wandering around on Earth and willing to disclose any answer whatsoever about that strange and previously illusive branch of humanity. Handling and even perceiving this surprisingly odd yet entirely-human entirely-incarnate Being requires Keeping Still to such an inhuman extent that my limited remaining attention span must be devoted to mere day to day activities for the immediate time-being, definitely on Good Friday, and perhaps I may post something less disappointing for Easter 2023. Bruce Charlton may have had an intimation of the Enochian terrestrial condition of matter and how it interacts with our condition of matter in this post:

How might such a body, such a person, appear to us here on earth - as, for example, an angel?

It may appear as if a vision. Entropy would have no effect upon it, nothing would be able to affect it, or to harm it - it would be in as 'different dimension'.

I happen to have a different opinion based on my recent experiences. (Edited)

If an Enochian Immortal goes to Earth in a merely translated Enochian body then that safe and futile condition will be the inevitable result. The Resurrected Christ specifically and seriously had to eat unsavoury mortal matter for food with his disciples after His Resurrection to provide a scriptural data point that disproves Bruce Charlton’s otherwise natural inference, from the perspective of an incarnate mortal human being,

Bruce’s following paragraph gives a far better idea, I think:

But this kind of angel would not have unlimited capability. That isn't implied by resurrection. Power would be further limited to that which was compatible with loving goodness in the context of divine creation; and this motivation might be very different from (for example) minimising suffering of specific individuals here, and now.

Then how might such angels have any effect at all here on entropic-earth, dominated by change, decay, disease, death...? Given their nature, it is hard to see how they could interact with us.

My assumption is therefore that in order to act upon this world; angels need us to meet them half-way; they need to intearct via the active thinking of a mortal Man.

Angels do not, I think, act upon us; but act with us; and the realm of interaction is thinking - specifically that kind of thinking I have termed primary, which is also intuition, or direct knowing.

It is at such times that angels may work with us.

This is an exact and precise description of the translated immortal condition of the immortals of Enoch’s Zion. Bruce Charlton is, in fact, the only person on the planet who turns out to be serious and persistent enough to plug away at apparently-trivial notions to assemble this tremendous and Cosmically unique revelation from mere intellect. He simply mistook the Innocent Childhood of an early-lifecycle primordial intelligence for the Spiritually Mature Divine Childhood of Christ, one of the facets of a more complex Celestial being.

Sadly Bruce’s post is not a description of the resurrection body. Understanding the difference merely intellectually, without needing to be ritually consecrated by John the Baptist and physically nailed to a Barbaric wooden Cross to experience the difference, takes a person 90% of the way to exaltation! The other ten percent of the path does require firsthand experience of Death, but the result is just as worthwhile for everyone. Neither Bruce nor myself are at that giddy-schoolgirl 90/10 exaltation stage of our spiritual development. Christ is the 10/90 immortal who is a Proper Man and studied the matter for us with excruciating physical drudgery and torture and yet is willing to give away the knowledge for free to anyone who asks him politely.

(If the Robert Bolton schema of the ages is true, the 90/10 immortal is born at the symbolically random and meaningless date of 2082 and dispels the grim Iron Age that has gripped human consciousness for all recorded history. I have found a prophecy of her in one of the Studio Ghibli movies, so we are meant to know certain details of her life in advance. The demons punished the man who made the movie with Early Death, in horror that his next movie might reveal even more frightening (to the demons) symbolic details of what unimaginable Lessons will be taught on this planet after the year 4000. Ok then, guess we do our eschatology one 2000-year era of Cosmic History at a time. Gentlemen readers of the future, I challenge you to find this movie and watch it. It is titled in English Whisper of the Heart.)

Unfortunately, the exact magical procedure for bridging the human and Enochian worlds and realms of consciousness is fairly tedious, so much so that God the Father has laid an obedience on humans that it can only be done according to Comedic Timing to refresh the souls of those who contribute to this dreary and tedious cosmic game of Go Fish.

And comedic timing is irregular and induces a lot of tense feelings in the audience. Sadly. There is a Tragedy element to the Divine Comedy, which is why half of Dante’s version of it consisted of people burning in hell. The William-Blake Joke, though, is that Dante descended not into Hell, but into Zion where the Enochians had built a distorted haunted-house replica of Hell in an attempt to study it, and instead of being Punished in Hell he was Refreshed by being allowed to laugh at the sufferings of his enemies and persecutors on the mortal Earth.

I’m not closing the blog but it will have to operate on a competely unpredictable schedule if I am to use it to properly and carefully explain the Story of the Six Paths of Buddhism or in Christian terminology the Six Families Who Ride the Merry-Go-Round of Endlessly-Renewing Creation of which the Joseph Smith revelations were merely an incredibly botched early attempt to seize the information through importunate prophecy rather than proper spiritual childlike questions that produce prophecy naturally and maturely.

That is what caused the Mormons to enact the temporary Prophetic Madness of Old Testament Polygamy, within a heavy tellestial realm of matter and era of Consciousness that were utterly unsuitable for it. Early Mormonism was not a serious religion in the end, (or was it)? But it was a very effective form of Pentecostal Collective Madness that gave me a very valuable clue about the path to the actual Zion mentioned in the Mormon Old Testament properly and in the official one only in the singular person of Enoch. As the recipient of this clue, I pledge to use it extremely carefully and morally and therefore hereby must officially apologize on behalf of all of the Enochian Peoples to all of the Real Complex Mortal Women who were caught up in that madness and were forced to endure (and in splinter denominations are still forced to endure) incredible extremes of Human Psychological Suffering because the Demons are attempting to study and discern (and perhaps destroy, as demons always attempt to do, just in case that yields more thorough understanding) the valuable secret to the ultimate riddle of Theosis or Celestial Marriage or Nirvana as it is variously called and incompletely and distortedly described in different noble religions, of the valuable difference between the serious long-suffering nature of Incarnate Mortal Women and the light-hearted nature of mere Jungian Anime Waifus as seen in the in-retrospect very loving and gentle and gradual warning of the Akihabara Grove Vision in the immediate prior post.

The crime for which the LDS are perhaps still to this day being punished — I cannot say for certain and the Sentence of the Final Judgment will vary by individual LDS family — was to attempt to force the former category of rather complex and troubled Mortal Female Being to physically enact the virtues and flaws peculiar to the rather different but also utterly crucial latter category of Symbolic Womanhood, without learning numerous Intermediate Lessons required for this feat. We are now nearing a major punchline, certainly not the last, in the tremendous ongoing Joke in the divine comedy of our currently existing planet, which I am now certain is in fact the True Cross-Roads of the Six Paths where Christ was Painfully and Memorably Crucified to serve as a mere sign-post. Please pray solemnly to this man who was serious enough about helping all of us that he was willing to finish his long and fruitful and otherwise fun mortal incarnation by undergoing that tremendous and comedic and utterly dead serious indignity that was necessary to fuse the Heavy and Light, Material and Symbolic forms of primordial matter properly and permanently into the Celestial matter of his resurrection-body.

Confusingly, they are also called Ordinary Matter and Dark Matter by astronomers, and the Fourth Gospel refers to them in reverse as the Light that shines in the Darkness that does not yet properly comprehend it.

Tuesday 11 April 2023

Probable Nations with Enochian Ancestry -- Japan

Riffing on my prior comment thread where I imagined the wizard-hero of Vainamoinen of the Kalevala as a demi-god birthed by a female Watcher post-Deluge and thus as someone who introduced Enochian admixture into Finnish ancestry, I considered what other nations might have Enochian ancestry.

One painfully-obvious and personally-significant and utterly-humiliating example immediately came to mind.

Therefore, I realized I have firsthand experience of resonance between Enoch's Zion and Japan, based on the only trip I have taken to that part of the world, rather symbolically in the very final days of the Heisei era. I like to travel, but paradoxically never initiate a trip -- it's always someone in my family going and I tag along only if I don't have anything important to do. I saw this, the significance of which will become clear:

image not mine -- from Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0 -- close enough to my firsthand impressions

Here is my evidence that the Japanese are partly-descended from a Tribe of Enoch. Subsequent posts will cover cultures further-west.

The founding myth: is extremely straightforward to fit into the Enochian / Watcher schema as I understand it. A married couple (Izanagi and Izanami) descend to an area of the Earth covered in a great deluge of water and use some physical magic -- stirring the water with a spear -- to accelerate the process of land-formation. This local act, resurfacing the Japanese islands, is mistaken for a creation-myth by subsequent generations and the couple are taken to be creator-Gods. Since Watchers in general would have been forbidden after the Deluge, perhaps these Enochians were charged with some kind of special dispensation or exception or even penance (clean up your mess! is a perfectly plausible order to receive from Divine Parents) to rebuild the Earth after the Flood. This seems perfectly complementary to the alleged main strategy of repopulating everything with animals descended from Noah's ark -- I suppose God wanted to give Noah a chance to help too. What I remember of the Japanese founding gods' subsequent career certainly does not show signs of especial righteousness, definitely not in the Mormon sense, but they are extremely fertile, although they again (somewhat-confusingly for me, not for the myth-makers) end up birthing beings of a lower order: fairies and monsters and more human-scale lesser gods and through those lesser gods the lineage of myth reaches actual historically-verifiable humans.

Random ancient Magical MacGuffins: Not practical to investigate the things personally (see 'coverup-murder-spree' below) but it is worth noting the following publically-known Stories and Questionable Rumours: the Japanese Imperial Household explicitly claims lineal descent from these entirely-mythical figures and claims to possess three artefacts, claimed to be identical to mind-bogglingly powerful magical items mentioned in that cycle of legends, which are exhibited in sealed boxes inside sealed boxes and otherwise never shown to the filthy commoner public for reasons of ritual Shinto reverence imperial-court pecking-order yadda yadda. Here's Wikipedia's hive-mind of editors in their supernaturally-ignorant Ahrimanic innocence unwittingly retelling the typical coverup-murder-spree that apparently happens when someone has the chutzpah to look inside the nested boxes:

After witnessing the sword, the grand priest was banished and the other priests, except for Matsuoka, died from strange diseases. The above account therefore comes from the only survivor, Matsuoka.


Much like the story of Ahab and the White Whale, got to leave one survivor to tell the tale. Sheesh.

The things have ritual importance similar to the Stone of Scone to the British Crown, except that anyone can go to Edinburgh and see that the Stone of Scone is a rock that symbolizes Scotland. It has exactly the magical powers of a rock that symbolizes Scotland. But for the Japanese imperials, a number-one-priority when Japan lost WWII was to keep these particular treasures away from the Americans' otherwise-indiscriminate and understandable looting-spree. (When it came to regular historical artefacts and works of art, the Met and the Boston Museum of Fine Art and who knows what other museums in the USA ended up with very nice Japanese collections.)

There is more to this, because it seems illogical to retain secret Enochian magical artefacts that are waved around inside boxes at every coronation-ceremony in front of the entire planet, but perhaps history has evolved such that they were publically-known to exist for such a long time that 'hidden in plain sight' is the only strategy if they're still to be used at a coronation. The stories that they were 'lost' at one point, then suddenly miraculously not-lost, might be an abortive attempt to take them underground. My hypotheses: either they do not exist, or they really were 'lost' aka perhaps taken away and their powers are being used somewhere else for more exciting and useful things than sitting in a ritual-containment-box at coronations, or they have obvious visible design-features that would lead to exuberant weirdness if exhibited in public. For example, the scrying-mirror slash interstellar-video-chat-device slash whatever-it-is-they-desperately-don't-want-to-show-to-the-public 'Yata no Kagami' has been alleged by 'Lost Tribes of Israel' afficionados to be inscribed with the Tetragrammaton. Which safely brings us out of the insane realm of 'high-security Indiana Jones artefacts' and brings us to the relative sanity....

The Japanese Descend from a Lost Tribe of Israel: Hah, no way! There is a theory that the Japanese descend from a lost tribe of Israel, which always struck me as a theory 'striking, yet utterly inane'. It has some kind of evidence, I assume; these things usually do. But in its extant form, it is refuted thus: as far as I can tell Japanese do not resemble modern Jews, or any of the other Western nations said to descend from the Israelites, in any way shape or form. Neither in appearance nor temperament nor any particular striking details of culture. Yes, I tried repeatedly to squint at depictions and numerous worthy and excellent human exemplars of both cultures with my gaijin eyes as hard as I could. No resemblance. They both like to have things on paper, maybe. But beyond that, nope. Ok, but if....

The Japanese Descend from a Lost Tribe of IsraelZion: If we note that 'Ancient Israel' and 'Zion' are typically identified with each other, there is a hilarious and perhaps Providentially-intended mix-up in play, (at least up to now, because apparently now I have appeared on Earth to potentially blow their cover). Dreamers and seers investigating the ancestry of the Japanese symbolically or shamanically will get intuitively-plausible syncs about 'Japan' and 'Zion' and then search for evidence to concoct a decoy theory about Japan descending from Israelites who really got blown-off-course, rather than from Enochian Zion. Interestingly, the Mormons' theory that the Israelites ended up in America is geographically more plausible, but the Japan theory has slightly more memetic pull because every just likes the idea that much. The decoy works because only the Mormons have a notion of an off-planet 'Enochian Zion' that far-predates Israel and non-Mormons tend not to root around in obscure details of Mormon scripture. If unsympathetic non-Mormons (I refuse to employ the 'Gentile' slur) do read Mormon scripture, it's typically out of prurient curiosity about how wild the stuff about Old America might be.

They do have Mormons in Japan, so I wonder if I can find out what they think about Enochian Zion.

(As it happens, I did briefly meet one notable and famous Japanese Mormon during my trip. I told him to 'please take good care of me', which is a standard Japanese thing to say to people you expect to never encounter again. He told me to 'please enjoy Japan'. I do not assign any revelatory or synchronistic meanings to this exchange, which is the sum total of my encounter with Mormonism in Japan.)

The history and cultural impact of Tenjin / Sugawara no Michizane: consistent with Michizane being translated to immortality at a surprisingly late date in a relatively-public fashion. He was, by conventional accounts, a very quiet and studious poet and scholar at the imperial court, and not at all skilled in matters of courtly politics, and he was exiled by political enemies in 901 over some kind of political inanity, it looks significant and perhaps consequential but I have not parsed the nuances yet. Perhaps he wasn't just a nerd who got picked on, but that was my impression of him in 2019. 

n contradiction to his rather mild personality, after his death in 903 there was a sequence of natural calamities and the imperial court became absolutely convinced that this political pushover in particular had ascended to become a God of Storms named Tenjin. (The granting of a different and much more on-the-nose name to humans at translation is another detail that has cropped up in my drafts and contemplations.) In apology for persecuting him during life, the imperial court fearfully , and the whole incident made such an impression that the number of shrines multiplied to the 10,000s present in Japan today, and for good measure the cross-walks in Kyushu and sometimes elsewhere-in-Japan are programmed today play the following cutesy children's rhyme to placate the guy, to the very day that I visited:

(starts at 13sec)

You may go in, you may enter 
Which way is this narrow pathway?

This is the narrow pathway of the Tenjin shrine

Please allow me to go through

Those without good reason shall not pass

To celebrate the 7th birthday of this child

We've come to dedicate our offering [to offer our ofuda here]

Going in is easy, but returning is scary 

It's scary, but

You may go in, You may pass through
Highlighting the nursery-rhyme: this is the type of thing worthy of some WmJas analysis. Syncs include 'narrow path' (obviously), the number 7, and the "going is easy but returning is scary/difficult". Ofuda bit reads to me as garbled by Wikipedia's choice of wording in the translation. I know enough Japanese to attempt to see if the kanji are doing anything sneaky. Kanji are tricky things.

As is known to perhaps some of the readership, children's nursery rhymes are Deep Magic, and in the modern era end up making up for a total lack of any meaningful or effective magic on the part of the adults. So this is worth paying attention to.

Returning to the middle ages where weird things were supposed to happen... having sufficiently avenged himself on the imperials, Tenjin very swiftly retires from the natural-calamity business and, if he makes any intercessions at all in the centuries since then, it's generally to console modern-day Japanese scholars who are overstressed with exam preparation.

Some miracles are attested prior to his apparent-death, e.g. the Tobiume plum-blossom tree which was miraculously relocated 100s of kilometres from the capital to Tenjin's place of exile. We can easily assume that Tenjin, perhaps on account of his poetic career, had managed to get the attention of patrons in the Enochian side of existence and when he was exiled they furtively replanted the tree on his behalf to console him, hoping no one would pay too much attention to the deed. Since he lived only two years in exile, his patrons may have been attempting to use him to influence imperial politics in some substantive manner, and he may have been translated to the terrestrial degree of glory sometime after the scheme failed, as a sort of apology for his career being ruined.

Having been to Dazaifu and seen the tree in question and inspected the shrine, I can definitely say there was a presence that drew me there, which resembles the aura of a house inhabited by a kind-professor sort of person. 'Narnia' readers might imagine a medieval-Japanese Professor Digory Kirke. The presence is clearly maintained by the daily round of laborious and rote pseudo-shamanic-rituals that Shinto tends to prefer enacting, and my expectation is that the presence would most likely fade if the shrine was abandoned and the rituals stopped. I spent a couple of hours contemplating the location in a 'shamanic' sense, then moved on to more touristy matters.

(Interestingly: in the 'Steelman' outline, Kubla-Khan is translated from a Japanese man, probably a Kyushu-jin from the same approximate area as where Tenjin was exiled, but modern-day. However, Kubla is not a poet or a scholar and does not give me the slightest degree of Digory-Kirke vibrations.)

My visit to the Dazaifu shrine was a very quiet experience, but one with a truly absurd weight of unexplained Destiny which I felt at the time, especially since I have absolutely no interest in Shinto as a 'religion' and I continue to have absolutely no interest in Shinto as a 'religion', and I maintained Christian discipline in not praying or making any gestures of obeisance to the enshrined deity. Since I was making residual efforts to be loyal to Russian Orthodoxy I felt torn by the feeling of Welcoming Import in this place. Flustered, I even forgot the ritual-purification (a brief and unobjectionable washing of the hands and mouth) considered necessary to enter the courtyard and just wandered in at first, although later I realized I should probably be polite to the ordinary decent human who is commemorated there and guiltily went back to wash my hands on the way out. Make of that what you will. The presence did not seem to 'mind' my odd behaviour in the slightest. Zero wrathful storm god vibes. Just an absent-minded university-graduate who forgot to wipe his feet when entering the house of an absent-minded professor. I bought a delicious ume-cha and rice-dumpling in a sort of restaurant-alley on the shrine grounds and ate it in a completely-empty restaurant, as if I'd been shown personal hospitality.

For control-purposes, my impression of the opulent shrine of the very recent Meiji emperor (Meiji Jingu) had a repellent 'Masonic' sort of vibration with a strangely-large number of votive tablets from Europeans, while the 17th century Tokugawa Ieyasu personage commemorated by the huge Toshogu line of shrines struck me a repellent-enough specimen of humanity that I specifically avoided shrines in his honour. He is apparently prayed-to by corporate drudges in search of promotion. How fitting. The 'deified' god-names attached to these individuals' supposed immortal forms smack of being carefully-chosen by a Committee, while the transformation of a shy poet into Tenjin strikes me as an example of the now-familiar Divine Sense of Cosmic Humour that strikes fear into insufficiently-enlightened mortals, and therefore I suspect the practice of building hundreds or thousands of shrines to government figures may be cargo-cult imitation of the events following Tenjin's ascension.

Unusually for a Japanese Shinto deity, Tenjin's votive-tablets at Dazaifu were in both Japanese and Korean writing in almost-equal numbers. As Koreans have a long-time historical enmity with the Japanese, this struck me as extremely unusual at the time, and left an unanswered question of why and when Tenjin had made an impression on Korea to the extent that they would pray to a deity of their enemy nation to this day. However, Kyushu is, ancestrally-speaking, a sort of middle-ground between Japan and Korea so perhaps it's not as weird as my outsider perspective made it out to be.

Okay, this is all very dignified and proper sort of shamanic investigation. Time for utter humiliation!

The tendency of Enochian culture to blend with anime in my imagination: this is extremely annoying because most anime is infuriatingly bad and the admixture of low-quality anime imagery lowers the fidelity of my imaginative vision of Zionic or of Renegade Enochians considerably. Except. There is one particular intuitive experience I had in Tokyo when I was in Akihabara on the way from point A to point B. I was not at all interested in Akihabara or modern herbivore-anime-cafe-culture -- I was interested in shrines, tea, coffee, ramen, history, and urbanism and prioritized my itinerary accordingly, but I figured I may as well route my walk through the stupid anime tourist-trap famous for the how-the-hell-is-this-legal Mario Kart eyesore go-karts speeding around, and check that tedious bit of tourism off my checklist with minimal-effort. I happened to do this early in the morning -- when the latter-day mortal Japanese engage in one of their societal-scale OCD customs of desperately rushing to make it to work at exactly 9am sharp.

Thus, I beheld a Symbolic Vision of Cosmic Importance roughly as-follows. {TODO: I'll have to check if I thought to take a photo that does the scene proper justice.} To the extent that I am apparently somehow doing Joseph Smith's unfinished homework centuries-later and on a low budget, we will dub this my Akihabara Grove Experience. In accordance to the era of Primary Thinking where responsibility for Navigation is firmly in mortal hands and hand-holding has been withdrawn, the Akihabara Grove Experience did not involve Glowing Personages or Direct Orders to Shun All Religion or any of that special-effects revelatory garbage that stuffs a prophet's Free Will into a sack and drops it in the ocean. It was a simple and amusing and kind of twee juxtaposition of two contrasting Realms presented very-clearly to my consciousness, and I was free to read into it what I will.

Below was a realm of the Mundane and Ordinary. It consisted of the Akihabara crosswalk with the OCD Japanese salarymen (mostly men, the women blending into the crowd) dressed in identical OCD black and white suits rushing, with the terrifying empty expressions that Japanese people wear in Japan, to fulfil the utterly absurd 9am Ahrimanic Obedisance. It was already decided by all the authorities long before that day, that people ought to stagger arrival-times at work to avoid straining the Tokyo train-system in the morning, but nothing was resulting from that decision. Prior to the even darker spell of the birdemic, 9am was like a reverse Cinderella-spell cast by Ahriman dragging every office-worker in that country to their unspeakably-dull 1930s-America-cosplay office-environment away from all the interesting Japanese things.

Above was a realm of the Fanciful and Exaggerated. It consisted of the visual cacaphony of all the Akihabara billboards and every billboard was anime girls. The anime girls were drawn with no artistically-interesting qualities, of course, shapes very stereotyped and unrealistic, but all of the billboards were extremely colourful. The creatures depicted thereupon struck me as more tropical parakeets than girls, to be honest. Most striking of course is the gratuitous fluorescently-coloured hair in every imaginable colour except that of actual hair as found on human beings on Earth. You might scrape together a miniscule handful of natural gingers who approach this level of fluorescence on the entire planet, and would certainly not be looking for them in Japan. The depiction of Japanese characters in lowbrow anime overcompensates to extreme lengths for the apparent East-Asian cultural complex about having hair in any colour as long as it's black.

I chose to read this incredibly striking image as a symbolic depiction of a dull and black-and-white mortal Earth down below (the salarymen) and a colourful and hilariously-feminine Paradise up above (the colourful anime girls). I took this as an amusing bit of cultural commentary about the decay of Japan that Providence had seen fit to throw my way with a wink and a nod to enliven an otherwise-dull gap in my itinerary -- Japanese live an utterly black-and-white Ahrimanic life and attempt to make up for it by depicting themselves in anime as cliques of nonexistent-but-colourful anime girls with cheerful and spontaneous contrasting personalities -- and nothing more.


I will expand on this horrifying 'anime' rabbit-hole in later posts, safely-interspersed among more-edifying material. In summary, the Japanese anime and manga producers of middling-talent appear to be OCD-fixated on repeating a number of -- extremely tedious to outsiders, and I suspect even to fans -- story-tropes that are explained away as wish-fulfilment for herbivore males the world over (not just in Japan) but do not resemble what a mortal herbivore male with a shred of sanity would actually wish to vicariously-experience according to my understanding. I would say I have a reasonable grasp of what a sociosexually-unlucky male is drawn to for wish-fulfilment entertainment, prurient or otherwise.

Of course, for the high-brow top-tier of anime, we have the high-octane Sehnsucht of Studio Ghibli. I do not know if I will have the chutzpah to untangle Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi in public anytime soon because it is a time-bomb of highly personal synchronicities, and just the process of contemplating it while adding a link in the blog post dislodged one more minor and one more major one. Incongruously for a movie with zero Christian elements, watching the movie triggered a personality change -- I had an extremely Ahrimanic computer-nerd false-personality prior to that, interested in idiotic things like quantum computers and transhuman brainwashing devices, most of those interests proceeded to gradually fall away over the next few years -- and kickstarted the process towards my Christian conversion.

Interestingly. I once wrote a comment on Bonald's blog {TODO: link}, in which I rather-idiotically and -randomly asserted that the Ghibli animation style replicates the physics of resurrection bodies. The proportions are obviously not realistic, but the way things move strikes a chord. For example, characters' hair will stand on end in a biologically-impossible fashion whenever they are startled or experience strong emotion; mouths tend to open to such an absurd elastic extent that you see the back teeth -- for some reason I intuitively-felt these, and others, are real details observed from somewhere, rather than the more-typical 'construction' physics taught in Western animation-textbooks where a cartoon-character is a puppet made of elastic ovoids glommed onto each other. I was struck by how the animators make all these monstrous-sounding exaggerations look natural and good. This is certainly not true of lazy regular Japanese animation. Note that at the time, I did not have a mental category for translated terrestrial body that sits in-between mortal body and resurrection body.

Ok, this is going down an even bigger rabbit-hole and I really must wrap up.

* * *

Intellectual counter-points and doubts:

Enoch's Zion was founded from a singular Earth (the proper-Earth that reached maximum iniquity among all the worlds in the bad old days, and was therefore chosen for the Incarnation and Christ's victory over Evil), while Japanese culture is apparently echoed across many parallel Earths in extensive detail. That certainly includes Shinto. This is another instance of the apparent 'singular crucifixion / many Christian worlds' paradox, and could be Mandala Effect copying Shinto beliefs across universes, but whereas faith in the Name of Christ and perhaps a furtive cross-dimensional trip or an open post-Resurrection ministry to transfer apostolic charism suffices to establish Christianity on a planet or continent, in these posts we are talking about physical lineage from far-past Enochians. However, I do not have a definite memory of whether the Shinto gods of other-Earth Japan (that is, the other-Earth I have apparent evidence of) are the same pantheon or a completely different set of beings with different names that follow the same cultural rules. The latter is perfectly possible.

As I cover Finland and Vainamoinen, we will find a common theme emerging that particular Enochians contributed to repairing and terra-forming the Earth after the Deluge. We must cover English Albion and Mormon-adjacent America as entirely-separate cases, though I really dread having to dig for the national ancestry of striking figures like Joseph Smith and Philip K Dick. Another item in the list of cultures is Navajo, of all things: they have a very interesting deluge-myth that struck my imagination a while back. Honestly, any culture that has a mythology where supernatural deities or demi-gods descend into a vast watery area and do anything that remotely-resembles terra-forming should go on the list to analyze. Suggestions welcome.

God’s Revelation Proceeds as a Tide of Periodic Utter Joyful Daftness that Brings out Armies of King Canutes of Respectable Philosophy

The idea in the title is self-evident as an answer key to Christian religious history above all others. Other religions seem far more depressingly sensible and logical. But for the Christian reader who wishes the work behind this proposition to be properly shown, let us examine a succession of famous gentlemen of a prophetic inclination to examine the direction in which God generally likes to kick our faith whenever we get too dull.

The common theme is that reality is joyfully daft and cheerful, that God issues Revelations on a recurring basis to remind human beings of this fact, and that fallen humanity has a regrettably consistent aversion to the daftness, which puts it into greater and more constant communion with demonic forces than is typical in existence. That, by the way, is one major symptom of its fallenness.

(Although this also means that mortal humans are, on average, less arrogant and more realistic about their imperfection. The persistent demonic whispers still get into the minds of more-protected incarnate races eventually, and those races are caught utterly unprepared.)

Just a small selection, I fear:

Abraham: Allegedly told to sacrifice his son. At the top of the mountain an angel of the LORD meets him and perhaps says rather crossly: “You know you shouldn’t instantly rush to execute every stupid and evil idea an apparent deity tells you to execute, no matter how impressive and cinematic the Inner Voice sounds?” The King Canutes proceed to distort this staggering and humiliating object-lesson in Responsibility of Discernment into a story about the value of Unthinking Obedience, starting humanity on a dreary multi-thousand-year detour into Organized Religion.

Ezekiel: Well, to be perfectly honest, the business of preparing bread with dung is a rather grim and not joyful daftness. But Ezekiel was also rewarded for this (since God had regretfully established that the Israelites wanted to obey grim and daft orders and was tailoring his Lessons accordingly) by authoring the valley-of-dry-bones vision. The King Canutes seemed to think this was a metaphor for the political restoration of Israel, that it is just the Israelites' hopeless love-affair with mere matter, or something utterly mundane and asinine and dismissive of that nature.

Jesus Christ: Believed that He was Jesus Christ, which is agreed by psychologists everywhere to be a definite sign of insanity. First thirty years of his life He was doing… things, which may have included gap years in Albion and/or the Far East, and filled with deeds were either utterly-ordinary or so outrageous that they were, in any case, deemed not suitable for putting into scripture apart from oblique references. That was perhaps due to foresight that, however edifying and entertaining a Complete Biography of Jesus Christ might turn out to be, the proof-texters might spindle His utterly incidental sayings and shenanigans into some utterly monstrous doctrines. Among His various public works was a rather impressive object-demonstration, conducted under rather unfortunate political circumstances, that Ezekiel's valley-of-dry-bones thing was, in fact, meant entirely and completely literally. Apart from the emotional trauma of that harrowing sequence of events, Christ's disciples and friends were reported to enjoy spending time with Him immensely, although Christ's divine sense of sardonic irony fails to translate across the broken telephone of Aramaic -> Koine -> KJV English -> modern ears. Utterly baffled by the God-Man and his feats and sayings, the King Canutes went and armed themselves with Plato and Aristotle taken out of their original cultural and historical context -- the decay of Ancient Greek virtue -- to try to make the whole thing seem slightly less real.

William Blake: Aptly described by reputable authorities such as my old high-school philosophy-teacher as 'a bit of a nutter'. Next time I speak with him, I will be extremely pleased to inform him that, as of Apr 6 2023, I am, in fact, significantly and objectively more of a nutter than Mr. Blake, although nowhere near as skilled at drawing or print-making. After all, just to begin with, for all his eccentric visions, Blake did not dabble in Exuberant Mormon Revelations, although he did display a suspicious affinity for metal plates with writings on them. He was, sadly, not popular or well-understood enough for us to find out how the King Canutes might have handled his teachings.

Joseph Smith: Requiring an entire section of his own, and therefore terminating this list.

If nothing good comes out of Galilee, then that ironic saying surely goes double for Upstate New-York!

I have outlined in my prior post, with basic but steely napkin-math, how joyfully-daft the scale of celestial reproduction really-is if one takes it at all seriously as a doctrine, and hinted at how the LDS remained trapped between the inescapable joyful-daftness of their doctrine and the desire to resemble a respectable and orthodox Church organization. I now have reason to suspect that Joseph Smith was soft-pedalling the things he heard and saw mightily. Indeed, Joseph Smith’s King Follett speculations were perhaps only done as freely as they were under the considerable mental pressure of his own imminent demise.

But perhaps the LDS were punished exceedingly for their lack of faith and imagination. For example, why did they attempt the impolite and ill-fated gratuitous experiment of reviving Old Testament polygamy? An institution poorly adapted to mortal man’s sinful and increasingly-degraded-over-the-centuries socio-sexual psychology, reviled by the surrounding society they were supposed to preach a Restored Gospel to, that had no end of more-essential stumbling points to focus on overcoming. Christ Himself took some decisive steps to close the door on mortal polygamy by issuing or tolerating certain of His sayings attributed in the Synoptic Gospels to become undeniable Biblical Canon….

Well, supposing for a second that polygamy is a feature of the divine celestial or terrestrial world, even as an optional or occasional or third-best option, perhaps grandfathered in from Old Testament patriarchs who genuinely did love all their wives, and that the LDS did not permit themselves to contemplate the higher realms where such things are feasible and their extent and wonder and variety too closely, on account of their sheer daftness of what they would then be obliged to believe in… then their strong revelatory intuition of the reality and feasibility of those realms may have tempted them to attempt to enact the things they had an insistent intimation of here on Earth, in utterly biologically- and societally-unsuitable conditions.

I suspect, and plan to explore with further reading, the idea that, beyond merely polygamy, much of the unsuitable utopianism and social-experimentation of the early Mormons was an attempt to transplant onto Earth practices that were standard and Good… and adapted for a subspecies of humanity with fundamentally different biological traits, sociosexual psychology, divine blessings, and mode of consciousness! For example, to tile every land of the only Earth we have with identical plats of Zion — a documented proposal of Smith’s that he presumably uttered without blushing {TODO: need to find citation, but I'm fairly sure I've seen it; will retract or update this claim} — is ecologically and morally an utterly insane and ridiculous proposition. I should hope this was also evident in 19th America. But it would be a perfectly viable, if revoltingly dull and suburban, planning strategy to pursue for a hypothetical alternate subspecies of humanity that has terraforming skills and an overabundance of planets to cultivate, such that, I suppose, not all of them need to be menageries of untamed wilderness and ecological variety….

{TODO: The Plat of Zion thing definitely merits research and another post. I don't have the entire history yet of what the LDS were trying to do. But here's an urbanist article that also immediately suggests to me the LDS were copying Enochian or antediluvian blueprints and then realized that just wasn't going to work for mortals:

Young also realized a city couldn’t survive on businesses run out of people’s homes—it would need commercial and industrial districts. 

That is to say, for reasons well outside the scope of this post, running a business out of one's home is an obvious and convenient default for Enochians, but it wasn't for Americans. Other stuff about street width and cars and what was supposed to go in-between the streets and inside the blocks is also suggestive, though not as blatantly.}

It would have been far better, I think, if the Mormons did not feel pressured to reenact the lifestyle of Enoch’s Zion, which, even prior to that city’s translation into terrestrial immortality… was a utopia constructed by incredibly-long-lived antediluvian humans from a far more communal era of human consciousness who were, it is important to note, not yet burdened by the Curse of Babel that was specifically and explicitly instituted by God as a safeguard against excessive construction of any further Earthly Utopias among the mortals!

Instead, I believe the Mormons ought to have studied with open eyes the copious revelations of other realms and eras of Reality being poured down on them, compared themselves with the Enochians and the Noachians and the countless other alter-human cultures they might have learned about if they’d continued asking about the nature of Existence out of mere honest childlike curiosity, studied and compared the natural talents of various far places and eras to their own human condition, understood the extremely deep differences among the various lineages of humanity -- and perhaps discovered the few, extremely crucial areas in which modern, degraded, latter-day barely-reproductively-viable mortal humans are infinitely superior to translated terrestrial Zionic or Renegade Enochians who, in almost all other respects, could easily and unfortunately be mistaken for capital-g Gods by any uninformed mortal observer who might happen to deal with them in the flesh.

Of course, some Mormons did blindly grapple their way to a partial understanding of the situation. They are, nowadays, over-represented among the ranks of those who write solid works of Fantasy. For example, Brandon Sanderson has an interesting book ('The Rithmatist') that centres on a complex system of chalk-magic. Eventually I will get around to reading it and using it as a litmus-test. If my suspicion is correct, then the system of chalk-magic in his book will be self-consistent and detailed and sufficiently-resonant that it may well point to some configuration of Reality and Beings that may actually be enacted somewhere, now or in the future. Note that, however Real the Magic, and however much his world may echo North America, Sanderson did not attempt to enact it in our own plane of reality with his limited abilities, and he certainly did not propose to incorporate chalk drawings as a weapons-system in the comprehensive territorial-defence strategy for the State of Utah. That, I think, should amply-illustrate my suspicions about what sort of gift of Revelation it was God had poured out on the LDS in the Midwest and where exactly they went astray in using that gift.

Monday 10 April 2023

Never Bring a Logarithm to an Exaltation

The following post began quite spontaneously when I woke up in the middle of the prior night and decided to cross-check some of my dubious insights with a calculator. At first I thought 'no, it can't be; all of my intuitive discovery this past week has been a wishful-then-horrific delusion; okay for satirical worldbuilding, but not reflective of any deeper reality'. Then I thought, 'well, hmm, perhaps it can be?' Could humanity only now have matured to apply some logarithmic calculations to its promised future glory, without screaming and running away?
Having a knowledge of God, we begin to know how to approach him, and how to ask so as to receive an answer. When we understand the character of God, and how to come to him, he begins to unfold the heavens to us, and to tell us all about it. When we are ready to come to him, he is ready to come to us.

-- from the King Follett discourse

In case you hadn’t noticed from my prior post, I’m expecting to run this blog from a viewpoint more sympathetic to Mormon teaching than I would ever have expected to be. At the same time, I am taking Mormon teaching seriously through a lens that all of the novel ideas in it are hopelessly-distorted by the understandable and forgivable preconceptions of the people who received the revelation on an extremely resource-constrained planet… because one of the disconcerting intuitive data-points that led to my 2023 upheaval was an idle contemplation (entirely hypothetical at first!) of various exponentially-expanding civilizations of immortal beings, and becoming convinced of both the plausibility and the utter numerical and logistical insanity of such a reality. An exponentially-expanding civilization is what results from the Mormon blessing of exaltation and celestial marriage, applied to (fractions of) successive generations of spirit-children. You see, those who want to have children in the Mormon Heaven, will have children and on average they’re not exactly going to want to stop, nor ought they be forbidden to continue if they are doing a good job. As for people who just can’t see raising a neverending succession of children as an unspeakably fun time, well, that is what the two other degrees of glory are for. According to entirely-official LDS teaching, no one is exactly pressuring anyone to enter a blissful infinite marriage here.

In this post I will not be talking (much) about the supposedly-extant Enochian civilization and its splinter groups. Instead I will get myself onto the far more solid and well-understood doctrinal ground (ha!) of the promised final state of post-Resurrected exalted humanity and do a dangerous thing. I will bring a calculator. Or, actually, just a napkin. I realized very quickly that a calculator is too much high technology for the tremendous simplicity of the divine wisdom on display here.

Before we continue, it will be useful to have the following estimates burned firmly into one's retinas:
  • Number of galaxies in a typical universe: 10^13.
    • Typical universe determined from sample size of one; taking highball estimate of 2 trillion visible galaxies and rounding up to account for the possibility that not everything is visible to Science all the time.
  • Number of stars in a typical galaxy: 10^11.
    • Taking a lowball estimate of 100 billion stars.
  • Number of desirable planets around a star, on average: 10
    • Medium-balling this time. Assuming godlike terraforming magic, many stars in the universe still seem purely-decorative: unstable multi-star configurations, dense globular clusters, and the lovely arrangements of fast-moving 'dancing firefly' stars around a galactic black hole are probably unsuitable, though a well-tuned set of dancing fireflies makes a very nice destination to bring a significant other on a picnic-date. Yes you could, with sufficient physics-bending enchantments, manage to park a viable crèche of a few hundred thousand spirit-children around that same black hole, but very few exalted mothers will want to be that edgy. Still, the number might be made-up-for by large complex systems such as our own solar-system, full of interesting and not-too-difficult fixer-upper worlds, akin to the 1950s starter-house with an unfinished basement. Exalted and creative-minded humans who have spent their adolescence reading glossy books of astronomy and dreaming of terra-forming Mars with absurd Macgyver devices such as orbital mirrors, will not hesitate to put in the effort to use newly-granted actual divine powers to turn supposed 'uninhabitable' planets and moons into very nice and interesting places to live. Scenic but distant gas-giant moons lacking solar radiation? Well, Tolkien's trees of Valinor are one perfectly good design-concept for poorly-lit locations. Rogue planets in interstellar space? Seems a bit lonely, but actually a good option for families who just can't let go of the tourist bug they caught on Earth: you can move the thing around to visit far-flung regions of the universe and no one will complain that they have to update their solar system’s orreries.
  • Number of mortal humans on a typical Earthlike planet: 10^10 x 10 generations
    • If there were no genius-famine and if Ahriman and Sorath were not utterly ruining modern mortal civilization, 10 billion would perhaps be a viable figure for a stable mortal population for this type of planet. Oversimplifying, let us pretend the 10 billion population lasts for 10 generations and ignore the rest of history as a rounding-error. If I were properly Intellectual about this, I would draw a spiky bell-curve for the likely meteoric rise and meteoric collapse of our actual mortal population and integrate the area underneath... but I am using a napkin.
We can now answer various questions that you may not have previously considered asking, and may not desire to continue contemplating after you've finished reading the post.

Do Mormons Get Their Own Planet? What is darkly hilarious — and what synchronistically prompted the drafting of this post — is that the LDS church, fearing the world’s mockery, has tended to disavow their own folklore idea that exalted individuals will receive a personal planet to rule over. The web results that popped up when I tried to check whether anyone prior to me has attempted this intellectual exercise turned out to be a cringeworthy pile of Mouth-of-Sauron mainstream-media articles along the lines of "LDS leaders disavow idea that Mormons will get their own planet". That is my punishment for attempting to use web-search in 2023 to find actual information.

Of course, both mainstream journalists and LDS leaders have heard of calculators and napkins, but it is doubtful either group uses calculators to do Theology on a regular basis. Much less napkins.

Well... if we are going by the Earthly Mormon Church and assume for a moment we are in a truly Rare-Earth Universe such that all the planetary stewards of this tiny local galaxy are to be recruited and exalted here -- let us consult our retinas for the numbers:
  • 10^11 stars times 10 desireable planets per 10 generations of 10^10 mortal humans
    • (of whom not-exactly all are, or want to be, exalted Mormon saints; exercise for the reader to re-do this calculation with the population of actual LDS Church members to understand why... this is not really the place for exclusive soteriology)
  • equals 10 desireable planets per human; 20 if one accounts for the observation that it's married couples (at the very least) who are in the market for the things
In this situation, forget whether Mormons deserve their own planets, God is going to have a fire-sale on the things. Forget jumping through procedural hoops (pick correct obscure Church, do rituals and home-visits for years and years, project unwavering 1950s-conventional-American wholesomeness, be sure not to fall away) to gain exaltation. To get His empty mansions furnished, God would be literally-desperate to persuade any functional individual on this Earth to agree to being married-off and exalted, extending eligibility on the flimsiest of technical or sacramental excuses. After all, most parents learn on the job. And there are a few trillion other galaxies to settle once this one has been properly cultivated.

Okay, but let's say Earth is not the only planet recruiting for exaltation... going by a throwaway reference to 'millions' of inhabited worlds in the universe according to the book of Moses, say a nice 100 million (10^8), while also expanding the real-estate market to the entire universe, we get:
  • 10^13 galaxies times 10^11 stars times 10 desireable planets per 10 generations of 10^10 mortal beings on 10^8 inhabited planets
  • ... equals 10^(25-19) = 10^6 or 1 million desireable planets per mortal being; or 2 million per married couple
Definitely a seller's market in planetary real-estate. But, of course, that is just to arrange starter-homes for a first generation of gods. In the King Follett section to follow, we will get to the interesting era when three-dimensional expansion starts to feel a bit too cozy and our exalted families end up shopping for extradimensional real-estate.

Does King Follett Work in Three Dimensions? The King Follett sermon introduces the idea of indefinite regression of gods, which LDS spent the ensuing decades and centuries backpedalling away from. Still, hymns like 'Hie to Kolob' continue to espouse the idea:

If you could hie to Kolob In the twinkling of an eye,
And then continue onward With that same speed to fly,
Do you think that you could ever, Through all eternity,
Find out the generation Where Gods began to be?

Or see the grand beginning, Where space did not extend?
Or view the last creation, Where Gods and matter end?
Me thinks the Spirit whispers, “No man has found ‘pure space,’
Nor seen the outside curtains, Where nothing has a place.”

The works of God continue, And worlds and lives abound;
Improvement and progression Have one eternal round.
There is no end to matter; There is no end to space;
There is no end to spirit; There is no end to race.

-- lyrics by W. W. Phelps

(any screed about Mormon exaltation is obliged to have something with telescope-shots of distant stars and nebulae; how Mormons formatted their apologetics prior to the age of astrophotography, will remain a mystery)

Ok... but even the King Follett people tend to imagine that this never-ending never-beginning outflow of Love takes place in regular old three-dimensional outer-space. That's what the photos of nebulae and galaxies in the Mormon apologetic pamphlets seem to hint. An enormous tide of divine-humanity that competes in finding ever-new regions of primordial matter to shape into increasingly-populous and increasingly-glorified forms.

What's brilliantly trollish (in a Good way) on the part of the celestial co-authors of the King Follett sermon is that once spoken and thought, it could never be unthought in its entirety, no matter how sternly the LDS Church kept pronouncing on its non-canonicity. Not without completely abandoning the doctrine of celestial marriage and exaltation, the very raison d'etre for the Mormon congregation to have gone through the painful and tumultuous process of religious schism from the mainline Christians in the first place. Even if refuted, the King Follett image is destined to be true-enough at some distant point in the future. It is perfectly logical from the premises and, as Joseph Smith so aptly puts it, it tastes good. To put the King Follett image away properly, the LDS Church leadership, just like any other Church leadership, could only succeed if they manage to imagine or invent a more logical image of Reality that also tastes just as good. They are unable, being bureaucrats by profession.

Consider the process by which the LDS manifested the King Follett insights -- a sermon delivered perhaps-impromptu, certainly under the strong impression of his own oncoming-death on the part of Joseph Smith -- such an impression tends to bring out immense charisma in preachers -- and consider the process by which the LDS tried to edit out all the weirdness they didn't have the stamina to defend or justify. To my mind, it rather mirrors the process by which a writer will write a, perhaps flawed, rough-draft, and then laboriously edit it into a superficially 'polished' product in a process that incidentally scrapes away all of the interesting and valuable parts.

To backpedal from the full King Follett by a mere bare-minimum, suppose the Father of Jesus Christ is the original God, Maker of All, and the humans of this Earth are incarnated from the first-ever batch of spirit-children in all of existence. This doctrine is perhaps quite flattering to us and therefore tastes good, better than straight-up King Follett, though to assume ourselves so special is not as logical. But, after the first-ever spirit-children are exalted in Mormon-fashion, and beget their own divine-families, and enact various plans of salvation to exalt their own offspring, and the process repeats over thousands or millions of years, we will eventually witness far descendants, spirit-children of unimaginable variety, being born into a universe populated by their distant cousins and great-uncles and faraway divine Great Ancestors, then... contrary to the lyrics of 'Hie to Kolob', one could certainly make a solemn pilgrimage to the beginning of all things and fall at the feet of the one and only Christ who made it all possible -- but one's local family-tree will extend indefinitely-enough to replicate the King Follett experience in all truly important respects. One will never stop discovering distant relatives, ancestors, and eventual-descendants who manifest Cosmic Family-Love in a manner that teaches new and unspeakably-exciting things. That, I think, is the real point to the King Follett stuff, not the abstract philosophical-scientific investigation of whether Beings have no beginning and no end or a beginning and no end, or of whether the geometric continuum of Reality and Time is mathematically bounded or unbounded.

But I simply must play the philosopher and ask: is a mere three-dimensional canvas sufficient to paint the image of Family-Life on the divinely-envisioned King Follett scale?

In this section, let us ease the mathematical pain a little by resorting to geometry rather than exponential notation. After all, the key intuition here is geometric. The volume of a three-dimensional shape grows as the cube of its length; the surface, only as the square. If we start a King Follett family in any part of a mere three-dimensional space-time, and assume population density is roughly constant, we find that as the population and therefore three-dimensional volume of the settled-area grows exponentially, the trickle of newly-exalted Gods heading out to settle the merely-two-dimensional frontier of that area eventually turns into a dense crowd, a Niagara of deities that only gets ever-more-densely-packed, no matter how picky each individual divine-family might be about granting only their absolute model children full celestial ascension.

There are, perhaps, one or two kluges that could allow us to cheat this basic geometric issue and to enact King Follett without resorting to a full-on multiverse:
  • Expansion of space within the home-neighbourhood so not everyone is forced to the frontiers. Our own universe displays a hint of this. But continuing the process exponentially has the nasty downside that with every passing aion your familiar neighbours will drift further away, requiring increasingly-miraculous long-distance fast travel to do the neighbourly thing and borrow a cup of sugar. This leads smoothly to the alternate solution....
  • ... long-distance portals or (essentially) teleportation to connect logically-related but unimaginably-distant portions of space in a way that makes speed of travel irrelevant, and to try to jump ahead of the eventual traffic-jam of newly-ascended Gods headed for the unsettled frontier. This is already an ersatz multiverse of sorts.
But to me, King Follett suggests a true multiverse with a 'fanout' structure of portals or travel-ways joining together the various branches of the divine family, as the most comfortable and simple and perfectly-conceivable solution. It is already on-display and perfectly-comprehensible to mere children in a work such as 'Narnia'. And it tastes good as a means of encouraging creativity on the celestial level. After all, every new dimension of space is a chance to experiment with new and different patterns of arranging matter on a clean-slate. Flat-earth planes with no boundary, infinite oceans and cloudscapes, non-standard planetary shapes within interplanetary atmospheres all seem worth trying, and require separate dimensions of space... by comparison, our empty interstellar and intergalactic vacuums of space are perhaps merely the solemn silent pauses between the few slow and tense notes of a prelude to the Grand Cosmic Music, deliberately meant to heighten-by-contrast the impact of subsequent movements of fierce and exuberant and densely-packed sound. Our particular universe is therefore, if not the very first or the only, then certainly important to the prelude before the main story.

(I also suspect that merely terrestrial glory comes with quite-adequate godlike abilities to discover, explore, and gradually-alter and cultivate the matter within existing universes. The power to create entirely new universes and new types of universes is one of the exclusive privileges marking the higher celestial degree of glory. I would contend that almost every 'superpower' or 'godlike power' imaginable based on mortal experience in fact belongs merely to the terrestrial realm. That is, while we can imagine the act of someone creating an entirely-new universe or dimension in terms of its consequences, we cannot imagine what the process would be like from the point of view of the creator.)

Brief Digression on the pre-Resurrection Enochians. In my prior post, I’ve skirted the question of whether Enochians reproduce, merely stating that their civilization is not static. This could refer to innovation or to population-growth.

In the utterly crazy scenario I started with, the one I’m still intending to use for ‘Steelman Paradise’ -- an unpublished story-world I continue to tinker with until it can become just sane enough to publish -- adult residents of the unimaginably but computably-vast Cosmic Civilization of the Houri are invariably and rather involuntarily extremely-fertile. This worldbuilding detail is worth keeping, at the very least, for its potential in terms of comedic family-politics. But apart from their perhaps-exaggerated fertility and their very skewed ratio of the sexes, houri have a suspicious resemblance to a 'lost tribe of Enochians' that fled 100,000s of universes away from Zion and ended up denying their origins, leading their descendants to fill the gaping spiritual void with Other Monotheism and Buddhism. When estimating the shape of the houri civilization, their fertility-rate and rather-casual manner of gaining immortality give absurd results that make King Follett expansion seem leisurely by comparison. The scenario is perhaps worth returning to as a stress-test estimate -- if terrestrial Enochian civilization even on this scale can be justified, then there is no problem to justify the more-tame versions that are more-likely to be attested by scriptures and that can fit into less mindbogglingly-huge systems of universes.

Metaphysically-enforced Righteous Old Testament Marriage, you see, is the stopgap that guards Houri against complete moral degradation. Speculating all-too-freely, it makes sense to me that if celestial marriage is the engine of divine exaltation then, prior to the availability of Christ's victory, a lesser blessing of terrestrial marriage would be the proper, perhaps the only possible, engine to ensure the lesser terrestrial immortality that Enochians enjoy. It is, then, the enacted power of the righteous marital love of one's significant other that preserves the body and mind of an Enochian from lasting harm. No Enochian immortal is alive of himself or herself, which makes him or her a somewhat lesser form of Being than the resurrected Saints to whom Christ has promised an internal fountain-of-endless-life (John 4:14) regardless of marital status. Therefore, whether or not they are fertile, it would seem quite-Mormon to insist that all adult Enochians marry, certainly in the morally-exemplary city of Zion that is cited as being a communal-family society in entirely Old Testament and Mormon fashion. But I cannot actually insist on these ideas without evidence.

In a more realistic scenario, where Enochians are sterile and therefore not presently expanding through the multiverse in uncontrolled-exponential fashion, they are still documented to adopt humans from Earth by 'translation', cf MormonWiki:
During the time from the fall of Adam to the ministry of Melchizedek, numerous people were translated. Enoch and his people were translated (Moses 7:18–21, 31, 63, 69). They were citizens of the City of Enoch, also called Zion; Zion appears to have been a very populous city. During the nearly 700 years from the translation of Enoch and Zion, it appears that nearly all the faithful members of the Church were translated, for "the Holy Ghost fell on many, and they were caught up by the powers of heaven into Zion" (Moses 7:27).
Especially if they were authorized to do this on multiple worlds, then Enoch's Zion would have grown substantially, though not crazy-exponentially, by mere adoption of righteous mortals over a fairly long period of history.

(Personally, I fear to succumb to too much timid intellectual realism, but I do need to display due and proper bias towards such moderately-sane hypotheses to avoid completely alienating my potential readership.)

In general, the possible size-ranges and expansion-rates of Enochian civilization and its growth relative to the larger system of mortal worlds would be a topic for a much longer post, therefore detailed calculations and citations have been omitted.

Conclusions, for the time being. What I find utterly ironic: unbound by matter or human categories of thought, the Catholic/Orthodox omni-God ought to be infinitely more capable of, on a mere lark, exalting countless beings of unimaginable power -- who would still be absolutely no threat to His own infinite and ineffable power. (Indeed, one would expect renegade Enochians themselves to be strongly biased towards omni-God religions for this exact reason.) These beings could people untold exponentially-expanding multi-dimensional multiversal realms of cuddly madness that properly mirror the incomprehensible and jolly benevolent madness of omni-God... and yet whenever omni-God showed up in mortal thinking He was usually imagined to be creating one Earth, culling most of the population through stringent and brutal judgments and ritual requirements, and leaving a handful of sterile adamantine-bodied Saints to populate his Mausoleum of Theological Virtues. What an… utterly boring Heaven. It’s the Mormons with their entirely incarnate and separate gods localized in space and bound to time that have dared to imagine anything close to more-expansive. And then usually back-pedalled mightily away from the ironically-vast grandeur implied by their simple and cheerful doctrines and by their small and supposedly-limited entirely incarnate gods. Of course, mere infinity is utterly flat to the human imagination; we sense no dimension to it and it does not naturally occur to us that unimaginable infinity also contains various kinds of imaginably vast and relatable finity.

Modern astronomy, to a Christian who believes visible Creation is not some accidental conglomeration of matter, tends increasingly to push the discussion about potential-heavens in a 'Mormon' sort of direction. We happen to be located in a vast universe close to the 'Rare Earth' end of the spectrum, where God has installed a dizzying abundance of pretty but rather depressingly-empty rocks overhead as a placeholder and message to latter-day mortal humanity especially: ‘Your interesting ideas go here, if you can make it off the ground. No, stop stuffing rockets full of exploding chemicals and trying to find abstruse loopholes in the speed of light, and at least listen to your heart if you want to fly. The stuff you really need to know fits in a short pamphlet.

Of course, there's also the CS Lewis Space-Trilogy model of 'most of the universe is not intended for humans and never will be', which is... a good topic for an entirely different post. And not the immediately-next one.

Core Intuitions

 The main intuitions I am attempting to reconcile:

(1) The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ was a singular event that took place on one particular world. This is common-sense from a number of angles: after rising from the dead, Christ has achieved a comprehensive victory over sin and death, and the effects of this feat simply need to be spread to other human beings throughout the world(s); the feat itself does not need to be repeated endlessly.

(2) Among various other worlds in existence, there are multiple mortal Earths with a close but not total resemblance to the current Earth -- with common features of history and culture, and -- most vexingly of all -- with a well-developed Christian Church. To seriously consider parallel worlds was not a natural way of thinking for me until last week, when I unexpectedly resurfaced a vivid sense of a prior incarnation.

The details of what and why and how I would remember are rather a personal family matter and, although tremendously clarifying as to my current life-purpose, they are, in a certain sense, emotionally painful. Whether the pain persists is likely to be a valuable litmus-test to verify the reality of what I am experiencing. (Or at least, to verify whether I am supposed to treat the recollection as real, rather than a distracting-fluke that isn't part of the original plan and that I ought to forget even if true.) But if the recollections are true and worthy of attention, then I have indirect evidence of a parallel Earth with a divergent-but-recognizable history and a Christian Church. Whose parishioners, of course, tend to assume that Christ was Crucified and rose from the dead on their Earth and not ours! where this blog is being written.

(A fallback hypothesis, rather than reincarnation, would be some form of deep Cosmic Correspondence or 'kything' with the supposed other-self, to the extent of numerous matching details of personality. This phenomenon could be mistaken for reincarnation. But it would continue to raise philosophical questions of both parallel-worlds and correspondence between different people who are, or end up becoming, parallel- or alternate-selves of each other.)

The apparent contradiction between intuitions (1) and (2) is, both philosophically and personally, something I would like to resolve. On this blog I've resolved firmly to stick to the philosophical side of the matter, for the simple reason that the personal details are in equal parts humiliating and not-relevant to the readers’ own development. However, in explaining the philosophy I will try to keep to a common-sense and narrative style as much as possible. This is particularly necessary when the concepts in question have tended to become extremely unnatural and convoluted whenever they were analyzed by preceding intellectuals/philosophers.

I should note that, to the extent that 'reincarnated people' have apparently tended to be 'spiritual teachers' [1], it appears that my goal is to learn valuable Lessons here and gather information and then possibly transmit the Lessons back to my point of origin. One example of a necessary Lesson is that, in the past-incarnation, I was apparently an extremely cerebral and intellectual person -- I would come up with a scheme of requirements, and then find a way to force the situation into following that scheme. I had zero talent or inclination of a 'shamanic' or intuitive nature; although recognizing the necessity of intuition in some situations, I relied entirely on other people's judgment to fill that need. Many aspects of my life-setup on this Earth have apparently been designed -- some aspects deliberately chosen by myself, in fact -- to guard against the possibility of using any carried-over intellectual talent to run-amok into corrupting and spiritually-deadly situations that would teach me nothing. I would instead be guided into situations where my intellectual style of engaging with reality is utterly ineffective or counter-productive: thus, I must confront incomprehensible phenomena and develop my own intuitive discernment. Receiving advice is possible, but no one can judge for me.

Beyond learning things I was not able to learn in the prior world, I do not have any specific agenda or mission to accomplish in this world. I am free, of course, to contribute to the ongoing creation of this world's history, as any other person would, because that is a part of the birthright of human freedom in this era of consciousness. I am unlikely to contribute any more or any less than any other person.

[1]: gives an example of William Arkle as a likely reincarnate-teacher intended to benefit this world. As Bruce Charlton points out, reincarnate-teachers, on account of their own convincing inner evidence of reincarnation, and perhaps on account of their otherwise-laudable tendency to view themselves as ordinary people, tend to assume reincarnation is a default option whereas it is more-likely to be an exception.

Having said all that, did I just demolish my entire rationale for writing this blog? After all, if one of my ordained Lessons is to practice Intuition over Intellect, this entire exercise of using Intellect to untangle the parallel-worlds question would seem to be a case of myself falling into old habits. Well, for the time being I have attempted this intellectual exercise as a safeguard against the thing people often do in response to a mysterious event that falls entirely outside their philosophical preconceptions -- they rationalize it away as a delusion. Many a perfectly ordinary and orthodox Christian conversion with no awkward features whatsoever has been botched by this tendency, for example. But the tendency to rationalize-away is especially tempting in my situation where there is no ready-made philosophical framework that I can 'convert' my thinking to, and that would be sufficient to explain all of my observations. In the end, I must simply have the humility to recognize that I will not reach definitive answers or even persuasive ones. There will merely be a buffet of hypotheses -- very fanciful ones -- that I can then attempt to use my Intuition to sort according to plausibility.

If this intellectual exercise goes nowhere, I have every possible excuse already at hand to delete the blog and pretend it never happened.

Sunday 9 April 2023

Title of the Blog

 "The Lost Children of Enoch" refers to one possible theory I am imaginatively-entertaining. It may not be the final theory, but in the midst of my perplexities it 'jumped out' at me immediately, and I thought 'this might be it!' The blog is therefore titled after that spontaneous moment of recognition, which may be logically-refuted or rationalized-away in favour of other theories but was undeniably striking in the moment.

In the conventional Bible, Enoch was a patriarch whose main notable biographical detail is that he 'walked with God':

21 And Enoch lived sixty and five years, and begat Methuselah:

22 And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters:

23 And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years:

24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.

-- Genesis 5:21-24

This would have been pre-Flood and therefore pre-Babel.

The Mormon tradition and scriptures expand on this detail as follows. Enoch is said to have received a very detailed advance description of the Gospel and the future Christian religion, and he and his people built a city called Zion that attempted to replicate Christian ideals in that far-past age of existence:

And behold, Enoch saw the day of the coming of the Son of Man, even in the flesh; and his soul rejoiced, saying: The Righteous is lifted up, and the Lamb is slain from the foundation of the world; and through faith I am in the bosom of the Father, and behold, Zion is with me.

-- Moses 7:47 (in 'Pearl of Great Price')

As a reward for faithfully receiving the Gospel, the inhabitants of the entire city of Zion -- not just Enoch -- were 'translated' into immortality:

And all the days of Zion, in the days of Enoch, were three hundred and sixty-five years.

And Enoch and all his people walked with God, and he dwelt in the midst of Zion; and it came to pass that Zion was not, for God received it up into his own bosom; and from thence went forth the saying, ZION IS FLED.

-- Moses 7:68-69 (in 'Pearl of Great Price')

They are explicitly stated to be destined to accept a proper death and resurrection somewhere in the fulness of time, which may be more-painless than the ordinary human variety:

At the Second Coming of Christ, they will be changed in the twinkling of an eye from mortality to immortality to inherit exaltation in the Kingdom of God. After their ministry as translated beings, all translated beings receive what amounts to an instantaneous death and resurrection.

-- Mormon Wiki, 'Translated Beings' (to be replaced with a more-authoritative & authentic quote)

And they are stated to someday reunite with other Zions built in inspiration of Christ's teaching, in a rather exuberant event:

And the Lord said unto Enoch: Then shalt thou and all thy city meet them there, and we will receive them into our bosom, and they shall see us; and we will fall upon their necks, and they shall fall upon our necks, and we will kiss each other;

And there shall be mine abode, and it shall be Zion, which shall come forth out of all the creations which I have made; and for the space of a thousand years the earth shall rest.

-- Moses 7:63-64 (in 'Pearl of Great Price')

(This doctrine, of course, dates from the time that the LDS had a plausible expectation of building some kind of 'best case' mortal-human society in North America in the near-future.)

I vary from, or extrapolate, this tradition further. As far as I understand these blessings of Enoch's Zion, the Enochians were granted advance knowledge of Christ's victory over death, and they were granted the fullest possible blessing possible after the Fall from Eden but before Christ's victory over sin and death. This kind of blessing might (indeed must!) be flawed and incomplete but it cannot subtract human capability.

If my extrapolation is true, then the Zion of Enoch would not be just a static city-state of immortals. For, to my mind, to be frozen into static, even pleasant immortality for thousands of years can only be reckoned a curse or at best a burdensome obedience. For the blessing to be a reward, the Enochians would be able to innovate, and expand, and develop their abilities and talents as a civilization; there is therefore at least one vital and somewhat enviable alter-human race elsewhere in Reality. Based on the benevolent character of God, their existence would have to have some mutually-beneficial purpose for ordinary mortal Men; there is therefore ongoing and hidden commerce of a sort. I imagine mortal-human innovations make their way to the Enochian realms, and vice-versa; there is unwitting or intentional collaboration of minds and a modern-day Enochian city could resemble an (undecayed and well-designed) modern-day Earth city to a disconcerting extent. By comparison, Tolkien's elves, to the extent they are actually humanoid and not a personification of nonhuman natural Beings, would be a more-ancient and 'pre-human' dwindling race; but these Enochians would be a younger and 'post-human' (but pre-Resurrection) vital and growing race. Due to humanity's increasing ability to observe an ever-larger chunk of our surrounding interstellar space as uninhabited, the Enochian Zion would have to be located in a far-distant corner of our dimension, or in another dimension entirely.

Now, remember that over the thousands of years since its founding, the Race of Enoch is still subject to sin. Which is to say, in the Fourth Gospel sense, to a tendency of created things to degrade and decay over time. This decay could apply to the original Enochian immortals as individuals -- who would, patiently awaiting Christ's victory over death, order their society around defending their minds and souls from moral degradation and staving off stultifying contentment and arrogance. But the tendency to decay would also apply to the Enochian society as a whole, and parts of the civilization would tend to splinter or fragment or depart from their original worldview in favour of various forms of wishful or sinful thinking. Various cataclysms or divine punishments might separate these splinter-groups from communion with Enoch's Zion entirely, or they might even deliberately flee as far as possible from contact with Zion to seek to establish their own colonies in distant corners of Creation or of Chaos. These, then, would be the 'lost children' of Enoch. They might eventually come to believe or teach various falsehoods about their nature and history, for a variety of reasons.

There is also a possibility of an 'Atlantean' or 'Numenorean' cataclysm which would have scattered the Enochian civilization entirely, and echoes of that cataclysm would have been heard by mortal humanity and retold in the corresponding myths. However, this is mentioned for the sake of completeness: it is an archetype that is generally said to happen to these kinds of 'blessed ahead of their proper time' nations of mortal Men. I do not feel it intuitively. I would suspect, rather, that within an unimaginably vast world, universe, or multiverse there would be a central civilization of Enoch's Zion which continues to adhere scrupulously to its original purpose, and there would be various splinter groups and offshoots that have become isolated from it, forgotten their origins and are in need of redemption. These, in fact, would be the 'lost children of Enoch' of this blog's title.

An Unfortunate Admission of Irregular Schedule

With some good news: I have successfully deciphered the WmJas syncs in the prior Japan post and in the immediately following posts to locate...