Blue Angels + Golden Gate Park

I snapped a few photos of the Blue Angels Fleet Week show on Saturday with a lens I’ve been waiting to try out, a 500mm f/4. It was really one of the coolest things I’ve seen, and the pictures turned out pretty well. Afterward went to Golden Gate park for Kevin and Coley’s wedding pre-party, and then back to my place for dinner.

10 thoughts on “Blue Angels + Golden Gate Park

  1. Good Job 🙂

    These pics are very well defined

    btw it was so nice to see you at the WordCamp 2010 @ Phil. Hope to see you again next year.

    You should consider a picture-taking booth then @ 10$/pics :).. just kidding.. Cheers!!!


  2. well what do you know. i was in san rafael last saturday (i’m from D.C.) and saw the blue angels soaring in the distance. little did i know you were there too 🙂 nice photos btw.