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Innovative, sustainable practices and technologies.

Martini Film Studios is committed to being a leader in Green Film Production and providing a Net Zero experience for the film and TV industry.

Our facilities are designed around energy efficiency, including motion activated LED lighting, zoned heating and cooling, insulated sound stages, water efficient fixtures and waste diversion.

We continue to expand our partnership approach to help productions reduce their emissions and create less waste while filming at Martini Film Studios. Electric vehicle charging, multi-stream recycling, proposed alternatives to single use plastic, and providing clean energy are helping productions reach their sustainability goals.

Martini Film Studios encourages productions to take part in the circular economy of sharing, reusing, refurbishing and recycling the sets and materials they use on their productions. We work closely with Productions to repurpose set builds, reduce waste and minimize the need to source new materials. Through these partnerships, a commitment to sustainable consumption and improved resource efficiency will help us reach and maintain our Net Zero goal.

We commit to:
  1. Reduce the overall carbon footprint of our facilities.
  2. Heat our stages, offices, and support spaces using 100% Renewable Natural Gas.
  3. Supplement our grid electricity with solar power.
  4. Prioritize economic, social and environmental sustainability.
  5. Provide Productions with waste diversion solutions including multi-stream recycling and composting.
  6. Improve air quality in our communities. All stages, studios and Martini Town will be powered with quiet and clean electricity, eliminating the need for diesel generators.
  7. Encourage and support productions in meeting their sustainability and corporate responsibility goals.
  8. Provide Productions and Employees with access to electric vehicle charging and use 100% EV vehicles for our own fleet where practicable.
  9. Collaborate with members of the film industry to use clean energy alternatives and reduce waste.
  10. Be an active Member and supporter of the Reel Green™ initiative.

Martini Film Studios is a member of Reel Green™. Learn more about Reel Green’s ™ Clean Energy initiatives here.

Sustainability in Action

Renewable Natural Gas

Martini Film Studios is heated using 100% Renewable Natural Gas – a carbon neutral energy source. We were the first film studio in British Columbia to commit to using this innovative fuel supplied by FortisBC, one of the province’s largest energy providers. Switching to RNG allowed our facilities to convert to a carbon neutral heating source without replacing or installing any new equipment.

What is Renewable Natural Gas?

Renewable Natural Gas is derived from biogas, which is produced from decomposing organic waste in landfills, agricultural waste and wastewater from treatment facilities. When bacteria break down organic waste, the process produces biogas mostly made of methane – a greenhouse gas that impacts the earth’s temperature and climate system. FortisBC works with local farmers, municipalities and energy companies to capture and purify methane that would otherwise escape into the atmosphere, creating carbon-neutral RNG for customers like Martini Film Studios.

Learn more about RNG here.

Clean Energy at Work

As part of our Net Zero plan, we are providing our operations and visiting Productions with clean carbon neutral electricity.

All Martini Film Studios properties are a diesel generator free zone. We provide productions with high amperage cam-panels and the grid power they need to film their productions.

Our stages, studios, support spaces and Martini Town are all connected to BC Hydro’s electrical grid. Over 98% of the power they generate is from clean and renewable sources (primarily hydroelectricity, with a small mix of solar, wind and biomass) learn more here.

In May of 2022 our solar panel array went live and is now providing a zero-carbon sustainable power supply for our operations and the productions we host. The large roof top solar array provides a renewable energy supply to help productions reach their net-zero goals. More information – including environmental statistics such as equivalent trees planted, hours of TV watched, emissions saved – will be shared after the system has been operational for one year.

EV charging infrastructure

Martini Film Studios is committed to reducing the consumption of fossil fuels. A total of 22, Level 2 EV charging stations are available for production teams and employees with electric vehicle charging.

To further decarbonize and reach our Net Zero goal, we are transitioning (where practicable) our own fleet of vehicles to 100% EV models.