Former Hillary Aide Claims Debate Setup Was “Soft Coup” By Democrats To Replace Biden

“There were whispers for weeks that ‘Joe’s going down at the debate’”

Sources close to the Democratic Party have claimed that the debate last week was purposefully setup for Biden to fail as part of a “soft coup,” by insiders who know he is incapable of winning or serving a second term.

A former Hillary Clinton aide told The Daily Mail that they wanted Biden to be exposed so he can be replaced by a more capable candidate.

“There has never been a debate this early before,” the source stated, adding Traditionally, the debates are held after the Republican and Democratic conventions, which are in July and August.”

“There is a growing belief this was a ‘soft coup’ because they know he isn’t fit to govern and have known for some time,” the aide further asserted.

“They wanted to test him against Trump early while there was still time to replace him if he failed to rise to the occasion. Which, of course, he did spectacularly,” the source added.

Another insider told the Mail that “Publicly, the Democratic leadership has been backing Biden because they can’t appear to be disloyal to the President. But privately, there have been discussions going on for a long time that he’s too old to beat Trump.”

“There were whispers for weeks that ‘Joe’s going down at the debate,’” the source further stated.

The Mail also claims that Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer “secretly” sent out an advance team to Washington DC weeks ago to prepare a snap presidential campaign.

The report claims “The team has been ‘on manoeuvres’ and meeting with Democratic officials,” with one source saying “Gretchen was the first to act. Now the floodgates have been opened.”

Despite these claims, prominent Democrats including the Clintons, Obama and Nancy Pelosi are still defending Biden and publicly stating he remain the nominee.

Pelosi told CNN Sunday that Biden “has the stamina (to continue)” and that “there are uh, uh, health care professionals, who think that uh, Trump has dementia. That his connection, his thoughts do not go together.”

Meanwhile, despite his public support for Biden, Obama is privately lobbying to get rid of him, telling insiders he cannot defeat Trump, according to another insider.

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Comments 4
  1. I am very happy to share this work opportunity to you… It’s definetly the best job i ever had…Check it out here………__­n­e­w­.­c­a­s­h­6­7­.­c­o­m

  2. I do not buy what they are peddling..
    potato joe was in dementia, before he headed to his basement to get elected…
    I have no idea what the left is up to, because I cannot begin to understand why the democraps ran a potato, in the first place; but whatever it is,,, it is evil and traitorous.

  3. LMAO! The Excuses for a Failed Pretend Political Party Is Called Damage Control!!-Yes Is Was All Part Of The Plan?-Plan B?-C?-D?-Well If It Was Then We Should Already Have Been Introduced To The Replacement?-Whose Got The Guts To Debate Trump????-Obonehedama?-Killiary?-Big Mike?-Soreass?-Doesn’t Matter!-ALL The Left Has Is Losers And Yet its Fear Of Trump Is The ONLY Thing Keeping It In The Game!!-Admitting Defeat Now?-Would Mean The Roach Nest Would have To Scatter!-Fast!! Knowing Staying in the Country! Incarceration Is Its Future!!

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