Biden’s Handlers Consider Having Him Do Sit Down Interview to Prove He Can Talk Properly

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Biden’s handlers are considering having him do a sit down interview with a loyalist news network to prove that he’s able to talk properly.

Yes, really.

With Biden seemingly clinging on to his candidacy at the insistence of Jill Biden despite top Democrats desperately trying to convince him to step down, they’re scrambling for ideas to prove he’s mentally competent after last week’s disastrous debate.

According to CNN’s Jeff Zeleny, one of those ideas is to have Biden appear in a “high profile” interview.

“They’re sort of going through how they get through that dismal debate performance – one of the options right now is that he would sit for a high profile interview to try and show that North Carolina rally the day after the debate was not just a one off, that he can do a sit down interview,” said Zeleny.

“But the fact that we’re even having this conversation, that the president can do an interview sort of shows you where they are right now,” he added.

Such an interview would obviously be tightly edited to erase any embarrassing moments and would occur well before Biden’s 4pm sleepy time, after which he seems to mentally shut down.

Meanwhile, CNN’s Jake Tapper seems to becomingly increasing irate with Biden loyalists who are trying to claim the debate wasn’t indicative of the president’s long-standing mental decline.

“There is a discernable pattern of Democrat officials seemingly trying to convince you, the public, to not believe what you saw and what you heard with your eyes and with your ears on Thursday night,” said Tapper.

“It is not honest to say that this is just one night!” Tapper told Biden campaign co-chair Chris Coons, before playing a separate clip from before the debate of Biden speaking gobbledygook and asserting, “I don’t know what that was!”

Interesting how just a week ago, Biden’s cognitive deficiencies were treated as a Trumpian “conspiracy theory” by the same network that is now aggressively highlighting them.

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Comments 11
  1. Sov we are gonna get some democrat approved corporate media propagandist to multiple take “interview” feeble minded, muttering Joe Biden. Unless it’s live, like the debate, the speculation it’s a deep fake will be there to spun by each campaign.

  2. They’re going to keep Obama hidden up above and use very thin puppet strings. It’s just gonna sound funny hearing Joe talking in Ebonics

  3. Hey, that COULD work if you can get AI to control his mouth. Where are you going to hide the speaker?

  4. Have him “ANSWER” questions to the reporters instead of walking off the stage as he always does!

  5. So basically, they’re admitting that Biden can’t talk and stand at the same time. That’s even a few notches below not being able to walk and chew gum at the same time. Still, hey better be sure to take away his Juicy Fruit as well just to be sure.

  6. Sure, all they have to do is dub the interview in English with an actor who sounds like Joey Diapers!
    And pretend that the phony President doesn’t have a head full of porridge! 😁

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