Biden Blames Debate Performance on Jet Lag, Despite Being in US For Nearly Two Weeks Beforehand

Another pathetic excuse.

Joe Biden blamed his dreadful debate performance on international travel and jet lag, despite being in the United States for nearly two weeks before the debate happened.

Yes, really.

The fallout from the president’s woeful embarrassment continues to reverberate, with Democrats still desperately scrambling to find a way to force him to step down.

After his campaign blamed Biden’s poor performance on him having a cold, they’ve now stumbled upon a new excuse.

“I decided to travel around the world a couple times, going through around 100 time zones…before…the debate,” Biden told a private fundraiser in Virginia.

“Didn’t listen to my staff and came back and nearly fell asleep on stage, that’s no excuse but it is an explanation,” he said.

Jet lag? Really?

Biden took two separate trips to appear in France and Italy in the first half of June (hardly a round the world adventure).

He then flew back to appear at a fundraiser with former president Barack Obama in Los Angeles on June 15 before returning to Washington the following day.

That means Biden was in the United States for nearly a fortnight before the debate even happened, and he was at Camp David for six days preparing for it.

Who takes more than two weeks to get over jet lag after traveling from Europe to the United States?

The excuse might have more merit if Biden hadn’t been behaving like he has borderline dementia for years now anyway.

“I find it a little bit puzzling,” said CNN’s MJ Lee, “And frankly, I’m not sure that a lot of people are going to find this reassuring, if anything some folks might hear this and be even more concerned.”

As we highlighted yesterday, despite some top Democrats attempting to rally around Biden, Rep. Jamie Raskin said the party is engaging in “very honest, serious, and rigorous conversations” about replacing him.

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Comments 3
  1. You can prep him all you like, put any kind of medication into him you can think of, but he will always come out looking and sounding impaired, because he is impaired.

  2. Jopedo has had Enough!-Being America’s Clown-Selling Used E.v’s- Dressing Up-Being Told How to Walk-What To Say-How To Say It-An Old Man With These Symptoms Should Be on an Epstein Beach Somewhere-Like The One Right Down The Coast Line From Epstein’s!-Having Obonehedama Whispering In Your Ear Would Give ANY Elderly Person Nightmares!!-Looking At ALL the Mess it Caused In the Name Of Its 3 Letter Gods/F.R.-Time For The Old Guy To Rebel The Only Way It Knows!!-Accept The Reality-Welcome The Last Years!-Claim Insanity And Go Fishing-Time For The Demonrats To Accelerate Plan B?-C?-No Pressure?

  3. Hey, why not blame it on “Global Warming”!?
    That’s what the Nazis ALWAYS blame everything on! 😁

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