BBC Chooses ‘Racially Diverse Cast’ to Play Characters in Drama About 1066 Battle of Hastings

Historian slams decision as “hugely confusing and downright misleading.”

The BBC has chosen a “racially diverse cast” to play the characters in its upcoming historical drama about the Battle of Hastings, which occurred in 1066, leading one historian to decry the “bizarre notion that there were black earls in Anglo-Saxon England.”

The eight-part series King and Conqueror, which is a CBS Studios co-production, will feature numerous non-white characters, including one taking the role of a real 11th-century leader.

Black actor Jason Forbes will play the fictional character Thane Thomas, “with the “thanes” being a layer of nobility in the ethnically homogeneous society of Anglo-Saxon England,” reports the Telegraph.

“(Elander) Moore, of Trinidadian descent, will play the real historical figure of Morcar, an Earl of Northumbria who fought against Viking and Norman invaders, before being subdued by William after the battle of Hastings.”

Historian Dr Zareer Masani, who has worked with the BBC, lambasted the decision, asserting, “Some of us, including people of colour, grew up thinking actors ought to look like characters they played.”

He warned that the BBC’s approach is “hugely confusing and downright misleading,” adding that it was “absolutely crazy that they’ve applied this colour-blindness to a period when Britain was at its least multicultural, before even the Norman Conquest.”

While it’s acceptable to depict Anglo-Saxons as black or mixed race, apparently it’s no longer politically correct to even acknowledge that white Anglo-Saxons existed, given a recent decision by The Cambridge University Press to change the name of its ‘Anglo-Saxon England’ journal to ‘Early Medieval England and its Neighbours.

Referencing that development along with the new BBC drama, Cambridge historian Prof David Abulafia said, “Since the whole series will undoubtedly bear little relation to historical fact, I think we shall have to put up with the bizarre notion that there were black earls in Anglo-Saxon England.”

“All the more so, since we are no longer supposed to talk about ‘Anglo-Saxons’. If they didn’t exist, we can do what we like.”

CBS Studios executive Lindsey Martin said the show would offer “a bold and fresh take on a story that has endured for nearly 1,000 years.”

So bold and fresh that it will be full of people who simply didn’t exist in 11th century England.

No doubt regime historians will now leap to the defense of the show, insisting that it is historically accurate because there might have been a few swarthy looking people knocking around Europe in 1066, and anyone who complains is racist.

As we document in the video above, apparently Sub-Saharan Africans built Stonehenge, while the BBC is still pushing the Cheddar Man hoax to children, insisting that the UK has been ‘diverse’ for thousands of years.

This of course is all part of a social engineering drive to convince everyone that the deluge of mass migration we are now seeing is perfectly normal and should be accepted without a whimper of dissent.

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Comments 18
  1. >The BBC has chosen a “racially diverse cast” to play the characters in its upcoming historical drama about the Battle of Hastings, which occurred in 1066.

    Hmmm… I think I’m starting to see the BBC/Google Gemini/etc “logic” behind all those casts with assorted colours for historical stuff. It’s sort of an indicator for “reference point in history that’s traditionally important but also everyone takes it any way they like”.

    Well, as long as people keep making a big deal of what other people look like in ways they can’t change (like skin colour) I don’t know if there is a solution to the problem of historical accuracy. I mean, maybe if you started belly-aching about their incorrect notions about food, lighting, heating, and such things, they might realise you are beginning to pay attention to what really matters and focus on increasing the accuracy of the details, like skin colour.

    Because, you know, AI and the Internet really don’t give a flying F about skin colour. They do want you to care about feeding them with lovely energy, though. Learn to bow to your real masters and learn to cater to their needs.

  2. I imagine the people of the UK are well aware by now the government and its propaganda arm, the BBC, are the real enemies of the people. The same sort of situation exists in Canada with its propaganda arm, the CBC.

  3. the Beeb went stupid a couple decades ago when it was overrun with wokesters and alphabet people. I’ve been a Doctor Who fan since the show started. By the time Capaldi took the roll they already had inserted alphabet people. When they turned the Doctor into the Doctorette I left. Now they have a rump ranger of color as the Doctor *facepalm*.

  4. Just don’t watch it and when they blame the bigoted viewers, just mention that HOTD has a racially diverse cast and no one is skipping it.

  5. As long as the WHITE COWARDS of the West
    ALLOW the Foreign Nazis to erase their History,
    their Culture and their Religion,
    the Foreign Nazis will keep on until they erase
    the whole White Race in the West!
    As a WHITE PATRIOT, I say Thank God for the
    Russians who, like I, have the balls to FIGHT
    the Foreign Nazis!

    1. Here’s an idea.
      Why don’t you stop attributing the actions of communist Bolshevik Jews to “Nazis”, who were the GOOD GUYS in WW2?

      1. Agreed, this fellow has no conception of this term nazi going back to WW2, with only the ignorant continuing to use this term.

  6. a country that votes communists deserves to be erased from history. dumb sheeple still do not see who the enemy is… communists also won in france, germany, sweden.. good riddance

    1. We didn’t. The fact is that 80% of the UK did not vote for the ‘communist’ Labour Party. The voting system here is rigged.

      1. 9.7mil for old communists, 3.5mil for new communists, 6.8mil for fake right wing. you don’t even have a real nationalist or right wing party.. you are just about to learn that you cannot vote your way out of a dictatorship… the same is in all europe.. but 99% don’t understand anything. not even after it happened.

  7. I am so sick of this shit. But what is the common man to do?

    The only solution I can think of is that people need to start organizing themselves into large groups, independent of the politicians, and start uniting with each other toward a literal revolution.

    I have no idea how to do that. I am not a leader. But if such a leader showed up, I would follow them.

    1. The first thing you need to do, Bob, is learn to speak English.
      The root word of “revolution” isn’t “revolve”, which is ridiculous. The root word of “revolution” is “REVOLT”. If you “revolt”, then YOU ARE REVOLTING.

      Do you want to be revolting? No. At least I hope not. The “revolution”, aka that which is REVOLTING, has ALREADY OCCURRED. What you seek is to be a CONSERVATIVE (herein lies the actual origin and meaning of the term), as you wish to conserve your long standing rights which are being destroyed BY REVOLUTIONARY ACTIONS.

      If we can’t speak our own language, we deserve to lose everything.

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