The Truth About the French Election

France is fucked.

Millions of French voters saw the looming prospect of 90 per cent tax rates, ever increasing violent crime, and infinity mass migration and thought…

Yeah, we’ll have some of that!

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Comments 12
  1. The left says the right is the party of hate and violence.

    So how do the left speak against things they don’t like? With riots, violence, and lots of fire.
    And how dot he left celebrate things that DO go the way they like? With riots, violence, and lots of fire.


  2. I am, for one, going to enjoy watching the French (and the Brits!) getting exactly what they voted for for all these years.

  3. When Humans don’t have the balls to stand up and FIGHT
    the Nazis, this is what happens!
    Satan’s Children can do whatever they want to!
    Because NOBODY has the balls to FIGHT them!
    “Cowardice is the greatest sin of all!”
    Keep licking Kosher butt and enjoy your extermination!

  4. It really is just all over for the world isn’t it?
    France is a lost cause, Germany is a lost cause, Sweden is a lost cause, England is a lost cause… Canada, America… Now even Japan and South Korea embrace mass migration.

    To everyone who rants on here about how place ‘X’ got what they deserved and place ‘Y’ deserves to fail…

    Here’s my concern. Where the hell are we all supposed to when this shit is right on our doorstep?

    Y’know, for people who DIDN’T want this or didn’t vote for it and who’s voices never mattered in the past 30-50 years?
    What happens when the billion illegal migrants have moved into your neighbourhood?

    What then?

    When your once nice neighbourhood gets turned into a 3rd world slum? When your childhood home becomes a drug cartel ghetto? When your neighbours move out and THEY move in? When the police, government and half the entire countries population target you for daring an opinion they want silenced?

    Do you just pack your bags and move to another town?
    What happens when they move into your next new neighbourhood? Then the next?

    When even the small coastal towns and rural villages become crowded with mass migration, where do you go then?

    Give up and leave the country for good?

    And go where?

    When half the people of England get fed up and move to Spain does Spain not just inherit all of England’s problems?

    When the people of Germany give up and go to Thailand does Thailand not just inherit their problems?

    My personal backup plan was always Japan or South Korea if things ever got this bad but that’s not even an option anymore.

    Where are we going to go now? Ukraine!? Mainland Communist China? Russia?

    Not even the Netherlands is safe from all this anymore. Not Finland, Not Denmark, Not Anywhere.

    They really have just destroyed the entire fucking world haven’t they?

    1. remember spain under the islamic kosh, spanish people pushed into the north west, backs to the wall. from there queen isabella & king ferdinand retook the nation.

    2. Hungary is probably our best option, they are supposedly welcoming conservatives from western countries. But no, it’s not looking good. It’s so easy for them to steal an election in our so called “democracies”. They hate us and they’re laughing at us.

    3. At this point the globalist scum will win.
      Destruction is so much easier then building up or preserving culture..
      The more leeches they let in, the more light headed the countries get, and that just facilitates a fall.
      White skined people can expect the South Africa treatment in their own homes.

      Hopefully the people get serious and force the blood letting to end…

    4. YES!
      You, and your family, just keep on moving until you die or they kill you in your tracks.
      All aboard the Ship of Fools. [Let The Doors’ song be your soundtrack.]

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