“Send Her Back!” Chant Causes New Outrage Amongst Leftists

They keep falling into Trump’s trap of making Ilhan Omar the face of the Dems.

Trump supporters chanted “send her back!” while the president slammed Rep. Ilhan Omar during a rally in Greenville, North Carolina last night, causing fresh outrage amongst leftists.

During the speech, Trump reeled off numerous examples of Omar’s disturbing statements, including her description of 9/11 as “some people did something” and her demand that ISIS jihadists be treated leniently.

“And at a press conference just this week, she was asked whether she supported al-Qaeda — that’s our enemy … she refused to answer,” Trump said.

Parts of the crowd broke out in a chant of “send her back!” although Trump didn’t acknowledge it.


The usual suspects immediately emerged to assert that the chant, which Trump didn’t even encourage, was some dark harbinger of imminent historical catastrophe.

“This is one of the single most racist moments in modern American political history,” tweeted Shaun King. “As Trump began attacking my friend Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, the crowd began chanting “SEND HER BACK, SEND HER BACK.” It’s utterly despicable and dangerous. We are here. We are in THAT time. UGLY.”


King complaining about “ugly” rhetoric is pretty rich given that he literally just praised a terrorist who tried to massacre border patrol workers as a “martyr”.

“The crowd at Trump’s rally chanting “send her back” after the President viciously and dishonestly attacked Ilhan Omar is one of the most chilling and horrifying things I’ve ever seen in politics,” tweeted Jon Favreau, who presumably hasn’t seen a lot of horrifying things in politics.


“Whether it’s “send her back” or “lock her up,” “there has to be some form of punishment,” screeched Democratic candidate Kirsten Gillibrand. “He should be afraid. We are his worst nightmare. And we will beat him,” she added.


Gillibrand is unlikely to “beat him” given that she is polling at less than 1 per cent.

If Democrats want to make Omar the new face of their party then good luck with that – amongst swing voters she has a 9 per cent favorability rating.

Don’t send her back – keep her here, since her continued presence virtually guarantees Trump being re-elected.

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