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Jul 07 2024

Biden’s Attitude Toward Blacks

Biden secured his position as the decrepit figurehead of the rotting liberal establishment when insidious kingmaker James Clyburn agreed to deliver the black vote, so it comes as no surprise that he panders to blacks even more cringe-inducingly than other Democrats, choosing the vice president and a Supreme Court justice explicitly for being black and delighting a black audience by croaking, “I may be a white boy, but I’m not stupid.” But that’s all politics. In real life, it almost seems he doesn’t know blacks are there:

This video isn’t likely to cause problems for Biden, considering that he has a history of racist comments that the media would exploit to end his career were he a Republican.

Remember now, if you don’t vote for Creepy Joe, “you ain’t black.”

On tips from Wiggins, WDS 2.0, and Anonymous.


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