Majestic Holy Expeditious

“Who is like you, O LORD, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders? EXODUS 15:11

After the children of Israel witnessed the total destruction of the Egyptian army, Moses led them in a song of triumph:

“I will sing to the LORD,
For He has triumphed gloriously! The horse and its rider He has thrown into the sea!” Excitement and emotion filled the multitude of escaped slaves because they saw the power and glory of God.

The song continues for 18 verses in Exodus chapter 15. At verse 11, two questions are asked:

“Who is like You among the gods?” and “Who is like You, glorious in holiness?” To answer the first, Egypt had plenty of gods – even “puddy” cats were worshiped – but none of them could save the Egyptian army from the power of the living God. Nothing compares to the incomparable Creator of the universe.

The second question concerns God’s glorious holiness. Again, no comparison.

Glory is a hard concept to define, but it is pretty easy to see the absence of it. Idols have no power, no splendor, no supernatural qualities, and no glory.

God’s glory was not just demonstrated in His power to defeat the ancient world’s Number One superpower;

He showed it in His holiness. He not only neutralized the bad guys

– He obliterated them. Christ is in all things the outshining of God’s glory. He was in the burning bush when Moses was commissioned, and He was there when the waters of the Red Sea parted.

John saw the glorified Lord as he was exiled on the Isle of Patmos and was overpowered by the vision.

Certainly the Son of God is glorious in compassion, grace, might, and authority.

But above all these, we must remember that He is Glorious in Holiness.

Say this little 1 minute prayer, and everything in your life will improve!
Before you read, mind the money or health problem or what you want to solve and with a lot of faith and confidence ask for what you want most and want and you will see, you will get it.

To fulfill your wishes…

You just have to have a lot of faith!

If you have few contacts don’t worry they will know, don’t doubt it!!! Now pray Holy Expeditious Prayer

It will be like a promise you have to spread this message to spread the faith in Holy Expeditious.

Majestic Holy Expeditious

Fire shield and sword defender!

Fire shield and sword defender!

Accepted by all loyal servers,

Accepted by all loyal servers,

For the brilliant gift of our Lord

For the brilliant gift of our Lord

Granted you without insinuations,

Granted you without insinuations,

On condition that our needs were

On condition that our needs were

Fast as lightning and effective as an axe.

Fast as lightning and effective as an axe.

Majestic Holy Expeditious, Blessed beloved of mine,

Majestic Holy Expeditious, Blessed beloved of mine,

Today we present to you our difficulties and distress.

Today we present to you our difficulties and distress.

Blessed and glorious Holy Expeditious,

Blessed and glorious Holy Expeditious,

You, who you were by God’s said will

You, who you were by God’s said will

And given you the divine bright light,

And given you the divine bright light,

Bet on knowing our most emerging needs,

Bet on knowing our most emerging needs,

Our anguish of work,

Our anguish of work,

Our complications with money and economy,

Our complications with money and economy,

Our family conflicts, due to lack of communication,

Our family conflicts, due to lack of communication,

For this reason today we invoke you with our lord and chief,

For this reason today we invoke you with our lord and chief,

(Make order here)

(Make order here)

Furthermore, we ask him to grant us from the Lord,

Furthermore, we ask him to grant us from the Lord,

A faith and hope that never doubts or diverts,

A faith and hope that never doubts or diverts,

A warm help that fills us with your love

A warm help that fills us with your love

And the love of our fellow people,

And the love of our fellow people,

Our allies, the men,

Our allies, the men,

As well as a pleasant confidence and harmony.

As well as a pleasant confidence and harmony.

May you present yourself in the worst difficulties you’ve experienced

May you present yourself in the worst difficulties you’ve experienced

We ask you in our Lord Jesus Christ.

We ask you in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Amen. Amen.

Amen. Amen.