St Patrick

Did you know that St Patrick walked Barefoot on his Mission converting the Irish People?

He has appeared a number of times over the years to a current Irish Visionary.

On March 17th 2014, Patrick appeared in his bare feet during Mass. He was not in his Religious Garment’s as she had previously seen him but wearing what seemed like a rough exterior garment, with a wooden Cross around his neck, and carrying a simple wooden staff.

Patrick said “that the attacks of the devil were so great on me as I walked through the length and breath of this land that my feet were hot and burning from his attacks, so that I left the trace of my feet on stone, but never never at any moment did I give in. I put my trust in the Lord who made Heaven and Earth.

Shame on the Irish people of to day. They not only shame me, but they shame Almighty God.
You people lament while you have time, be humble and beg God’s forgiveness, because when He reveals the truth to you, then it will be too late.

The greatest gift you can give to God is saving souls. To gain a single soul for God is the greatest good you can do.”

In a 1992 vision of St Patrick, he was holding a Lamb in one hand and an ornate staff in the other. He told the visionary the Lamb was the Lamb of God, and that through Sacrifice, all the little victims were in union with the Lamb of God. A huge black cloud was moving rapidly towards them, he raised his staff in prayer and held back the cloud. The visionary could see the face of God the Father looking with pleasure at the saint.

He said he was a Victim soul hence his walking Barefoot. That he felt abandoned, but had Gods love and zeal in his heart. God first spoke to him by the sea, he loved the sea.”

On the Church, St Patrick said, “it is giving away its treasures”. The visionary saw the Tabernacles being lifted out and St Michael removing the Blessed Sacrament, St Patrick assured her that St Michael was protecting the Blessed Sacrament. The Priests you see are spiritually dead. The groans you hear are those of evil spirits, who know faced with St Michael they can do no further damage…the purification of the Church must continue, it must be stripped to its very foundations. But do not fear the gates of Hell cannot prevail against it.”.

“The Saint wept tears over Ireland’s worsening spiritual condition”. The Irish have strayed, and taken a road contradicting everything St Patrick brought, mainly the knowledge of God and the Catholic Faith.

On 17th March 1995 St Patrick asked the Irish Visionary to ask the Irish people to offer Prayers for their country to the Angel of Ireland, the same Angel who appeared to Patrick years after he escaped from captivity in Ireland, and allowed him to hear the ” voice of the Irish” from the western sea, appealing to him to return to Ireland and spread the faith amongst them.”
Victor is the Angel of Ireland.
Victor Angel of Ireland, watch over us, protect us, and our country.”

Feastday March 17th.