Make Him Gay

Poor (not really!) Joe Bidet has had a very difficult time of late.

First comes the televised debate, where he appeared, in all honesty, just as toast as I have seen him countless times. Apparently, however, the fact of his toasty-ness was a novelty to much of the american public (the ones who were told Hunter’s laptop was fake news), so that panic ensued among TV pundits, aspiring or less aspiring celebrities, and other people whose main job is to hate Trump.

After that, the real masters of American politics, the “donor class”, started to speak and, in general, many of them seem to think they want him gone. They understand it’s difficult, but they appear to think that everything (even… gasp… Kamala as a candidate!) is preferable to having this guy embarrassing himself for many more months. Interestingly, these wealthy donors seem to think that there is a limit to the number of votes the Democrats can fake. Food for thoughts.

The third kick in Hunter’s crack pipe was the interview with the Stephanopoulos guy; an interview basically meant to dispel doubts about Joe’s mental health, and which made things worse. Hunter and Jill clearly want him to stay. As to him, he probably wants a toy, or some hair to sniff. He is probably asked as a matter of courtesy. Nobody thinks the decision is up to him.

Whilst I am no fan of the guy, or of his power cabal, if I know the Democrat voters well enough I think that there is something that the DNC can do to revive Joe’s declining fortunes.

They can make him gay.

Two, three, or four carefully chosen, rigorously bent acquaintances (vague acquaintances will be fine) of the man start going public and say that they had proper homo sex with Joe. One can be a very aged fag in his sixties or seventies, and the other two somewhat younger. The episodes of sodomy should be put in a conveniently remote past, difficult to verify and easy to falsify. Biden himself would be instructed to initially say absolutely nothing about the situation, whilst his lieutenants prepare the ground for him. At some point, a press announcement, or that lesbian woman acting as speaker (if she is still there), could “out” the man with much “pride”, conveniently forgetting that Obama is more bent than the Nuerburgring and hailing the “first gay president”. At that point, Joe becomes untouchable, and worthy of support because of “what he represents”; whilst everybody still insisting he should step down, even only from the race, would be conveniently accused of ho-mo-pho-bic bias.

Look, this is not something I have invented. It’s just the way they think. If a nobody like Buttigieg can rise to the ranks of spoken-about potential ersatz candidate, then it is clear the faggotry would be very useful to this one. It does not matter that the faggotry would be fake. Everything in this man is fake, so nobody will notice.

If Joe is “outed” in the next week or two, you have read it here first.

Posted on July 8, 2024, in Traditional Catholicism and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Joanne O Beirne

    Their main job is to hate Trump 😂. BINGO

  2. I see it now.

    A Kamala Harris-Pete Buttigieg ticket. The dream Democratic team. Complete with the queer “husband” and the purchased children.

    I am being a smart a**…… but you never know.

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