Welcome to the New and Improved My.Blog

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We’re thrilled to unveil the fresh new face of My.Blog, designed for you – our community of bloggers. Our website now boasts a modern design that’s more visual and engaging. We’ve introduced a sleek “dark mode” option, so our blog is easier on the eyes and causes less strain for night owls. We’ve even revamped the layout to make it feel more like the blogs you love to read and write. 

The .blog Manifesto

Our manifesto, is a declaration of our values and the spirit of our community. It is our commitment to bloggers and content creators everywhere that .blog is a space where your content is valued, a stage for all of the unique ways you share your story.

Showcasing Dotbloggers

We’ve also dedicated a whole new page to showcase dotbloggers and highlight the unique ways that .blog is used worldwide. Our own blog is now front and center, with new categories that make it easier to find articles and resources tailored to every stage of your blogging journey.

Stay tuned for upcoming features, including an improved domain search and new video content that brings real blogger stories to life. We cannot wait to see how you use these new tools and features to tell your unique stories. Embrace new platforms, features, and strategies. Keep learning, trying new things, and refining your approach based on analytics. Ultimately, this will ensure your blog thrives in the ever-changing digital world.