Jetpack VaultPress sikkerhetskopiering


Jetpack VaultPress sikkerhetskopiering er en utvidelse som gir deg skybasert sikkerhetskopiering og ettklikks gjenopprettinger uten å behøve å installere hele utvidelsen Jetpack. Den mest pålitelige sikkerhetskopieringsutvidelsen med over 270 millioner sikkerhetskopier. Lagre hver endring og kom raskt tilbake på nettet med ett-klikks gjenopprettinger.

Merk: For å bruke denne utvidelsen må du ha et betalt Jetpack-abonnment som inkluderer sikkerhetskopiering,

Å gjenopprette nettstedet ditt har aldri vært enklere

Om du tjener penger på nettstedet ditt eller bruker timer på å perfeksjonere innhold, trenger du WordPress-sikkerhetskopier. Beskytt investeringen din ved å kunne få nettstedet ditt tilbake på nettet i løpet av sekunder. Vår automatiserte sikkerhetskopieringsutvidelse for WordPress er kraftig nok for den profejsonelle og enkel nok for nybegynneren.

  • En utvidelse som er enkel å bruke med ett-klikks gjenopprettinger
  • Gjenopprett fra hvor som helst med mobil-appen til Jetpack
  • Gjenopprett også om nettstedet ditt ikke lenger er tilgjengelig på nettet
  • Ingen utvilkler er nødvendig
  • Førsteklasses brukerstøtte

Om serverne på webhotellet ditt går ned er du likevel dekket

Sikkerhetskopier hos nettverten gir noe beskyttelse, men kan være utilstrekkelig til beskytte dine verdifulle data. De har ofte begrensninger, som bare en enkelt daglig sikkerhetskopi, lagring på nettstedet og innviklede brukergrensesnitt.

Få fordelene med Jetpack Sikkerhetskopiering:

  • Uovertruffen sikkerhet: Sikre alle endringer i sanntid i den ultra-sikre nettskyen til Jetpack.
  • Øyeblikkelig gjenoppretting: Gjenopprett nettstedet ditt selv om nettverten din er nede.
  • Sikkerhetskopiering laget spesifikt for WordPress og WooCommerce-nettsteder.

Pålitelighet du kan stole på

Jetpack VaultPress Backup is built on’s world‑class infrastructure, so you can be sure your site is safe and can be recovered at any moment. Host backups are often time‑consuming and require technical expertise to restore. You’ve got more important things to do.

  • Sikkerhetskopier av alle filer, inkludert WordPress-databasen, temafiler og utvidelser
  • Sikkerhetskopier av alle kunde- og ordredata i WooCommerce
  • Redundant copies made on multiple servers
  • Off-site / cloud backups so there’s no load on your server
  • Global server-infrastruktur
  • Testet for å sikre at det ikke er konflikter med de fleste vanlige utvidelser eller nettverter

Sikkerhetskopiering bygget for WooCommerce

Backups are essential for eCommerce stores. New orders come in at any moment, so you need a plan to keep your order and customer data safe. That’s why we designed the Jetpack VaultPress Backup plugin specifically with WooCommerce in mind.

  • Gjenopprett nettstedet til enhver tidligere tilstand mens alle ordre og produkter forblir oppdaterte
  • Beskytt kundedataene dine og forbli i samsvar emd GDPR
  • Custom WooCommerce table backups

Noe alle som bygger av WordPress-nettsteder må ha

Save hours of time developing and maintaining sites by restoring to any point. Just one change pays for itself. Real‑time backups go beyond a snapshot to give you total power and flexibility. The activity log lets you know exactly what action (and who) broke the site, so you can look like a pro for your clients.

  • Fulle, inkrementelle og differensielle sikkerhetskopier i sanntid
  • Komplett liste over allle endringer på nettstedet
  • Gjenopprett hurtig fra etyhvert punkt
  • Be empowered to experiment with the look and feel of your site

Brukerstøtte fra eksperter

We have a global team of Happiness Engineers ready to provide incredible support. Ask your questions in the support forum or contact us directly.

Kom i gang

Installation is free, quick, and easy. It only takes a few minutes to install Jetpack VaultPress Backup.

Merk: For å bruke denne utvidelsen må du ha et betalt Jetpack-abonnment som inkluderer sikkerhetskopiering,


  • Lagre enhver endring med sikkerhetskopiering i sanntid og kom tilbake på nettet med ett-klikks gjenoprettinger.
  • Your site backups are stored in multiple locations on our world-class cloud infrastructure so you can recover them at any moment.


Automatisk installasjon

The first option is to install Jetpack VaultPress Backup from within your WP Admin.

  1. To begin, click on the Plugins link in the left hand sidebar, then click Add New.
  2. Search for Jetpack VaultPress Backup. The latest version will be in the search results. Click the Install Now button:
  3. Next, click the Activate button. After activating, you will be prompted to set up Jetpack VaultPress Backup.

Manuelle alternativer

Alternatively, install Jetpack VaultPress Backup via the plugin directory, or upload the files manually to your server and follow the on-screen instructions.

Detailed instructions on installing Jetpack VaultPress Backup can be found in our Getting Started with the Jetpack VaultPress Backup Plugin article.


Hvorfor trenger jeg sikkerhetskopier?

Site backups are crucial for an online business or presence. If you make a change in error, want to experiment with your site’s look & feel, or something malicious happens to your site, having backups saves time and money getting your site back online or to a previous version. With Jetpack VaultPress Backup you simply click to restore to a point in the past and get on with your day.

Hvordan gjenoppretter jeg nettstedet mitt med Jetpack VaultPress sikkerhetskopiering?

Det er enkelt å gjenopprette nettstedet ditt med bare få klikk. Se denne korte videoen for flere detaljer.

For more detailed assistance, check out the full support article.

Doesn’t my host already have backups?

Most hosts have some sort of backup. But they are often infrequent and difficult to restore. If your site goes down, you need access to your backups. If they’re stored on your hosting platform (or your hard drive!), and your files are compromised, your database backup could be compromised too.

Jetpack’s off-site backup storage allows you to restore a clean version of your WordPress website even if you can’t log in. When you rely solely on your host’s built-in backups, you’re putting all your eggs in one basket. Here is one story from a Jetpack customer of what can happen. Without a third-party backup that copies your files off-site, your website could be at risk. One false move by you or your host could compromise your web files or delete them entirely.

How do I create a WordPress backup for my site?

If you don’t have Backups as part of your Jetpack plan, visit to learn more and purchase.

As soon as you purchase Jetpack VaultPress Backup, it will be activated, and the first backup will be completed. There are barely any settings to configure, and you don’t need coding experience.

For plans with daily backups, a new backup will take place approximately 24 hours from the previous backup. They occur automatically – you don’t need to create a specific time for backups to run.

For plans with real-time backups, a new backup will be performed each time a change is made to WordPress core’s database tables, WooCommerce database tables, and any associated file changes. All other changes are backed up daily.

You’ll know your WordPress backup has been created if you see a Backup complete event in the activity log.

Don’t see your WordPress backup in the activity log?

If you notice that backups are not being saved yet, update your site credentials. Go to the Jetpack Cloud and click Settings. You should see a form that allows you to add your site credentials.

If Jetpack cannot make contact with your site and it’s not able to create backups, you’ll receive an email after two failed attempts.

Kan jeg bruke Jetpack til å sikkerhetskopiere WordPress-databasen min?

Yes, the Jetpack VaultPress Backup plugin backs up your WordPress database. Specifically, any tables that begin with your WordPress table prefix and also have a unique key or primary key. For more details, visit the support page.

Kan jeg bruker Jetpack til å sikkerhetskopiewre filene mine?

Yes, the Jetpack VaultPress Backup plugin backs up your WordPress database. This includes all files in the plugins, mu-plugins, themes, and uploads directories. For more details, visit the support page.

Can I use Jetpack to back up my site without plugins?

Yes. We will exclude any directory containing a file named .donotbackup. If need be, you can create these files yourself to intentionally prevent certain directories from being backed up. If a directory named donotbackup is added, we will also exclude all files inside that directory. For more details, visit the support page.

Can Jetpack VaultPress Backup save files to Google Drive or Dropbox?

Jetpack VaultPress Backup doesn’t support saving files directly onto Google Drive or Dropbox. We provide free storage on our servers, saved redundantly in multiple locations around the globe. If you’d like to retain a copy, you can download your backup and upload it to any third-party site.

Kan jeg laste ned mine sikkerhetskopier?

Yes. To download your backup, open your activity log. Use the filters to find the event or backup that you’d like to use, then click Actions, and choose Download backup. For more details, visit the support page.

Does Jetpack VaultPress Backup support WordPress multisite?

No, Jetpack VaultPress Backup does not currently support WordPress multisite.

Does Jetpack VaultPress Backup support split site or split home URLs?

No, Jetpack VaultPress Backup does not currently support split site or split home URLs.

Trenger du hjelp?


26. mai, 2024 1 svar
I use Jetpack Backup Plugin – so far, it is very good, and very reliable. I recommend to use this plugin to everyone who needs a secure and real-time backups of your site!! Support Team also responds quickly to all questions and really tries to solve your problems! I am very satisfied! Thank you Jetpack’s Team!!
30. mars, 2024 3 svar
Due to cost of doing business and high cost of one register, I found I needed to move my company site from one register to another, which believe it or not became a never ending nightmare, to do something like move my domain (something I know how to do, and have done before). I had previously manually backed up my settings, site, and its varied databases, but ran into an issue when they finally moved my domain over, some of what I backed up, was not correct resulting in website appearing incorrect. Having Jetpack saved me from the issue of having to recorrect the variety parts of my site, since I was easily able to restore jetpacks connection to my site and restore it back to a working point . It ended up saving me a bunch of time, that otherwise would have been a pain in the behind to do. I hope this review helps you with your decisions and happy site building!
7. desember, 2023 1 svar
thanks God I never had to use it. I tried the features and I am satisfied. Support is great. Sometimes can take a while, most probably due to the volume of work, but the issues was solved nevertheless. Thank you, Andrei
16. august, 2023
I decided to swap hosting just before hitting a lot of personal stuff which took a lot of time. So, even though I delayed getting back to the problem the team were very patient and managed to 100% fix the website restore to the new server. Many thanks, may all of your endeavours bear fruit 🙂
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2.7 – 2024-06-27


  • On-demand backups feature


  • General: indicate compatibility with the upcoming version of WordPress – 6.6.
  • Remove the explicit Plugin Install package dependency.
  • Updated package dependencies.
  • Updated backup header layout for responsive design

See the previous changelogs here