• There were some intermittent errors in Micro.blog today with one of our servers. The problem has been fixed.

  • Fixed an issue with new posts not appearing right away in some cases.

  • Micro.blog for Mac has been updated with a new Get Info window for uploads. Copying HTML for an upload also now includes the auto-generated accessibility text.

  • Strata 1.0.6 for iOS is available, enabling notes syncing for all Micro.blog users.

  • Fixed an issue accidentally sending email newsletters every time a blog post was published when the new “daily” option was set, instead of just once a day with the collected posts.

  • Updated the native Mac app to version 3.2.2 with improvements such as enabling notes for everyone and an option to only show drafts. See the release notes for details.

  • Fixed accidentally showing a message about Micro.blog Premium when trying to use the notes feature, which is now available to all users.

  • Enabled notes to standard plan subscribers. We’ll be updating Strata later.

    Improved performance of publishing by changing how replies are processed. For replies on your blog, we will sometimes only re-publish the most recent year of replies. For people with 10k+ replies, this was over-taxing Hugo.

  • Added a new option for email newsletters with Micro.blog Premium: collecting posts into a daily email for subscribers. Also works to limit the posts to just a specific blog category.

  • We’ve redesigned the Account → “View logs” page a little to be more readable. Also added some logging for the (still beta) automatic cross-posting to Threads.

  • For developers, we’ve updated the help page for OAuth to document that client_id can now be a URL to a JSON resource describing your app.

  • This week we’ve rolled out several changes, including:

    • Added a new Sources sidebar link to make it easier to access the feeds and cross-posting settings.
    • Added beta Threads automatic cross-posting. This is waiting on Meta to approve so we can enable it for everyone.
    • Fixed an issue with migrating away from Micro.blog to some Mastodon servers.
  • Fixed slow posting for some users. Should be very fast again!

  • We had another issue with hosted blogs, but it should be resolved now. If you continue to see any problems with your blog loading, please email support. Thanks!

  • Apologies for the downtime, another server crashed bringing down portions of the core Micro.blog platform. Everything should be back to normal.

  • Hosted blogs experienced errors tonight as we had multiple server failures. Everything should be running smoothly again. Thanks for your patience and support!

  • Micro.blog for iOS has been updated to 3.2.8, improving the photo options screen and how auto-generated text is used. Full release notes history is on the help page.

  • Last week we added a new audio narration feature for blog posts, available to all Micro.blog subscribers. The documentation for how it works is on this web page.

  • Micro.blog for iOS has been updated today with these changes:

    • Added uploads search.
    • Added Get Info context menu to uploads to show URL or copy auto-generated text on photos.
    • Added Markdown highlighting when editing standalone pages.
    • Fixed truncation for emoji in bio on profile screen.
    • Fixed clearing search and tweaked search field spacing.

    Special thanks to @jade for contributing the emoji fix!

  • Added a progress spinner when posting on the web to help feedback with slow posting. Also fixed an issue with discovering JSON Feeds when following blogs.

  • Fixed not being able to use Mastodon to sign in for new reply text box unless already signed in to Micro.blog. Using Mastodon or Bluesky should not require also having a Micro.blog account.

  • We launched two new related features around replies: you can now curate other people’s replies to hide them from showing up on your own blog, and there’s a reply text box so that other people can reply on your blog without a Micro.blog account. Enable it on the Design page.

  • Reminder that Micro Camp is happening this Friday! It’s our online event for the community, this year featuring guest Christina Warren and the State of Micro.blog session with Q&A. Follow @camp for updates.

  • Fixed sending emails for direct messages from the fediverse. We had disabled this temporarily when there was a series of spam attacks from Mastodon and forgot to re-enable it.

  • Added support for using post categories in email newsletter templates.

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